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Camp Kalthorne

Camp Kalthorne


a part of Camp Kalthorne, by Wolf's Bane109.


Wolf's Bane109 holds sovereignty over Camp Kalthorne, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

618 readers have been here.


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Camp Kalthorne is a part of Camp Kalthorne.

14 Characters Here

Bellamy Costa [4] Witch
Rion Dewmont [3] Fallen Angel
Raphael [2] Guardian
Britta Ander [2] elf
Imani Kendrick [2] Major WIP
Vatzja Lavere [2] the withering death [demon]
Kaizer Thorndril [1] Wandering Faery
Fiadh Lee [1] wip
Adam Waters [1] "I'm just looking for someone to fuck me harder than reality. A feat, I assure you, that will be impressive."
Dayanara Torres [1] She Wolf

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12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imani Kendrick Character Portrait: Spencer Romanov Character Portrait: Vatzja Lavere Character Portrait: Jovani Aquilar Character Portrait: Dayanara Torres Character Portrait: Rion Dewmont Character Portrait: Raphael Character Portrait: Bellamy Costa Character Portrait: Thomas Andica Character Portrait: Britta Ander Character Portrait: Kaizer Thorndril Character Portrait: Fiadh Lee
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Camp Kalthorne, a place that became a home and safe harbor for those that were deemed different or 'too dangerous' to be out in the mortal world by most for hundreds of years. As any and all that heard of the safe haven for the supernatural heard, it was a dream come true and for some it was too true. A place for others to come and be away from any and all society that would give them any issues or difficulty in their own journey of life. A place where it didn't matter where you came from or who you were, the only thing that mattered is who you became while you were there. Others saw it as what it was said, a place for them to be themselves, unashamed and no worry in the world, while others saw it as a place for rehabilitating those that were indeed too dangerous for the outside world. In reality, it was both. The camp grounds were ultimately what the campers made of it and how they saw things decided how it was for them in return. And so, the camp continued to live on for hundreds of years, seeing thousands of different supernatural beings come and go as their time at the camp came to an end, and for that wanted to stay could if they so desired. It was paradise with very limited rules, and the rules they did have were fair. As long as you attended the meetings and training courses separated throughout the day, you could do whatever else you wanted in your spare time, but learning to control your abilities were a must. And as long as you showed that you were actively trying to improve your control, you were well left alone and almost no trouble could be really caused on the grounds due to the magic-infused with the property. Or at least that what they made everyone believe, either as a safeguard, or something else entirely remained to be seen. But what they did know, was that it was a safe place, regardless of its questionable history.

Now, this year new and old campers return to the old camp in the woods, far away from any and all signs of society. The grounds were seemingly endless when one entered and seemed to go on forever, always have new places to explore and secrets to discover. A large majority of the North and West parts of the camp were covered by dense and thick forests. Even in broad daylight anyone would have difficulty seeing well enough if they weren't prepared. To the South and East, were rolling hills and empty fields along with the beach and lake that seemed to go on even further than the woods. Deep, sheer drop cliffs that hung over the edge of the camp's blue waters below were a sight to behold. Seeing the morning sun peer over the mountains in the far distance was a sight many would kill to see. Aside from the grand cave systems that ventured further into the camp's ancient history and areas of the location on which it sat, were the parts that were clearly constructed by people. But nothing was truly out of place or modern. Log cabins with a sense of rustic and homey nature, even the facilities of the camp were designed from another time, but didn't feel out of place. Coming to Kalthorne was like stepping back in time and was a breath of fresh air. Not to say that the camp wasn't functional or kept up with resources, where it mattered everything was up to date and functional. The only modern-day thing the camp lacked was an internet connection and technology aside from the intercom and facilities such as top of the market air conditioners, fridges and microwaves, washers and dryers, and their bathrooms weren't your typical camp bathrooms. They were fully functional and rather nice bathrooms with both showers and baths as options if one so desired. With full body mirrors, tile flooring, as well as having the option of one-way mirrors, where one could see outside but no one was able to see in. Might as well be able to enjoy the scenery while you're getting ready for the day, especially the in the female dormitory.

