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Asha Enoch

0 · 567 views · located in Future Earth: year 3500

a character in “By Blood and Bone.”, as played by WilPen




"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man"


Seventeen | 17

Light Blonde


110 lbs

5'2 | Small Frame

Witch | Bone

Witch | Familiar Magic is her strongest ability

Algernon Enoch; Father
Vera Enoch; Mother
Agatha Enoch; Grandmother

Asha is usually seen as kind, if a little entitled. She is constantly reminded that she doesn't fit the bill of the usual bone witch and she takes pride in being so. Her excitement for life is slightly ironic as the majority of her "friends" are previously deceased beings and creatures that she's claimed as her familiars. More often than not, she'll be found joking around or trying to find the next great adventure. Despite being a fairly powerful witch, she rarely chooses to use her magic for more than useless everyday things; getting dressed, styling her hair, those sort of things.


Dancing | Sleeping | Exploring | Finding new "Friends" | Finding new friends

Losing her magic | Spiders | Birds

Magic | Animals | Imagination

Failing a spell | Being Judged | Being bored

Open to relationships

Algernon and Vera are substantially more similar to the definition of bone witch than their daughter. They relish in the darker spells and tend to be seen as evil, though that could be argued. Asha has never been mistreated by her parents. In fact they have always encouraged her to be her own person even when she is so radically different from their ideals. As an only child, Asha often got what she wanted, but her parents were careful to teach her respect for hard work and her abilities as a witch. Living in the family manor often lead to a closeness in her family that is fostered by making sure they all spend their time together. Their home is always open to family and friends.

Asha's sense of style is rather eclectic. She loves to accessorize and wear bright colors. Her closet is the way she explores who she is as a person and her taste in those matters. The only thing in her wardrobe that remains constant is the locket around her neck, a family heirloom gifted to her by her grandmother.

So begins...

Asha Enoch's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Katelyn Character Portrait: Asha Enoch Character Portrait: Katlyn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kirihe
Monday, June 12, 3500.
Washington Force Building: Abandoned
9:22 PM

Katelyn surveyed the wide, grassy, area with caution. She was careful, always eager to watch her step now that the tables had turned. More and more Inmente were showing up every single day, and each time they were more and more significant in the community. There were no limits to this killer. His victims grew, day by day, human and Inmente alike. Powerful Bone and Blood witches slaughtered in their homes. Feeble humans on the streets. No end was in sight and everyone was on edge. It was nearly a crime to be outside after dark these days, and so Katelyn rushed toward the meeting, knowing accommodations would be made for those who came a long distance. She was to meet with humans and others of her crime, display her knowledge of Hetica to assist finding the murderer. Two bone witches, a power isolation, an elemental witch, and a Physical isolation would be present. Two humans from some task force would watch, sentries to the Inmente at hand.

She reached the building just after dusk, an unassuming high-rise that had sprung up virtually overnight. The only information she possessed was the room number. 764. A conference room on the seventh floor. She hoped to Asari the others would be there, as she was not eager to be alone in an empty building at night. Katelyn subconsciously touched the messenger bag at her side, her fingers trailing to the leather pouch tied beneath her skirt. They contained materials she might need that night, but hopefully wouldn't need for defense. Entering into the vacant lobby, Katelyn was met with silence. Mirrored walls were lit only by small security lights stationed above them. She watched her reflection as she walked through the tasteful, leather furniture. In the poor light she was merely a ghost in the room. Dark hair hanging well below her shoulders, blue eyes appearing black in the light. Her clothing choice, a ruffled black skirt, blue sweater, and tan, faux fur boots stretching to her mid calf; were only outlined by the shine of light off of pale skin. The elevators sat positioned in the wall directly in front of her. The availability light blinking green as she stepped into the open doors. Katelyn pressed the intended directory button and turned, looking out into the dark lobby. And waiting for the assent.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Katelyn Character Portrait: Asha Enoch Character Portrait: Katlyn
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0.00 INK

Michael had been flying for much of the evening, on his own, his head deep in thought about the events that where to unfold. It wasn't very often that he'd been able to spread his wings, his father demanded that they keep an extra low profile ever since the incident that had earned him a broken wrist and three cracked ribs. They where hardly able to fly anymore at all. Michael was almost thankful to his father's condition as it gave him the rare opportunity to make the long flight to the meeting place on his own and gave him time to think. His father needed the break from the stress.

