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Darla Moore

"I'm sorry. It's hard to show kindness to people who hate me."

0 · 1,042 views · located in Sacramento, CA

a character in “Camp Tolerance”, as played by eiraktten


{“I'm sorry. It's hard to show kindness to people who hate me.”}

ғace claιм ◈ Candice Accola ◆ porтrayed вy ◈ eirakitten

dιalogυe color#FD695Cтнoυgнт color#5CF0FD

Character Theme(s)
Who I Am || Jessica Andrews




ғυll naмe
Darla Jeanine Moore

DJ || Prefers
Dar || Hates

вιrтн daтe
May 13, 2000

16; Sixteen

ѕeхυal orιenтaтιon

relaтιonѕнιp ѕтaтυѕ
Currently Single

Upcoming Junior




Darla stands at a tall five foot and eight inches. This is a bit tall for a girl and she has been picked on about it for some time throughout the years but she just learned for ignore the comments. Darla loves her height and long legs and sees nothing wrong with it. Along with her height, she has very pale skin that will do nothing more than sunburn if she ever tries to get a tan. If she plans to be out in the sun any longer than an hour, sunblock is definitely needed unless she wants to look like a tomato. The only way the pale blonde will ever have a tan is if she got a spray tan, which she has never been all that fond of. To pair with her gorgeous blonde locks, she has an incredible shade of blue-gray for her eyes. To be a bit more understanding of the color, it looks a bit like the ocean blue.

Darla began wearing makeup at the young age of thirteen and ever since has worn it everyday unless she were sick or planning on lounging around the house. She never goes out in public without makeup, it just makes her feel as if she were naked. Now she isn't one of those girls who plasters countless layers of makeup to her face, but she does use bold colors at times such as bright pinks and reds for her lips, blues, pinks, purples, etc. for her eye shadow.

Darla does have her bellybutton pierced, with no recollection to what her parents had to say about it. Many times she has been told to take it out, but she insisted on keeping the piercing.



Darla is what one might call a social butterfly. She enjoys meeting new people, having long lasting conversations, and just enjoying her time with friends and family. She has been known to throw parties and invite everyone, no matter the clique they belong to. She converses with everyone and treats everyone with the same respect they give to her. She really is a very kind person but that's hard to show towards the ones who hate her or get on her bad side. Once that line is crossed, Darla turns into someone you should fear. There have been times when she has been as manipulative as the mean girls and boys and has been classified as such. But that's just not who the blonde is at heart.

Even though she is said to be social, there are times when she wants nothing more than time to herself. Around these times she will hide away in her room from the rest of the world and focus on herself. If anyone tries to pull her into the world when she would prefer to be alone, things might get a bit heavy.

Cappuccino Foxes Parties Hanging Out With Friends Meeting New People Anything Pink Plaid Swimming Romance Novels Horror Movies Supernatural The Big Bang Theory Gossip Girl Pretty Little Liars Kittens

Liars Being Told What To Do Being Judged Before Getting To Know Her Storms Peanuts (Allergic) Clowns Spinach Camping Bugs/Insects Not Getting At Least Eight Hours Of Sleep Every Night Disrespectful People Violence Card Games

Drinking A Cup Of Coffee Every Morning Trusting People Too Easily Never Stands Or Sits Still Hums To Herself When Bored Walks With Hands In Pockets Plays With Her Hair When Flirting

Swimming Going To Parties Reading Romance Novels Shopping Binging On Netflix

Knows her father murdered someone last Spring.
Lost her virginity to someone at a party she hosted two years ago but can't remember who it was.

Clowns Someone finding out she knows about her father and hasn't turned him in Heights/Falling Spiders Snakes



ғaмιly тree
Caroline Moore || Mother || Alive
Jason Moore || Father || Alive
Stephanie Moore || Sister || Alive

Darla grew up in a very strict home environment. Her parents wanted to know where she was, who she was with, and what she was doing every second of everyday. If there were no adults around, even if it were something as simple as walking around the park, she wasn't allowed to go. Of course as she grew into her teenage years, this caused her to begin to rebel a little and sneak around. Eventually her parents just gave up on trying to keep her home and allowed her to go out and do things she wanted to do. The only condition was for them to put a GPS tracker in her cell phone so they would always know where she was. Even though Darla was never too happy about this condition, she figured it was better than nothing and allowed it.

In school she was always known as one of the more popular girls in school because not only was she on the cheerleading squad, but she was also one of the best party hosts in the school. Darla would hosts bonfires, pool parties, etc. whenever she had the chance to do so. Darla is also quite social with everyone. She knows everyone's names, what clique they belong to, even some personal details about people that not everyone should know. Once she gets people drinking, there seems to be no filter with most people. But instead of telling everyone around school all the nasty details she learned about everyone, she decided to keep them to herself and only use them as blackmail if she ever needed to.

Of course throughout school, she wasn't the only one who has always been manipulative. If she were being honest, everyone in the school has done something horrible to another student without any guilt. But because of this, the entire tolerance camp idea was sprung up between the school board and the parents and she was chosen to be shipped off for the summer to this camp. Darla grew furious when she found out. She tried all she possibly could to get out of this situation, but there was nothing she could do about it. So instead of being nothing more than a grump, she packed her things and decided that things could always be worse.

