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Matt Bennett

"When you've seen what I've seen, the prospect of dying is even more terrifying."

0 · 475 views · located in Noire Coore

a character in “Camisado”, originally authored by partially-stars, as played by RolePlayGateway



My Name Is: Matt Bennett

I Am This Old: 17

Sexuality: Straight. I've never even considered anything else.

This Is My Power: Super Strength. I'm not quite sure what weight I can lift, but there was this one time with when I lifted a bus. It fluctuates though. I'm strongest when I'm angry or really, really sad. Mind you, when I'm that sad, I tend to go a little mad anyway. If I'm injured, the amount I can lift is approximately halved. If I'm seriously injured, I can't lift a thing. My power means I have a huge appetite, especially when I've been lifting a lot.

Likes: Eating, food, music, drawing, rainy nights in watching movies, weightlifting, working out.

Dislikes:Being hungry, being injured, loud noises, small spaces, hospitals, small spaces in hospitals, needles, the smell of hospitals

Fears: Dying, being stuck in a hospital for the rest of my life, Fire. I hate fire.

I'm Told I'm... I'm quiet, which is the first thing that strikes most people first. I don't look like the quiet type. I've been told I'm a little like a gentle giant, mainly because I'm six eight and quite well built. I'd much rather stay in and read than go out with friends. I'm not the most popular guy around, but I have a select group of friends and I can trust them. I'd like to think I'm a gentleman. I'm quite protective over anyone I'm anyway close to.

But I can also get very angry. When I'm betrayed I get very upset and angry. I don't really cry, I get very angry. But occasionally raw emotion takes over and it's a bit like I just don't have the energy to be angry. Most of the time I get mad, and people get frightened and don't trust me anymore. But people who see my raw side often pity me as they know it's clear my life hasn't been the best. I try to only show that side to people I know and trust.

This Is What I've Been Through: I was taken into care at a very young age. My dad was hooked on some drug and my mom was a kleptomaniac. I can't even remember what they looked like. They never came to visit me in the care home. I was happy in that first care home, but it was shut down due to a lack of funding before I was five. The next care home I was taken into was hell. I was beaten for wetting the bed, which just made the problem worse. I tried telling my teacher at school, but nothing was done. I was a kid. Who listens to a kid?

I can remember one day, I was beaten up really badly. I can't remember what it was over, but, for once, it wasn't the staff. One of the older kids used to beat me up as well. Anyway, he beat me up really badly in the school playground. One of the teachers saw and pulled him off of me. I was brought to the hospital. One of the nurses noticed my other various bruises and mentioned something to a doctor. I told him exactly what was going on, and he told the police. I gave another statement to the police, and the second care home was shut down. I had been beaten from the age of five until I was thirteen.

The next care home I was sent to was heaven. I was encouraged to grow. If I had a problem with anything, they would listen to me. They encouraged me to learn to draw and play guitar. I made friends. It was just in time for me to hit puberty, and for my powers to begin to develop. Someone from the unit was obviously in the home, and they noticed that I was able to lift things without much trouble. They brought me to gym classes, where my love for exercise began. Before long, I was lifting weights that grown men would struggle to move. Shortly after that, my power became blatantly obvious.

I was walking down the street when a bomb exploded. I was thrown against a wall and shoved my shoulder out of place. But I heard a little girl crying, and without thought ran into a burning building to save her. I was burned, but I saved that little girl's life, and there was very little scarring. But I lifted half a bus to get to her. Half a bus. I could probably lift an entire bus now if I was in that situation. As long as there wasn't anyone in it.

Anything Else You Might Need To Know:I've got faint scarring on my right arm. It's hardly noticeable, but if you look closely, it's there.

So begins...

Matt Bennett's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner
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A tall, well built teenage boy stood in the square. He wore a simple outfit and looked slightly uncomfortable. Almost everybody else was streaming away with a sense of barely concealed panic. He noticed a woman hurrying away. She wore only a thin dress. He jogged across the square to meet her. "Excuse me, miss, but aren't you cold?" He said politely. She looked up at him. "N-n-n-no, sir. We were just told to pack what we really, really needed." He shrugged off his red hoodie and gave it to her. "Won't you be cold?" She asked. He smiled slightly and shook his head. "I don't think I'll get a chance, miss. And you need it more than I do." She smiled at him and headed away.

Matt went and sat where he had been instructed to wait. No further instructions had been given. There hadn't been time to say anything more than, "Wait in the square until everyone has been evacuated and all heroes are assembled. Act as you wish from there on in. Good luck, heroes." Other heroes were gathering. He vaguely recognized most of them. He felt no desire to go over and talk to them. He stared at the scarring on his right arm. That day was his most vivid memory. He could still hear the crackling flames, smell the smoke, feel the smoke beginning to choke him-

No. Matt shook his head and stared at his hand. He had crumpled the can he had been holding into a lump of solid metal. He threw it away, and it made a solid thud against the brick wall. He looked at it and made a mental note not to throw anything at a window. The metal ball was flat where it had hit the wall.

He heard a sound in the distance. He shot away from the wall and backed towards the center of the square. Something was wrong. Something was going to happen.


A young girl lounged against a wall. She wore a practical outfit, appearing to be ready for any eventuality. She watched everyone. As the last few stragglers left the square, she headed for the monument in the center. Her natural leadership instinct took over. "Okay! Let's get introductions over and done with, so we can get started as soon as possible. I'm Sam Wilson. I'm not telling you what my full name is, because you'll all take the piss. I have... I can manipulate sound and create sonic blasts." She could give her power it's proper name, but she couldn't really pronounce it, and nobody else would know what it was anyway. "Who's next?" She clapped her hands together. "My name is Matt Bennett. I have super strength." A tall guy said. He looked jumpy and uncomfortable, and kept shooting looks over his shoulder.

Sam looked around at the people who were assembled. They were all as different as their powers. Sam vaguely recognized most of them. The only person she really knew was Evangeline. They had worked together during Sam's time in the FBI. It had been the pair of them that had really solved the case.

As the final person finished speaking, Sam straightened up. There was a moment of silence, before Sam spoke. "Okay, so we'd probably better start plan-" Suddenly something exploded a few hundred metres away. The shock of the blast caused Sam's grip on her power to slip and she saw a wave of blue ripple across the square. She was startled by the force of it and manipulated it slightly to prevent damage to anyone's ears. She then took off in a sprint towards the source of the explosion. The acrid smell of smoke hit her like a brick from only a few streets away. This was bad. Not only was Harlequin around, he had begun his testing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner
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Jasmine Scarlett Herald

Scanning quickly, a pair of bluey grey eyes searching the square which members of the public were quickly evacuating. Tension, worry and panic filled the air like a haze of heat. No-one dared to speak above a whisper, but each cast frantic looks around them, gathering children and other family members close. Although initially it appeared to be a peaceful, calm clear-out, there was an underlying tone of absolute fear. The almond eyes locked onto a particularly sad scene. An elderly gentleman and his wife were hobbling across the cobbled street and though she walked somewhat slower than her husband, he refused to leave his wife behind, despite her constant insistence. Would they make it out? Sadness clutched at Jasmine Herald's heart as she watched for a moment longer. And then they were lost to the crowd and she had to focus on the task at hand. Finding her fellow heroes in all of this mess and uniting with them to prevent disaster from occurring. If they weren't too late that was...

Sweeping a length of blonde hair into the palm of her hand she secured the wavy locks with a purple hair tie, high on her head. Everything about her look screamed practically, including her casual outfit. It paid to be prepared and if Jas was anything, it was certainly prepared for this oncoming battle. Biting her bottom lip anxiously, her fingers ran over her belt and the supplies that she'd secured there. Once she was convinced that everything was as it should be, she continued on her search. But there were too many people. A hero could be any of these. No, not true. From experience she knew that heroes usually possessed an air of confidence about them. Probably due to the abilities and powers they could wield.

Taking a deep breath, she skirted around a bustling family, who were almost the last to leave as the square finally cleared. Her eyes settled on the monument and the figures that surrounded it. Heroes. Without a single hesitation, Jas covered the small distance with a few strides, planting herself in the middle of the group. With a bright and reassuring smile, she settled herself to leaning on the monument beside a guy whose name she believed to be Matt. He looked largely uncomfortable about the whole situation. About to open her mouth and strike up conversation to put him at ease, she was cut short by a young woman who strode forwards and took the lead herself. It didn't bother Jas. She wasn't leadership material and if someone else wanted to take the helm then she fully supported them.

"Okay! Let's get introductions over and done with, so we can get started as soon as possible. I'm Sam Wilson. I'm not telling you what my full name is, because you'll all take the piss. I have... I can manipulate sound and create sonic blasts. Who's next?"

"My name is Matt Bennett. I have super strength."

"Impressive. She'll come in handy I am sure. As will he, but he seems a little anxious to be here. I wonder what his problem is? She watched them curiously for a moment, before giving a little wave and introducing herself.

"Hey everyone, I'm Jasmine Herald, but just call me Jas. Everyone does. Anyway, I can create force fields." With a nod, she fell silent and listened to the rest of the introductions, marveling over some of the abilities and the range that they had within the group. They were certainly going to form a band of heroes. Perhaps they would be unstoppable. Well, she'd wait and see anyway.

Just as the first woman - was it Sam? Jas was rubbish with names and faces - stepped forwards to speak again, an explosion ripped through the air behind them. Heat and noise erupted around the small square and from somewhere a scream echoed. Jasmine was one of the quickest to whip around and she was thankful that she was. Without even thinking about it, she lifted her hands in protection. A shimmering blue shield spread in front of the group, just able to cover them as they were grouped tightly together. Shrapnel and rubble flew at them and though most of it would have been rendered completely harmless at their distance, there were a few bits that hurdled towards them with speed. The shield stopped the few bits dead in the air and they fell to the ground with a variety of thuds. Lowering her hands, the shield fell with them and she tore after Sam.

Smoke choked her lungs after a while and she drew to a halt, coughing slightly as she stared wide-eyed at the destroyed building.

