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Chloe Simmons

"Gah, my brain comes up with the worst things to say..."

0 · 1,550 views · located in Post-Apocalyptic America

a character in “Bullets, Blades, and Brains”, as played by ChloeB223


"Courage of life is a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy. A man does what he must in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures and that is the basis of all morality."
~ John F. Kennedy

The Basics



Full Name:
Chloe Anna-Marie Simmons

Simmons, IT Girl, Techie, Sunshine, Blondie

Not like it wasn't obvious or anything...


30% British, 40% German, & 30%Romany

Sexual Orientation:
Male, female - love is love. I just usually go for guys.

Prior Occupation:
IT Tech Support

Current Occupation:

What's on the Outside

Hair Color:
A natural-looking blonde shade with strawberry blonde undertones and flecks of gold highlights throughout. She used to get her roots touched up every two to three weeks before the world went bat-shit crazy because she's not an actual blonde, but the color still seems to look natural on her. To some, it almost appears like a sandy or dirty blonde.

Eye Color:
Crystal-blue, a shade that is extremely pale in its blue color with a lot of white flecks in the irises and are quite striking.


110 lbs

When Chloe was about fifteen and totally thinking she was cool like her twin sister, Chloe got a tattoo of a crescent moon and with a star on her inner right wrist. It hurt like a mother when it was over and she hated being on the computer for the entire month when the tattoo was still sore, but it's worth it and one of her favorite things that this "apocalypse" of sorts hasn't taken from her.

Other than the standard ear piercing, Chloe wasn't a big fan of piercings.

Scars or Markings:
It is probably one of the weirdest things in Chloe's life that she has had come to accept, but there is a birthmark on the upper right side of her back, a series of dots that is somehow reminiscent to the constellation, Lacerta.

Character Color:

Chloe has never seen herself as a conventional beauty. Hell, if she had it her way, she would tell you that she was no beauty at all. There is nothing very noteworthy about her appearance in her eyes. She is of average height with long and lean legs from constant jogs in the morning. Her body is nothing to brag about; she's rather slender and at one point, her mother feared she was too skinny. Her curves are rather gentle and her figure, if others were to evaluate it, is quite svelte. Her skin is light and creamy, easily tanning in those hot summer days and coming back to an almost pale shade during the winter. Her crystal-blue eyes are normally hidden behind black-rimmed glasses, her eyebrows naturally arched. There is something delicate yet strong about the bone structure of her jaw and cheekbones, the latter rather high and she has plump lips and a thin nose. Her hair is long and naturally curly. When everything began, she had straightened it, but it is now returning to its curly form and she keeps her hair in a ponytail.

What's on the Inside


{Compassionate, Socially-Awkward, Sassy, Insecure, Honest}

Chloe is the classic nerd who spent a good portion of her childhood reading various books and comics or playing video games as much as she needed the air to breathe. Even through the apocalypse, she remains a very kind-hearted and free-spirited young woman. Over time, she developed a particular skill set in computer science and hacking and one would think that with her abilities came confidence. However, that was not the case. In fact, there have been plenty of times of self-doubt in Chloe's mind. She's actually a lot more insecure than she initially lets on. In fact, her insecurities and self-deprecating thoughts have often been known for causing her inability to compartmentalize. If things aren't easy for her or if there is extreme pressure come from someone above, she finds it hard to not be sensitive and let things get to her.

Chloe is a woman who spent a lot of her time in front of computers and with fellow geniuses of her field and can seem a tad bit uncomfortable with normal people. It is not that she is a shy person because she will gladly give you her two cents if you treat her as if she is a child or less than you. She's just not a straightforward person. And she seems to have trouble getting straight to the point of whatever it is she is trying to say. Her mouth can go on for days simply because Chloe's brain wants to fill in the silence, but at the same time, does not seem to own a filter as she usually says the first thing that comes to mind, even things with a double entendre which leaves her flustered and trying to correct herself. Although this leaves her embarrassed, it also attests to Chloe's desire to be completely truthful with others. While there are some things she does not mean to blurt out, she has always been very honesty and finds it better to be completely honest with others and generally wants the same from others. Though not particularly naΓ―ve, Chloe just wants to believe that there is something good in everyone.

Reading\\ Watching Television Shows\\ Checking Tumblr\\ Listening to Music\\ Humming

Her hair is always up in a ponytail.\\ Saying a quick prayer before she ever goes outside.\\ Completing a long series of stretch sequences or moves she learned from her Bikram Yoga sessions.\\ Reading anything she can find because her brain needs something to focus on if she cannot use her computers.\\ Tinkering with her computers in hope that it won't stop working.\\ Computer hacking.

Chloe is allergic to peanuts.\\ Chloe is a babbler and her brain just seems to not have a mind-to-mouth filter, so she usually ends up saying the wrong thing or something completely inappropriate, especially statements with double entendre.\\ Doesn't like being with people too long, but doesn't like to be alone for too long either.\\ Chloe is not normally a person that yells. In fact, she doesn't refer to it as yelling, but as her "loud voice." Yelling is a completely different level she avoids and when in situations where yelling is occurring frequently between others, she simply leaves the room. If it escalates, she usually winds up shutting her eyes and flinching.

  • English Breakfast Tea
  • Snowy Weather
  • Cinnamon Hot Chocolate
  • Google Chrome
  • Tumblr, Twitter, & Facebook
  • Computer Coding
  • Comic Books
  • Jogging or Sprinting
  • Florence & The Machine
  • Long Island Iced Tea
  • Strawberry Lollipops
  • Red Wine
  • The Apocalypse
  • Being Without Internet
  • Internet Explorer
  • Country Music
  • Cigarettes
  • Grape Lollipops
  • Contact Lenses
  • Rumors
  • Candy Canes
  • Football
  • Dull Nail Polish
  • Losing Her Glasses

What Makes Us Special


Strengths and Weaknesses

Character Skills/Talents:
  • Computer Hacking & Coding -- Chloe is a whiz at all things technological.
  • Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat -- She's been getting some training with the group and can put up a fight.
  • Organization Skills -- While she doesn't hold any leadership positions, Chloe is fairly organized. She keeps a record of all the material gathered during scavenging hunts and usually is the one with a list of the inventory afterwards.
  • Eidetic Memory -- Photographic memory.

