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How painful it is to love someone who doesn't love you enough to stay in this world.

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a character in “Cirque du Volés”, as played by The_Queen


Image Sword Swallower

Username: The_Queen | FC: Dominique De Sade Speech: #BDA0CB // Thought: #FCB514


{Full Name: }
Rien Corbeau

{Age: }

{Gender: }

{Role: }
Sword Swallower

{Face Claim : }
Dominique De Sade|| The Case Study of Vanitas



Hair Color:
Black like the raven's wings


Eye Color:

Ability Description:
The Void
Not everyone can turn something into nothing, but that is Rien's specialty. Shadow manipulation, Rien can throw nightmares on the walls, swallow light whole, and send an entire room into inky darkness. Part of this curious ability allows Rien to open something called the void, where she can make small objects disappear by having her shadow eat them. Rien can retrieve these items again, but this takes a great amount of energy.

“I used to be afraid of the dark too, but eventually, I learned to embrace it.”



Shadows and broken bones, throwing sticks and stones, that is what makes a girl stronger. A professional thief and liar by trade, Rien makes quite the actress. She can be over-the-top when need be, or as quiet and as elegant as any aristocratic lady. Bold and daring, Rien, which means nothing, does not seem to be afraid of anything. However, there is a quiet, softer side to her. In the stolen hours of early morning, or when practicing on her own, you will find the more contemplative side to Rien.
Rien does not believe in miracles, but in hard work. Most believe she is a bit of a harda*s because of this, but Rien has never cared about the opinions of others. Complex, multifaceted, like the shadows she wields, Rien is more than what you see on the surface.

▶Theme Song : Solider Poet King // The Oh Hellos


Reading // Unlike many of the strays picked up by their Ringmaster, Rien had something of an education. She can read and write and is quite articulate.
Blades // Growing up, Rien was always told that swords were for boys. That never stopped her from loving them.
Fairytales // Rien grew up on books about damsels in distress and the elegant, cool knights that came to save them. Rien always wanted to be the knight in shining armor, because she knew only she could save herself.

Being looked down on // Rien was often looked down on in her family. She commands respect and does not take being talked down to kindly.
Magic // Rien believes that magic is for children and does not enjoy sleight of hand.
Guns // Such ugly weapons, she much prefers things with a sharp point.
Ground sickness // When you live on an airship, going onto land can cause ground sickness. For this reason, Rien hates going back onto land.

Physical Ability // Rien's swords are not just for show. She has a large collection of sharp blades used for juggling and training to keep in shape.
No gag reflex // This is what allows her to swallow swords.
Acting // Working for a merry band of thieves often means being able to wear multiple masks.
Embroidery // It was instilled into Rien as the essential skill that all noblewoman must have, but Rien is strangely good at it.


Light exposure // This should come as a surprise to no one, but too much sunlight can make Rien very sick.
Cute things // Rien is impartial to adorable, small things like fancy ribbons and very nice pocket knives.
Inky Illness // Rien is almost always unconsciously using her power. It is second nature to her, but this has its drawback. Rien suffers from a mysterious illness linked to her ability, where she will throw up what looks to be inky darkness and will sometimes "bleed," this substance that is not blood.


{Place of Origin :}
Oxford, England.

{ Background : }
Rien was born on a quiet corner in a patched up house to two parents who were robbed and killed before her first birthday. With no name and no title, she was sent to live in an orphanage and at the age of three, was adopted by Audrey and Louis Corbeau to be the playmate for their little girl, Noe. Even if Rien was not their biological child, Audrey and Louis loved her just as much and treated her like family. Rien received the same lessons as Noe, ate the same food, and was treated to the same pretty dresses. Whenever they played, Noe was the princess that needed saving and Rien was her faithful, loyal knight. Rien lived a happy, blissful life, until the morning of her tenth birthday, when she woke up in a puddle of black blood.
Fearing for her life, Audrey and Louis hired every doctor they could, but no one could figure out what was wrong with her. Rien, however, noticed that if her fingers twitched, the blood would dance. She showed Noe in secret and Noe would sneak into Rien's room every night to watch the shadow show. A year later, at eleven, Audrey and Louis made the decision to move Rien and Noe to their home in the countryside, believing that the fresh air would help Rien get better. On the surface, Rien's condition did improve, but only because she learned how to hide it.
At fifteen, talks of marriage began. Noe, with her beautiful, delicate features could have any nobleman she so desired, but Noe did not want any of them. She clung to Rien and joked about the two of them running away to marry. Three months later, Noe was engaged to Duke Edward of Sussex, but she did not love him. Noe took her life and Rien's existence became meaningless.
Audrey and Louis used Rien as a means for their grief. They had always treated her like a daughter, but now, they would come to her to seek comfort for their lost child. They promised to never force her to marry, but the Duke's family was enraged by Noe's death and to add insult to injury, threatened the Corbeau's if they failed to present Rien to them. Even if she was an adopted daughter, even if she did not have any noble blood, Rien was forced into an engagement.
At eighteen, she was married off to the Duke. He was a man with a sharp tongue and little patience for nonsense. When Rien refused to bend to his will, he tried to hurt her.
In a moment of blind rage and self defense, her shadow swallowed him whole and the Duke suffocated. The coroner deemed it a spontaneous pneumothorax and Rien was assuaged of all suspicion, but she lived with the guilt and the awful shadow of his hands all over her.
Now a Duchess and widow, Rien lived a quiet life. She spent her days practicing with a sword in the garden, dreaming of a world where Noe was alive and they could be together. She would sometimes help the staff in the kitchen, or sit by the window and read to escape the woes of her world. At night, Rien would practice with her shadows, making them dance, or swallowing small objects and spitting them out.
At age twenty, a mysterious man showed up at her doorstep with a walking stick and the most charismatic laugh Rien had ever heard. He asked her to leave this dreary life behind, to go with him and enter a dazzling world where where people like her could live without fear of being discovered.
Rien agreed and left everything in search of something daring.

{Other Info :}

Anything else you may want to say about your character goes here, otherwise, you can delete or leave this blank.


So begins...

Rien's Story


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On a sunny corner of Rye, Sussex, there was a home tucked into the nook of a hill, an infamous mansion said to be haunted by the shadow of a Duchess who rarely ever left the grounds, which were protected by a large, intimidating wrought iron gate that guarded the property. The home was impressive, with three stories and housed a garden that could rival only the Queen’s.

The Lady of the house was oft painted in monochrome shades, with her hair the color of a raven’s wings and a mysterious smile that upturned her pale lips. There was a thick cloud of rumors that surrounded the Duchess who was nothing short of willing to rid herself of her dead husband’s excess of money. The widow had no desire to remarry, but even still, gentleman callers would come with bundles of flowers, trying to see over the gate, only to be turned away by a brusque maid.

Today, however, it was a bit different. The garden was windy, the alder trees occasionally ruffling with the bellowing gust that would ripple across the garden. The Duchess was seated beneath the shade of the largest such tree, having just sat herself for tea when the head maid appeared at her side with some surprising news.

”There is a gentleman with an, erm, French accent at the door. He insists that he has an appointment with you, Duchess. Shall I turn him away?”

A gentleman with a French accent? Rien took pause. She could not recall scheduling such a meeting for today. Normally, Rien was on top of her schedule, but she was only human, these things did sometimes escape her. ”No, if he has an appointment, allow him in and please have another of the staff bring a fresh pot.”

Tybalt was a gentleman, sure, but he was a most unusual one. For one thing, most suitors did not turn up at the door with a child clinging to their hand and beggars rarely dressed so finely. So why was he here?

”This way, if you please,” a maid directed, opening up the gate to allow them entry.

”Ma cherie, I believe we are being allowed entry.” He said to Etoile with a playful wink, falling into step behind the maid. With his free hand, he signed the most important of signs.

Etoile held steadfast to Tybalt’s other hand with both of her own, his one palm dwarfing her two. She had insisted on coming, even though she did not know where they were going. As soon as they crossed through the threshold, a chill crept up her spine, although Etoile was not certain as to why, but there was something about this place that she did not like.

Tybalt gave her hand a little squeeze, reassuring her that all would be well.

”Welcome Sir,” Rien rose to greet her guest, glancing downwards. The maid had said nothing about a child. ”And little Madame.” Rien’s smile was gentle. ”I am the Duchess of Sussex, Rien Corbeau.” Was she younger than what Tybalt had expected? Most did not think a widow to be so youthful. ”Might I have the pleasure of your names?”

He bowed to Rien, removing his hat in her presence. "I am Tybalt Benjamin Jean-Pierre LeGrand de la Fontaine, but, please - call me 'Tybalt.' And this is my daughter, Etoile. We are grateful for the indulgence of your time."

If Rien had had an appointment with a man that carried such an impressive name, she surely would have remembered. It was considered rude to arrive at someone’s home unscheduled, but this was a Frenchman. He was more than likely ignorant to foolish English politics. ”It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Please, come sit, we shall indulge in more than just time.” She gestured to the tea table, bespoke with little tea cakes, biscuits, and a fresh pot of orange rooibos.

”May I ask what brought you all the way from France?” Rien inquired, pouring them tea. Even though it was a maid’s job, Rien always thought it a personal touch to serve her guests herself.

Tybalt pulled out Etoile’s chair for her before sitting down himself. It seemed that age did not disqualify anyone from receiving his respect, a difference that stood as a stark contrast to the typical noblemen that Rien was familiar with.

Etoile followed her Papa’s lead, gathering one edge of her dress and dipping into a curtsy. She only released his hand at the table,

«Can I have one?» Etoile signed, her dessert stomach outweighing her fear.

Tybalt leaned back in his seat, answering calmly so as to incline the Duchess to hear. He was not bombastic or sensational-his appearance, demeanor, and content of his speech did all the work in stirring up the excitement for him. ”I am Ringmaster of the world’s first and only airship circus. We gather extraordinary people from all over the globe to give them a fresh start.” He began.

Ah yes, Rien had heard of this circus. She had seen their posters pasted in the paper and had heard whispers of them in the social circles. The Duchess had no interest in attending such a loud affair. She was loathe to travel so far from her estate in her condition.

”I have heard word of it, yes. I never expected that I would get a personal meeting with the circus leader.” Rien smiled coolly, taking a sip from her cup.

As he spoke he pulled a teacake closer to Etoile, attentive to her needs even while he and the Duchess verbally waltzed. ”But a bird with clipped wings is a tragic thing. Would you not agree?”

His words were not received well. Rien placed her cup down and folded her hands in her lap. ”Good sir, I do hope you are not inferring that I am not akin to a flightless bird.”

Tybalt shook his head, ”No, fairy Duchess; I refer to our own predicament. You see, our airship remains moored in Bordeaux, unable to embark on the next leg of our journey: a mission to here, in England. Regrettably, we lack the resources to leave France. I have come to invite you to one of our shows, so that you might see our work firsthand.”

Ah, he was here for an investment. It was not the first time that someone showed up on her doorstep with a proposition for funds. Rien took a slow, deliberate drink from her cup. ”Alright then,” she spoke after a tense moment. When was the last time she had attended the theater?

”I will most graciously accept your invitation.” Her cool smile had returned. She glanced down at the child, who was happily eating a teacake, not having spoken a single word. Was this what he meant by extraordinary? Did he mean incapacitated?

Tybalt returned her smile with interest. ”I look forward to entertaining you as my guest in turn; I hope to match your exquisite hospitality.” Goodness, was he well-spoken for a Frenchman. Where did he study? Why? And why hop all the way across the pond to England, of all places?

Tybalt was a man of many mysteries.

He sipped at his tea, but made no attempt to leave. Why was he not leaving? It was strange, his request had been granted. It was normal for a petitioner to dismiss themselves after the fact, but Tybalt lingered.

And then he asked something they never did. ”How are you faring Duchess?”

It was only six words, but it immediately made the Duchess stiffen. He had done his research, this Tybalt fellow, to have heard the rumors that circulated the Duchess like a pack of hungry vultures.

Rien was slow to reply. ”These days, I am faring rather well.” She spoke at last, her words weary, guarded. She wished to unearth his true intentions. ”How are you and your daughter faring? It must not have been easy to make that long journey in such small compartments.”

Tybalt nodded, finding it agreeable that she was well. He could sense her unease, but his question had been innocuous enough. ”That is good to hear,” He answered, his smile never leaving his lips. "It is said that those who show concern for others may give the impression they are immune to woe. I have a family of sorts - I understand just how untrue that is."