To say this camp was a paradise for the supernatural beings that existed in the world, was a bit of an understatement. There were next to no rules, and the rules that existed were very loose and not debilitating. Something that was refreshing for people that came to the camp as many others were more of a straight to the point and didn't let its residents enjoy themselves. This was a place of reform, but also a place they could try to live as normal of a life before they went back out into the world. The tradition was passed on for hundreds of years and only in recent years did it become fully accepting of anyone from any walk of life and identity. No questions were asked, aside from why you wanted to attend the camp. It was a relatively drama-free place that let its campers do as they wish, even as far as to allow drinking, mild drug use and even the encouragement of forming relationships and friendships amongst the others. Now, we find ourselves in the current year of 2020. New campers, as well as old, find themselves entering the camp rounds once more.

Which was a common sight were that once those that stepped on the camp's grounds, that they were given a human form if they so desired. So it wasn't uncommon to see beings such as druids and dyads being in a human form compared to their natural state. Or the satyr's and goblins, as well as ghouls and vampires and werewolves. No matter who found their way to the camp or why, all had one thing in common. A place of safety and solitude where they could find themselves to be free and learn to harness and possess their abilities and more...carnal side of nature. This year returning and new students alike have been at Kalthorne for a little over three weeks now. Whether they've tried murdering their cabin mates or perhaps made some rivals already within the short few weeks of being at the camp is anyone's guess. But one thing is for certain, some strange on-goings have already started to go around the camp in just a few short weeks since its big grand-reopening, and it has raised some cause for alarm among not only the staff, but also some of the returning campers.



Rion Dewmont
Fallen Angel | outfit : herex|xhex: #800000

The midsummer sun had began to make its way through the trees, piercings its golden glow through the campground. Birds and forest animals began to chirp and whir to life as everything seemed to settle down as the moon rose and would begin to come back to life as the sun took its place. Several of the campers would already have been awake and enjoying their early morning routines as they prepared for their schedule. Four classes a day, three meals that were to be had in the mess hall unless given a specific allowance, and whatever else anyone would want from the camp. Unlike some of the campers, some were still well asleep as the sun came in through their cabin windows, disrupting their slumber. Finally, a low and dull alarm would begin to sound throughout the camp as it was signaled for all to finally begin getting ready for their day, as breakfast would start soon as well as their first class of the day. A low grumble and turn sounded from one of the beds as one of the campers struggled with getting out of bed, which was a constant. It was only then as their eyes peeked through the blankets of their bed that reality hit them. The alarm for the camp as a whole had gone off, meaning one thing, they slept through their personal alarm once again. "Shit..." they muttered as they rolled out of their bed, their feet hitting the cold hardwood floor below. Soft foot patters echoed through the room as the individual shuffled throughout their room in search of clothes. They had made it a distinct point of locking their door in recent days as the two that shared this cabin, in particular, had a nasty habit of simply walking into a room without knocking which had lead to less than savory outcomes. After finally finding an outfit of simply just throwing things together they rushed into the bathroom and brushed their hair and simply gave it a messy bun and considered it good enough for now.

