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Rowan Anderson

"Nobody has the right to choose who you are going to be. That choice belongs to you."

0 · 1,165 views · located in Havengade Heights

a character in “Celestian”, as played by Felilla


"I prefer the company of roses and apple trees."

Full Name:
Rowan Alice Anderson
Nicknames and Aliases:
Ro and Rowa~ Nicknames given to her by family members.

Code Name:
The Botanist
Sexual Orientation:

Plant Manipulation`Rowan can create, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. She can cause plants to grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure and revive withered or dead plants.

She can use her power for defense and support by growing plants from the ground and make them sprout seeds/fruits/berries, or even to possibly use plant chemicals to heal people or objects or manipulate their properties for a wide range of effects.

The ability can also deal a series of offensive techniques on a target. Using the plants as weapons enables Rowan to grasp and strike continuously with vines and roots, project thorns at a distance, and quickly regenerate the withering weapons at the her will. She can make vines grow and climb around a target's neck, causing choking, or even strike with plants. A more subtle technique is to release damaging toxins and pheromones, affecting targets in which conditions should be treated quickly with ailments.

It is possible that with practice, Rowan may also be able to control plants in their altered forms, i.e. concentrated forms, such as cotton clothing/fabric, paper, etc.

Hair Color:
Light Brown
Eye Color:
5’8″ (1.73 m)
119 lbs (54 kg)

She one tattoo of a tree on her back.
Rowan has one scar from the middle of her back to just above her tailbone from falling out of tree as a child.
Whens she uses her powers, her eyes go from a normal green to a vibrant, unnatural green.

{Shy, Hardworking, Nurturing, Idealistic}
Rowan is a shy wallflower that doesn't really like too much interaction. She doesn't really think she's better than anyone, but her quiet exterior can make her appear that way. She usually steers clear of people completely if she can, but is able to put up with people if she has to. However, despite Rowan being extremely withdrawn from most other people, she is also very kind and caring, but she prefers to help in the shadows. Once people get to know her, they find her to be an idealistic person who dreams of a better world for everyone. Rowan is hardworking and never turns away from a challenge; she is normally one of the first people to complete a challenge. Despite being distanced, Rowan is nurturing and a natural born leader. She would never turn her back on those that need her and is able to come up with good solutions and advice for many people.
~Gardening>Rowan has a unique talent with plants, obviously.
~Reading>She likes it because its a quiet and singular task.
~Violin>Rowan is a skilled violinist, being called a prodigy more than once. Her grandmother believes this why she was accepted into Havengade Heights.
~Flowers>Since she has flowers in her hair more often than not, it is not unusual to find her idly twirling the stems.
~Biting>She will often biter her lip when she is nervous.
~Humming>She will hum quietly when thinking
  • Plants/Gardening
  • Insects (more specifically: butterflies, bees, and ladybugs)
  • Her cousin
  • Books
  • Sunlight
  • Daydreaming
  • Playing her violin

  • Bullies
  • Loud noises
  • Bananas
  • Conceitedness
  • Darkness
  • Crowds
  • Large Fire

~Playing the violin: Rowan is a prodigy violinist, something she takes great pride in
~Listening: Because of her quiet nature, Rowan is very good at listening to other people
~Fighting: Despite how she appears, Rowan is actually a very good fighter
~Gardening/Using her Power: She is a wonderful gardener, able to make the most barren wasteland into a beautiful paradise

~Social Interaction: Because she is naturally shy, Rowan does not do well with socializing
~Crowds: It is not unusual for Rowan to freak out when alone in a crowd with no one she knows; it normally leads to panic attacks
~Acrophobia: Rowan has an extreme fear of heights
~Cocky: Rowan can sometimes become a tad too confident in her abilities
~Needles: Rowan is terrified of needles

"My childhood? Hmm... Well, my parents died in a car crash when I was two, but I don't really remember them enough to say that their death was tragic. I was brought up by my grandmother in the country, she taught me everything I know- well, except for the whole 'powers' thing. Heh... Right, sorry...
Anyways... I lived with my grandmother and went to school like a normal person. I was a part of the Gardening Club and I guess I was a bit of a wallflower. My only real friend was my cousin Isaac. We had always been outcasts, but we stuck together. He doesn't have powers like me though. Gosh, calling them powers makes it sound like I'm some sort of superhero, doesn't it? Back to my story... The best way to put my childhood was a bit lonely... In high school, Isaac started getting more friends and I would stay in background. We were still close- almost like brother and sister- but it was like we were drifting apart.

Then, all of this happens and here I am now. My grandmother is happy I was accepted her. I guess I'm happy there's others like me, but at the same time, I still feel different... Sorry, I'm rambling..."

Face Claim:
Shailene Woodley

So begins...

Rowan Anderson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho
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#, as written by Felilla

Rowan clasped the pamphlet in her hand tightly as she looked up at the gates of the large school. Havengade Heights, the most prestigious school in the country, and quite possibly the world. She knew very little about the school itself. Little whisperings here and there, a few quick news reports. The school acted on its own, not claimed by any one country. That made it more versatile to the world, able to teach things that some countries would frown upon and not following anyone one standard. Maybe that was what made it so well-off.