As Michael flew the muscles in his immense wings and back flexed powerfully, his chest muscles pulling visibly to accommodate for the smooth motions of the great feathered appendages. The sound from the wind beating across the feathers and gathering beneath the wings themselves was shockingly loud. A soft whoosh could be heard from the ground even as he held them still to coast gently towards the ground. Michael peered down towards the parking lot as he circled the building once, wanting to see who had come before him before making his landing also checking to see if the area was clear. It was a habit these days, any human or inmante would have quite a hard time making the jump on him with his range of vision and speed. He finally landed moments later with a loud series of hard flaps and a short jog across the damp grass in his hightops. He cursed quietly as the moisture seeped into his shoes and made several long half jump-skips to the nearest pathway. Long white feathers cascaded lightly around his thin pale form as he scowled and attempted to scuff the soil and grass from his shoes. He wore no shirt at the moment, in fact he had nothing but a pair of thin black slacks and the hightops.

"Well....great." He muttered. He shook his head and made his way to the doors hurriedly all the while pulling off the backpack he'd been wearing the straps expanded nearly to their limit in length so as to rifle through the clothing he'd brought(shirts included).

"Um.....wait! The door!" He called to the woman to which he had the opportunity to grab a glimpse of before the elevator doors began to slide shut. Michael clumsily fought through the glass doors, his bag seemingly snatched by one as he made an effort to catch the elevator. It must have been odd to say the least to see a shirtless pale young man such as him, feathers clinging to his wild silver hair calling to her in that moment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Aurora Luna Character Portrait: Katelyn Character Portrait: Asha Enoch
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kirihe
Katelyn deftly caught the side of the elevator door, the sensors causing it to freeze. She wasn't sure why she had reacted the shout from this ridiculous man, but to enter this building he must be one of the Inmente she would be working with. So she held the door, indifferently so as she reached into the small pouch at her thigh. She carefully found the item she was looking for, hiding it in her fist as she withdrew her hand discreetly. It was a small crystal, deep scarlet in color. Though the square shaped thing was unassuming, it was one of a blood witch's greatest possessions: the blood crystal. She had carefully crafted it by hand, using a potent mixture of blood and magic; binding the two together to hold a spell that she could work instantly. The particular spell contained was a powerful trap spell, using magic from Hetica's Real reserve to suck the intended victim into the floor. Not dangerous in the least unless used over water or in suspension. But it would effectively trap the man struggling with the doors for a short time. In the hallway he would be unharmed, but in the elevator shaft....she shuddered thinking of a falling elevator and the crunch of bones.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Aurora Luna Character Portrait: Katelyn Character Portrait: Asha Enoch
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dottie
When Isadora received the news of the meeting she wasn't sure she would go since it would be at night time but word traveled to her grandfather who made her go anyway but she couldn't face the darkness alone. So in order for her to go, sadly, her brother would have to tag along. Now they were on their way to the building, Jasper in the lead as Isadora held to the hem of his shirt. Isadora looked around, the only light coming from the moon. She hoped that no one would attack mostly because she hated seeing her brother fight; she even wondered if he was the one who was doing the killings. It wouldn't really surprise her.

"There." Jasper's low voice seemed to rumble in the silence. Isadora nodded and they hurried to the building. She saw a guy with feathers disappear into the building and wondered why he would be dumb enough to expose himself so openly but as usual she said nothing and followed her brother. A small patch of wind rolled between them and Isadora held tight to her brothers shirt and her purse. She could here her brother chuckle; sending chills down her spine. As they got to the doors the elevator was being held open by a girl. Jasper grabbed her hand and walked into the elevator, holding her close like he was some kind of body guard.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Aurora Luna Character Portrait: Katelyn Character Portrait: Asha Enoch
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0.00 INK

Michael tugged his bag free, just as a pair of siblings approached the doors. He was too focused on catching the elevator, however and the moment his bag slipped loose he speed walked through the elevator doors. He took residence in the left corner and took to rummaging through his bag for the shirt he'd chosen to wear at the meeting, a nice white dress shirt with a long collar and cuffs to match. His startling bright amber eyes caught glimpse of Katelyn's outfit, the black skirt with the fur boots and he smiled warmly at her. "I like your boots, that outfit is amazing."