Character Flaws/Weaknesses:
  • Effective Communication -- Because of her constant babbling and going off on tangents, sometimes Chloe loses herself in that and does not get straight to the point.
  • Cooking -- Let's be real. Even if the stove was electronic, Chloe probably would still burn water. She's probably your girl if you want her to wash dishes.
  • Extensive Background in Combat -- While she has been getting some training, her physique is still not the greatest in the group and could be taken down if the zombies suddenly took lessons off The Karate Kid.
  • Compartmentalization -- Chloe was never involved in a life with death around her. She never saw anyone get killed before. She didn't even live in a world where violence was a constant. So, she hasn't acquired that ability to suppress her emotions or not allow them to disrupt her functioning. If someone in the group dies, you will undoubtedly see Chloe crying as if they extremely close to her. If she is supposed to be working under strenuous circumstances such as disengaging a bomb while one of her own was in a building trying to save another, she would probably appear stressed out or a blubbery mess simply because she is not used to hiding her feelings or suppressing them long enough to not be emotional. It's something she wants to work on.

She had a baby when she was thirteen, but her parents forced her to give the child up for adoption. Unbeknownst to them, her skills with computer databases came in handy and she kept tabs of her daughter up until the apocalypse hit.\\ She was raped by her godfather.\\ Chloe spent the majority of her childhood trying to shield herself from her parents' constant verbal wars, which is particularly why she flinches or mentally shuts down when people are yelling at each other or get violent.\\ Her first romantic relationship was with a girl when she was fourteen.

Acrophobia - fear of heights.\\ Aviatophobia - fear of flying.\\ Brontophobia - fear of thunder and lightning.

What's Done Is Done



Place Of Origin:
Piscataway, New Jersey

Birth Date:
September 21, 1993

Chloe Anna-Marie Simmons was born to an upper middle class family in Piscataway, New Jersey. She was actually born prematurely, two months before her due date. Her mother joked that Chloe got restless; she never could stay in one place for too long as a child. Anna, her mother, had been told a few years prior that she would never have a child, so Chloe was considered her miracle. But then Chloe's younger sister, Cleo - and yes, Harrold and Anna did this on purpose - was born four years later and there wasn't much you could tell either of the parents. They were young, in love, and had two very beautiful young daughters.

Unlike her sister, Chloe wasn't exceptionally clingy to either of her parents. She might have come to them when she fell from the tree in their backyard or if she needed something, but she was independent even at a young age. She began reading at the age of four and when she started, it kinda became impossible to stop her. She fell in love with Sherlock Holmes, became obsessed with manga, and could be found outside with a comic book by the time she turned eight. To be completely honest, Chloe had a relatively normal childhood. She had her obsessions and her loves and she lived her life. She got her first computer at ten and was attached to it from that moment on. She became entranced by the mechanics of it and with her godfather's help, she was disassembling and reassembling it by the time she was twelve.

The hardest part of her life had to be when her godfather, Daniel, raped her. Twelve year old Chloe still didn't understand what he had found so particularly attractive about her. She was tall for her age, gangly, and wore glasses. She wasn't the prettiest girl in class and she even dealt with six months of acne before she got in under control. It truly happened after the blue. He had been babysitting; Cleo was at a sleepover. They had been playing video games, she teased him for losing for the sixth time, he began tickling her, and then for some reason, his hands started going to places they weren't supposed to and even when she screamed for him to stop, he kept going. When her parents found her, Chloe was a shivering mess in a warm bubble bath, water tinted pink, with no signs of Daniel. Chloe never questioned what happened when her father left with his baseball bat. And unlike her mother, she didn't cry when she discovered she was pregnant.

But she did cry when the baby was taken away.

Afterwards, once her bitterness towards her parents' decision ebbed away, home life became...strained. No one blamed her for what happened. No one even talked about the baby given up for adoption. But her parents were suddenly at each other's throats constantly. Dinner was pretty much hell for both Cleo and Chloe. While it never became violent - at least, not in front of the kids - the constant underhanded jabs that escalated into shouts and possible flying objects left both teen and preteen unable to handle dinner with their parents and they both began making excuses to skip out. Chloe would stay late at night at the library with her laptop and possibly come up with some kind of study date with her friends. Cleo would simply chill out at a skating rink or movie theater. When Chloe graduated two years early from high school, she was elated to leave home with her scholarship to MIT.

There, Chloe flourished. Again, she wasn't Miss Popular and she didn't have every guy flocking behind her. But she had freedom and she had technology. She even gained a good number of friends, some that didn't even go to her school. She met them outside at her internships and it was through one of them that she earned her first job before she even graduated from MIT at the age of twenty. It was Michael Stross. He was taking over his family business and when Chloe was able to get some information from his broken laptop that were essential to the company's finances, she was hired.

She had been working for the Stross family for a year when the sickness spread. Michael had even talked of turning her into his secretary simply because it would be easier for him to have access to the IT Girl and even though rumors circulated about why the position was being offered to her, Chloe hadn't thought much of it. Michael would never go for her and she was getting a raise. Who would turn down a raise? The morning she was going to come in and accept, Michael called her frantically, saying that he had called the ambulance for his little sister who was really sick. Chloe rushed over for her friend just as the little girl fell unconscious. A few moments later and the child was up, teeth chomping down on the paramedic's arm before launching herself at Michael. They managed to pry her off and to help, the other paramedic bashed her head on the ground. She didn't move after that.

But Michael was bleeding and Chloe was worried. She had him in her arms as they rushed over to the hospital. There were many more outbreaks and people were in hallways, clueless as to what was happening. But then those who had been bitten were slowly turning and when Michael turned on her, Chloe was already running. She didn't even attempt to go back to her apartment for fear of the infection reaching there. It was probably about a few days later when she came across the leader. They had been hiding out in a particular location that had video cameras still up and Chloe was able to monitor those same cameras through her laptop from a few floors up. She obviously had to prove she wasn't bitten, but soon after, she was with the rag tag group and hasn't been with anyone else since.
Family Tree
Father\\Harrold Simmons\\ 47\\ Deceased
Mother\\ Anna Marie Simmons\\ 45\\ Deceased
Sister\\ Clementine "Cleo" Simmons\\ 17\\ Unknown
Daughter\\ Aria Samantha Brokenborough\\ 8\\ Unknown

Happiest Memory:
Chloe can recall this day with great detail and enjoyment. It was the first day of snow. She was seven at the time and sick with a very bad cold. She had a very poor immune system when she was younger. To put it plainly, Cleo, three years old, was able to go outside with the family dog and their father to have fun while Chloe was stuck in bed. She absolutely hated it and was livid to hear her sister's shrieks of excitement while their father played with her. When Chloe thought that she would simply sulk all day, a tiny little Cleo came waddling in the room with her little hands filled with snow that she wanted to share with her big sister. While Cleo would probably fake-vomit at the thought of something so sweet, it was such an endearing and sentimental moment; Chloe, who had always believed that her sister was taking everything from her, having to come to terms that she was a big sister and that meant earning a love from her younger sibling that could not break. It was the formation of their unshakeable bond.