Rion ran to the other end of the hall, and after knocking on the door once threw a small pillow into the room at the sleeping form in the other bed as they called out, "Britta, we're late! They're gonna kill us if we don't leave soon!" the angel called out as they doubted Britta was already up and awake. They both of them had a nasty habit of sleeping in and missing their alarms, and this morning wasn't unlike the others. Normally they'd wake up to the sound of their own set alarm, but with the past few days having been nothing but constant training and work-outs, they were exhausted. After grabbing a few small things and stuffing them into their pockets they called out once more, "Brit! We really gotta go!" they called out once more as they waited for their cabin mate to hopefully come out soon and be ready to go. They knew full well that by the time they arrived at the mess hall that most of the others if not all would be there already. First impressions were not their strong suit, but being in a cabin with someone else that was bad with time management was one of them apparently. The past few weeks since Rion had first stepped foot on the camp were interesting to say the very least. They hadn't seen that many other supernatural forces in one play coinciding with the others. Sure there was some drama and some fighting every now and then, but with the faculty having ways of keeping the campers from killing each other, it wasn't as bad as most would think of hormonally charged young adults, supernatural ones at that.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rion Dewmont Character Portrait: Bellamy Costa Character Portrait: Britta Ander
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B r i t t a Ander
elf - outfit - #9c86a3
Britta had been having a wonderful dream, then she was hit in the head by a stray pillow. Rion had recently taken to throwing pillows into her room rather than walking in, and it had become more than a little annoying. She picked the pillow up and threw it back, but quickly stretched out afterwards. Not bothering to cover up, she got up and walked to her window. She opened it up and listened for a short moment before calling out, ”Do you hear that?” She was, of course, referring to the gentle chorus of wind chimes. They were actually rather beautiful, but sometimes as unbearable as the person who provided the wind.

”That annoying motherfucker would never be late. We’re fine.” She casually walked into the bathroom, combed her hair, brushed her teeth, added a coat of mascara, and considered for a moment what she might want to wear. ”What color should I wear today?” She yelled out, almost to no one in particular. She always picked her outfits carefully, and had been known to take a very long time to do so, on occasion. Still, she knew she didn’t have all the time in the world, so she settled on something simple (though she wasn’t happy about it), and began to dress.

She started down to the common area of the cabin, shirt in hand, just a moment after Rion had called out that they had to go. She pulled the shirt over her head and stared her roommate down for a brief moment, saying, ”Aren’t you ready?” As she opened the door to the cabin, stepping out into the light of the morning. She tucked in her shirt as she walked towards the dining hall, turning her face to the sun as she did so, not bothering to watch where she was going. When she was done adjusting her clothing, she pulled her hair back into a simple braid, then finally spoke up, addressing Rion, who she was sure was following, ”You gotta stop caring what other people think of you. Everyone at this camp is a Grade A motherfucker- I say that with love- and I guarantee you that only one of them cares what you think of him.”

Britta had a soft spot for Rion, whether it came from seeing them naked one too many times, or the close proximity they shared, she felt a closer friendship to them than most of the others at the camp. "And anyway, if they can't handle waiting- what, ten minutes for us? It's our fuckin' loss. Doesn't even effect any of them." She led them straight to the dining hall, hardly paying attention to wear she was walking, even though she wasn't wearing any shoes. When they got there, she opened the door and held it for Rion, gesturing with a wave of her hand for the angel to go in ahead of her. "I'm so sorry, everyone!" She called out, as she walked through the doors, "I made us late, and I know you all care deeply about my personal schedule." She turned to Rion, "See? That was silly to worry about."

B e l l a m y Costa
witch - outfit - #12694c
Bellamy, as usual, woke up before the sun. He liked to take his time in the mornings: wake up, solid fifteen minutes of breathing, drink a cup of coffee, leisurely get dressed, groom himself, and sit out of the porch until it was time to head for breakfast. If there was a breeze, he loved to sit and listen to the wind chimes; there was a tree full of them nearby. If there wasn’t much of a breeze, he’d provide his own wind. It was his favorite thing to do in the mornings, and he really didn’t care if it bothered anyone. It was the only thing he did that he didn’t care who might be bothered by it.

He also, occasionally, had to deal with Imani in the mornings, and sometimes he did decide not to leave his cabin until he was ready to go to breakfast (and then, never without Thomas. Sometimes he just couldn’t handle her without someone to help take her attention off of him), but today he decided to risk it. He was in a pretty good mood when he woke up; hardly feeling anxious at all, so he sat, gently- and quietly as he could- coaxing the chimes to life. When he heard the camp-wide alarm go off he knew he still had a few minutes, and he took them, wanting to be as calm as he could be. He didn’t need to be a panicking mess every day, though he tended to not be very calm at all by the end of the day.