It had begun...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner
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#, as written by Vix

“Yeah, daddy. I'll be fine. Tell mama to stop worrying. Yeah. Alright. Besos!” A young woman was walking down the streets at a brisk pace, tapping the screen of her iPhone to end a call before looking up at the people rushing all around her. She received a few crazed looks that she blatantly ignored, seeming to not care. Bright violet eyes behind pitch black sunglasses simply looked straight ahead until a man quickly grabbed her arm, causing the medium-sized travel bag to fall off. She glared at the man and yanked her arm back to which he answered by grabbing her arm again with wild eyes. “C'mon! We gotta go, girl! Don't you know you'll die here?!” He screeched at her, clawing frantically at her coat arm. She frowned and used only her middle and forefinger to delivered a series of quick blows to his radial nerve, ulnar nerve, and axilia, rendering his left arm useless before shoving him away from her and picking her bag back up. “Leave me alone and evacuate with everyone else.” The man looked at her with eyes wider than before. “Y...You're crazy, bitch!” He held his arm with his working one and quickly ran away with the others. She rolled her eyes behind her shades and continued on until she was near the town square. She wasn't in sight just yet, quickly dodging and heading for cover inside an abandoned convenient store, putting her back against the wall. There was a massive explosion that seemed to shake the very earth. Time for action. There was a large amount of looting going on and the government wasn't very well trying to contain everyone's actions, as they were mainly concerning themselves with the people that were headed out. Not the ones pillaging before getting out. It was madness.

She made her way out of the store and moved on to the next building, finding a ladder leading to the roof. She climbed it easily and began making her way across the rooftops, seeming to be unhindered by the heels that she wore. She finally found herself on the rooftop of a building adjacent to the town square where everyone was supposed to be meeting up. She was there first, ordered to secure the area of looters. The girl wasn't as 'practically' dressed as everyone else would be. She wore knee-high black boots with stiletto heels, tight black designer jeans that seemed to still allow extreme flexibility, a black trench coat, a tight black tank top underneath that, and both ears cradled by a pair of exotic dragon earrings. Slung across her back was a  Dragonuv SVD, PSG 1 and a quiver filled with arrows. They were both barely concealed by the trench coat that she threw away from her shoulders to reveal that she was ready to kill someone if needed: Holstered on either side just below her breasts were two handguns; one was an FN57 and the other was model 179B pistol for darts. Around her waist was a belt that featured a great many of pouches and tools. It seemed like she had all sorts of gadgets and gizmos, ready for use. She set down her back gently and got on her belly near the edge of the building, retrieving her Dragonuv. From the bag she pulled out a stand and a collapsible compound bow. She attached the stand to the sniper rifle and set it up. She removed her shades and moved her hair out of her way, placing her eye to the scope.

After a while, she saw the first come into view: Matt Bennett. The next was Sam, the only person she was previously acquainted with. After that came Jasmine – the bubbly one. Then there was Finn, Lee, and Rowen. There was a massive explosion that seemed to be extremely close, causing Evangeline to duck her head. She looked back up to see that Jas had created a force field. “Cool.” A grin graced her face as she once again put her eye to the scope. Rushing through the smoke and debris was a man with a gun, shouting at the top of his lungs. Evangeline took only a moment to get a clear shot before quickly removing the safety setting and squeezing the trigger. “Boom. Headshot.” She muttered to herself, watching as the man crumpled to the ground. Where there was one, there was more. As the debris cleared, she scoped out the building that he had came from and found four more, to be exact. They were inching up her group who was taking off towards the source of the explosion, though looking up and around for where the shot came from that had taken out their buddy. Evangeline quickly fired off a round for each of them as quickly as she could, not giving one or the other time to react to the deaths of the previous. After a quick scan, she grabbed a walkie talkie from inside of her bag. She wasn't the only one securing the area.

There were a number of others on different blocks. “Green light on the square. Leaving the nest and heading for contact. Heading for explosion source. Keep your eyes peeled. Let me know if you see anything. Over.” A voice came back “Ten-Four, Loris.” She chuckled lightly at the codename and rolled her eyes. She made a quick clean-up before going down the ladder that she had come up on. She moved quickly behind the others, highly disliking being in the open. She had her FN drawn, both hands clasped around it as she ran, doing her best to sneak around corners and weave in and out of buildings. Finally, she could take it no more and took to the rooftops once more. It didn't take her long to catch up to Sam and the others. She kept to the rooftops still, ready to shoot whenever. “Sam!” She called down before sprinting ahead some, catching a ladder and sliding down. She darted out of the alley and took up the run alongside Sam. “Sam! We can't just rush headfi-” She didn't finish her sentence because her walkie talkie went off, a menacing voice coming over it, speaking over pained howls. “Ready or I come.” There was a creepy giggle before nothing but static. Evangeline's face took on a serious look, her eyes darkening. “Let's get this bastard...” In her head, she was already trying to formulate some sort of plan. Nobody knew anything about this maniac...She couldn't formulate anything! She didn't know what he had, how much he had, or anything! The best they could do now was simply have each others backs. “Guys! Keep your eyes peeled and be ready!” She called out, bringing her gun up as they came upon a science lab. She knew this place; They had a lot of high tech stuff and dangerous chemicals. There were plenty of lower levels that were serious high clearance. Was this where the blast had come from...?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner
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It's strange to try to accept a situation where lives are at stake and crazy people are on the loose, looking to wreak damage and cause havoc - chaos. But Rowen supposes that this wasn't any sort of alternate universe that he was placed in, nor was he dreaming, because he can see the looks on the various people's faces as they are escaping, that this is real. This is all real. There was a super evil bad guy, and a group of super awesome good guys who are going to face against and clash with aforementioned super evil bad guy, in simple and more humorous terms that were more inappropriately fitted to the situation when what it would call for. He's watching as families and couples and just people frantically move along, not wanting to die. When he really thinks back on it, he probably shouldn't have agreed because this sounds like he wanted a death wish, and he knows how this going to come down to: his life is literally going to become a drama, like everything that he had indulged himself into researching of countless hours of material that he found interesting enough in his spare time. It will become overused material that everyone still gobbled up - with added twists.

Though despite how much entertainment the thought could bring, Rowen can't really comfortably focus on that thought at the moment, as he's scanning around the area and the square that people are still evacuating through and from, his eyes bright and the disorder clearly distinct in the air as his scrawny and thin form is just trying to take it all in - a tiny figure in a sea of discord. Everyone's scared, their faces are evident of it, and are running past him as he stays close to a random spot nearby the square that he was instructed to go to - to meet the other heroes. 'Heroes'. The term is complete foreign on his tongue, because he's not sure that it could apply to him.

'I wanted something in my life, and I got what I was asking for. The city's is a boatload of panic and there's a crazy psycho that just may be trying to enslave us all - typical evil villain material. Or kill us, that works too - though not really.' The thought is rather brief, and his mind is a mess - switching back and forth on the platter that he is attempting to completely swallow down his throat, before concern takes over his features. He knows that Grandmother has been safely evacuated out of the city already - but he supposes it's the paranoia (hey, in these circumstances, it's quite easy to get caught in) that's messing with him. He's counting and reciting under his breath the notes to some Bach piece that he was playing the other day when the rush of people are thinning, and he's chewing on his lip now, playing with the edges of his sleeves after he bring his hood over his head, his outfit simple and practical enough, still humming to fill in the slowing sounds that eventually come to an empty silence. He has his doubts playing in the back of his mind but then the area clears out as the last few have left, and he can see the other people standing about, spotting each other and already gathering. His feet had already moved towards the spot before he could stop himself to run with the previous people as well.

Rowen just sort of stands there and takes in the appearance of the other five people who gathered, and a small part of him shrivels up, knowing that he seems to be the youngest there - the others' general demeanor and moods seemed to be more mature and ready than how he felt at the moment. Well, except for the one or two; he wasn't the only one. He felt completely self-conscious and then almost laughed aloud at the irony of his situation, but managed to control it to a smile and really making sure that he doesn't attract unnecessary attention at how inappropriately the time is for inside jokes to be made. As he continues to stand there longer, he knows that this group was a complete group of strangers, (Rowen doesn't even recognize these people and truly wonders if the city was always this large or if these people were just difficult to find; Rowen probably doesn't that great of a memory towards these things anyway) but he supposes that he'll familiarize with them over time. After a moment or two passes, a very mature looking girl, wearing a blue jacket, is speaking up, and states her name - Sam Wilson, and her ability of manipulating sound and creating sound blasts. And it continues with Matt Bennett, who has super strength; and Jasmine Herald or just Jas, who can create force fields.

He speaks up after, his eyes still observing everyone but his mouth intent on not wanting to be left behind, "I'm Rowen. No fancy nickname or anything like that, but, uh, I can alter appearances through cellular manipulation of your DNA." He has to shut his mouth before he could begin to ramble, despite how uncomfortable he already feels, wanting to just fill it in. And instead, he takes that anxiety to focus on everyone else, silently and privately making his opinions and first impressions to himself - this group was certainly diverse in ability, he can see that. It seems almost calm and like the world slowed down again.

But he's taken aback as a sudden explosion ripples through and takes their attention away - Rowen barely turns around to look in the general direction to see something blue before the sound that would've came with the mysterious wave that probably should've reached his ears - doesn't pop his eardrums or make blood splurt out of anywhere, and to his surprise, there's a force field that is already being put up by Jas, as they're all drawn closer together before the impact could reach them. He doesn't even know that he closed his eyes before he opens them, and is taking in the sudden confusion that just happened. Rubble is scattered and around them in a circle where a force field had been previously is various objects that would've injured them greatly, and he's about to thank Jas for that before more chaos is occurring - it's crazy - and they're already running.