Tybalt grinned widely. "And I am rather well, too; my gratitude for asking," he said, mirroring her veiled answer.

There was something off about this man, something that made alarm bells toll in the back of Rien’s mind. ”I am glad to hear your journey was well. Oh, your cup is empty. Would you like me to refill it?”

An Englishman would understand that this was a polite way to ask if their business was finished, however, Rien was dealing with a man who was a bit trickier.

Etoile reached for another biscuit, wondering what sort of tricks her Papa had up his sleeves. From the sign he had given her at the gate, they were at this spooky home because this strange woman was like them. However, she gave no hints as to what her talents might be.

Of course, Etoile could just ask her nicely to show them.

”I would be delighted, however I fear becoming an imposition. After all, your appointment may arrive soon.” He answered, reaching for his hat and his cane. ”Any weekend evening in Bordeaux, mention our arrangement to the ticketer and you will have box seats to the best show in France. I hope very much to see you there. Shall I take my leave?”

He was-he was leaving? After all that song and dance? Had he risked a Duchess’s ire just to invite her to a show and ask after her well being?

Were all circus performers this strange? Dancing in circles to hide their true intentions?

But it was something of a relief that he turned down her offer. ”I will look forward to it. The maid will see you out.” Rien gestured to the woman who had been hovering off to the side like a specter.

Etoile rose to follow Tybalt’s lead, taking one more biscuit to stuff into her pocket for the journey home. After all that, they were just going to give up? Etoile looked up at Tybalt. No, he had planned for this, didn’t he?

«You have that look.» She signed, the look he gave when he was already two steps ahead. Etoile glanced back over her shoulder at the Duchess, who she could see whispering something to herself, but could not quite make out the words from halfway across the garden.

”Follow them to the gate,” Rien whispered. Her shadow peeled itself away, slithering across the ground like a snake before diving into the bushes. Rien did not trust strangers so easily. She wanted to make sure that they would not cause her any trouble.

«Now she will come to us.» Tybalt signed. A mere moment later, he spotted something watching them out of the corner of his eyes. He took pause in his step, looked directly at it-

And winked.


One week later, Rien had booked a train ticket for a first class compartment to Bordeaux. She packed a singular suitcase, only intending to stay for the weekend. ”Are you sure you are going to be alright with only one maid?” Elizabeth, the head maid asked.

”Yes, I think I should be quite alright, it is, after all, only a few days. I expect you will look after my affairs while I am absent?”

”Yes, Duchess.” Elizabeth bowed her head. With those words, Rien stepped onto the train, memories of her childhood flooding back to her. The last time she had been on the train was on her way to get married to the Duke. The time before that had been to Noe’s funeral, and before that, to return from the country estate in East Anglia.

”Why did you say yes to that carnie?” The maid with her, Phoebe, asked. She was young, but had proven herself more than worthy to work at the manor. ”He is a strange fellow,” Rien agreed. ”But something about him intrigued me.”

She thought back to the moment with her shadow. He was the first to have ever noticed it. For so long, her shadow had gone undetected. Could it be that he was stricken with the same illness? Did he, too, leak black ink from his lips when his fatigue overtook him? The thought of it was exciting. Rien had never met another that suffered with the same illness.

The train pulled into the station one day later at noon. They rested at an inn until evening came and then took a steam car taxi to the grounds the Circus was being held on. Towering above them was the biggest tent Rien had ever seen. Red and yellow striped, it almost seemed to touch the sky.

”Tickets?” A man in a wooden booth asked. He had the brightest red hair Rien had ever seen and a thick Scottish brogue. ”Yes, I am here on invitation of Sir Tybalt,” Rien stated.

”You must be the Duchess then, eh? Here you go, two tickets. Enjoy the show.”

Humorous, dazzling, and altogether charming, the Cirque du Volés was no less than what Tybalt described: the finest show in France. Further, it allowed its audience to see into a world where even seemingly ordinary people could accomplish the impossible on a grand stage. But Tybalt was no ordinary man. He was tall, refined, and mysterious. Fire was a toy to him, and he lit up the night with streams of color and sparks; he painted his name in the sky; he plucked a blaze from a hat before redonning it without a care. And as the final act concluded, he delivered a speech which he most surely gave after all of his shows. This time, however, he took care to look right at the Duchess in her high-top box seat as he delivered the words:

”What you have seen is only the beginning. Our impossible circus remains incomplete. Could your talent be what we are missing?”

It was every bit as dazzling as he had described. Rien had never seen such impossible feats performed on any stage. It was better than any theater, more romantic than any stage play. This was the performance of a new era. Rien was no fool, she knew a worthy investment when she saw one.

The ringmaster's words, however, were what intrigued her the most. The entirety of the show had been in French, so why was he suddenly speaking in English? And why was he looking directly at her? The Duchess made eye contact with him that moment, but she broke it quickly, drawing her fan over the bottom half of her face. Rien waited for the crowd to disperse before rising from her seat, her maid tailing behind her like a curious cat who too, had been drawn in by the whimsy of the performance.

"Bravo," Rien clapped, "you are every bit as magnanimous on stage as you are off." the Duchess dipped into a short courtesy in greeting. "The show was a pleasure to watch, Sir Tybalt."

Tybalt grew a full grin, removing his top hat and holding it to his chest, he took a polite bow. "Duchess, I am honored by your audience and pleased to know you appreciated our show." He spoke with the fluency of a man who, at least now, seemed to know exactly what to say and when. For how long had he known she was in attendance?

"You simply must stay and chat; I do so enjoy polite company," he added, replacing his hat upon his head. "Pardon me a moment and I shall escort you myself."

He waited for her assent before departing. There was no doubt he would do just as he said.

"Alright, I shall join you." She agreed, following him. Where was he taking her? Rien was curious. She did not fear this mysterious man, despite his large height and the shroud of secrets that surely lined his pockets like lint, Rien could defend herself.

But a minute or two later, the showman appeared, with his daughter at his side. She was already dressed for an evening out, even though Rien had spotted her aloft during the trapeze act. Again it made one ask: For how long had he known she would be in attendance?

"I hope you enjoy sweets," Tybalt said with a smile, "France is well-known for its pastries and treats."

The last thing Rien expected was the return of the child, who was all dressed up like a pretty little doll. She looked up at Rien, grasping the ringmaster's hand firmly before curtsying, her eyes sparkling like gemstones.

What a polite little thing, but Rien noticed, she still did not say a word.

"If I did not know any better, I would have thought you read my mind." Rien's smile was calm, but she was beginning to panic just slightly. "Please, lead the way." This could have been a lucky guess, or maybe a local haunt he frequented after every show. It may not have been because of her visit. Yes, this was mere coincidence, Rien convinced herself.

"Regrettably, that is not my talent," he answered with a mysterious smile. Then what was it?! His ability to drum up suspense was admirable - he was well-placed in the role of Ringmaster. "Right this way, madam," he said before leading the way as requested.

Their traveling together drew some attention and admiration; people took note when the head showman of the night's prime event hit the town with two well-dressed women. But crowds parted at his long, lumbering steps and the influence of his ruby-capped cane. With a few deft dips into alleyways and clever turns, they arrived at their destination in record time and without pesky observers.

Rien followed him down a puzzling path of twists and turns, but she could only wonder where he was taking her. The streets of Bordeaux were made with rough, hewn stone, and the lampposts above them flickered with torchlight, illuminating their path. "You must know these streets well," Rien remarked, thinking that this maze would never end until at last, they had come to a stop.

Small and intimate, the parlor's front was only large enough for a small window display of pastries which concealed a single plain table and chairs. The counter was glass, wherein a magnificent assortment of cakes, cookies, and other baked goods were shown. But the old woman behind the counter was probably a living recipe book, and could certainly accommodate almost any request.

On hearing Tybalt's "Rebonsoir," the woman smiled as brightly as her aged face could bear and launched into a torrent of sweet French as loving and concerned as his own grandmother. Tybalt's brows furrowed helplessly; he could not stop her, only answer with ouis et nons and wait for her to be finished. Eventually, the woman's curiosity moved her to motion the Duchess near, so that she could get a closer look at her. Tybalt tried, to no avail, to explain that the Duchess could not speak French, but the shopkeeper insisted.

"How quaint," she followed him inside, the smell of freshly baked, delectable pastry enough to make anyone take pause and inhale a deep breath to savor the scent. Immediately, a woman began to launch into a lengthy conversation with Tybalt in French. Seeming to notice her at last, the old woman gestured with rough, crinkling hands for Rien to come closer to get a better look at her.

"Bonsoir madame, je suis Rien. C'est un plaisir de faire votre connaissance." Rien reached across the counter to shake the old woman's hand. Rien had a bit too much time and plenty of books at her fingertips. She was nowhere near fluent, but could speak enough to have a passable conversation.

"Rien ? Quel nom cruel." The old woman frowned.

"Oui, mais c'est le seul que j'ai, donc je vais m'y tenir."

Tybalt cleared his throat in astonishment at the parlor owner's words, or perhaps he was concealing a chuckle. "I apologize," he said, "she is an undiluted spirit. What would you like?"

Rien contemplated the pastry case for a moment, which displayed glittering tarts with sugar glazes, crisp croissants, and chocolate eclairs. It was all so tempting.

"What would you recommend?" It was hard to choose, one pastry looked better than the next. She looked down at the child, who was so quiet it was easy to forget she was there, but she never let go of Tybalt's hand.

"How about you?" Rien asked her, since children sometimes had a knack for sweets. There was something Rien wanted to confirm too.

Etoile pointed immediately to the Paris-Brest. A choux ring decorated with frangipane, cream, and almonds.

"Alright, one of those then."

Tybalt made a similar choice, however he chose one besotted with strawberries and chocolate, having grown fond of the flavors since his meal with Maria, but knowledge like that would be wasted on Rien.

It was not long before they received their food and tea, the trio taking up the only table in the street outside. For just a moment, all was quiet, but this evening was far from over.

"I assume you did not lead me here for merely dessert?" Rien questioned, taking a sip from her glass. She had made the correct choice, the Paris-Brest was delicious. "Surely there must be more you wish to discuss?"

"Just as I am sure you did not come here merely to see the show," he said with a grin. It was sometimes difficult to tell when his playfulness eclipsed his manners. He plucked a strawberry from his ringed cake and ate it bit by bit, savoring its flavor. "There is more to you and I than a glance can tell. I assure you, you are in like company."

She was right, then? Is that how he had seen her shadow? Rien glanced upwards at her maid, waving a hand at her. "Leave us," she did not want to discuss these things in front of her. The maid nodded, leaving quickly to give them some privacy. "So you have the same illness? Is that how you knew?" Rien's voice had taken on a hint of eagerness, but she was still guarded. She looked down at the child, wondering if she too, had the same ailment.
"My circus means to convince those with these abilities that they are a gift and not a curse," Tybalt explained, "but yes, that is how I knew. Though, the talents of my members are considerably different in nature."

Tybalt took Etoile's hand, running a thumb over it as he pondered something. Etoile looked up at her Papa, wondering what he was thinking.

Like many others, Rien had been convinced that there was something wrong with her. Otherwise, why else would she be so different from her friends and family? None of them could pull things out of their own shadow, much less make them dance independently of their own body. "Can I see?" She asked curiously, her voice low. While his sentences were painted with pretty words, they could be just that, words.

He was aware of the rumors that surrounded her, he could be saying all of this just to make a quick Euro.

"You may see," he answered, "but you will not remember." How could she forget something so apparent and magnificent as a display of unnatural power?

"If you agree to those terms, we will demonstrate."

Rien did not understand what he meant by this. Did his er-abilities have to do with memory?

Still, she was too curious to let this chance slip away. "Alright, I agree." After all, Rien did not have much to lose.

"You are a fine Duchess, accustomed to polite society. If I asked you nicely to wave hello, you might, but for just a short while," Tybalt explained.

"For a moment, steel your mind to awareness and refuse to do so. First I will ask politely, then shall Etoile. Understood?"

He waited for an affirmative from Rien, then asked, "If you would, please wave, Madame."

Rien was a bit confused, but nonetheless, she played along. "I understand," She nodded.

When he asked, she did as told and kept her hands folded in her lap, refusing to wave.
Now, Tybalt nodded to Etoile. It was her turn to speak, perhaps for the first time all day.

Etoile looked up at the Duchess, who gazed at her with curiosity. "Wave your hand," She prompted, her eyes wide and innocent despite her devious power.