Saddest Memory:
Most family and friends believed that the saddest memory Chloe could ever have was the moment in her life when she was raped. Contrary to popular belief, Chloe had a genuinely sweet vision of life, that all bad things are counteracted by good. So, yes, having her virginity taken by someone she trusted hurt, but she saw her baby as something good. As young as she was, she rationalized that you could not visit the sins of the father upon the child and would have gladly taken responsibility for her child and done whatever was necessary had her parents given her the option. But they hadn't and while neither were for abortions, they took Chloe's daughter and gave her up for adoption after two minutes of letting Chloe hold her. She can still vividly recall hearing the baby wail as she was taken from her mother's comforting embrace. It was the first time Chloe ever experienced heartbreak.

So begins...

Chloe Simmons's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Simmons Character Portrait: Nathan Durand Character Portrait: Art Character Portrait: Cyan Kress
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If you would have asked her if she was a morning person before this hell on Earth shindig - which really put a dapper on all of her morning plans and actually being normal...not that she was particularly normal or anything; she still watched Tom & Jerry and Adventure Time for goodness sake and could probably tell you every character off of Supernatural - so not the point. Damn, even in her head she babbled, Chloe mused and sealed the nail polish bottle in her bag.

Chloe Simmons had never been a morning person.

In fact, before all of this, she was probably one of the crabbiest people you'd ever meet in the morning. She preferred starting her mornings with Chai tea infused with some vanilla creamer (coffee was definitely not as great as coffee-holics made it out to be) even though she liked English Breakfast Tea better. She would have to have two steaming cups before even considering hopping in the shower. Even then, under the hot spray of water and the scent of vanilla from her body wash, she truly contemplated calling a sick day every single day. Mornings just weren't her thing. However, ever since she watched one of her best friends turn into a zombie and proceed to kill her, sleeping in stopped being a part of her plan.

Instead, on mornings like these when no one was particularly busy or needed her, she would entertain herself - do something. Like right now, how her nails just finished drying, a bright bubblegum pink shade that brought out the color in her light complexion. Chloe glanced around the tent, noting that most were still sleep or just getting ready to awaken. So, she pulled out her tablet from her bag. Luckily for her, half a battery still remained. She didn't even want to consider pulling out her laptop; the battery was still full and she didn't want to waste it. Chloe sighed, turned her tablet on, and proceeded to play Tetris.

After a good fifteen minutes of cognitive challenging with a sprinkle of fun, Chloe sighed rather loudly and turned it off. Decidedly, she removed herself from the warm and thick blanket she managed to procure, stood, and stretched lithely. While not the most flexible person in the world, Bikram Yoga worked wonders on her slim body and was rather loose in the bones. Satisfied and partially awake, Chloe grabbed her scrunchie and gathered her long hair in her hands, raking slender fingers through the soft locks until she finally tied the scrunchie around it. Once that was done, she pulled one of the sweaters given to her by Robyn, slid on boots they found at their last location, and then continued out of the tent.

If there was anything the others probably gathered from Chloe was that colder weather did not bother her. She was a Northerner at heart; the cold and her just got along. Besides, she spent the majority of it either curled up with a good book and tea or actually playing outside with her sister. Thinking of her sister sent a pang to her heart and Chloe shut her eyes at it, shaking her head. She hated being one of the more emotional ones. Finally, her eyes fell on the small group that had formed near Nathan's car. Chloe walked towards them determinedly, not exactly trusting herself to walk off in any other direction lest she procure the attention of the zombie.

Definitely don't need to be danger-prone Daphne first thing in the morning.

"Morning, guys. Sorry if I'm interrupting," Chloe added the last part just to be nice as she felt like she did just walk into the middle of a conversation. She smiled at Art, Nathan and Cyan as brightly as she could, lips still holding onto the remnants of the magenta hue of the last lipstick she used even though she had resorted to just using her lip balm lately. "How are you guys?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Simmons Character Portrait: Nathan Durand Character Portrait: Art Character Portrait: Cyan Kress
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"Morning." The sudden greeting from the solider made Cyan flinch, caught off guard and almost dropping his newly swiped orange. It felt like he just got caught red-handed, taking from Art's basket silently, planning to just scamper off unnoticed afterward. Or maybe it would be orange-handed? Either way, it put a serious kink in his plan, though, Nate didn't seem very much interested beyond the basic greeting.
Image Which was perfectly fine, since Cyan didn't particularly like associating with Nate for too long. It wasn't like he disliked the older man, but Nate's personality reminded Cyan of the jock-types back at his high school. It was basic fight-or-flight instinct for someone like himself, a geeky kid who would always choose the latter over the former option, to want to steer away from that kind of person, right? At least that's what he told himself.

Even if that was how he felt, being rude was never an option. Cyan solemnly nodded in return to Nate, though the solider had already turned his attention to his stretches. Saving him from the ever awkward 'Unrecognized Gesture' was Art, turning around to give him a hug, which was returned with a bit less vigor than herself, and a bright smile, "Welcome to the party." Unlike Nate, Cyan felt really comfortable around Art, often chatting about games and movies with her and Raz in their free time, so he had no problem returning the smile earnestly. He moved back a bit to make space, feeling a bit cramped, and leaning against the door of one of the cars in their makeshift protection ring. He moved his attention to the task of ripping open that orange with frosted fingers, half wondering if it would be frowned upon to stab it with his pencil for some assistance."So- How'd you boys sleep."