After a few moments he stood, the chimes clattered together a final few times, their song coming to a slow and gradual end. He didn’t bother to check on Thomas before he left for breakfast (honestly, he was almost never fully sure if his roommate was in the cabin or not), he preferred to walk by himself, anyway. He wasn’t much for small talk, and the sooner he could get to the dining hall, the better.

He was normally one of the first people there (he’d timed it pretty well to not be the first, and also not be the last), and today was no exception. He’d go through the motions, like always: get his food, sit down, start eating, hope no one found it necessary to sit and talk with him. He was going to run out of things to say to people very soon, or at least things that were completely impersonal and comfortable to talk about, and the idea of that made him nervous.


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Rion Dewmont
Fallen Angel | outfit : herex|xhex: #800000

The sound of the pillow thudding against Britta had never ceased to cause a small chuckle form on their lips. But as they saw the same projectile being tossed back at them, Rion quickly ducked back out of the room and closed the door with a small yelp as the pillow hit the door. That was enough of a sign for them to know to not bother the elf until she was done, while Rion knew they probably shouldn't test their roommate's patience any longer than they should, it was always in good fun and Britta knew that. Or at least Rion hoped she did. They had sadly made the mistake in the past of just waltzing into her room to wake her up, and have learned the hard way of waking up a shameless elf that has the tendency to sleep naked. Don't. Just, don't do it. Unless you want to see your roommate naked, that is. While others wouldn't have an issue with it or would have even gone as far as to say they would wish they were in Rion'd shoes. Some even called Rion a prude or asked if they had a phobia of seeing others without clothing. They weren't, nor did they have any issues with it. They just liked giving others their privacy and respect that Rion felt they deserved. It was simply a way of showing they respected the individual, even if it was rather...Not entirely unpleasant on the eyes. Rion shook their head as they backed away from the door and walked into the living room of the cabin, awaiting Britta to finish getting ready so they could leave.

Rion craned their neck to the side as Britt's slightly muffled voice called out from down the hallway. Thankfully sound traveled rather well in the small building so they didn't have too hard of time understanding what she had asked. "Bell's wind chimes, right? They typically go off at this time." they called out in reply. Casting their own gaze out of the window, seeing the wind chimes in question. The other cabins weren't very far apart, giving enough view to see each other from anywhere in the cabin. The sun was already shining harshly through the stained glass as Rion squinted, stepping away from the sun as they aimlessly walked around in boredom as they continued waiting. Out of the two, Britta took the longest to get ready, and as much as Rion didn't fully understand it, they respected it. And couldn't complain as she always ended up looking nice in the end. So it wasn't entirely a waste of time. Rion chuckled as Britta commented on the wind witch's paranoia of being late, and how even if they were late, there was always one who made them look early in comparison. "You got a point there." they said somewhat in a trance as they kept their eyes down and away from the hallway. They knew their cabinmate's tendency to come out only half-dressed and weren't taking any more chances. "Uhhh, anything that doesn't make us any later than we already are? Besides, you look good in just about anything." they called back, the latter part of their sentence dipping as they probably shouldn't have said the last bit. But they exchanged enough flirts with each other on a daily basis to not completely shy away from it. But it was just too early to already start the day off with this exchange. Or so Rion thought anyway.

They were brought back to reality when Britta finally entered the common room, with shirt in hand. Of course, that was when they looked up, to only see her still half-dressed. After pinching the bridge of their nose for a moment they nodded, "Awaiting you, princess." they rattled off with a shake of their head as Rion followed the elf out of the cabin. The wooden door rattling on the hinges as the duo left and made their way to the dining hall. The sound of crunching gravel and stone sounded as the two walked in almost complete silence. Even at this early of the morning, the sunlight was abnormally bright, causing Rion to squint more than they probably should have, they'd need to remember to bring their sunglasses later. They watched silently as the female elf seemed with little to no issue fix her hair as they continued walking. Almost everything she did was to perfection, even with the mistakes that she did, Rion could see almost no wrong. Perhaps it was due to bias, or simply due to their not very well hidden infatuation, but it went without saying. Rion mused as Britta told them to stop worrying so much about what others thought, and that everyone there was a royal pain. Even with the addition of saying it was out of love, Rion found themselves chuckling, "Is that literally or metaphorically speaking?" they rattled off quickly before falling silent to listen to Britta once more. And it was true. Rion did worry about what others thought of them, a little more than they probably should have. They'd admit. But at least they weren't as bad as Bellamy, the camp's unofficial, official worry-wart.