Michael held his bag between his legs as he pulled his shirt on just as the pair of siblings, Jasper and Isadora entered the elevator with them. He flashed a friendly smile at both of them as he began to button up. He was quite thin, his ribs could be seen jutting faintly just above his set of six pale abs. He wasn't extraordinarily tall but his ample legs torso and neck made him seem that way. Once his shirt was on he took his bag and held it by his side, doing his best not to invade any of the others' personal space. He tried to get a read on each of them without staring too hard noting immediately that the other guy seemed to be rather aggressive looking. He avoided eye contact with that one but tried to give his sister a welcoming smile. Once the doors slid closed however Michael began to feel the familiar lurch in his stomach that tightened into a knot as the elevator rose. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead. If only he could have known which window to come in from he could have completely avoided the situation but now wasn't the time for flashy entrances. A short ride up the elevator. He could handle it. Michael kept his eyes on the ground and took one calm sigh and focused on the feeling of flying.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Aurora Luna Character Portrait: Katelyn Character Portrait: Asha Enoch
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dottie
Isadora pushed close to her brother as the elevator became tight. She had no idea who any of these people were or what their power was. Never had she ever seen a boy with wings, it made her a little jealous. Flying seemed like it would be fun, just to escape life. But she couldn't fly and reality hit her like a bag of bricks. There were people dying. No one was safe. Heat rose up in her stomach, leaving her feeling a little weak. Looking up she saw the pale birdboy smiling cautiously looking at her brother and frowned. Isadora let out a silent sigh before seeing the birdboy smiling at her. A bright pink blush appeared on her cheeks and she smiled back, thanking Asari that her brother couldn't see her smile. One time her brother almost lit a boy on flames for even trying to talk to her. Isadora had never used her power on her brother until then and she paid dearly for it. Now she clings to the hem of her brother's shirt and waits for the elevator to reach its destination.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Aurora Luna Character Portrait: Katelyn
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0.00 INK

Dante had been at the gym, working a heavy bag, when he had received the letter asking him to go to the meeting. Another boxer by the name of Lewis had found a letter addressed to him by the door as he entered the gym. It was already late, Dante had finished at his part time job two hours ago and up until getting the letter he hadn't even realized how late it had gotten. Thanking Lewis he took the letter and retired to the changing room. Despite the late hour, he thought if he hurried, and maybe used a little of the minor magic he was able to tab into, he could make it in time.

Changing into his street clothes, an all black attire this time since he would be moving around at night, he jogs the short distance to his small apartment home to get a few things. He had been living in the home he had grown up in until a week after his mother had been laid to rest, at which point he had decided he could no longer stand the sight of the old homestead. He had moved into a small apartment building just a few blocks from the gym, a nice little second floor room he could barely afford. But it was home now, and after entering it he made his way to his bedroom in the back, tossed his dufflebag aside, and went to the tiny closet. He didn't have much in the way of clothes, just enough so he had to do laundry at the end of each week to have something clean for the next, so most of the space had become his alter. The space where he kept all of his magical items, and those his mother had left him. Riffling through an old walnut box with runes carved around the edges of the lid, he takes out what might be described as a set of tribal jewelry. A necklace made up of a leather cord with the claw of a bear dangling from it, a small green glass bead on either side of it, which he slips over his head. A wooden ring with a skull carved into it the he slips onto his right ring finger. A bracelet made of a silver chain with several trinkets made from carved bone with various gemstones placed between them. This he slips onto his left wrist. He also takes a small vile from the box with something white and gelatinous inside. Bone Marrow. Slipping this in his pocket he closes the box, then the closet, then heads for the meeting place.