Just like the others, Rien's eyes glazed over, unable to resist her words. She lifted her arm without much control or thought and waved it until she received a second command.

"Stop waving." Etoile looked back down, suddenly more interested in her pastry than the conversation.

It took a minute or so for Rien to recover from Etoile's words. When she returned to her senses, her hand was raised, still waving until she regained enough control to stop. "Incredible," Rien marveled, it was just as he said, she had no recollection, but her hand had been poised to wave.

"She is a convincing speaker," Tybalt explained, affectionately brushing Etoile's hair. "Had we the desire, we could have simply asked that you be convinced of our nature, but we are not so expeditious as to forgo politeness." Tybalt resumed eating with a sigh. "I am sure you wish to learn of my power, too, but after this conversation, Etoile will ask you to forget the details for the sake of our protection. Do you have any questions?"

This would probably be Rien's only opportunity to speak with others like herself. She had many more questions, but it would be rude to ask all of them.

"I would like to see yours, yes." Rien agreed, wondering why he had chosen the child to go first.

"Were you born with it? Or did it... activate at some point in your life?" Rien could remember the very day her illness had shown itself. Something had activated it within her and it reared its ugly head.

But why? "Do you know how it manifests?"

"Suffice it to say that you have already experienced it," he cryptically replied. Did that mean that it was difficult to see? Or was he referring to the fiery performance he gave at his show?

"I do not know why or how or what criterion forms the selection process for this sort of thing," he said, "but I do know this: we have thus far all been awakened to our abilities in a moment of great despair. That your talents are so potent must speak of profound despair indeed. My condolences, Duchess."

Rien had gone quiet. It was all she needed to confirm her suspicions. "Thank you for your gracious hospitality, Sir Tybalt." She bowed her head, something within her feeling a bit lighter.

After all of this time, she was not alone and for now, for Rien, this was enough. "I suppose you will erase my memory?"

"Not entirely," he assured her. "Just the details of our discussion. You will still recall that we proved ourselves to you here. And that we desperately wish you to join us."

"I will have to think about that. It is not so simple abandon my estate. I am sure you understand."

Rien could not think of any talent she could contribute to a Circus, much less had the desire to give up the cozy safety of her gilded cage in Sussex.

"Might you demonstrate your abilities to Etoile before we part? I know she is gravely curious; she has been since we visited you that day."

Etoile was curious, it was true. She looked back between them, leaning forward ever so slightly in anticipation.

Rien was hesitant, but it was only fair. They had been courteous enough to show her theirs.

"I suppose. How could I say no to a face like that?" She laughed. The Duchess placed her hand on the table, a strange substance bubbling beneath her hand like ink. She lifted her palm, revealing a hole made of pure shadow. "One moment," She rose, reaching inside, going down to her shoulder. "Ah, there it is." From within the blackness, came a small, white square; devoid of stains despite where it had been kept. "I suppose it is not quite as flashy as your magic, Sir, but this is my own little trick." She smiled, passing the card along the table.

Tybalt applauded softly and smiled. "There was also the matter of that shadow," he noted. "I think you do not give yourself enough credit. Théatre d'ombres is quite popular here. I have in mind to create an entire act for you to showcase such a lovely feat. Please do consider it; bringing others joy is to feel it returned instantly upon oneself!"

"Ah, yes. My shadow almost seems to have a mind of its own." She smiled politely. It was best not to put all of your cards on the table at once. "Perhaps, but as I said before, it would be difficult for me to abandon my station." Rien was not certain she was comfortable with the idea of showing her... illness so blatantly to others.

While Tybalt thought these talents to be gifts, it was hard to erase the stigma that had been instilled in Rien since childhood. "Thank you, truly, for this evening. I do not think I will soon forget it."

"It has been as much a treat to share in your company," Tybalt flattered. Then, he signed for Etoile to proceed in doing as stated.

It was rare for Etoile to speak so frequently to strangers. "Please forget about our abilities." She requested, then tiredly leaned against her Papa, the hour having grown late.

Tybalt brushed through Etoile's hair further, and with the issuance of their respective mannerisms, the Ringmaster and Duchess parted ways. He then tucked his daughter into bed, went to sleep himself, and bided his time.

The seed had been planted. Now it was watered. It only needed time to grow.

Rien returned to Sussex. To her lovely manor, with its sprawling gardens, to the empty home with only the staff that kept it lively, and the shadow of a room that haunted her each time she passed it.

"Is something the matter, Duchess?" Elizabeth, the head maid, asked. It was unusual for Rien to not touch her tea. "Not at all, you may go now." The Duchess rose slowly from her desk, the window in the office open to let in the spring breeze. It was better, easier, for her to stay inside on sunny days.

But it was boring.

She was tired of filling out paperwork, tired of her dead husband's family attempting to encroach on her land and title. Tired of this dull life with too much time, where she waited for the sun to set so that she might dream of something more exciting.

In the fourth week since their meeting, Rien had made up her mind. She packed her suitcase with whatever would fit and took any possessions that might become of use, including the family heirloom, a sword whose glory days had long since passed and now languished on the wall, unused.

Rien left a note to the maid, asking her to take care of the affairs in her stead, giving her only a vague few words of needing to leave urgently to visit her family in London.

With that singular goodbye, she purchased a ticket to the city, her heart racing when she saw the familiar big top perched in all its grandeur like a home she had been away from for too long.

"Tickets," The man with the red hair asked, looking her up and down once. "I remember you, come to see the show again eh?" He asked with a typical Scottish smirk.

"Yes, but I think I might stay a bit longer once it's over."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ines Character Portrait: Rien Character Portrait: Armel Character Portrait: Karolin Baade
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Cold...It was so cold...Every night was the same for a young woman in the streets. For years she has lived like this, digging out of trash for scraps of food, and hunkering down with some pieces of cardboard that was worn out which provided as much warmth as the tattered rags on her body. However despite these conditions she did not die, no mere normal person could have lasted as long out in these conditions...Yes...She was a cursed child like her parents would say...

This fragile soul named Karolin, one out of millions lay down in some dark alleyway as snow began to gently fall on her body. Just like her hair and skin a pale white color...Her eyes closed, getting some measure of sleep as her body began to slowly blend in with the snow. Why?...What did she do wrong? Why was she hated? Why did her parents do the things they did? Why did it have to come to that?...

She...Rather not remember her past right now...It hurts the inside of her body yet she cannot understand why remembering hurts...No food hurts...No water hurts...The cold does not feel good...Then why does remembering hurt like those?

All these questions would race in her mind, yet she would never get those answers...She was a bit hungry, so she had to get up and look for food. Her eyes would open up once more as she would gently sit up, parting the small layer of snow that accumulated over her body before standing up. Her hot breath was visible in the cold night air...

Maybe...She could find some half eaten meals left behind by some fancy people coming by...

Tonight, the fancy folk of Saint Petersburg were all abuzz over an event happening that night, which was gathering the well-to-do and causing quite the stir. «Цирк дю Воле», this "Cirque du Volés, promised entertainment the likes of which the people had never seen. And large entertainment venues tended to conclude with quite a lot of food scraps tossed aside by its patrons. All Karolin would have to do is wait for the show to be over, and then she could sneak inside and have her fill of discarded popcorn and dough-wrapped sausages. Maybe, if she was lucky, there would even be some unsold pirozhkis in the bakeries nearby.

Neutral eyes would glance around the usually quiet city, there were a lot of words in the distance. And more brighter lights than usual...The skies were brighter than usual at night with all the lights...But her stomach would focus her mind on the prospects of food. She could smell it in the air as she would get closer to whatever this event was.

Her bare feet would walk across the stone streets and snow as she would soon hide behind a wall as her curious eyes would peer over...Despite wanting to wait...Her curiosity was nagging at her. What was this event? An 'entertainment' for people...She wanted to look inside of it and see everything inside. She wanted to experience what everyone else was experiencing...

Her eyes would gaze at the entrance, despite wanting to wait...She wanted to sneak into this event...She did not have anything to give to enter so she had to do it the sneaky way.

Following the crowds, Karolin caught sight of an enormous red tent and of the masses flowing inside.

The ticketers at the gates were too alert for Karolin to simply sneak in; she stuck out too much. However, the gates at the rear of the venue were unguarded - locked, but unguarded. Karolin rarely had an issue with locks for long, and if she so wished, she could gain entry to the big top's backstage to witness what the announcer within was boldly proclaiming "the finest show in France."

Seeing the front of the tent was watched over, it was clear even to her that trying to sneak in looking like she was would get her one thing at the very least, a ticket back to the nearest alley after being chased away.

So seeing at the back entrance was empty and clear of people, she would of course take a few more cautionary looks around her as she simply walks through the back entrance of the tents. However, hearing a loud booming voice in the distance...She would not know what the man was using to speak but for her she would assume it was a magic man's voice in the distance...

But she was very curious to witness what he meant by 'finest show in France' even if...Wait...What was France? Now this piqued her curiosity more.

Karolin found herself backstage, wherein the acts to follow were preparing. Trap doors and tunnels ran beneath the platform that the Ringmaster stood on, and everything from acrobats to an entire elephant stood by waiting for deployment. As tall and imposing as Karolin was, there was at least one person who was even greater of stature and more terrifying here: the Beast, a lion-like man, whose handler waited upon him without fear of his wild nature.

In a crowd of normal people, Karolin stood out. Among these people, Karolin looked no more out of place than anyone else.

A tall beauty stood with tight curls blanketing her back and starry caramel eyes. She dressed in an elegant light lavender dress with gold accents and small flower decorations that reached just above her tight-covered legs. She seemed ethereal as she smiled at the beast in front of her. The creature was a massive monster with a tall body, clawed hands, enormous wings, and thick feathers that coated its body. Only his face seemed human.

He shook himself, releasing a mighty roar. He seemed agitated. Yet the maiden lifted her hands and gently cupped his face, "Bête, look at me. No fear. I am here." Her voice sang, and the beast huffed, calming himself.

"Good-" she paused. In the corner of her eye, she caught sight of someone new — a tall and imposing maiden. Her costume choice was...unique. Ines tilted her head, curious when the circus had brought in another performer

Upon encountering the lion man and the pretty lady in dress. Her face remained neutral as she blinked at them. Although many would be scared off, this pale woman in rags looked over them without even a hint of emotion on her face. But...They were different. They looked different. And they were not chasing her way at the moment.

However words were lost to her, she did not know how to start a conversation. Nor what words to use. There were only a few things she could do in this situation...But with her curiosity and grumbling gut there was one easy answer for her. There was no answer...

Since no one was making a move, she would slowly keep moving like her presence here was normal. She read this in a book before, and must work.

Snacks and refreshments were available for the performers at one of the tables set up backstage. The selection was not the most varied, but it did have many of the local favorites: pirozhki, pigs in blankets, and pastila, along with large faceted barrels of water and wine and even a bottle of vodka. One could get used to this! What exactly was everyone doing here, anyway? Could Karolin join in?

With her 'perfect' blending in with the others here, Karolin would head over to the table with food and drink lining it. Since no one said anything, for her that meant she was more than free to freely help herself to a feast.

Her hands would grab a pirozhki and look it over. It looked nice and warm...A full meal...This might be her first full meal...Her mouth would soon open and close onto this rare delicacy for her. The taste was far more different than what she was used to...Cold, fatty and barley nourishing food scraps. For almost as long as she lived that was what he had tasted but this...This was so much different.

Bite after bite, she would devour the food in her hands as she would also grab a cup and fill it with water before washing the food down with some nice water. She felt...Better now.

Nobody moved to stop her. In fact, she blended in well enough that others came for their own treats, took what they wanted, and left without paying her any mind. What a rare place this was, that people could see someone like her and not think anything of it.

And she did not know half of it. As the show ran just outside, Karolin could hear the audience gasp agape in awe and wonder at the sights put on display for their entertainment. Never would they have suspected that the tricks they saw were not tricks indeed, but the genuine article. Yet while some acts were accomplished with devices plain as day to those behind the figurative curtain, others were more difficult to explain. Was la Bête a real person? He certainly looked alive. Some things had to be real, but the line between reality and fiction blurred ever so thin here.

Thunderous applause filled the stadium as the beauty and beast made their exit backstage, followed by an organized line of animals. She guided each one masterfully, needing neither a whip nor chains to tame them. She handed the animals off to the handlers, expressing her thanks for their assistance. The beast remained by her side, as there has yet to be a handler who he allowed near him other than the woman.