Rion smiled as Britta reassured them that they'd be fine. And if anyone wanted to pester them about being a few minutes late, that they could essentially fuck off. For someone as unassuming as Britta was, she never shied away from how she really felt, and didn't shy away from the more unsavory array of words used. Something that Rion found rather charming about her. With a mix of being in their own mind, and listening to Britta, they hadn't realized just how far they had walked and that they were already at the dining hall. The only thing that snapped them out of their daze was almost walking right into Britta, which would have been a bit more awkward than intended. Rion gave a small smile and nod as the elf held the door open and gestured for them to enter. After Rion stepped into the building, they reached behind them, and over the Elf's head and kept the door propped open until Britta herself had entered the dining hall. After making sure Britta had fully walked in, their arm relaxed and the door lightly clattered as Britta spoke out. Always one for the theatrics, Rion just watched silently from the side as Britta apologized for them being late.

The former Angel was only able to shake their head out of second-hand embarrassment as everyone looked at them for a moment and then went back to talking or eating their food as they went about ignoring the two of them. And it was honestly for the better. While they weren't the most hated campers, they also weren't exactly the most liked amongst the others either. Rion's eyebrow raised as Britta told them that it wasn't worth worrying about and that everything was fine. "Well, I'm sorry that I like to make good first impressions. Even if I...Didn't give you the best first impression either..." Rion said as their voice dipped slightly as their mind went back to the first day they officially met. Shaking their head of that thought they continued, "Again, I'm sorry about that, Brit." the Angel said with a small huff and smile. Their eyes scanned the room as they looked for someplace to sit after they'd get their food. "Where do you want to sit today? Our usual spot, or do you want to sit with someone else?" they asked. There were the others that they usually sat with, like Tommy, Bellamy, and the others. And on the occasion that they both weren't in the mood to deal with anyone else but each other, they'd sit alone in the corner by themselves and just talk amongst themselves or even sit in silence. Which, wasn't as bad as one would expect. They made surprisingly good company for one another, even if they did annoy each other at times. All that mattered was that they weren't trying to kill each other like some of the others had.


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I ' m a V o o D o o C h i l d

Fucking Bears! Adam cursed to himself, and then outloud. "FUCKING BEARS!" His body strained with stress as he gripped the handlebars of his prized motorcycle in a white knuckle grip, the leather grips straining as his vice-like grip twisted them. The vehicle and mountain of a man atop it tore through the woods blindly and hopped a hill, wobbling and slowing slightly as it made its heavy impact. the trees behind Adam exploded outward with a bestial roar as the oversized, jet black bear charged on all fours. The massive beast managed to keep pace a few feet behind the vehicle's chugging exhaust pipe. Adam gave the machine all it could take, sawwing through the underbrush in attempt to shake the beast, before exploding through another cospe of trees and into sight of the camp he had heard so much about. Hollering at the top of his lungs, Adam bee-lined straight for the gates, showing no intention of breaking. "Somebody better fucking come help me with this bear right here!" Image

The beast, to its credit, had managed to close the tiny gap between itself and the back of the man's neck quite considerably. Adam could feel the hot, frothing breath of the predator on his neck. Panicking, Adam jerked his arm back to elbow the beast in the snout, causing a loud cracking. The bear howled and snarled, before taking a massive swipe and knocking Adam off of the speeding motorcycle. The giant biker sailed through the air and slammed into one of the gate posts with a hard thud - the gate creaked loudly, sporting a new dent - while the motorcycle kept its momentum, careening wildly into the center of camp. Adam stood and cursed before screaming loudly. "THAT WAS MY FUCKING BIKE YOGI, I WAS BEING NICE BY RUNNING!" and climbing to his feet. The bear charged, Adam met it head on, grabbing its claws in his hands and stopping the massive beast that could remove car doors with a swipe of its paw in its tracks. The two titans wrestled, attracting a crowd. Adam gritted his teeth and grunted, before addressing the crowd, gritting his teeth. "One of you limp dicks call a counciler or animal control or something, I don't want to hurt it!."

