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Evangeline Vensali

Do you have to seriously hover all the time?

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a character in “Charmed: More then one”, originally authored by Lux_Disraeli, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Evangeline "Eva" Vensali
Age: 21

Role: Eldest Sister
Power: Fire

Personality/History: Evangeline is brash and stubborn, she doesn't like to be told no ever. She has a bit of a dark streak that she doesn't fully have a handle on. She is loyal and devoted to her family and would kill or seriously mess up anyone how messed with her siblings. She is hard on her siblings wanting them to be stronger then her parents, and if something happens to her that they would be ok. She is witty and tends to try to make everyone around her laugh. She isn't one to go looking for a fight ever but if one is brought to her it will be defeated or at-least it will be going down with her.

She blames herself for not being able to save her father and letting Emett down the most. She keeps her search away from the prying eyes of Emett thinking he is too rabid to find the demon that killed their father. She acts a little colder and harsher then she is towards her siblings keeping them an arms length as often as she can.
Other: She has a handful of tattoo, she gets a new one every time she kills a demon.

So begins...

Evangeline Vensali's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pamela Vensali Character Portrait: Emett Vensali Character Portrait: Evangeline Vensali
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Emett tried to move, but he couldn't. No matter how hard he tried, he was trapped. He was telekinetically pinned to the wall. He could barely move his fingers. This Demon was strong, stronger then him. But for some reason, he wouldn't kill him. This demon just waited. Thats when he could see his father, and his sisters behind him. The Demon then shot a fireball at his dad. It knocked him back and into the wall, killing him. The demon smiled at Emett then, before taking off. Emett fell to the ground, crying. And he also accidentally shattered every light bulb in the house.

Emett jumped when he felt a hand on him. It was Derek. Their "guardian". "What do.....what is it?" Emett asked, with a bit of annoyance. He still hasn't gotten over that moment. Derek then noted "Emett, you were thinking about it again weren't you? Listen, you cant keep focusing on it. You will find him eventually, just, try to have fun....". Emett attempted a smile, but it was fairly obvious how it wasn't true. He then replied "I....sorry, just, too much time to did you know?"

Derek pointed at the ceiling. It the light was burned out.

Thats when Emett then pointed out "You don't usually come by for condolences. Whats wrong now?"

Derek sighed, then explaining "Well, there is rumors that a Demon may be trying to kill any witches in the area....."

"Wait, since when do you hear 'rumors'"

"Since the person who was looking into this demon before said he thought this right before he was killed"

Emett looked around, and not seeing anyone, got his backpack, and then saying "Well, lets go!". Emett then left, Derek following him asking "We should wait for your sisters...". Emett then replied "I can handle it. You can come with me or wait here...." Emett wasn't one to wait, not anymore. He was too bent on revenge, so to speak. Well, he called it Justice. You cant say its not justified.

Derek sighed. "Should have held out his sisters....."

(Super big intro post :3)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pamela Vensali Character Portrait: Hunter Sydonai Character Portrait: Emett Vensali Character Portrait: Evangeline Vensali
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A demon sat perched on her father looking up at her with blood running down its arms staring at her. He pointed his finger at her and mutter out your next.
Evangeline woke up with a start sucking in her breath as she patted down the sheets of her bed signing at the now burned holes of it. "Damn it all" She sighed and rolled over looking at the clock and pulling herself out of bed. She made her way to the mirror rubbing some lotion onto her newest tattoo, it was a small crescent moon behind her ear. She listened to Derek's comforting words to Emett and she rolled her shoulders getting into the shower.

Eva stepped down into the hall hearing the door knock, she heard Pamela asked Emett where he was going "Come in Hunter, just chill in my room for a few got to handle something." She said tenderly before stalking toward the library grabbing Emett by the back of the shirt. "Yes baby brother do tell me where it is you think you are going seriously?" She turned him around still holding the back of his shirt like a squalling kitten. "At this time of night and on a school night no less I dont think so." She sat him down "Derek! where the bloody hell are you are you suppose to be keeping an eye on him??"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pamela Vensali Character Portrait: Hunter Sydonai Character Portrait: Emett Vensali Character Portrait: Evangeline Vensali
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Derek then went by Eva, whispering into her ear "Its not real. Illusion. I was hoping to make him think he dealt with a real demon without you two would be good, while making the illusion just real enough for it to scare him into thinking he cant do it on his own. Then i would come in, banish the illusion, and make him think he cant do it alone. Of course, now we cant let him go, not yet, because then he might suspect something.....". Derek was simply making sure he didn't go over the top. And the plan was well thought out, considering.