As she led the beast to his room, her gaze caught sight of the strange performer from earlier. She was indulging on the refreshment table with a vigorous hunger. The beauty pondered momentarily, then walked away with the beast.

Moments later, the woman returned, still in costume but with no beast by her side but a handsome man. He had golden locks, sky blue eyes, and a mysterious smile. His clothing was rather plain— a white shirt with black pants. The man paused, eyeing the stranger, "...Ines, she isn't a performer."

Ines gasped, her face filled with disbelief, "She is not? Are you certain, Armel?" she frowned, "...Then what of her odd attire?" Ines questioned in French, her voice filled with concern.

Armel sighed, regretting his next choice of words, "Shall we ask?" He smiled, hiding his hope she'd say no. He shouldn't have asked.

Ines's eyes lit up, "Oui!" Before Armel could say anything more, Ines was already making her way toward the strange visitor in rags.

She stood at the edge of the table, tilting her head with an elegant smile, "Bonjour, je m'appelle Ines." She did not respond.

Ines wondered if she wasn't French, "...Hello, my name is Ines. Do you speak English?" Armel stood behind Ines, watching the exchange

Such an array of fresh food, she could feel her stomach filling up for once in her life. It was such an odd feeling but a feeling she was comfortable with. However her eating focus soon drew to the strange words next to her...And directed at her. It was a pretty woman with an unusual skin color for her, but her dress was pretty like a fancy person's clothing.

However she did not understand the French...Then the English...She would hold a pig in a blanket as she stared back with an entirely neutral gaze, seemingly not understanding a single word she said. Those were strange words...It sounded so different to what she had heard or said.

She would point to herself...Then point to her then seemingly tilted her head a bit as she was pondering her words like a question. "Privet, krasotka, ya caroline. spasibo saa edu." She replied in Russian as she would munch her food in her hands.

What did she say? Ines pondered. The words spoken to her were in a foreign language she could only guess as Russian. She was unsure, as her knowledge was limited to French and English.

She began to fret, tapping her finger on her cheek as she scoured her mind for ideas. How could they converse? Perhaps she knows sign language?

Before Ines could test her hypothesis, a familiar voice spoke behind her, "Dobro pozhalovat', Kerolayn. My Armel' i Ines, chleny ekipazha etogo korablya. Kak vy okazalis' za kulisami?"

(Welcome, Caroline. We are Armel and Ines, crew members on this ship. How did you end up backstage?)

Ines spun around, her mouth slightly agape, as she stared wide-eyed at Armel, "Armel! Tu parles sa langue?"

(Armel! You speak her language?)

"Yes." Armel nodded, clearly not as impressed as Ines. However, that did not stop her from gazing at him in awe, waiting for a clear interpretation of their guest's words.

Armel sighed, "She introduced herself as Karolin and thanked you for the food."

Ines beamed, glancing between Karolin and Armel with glee, "She is very welcome!...How did she get in here, Armel?"

He shrugged, "We shall see. For now, can you locate Tybalt and bring him here? He should be available."

Ines frowned, wishing to stay and hear more of the language between the two, "Bien." She rushed away, searching the ship for Tybalt.

Another person, and he spoke words she understood. Of course to respond to his question she would give an honest reply. "Szady nikogo ne bylo ryadom, yi nicto nichego ne govori. razavi chto... nepravilne?"

(The back had no one near it, and no one said anything. Was that...Wrong?)

The woman asked, still munching on her food while awaiting a response, her curious eyes gazing at him and all around her. So many new and interesting things she was seeing and experiencing.

Fortunately for them, Tybalt was between acts. He wouldn't be needed again until the finale, where he would issue his famous closing line, this time in well-practiced Russian. It was just about the only thing he could say in that language, but it was better than nothing.

A tall, goateed man in a top hat made his way to the drink cart, supporting his steps with an unnecessary—but quite fancy—ruby-topped cane. He nodded to Ines and Armel, but tilted his head at the newcomer.

"I do believe we have yet to be acquainted," he said with a grand smile to the tall woman.

Karolin continued to satisfy her stomach, and Armel wondered if they should restock the table, "Eto bylo nepravil'no, no eto byla i oshibka. Popravimaya oshibka." His gaze fell on Tybalt.

(It was wrong, but it was also a mistake. A fixable mistake.)

Ines smiled, pleased that she did not have to search far for Tybalt. She stood beside Armel, poking his arm to continue the conversation.

"Tybalt, this is Karolin, a guest who wandered backstage by accident. She seems to have been traveling for quite a while." He guessed the last part, considering how she is dressed in rags and is filling her stomach continuously.

"Karolin, eto Tibalt. Nash nachalnik manezha i vladelets etogo korablya."

(Karolin, this is Tybalt. Our Ringmaster and owner of this ship.)

Wrong...Oh it was wrong...Karolin stopped eating the food in her hands as she would place it back on the table, like a child putting away a half eaten cookie after being caught eating from the cookie jar.


Was all the woman said as her gaze fell upon the fancy man with a fuzzy face. Of course his words were lost on her as she blinked at him with a neutral gaze before turning to Armel. "Stalnye govoryat strange slova... neujeli ti bald nakhodit moiu oshibku plochoi?... ya ego ne ponimayu..."

(The others say strange words...Is Tybalt finding my mistake bad?...I don't understand him...)

She would look at the two, her gaze still neutral...However for her she could feel a bit...Uneasy...Like the air when she was back home...When she did bad things which was all the time she would be hit...This must be the case...

Armel caught the slight change in Karolin's demeanor. Noticing how she shyly pushed away from her food, he assured her, "My ne rasstoyanie, Karolin. Oshibki sluchaetsya."

(We are not upset, Karolin. Mistakes happen.)

Her mannerisms were similar to a child's, not childish, but pure honesty. An innocence identical to when he first met Ines — curious about the world around them yet fearful of people's reactions. He felt a vague sense of guilt for his choice of words, "Pozhaluysta, prodolzhat yest'. I Tibal't ne schitayet tebya plokhim. Na samom dele, on khochet bol'she uznat' o vas."

(Please, continue eating. And Tybalt does not find you bad. In fact, he wants to hear more about you.)

Noticing that Karolin seemed less than comfortable, he did his best to reassure her with an even brighter smile. He took hold of a cookie and placed it in Karolin's hands, hoping that the gesture would transcend verbal language. At the risk of repeating Armel's words, he assured her, "I will need to return to the stage in a few moments, but, please, continue eating and stay awhile. We would love to meet you."

With that, he nodded in affirmation and began walking towards the stage, preparing for his re-entry.

The words directed at her were not loud...But soft...With words saying it was alright to continue eating with even a cookie placed in her hands, she stared at his gesture and the cookie in her hands as she blinked a bit.

She...She was not sure what to feel...But she did know that she did not dislike this at all. "Bolshoe spasibo."

(Thank you very much)

She would say as he looked up at him and took a bite almost expecting something to happen, but seeing as nothing happened she would return to eating with renewed energy once more.

Ines smiled, twirling in place because she couldn't contain her joy — her show dress fluttering. Tybalt gave his blessing, which means she is free to learn more about their mysterious new friend, Karolin.

With light steps, Ines snatches Armel and drags him to a group of chairs. Aware of her request, Armel hoists the seats in his arms and sets them around the food table.

Once everyone was seated, Ines started a conversation with Armel as the translator. She wanted to become acquainted with Karolin but not dig too far into her personal life. So Ines asked her questions about the circus, is this her first time at the circus? How did she feel about the performances? Were there any acts she particularly enjoyed?

With the questions asked by a translator, there was one simple answer she could respond with to all of them.

"Ya nay znayu au spectacle ch. noh ya zdes vpervye."
(I don't know about the performances, but this is my first time here.)

She would simply reply. It was of course the truth, this was her first time seeing such a sight...Plus she was walking in the back of the tent so she did not see anything more than the people and munching on some food still after her response.

Ines frowned. If she could, she'd want Karolin to witness the wonders of the circus. She paused and glanced over at Armel with a sweet but crafty smile.

"Non," he said without a thought. Ines huffed gently, yanking on his shirt, "Ines, this is not debatable. We need to remain here until Tybalt returns." He sets his elbow on the table, propping his head up with his hand. He reaches for a cookie and passes it to the sullen Ines, who takes it and elegantly stuffs it into her mouth.

Ines swung her legs back and forth with a sigh as she chewed on the cookie. Not even the delectable sugar could fix her mood. She wanted Karolin to experience the wonders of the circus. Then, maybe if she enjoys it, she'd wish to stay. How marvelous of an outcome that would be.

Armel kept Ines out of sight, not allowing her mood to affect his decision. But it was hard to ignore her loud sighs, and once again, he lost, "If...If we do this, we must use a box seat. You and Karolin would attract too much attention if we sat amongst the-" Armel stopped, feeling manipulated by Ines.

"J'écoute~." she sang—her grin sparkling in the light. The cookie is still being munched on but slower.

(I am listening~)

Armel regrets this, "There are rules. Firstly, Ms. Karolin must agree, and if she does, we'd need at least a cloak for her to remain warm-"

"Facile, suivant~."

(Easy, next)

He sighed, "Ines..." Armel ran a hand through his golden hair, swiping it out of his face, "...Second, we must come back here. No wandering around the ship afterward, understood?"

Ines nodded, agreeing to the terms, "Oui. Oui. Maintenant, s'il vous plaît, demandez-lui!"

(Yes. Yes. Now, please ask her.)

Armel turns to Karolin, translating the conversation, "Ines khochet posmotret' s toboy tsirk-."

(Ines wants to watch the circus with you-)

Ines poked Armel's arm, motioning at the food, "Vy takzhe mozhete vzyat' s soboy neskol'ko zakusok vo vremya prosmotra."

(You are also welcome to bring a few snacks with you as you watch.)

Ines resumed munching on her cookie, satisfied, as she reached for another.

At first Karolin would watch the two speak and interact with each other with interest. Their strange words that sounded so different from what she normally spoke. And how they both were in a way 'playing' with one another like the kids she saw who would have their faces with their lips raised in an energy filled manner.

Watching those two...It was a gentle feeling...She liked this feeling just seeing them. It was so different. The yells...Replaced with this scene. She could watch them without getting tired.

However her thoughts were interrupted by the next set of words directed at her. A chance to watch this circus? And bring more snacks with her? Karolin wasted no time grabbing a small handful of well...Everything on the table as she was almost as eager as a dog about to go outside.

"Ya khotel by posmotret."
(I would like to watch)

She would say, however her face remained solid and neutral. No hint of emotion on her face yet her body which had scooped up the food was telling.

Ines needed no translation as Karolin's decision was obvious. Springing up in excitement, Ines claps her hands as she skips away to grab a cloak from one of the many emergency costume racks. She brought it back for Karolin to wear. But seeing as her arms were full, Ines helped drape the garment over her shoulders, glancing at Armel to explain.

"Ispol'zuyte yego, chtoby sogret'sya." He pushed the chairs closer to the table, so they do not block anyone's path as they are gone, "Alright, let's be on our way?" Armel walked a few steps ahead.

(Use it to keep yourself warm)

Ines beams. Turning to Karolin, she carefully sets her hand on her arm, "Let's go!" She knew Karolin could not understand, but she felt the need to say it anyway.

Armel leads the way, taking a few turns. They climb a flight of stairs to the balcony. Now out of the backstage area, one could hear the applause and cheers—guests sitting at the edge of their seats and gasping with awe.

Glancing around, Armel quietly finds an empty box seat. It was a separate room on the balcony with an open viewing area. It had about four seats inside, perfect for all of them, "Zakhodi." he spoke to Karolin, motioning towards the seats.

(Come in)

With her arms full of food, she seemed to be ready to go but as they draped the warm sheet over her shoulders her eyes would gaze at the fabric at her back. Was this a window curtain? It was on her but not on a curtain...But it felt warm...It was better than the cold...Taking his words to heart her head would lean against the cloak on her shoulder as she closed her eyes for a moment to take it all in before opening them once more once she felt gentle hands on her arm.

Unlike the rough grabbing she was used to, this set of hands seemed to also want her to go to a location. But without pulling her hard...She did not dislike this at all...And soon enough her ears would catch the loud energetic noises from many people in the distance as they got closer. And arriving at a room overlooking another room she would step inside when she was motioned to come in.