It was a bit hard for Rowan to believe that along with being accepted into the school, she was also accepted into the exclusive Celestian program. She had seen members of the program on TV, being welcomed by the world leaders to dine or attend parties with them. The Celestians were considered royalty to the world, the leaders of tomorrow. The pure pressure f something like that weighted down Rowan's chest. So, for a few minutes, she simply stared up at the school.

After the shock started to wear out, she pushed the button on the speaker next to the gate. "Name?" a crackly voice questioned over the speaker.

"Rowan Anderson..." she answered quietly.

There was a beep and the gates swung open. Rowan stared at it before stepping onto the school grounds. The gates slammed closed behind her and she jumped before moving forward. The Headmistress (Rowan recognized her from the picture in the pamphlet) smiled at her. "Welcome to Havengade Heights. I hope you enjoy your stay. Now, the others should be here soon if you don't mind waiting."

Rowan shook her head, turning to the plants decorating the porch instead. As her fingers ran over the leaves and flowers, the grew fuller and bloomed more as if trying to impress her. She smiled as they whispered to each other. Maybe this place would be nice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho
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Alyss sat on the ledge of one of the schools high towers, she sat there legs dangling over the edge swinging her feet and coloring inside the children's coloring book in her lap. She wore a plain white shirt with an army jacket that was two sizes too big, and a long skirt with a colorful tribal print which billowed in the wind revealing that it was torn and tattered on the end. The girl hummed as she colored everything but the animals within the pages and looked up when she saw tiny movement far below and smiled. She had been there for hours without going inside and instead waiting for someone else to come and now that they had finally come she was ready to make her entrance.

Alyss stood up taking in a deep breath dropping the coloring book and letting it fall down to a small grassy court yard below, before following after it she stepped off the ledge plummeting downward allowing herself to fall only stopping herself a few feet before the ground. Alyss smiled and took off toward the front room, the school was a maze and she tried her hardest not to be seen by people before she got to the front room, kind of like a game and she was winning. When she had made it to the front room the dot she had seen from her vantage point had now turned into a person, when she saw this she became giddy with excitement and flew straight up to the stranger.

"Hi who are you, what's your name? Where do you come from? Do you have any friends? Will you be my friend? Too late, I've already decided it we're going to be good friends. You smell really nice." Not having had any contact with people in over a year this was the first time that she had talked to a person other than herself and she was quite nervous but at the same time over joyed that maybe there was someone like her, someone who understood her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason
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“The most prestigious school in America, eh? Sure looks like it…” Tigress grumbled to herself as she surveyed the immense building on front of her. The hood over her head and headphone cord dangling by her neck made her look like some teenage delinquent preparing to vandalize the beautiful piece of property.

Her bright blue eyes scanned the large, expensive looking gate. “You’d think that they would open the gate…” Instead of searching for someway to unlock it, she was sizing it up, estimating its height. It looked to be only about fifteen feet tall, maybe less. Probably one of the best and worst things about being on her own was the fact that she had no parents to tell her what to do. Perhaps if they had been there with her, they would’ve noticed the speaker by the gate.

Tigress smirked her white, toothy smile. “I can clear that easy.” Thank goodness she only had a backpack with her. She walked backwards a few steps, just enough so that she could get a nice running start. After she had moved back a sizable distance, Tigress rolled her shoulders, staring down the gate.

With a sharp intake of breath, Tigress was off. Her feet pounded against the earth as she sprinted forwards, her arms swinging with every stride to build up more speed. Once she was about as far away that the gate is high, she planted both of her feet on the ground, bent her knees, and leapt forwards and upwards. For a few short moments, she was flying. Her tail immediately moved out from under her shirt and helped angle her body so she wouldn’t land on her face. Her hood also fell to her shoulders so her round-tipped extra set of ears were exposed.

This was one of the times she would’ve liked to go back in time and try what she had done again. At first, Tigress thought she was going to land rather smoothly. Her feet were to first things to hit the ground, but she had forgotten to account for the forward momentum. So she tuck-and-rolled, curling up, and did indeed roll. A few times. But from the roll she immediately leapt to her feet in an attempt to recover the little bit of dignity she had.

A light shade of pink settled on her cheeks as she stood and dusted herself off. “Smooth…” She grumbled to herself. Her tail swished and swayed back and forth behind her. Her fuzzy ears perked on her head, swiveling in the direction of sounds. The voice in her head rang out..
You are not alone.

Tigress’ body stiffened into alertness. She glanced around her, her nose twitching. “This is a school for people like me… I’m sure everything is fine.” She did her best to relax as she gazed upon the two other girls in the area.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Thomas Brody
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Tom stood, for several minutes, looking through the metal gate, up at the school. It was fancy, it looked too fancy for someone like him and so he had come to the conclusion that it operated like Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, a school for people with unearthly abilities. The letter he had received did it's job in ensuring him that.

