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Elizabeth Elmwood

0 · 524 views · located in Central Russia

a character in “Castle Vampira”, as played by Arabella13


Height:4 feet and 11 inches (yes she is quite small)
Weight: 95 lbs
Hair: Medium length blonde hair
Eyes: bright agua blue
Built: Petite and short, just around puny and small.
Appearance: Elizabeth is a very tiny girl and very petite as well. She has high cheek bones and a regular nose and stunningly bright blue eyes. She has a pale skin tone expect for her rosy cheeks and soft pink lips. Being that Elizabeth is so tiny, this makes her a rather weak and puny girl. She isn't the strongest either both mentally and physically, but she has a lot of energy and is always willing to fight someone or something off even if she doesn't stand a chance.



Like her appearance she isn't a big fighter physically so she has always done whatever anyone has told. She was the goody two shoes and got into trouble sometimes because of her appearance, making her easier prey for anyone to pick on. Elizabeth is a relatively quiet and shy girl, but if someone actually took the time to get to know her and befriend her she'd talk and try to have conversasions with them. She makes for a rather good pet for any vampire because of her natural personality of being the quiet "yes sir, yes ma'am" people pleaser her master would never really have to threaten her. Elizabeth's appearance describes her personality rather well, the innocent and naiive girl. She gets taken advantage of on a regular basis as a result of her overall demeanor to people.


She only carrys around a small pocket knife, usually only to cut things open or help her out with chores. She usually wears a small black pencil skirt or faded ripped skinny jeans and a white tank top with 3 inch heels or high top black converse.


Elizabeth was an orphan since she can remember but is okay with it now because if her parents were alive the vampires or other monsters might try and hurt them so she is thankful for it. But growing up in an orphanage is hard especially since she had a hard time making friends and was the misfit of every group she tried to join or be in/around. When she was 16 she moved out of the orphange and decided to try and find a job. She was an apprentice to a butcher somewhere in Russia. Once on a delivery to a client out in the country side far from any houses she got lost and managed to stubble upon Castle Vampira where she was made into a servant. But within her first week she managed to get herself into some major trouble and rounded up in having a punishment of staying with the werewolves in the dungeon for the day. She got torn up pretty bad but after that kept a low profile around the place and has tried everything to never get sent into the dungeion again and has succeeded in her goal of doing just that.

So begins...

Elizabeth Elmwood's Story


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Character Portrait: Kyros Svedna Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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Elizabeth wanted outside in the dark by border of the castle where the interior was grounded by the Werewolves. She didn't mind some of them but she also didn't want to get in their way. Unfortunately, for her the vampires were coming out to start their night shift and the werewolves were doing their last round of the territory. Elizabeth closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the tree relaxing before she would be summoned by a vampire to do something ridiculous or even have her blood drank. She sighed knew she'd have to go bak into the castle soon but she brought her knees to her chest hugging them there for a while.
Elizabeth heard some wolves coming her way but she wasn't going to move from her hiding place from the vampires, that was her territory and her quiet place. A few wolves growled at her and she whimpered softly and looked down not making herself to seem as much of a threat to their job. They roared and she shuddered but they were giving her a warning which she would not obey. Elizabeth heard a few vampires coming out of the castle but she decided to remain quiet and peek from behind the tree at the vampires and monsters roaming the grounds. She knew around this time the Master was coming out and she slowly got up and walked to the door to see if the vampires needed any help anyways.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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Elizabeth walked into the castle and was taken by a vampire into a sitting room and she knew what he wanted. She tilted her head to the side and he began to drink a bit of her blood before going off to his post outside. Elizabeth walked to her tiny room but passed a bedroom and peeked inside to see a vampire awakened by something and who seemed quite troubled. She could just make out a tiny mark on his cheek that glistened slightly in the light from the moon outside that poured into his room.
Elizabeth opened the door and asked softly as not to startle him, "Is something troubling you sir?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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As he was making his bed, a voice spoke thy wasn't his own. "Is something troubling you, sir?" It was a female's voice. Even so, Lucian jumped a little and turned slowly until he saw who it was. The newcomer was one of the maids in the house, a cute one about his age at that. Lucian blushed a little, mainly because he almost never talk to girls before. "I-I... Uhm... Just a nightmare." Lucian stuttered a response. "It's nothing to worry about." His tone of voice and his expression showed that there is something troubling him, only that thing is different. "If you needed to clean the room, I already done it...." He added in a rather quiet tone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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As the maid sat him down, Lucian's blush became more and more red. "Um... Thank you..." He muttered as she placed a washcloth on his forehead. He allowed himself to be sit down, and smiled back as she smiled at him. "What is your name, sir?" She asked.

"My name is Lucian..." He responded politely. The vampire stared into the maid's eyes that sparkled under the moonlight. Her smile made the dark setting brighter to him. Ugh... Stop it... Lucian mentally scolded himself. You're a vampire. You shouldn't fall for a human...