Thanks to one of the charms on his bracelet, a tiny white lightning bolt carved from rabbit bone, he was able to make it to the meeting place quickly enough, even though it was across town. Upon reaching the slightly ominous looking building he ends the magic afforded by the charm and walks into the building. It looked like he was the only one there, and it was a rather spooky thing to ride the elevator alone and then walk out into another empty looking hallway. Once inside the building it took him ten minutes to find the right floor, then the right room. Just before going inside he hears the ding of an elevator.

"Someone must be riding it up." Dante mutters to himself, hesitating at the door. "Maybe more freaks like me."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Aurora Luna Character Portrait: Grant W. Aldrich Character Portrait: Katelyn
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0.00 INK

The ding from the elevator sounded distant, and figuring whoever was going to be stepping out of it was probably headed for this room, he began to turn the knob, but just before he actually opened the door there was a flash of movement. Taking his hand away, hearing the doorknob click back into place, he begins to raise his hands and move into a boxing stance, but once he sees what the movement was he stops and lowers his hands to his sides again, slipping them into his pockets.

"Oh, you must be another inmente...or whatever that word is..." Dante says, not sure if he used the right word. His mother had told him what their kind was called once, but the name hadn't stuck very well. Hearing voices in the distance he looks past the girl now as she moves closer, focusing on one of the charms on his bracelet. This particular charm was a smooth disc made from bat bone, and focusing on it allowed him to activate a spell similar to the one placed in the rabbit bone, only this one enhanced his hearing. Now able to actually hear what the people were saying he also heard another voice that seemed to be coming all the way from the end of the hall...wherever that might be. "Might want to cover your ears. I'm going to let the others know where we are."

After giving the new face a small grin he let the charm go and raised both hands to his mouth, forming a cup. After taking in a deep breath he then expels it as he yells, "HEY GUYS, OVER THIS WAY! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE IF YOU DON'T HURRY!!" His voice, even when yelling, wasn't all that loud, but it carried like rumbling thunder along the halls. Anyone on the floor would probably have heard him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Aurora Luna Character Portrait: Grant W. Aldrich Character Portrait: Katelyn
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0.00 INK

Dante stood to one side of the door, watching as everyone else got closer. Glancing back down at the girl beside him he makes a gesture, trying to tell her she can lower her hands now. By then another girl was there, this one having long black-blue hair. He called them girls only because, while he didn't really know how old they were, both looked to be younger than he was. As this one addressed him other filed into the room.

"Yo," Dante says in greeting, raising one hand to the darker haired girl. "That'd be me. I got lost trying to find this place, just thought I'd lend a hand." Lowering his harm to his side again he slips his hands back into his pockets and gives her a not before stepping past her and into the room. He stood near the door long enough to let almost everyone else grab a seat before moving into the room itself. The only other one left standing was the one who had been standing by the door as he'd walked in, and had just closed it behind everyone. Moving near the center of the room he looks over as he hears a voice and sees the man by the window with a hand extended. Nodding to him he reaches out and shakes it. "Dante, guess I'm a bone witch. That's what my mom told me anyway."

Dante looked around the room once more before crossing his arms over his chest. He would remain standing for this little meeting, just in case. One thing you learned while fighting was to never give an inch. This was a gathering of inmente, and someone probably wanted them all dead. No need to be wasting time trying to stand up if someone came breaking down the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Aurora Luna Character Portrait: Grant W. Aldrich Character Portrait: Katelyn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kirihe

Katelyn rolled her eyes at the eagerness of the two of them. They were practically made for each other, she was actually surprised they hadn't hugged right off the back. Ignoring the people around her, Katelyn settled herself into a chair away from the others, closest to the wall where several folders were stacked. She idly drummed her fingers against the arm of the chair, taking in the others. The twins weren't her cup of tea, one too snobbish and the other without a backbone seemingly. She also didn't take to the man smoking, though he was probably the more attractive one out of the bunch. Bird-boy was too much of a bother and the other girl was about as futile as the female twin. None were to her liking, but she needed to get this over with and deal with them before she decided to do something about it.