He stood for several more seconds, eyeing people in the courtyard, before noticing the buzzer at the side of the gate. He pushed his messenger bag to his side, and pressed the button. An annoying voice was heard through the speaker. "Name?" It questioned.

Tom frowned at the box, whoever was on the other side of the microphone needed to relax, they sounded way too serious.

"Please? Manners don't cost a thing. I'm Tom." The gate remained closed. "Uh--Thomas Brody?" The buzzer made a beeping sound before the gates swung open slowly, pleased with himself, Tom sauntered into the courtyard.

Walking forward he noticed not many other people, a girl stood over near the porch playing with the flowers, a girl talking to her; Tom presumed they were friends, and the girl closest to him... she had a tail--and cat ears.

"They're dropping us straight into it then..." He quietly told himself. On the outside Tom seemed fine, if not tired. On the inside he was near meltdown, all his life he had believed he was alone, the only human being with an unnatural ability, today he was proved wrong.

"Welcome to Havengade Heights." Tom jumped as a woman welcomed him, he hadn't seen her approach. "If you would kindly wait here with your classmates, the rest shall arrive soon." She gave a warm smile and carried on walking. He eyed her as she walked off, shoulders back and chin up.

Tom pushed his hand through his hair with a sigh and sat on a waist high wall. He wasn't sure what to make of this place yet, other than all of this was way out of his comfort zone. He pulled his phone from his pocket and focused on notifications in an attempt to block his surroundings out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Thomas Brody
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It was a peaceful day at the school as the new students filed in. Quiet. Almost serene...

This calm was a horrible, horrible thing, which absolutely had to go. Kevin felt obligated to correct this sin in the only way he knew how. Revving the engine of his silver 1967 Ford GT500(V8 watercooled stick-shift), he used his powers of metal manipulation to open the gates on his own and tear into the main courtyard blasting AC/DC's Shoot to Thrill, all while standing on the roof of the car and playing along on his Stratocaster, keeping the car going by holding down the metal behind the pedal and steering in the same manner. As the song finished up, he jumped off the GT500 with a flourish and spread his arms wide in a grand display.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE GRAND MASTER OF CEREMONIES KEVIN STIHL HAS RETURNED!" he proclaimed, his voice echoing in the now silent-due-to-shock-at-the-absurdity courtyard. With a grin on his face and a kiss blown to the Headmistress(also making a mental note of the new Greenthumb), he placed the guitar in the back of his car, then moved the entire thing over to a more suitable parking spot ten feet over. "So," he said more to himself than anything afterwards, "WHAT, perchance, could be new this ye-"

The reason behind the miracle that is shutting up Kevin was him seeing the catgirl that had just finished up what looked to be an impromptu gymnastics routine. Now, see, Kevin had one major problem with any form of catgirl that didn't exceed 15% cat, this major problem being that his author had a specific fetish for them which, naturally, ended up leaving Kevin stuck with it as well. And yes, Kevin took every opportunity he could to curse the man for that. Without missing a beat, he walked over to the girl and took out an extra set of guitar strings from his pocket, the metals quickly melding into a ball and reforming as a rose, which he held out to her.

"Pardon me for asking, but are you new here? I ask because I think I'd remember a face that beautiful." he said gently, his eyebrow crooked up just so, and his eyes twinkling just enough that he didn't look like he was using his powers to do so. "If you'd like, I could give you a tour of the school, maybe even grab you something to eat?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho Character Portrait: Thomas Brody
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#, as written by chrian.


Andy sat quietly as the couch moving slowly towards the Havengade Heights. Right now, he didn't seem to believe where he was going either. He opened the letter and read it once again, just to confirm like a hundred times for now. It's so hard to believe isn't it? A moment ago, Andy was just an Asian gay study at a normal university with a normal job like any other Americans would, and now, he's on his way to the most prestigious school in the whole States, probably the whole world.

After a few hours of travelling, he finally got to his destination. Andy got off at a station and then walking to school by his own. It wasn't very far though. When he got there, he saw a fancy school with so many facilities. Well yeah, every students in this country have the same dream: to have to privilege to study here. Though this school is very mysterious. But at least Andy knows that he'd meet people who are also like him here.

Standing before Andy and the school's grounds is a huge metallic gate. Suddenly, some sparks tingling between his fingers. But before he could thought of something mischivious, a voice from the speaker from the wall next to the gate asked, "Name?"

Andy frowned, whoever speak must be some old, big, bad teacher if they speak in a serious tone like that. "They might be the richest school around here, but that didn't mean they can treat people like they wanted?", Andy thought.

"Andy Cho", he answered. After that, there was a beep and then the gate slowly opened. Andy then makes his way into the courtyard. A woman wearing an office suit and glasses came towards and greeted him, "Welcome to Havengade Heights. Please stand over there with your soon-to-be companions to wait, the rest should be here soon."