Rowen can see various men are dropping dead as they were supposed to be running towards them (weren't they? He can't tell, they're dead now.) He's not nervous anymore, he's almost scared shitless, but he's following after, almost barely keeping up, and everything's just blurring together. People are talking, and they're running, and then there're another person joining their little established group (what the hell - ), and a voice coming from somewhere that easily gives him chills, before they're being put into a tight spot where he doesn't know what is even going on anymore. He's taking deep breaths to calm himself, and he's pretty sure that he's freaking. The hell. Out. And holy hell - that's new person to their group (he identifies it as another girl) has a gun and likely to have more firearms on her. (What is this - All that is Superhero and Men in Black combined?) His eyes are just scanning over his shoulder what was briefly and almost normal almost minutes ago, before what Rowen sees is a lay of waste and destruction and he takes his attention back to where they're running towards to. Some sort of a building, he thinks, and he can hear another blast above him, aimed towards where they just ran from, bringing more damage to the ruined site. He's anxious to find a sort of temporary shelter in stay in so he could clear his head - he's freaking out now and it does not ever help - because it's definitely not helping now. (Is that some sort of an official government-restricted building that they're running to? What- )


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner
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"Are you sure you aren't coming with us, Doctor?" The aide asked, concerned as she stood in front of his desk.

Lee shook his head, "No, Maggie. We've got to finish up the work here. Lots to do now that you all need to get to safety." He smiled, looking up from his computer screen, "Don't worry about me. I may not be any sort of secret agent but I'll handle myself just fine."

"Okay, Doctor." Maggie nodded her farewell, "Stay safe."

With that, she had turned, and left. Many of the staff working in the lab were doing the same. Sensitive information and materials not essential to Lee's own continued work were being taken, or if they were to be eliminated if Lee had to abandon the lab for whatever reason. Some of those materials pertained to very sensitive topics, mostly on the research of the powers that people had been developing, and others were notes on these strange killings that the government wouldn't have liked to have get out to the public. The occupants of the lab were some of the brightest minds that the government could find, with some of the best funding that they could afford for this project. Part morgue, part CSI lab, and part -- well, if it was a facility they had said they might need then it was there. The fourth sub-basement level of the Bio-Preserve Chemicals facility, it was heavily fortified, designed to take a blast should it need to, and extremely secure against intruders. It had exits directly out through the building as per normal, but featured a trio of emergency exits. One led out in to the sector's subway system, while the other two each came out approximately five blocks away from the building itself in the event that the BPC facility might happen to collapse in on itself. Lee was one of the only people not packing up his belongings to leave the lab, but even then his more casual attire would have marked him out from all of the lab coats and nice suits that had filled the labs. Sitting in a comfortable leather chair, fingers flying across the keyboard before one would occasionally dart to the mouse, Lee watched the text on the screen in front of him, and would occasionally look over to the currently un-tinted windows through which he could see two of the most recently deceased bodies from the recent wave of rather perplexing murders.

Signs of rapidly increased adrenaline.

Extreme stress apparent in the heart.

Oh, and not to mention, they were dead.

Nothing new. Not surprising really.

It was as he heard the door this section of the lab shut, with the last of the staff leaving, that he let out a tired sigh, rolled his chair back from the computer, and reached under the desk where a miniature refrigerator sat. Opening it up, a quick hand moved by memory without his even seeing the contents to retrieve what he was looking for. He cracked open the can and took a long swig as he returned to the computer.

Then Jack spoke up, "You really shouldn't be drinking that. Consuming more than 250mg of caffeine per day has been proven by science to --"

"I know all about hyper-tension and caffeinism, Jack." He took another long drink of the Monster in his hands, "Besides, I have bigger things to worry about."

"Such as?" As always, Jack sounded condescending.

"Well, take your pick. The city is about to fall apart, we have multiple deaths that we can't even explain the cause of, and we have an insane lunatic planning to try destroying the world." He rose up from his chair now, making sure his ID card was clipped to his shirt, and double-checking to make sure the pistol he had been given was still neatly tucked under his arm in its shoulder-holster before grabbing his jacket from the back of the chair, "Oh yes, and let's not forget. I've been given an affliction that has caused my parents to shun my and its causing me to go down a spiraling road to insanity."

Ronny, remarkably, didn't speak up to take offense at being called possibly insane.

"So, Jack, I would say that I have bigger issues on my plate at the moment then the long-term effects of my choice of drink." Another swig as he started for the door, "Besides, it's not like I plan to live forever anyways."

With that, he headed out through the door, locked it behind him, and moved through the central hall of that level of the sub-basement to get to the elevator. From there, he sat in silence while listening to cheap muzzak playing through the speakers while sipping on his drink still. He leaned up against one wall of the elevator and waited as he watched the numbers slowly count down to the first sub-basement level. From there, though it was an annoyance of a security measure, he would then need to get to another elevator across the basement, and take that to the first floor in order to get outside.

"Where are we going, Lee?" Ronny suddenly inquired as the elevator doors opened to reveal the more public basement of the BPC facility.

"We, my young, emotionally-charged friend, are going outside."

"Wha - why?"

"To catch some fresh air and see how things are going up top."

Now Jack came in again, "The entire sector is about to get plunged in to a potentially destructive war -- and you're going outside for a spot of fresh air?"

Lee chuckled as he moved to the front door, "Don't be silly, Jack. There's nothing potentially destructive about it."

He took another long swig of his Monster.

"I'm sure this entire city will be a flaming storm of ash by the time it's done."

Ronny didn't have time to complain about, or add on to, such an abysmal thought. As he approached the door, hand stretching for the handle, it suddenly came flying in. Lee's face met the door for the first time since he had started working at the lab. Needless to say, the door wasn't too happy that Lee had waited so long to come by, and let him know as his nose cracked from the force of a reinforced door striking him in the face. His Monster went flying from his hand as he stumbled back several steps, the remaining contents spilling out as it hit the freshly mopped and polished tile floor a few feet away, Lee lost his footing, and smacked hard on the ground. In a dazed, bleary-eyed state, he couldn't even make sense of what was happening at first. So, being a street brawler-type of fighter, and feeling threatened: he had reacted. The first blurry and dark figure to come anywhere near him received a sudden kick between the legs before Lee did his best to do some sort of odd crab-walk/roll away from whoever it was that had seen fit to so roughly open the door, and then drew his pistol. A 9mm, nothing special, but eh, it killed people right? The other hand clutched his now most likely broken nose.

"Nobody move!" He demanded.

"Who the hell are these people?!" Ronny exclaimed.

"I don't know Ronny, now shut up!" He barked, seemingly at himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner
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0.00 INK

Jasmine Scarlett Herald

Jasmine could hear the thunder of feet behind her. Happiness and pride instantly welled inside of her chest, a warm feeling. Already they were a team, working together, not leaving Sam to fend for herself. Already they were united in a single cause and that was to protect all that they knew. If they could simply hold onto this one thing then she hoped the group would do well. Despite the dire situation they had found themselves in so soon after meeting, she felt a grin tug at her lips at the thought. She liked these people, but then again she liked practically everyone that she happened across.

Jas had also not missed the falling bodies of those who dared to walk in the group’s path. Someone up there was looking out for them. When she drew to a halt, choking and coughing on the strong smoke that rolled and coiled around the surrounding area, she looked up. Sure enough, a young female was perched on one of the roofs, gun in hand. No doubt she had many more of those. Evangeline Benavidez. The name sprung to her suddenly. Jas had done her research and she knew some of their names, such as Evangeline’s, without being introduced. This one was highly trained and ready for action, possibly unlike the rest of them. She would be an ally when it came to fighting. But as she focused on her, she disappeared from view, taking a ladder down to the street. Taking a deep breath, Jas carried on after Sam without looking back and it wasn't long before the rooftop percher had joined them. However, she was too far behind to hear what conversation passed between the pair. But even as she rounded the corner and laid her eyes on the smoking building, she heard the shout.

"Guys! Keep your eyes peeled and be ready!”

But she paid it little heed.

"Another one of us works in there. He might still be trapped." She shouted above the noise of the building collapsing. Again, she had done her research. It was surprisingly easy to access government files and they had tabs on all of those who had showed even the faintest trace of abilities. Now she thought about it, she believed the government had granted her access to those files on purpose. At least then they knew what they were dealing with right? Without waiting for the others to respond, she darted around Evangeline and Sam, across the road and towards the building's door. Lifting her hands, she gathered a force field, but on the palm of her hand. This worked with people, so a door shouldn't be much harder. Pushing the force away from her, she watched as it connected with the door and blew it straight open. A smile lighted up her face. Until she realised that it had connected with something else.

A person.

Stood behind the door.

A person's face to be more precise.

Guilt flooded her, as she tore forwards and into the building. The guy lead on the floor, adorned in a lab coat and clutching at a nose that was bleeding quite badly. Even in his broke state and her apologetic one, Jas noticed that he was kind of cute. Stepping towards him with all the intentions of helping, she stared with wide-eyes before she began to babble insanely.

"I am so very sorry. Oh my...I didn't realise there was anyone behind the door or else I wouldn't have used such a force to open it. I was just coming to save someone, not to harm anyone. I'm so sorry. I can't apologise enough-"

Her words stopped abruptly when the guy on the floor kicked out, connecting with her inner thigh making her wince. But she guessed that she deserved that bruise, after all she did break his nose. But before she could open her mouth again, he did some weird move, was on his feet and pulling a gun. Instantly, she raised her hands and backed up a step, wide eyes only for the gun. Not only that, but he spoke to someone who Jas hadn't seen in the room. Was there anyone in the room with him? She didn't want to think about another shadow pointing a gun at her...Biting her bottom lip, she considered her options. One: Run and possibly get shot anyway. Two: Call the others and risk being shot for doing so. Three: Talk him out of shooting her, but there was still the risk he might shoot her just to shut her up. Looking up as she mulled over what to do next, her eyes fell on his bloody face.

"Lee Cotner." The name escaped her lips before she had a chance to think over what she was saying. "You're Lee Cotner...The genius scientist right? I've read your profile and some of your papers too. I must say most of it went entirely over my head, but I got the gist that you're a complete genius." Taking another step forwards, she settled her bluey grey eyes on his and gave him a small smile that lit up her face instantly. "I'm truly sorry about your nose, but we're not here to hurt you. Actually, I came to help you. I knew you worked here and thought you might be inside. I'm Jasmine Herald. I'm the same as you...well not exactly. I can create forcefields. But I'm like you..."