"Dante, guess I'm a bone witch. That's what my mom told me anyway" Katelyn's eyes snapped to the man who had shouted, darkening with anger.

She clenched her fist around the crystals, drawing blood from her palm. He was infuriating to say the least. "Excuse me, but let's skip the formalities and figure out why we're here" Katelyn crossed her arms over her chest. "My name is Katelyn and I am a user of blood magic. That's all we need to know about each other"

Absentminded her fingers slipped to the files at her side, causing one to topple off the stack and open on the floor. "Damn" Katelyn bent to retrieve it, stopping when she saw the name scrawled across the top of a form, a picture clipped next to it. "Isadora Firthil?" She picked up the file and tossed it on the small table in the center of the room. Turning back to the files, Katelyn flipped through them one by one, reading off names as she went. "Micheal, Grant, Dante, Jasper, Aurora, Asha......and Katelyn" She spread them out on the table, each turned to the front page. A narrow handwriting dictated their name, age, height, and weight. There were names, numbers, and diagrams written in the margins of the forms. "It looks like a medical record.....and a detailed one at that" Katelyn took her own folder and flipped to the next page. Underneath categories and sub-categories were the names of childhood friends, her parent's acquaintances, the day she first walked. A few included photographs of a slowly aging Katelyn. "Someone has been doing their research." At the back of the folder a crisp, white paper was loose from the others. She took it out slowly, glancing over the neat handwriting. It was a letter of sorts, addressed to her.

Dear Miss Katie,

You are not to read this letter aloud to any of the others present. ALL must be present for this discussion. The future of the Inmente rests on the ability to adapt to this situation. Use your magic to find this monster and make him pay. Instruct the others to read their letters, there is more information for you in the margins of your file if you can be tasked to read it.

With Love,

"Read the letters" She said before turning to scan her own folder.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Aurora Luna Character Portrait: Grant W. Aldrich Character Portrait: Katelyn
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0.00 INK

Dante stood back and watched the others as they took their folders. He was patient by nature, in most things, and so he waited so that he would be the last, then walked up and took his folder. Stepping back until he felt the wall at his back he leaned against it and flipped open the file. Everything looked to be in order, as crazy as that seemed. There was a photo taken shortly after his birth, of him in his mothers arms, his father sitting on the edge of the hospital bed with an arm around her. There was another from when he took his first steps, when he went to kindergarten, middle school, high school. In between were photos of himself and his father, usually wearing boxing gloves in or around the gym. There was only the one picture of his mother, who had never liked having her picture taken.

When he got to the last few pictures, however, his heart sank in his chest. Anyone looking at him would see a darkness in his eyes that wasn't there before, and might notice his arms shaking ever so slightly. The first picture was of his father lying on a stretcher in the middle of the street. He was bloody, and there were alot of people in the background, but one face stood out, or rather, stood out because it didn't. There was a single figure who, despite the bright day light, was hidden in shadow. The next picture was of his family together in the hospital again for the last time. A single tear rolled down from his left eye, but he made no move to wipe it away. The last picture made him clench his right fist, crumpling the corner of the folder a bit. It was a picture of his mother's mutilated body...before the time it had reportedly been found. He could tell this because, somehow, the light hadn't left her eyes yet and she looked like she was trying to scream.

Dear Dante,

You know more about yourself and your abilities than you think you do. And I know even more. I can assure you that if you work with this group when you will find the answers you seek, and the one who killed both your parents. Just keep an eye out and do your best to protect these people, I know you have it in you.

P.S.- Take a closer look at that necklace your father gave you.

With Love, KEB

"Who the hell is K-Bob and how did the get these pictures?" Dante says in a serious tone, crumbling the letting and slipping it into his pocket before tossing the open folder onto the desk, scattering the photos across its surface. Whoever this guy is, he made a mistake though. My mother gave me this necklace...didn't she?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Aurora Luna Character Portrait: Grant W. Aldrich Character Portrait: Katelyn
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0.00 INK

Michael took his folder and began flipping through it's pages taking note of the detailed diagrams of his wings and the accurate accounts of his life. He looked up just to observe the reactions of the others upon receiving their folders, several of them seemed quite disturbed. They must have some pretty heavy pasts... He thought to himself. By comparison there wasn't much of interest to be said about his own notes he grew up an average kid, granted they occasionally got unwanted attention from the neighbors and people at the schools but apart from that he lead a nearly normal life. He'd even joined the track team in his school years. He almost always blew the competition away with his seemingly endless stamina.