"My pleasure", Andy smiled and bowed to her before went to the group who were standing there. There were a boy with wearing glasses focusing with his phone, and another boy flirting with the a girl while the girls are talking with each others. "Hi. I guess you guys are also the "gifted" who was summoned here then? Nice to meet you", Andy said and gave them a heart-warming smile. "It seems that most of everyone are already here now"
, he thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho
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"Harley hit me" her brother yelled in the jeep. Harley always sat in the front, but today she used her black converse as an extended arm to smack her well deserving brother in the arm.
"No I didn't you snot nosed twirp" she countered, looking in the back seat. Her Father let out a simple huff, turning the music up in the car.
"Yes she did. Dad she's lying. She hit me in the arm, see Daddy" Erick whined, pushing his "red" arm forward. Her Father finally had enough.
"Harley stop abusing your brother" he commanded in a gruff tone.
"He called me mental" Harley said with her eyebrows furrowed.
"Well you are mental"
"You aren't helping Father" she commented with annoyance. "Glad to know you think so highly of me" she frowned, resting her now throbbing head against the window. All the things she needed were in her large bag. She told her father to drop her off at the gates, and barely she waved goodbye. In school she worked her ass off to get to Havengade Heights, and he had the nerve to call her mental? Bullshit.

At the gates she pushed the black button.
"Name" a monotone voice seemed to say.
"Harley Jean Beretta" she sighed, taking some pills from her pocket and swallowing them quickly. She was sure to others she looked like a junkie at times if they were to see how often she took the pills. It wasn't her fault she got quick headaches. The gates opened and an older woman approached her. She looked somewhat familiar, like she had seen her before.
"Welcome to Havengade Heights. The others are within the gates waiting. Feel free to get acquainted, you are the last arrival" the woman said with a warm smile.
"Uh sweet, thanks" Harley said awkwardly before quickly sauntering past the large gates. Already she was getting the vibes of others. Finding a spot on the grass that was shaded by a tiny tree she sat down, observing the others quietly. One of the girls had a damn tail. She knew this was going to be an interesting school.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho
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#, as written by Felilla

""Hi who are you, what's your name? Where do you come from? Do you have any friends? Will you be my friend? Too late, I've already decided it we're going to be good friends. You smell really nice."

Rowan stepped back a bit as she was hit with many questions from a fairly random girl. She was shy, immensely so, and her grandmother accounted it as her biggest flaw. She shifted the violin case from one hand to the other nervously. "I-I'm Rowan," she said with a flustered blush. She hated it when she stuttered. "I'm from Colorado... No, I don't have many friends... Thank you?"

She slowly lifted her eyes to look at the other girl when she finally saw the people that had joined them. A girl with a tail and cat ears, a kind of cute brown-haired guy-Rowan's blush deepened at that thought-, a guy flirting with the cat-eared girl, an Asian kid, and a girl that had separated herself from the group. "Okay, looks as if we're all here," the Headmistress said. "Now, as you know. You are all very gifted individuals, which is why you have been selected for the Celestian program as well. First, we will get your uniforms outfitted, you may were your street clothes until they are tailored. Boys dorms are on the west side of the school," she pointed in that direction before pointing opposite of it. "Girls dorms are in that direction. Each dorm building has a common room as well as it's own small library. Celestian members only room with Celestian members. You must be in your dorm building by nine on the weekdays and ten on the weekends. Lights out is not until midnight everyday. On the weekends, you are allowed to leave school premises, but you must be in the gates by nine thirty. Each member of the Celestian program has an allowance of two hundred dollars a week. This can be increased by taking on-campus jobs.

"You are expected to follow all of these rules, or you will be expelled from Havengade. Now, the Celestian program will be explained more in depth next week when you have your first meeting. Any questions so far?"

"Who will are roommates be?" Rowan asked quietly.

"Good question," the headmistress nodded her head. "I'll read the list now. Assigned to Room 16 in the girls' dorms: Rowan Anderson and Alyss Thomason. Room 18 in the girls' dorms: Anastasya Volkov and Harley Berretta. Room 41 in the boys' dorms: Thomas Brody and Kevin Stihl. Andy Cho, you are currently unassigned to a room. No room exchanges. Any other questions?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho
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Tigress did her best not to attract attention, though she found that rather difficult to do considering she had a tail with a mind of its own squirming behind her. As people began to show up, she found herself trying harder to keep a safe distance, more for their protection opposed to her own. As some strange person crashed loudly through the gates, Tigress practically jumped out of her skin. The loud roar of the car’s engine made her flinch, and her ears flatten to her head. She curled up her lips, her eyes flashing momentarily with anger.

The driver’s loud proclamation of entry made Tigress grimace, his bellowing voice echoed through her head.

"WHAT, perchance, could be new this ye-"

As their gazes lock, Tigress muttered “Oh no..”

He approached her, despite the fact that the shock and distaste she was feeling was obvious by her facial expression. Tigress would admit that she found his powers interesting…

"Pardon me for asking, but are you new here? I ask because I think I'd remember a face that beautiful." Tigress raised her eyebrow as she glanced at the metal rose. "If you'd like, I could give you a tour of the school, maybe even grab you something to eat?"