Slowly she reached out a hand and put it over his hand that was holding the gun, surprised she gotten so close so quickly. "Lower the gun. I want to help you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner Character Portrait: Sam Wilson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix
Evangeline could hear Jasmine as she mentioned that another of the team worked in the building – Lee, Jack, and Ronny worked in there, if she remembered correctly. So what did Harlequin want with them? Before she could begin to wonder, Jasmine had ran around them and went ahead, pretty much blowing the door off of the hinges. A light grin came to place on her face as she stated once again: “Cool.” Jasmine's power was indeed very useful. She came up behind Jasmine to see her trying to calm down their team member who was holding her at gun point. “Take it easy, Mister Cotner.” She showed no fear of the gun, knowing herself that he could shoot her all he wanted – She'd just heal anyways. She brushed past Jasmine silently, moving so that the barrel of the gun was pressed against her chest. “If you're going to shoot, then shoot.” Her violet eyes peered into his as she canted her head some to the left.

Lee, for his part, was seeming to take the apparent blow to his face rather well. Or at least he felt so. One hand massaging the bleeding injury, he had stepped back just moments after the young woman's hand had grazed his own grip on the pistol. He wasn't going to take any chances with anybody, not if he could help it. After all, they would be rather daft to expect him to trust them after their "grand" entrance in to the building.

"She's seems to be a bit daft if she expects us to trust her." Jack spoke up, apparently in agreement.

Another step back as a second woman entered -- who then attempted to show herself as very brave by placing herself in front of the weapon. Shoot her? As if that would scare him away. Yet -- he had a better idea. He said nothing for a moment, glaring pure daggers at the young woman in front of him, before he squeezed his eyes shut, and focused. He felt a tingling feeling, like the pain of a leg or other limb falling asleep. Neurons fired, electrical energy through his body flared -- and then it stopped. Where at first the two women had him outnumbered, there now stood a second person. Dressed in the same casual fashion as Lee, though unlike the real Lee it seemed that he wasn't suffering from such a horribly broken nose. With each woman having a weapon trained on them, the real Lee took several steps back, once again distancing himself from the offending. However, were she to advance again, then he might be tempted to simply follow through on her invitation, and shoot her

"Now, if I may ask, nobody move." The "new" Lee demanded.

Then the original, "Who are you people and what do you want? Because if you're here for my research, you're out of luck."

Evangeline's brow lifted as Lee became not one, but two. "Impressive." She took a moment to think before popping up her left hip and placing her hand upon it. "Evangeline Benavidez - We're on the same team, Mister Cotner." She moved away from the barrel and asserted herself within his personal space, seeming to have no idea of the meaning of the phrase as she moved past the gun. She had to look up because he was about a head and a half taller than her. "Broken nose." She was able to sense the illnesses and injuries in others without trying - She was thankful that she couldn't feel them, too. Reaching out, she brushed his hand away and used her index finger to tap between his eyes. Her fingertip traced down gently to the tip of his nose, leaving a trail of glowing violet. Her eyes turned completely purple, lighting up like their were flashlights behind them. With the tip of her finger glowing, her face began to distort into a pained expression. The sickening crack of his nose resetting itself and her own nose breaking could be heard and blood pouring from her own nose could be seen, her nose becoming crooked. He would have felt no pain, instead a rush of energy as she removed her finger from him and took a step back to cover her own nose. Once more, the sound of a resetting nose could be heard as her own nose set itself right. "Okay - Can we get back on track now?" She removed her hand from her nose to reveal that it was fine after wiping the blood away using her fingers.

The intrusion of his personal space was one that the original Lee didn't even have time to react to, leaving him simply blinking in surprise. Truth be told, his second self had switched his aim to Evangeline's head as she had approached, but neither of them was actually able to do much about the situation before it was over. One moment, he was standing there with a horribly broken nose, and in the next moment he saw that through whatever means -- she had fixed the situation. However, if she were to expect him to suddenly be grateful then she would have been sadly disappointed. As she had stepped back to fix her own nose, the pistol was once again trained on her as the twin Lees kept their aims steady on those in front of him.

"Gladly." He replied, "We can start by telling me who the hell all of you are and what you're doing here?" Then with a motion to the door, "And why such an entrance was necessary."

Of course, being a practical man, his ears picked up the sounds of chaos going on outside. The original Lee quirked a brow.

"Though it would seem that the entire outside world has gone to hell."

Evangeline wanted so hard to slam her palm against her forehead. "I'll repeat it again - My name. Is Evangeline Benavidez. That's Jasmine, Samatha, Rowen, and Matt. I'm sure Mariah will be joining us shortly. Are you unaware of what's going on?" She lifted a brow. "Or you're just ignoring everything that isn't what you're working on?" Evangeline could be pretty aggressive when the time called for it. She shook her head and holstered her FN57 before moving on past Lee and his 'twin'. "Harlequin - Or someone else who is very very bad - is here and they're after whatever is here. Or whoever." Evangeline made her way to an elevator on the other side of the room and pulled out an ID card. She quickly slid it in and then out of the card slot. 'Access Granted'. A metallic voice replied and the elevator slid open. "Alright - Let's go see what's goin' on." She had slid her shades down and pulled out a mask that would allow her to breathe easily while filtering out any unclean air. There was no telling what they'd be up against and she was not a fan of chemical warfare. She then glanced to Lee. "We're the good guys. That's all you need to know."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner Character Portrait: Sam Wilson
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0.00 INK


Sam was comforted momentarily by the sound of footsteps behind her. Someone- or a lot of someones, by the sound of things- cared enough to help her. She narrowly avoided some gunfire from the rooftops and grinned up at Evangeline. She drew her gun from a holster around her waist and fired a few shots at the people pursuing them.

They all headed for a lab. Sam vaguely remembered hearing that they had a scientist working here, so it was a good idea to get him out. Labs were key targets, as they had a lot of information on the attacks and murders. Sam watched as one girl- Jasmine, she thought- knocked down the door and hit the unfortunate that happened to be standing behind it. He appeared to be a friendly, so Sam holstered her gun once again. However, she soon regretted that decision as he drew a gun and pointed it at the group. Evangeline managed to get them all out of the mess and decided to explore the building more. Sam nodded and drew her gun once again. "Rowen, Jasmine and Evangeline, you get looking. Anyone suspicious, guns out. Evangeline has several. Matt and I will take him-" She jerked a thumb towards the scientist, "-And have a scout around." Evangeline headed for the lift and produced a gas mask. A good choice, it seemed, as the wall of the lab exploded. Sam barely had time to suppress the sound wave to avoid damaging everyone's hearing.

"Change of plan! Everyone, get yourselves out!" She yelled, grabbing her gun from the floor. She led the way out, choking on the smoke occasionally. When everyone was out she did a quick head count. Five- someone was missing. Jasmine, Rowen, Evangeline, herself, the scientist- where was Matt?

She turned to look back at the building, which didn't look that sturdy. "Fuck." She swore under her breath. Matt was still in there.


Matt was watching the events unfold and wishing he had a gun when the wall exploded. He had been standing a little away from the group and had been out of range of any protection the others could have offered. He was thrown against a wall and felt pain explode in his left shoulder moments before he blacked out.

The entire lab was on fire when Matt came around again. He was lying on the floor beside a wall. When he went to sit up, he yelled out as he jostled his shoulder. He forced himself into a sitting position and gritted his teeth. He looked up at the flames and panic set in. He shoved his=mself back against the wall and whimpered as he once again jostled his shoulder. The scars on his right arm tingled slightly as if to remind him of the dangers of fire.

Matt screwed his eyes shut and held his shoulder. Nobody else appeared to be still in there- it appeared everybody else had gotten out while he had been unconscious. He felt a flame lick at his leg and jerked it away. He pulled his legs in close to his body despite the discomfort it caused. His trousers appeared to be smoldering. He ripped away the parts that were in danger of burning his skin and left the rest- just in case one of the girls came to save him. He appeared to have a few minor burns on his legs, but he wasn't in any major danger of dying. It would be when the wall began to collapse or the smoke became overpowering that he would be in any immediate danger.

He tried to shove himself into a standing position, but just couldn't manage it. The fire loomed over him and he froze once again. He was going to die. He had been lucky the first time. Fate wasn't going to let Matt Bennett escape from her again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner
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0.00 INK


Rowen had been losing himself in what he believed was complete and utter disorder, as guns were being whipped around like it was nothing - the situation getting more tense than it did before, when the explosion made it take a turn for the worse. Rowen wasn't injured as much as he would have been if he were closer to aforementioned explosion, but he did feel its impact and vibration. He was already moving out even as Sam voiced it, following after Sam as smoke were literally attempting to choke his lungs while he's pulling up the collar of his shirt to not inhale too much of it. As soon as they're out, he's coughing everything out that did not belong in his lungs, and then quickly looking around if everyone got out alive. Immediately, he notices the lack of a presence. (Sam Wilson, Jasmine Herald, Finn Oliver, Super Secret Agent Evangeline Benavidez, Crazy Cloning Scientist Lee Cotner - 'holy crap, where's Matt Bennett?' (He thinks that he's voiced this out as well.)) His feet were moving than his mind, before he knew it, he was already turning around to run back into the building and ignoring any voice of protest. The building looked almost ready to collapse.

"We are not going to lose anyone this fast." He's muttering under his breath as his shirt is being put back to his face. Rowen's not making any sound as he's breathing through his mouth, but he's sure that his lips are moving what he could be speaking if he could breath through this smoke, crouching down as he's moving as fast as he can. (Some voice in the back of his head is already scolding him for going back inside the building recklessly, but then his morals argues back that he's trying to save this person, so it shuts up, before going back to arguing that the others were probably going to throw some sort of fit anyway (it was justified, he can understand) - they seemed like it. It happens, but he'll have to learn to deal with it.)