Awful. He hadn't slept a wink thanks to the chatterbox that was Minnie, and all the things that happened to go bump in the night, but he wasn't about to say that. Or... Write that? Motion? Whatever, technicalities. Either way, not needing to bitch and moan, he nodded enthusiastically, as if to say he slept very well, before Cyan, having peeled most of his orange, wasted no time to start popping segments into his mouth, wincing a bit as he swallowed at the bitter-sweet taste. The citrus kind of burned his throat in an unpleasant way, but it tasted so good. He continued. Polishing it off, he plunged his hands back into his pockets, his fingers brushing over his notebook, having lost all feeling in them prior. Looking down at his feet, he started mentally willing them to be warm. This would be the time he would kill to be a Jedi, using The Force to create some kind of warming friction. Or... Maybe being a superhero would be better. Lamer heroes like The Human Torch and The Flash were looking pretty sweet right about now to be honest.

Cyan looked up from his feet only when Chloe approached, joining the little sub-group of survivors in their morning get-together. Morning, guys. Sorry if I'm interrupting. How are you guys?" A smile and slight nod was all he could muster in his half-frozen state. He probably would have written something down by now, maybe making some attempt to speak with them, a 'Hello' or 'No, you're not interrupting.', but his fingers were frozen, and, to be completely honest here, he was a tad lazy when it came down to it. So, silent he stayed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Simmons Character Portrait: Nathan Durand Character Portrait: Art Character Portrait: Cyan Kress
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"Oh Rasul, you're so smart and handsome." Rasul's head rested on the lap of a beautiful bikini clad woman, the warm sun heating the sand around them, the crash of the waves a lovely melody. He didn't know where he was but he simply didn't care. He hummed happily, contented smile on his face as she cooed at him. "Oh Rasul... Raz, Raz. Raz. RAZ WAKE UP."

Rasul groaned as he was shook awake, "Noooooo don't go bikini lady come back." He whined as he felt himself gaining consciousness.

"Wait what?"

A loud drone of a groan escaped Rasul. He now knew where he was, and instead of being warm he was fucking freezing his balls off, even though he was rolled up in three blankets. "Why couldn't you just let me spend more time with the bikini lady man, we were on a bEACH Harold a BEACH." Rasul cried out, distraught at having to face the reality of another day and deciding to take it out on his tent partner, Harold.

Image"Because you have to fix the mustang before we can leave remember? It keeps making that funny noise. Besides you were the one to tell me to wake you up early." Harold reminded Rasul, which caused Rasul to let out these obnoxious whining noises of displeasure. It was true, Raz had work to do. He was the group's go to person for fixing everything, and the only one that was any good at helping him was Cyan. Him and Cyan, the group's handymen. It wasn't just fixing things that Rasul accomplished though, he also wanted to make some modifications to the cars, already some of them had their windows reinforced with metal mesh, just in case the windows broke. Unfortunately his blow torch was out of fuel now, he could perhaps do some more proper modifications once they got south where it was warmer.

Rasul proceeded to get dressed under the covers as best he could, shimmying this way and that, the whole ordeal ridiculous looking and taking more time than necessary. Once he finally accomplished this, which seemed not even necessary since the clothes he changed into weren't the cleanest, Rasul headed out. He waked funny, his body all crampy from sleeping in a tent, he had to stretch this way and that to try and regain some normalcy of his joints. "Burr!" He made a straight bee-line towards the red mustang. "Here's my problem child, let's see what's wrong with you honey." Rasul popped the hood and stared at it for a good moment, clicking his tongue. "I forgot my tools." He shut the hood of the car and walked over to Art's rogue. He didn't want to wake her but he really needed his tool box. "Sunshiiiinnnnneeee." He knocked on her windows, cupping his hands to look inside, not there. In the morning he wasn't always there, he was definitely slower, so it took him a bit to notice that Art was not too far away.

"Goodmorning beautiful!" He approached the group surrounding Nathan's car with his arms wide open, acting like he was expecting a hug. He evaded Art with a sudden turn however and greeted her dog instead. "Aaahahahah! I was just kidding Art. Got you though eeeyyyyy." Rasul laughed at his own hilarious antics, finally giving Art the hug she deserved. "And a good morning to everyone else present, Cyan you beautiful bastard, I would stay but I need to go fix the mustang real quick. I just need Art's rogue unlocked so I can get my tools. Pretty please?" He put his hands together, giving Art a pleading look.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Simmons Character Portrait: Rasul Hendricks Character Portrait: Nathan Durand Character Portrait: Art Character Portrait: Cyan Kress Character Portrait: William Andrews
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"C'mon boys, keep up the pace." William said as he continued walking at a brisk pace. There were two men behind him, Pvt. Genthner, and Pfc. Kayas. They continued after William, checking all of the possible places a zombie could unexpectedly run out of.

They'd just walked away from a major engagement of their platoon. It was only a matter of time before their platoon would be overrun. It was decided by 1st Sgt. Neil Munoz, that he, Lt. Andrews, would take a couple men and go find help from the rest of the company. Their radios had gone haywire recently, which was why there were communication problems between bodies of troops.

"You sure we're going the right way Lieutenant?" that was Kayas.

"Well Private, do you know where to go?" There was no answer from the GI. As they continued, they found a boarded up clothing store. "Let's take a short break here." William said. "I'm tired too you know." as he said this, he tried the door, and found it to swing right open. The company walked in cautiously and took seats on the floor.

"Do you really think we should be resting here Lieutenant?" it was Pvt. Genthner this time. "I mean...our guys could know..."

"Well honestly, I don't see the point of letting ourselves tire to the point that we can't even raise our gun points." he replied. "Don't worry Private, we'll get help in time." "Get help? What a joke, there wasn't even a good chance that any of them would even survive for much longer. They were all gonna die, and he was the only one who could at least let the troops die a confident, heroic death."

It was then, when they all heard, or more felt, movement. The group raised there weapons and were greeted by a miniature horde of zombies. "Shit!" screamed Kayas firing his weapon on full auto.

"Don't waste your ammo!" William yelled over the gunfire, firing his own weapon on burst. "And don't let the damned things get to you!"

"Ah!!!" Genthner screamed as a zombie grabbed him. He pushed it away and nailed it with the butt of his gun.

"Careful private!" William yelled. "Let's get the hell out of here!" The company inched backwards towards the exit, until a couple zombies finally broke through. They indulged in Genthner's flesh as he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Get the hell out of here Lieutenant!" Kayas screamed re-assuming a crouching position.

"Wait! Wha-? Kayas cut in on the middle of his sentence.

"You know damn well that some captain won't listen to a lowly Private! And you know just as well as I do that both of us aren't gonna get out of here alive! Now get the hell out of here while you still can!" to add emphasis, the Private first class inserted a fresh magazine. Stunned, William listened to the words of the GI and ran out of the building.

