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Havengade Heights


a part of Celestian, by Felilla.


Felilla holds sovereignty over Havengade Heights, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,427 readers have been here.


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Havengade Heights is a part of Celestian.

9 Characters Here

Kevin Stihl [41] I like my powers like I like my music. METAL AS HELL.
Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov [39] "Yes, I am indeed the cat's meow."
Harley Jean Berretta [32] "You're giving me a major headache"
Thomas Brody [31] "One second I'm here, next second I'm-"
Alyss Thomason [23] "Take a closer look or the next thing you know I'll be gone."
Aiden Dyre [21] Thunder, lightning, wind and Aiden!
Andy Cho [20] "So what do you think? A little electric shock won't kill you..."
Rowan Anderson [19] "Nobody has the right to choose who you are going to be. That choice belongs to you."
Ry Evans [16] "Trust me you're going to want to watch closely, I'm not going to do this twice."

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4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Aiden Dyre Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta Character Portrait: Kevin Stihl
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Tigress stood there, rather frantically rubbing and tugging on her ears in an attempt to get them working again. They were still ringing rather painfully, which she knew there was little to nothing she could do about. After the boy in front of her seemed to scare Kevin off, he turned to her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "You alright? That looked pretty bad.”

Tigress’ breathing was still heavy from the shock. She grabbed onto his arm, as if he was her anchor to the world. Ultimately, her super hearing was crippled at the moment, leaving her with normal human hearing. It was so much less powerful than her regular hearing, so it was taking her a while to adjust. She knew that her strong hearing would come back after a few minutes, but the shocking difference was too much to bare. Her grip on his forearm was so hard her knuckles were turning white.

After a moment of tight squeezing, Tigress realized if she held his arm any tighter she would probably break it. She let go and took a quick step back, her chest heaving with every breath. “I-I c-can’t
” She stammered.

Tigress’ head whipped around as Harley walked towards them. “What a show.”

“H-Harley!” She cried, her voice seeming much more childlike than before. Tigress leapt forward, wrapping her arms around one of the raven-haired girl's, hugging it against her body. She shook slightly, letting out soft, pitiful whimpers. “I-I can’t hear right
 My head hurts
” She whined, nuzzling her head against Harley’s shoulder. She felt much more comfortable doing this to her new friend, opposed to the boy she had just met a few minutes ago.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Aiden Dyre Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta
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Aiden did his level best to pretend he didn't notice how the girl was squeezing his arm hard enough to bruise it. He smiled softly as if he didn't feel like his hand was about to fall off. Well, he tried, and anyway she wasn't looking at his face so if he screwed it up she probably couldn't tell. Either way, he made sure to be comforting until she felt well enough to let go. Which should be any moment now. Aaaany moment now. Any... moment... now... Please?

Finally the moment came and she stepped back, a wave of relief signalling that she had let go of his probably-bruised arm. Luckily he was wearing long sleeves. Careful not to let his feelings show, Aiden smiled at her and was just about to say something when he was interrupted by a familiar voice. "What a show."

Both Aiden and the catgirl looked over at the source of the sound. She yelled out "Harley!" and rushed over to the latest comer, the goth girl from the dorm who had 'greeted' Aiden first, then promptly pounced into a hug. With her back turned the boy took a moment to grasp his arm and scream soundlessly, disguising nothing now she couldn't see it and massaging the aching limb fitfully. Luckily she seemed content to nuzzle her friend while he clenched his teeth and took several deep breaths, which as it turned out did absolutely nothing for the pain.

Once he felt the ache begin to die down Aiden looked back at the two girls, whose names he would have to learn pronto. He was fairly certain the goth was Harley, but calling the other one 'the catgirl' in his head was getting old. Luckily an opportunity presented itself just then: The catgirl said her head was hurting. Making sure to only use his right arm, Aiden reached into one of his bags and drew out a bottle of aspirin, which he popped open with his thumb. He held it out as he approached the girls, speaking softly but clearly to avoid hurting her ears further. "Here. This should help with your head."