The beast snarled and snapped its jaws, its tons of muscle straining against the seemingly normal, if not rather large man, gnashing its jaws towards his face. Adam responded with a hard headbutt to calm it down, which worked for a few minutes, before it began to struggle in advancing forward, redoubling its efforts to maul him. "fuck this, I need to check on my bike." Adam solemnly lamented through a thick layer of rage, and gripped the bear by its wrists, planting his feet and suddenly whipping around, yanking the bear off of its hind legs and tossing it like a hammer toss back into the trees. He took a moment to dust himself off, before remembering his bike. With an "Oh Shit!" He suddenly charged over to the vehicle, picking it up with surprising ease and caressing it like a wounded loved one. He checked it carefully, wincing at the scuffs and scrapes to the fuel tank he had hand painted, before reaching into his saddle bags and taking out some cleaner to begin fixing it up. "Fuck life..."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imani Kendrick Character Portrait: Bellamy Costa Character Portrait: Adam Waters
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#, as written by mombie
i m a n i x k e n d r i c k

t h e x s i r e n
#496a71 || Outfit || the woods

Imani was facing difficulty with sleep these days. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something ached that wasn't entirely physical. Yet, it had effects on her that were physical indeed. She, too, had awakened when the morning was still fairly youthful, and that was only because her slumber has been plagued with unfamiliar thoughts and feelings.

She stood up, unclothed and unashamed of that fact, and looked at herself in a tall mirror. The siren canted her head from side to side, trying to figure out what this sickness she had acquired was. Fingers pinched at her own soft flesh, she looked here and there, but there were no physical signs of illness that she could see. If Daya were here and not out trying to get Jovani to come out of his cave before the staff wondered if he was dead, maybe she'd have some light to shed. Raphael always knew the answers but after her first nude incident with Bellamy, she had long since learned that there was something wrong with the naked body. Wrong to be out and about with it, that is.

The only thing that Imani knew was that she is no longer feeling like herself. Something has been missing for at least a week now. She had been feeling a sadness that was not akin to the sense of loneliness as she had in the past.

Then she heard the wind chimes, and normally the sound might make her smile. Not this morning, though. They just sounded... like something she didn't understand anymore.

A soft sigh rolled from Imani's lips as she turned away from looking at her miserable reflection. Off to her closet, she went, looking through some of the clothing that Britta had been kind enough to offer. They surprisingly flatter Imani in every way - from her warm golden skin to her eyes, she really enjoyed the attire that was picked for her. Wearing clothing took a bit of getting used to, but she was starting to enjoy putting a look together far more than running around butt-naked.

She slipped into something easy and comfortable. It didn't conceal her body entirely and allowed for a healthy showing of skin, but it wasn't nude. The color was soft and almost blended into the color of her skin - a light shade of peach. She didn't have a terribly thick womanly figure, rather she was slim and gentle. Maybe that's why Bellamy didn't like her at all. Human men tended to like busty women, and that was definitely not Imani. She was never that way.

As she got into her clothes, put in some earrings and placed a necklace of shells around her neck, she hummed softly. This tune began to carry itself, by accident, through the breeze and throughout the camp. It wasn't loud or menacing, it was simply that sometimes Imani forgets herself. Sadness seemed to induce this sort of thing, just as it would at sea. It was a calling, a lure - and when she finally noticed that she was doing it, she ceased her solemn song. There was no need to have everyone at Camp end up at her cabin.

She ended her dress-up session with a quick tousling of her hair, a failed attempt at a kind smile, and the shake of her head. Then she set out for the morning, leaving the confines of her homely space to brave the outside world in which she felt this strange sad feeling the strongest. She'd take the walk slow, careful to avoid Bellamy's cabin or anyone for that matter.