As he continued running, he swore he could here the Private's screams...

William jolted awake inside of his tent. Coren was still asleep next to him, but it was already daytime. He looked around the tent for the Winchester model 1894 he'd picked up after he'd ran out of ammo on his personal fire arm. It was there, so feeling reassured, he unzipped himself from his sleeping bag. Not even bothering to wake Coren up, he crawled out of his tent and towards the group.

"Hey everybody..." he said approaching the group assembled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Simmons Character Portrait: Rasul Hendricks Character Portrait: Nathan Durand Character Portrait: Robyn Dempsey Character Portrait: Art Character Portrait: Cyan Kress
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Light was shining through the mesh of her tent and that was the first thing Robyn was aware of when she awoke to the sound of movement outside. The beam of sunshine, filtered through the trees above, seemed to burn her eyes as she opened them reluctantly. It wasn't that she hated mornings, she just didn't like breaking camp. Every day they moved further South was another day further from her daughter. That was, of course, if her daughter was still alive. But, Philipa-- or rather, Hero, for her despised her first name and insisted on her middle name-- was a tough cookie like her mothers. Perhaps she had made it out alive. Robyn knew she shouldn't be negative.

She'd left her phone on her pillow, and she checked it now for a missed call. Nothing. Yawing, the ginger sat up and stretched her arms over her head as far as they would go. The tent wasn't quite high. Robyn grabbed her hair and held it in a bunch as, deftly, she worked it into a bun with an old hair tie. She'd been dressed in sweatpants and two hoodies since last night. Over that, Robyn had had a blanket, but now that the sun was shining into the tent, it felt much warmer than the night before. Out of habit, she hummed a tune under her breath while pulling sneakers on over her socks. Beverly had once yelled at Robyn for humming in the morning, so she'd stopped. As soon as she stopped, the blonde began to complain about how quiet it was in the mornings. She never complained about the humming again.
She pushed herself through the tent flap and cringed at the cold. The double sweatshirts certainly didn't help fight the cold as much as she thought they would.

"Good morning, fellow campers," she said in a chipper morning, followed by another yawn. It was a very light, happy greeting, but everyone in the camp knew the circumstances were far from light or happy. "Everyone sleep well?" She looked over all of the "campers" and smiled broadly. She'd known them only a few weeks at most, but they were already her family in so many ways. She pushed a strand of hair that had fallen from her bun back behind her ear. She chewed lightly at the inside of her cheek. "I was thinking we'd head out in a few hours. I think we all want to get away from this weather."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Simmons Character Portrait: Rasul Hendricks Character Portrait: Nathan Durand Character Portrait: Robyn Dempsey Character Portrait: Art Character Portrait: Cyan Kress
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Nate chuckled to himself at Art's response. "You flatter me," he remarked, winking at her. They were flirting emptily, both of them knew it. Yet, he'd be lying if he said he didn't truly enjoy these interactions. Art could be unbearably optimistic at times, but he found it hard to bear any ill will toward her. His wife had been the same way, and he'd been the same way before his injury. No one, it seemed, could really say they hated her and mean it. It would certainly be nice to have such a relationship with the others, he mused, but Nate knew that he had to keep up the harsh exterior he'd adopted. At least he felt it let the others know he was a force to be reckoned with, not an injured war veteran.

"At least twice a year for the past six years. Dance competitions and whatnot." Nate nodded and crouched down to tie his shoes tighter. It seemed impossible in this weather to imagine the warm, summer air or the feel of the waves pushing and pulling at him. It all just felt so surreal-- was he really never going to spend a lazy day on the beach again? How could he, really, with an army of the undead around every corner? "It's one hell of a place to grow up in," he replied, though a bit softer than he'd spoken before. "Damn I miss it." He wasn't quite sure if Art had heard him, for she then acknowledged Cyan, who almost dropped his orange. He struggled to keep himself from chuckling at the boy's misfortune. Eventually, he failed, and a sly smirk played on his lips. Turning away, Nate opened the back of his car and began stuffing bullets and knives and pistols into a backpack.

The world nowadays was too quiet for his liking. It wasn't that he liked the commotion; he certainly didn't enjoy it at all. The silence, however, greatly contrasted the constant babble on heard in New York, no matter what time of day it was. Just as he'd been getting used to it, the country (or, perhaps, the world) fell silent. The silence was unnerving, too. Small sounds felt amplified, and there were nights when he woke with a start to the sound of Oakley barking softly in her sleep or another group member weaving between the hoard of tents.

So, how'd you boys sleep?" Nate shoved a few granola bars into the bag and then closed the hatch. As he looked toward Art, his gaze lingered on Cyan, eyes quickly looking the boy over as if inspecting him, even though they'd been in the group together for a while-- or, actually, two weeks. Time moved slowly in the apocalypse, however. "Like a baby." He was lying. He couldn't be the only one who still slept uneasily. How could he sleep soundly? Two of his children were missing, and he'd seen the other one die in his arms after he'd killed his own parents. These thoughts came to Nate in the middle of the night, plaguing his mind. If only, if only. "And, uh, you? How'd you sleep?" Before she could answer, the group grew in size with the addition of Chloe.

"Morning, guys, Sorry if I'm interrupting. How are you guys?" Nate leaned up against his car and nodded to the young woman, forcing up whatever remnant of a smile he could. This day certainly wasn't starting off well for him.

"Morning to you, too." He crossed his arms over his chest, cutting the word SOCCER in half, length-ways. "Relatively well." He smiled briefly at his own joke. How could one be okay when every turn brought on the threat of brain-munching, shuffling zombies? Rasul, the computer one as Nate remembered him by, was the next to wake. He was peppy that morning, too peppy, and Nathan rolled his eyes with little subtlety. He wasn't sure what it was, but his earlier mood seemed to have suddenly left him. Perhaps it was the recollection of his past life, or the memory of his daughter dying. Whatever it was, he was angrier than before.
"Hey everybody..." said a voice from the edge of the group. Nathan looked up as he loaded his rifle and pistols. A sly smirk crossed his lips, coupled by a brief laugh. The younger man outranked him, he was aware of that, but he had far more experience than the Lieutenant.

"Morning, Lieutenant," he replied, slinging his backpack over a single shoulder. "You ready to head out soon for a quick hunt?" He cocked an eyebrow slightly, head tilting to the side like a curious dog's. As he started to get ready to leave, Oakley jumped to her paws and moved to his side, tail wagging back and forth.