Tigress blinked slowly, as if she was trying to comprehend the situation. Despite her confusion, she reached out and took the rose silently, staring at the metal object. She held it up, as if inspecting its craftsmanship.

He seems powerful. He would create strong children.

Not helping.

A scowl on her face, Tigress returned her sharp glare to the man before her. With a quick flash of her claws, her rose was cut in half, both pieces falling to the ground. “Thanks for the offer, but why ask a question and then assume the answer?” She tilted her head to the side ever so slightly, her ears twitching. She crossed her arms. “Yes, I am new. But, I am not interested in a wanna-be-Romeo-womanizer.”

And with that, Tigress turned and listened to the announcements made by the Headmistress. "... Room 18 in the girls' dorms: Anastasya Volkov and Harley Berretta..."

I hate that name… I wonder if I could get it changed to Tigress… And Harley? I’m not one to judge, but it is intriguing…


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho
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Tom was absent mindedly scrolling past useless status updates from people he didn't care for, he certainly didn't need to know about how their dog just learned to roll over for treats. All of a sudden the peace was ruined by the roar of an engine, a classic looking car came bellowing through the open gate and around the lot.

Right about then is where Tom would have usually sunk his head back down, ignoring the loud newcomer, but instead his mouth dropped when he noticed the man stood on top of the vehicle, his arms in the air. "Wow--you're a jackass." Tom scowled under his breath, he didn't quite agree with the show-off kind of attitude.

Looking around Tom noted the appearance of more students, one was an Asian guy, who bowed to the woman who welcomed him, Tom presumed she worked here, and a girl, who broke off from the group to sit on the grass.

Looking back down, Tom scrolled past more mind-numbingly boring updates from people he once knew. He brought his head back up when the woman of authority started explaining the rules to the group. "...Any questions?"

"Who will our room-mates be?" Tom turned to look at the girl with the question, and he recognised her as the girl that was admiring the flowers before. Tom turned back to the woman and listened for his name.

"...Room 41 in the boys' dorms: Thomas Brody and Kevin Stihl..." He looked over to Kevin, who seemed to be chatting up the girl with the tail, rather unsuccessfully.

"Great..." Tom dropped his attention back to his phone, as far as he was aware, the conversation had concluded, all of his questions had been answered. Picking up his bag from the wall as he pocketed his phone, Tom threw up the peace sign with his index and middle finger, and began walking to his dorm. He wasn't one to stick around to socialise.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho
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As the students started to enter she began to sink to the ground till her bare feet lay flat on the cool cobblestone, in the past she had known people to be very afraid of her unnatural abilities. This confused her at first because she assumed everyone could do things like she could, when it turned out she was right her hopes were high and she was eager to meet the people who shared her uniqueness. But for the sake of the possible comfort of others she would stay on the ground.... for now.

In all honesty Alyss was there purely out of curiosity once she had learned all that she wanted she would probably get bored of it in a week and pull a disappearing act. As each of her fellow students arrived she studied them intently a huge smile on her face while still yammering on to her new found friend. Finally when the head mistress began speaking she scoffed at almost everything that she said, Uniforms? yeah right. Curfew? no thanks. Sleeping in a room? not a chance. All of these things conflicted with what Alyss was used to so far, she slept outside and fell asleep whenever and where ever she wanted and wore whatever clothes presented themselves to her, this did not include stuffy uniforms. Next thing she knew they were going to tell that she couldn't fly anywhere she went, the last thing she was going to do was walk around like some common person, pppfffttt.

"...Assigned to Room 16 in the girls' dorms: Rowan Anderson and Alyss Thomason." Alyss grabbed Rowan's arm shaking it back and forth, her smile and eyes were wild with excitement as she gave a high pitched squeal, "we're gonna be roommates!' As if the girl hadn't heard the answer to her own question. Alyss gripped the leather strap to the messenger bag that hung across over her shoulder. It was the only thing she carried wherever she went that held the few things she needed and held dear. "Should we go now?!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho
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Harley rolled her eyes at all the rules. Did they expect her to follow that? Harley wasn't a rebellious person. Normally she followed rules. But it sounded like they wanted to chain her down, something she couldn't handle. One did not simply chain Harley no. Her heart seemed to stop at the mentions of uniforms. She had to wear a preppy school girl outfit? Hell to the no. If they made her wear that, she would have some issues. No corsets, no tight pants, no kick ass jewelry? She didn't know if she could stand it.

Harley fiddled with the multiple rings on her fingers. She had one on each finger as normal.
"... Room 18 in the girls' dorms: Anastasya Volkov and Harley Berretta..." the woman said, making Harley groan more internally. Now she had a cat as a roommate. Lovely. The pills she took earlier were beginning to kick in thankfully. She had a feeling she would need to take a lot of them to deal with this preppy school.

Looking to the direction of the female dorms she stood up from her spot on the grass, a boy walking past with a peace sign held up as he left.