Ines enters the room leaving the center chair open for Karolin and her snacks. Once everyone is seated Armel follows, setting himself in the chair next to Karolin so he can translate. Ines bubbles with joy, poking Karolin on the arm she points toward the floor, "Regardez! Il y a Tybalt au centre." She says loud enough for Karolin to hear over the crowd, "He is about to introduce the next performer."

(Look. There is Tybalt in the center)

Armel translated, "Tibalt, chelovek iz proshlogo, predstavit sled yushchenko ispolnitelya."

(Tybalt, the man from before, will be introducing the next performer)

With a seat available, Karolin took a look over the cushioned seat and soon sat down on it. It had a pillow on it! It was soft under. This must have been how fancy people sat and slept...It was a great feeling compared to wood and a few rags on wood and the ground.

However her eyes would gaze upon the performance going on with curious eyes. What was going to happen? She was very much looking forward to seeing what was about to happen. Even if her face had no visible emotion on it.

Dramatically, the top-hatted showman tapped his cane repeatedly upon the ground. With each tap, a spotlight was lit, casting new shadows that stretched even to the roof of the big top. A white cloth ring began to ascend around him from the floor, slowly obscuring more and more of him from view while still allowing the lights to form his shadows. As he gestured, each of the silhouettes matched his movements. He removed his top hat, and each of the shadows removed theirs. Finally, he was concealed from head to toe in the ringed curtain.

New music began to play, whimsical, mysterious, wonderful in nature, serving to underscore the baffling sights the audience would soon witness. Tybalt's silhouette from within the curtained veil suddenly warped and shifted until it took on a girlish figure. For this, the other shadows followed suit, as expected. They all played along like tethered puppets until, at last, their puppeteer seized control.

The curtain slowly raised, the shadows continuing in their parade. They moved in time to the music, hopping along until the curtain revealed that the Ringmaster had disappeared, replaced by a girl in a white suit, gilded in gold. The shadows pointed their fingers at her in mock surprise.

The woman marched in a circle around the ring, her shadows following suit in a line much like a conga dance, waving to the audience before she stopped in the center of the ring and lifted her arms, the shadows folding and shifting, diving behind her until only one remained, her shadow.

Rien feigned a curtsy, pulling her first blade out of the shade right beneath her. She held up the short sword for all to see, striking the air with practiced ease to show that it was a real blade.

Rien leaned her head back, pointed the sword down, and swallowed the blade whole, hilt and all. She licked her thumb as though she had eaten something particularly tasty.

And while her audience still sat there, nullified, Rien reached her hand down, pulling the sword back out as if by magic.

The music, the sights, the clothing, the spectacles. It was unlike anything she has seen with her own eyes. It was as if the pages of her book just popped out and became alive just like her. But the real magic was just starting for her.

A woman with a fancy outfit on like one of those many fancy people took to the stage holding a sword. Oh it looked sharp like a knife! That was indeed something that could cut things. However to her awe the woman would begin placing the sword down her mouth and even though she could not believe it...The sword had vanished from sight in her mouth! And after showing that she ate it she pulled the sword back out. This was truly magic like her books!

Her eyes had a bit more life in them as she stared in awe. "Sympathichnyy volshebnik..."

(Pretty magician)

She spoke with a hint of wonder in her tone.

Ines knew the inner workings of Rien's act, yet that did not stop her from marveling at her friend’s grace and showmanship.

Ines was stunned, caught in the ambiance of Rien's performance. She broke free from her trance by the erupting applause that filled the tent. Following suit, Ines leaned toward the front edge of her seat and cheered, "Merveilleux, Rien!" Her long curls, blanket over her shoulder, danced as her arms moved.

(Marvelous, Rien!)

Amid her awe, Ines glances to the side. Her smile grows brighter as she detects the tiniest bit of light flashing in Karolin's gaze. Ines felt so proud.

She peeked over Karolin at Armel, signaling him to translate. Armel smiled, "She said, pretty magician." He answered almost mockingly.

Ines ignored his tone and nodded in agreement with the words, "Hush. Rien n'était incroyable."


Armel held his tongue, internally debating if he should compliment Rien or insult her. He chose neither and said, "If you say so."

Ines ignored Armel. Tilting close to Karolin, she asked, "Did you like her performance?"

Armel translated: "Vam ponravilos' vystuplenie simpatichniy volshebnitsa?"

(Did you like the pretty magician's performance)

Although marveling at the performance, Karolin's attention was easily shifted to the people near her when a question was asked to her before being translated. Did she like it? That was an easy answer.

"Mne ponravilos."
(I liked it)

She would say as she would give a small nod. However she had a question of her own. "Ethy tsirki napolneni magiei, kak vie knigach? vy toze vse volshebnye?"

(Are these circuses filled with magic like in the books? Are you all magical as well?)

She would ask as her eyes would look over the others in wonder as if she expected them to cast balls of fire, or fly in the air like she read.

Armel paused. Should he answer this question honestly? He knows if it were Ines, she'd say yes without hesitation, which is not necessarily a good thing.

"What did she say? Armel?" Ines' eyes twinkled. Karolin must have said something difficult for Armel to answer, which means it would be easy for her, "Armel~ Tell me please~" she hummed.

He tapped his leg, "She is wondering if the circus is magical, along with us. Similar to the magic in the storybooks, Etoile showed-"

"Oui!" Ines nodded her head vigorously, her hands resting gently on Karolin's arm.

He knew it. Armel swiped a hand over his face and sighed. He knew this would happen.

"Armel, tell Karolin she is right. Ask if she wishes to join in the magic!" Her voice was low enough that only they could hear. She understood secrecy was essential. However, she could not shake the feeling that Karolin would fit in perfectly with this bizarre yet magical circus.

"Je t'en prie, Armel. Je sais ce qui t'inquiète, mais Karolin a besoin d'un foyer. Et Tybalt serait d'accord!"

(Please, Armel. I know what you worry about, but Karolin needs a home. Also, Tybalt would agree)

Armel knew she added Tybalt because he was about to use him to disagree with her statement. Armel shook his head, wondering where Ines learned such craftiness from, "Da." He smiled, "Eto pohozhie na knigi. Mnogiye iz nas volshebnye, no ne vse."

(It is similar to the books. Many of us are magical, but not all.)

He hesitated but continued, "Ines sprashivayet, ne khochesh' li ty prisoyedinit'sya k nam."

(Ines wonders if you wish to join us.)

Upon hearing that this place was indeed magical, if her eyes could sparkle like the times in the books then her eyes would sparkle. However all she could do was stare back intently as indeed the magic of this place was the real deal.

And another part that drew her was that Ines wanted her to join?...Her?...She could join?...But...Was it alright? This was indeed a place of magic but she was...

"Ya diable..."
(I'm a devil...)

Karolin spoke as her eyes looked downwards.

"Magia obichno khorosha... noh ya diable... monster... sushchestvo... demonicheskaya vesch nay dolzna kasatsya khoroshikh veshchey, inache ona delaet magic plochoi..."[i/]

(Magic is usually good...But I'm a devil...A monster...A creature...A demonic thing should not touch good things or else it makes the magic bad...)

She would say as she looked to the few crumbs left in her hands as she stared at her hands. [i]"Oni skazali... ya byl nezhelannym... yi zi...ya ne khochu razrushat magiu zlom..."

(They said...I was unwanted...And evil...I don't want to ruin magic with evil...)

She spoke with a slight shiver as her hands held each other for comfort.

Small tears dripped down Ines' cheeks, smearing the powder covering her scar. She did not wait for Armel to translate. The word monster that left Karolin's lips, along with her shivering hands, was enough.

Pushing off her chair, Ines wrapped her arms around Karolin's neck. Her tights caught on the edge, but she ignored them. Leaning closer, she held Karolin tight, sniffling.

Armel frowned. A bitter taste sat in his mouth, "...Ty ne d'yavol, Karolin." he pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and stuffed it in Ines's hand, "Tot, kto skazal eto, byl ne prav naschet tebya."

(You are not a devil, Karolin.)
(Whoever said this was wrong about you.)

He gave Karolin's head a light pat, "Yesli khochesh' prisoyedinit'sya, ya poproshu Tibalt. Tak chto eto normalno govorit' to, chto vy khotite. Delat' to, chto khochesh', bez strakha."

(If you wish to join, I will ask Tybalt. So, it is alright to say what you want. To do what you want, without fear.)

In a sudden moment, Karolin could feel a different warmth wrapped around her. Ines had wrapped her arms around her all of a sudden. Was she giving her some extra heat? But her face was a bit wet like when she would cry. Was she really sad all of a sudden?

However, the next words surprised her. Wrong about being a demon? What they said was...Wrong?...She did not understand...However soon she also felt something on her head as well as her gaze looked up and saw Armel's hand patting her head.

Karolin then looked at Ines as her hands unclasped themselves as she gently patted her hair. In books she saw it, when people had tears falling a lot of the books showed a hand rubbing a head. But why would someone pat her head? She was confused.

"Ya nay diable?... ya vie roditeli skazali, chto ya proklyatiy yi demon...Ya viglaju stranger... yi ya otlichie ot drugiq... neujeli ya nay odin?...ya...vie zameshatelstve..."

(I am not a devil?...I am confused...My parents said I was cursed and a demon...I look strange...And I am different from others...Am I really not one?...I'm...Confused...)

The confused woman said, face still devoid of emotions as she gently patted Ines's head.

Armel leaned back in his chair. Crossing his legs, he took a moment to think about Karolin's words. He felt many different emotions, none pleasant. Why do parents hurt their children the most?

There were so many things he could tell Karolin, though a few words from a stranger could never fix years of trauma.

However, Armel did know what Karolin needed to hear the most, "Karolin, prisoyedinyaysya k tsirku. Zdes' nikto ne schitayet vas zlym ili proklyatyh. Zdes' vse raznyye."

(Karolin, join the circus. Here, no one thinks of you as evil or cursed. Here, everyone is different.)

Ines sniffled. Karolin's hands patting her head were cozy and warm. She let her continue a little longer before loosening her grip on Karolin. She sat back with a sweet smile. Her powder washed away, revealing three defining scars over her cheek, but Ines did not mind. Brushing a few hair strands from her face, Ines dabbed her eyes with Armel's handkerchief, "Merci." she held Karolin's hand, "Karolin, please join the circus. Let this place be your new home."

Armel chuckled, "Ona skazala spasibo i nadeyetsya, chto tsirk stanet vashim novym domom."

(She said thank you and hopes the circus will become your new home.)

Karolin would listen as the two continued to ask her to join...The curse she suffered...Would it really just be ignored here in this place of magic? They would accept her?...Accepted...These people were gentle with her...They did not call her a demon...They even said she was not one...It was such a different feeling...

Looking at Ines Karolin saw it, the sight of what looked like a cut. It looked deep...The cuts she had never really did much to her body...But...That was what 'different' was.

Her eyes would look over to her hand as it was held with Ines's hand. Both her and him want her...To...Think of this as a home...She...Never had a home for lots of years...

"Ya mogu... u vas novy dome?"
(I can...Have a new home?)

She would say as her hands felt warm now. Not like the biting cold from outside. She could have a home? Maybe a bed? And more people to...Talk with?...

She...Would like that...

"Togda eto novyy dom. mne nravitsya volshebstvo yi khorosheye... mne toze nravyatsya vy dvoe... my nay semya... noh teper chuvstvuyu sebya semyey iz uvidennogo... mne eto nravitsya..."

(Then this is a new home. I like magic, and good things...I also like you two...We are not family...But now feels like family from what I saw...I like this...)

She would say as her eyes looked up at the two. However no expression would show on her face. She liked this moment...But she could not express it.

"Shall we find Tybalt?" Armel asked Ines

Ines nodded. She tried to contain her excitement but held Karolin's hands tighter, "Bienvenue dans la famille!"

(Welcome to the family)

Armel let her be, decided not to interject, how this was a decision for Tybalt. She wouldn't listen anyway, "Ines skazala, dobro pozhalovat' v sem'yu."

(Ines said, welcome to the family.)

He allowed Ines to relish the moment for a few more minutes before announcing they should head back to the table and wait for Tybalt.

So they quietly left the box, down the stairs, and past a crowd of performers mingling backstage. Soon they arrived where they had begun, the once emptied table now restocked with food. There they awaited Tybalt's arrival.

Filling the big top with his booming voice after an explosive finale of flashing and fire, Tybalt delivered his closing lines, this time in showy, flowing Russian. "Nashemu nevozmozhnogo tsirku vse yeshche chego-to ne hvataet. Mozhet byt, vy — to chego nam ne hvataet?"