There was yelling, and this caught her attention rather quickly. What was that strange wheeled object that cut through the woods whilst being chased by a bear? Who was the man, or creature, that rode it? Most of all, who are these "Limp Dicks" he was referring to? She certainly wasn't a dick, much less a limp one.

Imani wasn't going to fight a bear for a stranger, either, so she let Adam take care of that without interference. Only afterward does she finally approach the man to observe the bike closely, hands laced at the small of her back and head tilted slightly. She had come up from behind him very quietly, and now she peeks practically over his shoulder without any real effort to give him his personal space. "What is that? Who are you? Why were you being chased by a bear? Are you lost? Is the bear dead?"

Unfortunately, Adam attracted the one person in the camp whose not-so-secret power was to cripple people with a bombardment of questions often asked all at once, and seemingly in one breath. None of them were to offer help, either.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vatzja Lavere Character Portrait: Rion Dewmont Character Portrait: Raphael Character Portrait: Bellamy Costa
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#, as written by mombie
v a t z j a x l a v e r e

t h e x d e m o n
#998487 || Outfit || Cafeteria

Vatzja's arrival at camp must have been some malicious divine intervention. Over the last few weeks, she had been perfectly okay with holing herself up any place other than in the public eye. She had been face to face with her demons, which was funny because she was the Demon and her metaphorical demons were two Angels. There was a place at Cammp that seemed to have been just for her - a lovely place towering with books, a couple of chairs, a fireplace, and silence. This is where she stowed away for more than 90% of the time, as she wanted to face neither Rion nor Raphael. She had been quite successful in keeping away. For one, she'd rip the throat out of Rion, which would, in turn, summon a horde of Angels down upon her. She loved the Earthly realm and had no real desire to leave it, which is partly why she was here.

Vatzja is an old spirit; a demoness that seemed to enjoy living a peaceful life among the humans that helped her feel freedom. More freedom than she has ever been able to feel for an eternity, it seemed. There was something quaint and curious about the Mortals, and she wasn't quite done exploring all of the corners that are still left untouched. Camp Kalthorne was supposed to be a break for her - time to figure out how to keep her human shell from rotting away like the corpse it actually is. Here the wilting of her soft pallid flesh slowed, and she didn't look as pale as usual.

She rolled out of bed, stepped into some clothing, and decided to skip the morning hustle and bustle from the other Campers. They were all useless to her, and she didn't like any of them at all.

Except for Bellamy. She might have a use for someone of his particular skill, but that would come later. At the very least, he was useful.

Raphael was an exception to her list of most hated. It was more like most feared. Even though their past had been nothing but loving and caring, she knew deep down that she had given him every reason to despise her. She despised herself for still being on her Maker's leash.

She slipped out of her cabin, a novel she had been slowly working on hugged to her chest. The way Vatzja walked was slow and calculated, the ground rotting at her feet as she stepped; plants blackening and dying like sickened footprints. However, here at Kalthorne, the magic was in the plants and earth sprouting back to life as she moved on. Almost like she was never there at all, and that was a little bit relieving. Even the Demon of pestilence and decay didn't want to watch the earth die at her feet. Literally.

For this morning, and this morning only - she found herself wandering toward the cafeteria. Not for food because she didn't really need to eat, but to find a little table off in the corner and delve into her book. Just as she sat down, she could feel their presence - the Angel, Rion. Anyone within the same space could almost feel the air thicken darkly before subsiding. She had to focus on reading, not on disemboweling anyone.

Not yet, at least. Everyone's time would come, but today was not the day. Luckily for them.

The Demoness parted the book, lifted it up, and decided that she'd not spend today thinking about certain things like killing people. That was just her inner monster reeling its ugly head. This morning is a good time to watch the early risers. Most of all, to watch Bellamy. She moved her head just slightly enough for an icy blue right eye to catch him in its sight. Just for a second.

Then she went back to minding her own business, but listening rather closely at the same time.