Emett meanwhile struggled. "I can take care of myself!!!" He gave Eva a little shock, on accident. Additionally, the lights in the room began flickering, getting brighter, and getting dimmer. Derek quickly noted "Now, lets just all calm down......and not break every light in here. Emett, its alright....". Emett however exploded into full throttle. Every light went dark. Visibility was reduced to nothing essentially. Eventually, they came back on, and Emett was gone. Again.

"Relax, i never told him where, and he doesn't guess, the park nearby. We should find him before a demon does however. Someone should probably tell your mother as well.....".

Meanwhile, Emett walked along the street. He was upset, really upset. The street lights flickered out as he went under them, until he found the park. He then found a bench. His bench, to be specific....

"Whats this daddy?" said a young boy, who appeared to be Emett about 5 years ago. Emett's father then came over to him. "This is our bench. It will be our special slot, between the two of us. You know how to find this place no matter where you are it seems. So, if you ever get lost, come here. It will be our way of finding each other....".

Emett looked at the bench, sitting on it. It was quite, nothing really around except trees and such. "I miss you dad.....its getting worse. You kept the balance. Now there is an uneven number of boys and girls in the house basically, and I am outnumbered..." he said as if he was speaking to his father. "Your going to miss it you birthday. I don't know how i will survive without you. No joke, my Birthday gets a Demon Attack every day.....". Emett then began crying.

"Why did you have to go daddy....". He had taken out his notebook right now, drawing.

"Its not fair........but don't will have justice......"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pamela Vensali Character Portrait: Hunter Sydonai Character Portrait: Emett Vensali Character Portrait: Evangeline Vensali
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"Okay, Ev." Hunter said steeping trough the doorway. Dispatching his shadow when no one was looking as he went to Evangeline's room as directed. Using his shadow to spy on the others, watching the whole thing go down. Granted he didn't really have to send it, Hunter could hear it from where he stood by the bedroom door.

Then the lights went out for a brief moment. Hunter smirked and shook his head.


That boy was rather stubborn and smarter than the others gave him credit for. It didn't take long for Hunter's shadow to locate Emett, it simply followed him. Just to keep an eye on the kid, anything happened and Hunter would know instantly. Then he could subtly warn the others.

He waited a moment before exiting Evangeline's room calling out the the others.

“I think you should have you're electrical checked,” Hunter said in a casual manner, playing the 'ignorant human'. Poking his head around the corner to were Eva, Derek, and Pamela were, furrowing his brow. “You guys alright?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pamela Vensali Character Portrait: Hunter Sydonai Character Portrait: Emett Vensali Character Portrait: Evangeline Vensali
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Eva glowered at Derek "How can you think that is a good idea,you know how he gets. You think one demon will be enough for him." She yelpedout a cuss when Emett shocked her, he let him go as she felt her hands start to heat up.She looked a Pamela "Which would you rather do Mom duty or tacking down Emett.." Her voice trailed off as Hunter walked in a commented on the lights .

Its just an old house Hunt you know how faulty the wiring is." she chew the inside of her lip looking up at him, she hated lying to him the most. She crossed the distance between then sliding her hand into his and gave him a kiss on the neck. "Emett has it in his head he is going to track down the guy that..."She mauled over her wording trying to remember the bogus story the police put together for her fathers death. "killed him, Pamela and I are going to go find him, Derek go tell Mom whats up you know how she gets."

She glanced over at Pamela "Come on little bit." She pushed a smile to her lips "He can't have gotten to far."She smiled at Hunter giving a bit to private of a kiss. "I'll be back in just a few,make yourself comfortable."She turned and headed out the back door.