Managing to avoid any falling debris, he's tracing back his steps as best as he could throughout the unfamiliar building, and is pretty sure that his hoodie caught fire before he discards the sleeves away with his fumbling, trying to look through some door. Between his coughs, he manages to yell as loud as he could with his ears pounding, "Matt! Dude, where are you?" He finds the lab again, catching sight of the face that is familiar (at least, familiar enough for the extremely short time that they've known each other - maybe 20 minutes?) against a wall, and the room's slowly being consumed by flames - but it's moving fast. "Matt! Come on!" Rowen urges, but then notices that the other doesn't move ('What if he's friggin' injured?'), so Rowen moves towards him, jumping across amongst the rubble.

"Just saying, but you look like some hot mess - but we need to go; best that it be now. Can you even move?" Rowen knows that he shouldn't be talking, but his mouth just comes alive as it pleased, his arm already reaching for Matt and attempting to help support him. He goes for the right shoulder, because it doesn't look like it's as bad as the other, and he's probably saying that aloud - and oh my god he's heavier than he looks - "I can't carry you, and you look like you're hurting reallly badly but we need to move and I came in here without thinking and -" He's told to shut up already in return, and does so - sort of - but manages to mumble under his breath while his thoughts were being thrown off his tongue, maybe some attempt at trying to relieve Matt, but he thinks that he's trying to relieve himself that the situation was going to be okay.

Rowen was able somewhat support Matt, despite slightly shorter - maybe able to reach the other's nose or something - but he thinks that this ridiculously muscular body would be able to crush his own if the other were to fall unconscious. (It doesn't want to cross to his mind that he should alter this guy's size, because he'd have to concentrate to do that anyway, and that Matt probably wouldn't appreciate it if Rowen wouldn't be able to reverse it once they get out.) They somehow manage to navigate through the burning lab, and they're almost out, as Rowen's still talking and coughing in the process, when the wall of the room finally manages to give, and Rowen's beginning to freak out now (again) - "Come on come on come on!" A pile of rubble collapses nearby.

Somewhere through the midst of it all, he thinks that his hands already unknowingly shrunk Matt's size down (by changing his build perhaps) through his own panicking, because the other feels lighter and he can pull him closer as Rowen is barely even thinking, already running through some flames and perhaps crashing out some large, broken window, rolling around like a madman to ease the flames having caught on. There is so much pain right now, but still, Rowen can't help but grunt out, despite his groaning, "Matt, Matt - dude, are you okay? Hurting? More of a hot mess than before? Speak to me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner Character Portrait: Sam Wilson
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0.00 INK


Matt heard a voice calling over the sound of the crackling flames. "Matt! Dude, where are you?" The voice was vaguely familiar. It wasn't the scientist, it was the other guy- Rowen, wasn't it? He was unable to call out, beginning to cough on the smoke. He saw Rowen approaching. "Just saying, but you look like some hot mess - but we need to go; best that it be now. Can you even move?" He tugged on Matt's good shoulder. Matt done his best to get himself to his feet, but his legs were unwilling to comply. He managed to get himself into a position that vaguely resembled standing, leaning heavily on the smaller boy. Rowen was muttering to himself as he half-dragged, half-supported Matt.

As they were almost out, Matt felt a strange sensation all over his body. He began to freak out a little, but he kept dragging himself out as Rowen shifted his hold on the taller boy. They made it out via a broken window. Matt landed heavily on his bad shoulder and cried out. Rowen was rolling around, trying to smother the flames. Thankfully, he didn't seem to be hurt that badly. Matt, however, hadn't fared so well. He had his bad shoulder and the burnt legs from before Rowen's rescue, and appeared to have sustained various scratches on their journey out.

"Matt, Matt - dude, are you okay? Hurting? More of a hot mess than before? Speak to me." He heard Rowen say. Matt groaned. "Alive. Hurting like hell, but alive." He responded, his voice hoarse. He caught sight of himself in a shop window and noticed exactly how bad he looked. He had minor burns in various places, was covered in scratches, and his skin was three shades darker than normal due to soot. However, it was his build that alarmed him the most. He was about an inch shorter and had lost a lot of his muscle mass. Matt hated being a huge freak, but he didn't like anyone screwing with his body without his permission.

"Rowen. What the freaking hell did you do to me?" He asked, his fury barely contained. He really didn't have the energy to unleash his full temper on the other boy.


Sam was seriously beginning to panic when Rowen rushed back into the building. She tried to stop him, mainly by yelling at him, but he continued on regardless. She stood and watched the building collapse, feeling helpless. She was on the verge of tears when the doorway was blocked. Relief momentarily flooded through her when she saw the pair collapse through a window. However, that quickly faded as she saw how badly injured they both were. Rowen was rolling around on the floor, trying to smother flames, and Matt was groaning on the ground, holding his shoulder. She sprinted over to the pair and assessed the situation. Matt looked like crap. His shoulder was badly swollen and he appeared to have landed on it. His legs were burned as well, but they weren't that bad. She turned to Rowen, fearing serious damage. He seemed to still have the power of speech, which was a good sign.

She turned to the assembled team. "Evangeline, can you do anything for Matt? Don't wear yourself out too much, but try and help him a bit. Jas, be on your guard. We could need a force field at any time. Rowen, are you badly hurt? Um, new guy- I don't know your name yet- if you can do anything to help, do it. We're short on numbers. And everyone, be ready. We might need to relocate to a hospital." Sam drew her gun. Her timing was perfect, as bullets were fired at them from the rooftops. She fired back, and they ceased. She straightened up and grinned. "Still haven't lost my touch."

She turned back to their band of misfits. Matt was barely conscious. Rowen wasn't looking in great shape. Sam made a decision and climbed to the rooftop, her gun in her hand. The hospital was only the next street over, but it was still a decent distance. The fact still remained, however, that they needed medical supplies. Sam made a quick decision. She climbed down once again. "New guy and..." She assessed the others. "Evangeline, can you carry Matt? Watch his shoulder, and be gentle. We're heading for the hospital. Jas, you and I will take Rowen. Damn, we really need someone to cover us. Move as quickly you can. Does anybody know if medical staff were evacuated?" She said, walking over and preparing herself to lift Rowen. He wasn't that well built, but he'd still be a dead weight from the wrecked lab to the hospital. Sam had been fit enough during her time at the FBI, but she wasn't overly confident that she was still that fit. Once Jas was ready, she lifted him and began to make her way as quickly as she could to the hospital.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner
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0.00 INK

Jasmine Scarlett Herald

"No Rowen!"

Jas had been the last one to retreat from the burning building, grabbing Lee's arm and hauling him out with her as she did. Coughing and blinking in the sudden light, she barely had time to register the form that darted past her and back into the building, which caused her to call out her warning. Releasing Lee's arm, she made to snatch Rowen's instead, but missed by a mere inch. Before she could even think about following, the doorway collapsed behind him, blocking the only entrance. "Shit." She muttered under her breath, glancing back at the others. What had made him go back into that inferno? And why had no-one stopped him? Then it hit her. Someone was missing. Matt was missing. Rowen had gone back for Matt. He was brave. Would any of them have dived back into the ruined building if they'd realised first? Jas hoped so...

The distress emitting from her teammates was plainly obviously already. Jas swallowed a sudden lump in her throat, as she began to pace by the doorway, biting at her nails. Sam looked like she was close to tears as well. It felt like hours stretched by, when in fact it was barely moments and Jas didn't notice anything that happened in that time. When there was a sudden crash of breaking glass and two forms impacting with the ground loudly, she whipped around. A breath of relief left her pink lips when her eyes fell upon the pair. But they were injured. Matt gravely so. Joining the others at their side, she knelt beside Rowen to assess his damage as Evangeline was needed with Matt.

"Dammit Rowen, you scared the crap out of me back there. It was a brave move though." Giving him a small smile, her eyes scanned his body quickly. "What hurts?" Barely glancing up as Sam told her to be on her guard, she nodded slightly. She always was on her guard. It was her job to protect them and she would do just that. So when the gunfire ensued, she gathered up all her energy and prepared to throw out a force field, but Sam returned fire and they ceased quickly, before she was off on the rooftop. When Sam returned, she arched an eyebrow in silent question, but did as she was told. Climbing to her feet, she moved to Rowen's other side and helped to lift him up with her.

"Damn, we really need someone to cover us. Move as quickly you can. Does anybody know if medical staff were evacuated?"

With a slight roll of her eyes, Jas shifted Rowen slightly so she could free one of her hands. Muttering under her breath, she gathered her energy again and cast it outwards, away from them all. A blue shimmering dome formed around the little group, small but effective.

"Firstly, I can't hold a force field this large for longer than ten minutes." Looking across Rowen, her eyes focused on Sam. "So make it count. Secondly, step outside the force field and you're toast." This time she stared pointedly at Lee, arching an eyebrow at him. "Thirdly, bullets won't penetrate from the outside, but if you want to return fire then you can." She sent a small grin towards Evangeline. "And finally, most of the staff were evacuated, but of course there were patients who can't be moved, so some opted to stay behind. My Pops told me before I left. We need to move now, or else I won't be able to protect any of you full stop. Now let's go." Jas' face was paler than before, but she had a fierce determination in her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner
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Finn Oliver was not pleased. Far from it, actually. And maybe a little bewildered, to be honest. He just couldn't believe it. Barely twelve hours ago, he was at home, in Switzerland, making himself a nice cup of Darjeeling, when he got a call from the US Government demanding that he make himself available and fly his ass to the US as soon as possible. He had absolutely no idea as to why they would need him, of all people (Not that he complained.), especially at that time of night. But, of course, he complied. He did agree to help them after all, but now, standing in the middle of what could possibly pass as a war zone and clad in non battle-friendly clothing and Captain America flip flops, he was slowly starting to regret that decision.

"Mon dieu." He breathed, as he took in the carnage in front of him. There were people running and screaming and guys with guns (Guns!). And not just handguns, but big guns! Really, really big guns that look like they could smash through the windshield of a goddamn helicopter a mile away. When one of the suits met him at the airport earlier, they hadn't given him much to work with other than "There's a criminal on the loose and he's trying to steal some very valuable information from one of our labs. Now head over to the square and look for the bunch kids not trying to run away. They're just like you, so go and help them, Soldier.". It wasn't very informative, but it was all he had. That, and flip flops. Finn gulped. If only his dad could see him now.