He was too busy taunting the younger man, he almost failed to hear Robyn. As he caught her last few words, he turned his head around. Like the rest of the group, Nate viewed the woman, who was only ten or so years his senior, as a motherly figure. His mother, being an active lawyer throughout his childhood, hadn't been much of a mother at all. Robyn was different. She was nurturing and caring. Nate found it difficult to find anything wrong with the woman at all. His wife had once been that loving and tender, but she'd grown distant as he grew bitter with resentment. She was the only one, he felt, that he could be open with. She understood, or at least she tried to understand. He wouldn't say any of this out loud, of course.

That seemed to be Robyn's only flaw, perhaps. She was too open, too soft at times. She wasn't adamant about her opinions, she merely suggested and waited for the others to come to a consensus which, more often than not, was the same as what she'd suggested. He knew moving South was the best decision, but if the others didn't agree, would Robyn have merely let the group stay here to freeze to death? The group needed a tough leader, and while Robyn was greatly respected by each and every group member, Nate certainly couldn't help but feel that she couldn't fill this role. Again, he couldn't say this. He couldn't turn them against him already. Instead, he muttered an obvious observation. "Damn, it's cold. What I wouldn't give for a warm shower and some heat..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Simmons Character Portrait: Rasul Hendricks Character Portrait: Nathan Durand Character Portrait: Robyn Dempsey Character Portrait: Art Character Portrait: Cyan Kress
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Chloe felt herself brighten a little at Cyan's welcoming smile and offered a bigger one for him. She even managed a smile for Nathan. She would never admit it out loud, but the man actually intimidated her. Could you blame her? She was the suburban child with no experience in the field and a childhood filled with nothing but happiness save for the constant parental verbal disagreements. With Nathan Durand, Chloe was pretty sure it was the complete opposite.

Another inquiry was just at the tip of her tongue, but then Rasul came out with all of his happiness and energy and just not what Chloe needed to hear first thing in the morning. Which sucked because she used to be able to say she was as energetic as he was. She offered him a nod and a smile for the morning before clutching the sweater she was wearing to her body; it was loose enough on her slender arms that she could hide her hands within the confines of the sleeves.

Next came William. Chloe didn't think he liked them. In fact, she knew he didn't. He just gave off that vibe. Not like it intimidated her or anything. In all actuality, she found William...interesting to say the least. He wasn't mean to say the least, but he wasn't the most inviting person in the group - and was this an army/navy/military thing...the whole, I'm-unapproachable-and-you-are-all-not-on-my-level or was she just paranoid?

No, just babbling in my head.

"Good morning, William," she offered with a polite smile and an accompanying wave in his direction.

Not a few seconds later and Robyn was emerging from her tent. Chloe would not hesitate in admitting this, but she was kind of in admiration over Robyn; not just because she was a decent leader and appealed to everyone, but because Robyn was open. Chloe had met several other people within the group that were open, but Robyn just reminded Chloe of her mom and that always left a warm, bittersweet feeling in her chest. Shaking herself out of it, she heard the last bit of what Robyn said and walked over to the older woman.

One of the things she hated was that she wasn't exactly build for this kind of thing. Killing zombies, going after objects needed for the camp while trying not to die - none of things were on the list for things Chloe Simmons could do. However, there was one thing she could do that not many could do better.


"Actually, if you're alright with that - I'm just assuming you will be because, let's be real, this is kinda still helpful despite the apocalypse and zombies and the grrrr -" Her hands tended to like to get involved when she spoke, especially when she was a tad bit nervous, and they actually did this little dinasour impersonation when she gave a growl. "But I could probably, ya know, check Facebook or any other social media website. Not because I wanna check mine or anything - why would I wanna do that when we're trying not to get eaten alive? - but because..." She really needed to stop babbling. "Teenagers. Even through any catastrophic event, teenagers will be the most likely to post statuses. I can track the latest ones in the South and see if, ya know, it's safe - or what part of it is safe because nowhere is safe at this point. And then we can head in that direction."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Simmons Character Portrait: Rasul Hendricks Character Portrait: Nathan Durand Character Portrait: Robyn Dempsey Character Portrait: Art Character Portrait: Cyan Kress
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"Morning, Lieutenant," William heard a voice answer. He turned to see the ex-Sargent to be the owner of the voice. "You ready to head out soon for a quick hunt?" the older man said in taunting tone. William really wasn't sure what to make of the ex-soldier, he didn't really get a bad vibe off of him, yet something felt sort

"Good morning, William," it was the IT girl this time. Before he could have a chance to reply, the group "leader" made her appearance.

"Good morning, fellow campers," she announced. "Everyone sleep well?" she asked with a smile on her face. "I was thinking we'd head out in a few hours. I think we all want to get away from this weather." Although William had to agree on this statement, he didn't completely understand why this women was the "leader" of the group.

In his opinion, it would be much more appropriate for him, or at least that ex-NCO to lead the group. Nevertheless... he thought. I guess I could continue to play it there way, at least for the time being... William couldn't help but think about the need of getting someone on his side. He was already in good relations with Corren, but he knew that when it came to it, Corren would sell him out at a seconds notice.

Maybe it would be a good idea to get on that veteran's good side... Yeah I'll be ready to hunt, just give me a few minutes. William replied to the veteran. He went back inside his tent to grab his Winchester and some ammo, he strapped a holster onto his hip, and slipped a pistol inside of it. He also put on his body armor under a warm winter jacket. Before he left the tent, he shook Corren awake. Your gonna get left behind if you don't get up soon. he said leaving the tent.

He walked back to the group loading the rifle. The Winchester felt familiar and natural in his hands. William remembered the times he'd went hunting along with his father with the weapon. It held seven shots, was operated by a smooth lever, and had an effective range of around 200 yards. Given to a marksman like him, factoring in that it was an obsolete military weapon, he would still be able to do considerable damage with it.

”I’m ready, but wait up for Corren, he should be ready soon.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Simmons Character Portrait: Rasul Hendricks Character Portrait: Nathan Durand Character Portrait: Robyn Dempsey Character Portrait: Art Character Portrait: Cyan Kress
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix

Nathan and Cyan both expressed that they had slept relatively well, though Art was sure Cy was lying. The insomniac could hear Minnie chatting her head off in a one-sided conversation through most of the night. If there was an aggressive bone in her body Art might have gone and kicked the girl. Okay, probably not. But she would have thrown a shoe at the tent or yelled at the younger girl. Or something. But she didn't. She just ignored her and drowned her out by watching An American In Paris. Art would have gladly invited Cyan to watch with them but then she'd have to invite Minnie too and the last time she watched a movie with Minnie, the girl still wouldn't shut up. She was that one friend you never wanted to go to the movies with. She was a nice girl, definitely. But Art didn't really want to spend too much time around her. Talkative people tended to be people who liked to know things and Art did her best to keep many things about her private.