Walking over to the girl named Anastasya she waved. A metal rose was fallen on the ground, and a boy in front of her.
"No means to break up whatever is going on, but I just thought I should say hello, seeing I'm your roommate" she said with a small smile, awkwardly looking around. Being telepathic Harley could read the minds of others, as well as project her own voice into theirs. She had also found that she could overload the minds of people. A trick she used on her Dad on a few occasions.

The only tell-tale sign to know when Harley was using her abilities was the slight change of eye color. From a crystal blue to a light lilac her eyes would turn. Often she wore sunglasses when out and about to conceal her eyes due to the random readings she would do.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho
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Before anyone could make another move something happened, a peculiar gust of wind blew through the collection of people passing each person in turn first Thomas then Anastasya, Andy and so on. When the dust settled one extra body stood hands cupped standing proud in the center of the group with a smirk on his face looking around expectantly. "Ah, everyone this is Ryan Evans he will be with part of the Celestian Program and rooming with Mr. Cho. He arrived a month ago and is currently late to the first meeting," the woman gave him a look and he averted he glance by looking at the ground his smile dropping for a split instance before picking it back up again and looking at Harley as he gave a soft, "hi," his eyes were practically shinning as he opened up his cupped hands to release a small yellow butterfly which dwindled on his scared fingertips before taking flight up into the air. Ry wasn't watching its progress as it fluttered in the sky instead he was watching Harley's face so much so that he didn't see the butterfly make its way onto his head and climb through his messy hair.

This lasted only a few seconds before the boy seem to disappear in a gust of wind only to reappear standing on the outside of the group the butterfly lay in a crumbled heap where he had once stood. "You can refer to me as Ry, yes like the bread, I practically know the ins and outs of this building don't disturb me do not talk to me and most of all," here Ry gave a smile and a wink, "don't even entertain the delusion that we're going to become best buddies, because believe me when I say I don't know any of you and I already hate you." Ry held up a thumbs up with a big smile before turning his thumb down and making a mock pouty face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho
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#, as written by chrian.


It seems that everybody was too busy with their own business, so they didn't seem to gave much interaction with each other much. Andy sighed, "This is going to be a pain." He went to stood with the group until the woman who greeted him earlier came towards them and began to inducing about their upcoming days at this school and where they're going to stay.

"Okay, looks as if we're all here," the woman said. "Now, as you know. You are all very gifted individuals, which is why you have been selected for the Celestian program as well. First, we will get your uniforms outfitted, you may were your street clothes until they are tailored. Boys dorms are on the west side of the school," she pointed in that direction before pointing opposite of it. "Girls dorms are in that direction. Each dorm building has a common room as well as it's own small library. Celestian members only room with Celestian members. You must be in your dorm building by nine on the weekdays and ten on the weekends. Lights out is not until midnight everyday. On the weekends, you are allowed to leave school premises, but you must be in the gates by nine thirty. Each member of the Celestian program has an allowance of two hundred dollars a week. This can be increased by taking on-campus jobs."

Then when the girl asked about their teammates, the woman explained to them, but to Andy's part, "...Andy Cho, you are currently unassigned to a room. No room exchanges. Any other questions?"

"Wait a minute", Andy raised his arm and asked, "if I'm unassigned, then where do I suppose to stay?"

"Oh I forgot. You'll be staying at Room 19 all by yourself until another student arrive", she stated.

"Thanks", he smiled to her and said. "Well, staying all by myself wasn't going to be that bad, I guess", he thought.

But just as they started to move to their rooms, suddenly a gust of wind from nowhere blew through them, makes Andy shivered a bit and a boy appeared. The woman then introduced him as Ryan Evans, so Ry, as he called himself. It seems that Andy have found his roommate in the most unexpected moment.

The boy's entrance somehow made Andy irritated a bit earlier. But now, his attitudes totally pissed Andy off. "Seriously? I have to put up with this jerk from now?! What the hell is going on with this damn school? Does anyone around here have any manners at all?!", Andy thought as he grinded his teeth in anger as electrical sparks began to appeared from his skin. But he decided that it wouldn't be a good thing to do to storm off in the first day, so he calmed himself down and took a deep breath.

"Okay. If there aren't going to be any more surprises, I'm off. See you guys later", Andy stepped forward , turned his back and said to the group with a smile before taking his luggage with him to his room. He walked through his soon-to-be roommate with disdain. "This is going to be hell", he sighed, "but if that guy dare to touch just a finger on me, he has put his finger into an electric socket."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Ry Evans
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Tom simply nodded at Kevin, he acknowledged and appreciated the offer of unlocking the door for him if he needed it, Kevin having the ability to manipulate metal, but the concept of an unreachable area didn't exist to Tom, the teleporter.

"I can-" He was cut off by another voice, Tom turned to look at the newcomer to the room.