«Our impossible circus is not yet complete. Could it be you are what we're missing?»

The big top erupted with thunderous applause, and Tybalt proudly approached the table, his eyes lighting up on seeing Karolin return. His expression was practically glowing. He repeated the words he just spoke to her.

Family…Her eyes seemed to have a flash of fear when they mentioned family. However she quickly calmed herself when she remembered…There's lots of families around…They won’t turn into her family…She…Turned into their family…

Of course it was soon time to head back which she would follow behind without issue, and soon enough the top hat person returned. Tybalt. And as he spoke to her she would ultimately nod in response to his question. She wanted to be part of this magic…


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Character Portrait: Memphis Character Portrait: Rien
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Sound poured in from every inch of the large tent, bespoke with lights that twinkled as though to mimic the stars. The magnanimous ringmaster stood at the very center of the circle, having dismounted an elephant after a burst of smoke. From the rafters, a gear turned, which made barrels of small, colorful pieces of paper rain down on their audience like hail. Outside, the rain pelted against the technicolor fabric in typical English fashion. England only had two modes of weather: rainy, or unbearably muggy. Tonight, it was the former.

Rien was waiting in the wings; having done this for four years now, she thought herself to be something of an expert. On a day like today, however, most of the performers were huddled in jackets to keep their muscles warm. Their trapeze artists had just dismounted, taking a final flourishing bow on the ground before walking back towards the waiting area.

Suddenly, Alistair swooped over to grab Etoile and throw her over his shoulder, laughing at his little joke. Etoile, however, was pounding her little fists against his back, trying to get him to put her down. The crowd ate it up, not realizing that Etoile’s distress at the sudden action was genuine.

It was only backstage that he released her. Etoile huffed, hurrying off to huddle beneath one of the blankets while waiting for the last few acts. This was not the end for them, every performer must return to take their final bows at the end of the show.

From outside, the booming voice of their Ringmaster could be heard echoing over the applause.

That was Rien's cue. She sashayed from the wings, holding the foil of her saber, grinning from ear to ear.

The adrenaline made the rest of the evening pass by in something of a blur. After taking her bows, Rien and a few of the other adults took the elevator up into the dazzling dining hall. What was once an observatory had become the gathering place for their meals. Pieces of its former use still remained, what with tall glass windows and elegant dining table, now slightly marred by knives and scratches, despite the plea from their resident healer to not bring weapons to the table.

Amongst the crowd was one who had blended in seamlessly. He watched the show with great interest, observing every act, oddity, and performer from beginning to end.

"What were the chances I'd cross paths with Duchess Corbeau again-" Memphis drawled, swirling his drink absentmindedly with the liquid time and time again, very close to spilling over. "-here and now?" He turned away briefly from his conversational partner to take a swig and rub the crease that formed between his brows with the empty bottle's rim. Rien, as the finale was fresh in his mind. Not so different from the Duchess he met once upon a time except happier, perhaps?

If he recalled correctly, all the performers had a unique talent of their own. What was Rien's? He had thought he would be the only noble to consider the circus as a livelihood. He whispered, voice barely audible. "You put me in a very delicate situation, milady."

She hadn’t wronged him, no. But she knew who he was, his real name. "That is if you remember me?" He queried, greeted by silence once more. The hung up circus poster, depicting Rien in all her showmanship glory had no answer or words of advice to bestow.

Memphis raised his drink to the poster, done with gathering his thoughts; strolled over to the real Rien. Along the way, he downed the beer left in his glass in much the same fashion he had witnessed Rien swallow her sword. Memphis sat next to her nonchalantly like time hadn't passed between them and popped open a new bottle. He poured and merrily whistled until all the cups at the table were filled to the brim. His breath smelled of the stuff, bitter and pungent, but he wasn't drunk, not yet.

Rien had not noticed him, not yet at least. She was taken by the current shenanigans right across the table, James Martella had gotten into yet another argument with Riftan, the two making a wager over whether or not they get away with sneaking into Tybalt’s corridors to steal his precious ruby-topped cane.

Beside her, Genya sighed. ”When will those boys learn?” She took a slow drink from her stemmed glass, much preferring wine over cheap beer. ”If I have to mend another pair of drawers-” her words made Rien laugh.

The empty seat on her opposite side had suddenly become filled, but Rien took little notice. It was common for performers and workers to come and go on nights like these.

"I wonder. Do you still practice alone?"

Rien nearly choked on her drink. ”You,” she turned quickly to face him. Like a ghost having returned to haunt her, the last person she had ever expected to see was suddenly seated beside her.

”What are you doing here?”

Memphis smiled as he captured her attention. “Looking for you,” he answered without missing a beat and took another swig. “I never left the garden, the winds must have-” he whirled a finger in the air, then pointed left and right, unable to tell which direction the wind was really coming from. “Carried me here.” Memphis poked the tip of her nose, his touch warm despite the cool beer bottles he had been cradling throughout the evening. “To you, milady.” He locked his gaze on her amber hues, sighed dramatically as if defeated by their chance encounter, and rested his cheek against his knuckles. Still staring, he said boldly, “Perchance it’s the hand of fate, shall we do as nobles do and get married?”

Some part of her felt guilty. She had fled her home in the middle of the night with only a suitcase, a sword, and an urge to leave everything behind. She had hardly given a second thought to the people she would never see again. Never mind that, Rien had not seen Memphis since before her marriage.

”I suppose luck was on your side then, if you are being truthful, to have brought you straight to my doorstep.” Then, in a most unlady-like manner, Rien downed the rest of her drink. On her other side, Genya stifled a laugh. The seamstress rose to give them a bit of space, thinking they might need it.

Memphis placed a hand over his heart as he picked apart her words. “You wound me, milady. Would you not count it lucky to have me here as well?” He shook his head with emphasis. “That simply won’t do, Rien.”

“My side,” He pointed at himself, “-your doorstep…” then eloquently gestured around the space, including her circus troupe in the picture. “-will soon be one and the same.” He confessed, pausing to let the knowledge that his stay had been arranged sink in.

Her easy smile had returned, the Duchess leaned forward, forgoing all manners, to clasp one of his hands in both of her own. ”That is wonderful Memphis,” Rien had lived in this world so long, where rank did not garner respect, that she was rusty when it came to the practices of nobles. Of course, the alcohol helped too.

He hadn’t expected such a positive reception. Memphis’s gaze strayed to their hands, then returned upwards to Rien in somewhat of a daze. "Is that how you truly feel?" he asked before his eyes darted away for a reprieve.

She released his hand after a moment, perhaps returning to her senses. ”I suppose we were both hiding something beneath one another’s noses.” Blaise reached across the table to refill their glasses.

Rien let out a laugh at his proposition. ”Maybe one day, when the winds have calmed, but for the time being, I am happily unmarried, thank you very much.”

With a carefree smirk, he swooped up his glass and raised it slightly towards her for a toast, “To luck, calm winds and for now, happily breaking my heart?”

"To calm winds," She raised her glass, clinking it against his in a toast.

Rien was silent for a moment, perhaps contemplative. "So, what is it then?" Rien never sought to hide her gifts from her crew mates, sometimes it was impossible to anyhow, what with the black ichor that would occasionally drip from her nose or mouth. If Memphis asked her to show him her talent, Rien would happily agree.

What she had once spent an eternity loathing as an illness, turned out to be a gift.

Another bottle through, Memphis was starting to feel woozy. He brushed the mess of bottles aside to make space, then let his head hit the table with a thump!
Hearing Rien's voice, he turned to face her and began to dig into his pockets and check around his waist. He had his personal effects with him, but he couldn't remember where he put this or that for the life of him. "How about you pick for me a-aah.... an item and I'll show you?" Memphis suggested, snapping his fingers when he successfully shared his idea. He then outstretched an arm with an open palm, waiting to receive it.

Rien laughed, he was showing her a side to him that she had never seen before. The Memphis that Rien knew was stiff and proper. It was nice to throw away their formalities. Not a Duchess nor an heir, just a boy and a girl roped into a man's circus. "Alright how about... this." Rien reached into her pocket, pulling out the knife she always kept on her person. She placed it into his outstretched hand, waiting eagerly to see what he would do.

Memphis shifted his weight onto his chin to inspect what he had gotten. Clutching the knife by the handle, he brought it closer to his face, and flipped it over. He whistled. "Just like you to pick something dangerous..." He commented before dangling it by his side. He looked at Rien once more before swinging his arm, and in the blink of an eye.... The knife became relatively long, like a sword by the time he had swung it full circle and dropped it on the table between them.

Rien watched with great interest, enthralled by his performance. He was a natural born showman.

The clang of metal against wood was enough to garner the attention of the others at the table. Some of which had their unique... constitution, while others were fairly normal, but used to the shenanigans of the ones with abilities. It only took a moment for the room to grow loud again, minding their own once more. Rien, however, clapped; she was laughing again.

Memphis flicked away imaginary beads of sweat from his forehead. "Tough crowd." He quipped, seeing as his trick didn't earn as much attention as it usually did from ordinary folk. Well, at least Rien was impressed. Memphis sat upright, tilted his head back and closed his eyes for a few seconds trying to sober up enough for conversation.

"Don't take it too personally. When you work in a Circus, you see a lot of strange things." There was a boy here who never missed his target and a girl who could make others succumb to her whims with her song. There was even a clown in the very next room, who could hear a pin drop in France.

"But it really is something quite spectacular. Now I understand that story with those boys... oh what were they called," in her drunken haze, their names escaped her. "They cowered like scolded dogs anytime they met your eyes at a party. Now I know why."

Memphis folded his arms over the table, interest piqued. "Oh? You had eyes for me even back then?" He teased with a smug smirk before blowing his messy bangs away from his eyes.

"You stood out," Rien was a woman of honesty. "I wasn't the only one. Noe was a big fan of yours," it was easier to speak about her these days.

"Noe?" He repeated with a raised eyebrow in mild disbelief. They'd only exchanged pleasantries, but she was hard to forget as many of his peers were besotted by her beauty.

Rien nodded, "not in the romantic sense." No, as far as Rien knew, Noe had only loved a handful in her life. However, she found fascination in the way others lived. That was why Noe had been... captivated by him.

He slowly slid the grown knife towards her. "What about you, avaleur d'épée? Care to give this humble circus starter some pointers with a closer demonstration?" Memphis didn't know if her act was related to her gift, but the prop was ready should she require it.

It was her turn to show off, then? "Our performances and abilities aren't necessarily the same," Rien explained, lifting the sword up to examine it closer. It still had all of the details of the little knife, including the inscription that had been on the handle. Color her impressed.

Rien turned in front of her and placed her right palm on the wooden table, an inky, sticky substance beginning to pool beneath one hand. With the other, she lifted the sword, dropping it into the hole before closing it up. The Void was a power that took much out of her. She could have just made her shadow dance, but that would not have been anywhere near as impressive as his trick. "Tada," the hole on the table disappeared, not so much as a shadow remaining. "I can fetch that later, don't worry."

Rien's movements brought about a darkness to the likes of which he had never seen before. On the edge of his seat, he inched closer, trying to steal a glimpse of the inside. "Fascinating. May I?" He asked then swept his hand over the table surface where it once was. He brushed his index finger and thumb together. Nothing. Not a trace was left behind. Memphis clapped, thoroughly puzzled. "You'll need me to return it properly afterward, no?"

"Are you mad?" Rien laughed, "I will hang it above my bed as a memento." Unless his ability wore off? Otherwise, Rien full-well intended to keep it forever.

"If that is what the lady desires." He smiled solemnly, a stranger to the enthusiasm. 'Twas a strange feeling that washed over him. Chest light, head heavier. "I wonder about that darkness of yours... What is its name?" He tapped his cheek at a loss. "I wonder what awaits on the other side of it. Do you know?"

Someone had refilled their glasses again. Rien didn't glance around the table to see who. It was almost tradition at this point, to fill an empty cup if you saw one while they were drinking. "I call it The Void," it was an admittedly childish name that she had thought was particularly impressive at thirteen. Rien had yet to think of something better. "I am not sure, no. However, I would be loath to find out." Considering she had suffocated her deceased husband inside of it, there was one thing that Rien knew: The Void was a place that could not sustain life.