His thoughts were soon interrupted when one of the big guys with big guns caught sight of him and immediately opened fire. "Oh crap. Crap, crap, crappity, crap..." He cursed, silently thanking the Gods for his flexibility as he somehow dodged the flurry of bullets that came his way, all the while cursing his innate stupidity for forgetting to cloak himself before entering the battlefield. One of the goons were chasing him now, and he barely had enough time to jump out of the way when the goon lunged at him. 'Oh wonderful, people are actually attempting to kill me. I feel so special.' He thought, rolling his eyes, as he ducked behind a red Prius and sat back, steeling himself for another arduous cloaking process. He clenched his fists, and slowly (It was always so slow whenever he did it to himself), the tip of his knuckles started to disappear as if it were dissolving into its surroundings. Then, it climbed up to his wrist, gradually picking up pace as it went, until his entire body disappeared from sight. He cautiously breathed out a sigh of relief. Now, he was completely invisible. Time to find the others.

Finding the others, it seemed, was a lot easier than he expected. He just had to follow their (The goons) line of fire, and there they were. His 'team', as it were. There were about six of them all in all, one of whom looked just about ready to kill an entire squad of super ninjas with the way she dressed. He cautiously jogged towards them, mindful of anything that might give himself away. He was still completely invisible, and was thinking of a way to reveal himself without startling them too much when this beam of clear, blue light burst forth from one of the girls and cascaded around them before stopping just a few paces behind him to form something akin to a dome. Finn then considered himself wildly fortunate because right after, he heard force field girl say something along the lines of 'If you step outside this force field, you're toast.'.

Finn sighed in relief, knowing he would be safe from the big guns outside, but he didn't really know what to make of everyone else. And he still wasn't sure how to make himself known without getting himself killed. 'All righty then. You can do this.' He thought. He looked around and chose the least hostile-looking of the six before walking towards him. It just so happened that the one he branded as least hostile was the clone of one of the brightest minds in the planet, and the complete and total opposite of least hostile: Ronny.

Finn cautiously approached the other man, before tapping him on the shoulder (Note, he's still completely invisible, which is quite rude, but he just doesn't want to be killed). "Hello there. The name's Finn. I know you can't see me right now, but I'm here to help so please, please, please, try not to kill me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner Character Portrait: Sam Wilson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix

Evangeline cracked her knuckles as Rowen returned with an injured Matt. She had already made her way to Matt's side. She took the time to examine each wound. She placed a hand gently on his swollen shoulder, seeming to enter a trance as her eyes resumed the same glow as before. “First degree burns, dislocated and bruised shoulder.” As her hands began to glow, she could feel his health status return to normal and his energy sky-rocket. She, however grunted and cried out just a tad as she felt searing pain shoot through her left shoulder and a burning sensation on her legs. She released him immediately after hearing her shoulder dislocate. She doubled over while crouching if only for a few moments before breathing heavily. “Alright...I'm good.” She could feel her body return to normal, standing up fully now. “He can carry himself.” She had just been about to draw her gun when someone had spoken – Someone that she couldn't see. None of them could. She grabbed the sunglasses that were resting atop her head and lifted a brow, pressing a button at the top of them. Her shades switched to thermal vision and she gave a light laugh. “So good of you to join us. Make yourself useful.” She drew her FN57 and immediately began to fire rounds at everything outside of their little...bubble. “What are we going to do about the patients in the hospital that haven't been evacuated, Sam?” She called over the roar of gunfire, taking out a sniper she spotted on a rooftop. She never once wasted a bullet, taking care to aim for her target's head. The one shot that she did miss was one that ended in torture as the wound in his arm began to fester and the wound grew in size, growing more and more grotesque. Evangeline could sense the infection reaching his heart until it stopped beating. When she was out of bullets, she holstered the pistol and removed her Dragonuv and dashed outside of the force field. She didn't do well working like this. Instead, she took to the rooftops once more and decided to clear a path to the hospital.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Sam Wilson
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0.00 INK


He had been able to voice out words, but the pain wasn't subduing anytime soon since Rowen doesn't have any sort of healing powers (did they even have a member who could do that?). He's beginning to be dazing in and out; he's sure that there probably were glass shards in one arm or leg or something (he always was an accident-prone kid, when he thought about it) but it's mainly the shock effect that's affecting him the most at the moment. Something that just kicked in. He supposed that jumping out of a window (voluntarily, which is probably why his situation felt different than it usually would in cases like this) from a building at some lower level, considering that they were still alive (and his brains weren't scattered around on the ground of his body), would do that a person. What would his grandma say if she saw him now, he muttered with a horrified thought.

He groans, and his face scrunches up in an unattractive face, as he tries to evaluate his current state. His head was pounding and he felt unfocused; there was a slight ringing in his ears, and almost weakly, he tentatively touches his face, where there's something that feels rough, like dried blood over his brow. He's pretty sure that there must be ashes on his face and body, and especially on his clothes.

Rowen had managed to smother out the flames that had caught on, had rolled around until he was almost too tired to even continue, and probably got those scattered glass shards punctuating his body in the process. While he had been able to roll away the flames, it didn't stop the damage that they left behind, having chewed away at his shirt to the point that it could've been considered useless, barely touching the gray tank shirt he wore underneath, and he thinks for a moment that he shouldn't have take off his jacket. But his mind reminds him that the said jacket had caught on fire earlier, which was why he had to discard it.

There's a voice - a very concerned voice, Rowen recognizes - that's asking him if he's okay, and he's slightly sitting up, his elbows digging in the ground that's digging right back into his skin,but he's ignoring the discomfort it brings. He barely is able to understand exactly what was going on at the moment, and shakes his head to wake him from the daze that he's getting, his eyes almost uncooperative as his vision blurs, and then tries to focus while the images set into place. He can hear Sam Wilson talking, but there's also the voice of Jas Herald, who's talking as well. He manages to grin, though is weak on his part, as Jas smiles while he manages to utter out, "Everything hurts. But I think that.. that I'll be alright." Then, he's being lifted by two forces, likely to be both girls, and he feels a bit embarrassed - well, he would be, if he was able to stand properly without them, which he wasn't able to do. He doesn't weigh all that much, as his lanky and awkward physique didn't really amount to much when put on a weighing scale. So he just makes sure that he could still hold up a bit of himself, so that his dead weight wouldn't be completely on either girl. Rowen thinks that he's failing with that, so he just holds on as best as he could while not trying to hold them down, moving as much as he could while he said little, so that his complaints wouldn't show through.

His mind lets a stray thought pass; there must've been utter disorder from the way that words were being thrown around and the situation probably wasn't good with the way that he was currently. His brain throws another one at him that should've been on his mind: How was Matt Bennett doing? Rowen is sure that he voices this out somehow, his mouth resilient as it was. He probably forgot to pay attention as the situation just threw things at him, like pain and voices and worry.

Rowen managed to catch sight of the aforementioned person that he had gone back in to try to save, who seemed to be almost fine as Evangeline Benavidez, the Super Secret Agent with Gun(s) that she was, seemed to have done something (well, it would seem that there was a member with a healing ability on their team, because Matt Bennett looked to be in tip-top shape, except, er, he didn't.) before she was running off out of the force field (would you look at that, Jas Herald probably put that up - how did he not notice until now?) to do.. do something. Matt Bennett looks pissed, and he almost wonders why until - shit, Matt Bennett did not have that little of muscle mass before. He comes to a belated and fully recognized realization that he must've done some of that 'cellular manipulation' before they got out of the building.

He swallows the saliva that had been building up in his mouth. His breath quickens just a bit and then he coughs, trying to find his voice after remaining quiet to keep his energy, before he looks back to Matt Bennett. He tries to bring together his words, but it spews out in his panic. "Oh my god - Matt Bennett, I am so sorry - I, probably emotional stress made me do this unknowingly but, I, uh. I'm so sorry. Please don't be too angry - " He pauses, freaking out in his panic. This reminds him of eighth grade all over again - except it was much worse this time. He hurries to try to explain, "It.. it doesn't last long, up to eighteen hours at the very most. But it could change back before then.." A pause as his face, having fallen already, is clearly showing his unsureness, adding on to how weak his words seemed now, because he knew that he wasn't going to be able to change the other back forcefully back now with what little energy Rowen had now, and he didn't even know the percentages and information that Matt Bennett had before of his appearance before Rowen's alteration mistake. He didn't practice on humans in his free time or in his training - he wasn't even sure how Matt Bennett would even feel once the eighteenth hour hit. He swallows again. This guy was going to kill him for sure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner
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0.00 INK

Evangeline came over to Matt. His sight was blurry and he wasn't sure if he could remain conscious for much longer. Beside him, Rowen didn't look in much better shape. But it was Matt who was healed, not Rowen. It was a strange sensation, like the pain was being drawn away from him. He gritted his teeth as his shoulder popped back into place. And then, just like that, the pain was gone and replaced with hunger and lethargy. However, things were beginning to kick off. Bullets were being fired around them and only Sam and Evangeline appeared to be armed. He heard Sam give the order to relocate to the hospital and got to his feet a little unsteadily. "I'm fine." He declared. Jas and Sam apeared to be struggling with Rowen, so he took him from them. A few things happened in very quick succession, and the only thing Matt's brain registered was Sam telling him to run and throwing him a gun. He shifted Rowen in his arms and managed to take Jas by the arm. He had noticed the concern on her face when they had collapsed out of the building, only momentarily, and she was unarmed. "Don't argue." He told her and he began to move away from the firefight.

Matt began to run as a bullet narrowly missed his ear. Rowen was beginning to stir in his arms. A brief flash of displeasure flashed across Matt's face, but it cleared as soon as Rowen spoke. "Oh my god - Matt Bennett, I am so sorry - I, probably emotional stress made me do this unknowingly but, I, uh. I'm so sorry. Please don't be too angry - It.. it doesn't last long, up to eighteen hours at the very most. But it could change back before then.." Matt didn't look down at him and just ducked as a nearby window exploded, continuing to sprint, guiding Jas as best he could. "Don't freak out. I'm fine, and you're going to be as well." He instructed, keeping his voice as even as he could. He was beginning to get out of breath and the lethargy from the healing was really beginning to kick in now. And he was hungry. Carrying Rowen really wasn't helping his hunger. Matt's brain had a habit of concentrating on the small things in times of stress, and at the moment, hunger appeared pretty important.