The bravado was gone from his voice. He didn't hold his head as high or grin roguishly from under windblown hair (well, it was still windblown, but he didn't make a big deal out of it). In all, he didn't look or sound like a walking ego anymore, which was a little disconcerting as he'd gotten so used to it. "Listen," Aiden said slowly, "we really got off on the wrong foot. I don't suppose I get a second chance at my first impression?" He smiled sincerely, gesturing to himself with the pill bottle. "My name's Aiden Dyre. I got here kinda late and didn't know where the dorms were, so I wandered into the wrong one by mistake. After that Kevin stepped in and, well, you know the rest."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Aiden Dyre Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta
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As quickly as she arrived she felt suffocated. Seeing it was her roommate made it feel a little less weird, but still pretty strange. Awkwardly she patted the girl's arm.
"Hey. Missed you too" she said, her eyes shifting side to side.
“I-I can’t hear right
 My head hurts
” her friend said before nuzzling her shoulder. Harley's eyes grew wide, she mouthed for help from Aiden, who seemed be a bit uncomfortable. Frankly, she was too.
"Okay Miss Meow Meow" she said with a small cough, attempted to get out of her touch. Harley wasn't huge on touchy feely things.
"I have some things for headaches in my pocket" she said after wiggling her way out of the hug. Taking out two of the pills she offered it to Tigeress.
"They should help" she shrugged before her attention was drawn by the new guy. When he said they got off on the wrong foot she quickly shook her head in agreement. A guy walking into a female dorm as a first impression was definitely a bad foot.
"My name's Aiden Dyre. I got here kinda late and didn't know where the dorms were, so I wandered into the wrong one by mistake. After that Kevin stepped in and, well, you know the rest." he said. Harley waved lazily.
"No biggie. I figured it was something along those lines, or your were a peeping tom. Either worked. I'm Harley Beretta, yo-yo enthusiast and Mensa member" she joked, looking over to her feline friend.
"Feeling any better?" she asked.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Aiden Dyre Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta
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Tigress grimaced slightly and denied the offering of aspirin from her two friends.
“Thanks for the offer but
 those won’t help very much.” She sighed, taking an awkward step away from Harley. She would have to apologize for that later.

"We really got off on the wrong foot. I don't suppose I get a second chance at my first impression? My name's Aiden Dyre. I got here kinda late and didn't know where the dorms were, so I wandered into the wrong one by mistake. After that Kevin stepped in and, well, you know the rest."

"No biggie. I figured it was something along those lines, or your were a peeping tom. Either worked. I'm Harley Beretta, yo-yo enthusiast and Mensa member."

Tigress stood there in silence, her ears still drooping. She looked down at the ground rather guiltily.
"My name is Anastasya... but you can call me Tigress..."

"Feeling any better?"

Tigress shook her head. “Not really
 There’s very little I can do when my ears get hurt like this
” She knew there was actually only really one way to help soothe her aching ears, but she felt it was too awkward of a question to ask. Harley probably wouldn’t want to rub the stuff onto my ears anyways
 Tigress sighed and debated actually asking.

 there is one thing you can do to help
” She spoke extremely quietly, her voice being barely audible. Tigress blushed, swallowing hard.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasya "Tigress" Volkov Character Portrait: Aiden Dyre Character Portrait: Harley Jean Berretta
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Aiden pocketed the aspirin, slightly at a loss for what to do. Luckily his heartfelt explanation hadn't fallen on deaf ears: Harley waved the whole thing off like water off a duck's back. "No biggie. I figured it was something along those lines, or you were a peeping tom. Either worked. I'm Harley Beretta, yo-yo enthusiast and Mensa member." Aiden grinned, glad the whole thing seemed to be behind them. Well, mostly behind them. He wasn't blamed, that was the important part. Also: Beretta? Wasn't that a type of gun? Awesome name! Not as awesome as Dyre, but close.

The soon-to-be-named catgirl spoke up next: "My name is Anastasya... but you can call me Tigress..." Finally, he could call her something! And Tigress was also a pretty cool name, so bonus points for that. Harley asked if she was feeling any better, but Tigress just shook her head. "Not really
 There’s very little I can do when my ears get hurt like this
" But not nothing, Aiden noted. She seemed like she was holding something back, and if he hadn't been paying attention to her (and if it hadn't been for the awkward silence she left when she stopped) he wouldn't have even heard what she said next. "Well
 there is one thing you can do to help

Aiden stepped forward, smiling. "Shoot. I'm happy to help." Though he knew the whole thing was Kevin's fault really, some part of him couldn't help but feel responsible for setting off the whole chain of events. He knew he'd feel better after helping her with whatever she happened to need at the moment. Plus, he got to look good for a hot girl. That was always a plus.