"This is cute no I mean it this is really cute this little thing you got going on here, no, no don't mind me please continue with your... whatever this. Sausage fest slash make out session, anyway I just wanted to check out the new meat or in this kids case old meat." Tom didn't recognise him from the courtyard and assumed from his unlikable tone and attitude that he'd been here longer than others. "It's been lovely to meet you ladies but I must be off now on to bigger and better things. Oh, also one more thing is whatever you do, stay away from the Madam Pencilskirt trust me. Consider this the only help I'm giving you." This soul quickly brought Tom to the conclusion that this school was filled with pompous assholes that think they know everything.

As he took off again the room was stricken with silence. Tom just eyed the door that was now open. Looking at Kevin Tom realised he didn't seem like the happiest guy in the world, guesses were he didn't like being told what's up.

It wasn't even a minute or two before Kevin got to his feet and cleared the door, the scuffling of feet was heard and he burst back through the door, pulling the same guy by the metal in his clothes. He threw him against the wall and tightened what looked like guitar strings around his throat.

"There are few things I do not tolerate, newbie--" Tom didn't wait to hear any more of what he had to say and quite literally vanished from the room in what would look like a fraction of a second, no noise, no flashy explosions of colour or visuals, no outward force, he just silently and instantly vanished.

In an unmeasurable amount of time he appeared right in the middle of the group of new students that were still waiting in the courtyard, and addressed nobody in particular, rather loudly in the hopes that staff would still be lingering, "There are people already killing each other. Like already." Tom had very few noticeable personality traits, and violent was definitely not one of them. The second anything stressful made itself apparent, that was Tom's cue to leave. "Can we get a clean-up in isle my dorm-room?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho
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0.00 INK

Harley smiled slightly when her roommate said her name. She nodded simply in response.
“My name is Anastasya, but you can call me Tigress. Shall we walk to our room together?” the feline girl said, looking towards the female dorms. Again, Harley nodded her head, but on accident, instead of responding to the girl aloud - she ended up speaking to her telepathically. 'Sounds like a plan' was what she had projected. At the realization of what she accidentally did, she quickly apologized, verbally this time.
"Sorry about that" she said awkwardly.
A gust of wind hit the group before another male showed up on campus. She raised a brow at the speedy entrance. He said his piece before leaving, just as quick as he came. This was for sure going to be an interesting school.

She began walking in the direction of the female dorms. While walking she heard the sound of one of the guys that had previously left to the male dorms, saying something witty about his violent roommates or something. She was curious to see who the trouble maker was. As she walked away with her new feline roommate, she decided to spark up a conversation. She had a blatant idea of who the verdict was, but nothing was for certain, especially now. Linking minds with the guy she believed was named Thomas, she asked a question telepathically. 'Was the trouble maker the metal head?'

Her gaze went over to the girl who seemed to be a cat...or some sort of feline.
"If you don't mind me asking, what animal are you exactly?" she asked. Harley was full of questions for everyone. She wondered how the cat like girl would react to water and such. They arrived at the dorm, and Harley quickly made her way through the room that was supposed to theirs.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Ry Evans Character Portrait: Thomas Brody
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0.00 INK


Alyss looked up at the sudden appearance of the boy in the courtyard, the only ones left there was herself and Rowan, everyone else had gone to their dorms and now he had appeared as if from thin air. It made Alyss practically jump, when she heard what he had to say she raised her eyebrows and went up to him, "where?" she asked more than a little excited. This was the first exciting thing she had seen in a long while and she wasn't about to miss it. She looked down noticing that her feet weren't touching the ground she had glided over to him instead of walking and she hadn't even realized it until just now.
There was no use in hiding it now it was bound to come out eventually and beside supposedly she was among friends, people like her. However if that were the truth they wouldn't be trying to kill each other, these people were definitely much different from the interactions that she had in the past. Alyss felt that she was really going to like this place, "Take me there."


Ry felt himself being pulled something he didn't much like the feeling of it and attempted in vain to flee, when he found himself in the room that he had been in moments ago "Oh hey fellows, so nice to see you agai-.." was all he got out before something painful was wrapped around his neck he tried to grab at it, to pull it away but his wrists were locked as well. Ry listened to the guys speech but only half the other half of his attention was on getting free, he didn't much like not being able to move around freely, and now that he was immobile he was desperate to get free.
After the monologue was finished Ry finally replied through gritted teeth, "you're bluffing." and immediately regretted it for the tight band around his neck grew only tighter closing off his air way and keeping him from talking any further but he wasn't about to give in so quickly. He slowly yanked one arm free enough to grab hold of the cord around his neck enough to loosen it up so that he could breathe once more.
So this is what I get for helping, he thought, next time I'll just let them find out for themselves.
He tried to look over to wear the other kid was, he looked a bit saner but he was nowhere in site. Great.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason Character Portrait: Andy Cho
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0.00 INK


Tom didn't have to wait a second before a girl came literally hovering over to him. "Where? Take me there." She seemed excited about the revelation that super-powered humans were fighting, using said all-powerful abilities.