ImageBefore she could launch into conversation with Nathan and Cyan, it seemed as though everyone decided that it was time to get up – Not that she was complaining. She greeted Chloe with a wave, standing up and preparing to give the other member of the nerd herd [as Art liked to call their little faction within the group] when Rasul made towards her. She had opened her arms as well and was turning to give him a hug... But he veered away and she caught air. It didn't matter how many times he did it, she was probably always going to fall for it. Her face turned red as he came back and gave her the hug she had been expecting [and so rightfully deserved] and she hugged him back with enthusiasm. He was the only other person in the group that she could count on to remain optimistic with her. "And a good morning to everyone else present, Cyan you beautiful bastard, I would stay but I need to go fix the mustang real quick. I just need Art's rogue unlocked so I can get my tools. Pretty please?" Rasul's big brown eyes were pleading and wide, but the sparkle in them was playful.

β€œOye, chico. Try not to wake up the kids.” She smiled as she tossed him the keys after fishing them from the safest place a woman could ever stash anything: Right between her breasts. β€œDon't sniff my keys this time, crazy.” She chucked her keys at him with a friendly grin before returning to her apple. Her gaze followed Chloe's for a moment as William approached and she had the same thoughts. Almost. Creeper. She didn't dislike William. She didn't know him well enough to pass judgment. Which was why he was a creeper. Anybody who didn't want to get to know her was automatically a creeper as far as she was concerned because she was absolutely fabulous. Still, she offered him a polite wave, though no fruit. No fruit for yooou. Her inner voice was really creepy, as she noted to herself while carrying out an internal dialogue. With herself. She wasn't crazy, just animated.

β€œWe should try to stop around a town. Food's running low and winter's going to make it harder to get organics.” And by organics, she meant deer that Nathan and the others had to shoot in the face and grapes she had to go pick. The wasn't sure that cattail soup was going to go over well with the gang when bologna was still an option. Even though she wouldn't touch bologna with a ten foot pole. Nathan used to grouch at her for being a picky eater and not wanting any of his gross Captain Crunch cereal. Yeah. She'd eat that junk just as soon as she choke down smoke from a cigarette. As everyone else seemed to be doing their own thing, she pursed her lips together and puffed up her cheeks. β€œI'm going to hunt too. Not really. Kela will. I need to get more plant stuffs.” She didn't intend on tagging along behind any of the three men hunting. Per usual, she was going to go her own way so she didn't bother them.

With her mind made up and nobody in the position to stop her, she was gone. Of course, she had emptied her basket of dwindling fruits onto a blanket someone had left out the previous night. She was determined as she made her way towards the tree line, further and further away from her group. Knife? Just a small pocket knife. Gun? Right. She had a gun. The one thing that she had going for her was that she was faster than the others and more stamina. Dancers - They're freakin' awesome. So maybe she couldn't shoot a bulky gun or have the stomach to jab a knife into the decaying brains of a walking, rotting corpse. But man could she run. Kela was padding alongside her. Art actually really enjoyed going hunting with Kela. She used to take pictures of the large dog taking down deer. Absolute elegance. But she didn't have much time for that anymore and she didn't really think anyone else in the group besides herself and Cyan would really appreciate the artistic nature of it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Simmons Character Portrait: Rasul Hendricks Character Portrait: Nathan Durand Character Portrait: Robyn Dempsey Character Portrait: Art Character Portrait: Cyan Kress
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Shortly after Chloe arrived to their little morning meeting, everyone, save a few straggling souls, seemed to wake at once. Raz was the next to join in, as bubbly and over-the-top as ever, syke-ing Art out of a hug to show affections to her hound. Cyan couldn't help but chuckle, though Art didn't look too pleased with the joke until Rasul gave her the hug she had been offering, "And a good morning to everyone else present, Cyan you beautiful bastard, I would stay but I need to go fix the mustang real quick." Cyan rolled his eyes at the comment in an comically-over-dramatic nature, fishing into his pocket to find his notepad, planning to offer his assistance with the mustang if needed. That was the plan anyway, had it not been for the appearance of the others distracting him, leaving him standing there stupidly, notepad half-out of his pocket.

Image "Hey, everybody." Cyan wrinkled his nose at the appearance of the Lieutenant, coming up from behind Chloe to say his morning greetings. The mute held William in the same regard as he held Nate, not with dislike, but with caution and avoidance. Old habits die hard, what can you do? Though, Cyan had to admit he got a weird vibe from the military men, but that could easily be written off as his own paranoia, which wasn't few and far between as the world gets weirder by the day.

Cyan pulled at the drawstrings of his hood, tightening it about his face, the cold really becoming too much for his little southern soul. Decaying corpses that waltz around in the daylight like its completely normal? Death waiting at every door, around every corner, and ready to jump down on you from above? He could handle that. That was totally okay with Cyan, 'And actually a tad bit awesome...' Somewhere in the back of his mind, his little inner Jiminy Cricket chimed in, at maybe an unnecessary time. Only at the appearance of the mom of the group (Or, at least, Cyan liked to think of her that way.) announcing that she wanted the group to head south was the sweetest sound the mute had ever heard. He had the sudden urge to hug the wonderful red-haired woman. Had he been as outgoing as Ras, maybe he would have, but awkward tendencies got the best of him and he settled with nodding enthusiastically at Robyn's suggestion.

Though, Art did have a point. It will take awhile to get to warmer weather from here, even if they still had cars, it doesn't mean that there aren't going to be things to slow them down. Things like blocked roads and large amounts of Zombs should be taken into account. Hunting and gathering is great, but it just really isn't going to work once it gets too cold, all the fuzzy things going to catch some major Z's and the plants freezing over. Plus, as the rest had suggested, the ones in the group who can hunt should be getting at it while they still could, while the ones who can't should probably make themselves useful elsewhere. Cyan fit in the latter category.

Making his decision, he yanked his notepad all the way out of his pocket, snatching his pencil from behind his ear, and scribbling something down. When he was finished, he held it up to be read, to really no one in particular.