So begins...

Darla Moore's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darla Moore Character Portrait: Sam Edwards Character Portrait: Lennox Caldwell Character Portrait: Sydney Blackman Character Portrait: Riley Richardson Character Portrait: J Carmichael
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color: #FD695C
Thought Color: #5CF0FD
Outfit: x

Darla couldn't believe she had to go to summer camp. The entire thought of it disgusted her. She was to be spending the summer in the woods, with bugs, most likely no cell reception, and she had to deal with all of her peers she hoped she wouldn't have to see until her junior year. With nothing more than a sigh and eye roll, she stepped out the front door of her home and into the yard with her bags. Four of them to be exact. Just because she was going to be living in the woods for the next three months, it didn't mean she wasn't going to look as fashionable as ever.

The bus came to a screeching halt before her and the doors opened. She glanced up at a grumpy man, his name just didn't manage to cross her mind. She didn't even bother to greet the driver as she climbed onto the bus, her bags in her hands. Just as she figured, she spotted Sydney and Riley sitting towards the back of the bus, just as grumpy about the situation as she happened to be. Darla sat in the back with them, but had to occupy an entire seat on her own for the same reason Sydney had to. They both needed four bags. For the duration of the bus ride, Darla sat there in silence, not so sure what to say to her best friends because she wasn't even all that happy about spending her summer at camp either.

Once the bus pulled into the campgrounds she let out a huff of irritation. She couldn't believe they were this deep into the woods and they were to be living in wooden cabins for three months. She rolled her eyes as she stepped off the bus and pushed her sunglasses into her hair like a headband before she looked around a bit more. This was definitely going to be an interesting summer. Though her attention was immediately drawn to a very attractive counselor. Maybe this summer could turn out fun after all, she thought as she then began to listen to Eric explaining the rules about the cabins. Once the counselor was finished speaking she turned towards Sydney, hoping that her best friend would want to room with her. There weren't any other females at the camp she would be able to stand living with for the duration of the summer. "Be my roomie?" she questioned towards the brunette. If there was one thing their peers would be picking on Sydney and herself about, it would definitely have to be the fact that they're in the middle of the woods. It was like seeing a fish having to live on land. They definitely weren't used to this and Darla knew she wouldn't get used to it.


Dialogue Color: #168AE4
Thought Color: #E47016
Outfit: x

Lennox found himself waking up at none other than J Carmichael's house. The two of them had been friends for a long time now and she offered him a place to stay whenever he needed it. Last night was one of those nights. He sighed as he peeled himself from the couch and groggily made his way towards the bathroom. He went through his morning routine before returning to the Carmichael's living room and began to fold the blankets he was given permission to use.

He glanced over towards the clock to find that there was only an hour left before the bus was to arrive. Lennox let out a sigh knowing that he most likely had to wake J. He climbed up the stairs towards her bedroom and opened the door, finding her sleeping. He chuckled a bit before walking over to her and sat down on the edge of the bed. He nudged her a bit, to try and get her to wake up. "J, wake up. Got an hour before the bus arrives," he stated and stood back to his feet once she woke up.

Lennox left her room and closed the door behind him before heading down to the kitchen to make himself and J some pancakes. He knew he needed something to eat before going on with the rest of his day and he figured J would want something too. He played music from his phone as he cooked breakfast. When he finished he fixed their plates and pulled the syrup from the refrigerator before drowning his pancakes in the syrup and dug in. In Lennox's opinion there was no other way to eat pancakes. If they were drowning in syrup, you weren't eating them right. It didn't take him very long to finish eating before he began to clean up the dishes, being sure to leave J's breakfast on the island counter.

Another half hour went by and he was standing outside in the driveway with J. He glanced over at the female and gave her a brief smile. "C'mon, cheer up a bit. Things could always be worse," he stated with a slight chuckle just as the bus pulled up before them and came to a stop. Lennox climbed onto the bus, finding Sam sitting on her own. He climbed into the seat next to her and set his only bag on his lap. "Good morning beautiful," he greeted before giving the female a kiss on the cheek.

The duration of the bus ride was filled with snarky comments made between his peers, complaints from others, and total silence on his part. He didn't want to spoil the mood he was in. Even though he wasn't exactly ecstatic about spending the summer with people he hated, he was glad that he had a definite place to stay for the summer and won't have to worry about making sure he had food for the next three months. The camp took care of all of that.