After she got away from eye sight of the house she pulled her necklace off, holding the scrying stone. She could feel her fire starting to well up the more and more frustrated she got over not getting a read. She was never good at spell that took patience. She sighed and handed the stone to Pam "Care to work your mojo?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pamela Vensali Character Portrait: Emett Vensali Character Portrait: Evangeline Vensali
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Pamela gave a deadpan stare as she took the stone from Evangeline's hand. "Perhaps if you spent more time actually studying than dealing with relationships perhaps you would not need me to work my 'mojo'." Pamela chastised as she rose the small stone in front of her. She began uttering strange and secretive words that seemed to be laced in arcane power before her speech turned to something more common.

"Ancient power with many eyes, show us where our brother lies." She spoke loudly as a small ring of purple energy swirled around the stone. The energy then seemed to spin quickly around the stone faster and faster until, eventually, it sent out a small wave of energy. Suddenly the sisters' mind was filled with the image of a bench wherein which Emett was seated.

"Come," Pamela turned to her sister as she passed backed the scrying stone. "he's at a bus stop. Let us hurry."

When the two finally found their way over to Emett, Pamela moved as silently as she always did until she was standing right behind the young twelve year old. Reaching her hand out, she took hold of his collar and lifted upwards, applying some of her gravitational manipulation capabilities as to ease the burden on Emett; anyone that saw the scene would simply see a boy being held up by his collar off the ground, but a closer inspection would show the boy was oddly floating rather than being held up.

"Baby brother," Pamela started, her voice holding the same monotonous tone as it had before, "don't expect me to believe that story for even a second. What are you doing this late at night?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pamela Vensali Character Portrait: Hunter Sydonai Character Portrait: Emett Vensali Character Portrait: Evangeline Vensali
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Eva glowered at Pamela ragging her about her love life. "I don't think spending my time nose deep in books will really help that much more so when you are the go to book worm dear sister." She spat her words with a little more venom then she ment. Eva followed behind Pamela as she walked up to Emett at the bench a smirk rose to her lips as she held him up "I think he hates that tech--." Her thoughts got snapped shut. "Pammy back up now." Her eyes locked with the demon in the form of her brother. "Where is he beast.?" Her hands licked with flames as she tossed a fire bolt at the demon.

The demon leaped at her, she pushed a fireball at the demon which just vanished in the air "Coward." Eva mumble under her breath. "You ok Pamela?" She started to say something else when she hear Emett yell . "Come on." She took off at full speed in to the central park just in time to see her brother crash into the tree. "Blood hell.. Derek!" She fussed at the white lighter as she tossed a fire bolt at the demon who turned and grinned at her running at her the pair slammed into eather falling into a cartoonish pile of fire and fists. A nightmare demon her mind reeled going over the tomes she had read over and over about them trying to shut her brain off so it couldn't feed off her thoughts.

The demon's face shifted into the demon that killed their father, Eva froze her mind flooded with terror as it swung a fist into her jaw throwing her back. The demon leapt on top of her sinking it's teeth into her arm. Her mind swarmed with the toxins. She looed for her siblings as she pushed a fire blast around her knocking the demon off her, her white tank top slowly turning crimson. "Derek...Hunter.. Pammy..Emett" She felt her eyes get heavy as she knocked herself into the demon suffering more bites fighting as hard as she could against "get out of here guys."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pamela Vensali Character Portrait: Hunter Sydonai Character Portrait: Emett Vensali Character Portrait: Evangeline Vensali
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Watching through the eyes of his shadow, while he physically was in Eva's room. Watching things unfold, chuckling to himself at Pam and Eva's bantering. Hunter always found himself in this position, spying on them. He'd say he felt bad about it.... but he wasn't. As it was a necessary measure, they tended to get themselves into trouble more often than he'd like.

That is what happens when it comes to the 'power of three' as it was referred to by others. A pain in the ass is what he called it, they couldn't even work together to use the full extent of their powers.