A doctor saw him sprinting towards the hospital and called for a trolley. It seemed like the logical thing to do, seeing as there was a teenage guy running for a hospital with another guy in his arms. Rowen was taken from Matt and wheeled into the hospital. A tiny nurse took Matt's arm firmly and led him towards a cubicle. "Let's get you checked out." She ordered. Matt didn't argue because, even though she was half his size, she didn't look like the type to mess with.

He sat down on the bed, feeling a little awkward. His clothes closely resembled rags, yet his skin was almost fully intact, except for the few cuts and grazes he had received on the way in. The nurse poked and prodded at him, before sending him for some sort of scan. He was put into a narrow tunnel where he was surrounded by whirring machines and strange noises. Matt nearly had a panic attack, but they finished before he started breaking stuff. He was brought back to his cubicle.

"Have you got any clothes?" The tiny nurse asked him. He shook his head. The hospital smell had just hit him and he was beginning to feel anxious. "What are you still doing in the city?" She asked him, crossing her arms. "I'm one of the people trying to defend it." He explained. She nodded. "Can I get you anything? I'm guessing your comrades will be along shortly." She said. Matt couldn't help but think, "If they're still alive." "Um, yeah, I'd love something to eat and somewhere to, um, have a nap." He asked, feeling awkward. The nurse cracked a smile and directed him to the canteen. There, he filled a plate with food and wolfed it down, before heading to a couch for a nap. He refused to sleep in a hospital bed. And the others would find him easier where he was, anyway.


Sam watched as Matt was healed. He scrambled to his feet and declared that he was fine. At the exact moment he got to his feet, the gunfire rapidly worsened. A voice appeared from thin air as Matt took Rowen from her and Jas. Sam very slowly knelt down and drew a gun from an ankle holder. She tossed it to him and yelled for him to run. He grabbed it and looped his arm around Jas's, bringing her with him. Sam suddenly realized she had no spare gun and swore silently. She then remembered that she had only been allowed keep the one gun following the incident at the FBI and had been lucky not to have that taken from her. That brought precious little comfort, however, as she returned gunfire. "What are we going to do about the patients in the hospital that haven't been evacuated, Sam?" She heard Evangeline say. Sam couldn't respond. To begin with, she was a little busy trying to lessen the gunfire. And to make things worse, she didn't know.

She watched as Evangeline climbed to the roof. Sam quickly evaluated the situation. "Okay. Um..." She racked her brains, trying to remember a name. "Lee! Lee, we need to get to the hospital. Follow me, fire at anything that doesn't appear friendly, and be careful! We're short enough on numbers as it is. Invisible guy, you do the same, but you go ahead of me. I have a habit of not trusting anything I can't see." She warned, keeping her voice low and speaking as fast as she could while making sure they could still understand her. "Evangeline! You know the drill! Mission fourteen, day two!" She called. They had developed a code for transmitting messages while they were working together. They used the missions they had been on and the days that were relevant to the order. It was a flawed code, but it was sufficent for getting basic messages across. Mission fourteen had involved posing undercover in different services. Day two had been working as paramedics. Well, Evangeline had been a paramedic. Sam had been working the computers back at base. But it would do to get the message across.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner
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0.00 INK

Jasmine Scarlett Herald

Jas was a little startled when Matt strode over to them and lifted Rowen's weight. And although she looked like she might refuse, she kept her mouth firmly shut and nodded just once at him. It was clear that the groups' healer had already seen to him, taking away his injuries. But Rowen still remained injured and she was just plotting the quickest way to the hospital, when a new voice entered the group. Whirling on her heal, she prepared to throw the person out of the force field range, but her eyes found no-one. And seeing as nobody else appeared to be in the slightest bit worried about the voice, she simply frowned. No-one could have gotten past the shield without first alerting her. Which meant they must have come within range before she cast it, which meant that she hadn't seen them. A grin pulled at her lips and she opened her mouth to address the new guy, who had to be one of them.

Then the gunfire started and chaos broke out. Despite the shield, Jas flinched slightly, her grin turning to a worried look, as she stared with wide eyes at their assailants. Jas had never seen combat before, this was all new to her. And it frightened her somewhat. Evangeline was already firing back in quick succession, then she had disappeared, no doubt to the roof. Sam threw a gun to Matt, who grabbed her arm and began tugging her towards the hospital. Without waiting to see what happened, she tore after Matt, but she loathed to leave the others behind. The group was already scattering. As a force they were practically unstoppable, but separately they were like fish in a barrel. And that's exactly what the enemy wanted. Resisting the urge to call back to Evangeline and Sam to join them, she trotted to keep up with Matt who carried Rowen.

The sudden influx in bullets caused her shield around them to falter, then fade. "Crap," She muttered, attempting to gather enough energy to cast out another. But the last one had consumed too much already. If she cast another her body would be drained completely. However, she did prevent a bullet destined for Matt's head, by pushing it with a little force. It whistled past his ear instead. Casting a backwards glance, she faltered for no more than one step as she looked for the others. Had they followed suit and run towards the hospital? That one step was enough to lose Matt, enough to be separated. Skidding to a stop, her eyes frantically roamed the street she stood on. Had she missed a turning? There were at least four he could have taken on this street alone. Biting her bottom lip, she dared not to call out for fear of bringing others down on her. Jas was unarmed. Cursing her bad luck, she turned slowly in a circle, listening for any sounds either of Matt or of pursuers. None sounds could be heard, apart from distant gunfire.

Reaching for her hood, she tugged it over her head. Better to look like a citizen than to draw attention. Now, she had to get to the hospital before anyone other than her team discovered her. It wasn't too far, she could find her way there alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline 'Bibi' Benavidez Character Portrait: Finn Oliver Character Portrait: Jasmine Scarlett Herald Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Lee Cotner
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0.00 INK


Finn was at a total loss. Mr. Least Hostile was not responding. At all. Despite all the yelling and poking and prodding and hand waving (Which proved to be unsuccessful because hey, he couldn't see it anyway), still nothing. Oh well. The guy's probably deaf. Finn shrugged and looked around. No sense asking the others, he thought. He'd probably get himself killed anyway. Force-field girl looked like she could take a bit of a fright without freaking out, but since she was the only one separating him and the rest of them from a steadily growing army of heavily-armed hostiles, he just couldn't risk that. And so, without further ado, he sat down on an upturned wastebasket and watched them. He could 'reveal' himself when everything was over. 'And a bit more peaceful, thanks.' He thought, and sighed.

He felt useless. He hadn't felt this useless since he was an infant, and, honestly, it was a bit damaging. His ego would never be the same. He watched as the lady (Previously referred to as the one who looked just about ready to kill an entire squad of super ninjas) approached one of the guys. He was clearly injured, and Finn wondered vaguely whether she was going to kill him too (Mercy killing, perhaps?), when instead, she knelt down and placed her hands on his injured shoulder. "Ah...healer..." Finn murmured, watching intently. And he was right. The lady's eyes glowed, and the bruised shoulder slowly began to heal. As did his other injuries. But, as Finn noted with much interest, the man's injuries temporarily inflicted themselves upon her as well. "Fascinating..." Oh, he was definitely going to see to that one. The boys at CERN would have a field day once they hear about what she could do.

The boy then turned his focus on Mr. Previously-Injured-But-Not-Anymore (He should seriously get their names soon. The nicknames were beginning to confuse him). He took the other injured guy from Force-field girl and this brunette (whose presence he hadn't exactly acknowledged until now). Judging by the relative ease with which he lifted the other boy, Finn guessed his ability was super strength. Cool. Just like Superman, he thought. He shifted slightly in his makeshift seat and turned towards the enemy. Yep. Still going strong. They didn't seem to be running out of bullets anytime soon. Come to think of it, he didn't really know the exact reason why they were being attacked. All he knew was that it involved Harlequin and one of the government labs. There's probably something really important in those labs. Things which Harlequin might like to steal. Things they were supposed to protect and...Oh wait. Of course that's the reason. Finn mentally slapped himself. Ugh. This entire debacle was seriously getting in the way of his reasoning.

He turned towards the enemy again and glanced at his watch, only to see a blank patch of skin where his watch should be. Oh right, he'd forgotten it in Geneva. He sighed, and looked towards the rest of the team. They've been at it for...a really long time now, and they looked absolutely exhausted. Some of them were even hurt. It was difficult to watch, but then again, watching was the only thing he could do at the moment. At least until they've all calmed down enough to handle him just appearing like that.

He sat back once more and looked up. The dome seemed to hold up pretty nicely against the onslaught of bullets. Kudos to Force-field girl. Finn was just admiring the dome when..."Oh crap." The dome began to falter around the edges, no doubt due to the force of the bullets, before fading away completely. Finn blanched. Without the dome, they were all completely exposed and even he, who couldn't be seen in the first place, was susceptible to being hit by a stray bullet and dying. He immediately stood up, careful not to tip over the wastebasket he'd been sitting on (so as not to alert multiple gun-toting henchmen to his location), and made a mad dash for a black SUV parked near one of the buildings. "Please don't hit me, please don't hit me..." He repeated through gritted teeth as he tried to avoid the incoming bullets. He managed to vault behind the SUV and crouched down low. One of the bullets managed to graze his left bicep, but it wasn't much. Just a flesh wound. It hurt, of course, but he was sure he could manage a little longer.