Upon arriving to the camp he climbed off the bus and took a look around as he removed his sunglasses. A counselor explained everything they needed to know about their cabins before scurrying off to his own business. With a sigh he began to look around for Tyrone. Once he spotted him Lennox returned his attention to the beautiful women in his life. "I'll see the two of you later. Gonna catch up with Ty," he said before darting towards his best friend. "Hey man, so you wanna room with me?" he questioned, hoping that he hadn't already made plans to room with someone else. Lennox was definitely not going to room with anyone else at this camp. He had no other guy friends than Tyrone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darla Moore Character Portrait: Jasmine Marks Character Portrait: Sam Edwards Character Portrait: Lennox Caldwell Character Portrait: Sydney Blackman Character Portrait: Tyrone Marks
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0.00 INK

Dialogue color: #D400ff

Jaz had been up for hours trying to decide what to wear for the first day of camp. "Jaz, if you don't hurry up we're going to miss the bus!" Ty called up from the base of the stairs. An aggravated sigh escaped Jaz's lips as she looked over her choices once more finally deciding to keep it simple with a cute white dress.
After she finished getting ready, Jaz did her best to juggle her two suitcases and one over stuffed duffle bag. It had been a very long process for her to get her baggage down to just this. As she walked out of her room, she nearly bumped into her father. "Oh, hi daddy." She said, her lashes fluttering as she smiled up at her father who returned the smile. "Hey sweetie." He replied, glancing down at her luggage, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "Ty! Come help your sister with her bags!" He called toward the stairs.
A few moments later, Ty came trudging up the stairs. He didn't say a word as he grabbed Jaz's bags and made his way back downstairs once more. "Try to have fun. It'll be over before you know it." Her father said, giving Jaz a pat on the shoulder. Jaz frowned, giving him her best puppy dog eyes. "Do I really have to go?" She asked, a slight whine in her voice, attempting one last time to get out of going to this thing. Her dad looked at her, the corners of his lips turning down as he hesitated. He really hated it when Jaz wasn't happy, but he really felt this would be a good experience for her. "I'm sorry sweetie, I'm not gonna change my mind on this. Now get going before you miss the bus." He said, before turning and walking off down the hallway to his office.
Jaz sighed, running a hand through her hair as she made her way down the stairs to the main entryway where Ty was waiting for her. Her mom was sitting in the kitchen finishing up her breakfast. "Bye momma." She said, rushing over to give her mom a kiss on the cheek as she heard the bus pull up outside and saw Ty awkwardly making his way out with her bags and his in tow. She barely heard her mom's goodbye as she rushed out the door behind Ty, not even trying to help him with the bags.
The bus ride was pretty uneventful as Jaz kept to herself, not really in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment. When the bus arrived at the campgrounds, Jaz got off the bus, Ty still carrying her bags for her. "Think you can get it from here?" Ty asked, setting her bags down at her feet as the camp counselor spoke about the cabin arrangements. "Yeah, I got it." She replied with a roll of her eyes as she grabbed her bags up off the ground and made her way toward the cabins. She found an empty cabin and slipped inside, setting her thing down on the bed before joining them with a flop. The only girl she was even kind of friends with was Darla and she'd seen her talking to Syndey, so Jaz assumed they would room together, she just hoped whoever her 'roomie' would be, would stay out of her way.

Dialogue color: #F9a41e

Ty had been up for a while, making sure he had everything he would need for the summer, not wanting to get to camp just to realize he'd forgotten something important. Once he was sure he had everything, he carried his bag downstairs and set it by the door so he was ready to go. His step mom was in the kitchen eating breakfast, but Ty knew better than to try to talk to her, the woman hadn't really spoken to him any more than necessary since he moved in with his father. He could understand if she was upset with his dad about what had happened, but Ty was innocent in the affair, he wished the woman would see that and stop treating him like an outcast.
He had planned on staying clear of Mrs. Marks completely until his stomach growled, insisting that he grab a bite to eat before the bus showed up. Glancing at the clock, he figured he would have enough time to eat. "Jaz, if you don't hurry up, we're going to miss the bus!" Ty called up to his sister before walking into the kitchen. Mrs. Marks looked up at him as he walked in, but didn't acknowledge him at all as she went back to enjoying her breakfast.
Ty walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a package of pop tarts, popping them in the toaster as he poured himself a glass of milk to go with it. Once the pop tarts were done, he sat down at the table with his step mom and started to eat. The woman still didn't acknowledge him, so the two ate in an awkward silence.
Ty had just finished his breakfast, when he heard his father call for him to help Jaz with her bags. He sighed quietly as he put his dishes in the sink. Only then did his step mom look up at him once more, her eyes scrunched up in a glare, and as he walked by he could have sworn he heard her mutter something about him being ungrateful, but Ty ignored it making his way up the stairs. He didn't say a word to his dad or his sister as he grabbed her bags and made his way back downstairs just as the bus was pulling up outside.
Doing his best to juggle all the bags, he quickly made his way outside without saying goodbye to either parental figure. He didn't really mind helping his sister with her bags, it just bothered him a little how entitled she acted not even offering a thank you as if he were her personal lackey.
When they reached the campsite, he got off the bus and set Jaz's bags down in front of her. "Think you can get it from here?" He asked, popping his back which was a little sore from lugging all the bags. "Yeah, I got it." Jaz replied, grabbing the bags and walking away. Ty shook his head, watching his sister walk away without so much as a 'thank you'.
Ty was quickly distracted though when Lenny came up to him, "Hey," He greeted his friend with a quick nod of his head. "Yeah, for sure." He replied, glad that he would be rooming with his friend and not someone who could make his life a living hell. He picked up his bag once more. "Lets find a free cabin." He said, making his way to do just that.