My life is already a disgrace to other vampires. There's nothing wrong with that
. Another voice in his head sounded.

Besides, you just met her.

She's willing to help me.

Because she's a maid and the servants here are afraid of the vampires.

Ignoring the arguing voices in his head, Lucian kept up with the conversation. "So, what's your name?" He asked, yawning a little. Again, the life among humans messed him up. Unlike other vampires, Lucian is more awake during the day than he is as night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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"It's a nice name you have... Elizabeth..." Lucian complimented, noticing the dried up blood. In all honesty, he still retains his vampiric needs. However, Lucian would not drink blood directly from the neck of a human. He'd rather not drink blood at all if he could.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was your nughtmare about sir?" Elizabeth asked. She sat down next to him, causing Lucian to blush even harder. "You don't have to explain if you don't want to, though."

"Oh..." Lucian thought about whether he should or he shouldn't. Then again, this is the first human to actually show care, even if it was out of fear. Screw it... I have to. I can't keep it to myself. Lucian thought. "My nightmare was about my childhood..." Lucian explained. "Unlike most vampires, I was born into a vampiric family that was killed in a vampire hunt. The thing is is that I actually was picked up by humans. I lived among your kind throughout most of my life, but I was bullied for my vampiric traits.."

There were tears in his eyes now. He leaned against her as he continued and let it all out for the first time. "They teased me... Called me a vampire, but they didn't know I was one... My family treated me like shit... When I finally ran away, I blindly ran into a forest where a group of vampires nearly took me for a human, but I bared my fangs. That's how I ended up in this castle!" His face was now buried into Elizabeth's arm. His shoulders shook while Lucian struggled to take breaths. His arms were around her waist, hugging her closely and pleading for her not to go. What turned out to be a revealing of his dream turned into a therapist session, at least for Lucian anyway. For every sentence he recounted, the respective memories flashed within his mind. Lucian is glad he is talking to a human. If a vampire heard this, Lucian would be destroyed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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The young vampire looked at Elizabeth, and listened to her. "B-but, my past... Who I was with... How I reacted... What in like now... I'm just worthless compared to other vam-" Elizabeth had made him look her in the eyes, and kissed him on the cheek. The kiss alone silenced his tongue, and caused him to blush even more. Of course, his blush grew to an indescribable shade of red when the maid cuddled against the vampire. No girl had ever even come inside Lucian's personal space before today, let alone kiss him on the cheek.

"I... Uh..." And there goes his stutterings again. "Th-thank you... For listening and comforting me.." Lucian whispered to Elizabeth. "I suggest that you go back to your room if you're supposed to, in case you might get in trouble... I might ask for you to be my 'pet.'"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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When Elizabeth asked if Lucian wanted a drink, his first reaction would be a no. However, he hasn't been drinking blood too often, and he nodded in reply. If he doesn't drink, it would be a human without water. He'll die after an amount of time. Lucian placed his fangs on the area where the most visible vein was. And he bit down on the wrist, making as least pain as possible. Lucian sucked the blood pouring out, only sucking in the drops that went out of the wound and savoring it's taste as much as he can.

When he was finished, Lucian let go, an wiped any blood near his mouth. "There.. At least you have an excuse to be in here." Lucian muttered, smiling a bit. "Now go. I'll go to your room later to 'drink some more blood.' I'm going to request for you to be my pet... It's the least I can do for what you did for me." Then he went out the room, looking both ways and walking around for Kyros.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Kyros Svedna Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood Character Portrait: Alexandriv Maskov
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It took Lucian but a few minutes to locate the throne room. After all, he HAS been a resident of this castle for at least a year now. The young vampire got to the doors quickly and went in, only to find Kyros still conversing with another vampire. So, he waited near the doorway, standing still until their conversation is done. After all, 85 would be rude of him to interupt a conversation, especially when one o the people talking is the lord of the castle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Kyros Svedna Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood Character Portrait: Alexandriv Maskov
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Elizabeth bowEd her head slightly as Alex the vampire walked by and looked at her. She peeked from where she was from behind the wall at master kyros and Lucian. She blushed when she saw Lucian and went back behind the wall near the doorway to the throne room. She sank slowly to the grounder back against the wall and sighed nervous shed get into trouble with the master somehow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Kyros Svedna Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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"Thank you for your help." Kyros said to Alex before he left. Kyros turned to the two in the doorway. It was a male vampire, Lucian was his name, and a human female. "Can I help you?" he asked, walking over to them. By the way he was clutching her, Kyros was certain the vampire would lay claim to her. Flicking a glance over her, he shifted his gaze back to Lucian and asked once more, "Can I help you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Kyros Svedna Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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Elizabeth looked up at the master kyros and by accident looked him in the eyes. She immediately took a step slightly behind Lucian worried shed upset ThE master. "Mr Lucian w-would like a word with you, s-sir." she said with her eyes closed and holding her wrist and Bowed her head to the master vampire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Kyros Svedna Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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Kyros accepted the physical apology of the female and turned back to the vampire, who stood silent and motionless. "Well? What is it you seek to speak with me about?" When the vampire still didn't answer, Kyros sighed. "Come on, then, I haven't all night. I have other important matters to attend to, so if this is a request for something only I can grant, then let's have it."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Kyros Svedna Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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Jesus... Lucian thought. For some reason I can't even speak to my own lord... He tried moving his mouth a few second before, but wasn't able to. Is he really that intimidating? Lucian added. "I... I would like to take Elizabeth in as my pet, my lord. Lucian finally answered, bowing down and looking at the floor. To him, every second felt like hours, slowly ticking with each tick echoing in his mind. Stop it Lucian... You're a vampire, aren't you? He scolded himself mentally as he awaited for his answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Kyros Svedna Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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Elizabeth awaited the lords answer and she left bad she couldn't do anything to help Lucian at that moment because she knew he was struggling pretty badly. She wanted to hold his hand or anything! But if she did the master would be furious. Shed just have to help him after wards. She felt like she was already failing her new master Lucian by not doing anything. Why did she have to be a puny human all the time. She sighed softly to herself and looked up at master kyros for his answer to Lucian