As much as Rien had taken Memphis off guard with her touch before, reaching out he found a lot easier. He placed his hand over hers reassuringly, unaware of all she had been through to loathe delving. Memphis had always embraced what made him peculiar, but he would be a fool to compare. "Thank you for showing me." The words rolled off his tongue sincerely this time.

She looked down at his hand, which was slightly larger than her own. It was warm, she thought; wondering what his intention was.

"Although," He pulled away, coming up with a diversion to lighten the mood. "Isn't it a little unfair that only one of us has a memento?" Memphis winked before more beer went down the hatch.

She laughed again at his words and took another sip from her glass. At this point, her head was spinning, but she was having fun. "What do you suggest we do to rectify that then?" She asked teasingly, "hmm?"

"Let's see now…” Memphis lowered his glass, and scratched his chin. "It doesn't have to be a belonging. Perhaps, something so memorable that the booze won't be enough to blot it out?" He hinted slyly.

It was easy to play his words off as a joke. They were both inebriated and past rational thinking. "Something memorable..." She trailed off. In her haze, his hint had flown right over her head.

Memphis shrugged his shoulders, feigning that he hadn’t the slightest clue. That was until, "For instance, I wouldn’t forget a kiss."

Rien’s demeanor shifted. She still wore her smile, but it was a bit more tense than before. "I am afraid that for today, luck is not on your side."

With that, the Duchess downed the rest of her drink and rose. "I've grown a bit tired. Tell me your wish for a memento again tomorrow, alright?" Rien winked, her easy demeanor having returned. Rien flashed one last smile before turning to leave, somehow managing not to stumble.

Mayhap he had just pushed his luck too much. "Alright, rest easy." Memphis relented with a wink in return before finishing off the remainder of his brew.

Even when time ticked away, some things would remain unchanged. Rien was, after all, still Rien. Somehow, she managed to trip over her own foot; perhaps a bit less graceful off stage, when there was no audience around to see.

Memphis slanted his head to look past the crowd and sighed before rising from his seat. He spoke her name softly before throwing her arm over his shoulder. Smiling ever so slightly, "Let's get you home." The word was foreign in his mouth, but he could think of no word more apt. Truthfully, he was happy for her. He just wasn't so sure for himself. "Helping you now is memento enough."

"Thank you," she sighed gratefully, allowing him to assist her. "It's this way,"
The cabin deck wasn't far from the dining room, only a short elevator ride down. "You are joining us, right?" She looked up at him, "Welcome home Memphis." The elevator was just big enough for them to stand shoulder to shoulder, with only a metal gate across the front for safety. It took them down two levels, to a hallway full of doors, each of which had two or three names on them. Some of the doors were decorated with ribbons and flowers, one had a happy birthday banner made out of parchment and glitter pasted to the front.

Escorting Rien was the quietest Memphis had been since their reunion, contemplating if this piece of the world was home for him too or were Rien and him destined to part ways again? "It seems almost unfair. I get a new sword and you get to help, but regardless, I am thankful for your assistance." She stopped in front of her door, the room she shared with Maria, who was practically the ship's mother. "Have a goodnight Memphis."

He summoned a smile and masked his concerned musings. "Not at all. I told you my wish and you have granted it." He took a step back, giving a respectable distance, and lowered into a graceful bow. Well, as much as a drunk nobleman can pull off out of habit. "Goodnight, Rien."

Like a shadow in the sun, Rien disappeared behind her door, thinking the encounter to be nothing more than a dream she had, had in a drunken haze. When morning came, Rien's temples were both throbbing and the light coming in through the curtain did not help. Part of her wanted to sleep in, but she knew that if she started slipping into bad habits now, she would never get out of them. It took some coaxing, whispered in murmurs beneath her breath, to bring herself to rise.

"Bonjour," Maria greeted, sitting in front of their little vanity, brushing her golden hair. "You were out late last night. Midnight rendezvous with a lover, perhaps?" She asked with a teasing smile.

"No, nothing like that. Although, I did have the oddest dream. I dreamt of a friend I have not seen in a long, long time." Rien stretched her arms above her head with a yawn. "Sometimes, dreams are messages from our subconscious. You thought of that friend because you want to see them again, oui?" Was there a part of Rien that missed the boy from the garden? Probably, but while Maria was a romantic, Rien was a bit more practical. To her, dreams would always just be dreams. ”Come sit, you are in pain, I can tell.” Relenting to Maria's whim of braiding her hair, Rien quickly threw on a pair of trousers and a shirt and made her way to the dining room.

The dining room erupted into laughter and bellowing, loud and erratic as thunder and lightning so early in the morning. Memphis was ever so politely covering his mouth, snickers escaping the gaps. While on the other side, anger and embarrassment were written across James's features, steam coming out of his nostrils. James slammed his fist on the table, but it changed nothing as the room continued, roaring—the sound of others' amusement ringing in his ears and not the good kind, despite being a clown.

Memphis’s hand fell away once he regained a semblance of composure. "The face you're making right now leaves much to be desired for a poker face." He teased, poking out his tongue like a misbehaving child at Sunday school. James gritted his teeth and slammed his fist on the table once more. "You cheated!" The man shouted, every syllable laced with venom and disgust. "You cheated yourself." Memphis corrected, then folded his arms resolute. James stared down at his fan of cards, drew a sharp breath, and bit his bottom lip.

The elevator dinged and Rien shuffled out tiredly, wondering why there was so much noise coming from the dining room this early on. A roar like thunder from an unmistakable voice was bellowing throughout the hall, echoing off of the glass and metal walls. "What happened?" Rien queried Blaise, who was leaning against the wall, eating a piece of hardy bread.

"I'm not quite sure, but I think the newcomer has just kicked James's a$$ in a game of cards. It's about time too, someone ought to put that man in his place.”

Rien was curious, she could hardly see over the other crew members that had gathered to watch, all of them standing around the table. Rien moved closer, she could hear James's upset cries, his typical accusing the other of cheating. Ever the sore loser, she thought, wondering who it was that had bested him. She inched closer, managing to spot a head of black hair.

Memphis joined in on the rowdy fervor of his victory. He had been fairly warned in advance of the ‘card shark.’ When James came up to him and offered a friendly game to get to know one another, it reminded him of the hazing ceremonies in boarding school.

"Memphis?" Rien cam to realize she had spoken her flabbergasted words aloud. The dream from the evening prior popped into her tired mind, her head reeling with the memory. Surely this meant what she had experienced had not been fabricated by the longing of wanting to see someone again, like Maria had suggested? No, here he was, already making himself at home with the crew.

Memphis’s laughs came to an abrupt halt as he swiveled around to the familiar voice. He hung an arm over his chair with a smirk, caught red-handed in his finest hour but his attention on her was like she was the only one in the room. "Good morning, Rien."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Memphis Character Portrait: Lawrence Character Portrait: Rien Character Portrait: Armel Character Portrait: Karolin Baade Character Portrait: Pepper the Clown
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Manhattan was unmistakable. A blanket of coal-fueled haze mixed with the beam of gas lights to bathe the whole of the city in a warm glow. Glimmering street signs and marquees lurked in every street, the fog disguising the buildings behind to give the appearance that they were floating in an endless sky; and in that sky, the lamps were as plentiful as stars of the night.

Other stars lived here, too. The port of New York and its venerable successes attracted great minds, great talents, and great wallets alike. Here, opportunities for growth and prosperity seemed endless, and the dreams of its inhabitants were as tall as the city's modern-day towers of Babel stretching towards the heavens for selfsame glory.

However, not all dreams were to the benefit of humanity. Not all wealth was good-gotten and not all that glittered was gold. Behind the façade of altruism, tycoons wrestled amongst one another for dominance over the twin industries of steel, coal, and its myriad of children. One such blessed child was the business of tincture mogul Elliot Maycoff. He manufactured and sold a cure for all varieties of ailment at a low, low cost. Little did his customers know, that their relief was placebo and their bodies and minds were being slowly poisoned by his so-called miracle elixirs. Yet, at a poker game with like minded businessmen, he let his secret slip. In doing so, Maycoff placed a target upon his back by those who envied his position - a target that Tybalt and his band of talented individuals would not hesitate to strike.

The Fifth Avenue Hotel counted itself among one of the most exclusive in New York City. By the growing fame of the Cirque du Volés, it opened its doors to Tybalt LeGrand. With some effort, he was able to ascertain when Maycoff would be staying - and when they could strike.

Assembling key members of his circus around a grand table aboard the Redempteur, he laid out the plan.

"Lawrence. Study the locks. Copy his room key. Leave it in the potted plant by his door, then rendezvous with Rien."

As Lawrence sauntered from the speckless windows to the equally as unblemished front-faced mirrors, he shamelessly grasped the opportunity to orient the embroidered collar that clasped neatly around his limber neck. According to the reddish gold-buttoned overcoat, the snowy gloves and dark slacks, he was hotel staff. According to the name tag he adorned that belonged to some poor bloke, passed out drunk in the alley two blocks down, he was Joe.

Legs trudging as he jostled a creaky cart constructed from springy Ashwood, Lawrence mentally recited the words of the Ringmaster in constant intervals. Mold the key and meet with the noblewoman. A woefully light role when accounting his expertise, but the grand plan was also breathed by his own machinations, and this type of work was done most efficiently by his hand.

Reading the rooms as he passed, Lawerence’s steps stilled. He met the fringe of the door that recited 476. After a customary head glance at each precipice of his jacket's pauldrons, he sank to one knee and began the operation in earnest.

Of course, he had tried to fetch a direct key when he had begun his ascent in the lobby. But the particularly crooked always held unfortunate neurotic tendencies, whether it was always looking over one's own shoulder or insisting on a room that skated out of the reach of both master key and present duplicates. He didn't appreciate the shrinking of options, but the excessively prepared Lawrence was not so foolish as to not have multiple methods to accomplish a single task.

Eyes glowing with fickle bluish flame, he brought his lips close to the lock and puffed a single instance of hot breath directly into the keyhole. Like pricks on his skin, he read... or more accurately felt the air complete every metallic indent. Working his hands simultaneously as he rapt his thoughts to what he picked up, he brushed away the curtain that covered his carriage to reveal an ornate contraption. A favorite of his collection, it could effortlessly mold key blank in a matter of seconds.

As he settled, the numbers droned into his mind. Drifting his hand to his device, he flicked the keycode into the respective combination reader and with a light hiss, the box opened up to reveal the freshly stamped key.

Wasting no time, he took the metallic trinket and patted it into the soil of the nearby pot, then ambled off with a cart to link with the Prince of Shadow.

Satisfied that Lawrence knew his role to play, Tybalt moved to the next members of the heist team.

"Rien. You will lead the acquisition team. Pepper and Karolin will accompany you to the room dressed in fine garments; the man is well-known for his affinity for women, so it will surprise no one that you three were granted entry. Once Lawrence gives you the signal, proceed up to room 476 and use the key to enter the room."

Once a lady, always a lady. It was easy for Rien to slip back into a role of refinement. Oozing with confidence and armed with a demure smile, the Duchess hid half of her face behind a fan clasped in her left hand. She used the right to wave teasingly to the doorman, who pulled open the glass door to allow them entry. Men were far too easy.

With gloved fingers, Rien pushed the button for the lift to take them up, snapping her fan shut as soon as it was safe.

The lift came to an abrupt stop at the top floor; where red carpet cushioned their steps, their heels silent against the plush ground. As soon as they parted ways with the elevator, a shadow detached itself from her Rien’s feet, slithering across the red carpet and to the closest potted plant, excited to do something. Her shadow slithered to a second and a third, rustling the petals of potted dahlias, searching for the key, before returning to the Duchess. "Nearly there," Rien murmured, knowing that Pepper could hear her just fine.

The hallway was empty, save for the three ladies. In the daytime, however, the hallway served as a gateway to the bedrooms of celebrities and savvy businessmen who could afford to sleep in the lap of luxury.

Rien’s footsteps ceased in front of door 476. Her shadow swirled excitedly around the correct plant. Rien knelt down, relieving the ceramic pot of its treasure. Holding the copy-cat key made by their very own Lawrence, Rien turned towards their first real obstacle. The key slid easily into the lock and with a satisfying click! the door unlocked.

Rien ushered Pepper and Karolin inside, closing the door and locking it behind them. She tucked the key into the pocket of her gown.

"Alright ladies, let us get to work."

"The information we have suggests that the safe will be hidden behind an enormous painting of Roman nature. Karolin will assist you with the rearrangement of furnishings to the end of locating it, as well as the procurement of the heavy gold bullion said to be stored inside," Tybalt explained.