Hunter caught movement, feeling those demons as they moved in. He debated his course of action. Going in too soon would give himself away, but he'd keep them out of harms way. Going in later may prove beneficial to the growth of their powers. Choosing the latter he watched, however ready to go in if needed.

That was when all hell seemed to break loose. Emett blasted himself into a tree and the demon away from him. Eva went high gear into a flaming fist fight with a nightmare demon. And Hunter lost track of Pam.

Hunter could see the terror on Eva's face as the demon projected her worst fears to her. His blood became like lava as she was knocked down and the demon bit her. Fury and blood lust overwhelming him as his body shimmered from the room. Right into the middle of the fray Hunter entered, but not as his human form. His shadowy demon form was something that put fear into the strongest of demons.

All that was heard was a snarl as he struck from the shadows, ripping the other demon away from Eva. Sending it flying far enough away from the siblings, before melting back into the shadows. Getting in a good few blows that weakened it a bit. Fighting himself, Hunter fled to a safe distance; hoping that bought them enough time to regroup.

As well as for that damn whitelighter of theirs to get to Eva's wounds. If he didn't.... well it would be rather painful an ending for him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pamela Vensali Character Portrait: Hunter Sydonai Character Portrait: Emett Vensali Character Portrait: Evangeline Vensali
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Eva blinked as the demon flew from her, her brain spun wildly trying to focus on the fighting. Derek shimmered in right behind her putting his hands just above her wounds. She looked over at the fighting looking for her brother and sister she turned her eyes back to Derek "Get them out of here now." He started to fight her on it when she glowered at him. "I am the oldest and Emett is in danger because you baited him and a nightmare demon found him get him out of here now or so help me I will go to the elders myself!" Fire seemed to reflect in her eyes as she steadied her full glower at him. He sighed and quickly flitted over placing his hands on both kids shoulders and porting them back home.

Eva slowly got to her feet wiping the ink black venom from her shoulder looking at the demon that seemed to be reeling Maybe I did land a few hits after all. Well at least Hunter would be pleased to know those self defense classes he wouldn't relent about payed off a bit, I will have to think of a way to thank him. She mused to herself. She focused all her remaining power into a banishing spell. As the demon faded from the world she slumped to her knees laughing between gasps. Derek shimmerright next to her healing the rest of her shoulder. "You know I lose...if they lose you they wont know how to deal with it right?"His voice was soft but stern, I suppose this means another tat right?" Eva snorted out a laugh "After a nightmare I'd say that one earned me two." He rolled his eyes putting a hand on her healed wounds, sending them both home.

Eva grabbed Emett into a bear hug, knocking the breath a bit out of him. "If you EVER do anything that stupid again I will feed you to the nightmare myself got it?" She kissed the top of his head and ruffled his hair. She squeezed Pamela's shoulder "bed both of you."

She made her way up stairs hearing the floor boards creak in her room her eyes flew wide open holy crap Hunter I forgot. She flung the door open and crashed into his arms pulling him into a overpowered kiss lacing her hands around the back of his neck "So sorry for keeping you." She said hastily before giving him a light kiss on the cheek. "So what was the plan tonight?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Sydonai Character Portrait: Evangeline Vensali
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Watching from a distance, Hunter watched then end of this fight. Relaxing slightly when Derek healed Eva and taking the other two from the fray. Giving a wicked smile when Eva got back onto her feet, demonstrating that iron will of hers. Her strength was something he admired, most likely the reason why he chose to watch over them instead of killing them.

He waited until after Derek returned and took Eva home. Changing back into his human form got difficult the closer it got to the new moon. Hunter shimmered back into Eva's room, forcing himself back to the human form. Only moments before Evangeline burst in and flung herself into his embrace.

Her kiss was like the wildfire she was, making it hard for him to remember why he was really here. Eva leaned back to look at him when she spoke. 'So sorry to keep you waiting' then giving him a peck on the cheek.'so what was the plan tonight?'

“I don't mind, Ev.” Hunter said, his hands resting on her hips. “I hadn't thought that far ahead.” he chuckled. “I didn't feel like sleeping, went for a ride and found myself here. Not that I didn't want to come here.... I always love to be in your presence."