Michael flipped the last few pages of his file and read the note that had been leaft for him.

Dear Michael,

I have studied your physical abilities closely, as you can see. They are quite extensive and effect more areas of your body than I believed possible at first glance. Speed, stamina, light weight, and the ability of flight to name the most prominent. If you learn to truly hone into your strengths I believe you could become quite an asset to our efforts. Listen closely to the instructions that will be given to you as a group. Everyone is essential.

With Love,

Michael looked up from his letter just as Dante spoke up. It was a good question. Who found all this information on their abilities and private life?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Aurora Luna Character Portrait: Grant W. Aldrich Character Portrait: Katelyn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kirihe
Katelyn was absorbed in the small diagrams that lined the pages of the file. From the labels of many of them she could see they were depicting complicated rituals involving blood magic. Several notes warned against using non-human blood for the rituals, and other predicted that there must be a blood more potent than human blood. She recognized Old English words for sacrifice and rebirth that were centered around one of the larger drawings: an eight pointed star with lines connecting each corner with the center. The red ink was enough to tell her it had to be drawn in blood, and everyone but the user had to be standing on a line in the center. The spell could be adjusted to the number of people involved so that each could stand in a section of their own. She was intrigued by the detail put into it, the precise lines would need to be drawn in a large area. The drawing recommended a concrete floor, and candles. Scented in Vanilla, Lavender, and for whatever reason, pumpkin. Another selection of handwriting caught her eye.

"Guys, listen to this"

Dear Miss Katie,

As you have noticed, I have made you the leader in our little expedition. To your left, you will see a panel of the wall that isn't quite parallel to the one across from it. If you press it, the first part of your investigation can begin. Once inside, you'll find that I have provided the accommodations for nine people, though Miss Asha has not joined us yet. Please, make yourselves comfortable. There is also a supply area, kitchenette, dinning area, and of course a library for you do work. I will provide information on our mystery killer as it arises. Please, enjoy yourselves and have a wicked time.

With love,

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Isadora Scarlett Firth Character Portrait: Issac Dante Kaine Character Portrait: Aurora Luna Character Portrait: Grant W. Aldrich Character Portrait: Katelyn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kirihe

"Ignore the girl panicking then" Katelyn rolled her eyes, reaching into a bag and removing a small, rounded crystal. With it she pulled out a leather cord, wrapping it tightly around the object as she muttered to herself, casting the spell over it. To finish it she pricked her finger with a sharpened nail, dropping the blood into the center of her crystal. "Wear this darling. It should keep you somewhat stable" She slipped the tied cord over Aurora's head, letting it fall around her neck and standing up.

Turning to face the others, she glanced over them. Micheal had a point, this all did seem a bit suspicious. But they had nothing else to go on. There was no reason for them to double this Keb yet, though he was suspiciously aware of all of them. There was also the issue of the letters, how he somehow knew that everyone would be there. Except they weren't.

"I don't think this Keb is the killer. I mean think about it, there was no way he could know we'd all show up" She pointed toward the table, where a single folder remained. "Asha. Her name is mentioned on the folder, but she isn't here. She skipped out on the meeting, so what told him that we wouldn't"

She spun, walking to a panel slightly different in color from the others. The panels behind her would all be evenlyf spaced, but here there was a gap. If she pressed it, chances were a compartment or doorway of some sort would open up. "If we press that, there's no going back. But I don't think we have a choice. That's why there were no markings on the building, no way to tell if the elevator went up or down. No stairway, no fire exit, not even any other doors. The floors were probably fake. Whoever Keb is, they have us trapped here. And whether it's a secret task force.....or a specific plot, we have to move forward."