It wasn't a few seconds more after that he heard a voice in his head, questioning him about the participants of the fight. He silently answered what he presumed was a telepath back, with a thought. "Yeah, it's him--wait--are you in my thoughts?" Tom shook of the voice in his head and grabbed the girl who had hovered towards him and instantly appeared in the dorm room where Kevin had the guy held up against the wall, straight away Tom could see that the guy was choking and grasping for air.

In one swift movement Tom let go of the girl and grabbed the kid being held by the metal in his clothes and teleported him with himself back out into the courtyard. All the metal he was being held by would simply have vanished from his clothing and would still be being held by Kevin.

"I already fucking quit, we're literally the most dangerous things on this planet as of right now. Whoever runs this op decided it's an okay idea to drop emotional and hormonal as fuck, superhuman and super-powered teenagers in one small confined space all at once. I've literally already had enough." He shouted his words so as many people as possible could hear. "I don't particularly find this situation very appealing, I've been here maybe an hour and I nearly witness a murder, great program you've got here, really amazing stuff."

Not wanting to waste any more time Tom teleported straight out of sight of whoever may have been watching and the silence came back to whoever may have been listening. He gave the school the one chance it needed and it messed up within the hour. Tom may not have been happy with the result but it was better to find out the true nature of the school early rather than late, that nature being the staff do nothing while the kids show off and use their powers on each other and unrestricted.

Tom appeared in his bedroom back at home, and laid on the bed. He'd go back for his stuff another day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Rowan Anderson Character Portrait: Aiden Dyre Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Alyss Thomason
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0.00 INK


"And don't forget to be polite," Aiden's mom said for maybe the dozenth time on that excruciatingly long car ride. "We don't want to hear you've been ignoring your teachers."

Aiden groaned, wishing for also the dozenth time (and counting) that his parents had flaunted the wealth a little by getting one of those limos with a jacuzzi in the back. Outside. Where he couldn't hear this. "C'mon, I know my grades aren't great, but it's not like I just-"

"Fall asleep in class, snark at your teachers, ignore your homework until the last possible moment and generally completely waste the time spent in school?" His mom finished, shooting him a disapproving look. "We're not TV parents, Aiden. We know what you get up to. The only reason you pass your classes at all is because you're actually smart enough to scrape a grade with barely any study."

Her son grinned broadly. "Exactly!" He exclaimed. "I don't need to study a lot, so I'm clear."

Miriam Ashland-Dyre sighed, rolling her eyes. "Aiden, this is serious. This is probably the best boarding school in the country, and the only one that can teach you to control..." she trailed off uncertainly, still uncomfortable around the subject.

"My super-awesome power of the storm?" Aiden supplied, still grinning. "Chillax, they wouldn't go to all this trouble and not check my record, right? They know what to expect." The car, an expensive-looking Italian model in bright, sporty red, pulled into the driveway of the school. Aiden hadn't even noticed them getting closer. Probably all the trees blocking his view.

Turning the ignition off, his mother turned around to look at him fully, eyes full of concern. "You can't just act like it doesn't matter. The time you spend here could determine your whole future-" Aiden winced. There was that word. "-and just because you got away with it at Eastside High doesn't mean they'll let you off as easy here."

The teenager sighed, pushing down his irritation at the subject coming up yet again. "Look, if it makes you feel better, I promise I'll try and pay attention this time. Who knows? Maybe the teachers won't be complete windbags."

"And if they are?"

"I'll... Also try?"

It was Miriam's turn to sigh again. "I guess it will have to do. I don't really have anymore room to try and convince you. But please, put some real effort into this, for your own sake."

Aiden nodded, uncomfortable with the serious moment. "Yeah... I will." He wasn't sure if he was being honest, and especially wasn't sure if that would be better or worse. He unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned forward to give his mother a kiss on the cheek. "Love you," he said, smiling. "See you when the holidays roll around."

With a final exchange of goodbyes he finally left the car, pulling along with him a backpack and duffel bag. He looked up at the impressive, wrought-iron gates - unlocked, he noted after a moment's testing - and drew back a step. Making sure his mom's car was well out of sight, he lifted up a foot and kicked the gates right in the middle, preceeded by a rush of wind that threw them wide open. "Congratulations!" He yelled to all those assembled, striding in. "I have arrived to take the school by..." And just then he noticed that the front yard was absolutely deserted. "...storm."

Aiden slumped, seeming to deflate - not that anyone was around to notice. "Oh, come on," he said loudly, to God or Buddha or Spongebob or whoever might be listening. "Entrance like that and there's no one around? What do you call that?" Grumbling further under his breath he strode onto the campus and looked around for the boys' dorm. This might have been easier if he knew where it was or what it looked like. He did vaguely recall there being a map on the brochure, but he also recalled using it for lightning bolt target practice.

Chuckling fondly at the memory, he entered a building at random, noting with hope that it looked pretty dorm-like and completely missing the sign that denoted it as the girls' dorm. "Hello?" He called out, looking around. "Anyone here? Awesome has entered the building! No need to be shy, I am a humble god." Aiden was a firm believer in good first impressions.