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Kyros Svedna Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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Kyros nodded. "Does anyone else in the castle lay personal claim to her? Will you also drink from her? Is she pregnant? If yes, is it a human fetus, a vampire/human hybrid, or a werewolf/human hybrid?" He recited. He didn't particularly care if vampires or werewolves had sex with the humans, or if the vampires had sex with the werewolves, as long as there was no rape in his castle. It was one of the few things humans had any say to.

A loud noise caught his attention. It was the werewolves, horse playing again. Just as he was about to shout for someone to quiet them down, the noise stopped. He turned back to Lucian. "Forgive me, could you repeat your answer?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Kyros Svedna Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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"Actually, I don't believe anyone else claimed her as theirs yet, and she isn't pregnant." Lucian answered. "Yes, I will drink from her." He added.

Suddenly, a loud noise came about, causing Kyros to ask for his answer again. Lucian sighed. "In the order of your question, my lord, it would be no, yes, and no. Nobody has claimed her as theirs, and I will drink from her. The human is not pregnant either." He bowed his head down again, awaiting Kyros's reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Kyros Svedna Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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"Your ownership is granted. From this day forth, you shall be in charge of this human to do with as you please. No others may touch her, no others may direct her except for me." Kyros nodded, and walked away, heading for his throne. He checked his watch. Vila was supposed to be here in five minutes. Kyros sat down on his throne, putting one leg on the right arm of it. He looked to the left, at the throne that sat next to him. It was supposed to belong to the Mistress of the castle, but Vila sat in it. Kyros had no Mistress.

A few years ago, he had thought about making Vila his Mistress. But she had made him angry about something, he couldn't remember what now, but he had forgotten all about his plan.

"Perhaps i should get her a gift." He mumbled to himself, as he often did. "Not jewelry or clothing, but perhaps something she might actually like." He mused. He checked his watch again, just as the vampires of the castle and some pets started to fill the throne room for the Masquerade Ball he had planned. You're late, Vila.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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Elizabeth Looked at Lucian and gave him a small curtsy. And offered him a tiny smile. She walked in from of him and looke up at him. "would you like to return to the bed chambers and have some blood quickly, master Lucian?" she held up her wrist slightly to hint at him. She smiled thinking at least now random vampires throughout the castle wouldn't try to mess with her anymore, that and she thought that at least she had a nice or decent master. "We may do whatever you'd like sir." she smiled softly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Lande Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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Lucian smiled as his ownership over Elizabeth was granted, and turned around to see Elizabeth asking him if he wanted to go back to his bed chambers. He nodded, and he placed his fanfs on her wrist, only to realize that hes still in the throne room. "Whoops... I should only do it in my be chamber."

The vampire pulled back and started to walk to there. "You know..." Lucian whispered to Elizabeth, in case anyone was sleeping (he is still getting used to the fact that most residents here are nocturnal). "I'll only drink from you once or twice a day. I may have my needs as a vampire, but I don't like drinking too much blood." He then entered the chamber. "Don't worry. I'll treat you nice." His smile showed again. "Your wrist, please?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Elmwood
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Elizabeth smiled and followed him To his bed chambers and turned to him. He asked for her wrist and she obeyed him and unwrapped her bandages. She held up her wrist for him and bit her lip looking away from her wrist and bracing herself for a tiny bit of pain. She was a bit hy again now being claimed by him but decided to push her feelings away for now and waited for him to begin his drinking.