The gunfire didn't quite slow, but the others got away. Or at least he thought they did. He cautiously peered from behind the SUV to check and saw Force-field girl standing there, alone, in the middle of it all, without any visible weaponry. The others were nowhere in sight. Finn sat back against the SUV and frowned. He had to help her., but how? He looked back and saw that she had pulled her hood over her head, 'Probably trying to make herself seem inconspicuous. Clever girl...' He thought. He sat back and waited for her to walk past him before standing and catching her on the wrist. "Hello there. Just keep moving and please, try not to scream. I'm on your side here." He whispered in her ear. He really shouldn't be doing this, he thought, but if he couldn't physically shield her from the bullets, then he might as well hide her from it. He then wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes for a few moments. When he opened them, she was now completely invisible. At least to the naked eye. He, of course, could see her, and so could she, only a bit more translucent and a little faded around the edges, but still completely visible. "See? No one can see you. You're safe now, I suppose. Sorry for freaking you out. My name's Finn by the way."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Taylor Price
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Haas33
Taylor Price

Hero. That is what they called her. Personally, she viewed herself as more of a mutant freak. But that was just an opinion. Heck, she'll take hero over 'mistake' any day. It made her feel wanted. Like she had never been. Her father feared her, the government used her. The only boyfriend she had, found out and ditched her. She had never received much care or affection. Maybe that's why Taylor was a pretty rebellious, and often times, rude, person. She wasn't one to respect authority. When someone said shut up and listen, she would swear at them and pop out of there. So whenever the government calls upon her, and supposedly a merry band of misfit heroes, do you really expect her to be all for it?

No, of course not.

Taylor Price was tired of being used. However, knowing her, she would probably do something stupid, something rude, something irrational, but then something totally amazing, then pop out of there like nothing had ever happened. But she wouldn't be helping anybody. She worked alone.

Taylor sighed, brushing a strand of auburn hair out of her eyes, her arms crossed slightly. She stood atop a roof, wearing some simple clothes watching as gun men shoot at a group of people below. It was a pretty scrambled and exhausted group. Two were running towards a hospital, one she swore she just saw disappear, and two others were shooting back at the gunmen like it was no big deal. Some twins were sort of standing there aimlessly. Waaaaait? Those weren't twins. They were like exact copies. Probably another 'hero'. She frowned slightly, then teleported to the next roof over.

Teleporting was sort of strange. Ok, really strange. How could she do it? Well, Taylor had a part of the brain most human didn't have, or even if they did, they didn't know how to use it. Her cellular makeup was also altered. What she can do is completely break apart her own body, then resemble it in a different location. However, teleporting is a tricky business. One mistake, and she could leave something behind, forever lose one eye, or come out grotesquely misshapen. Teleporting more then one person requires effort, concentration, and energy. Three of the things she really lacks in.

The gun men were really annoying. Loud, obnoxious, and always spitting off rounds of bullets. She has known from past experiences that during a shoot out, she always had to stay on the move. She couldn't give people enough time to locate her, and shoot. Therefore, she would teleport from place to place, often behind them, kick them in the arse, then teleport again. It required good reflexes, and was fairly hard to do.

A flash of movement caught her eyes, the really tiny kid carrying a really hurt kid to the hospital. Mr. Hurt was looking bad, so she teleported closer, to get a better look. Teleporting had an odd sensation, a tingling, suffocating feel that often times left a ringing in your ears or a minor headache. But she was used to it. Guy-in-lot-of-pain was being wheeled in and Tiny followed after. She saw the room he was sitting in through a window, and she smiled a little. Time to do something stupid.

In less than a second, she was inside the hospital, sitting on the couch next to a very baffled person. "So is that guy going to be ok?" She asked, trying not to crack a smile.

Messing with people was so fun


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Taylor Price
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0.00 INK


He thinks that he's startled out of his sleep for a moment, and then the smell hits him with nostalgia: clean hospital air. Consciousness breathes into him from falling back to sleep, a stray thought of the possibility of him passing out at some point shows up but then leaves as he's distracted by the sudden new sensations that he's processing. He blinks rapidly the drowsiness that was mucking up his vision, and reaches to rub it out, stopping when he hears the shuffling his arm makes. Fingers getting the crust off his eyelashes first, he stares at tubes running into his arms, and when focusing harder, Rowen sees that it's an IV drip. Involuntarily, he shudders at the temperature that he feels from the room that he must have been placed in, a cool touch to his skin, and when shaking his head to get his concentration on hand, Rowen looks around. First, at himself - his legs are bandaged lightly and his arms as well and even more strangely, his hands too. His clothes have been swapped with a hospital gown, and looking around the room, the lack of windows in the walls and the lack of any company around him - he's alone.

His brain then throws him something wild; worried thoughts about where everyone was, if they were okay, where he was, how long was he out, what's the current situation and just, worrying - "Hey there, you awake now?" A new voice. He turns to see a male nurse in scrubs with cute doodles on it, likely to please children. He knows that he's not a child anymore, but the cartoon scribbles of Charlie Brown and Friends bring a small sense of comfort, if just a little. "You had glass in your legs, and some shards in your arms. Luckily for you, it didn't damage anything important."

"Where's.. my friend that brought me in?" He asks almost hesitantly, his mind winces, how long could it take for the transformation to reverse itself. He hopes that this time, that it's just a fluke so that it can change back more quickly than usual, because he's still apologetic about it. He's wondering why Matt Bennett didn't pulverize him yet, but he tells himself that Matt Bennett wouldn't be able to do that without his own muscle mass. Rowen wants to hit himself now; resisting the urge.

The nurse raises a brow, "He was handled by another nurse. You don't need to worry. In fact, I think you should worry more about yourself than him right now. What were you two still doing in the city anyway?" that right there was a stern amount of concern in that frown, Rowen thinks, and takes barely ten seconds to reply. "Well, we sort of.. voluntarily chose to stay back. Cause, er, we're here to see if we could.. stop the crazy guy," he turns to the surrounding walls, unsure of the time and place that it did offer this room, hoping to be able to illustrate his point properly as he swallows. "Out there." He looks back to the nurse, and there's probably a flash of confusion in the nurse's eyes, before he clears his throat, and just nods. "Well, you woke up much earlier than we'd expect, but the operation of getting the glass out was a success since they hadn't been lodged in too deep. It took all of the few remaining surgeons not that long, under an hour maybe. You've been sleeping for the most part." Rowen frowned. "For how long?"

"Maybe an hour and a half. We had to keep you on minimal supplies." At this sentence, the nurse slightly frowns, eyes focusing somewhere else. Rowen understands. He's out for around two, three hours - that could be bad if the others were taking their time getting to the hospital. More worry. "Would I be allowed to move around?" The nurse complements this for some moments, and then says, "I was here to give you a check up anyway. We've ought to find out, huh?" He moves Rowen's arms and legs, checks if there's any pain, any tingling, checks his vitals and rates, asks him professional questions and casual ones, like if he was hungry or if his guardian was going to worry since he was pretty young. He should be fine for now.

When the nurse turns away, Rowen's shuffling to get out of the bed, his feet touching the ground and he tries to stand; he feels pain shooting up, and then falls back shakily. "No, stop. Don't do that. There wasn't anything permanently crippling, but you need to allow them to heal. There's a wheelchair outside. Let me get it. Don't move." Obediently, Rowen listens, and is helped into it when the nurse comes back; he's slightly upset that he's been rendered dependent and incapable of moving on his own, but he was at least able to move the wheels himself despite the amount of effort that it was taking for him to move them. His arms weren't as stabbed with glass like his legs in the fall, but he doesn't feel very positive about it. Instead of focusing on that however, he just wants to be able to find the others if they've arrived yet, though he plans to find Matt Bennett first, as a logical sense.

The nurse allows him the freedom of his limited independence to go look for Matt Bennett, who was going to go check up on him later, and Rowen takes a while before he spots an open room where he can see Matt Bennett - as almost unfamiliar he appears (he's getting back some of that muscle mass, he thinks) - and a strange woman that he doesn't recognize. Based on her dress, she looked like she came from the outside, and they appeared to be having a conversation, but Rowen couldn't really tell. He frowns. "Hey, what's going on?"


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Character Portrait: Matt Bennett Character Portrait: Rowen Sivorn Character Portrait: Taylor Price
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#, as written by Haas33
Taylor Price

"Hey, what's going on?" The question draws Taylor's attention from the tiny kid, and she turns around to see a guy in a wheelchair. She recognizes the guy as the one who was pretty injured. Taylor wasn't quite sure what to do. She really didn't want to get involved, but how could she not? She could freaking teleport. Now was her time to actually do something with that. "Are you ok? You looked pretty torn up when you came in here." she replied. "I'm Taylor. I'm a bit of a late comer, I guess," she said. "What...." Taylor started, but she was interrupted by a loud explosion. Half the wall caved in, and fire was starting to envelope the building.

This was not good. Taylor frantically looked around for a way out. Crap. If the injured guy got injured anymore it would not be good. Why did they have to blow up every stupid building? Especially the hospital. It is sort of smart, if you were the bad guy. The flames were liking up around the walls. Taylor knew she could get out fine, but these two? One couldn't even walk. Taylor had an idea. Pretty stupid idea. But an idea. She sighed. Looks like she was going to help after all. "You," she said to the uninjured guy. "Get out wile you can. I've got him," She said. He started to protest but she just waved him off. "Just go."

Ok...breathe. You might just....loose half a leg or something. No big deal, right? She grabbed hold of the guy's wheelchair. No, she wouldn't be able to teleport the wheelchair too. "Ok, don't freak out, and I'm sorry if this hurts," she said. Carefully placing her arm under his back, she lifted him up,then closed her eyes, concentrating. Suddenly, everything was gone, and they were on the outside of the hospital, several yards back, under a tree.

Immediately, she took note of everything. The guy looked fine, or at least no worse than he did before. Taylor went to sit up, but her left arm was searing in pain. She looked down at it and it was as if a huge chunk of her skin just ripped off. You could see the muscle and veins pulsating underneath. "Ok, ew," she said, coughing up blood. She felt like crap and her other arm was the sam way, clearly a result of holding the guy when teleporting. "Oh, god...oh god..." her arms hurt like hell, and every time she went to sit up, she felt like she was going to vomit. It was a pretty stupid idea, but it worked. Looking over to the hospital, she could see it falling in crumbles. The kid. the other kid! Did he get out ok? "Where's the other guy?" she asked.