His handwriting was sloppy, written in all capitals and slanting to the point where it looked like the words were trying to run right off the page, but at least it was legible. 'I could go into town while you all go hunting. Pick up some stuff.' Cyan cocked his head to the side, indicating it was more of a suggestion than a definite statement. As an afterthought, he added, 'Need anything in particular?'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Simmons Character Portrait: Rasul Hendricks Character Portrait: Nathan Durand Character Portrait: Robyn Dempsey Character Portrait: Art Character Portrait: William Andrews
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Nathan waited briefly for a response out of the younger soldier, but it never came because of Robyn's appearance from her tent. He really didn't mind, of course, for he probably wouldn't have given the younger man much of his time anyway. He grabbed the box of cereal and poured some into the front pocket. Perhaps it would lure in an animal. Regardless, he knew that leaving it in the box would create too much noise. Silence was his friend as many of the animals he'd be hunting were snuggling up for the winter. Soon, he knew, he'd be unable to find enough food to last them more than a day or two at a time.

As the others told Robyn how they'd contribute before moving out, Nate opened his car and pulled out a pair of brown work boots. Once, they'd been light and the laces had yellow flecks on a field of black. Now, however, the fawnish brown had turned muddy with the moist forests he'd trekked through. Before the world went to shit, he might have been angry over this. Now, however, was no time for fashion. Perhaps he'd find a back-up pair next time they drove through a town. As he pulled the boots on over his thick, calf-length socks, Nathan chewed absentmindedly on a piece of orange until it was no more. Nate tied them on tightly. It certainly wouldn't be good if he twisted his ankle now. Oakley, meanwhile, paced eagerly around his backpack.
"Yeah, I'll be ready to hunt. Just give me a few minutes."

"Not a problem, kiddo." Nate said to the younger man as the Lieutenant ducked back in his tent. He personally set the Winchester Model 70 against the car and stuffed the knife he'd used earlier in his backpack, which held numerous rounds of ammo, a Nalgene bottle, and some granola bars. He still had the pistol in the waistband of his pants, but how he pulled it out and tossed it in the backpack. Couldn't risk losing that if he had to run. Finally, he zipped up the backpack and pulled on an L.L. Bean fleece jacket his mother had gotten some Christmas for him years ago. Slinging the backpack on, Nathan grabbed his gun and sighed as the Lieutenant emerged from his tent and requested they wait for the other soldier. Quickly, he shook his head. "I'm not waiting for him. He should get his ass up with the rest of us." He gave Oakley a pat on the head. "We'll head out before you. Catch up when your buddy's awake...or, just let him catch up to us."

Nate looked back to the others just as Art was leaving. "Wait-," he began to say, trying to ask if she wanted to come along with him. He worried about her going out alone. Out of the group, it was really only her and Robyn who seemed the least bit friendly around him. Perhaps that was why he was fond of the young woman. She reminded him of what his wife had been like before his injury had torn them apart. Actually, though he wouldn't admit it, she merely reminded him of what he'd wished Wendy was like. She was bubbly, of course, but only for a while. Wendy was bubbly in the way most high school girls, high on life, are. In truth, he hardly knew the woman who bore his children. But Art was the spitting image of what he thought Wendy was like, so he was oddly possessive of the young girl in a way that wasn't romantic per say. He watched the girl and her dog disappear with a sigh. Well, maybe he'd follow her at least.

As he moved away from the camp, Nate stopped to give Robyn a tight, one armed hug that lasted a few seconds. In turn, she hugged him back. With one quick glance back at the young soldier to see if he was coming, Nate ventured into the woods with Oakley at his feet. Both figures cautiously tread over the leaves, senses heightened by the rush hunting brought. Man and beast moved similarly through the brush, on the look out for movement.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Simmons Character Portrait: Robyn Dempsey Character Portrait: Art Character Portrait: Cyan Kress
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She finished addressing the group and fell silent, looking around slowly at the assembled group. Slowly, Robyn clapped her hands behind her back, in front of herself, and behind her back again to try and alleviate some of the awkwardness her lack of specialty created. She couldn't use a gun, she didn't know what berries could be eaten, and she certainly didn't have much luck raiding ghost town. Robyn's entire career had revolved around merely talking with others. What could a social worker provide in the zombie apocalypse besides drug counseling and a friendly face? She tried hard to prove her capability to the others. She knew that any of the others would make a better leader if she died. Yet, they still seemed to trust her with the job.

Just as the situation seemed to be growing unbearably awkward, Chloe walked up to Robyn and began to gesticulate. Subconsciously, she smiled. Her own daughter had spoken with her hands numerous times. Beverly, too, used her hands to convey thoughts. Both blamed their minor Italian roots. But,, hand gestures aside, Robyn couldn't help but smile even wider at Chloe's idea. It was brilliant, really. Robyn would have never thought of such a thing herself, but Chloe was a computer wizard.
"D-do you really think so?" her eyes flashed with hope, widening slightly at the idea. Though she knew the blonde had suggested the idea to look into their safety down South, she couldn't help but realize that perhaps her own daughter would be posting online. Maybe she and Beverly had found a nice group to travel with. The thought gladdened her, but only slightly. What if they weren't? "You'll get on that, then? Tell me if you find anything." Robyn flashed another smile and looked toward Art as the Cuban spoke.

"Good point," she replied amicably, nodding quickly. Yes, that certainly is a priority. Who knew what kind of food they'd find when they drove through farmland? For all they knew, grocery stores had been ransacked. So, they'd probably need a way to preserve food, too. Smoking? Salting? Freezing? They'd have to think of that, too. Before she could say any more, Art already began trekking into the woods with her dog. Again, she awkwardly looked around the clearing. There was Cyan, holding up his notepad with some words scribbled on it.

Robyn hated sending the kid off to do things on his own. He was mute, so he wouldn't be able to shout for help, and he wasn't as athletic as the soldiers in the group. Still, he was good at what he did and Robyn commended that even if she wanted to baby him at times. She nodded to Cy and walked toward him, hand raised slightly as if to count off on it. "We'll need some non-perishable food-- actually, any food would do thought non-perishable would last longer-- blankets, water, med-" She cut herself off, realizing her requests were growing ambitious and impossible. "I could drive you into town so we can collect a bunch of things for the trip." She shrugged at her own suggestion, looking to the boy for an answer.