Karolin's gorgeous silk dress contrasted starkly with the sheer strength that it took to remove the described painting. Apparently, it weighed a few hundred pounds, given its solid gold frame and large size. It was less a painting than an entire framed mural, yet Karolin displaced it and set it aside as if it were little more than a child's drawing stuck to a wall.

Behind it was their next challenge.

"Pepper. Your target is the vault. It has a brand new Yale 6020 pin-tumbler cylinder lock. I will entrust it to your picks and capable ears."

Pepper’s belief was that everything had a song—it was just a matter of time, place, and occasion. Hence why she had been lightly humming a light tune to herself and her comrades, to pace their beating hearts. She repeated the same tune over and over, even if it was under her breath at points, and didn't stop—not until she began to sing in a whisper;

"Round and 'round the cobbler's bench
The monkey chased the weasel,
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun...
... Sing along if you know the lyrics!"

Regardless of her compatriots' responses to the attitude she was bringing to a serious task, she continued to sing softly as she fiddled with the lock with the lockpick she drew from her show. This was her mint-condition instrument—it could be manipulated in a countless number of ways, and each had their own notes. Yet, despite its boundless potential, this instrument was only built to play one song.

"A penny for a spool of thread
A penny for a needle,
That's the way the money goes...
... Hel-looo?"

The girl waved her had around expectantly, although whether she was making a demand of her cohorts or looking for something else, she didn't exactly make clear. The pace of her nursery rhyming wavered as she adjusted her rhythm, tuning herself as she tuned the safe in turn. To an outside observer, it may not have looked like much, but within Pepper’s sound space; all that was mechanical was laid bare. One only needed to prod at all the keys to make the notes come out—and once she knew all the notes, the song came naturally to her.

"A half a pound of tuppenny rice,
A half a pound of treacle.
Mix it up and make it nice..."
A few clicks of the tongue finished her verse—followed by identical clicks of the lock, only audible to her.

The clown-incognito finally went quiet for a moment, and was nearly still. However, it was yet another moment before she took her ear off of the lock and stood to face her friends to finish her song, bouncing left and right with a big smile, she operated the lock behind her, the clicking of clockwork mechanisms backing her vocals like a drum set.

"I've no time to plead and pine,
I've no time to wheedle,
Kiss me quick and then I'm gone..."

The singer then stepped out of the way as she pulled the safe open with a showy pose, cheering; "Pop! Goes the Weasel!"

The lock opened with a resounding click, the door swinging open on its hinges; giving way to the goods inside. It was a wonder how Maycoff traveled with such a hefty load. The interior of the safe was lined with every kind of dazzling jewel, an overflowing bag of gold, and documents that surely proved all of the fraud Maycoff had been committing.

Karolin stepped forward, it was her turn next. She reached into the safe with ease, lifting the heavy bag of gold as easily as if she had picked up a kitten by the scruff of its neck.

Rien summoned her void, gesturing for Karolin to drop the goods inside. One by one, Karolin deposited the gold and jewels into the shadowy mass on the ground, until the safe had been licked-clean of its treasures. When the safe had been emptied, Karolin replaced the portrait in front of the empty container, as if they had never been there.

It was then that a voice urged in a whisper in their ears like a gentle tickle, "Maycoff is coming."

They needed to move.

Rien threw open the window and in her haste, made a grave mistake.

Karolin had moved the other way, leaving out the front door while they fled down the metal fire escape.

The escape plan, the most important detail of all, was something Tybalt did his best to hammer into their minds. "If all goes well, you three will leave the room by the front door, make your way to the lobby, and exit, taking this route to the train station which will bring you back to port," the Ringmaster said, tracing a red line he had drawn across a map of that portion of the city.

"Commit the route to memory. If you are at risk of discovery, leave instead through the window and down the fire escape, then proceed to the station. You will not outrun the police on foot, so I will give you each the money you need to charter a horse and buggy if necessary." What he did not account for, however, was that Karolin would forget to change plans. She left through the front door, shutting it behind her and began walking towards the elevators.

Maycoff, accompanied by two policemen on his payroll, caught sight of Karolin attempting to pass him in the hallway. A paranoid glance at his doorway made his heart sink. His door had not closed all the way. "Stop her," he ordered, blowing air through his nostrils and clenching his teeth. His feet could be heard stomping indignantly in the hallway as he approached his room.

Pepper would have been with Karolin, had she not noticed Rien had not followed. She ran back to the window to tug on her arm, chiding her in a whisper, "Rien, why are you deafening—uh, defense-is-straight—why are you jumpin' out the window?!" She jogged back to the door. "The Big Cheese said we run out the way we came—like civilized folk, not get caught like rats. See, Karolin remembered—" The girl sucked in air as something seemed to disturb her. Seemingly not so trusting about her means of egress, she carefully peeked out the door and gasped at what she saw, before scampering back to the window, squeaking, "Nevermind, skedaddle! What are ya’ waiting for, let's go!" She was practically shoving at Rien to escape.

This would not be the first time a part of their plan had gone wrong. A high profile target was bound to come with complications. This was, however, the first time any of them had gotten caught. It would do them no good to go back, having them all arrested would be a travesty that would become a detriment to the circus.

By the time Rien and Pepper had exited the window, it was too late to go back. Poor Karolin was apprehended by the police while the rest of them jumped through the window frame; careful to close it behind them. The fire escape swayed, from this high up, the metal creaked with the cold of the winter chill. "Come on," Rien urged, still not having noticed that one in their party was missing. Down they went, from the highest floor in the hotel, to the first. The last rung on the ladder hung five feet above the ground. They needed to make haste, someone on the opposite side of the building was yelling for the police.

"What about Karolin? She went ahead and I heard..." Pepper was hesitant to elaborate, a hint of worry in her voice. Once she found her feet on solid ground, she took a deep breath and reassured, ”... She'll be fine, she's a good girl. And tough. We'll do a little rendezvous soon... But we gotta be quick, or she'll beat us there—I can hear her running in her cute little dress shoes right now! Let's go!" Pepper gave Rien's hand a firm grip and tugged her along, urging her to move quickly. Pepper’s palms were sweaty.

Rien jumped, offering Pepper a hand down. "Karolin?" The shadow weaver blinked, looking up at the ladder as if she expected the tall girl to be standing there, awaiting instruction.

"Oh… oh no." Pepper grabbed her hand, pouring on the speed towards the train station, where they were supposed to meet should they get separated.

"Pepper-" Rien pressed her lips together. If Karolin tried to run from the police and lead them right to the train station, where they were waiting; there would be trouble. "I do not think Karolin will be there." Rien spoke softly. She slowed, forcing Pepper to slow down when they reached the main street. They needed to blend in. Rien turned towards Pepper, fixing her fur stole. "There are eyes everywhere Pepper, you must remain calm." Rien took her hand once again, warm even through her gloves, and resumed the walk to the train station. Even if she managed to school her features into a calm expression, her heart was fumbling inside of her chest. This was her fault, Rien thought. She should have been more careful to check that Karolin was with them.

"Of course," Pepper sighed, smiling and looking around as she maintained a pretty stroll alongside her friend. "She must have taken a carriage, then, with the money from Mister Tybalt." She suggested rather optimistically, "So she could get home faster. Maybe one of those new carriages with no horse? What a scam! That must be like selling a clock with no hands—or a coffee with no cup! Must be some kind of city-fad; getting nowhere fast. Guess we'll get there first, after all."

"Still," Pepper sang, with a playful tilt of her head, "We promised to rendezvous, so we'll rendezvous!" She seemed to take a liking to the word. "... Even if it takes a little while."

Manhattan's Grand Central Station was a welcoming sight, with its stony exterior and warm interior. Even at midnight, everyone scurried like rats with a destination in mind. Steam trains entered and departed the station with a purpose. Passengers lugged large suitcases or small children in their trail, offering plenty of protection from prying eyes. "This way," Rien pulled Pepper to the side, where they were supposed to meet with another from their team before returning to the ship. No one would notice two women standing near one of the marble pillars. "We will wait here." Rien's voice managed to remain gentle.

Pepper maintained a chipper disposition—they got the job done after all. She didn't say much else, however. Whether or not she was disturbed by the possibility that they had abandoned one of their own, she wasn't vocalizing it.

The time ticked on; first five minutes, then ten, twenty, and thirty. The longer they waited, the more trains passed them by, and the more certain it grew that Karolin would not be joining them at the station.

Perhaps Karolin forwent the station and took a carriage all the way to port. Certainly, Tybalt had given her enough money to charter a ride straight there, but it would have been less conspicuous to take the train. Nevertheless, they hoped that they would find Karolin at home aboard the Redempteur, for the last train of the day was pulling into the station.

"All aboard!" came the call of the conductor, sounding his bell through the station.

"Come Pepper, we mustn't keep them waiting," Rien lifted the hem of her dress, leading Pepper up the train steps and onto the carriage that would return them to their home. The train deposited them a few blocks away, at a stop with a flickering lamp on a quiet street, well past midnight. Once situated on the ground, Rien rid herself of her heels in a most un-lady-like manner and unfurled her hair from its intricate coif.

"We are nearly home," Rien murmured, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. Her nerves were coiled. Even if their gathering exploits had been successful, Rien could not help but blame herself for not keeping a closer eye on her compatriots.

The ship loomed at its spot in the port, its girth casting a welcoming shadow. One night had managed to stretch to feel like a century. At long last, they were back.

Boarding via the front ramp, the girls found the ship carrying on business as usual. There was always a bit of tension in the air when a heist was carried out, but only those who needed to know about it were ever made aware of it. The fewer loose ends, the better; and those with vulnerable consciences were protected.

The usual crew were kept at least somewhat in the loop when one was planned, in case one of them needed to be substituted on short notice. Memphis was one such crewmember made aware of the plan, though Tybalt had yet to make use of his talents on a heist. Why was Karolin chosen to participate before him? According to Tybalt, it was because his particular talents—and rambunctiousness—were ill-suited to a mission of stealth. And though Karolin was a bull in a china shop on the best of days, she could at least keep quiet when needed.

Still, it must have rubbed him the wrong way to be passed up.

The audacity. Memphis's most outstanding achievement as the family traitor was so clandestine that he could not even take credit for it. Mayhaps, Tybalt was saving the best for last.

Memphis blocked the returning duo's route with arms stretched wide for an embrace that was unlikely to happen and a discreet congratulatory grin. "Welcome home! I missed you, missed me?" He said, his eyes entertained by the fine garments they donned for their heist. As a duchess, the look fit Rien like a glove, but Pepper, he had to stare a little longer to be sure.

Arms dropped, along with his confidence of mind. "Hold on, Call me blind; I only see chuckles and the love of my life…" Memphis did not miss the opportunity to fill the remainder of the day, annoying Lawrence, the bellboy. Another person was missing from the count.

"Where's Karolin?"

There was one waiting in the wings upon their return. Memphis's familiar face was a welcome sight. "How could we not?" Rien teased in reply. If one looked closely, they could see the signs of fatigue wearing down her features.

Rien's complexion was pale and there were circles beneath her eyes that the pressed powder she wore had trouble covering. Fatigue went hand-in-hand with use of the Void.

Memphis’s next question made Rien's heart sink. Pepper too, must have been saddened to hear she had not made it back. Even if it was unrealistic, some part of Rien had still hoped that Karolin would find her way home.

"Karolin was caught." Rien's voice was soft and low. Pepper would have heard it because she was Pepper, but had anyone else been near, they would have missed her words. "Where is Sir Tybalt?"

"She'll be home soon," Pepper reassured in a whisper and a light smile, before she walked past Memphis without another word—looking to make herself scarce. She didn't have very many smiles left to give for the night.

Word spread quickly aboard the close-knit ship, but Violetta was waiting in the bay, ready to relay the message even quicker. She and Lawrence had arrived earlier; now she whispered for Tybalt to present himself.

It was only a minute before the Ringmaster presented himself, chin-up yet stoic. With Violetta's words to steal him; he stepped across the deck in his tall black boots, standing dignified before Rien, Pepper, and Memphis.

"Welcome home," he said, bowing his head and removing his hat in greeting.

Rien stepped forward. From his expression, he had already been briefed on the situation. ”Our evening exploits have been semi-successful," Rien admitted. She opened up the Void, depositing their winnings onto the ground. In gaining these riches, they had lost something far more important to them.

"It is my fault. I will shoulder the blame for the events that took place after."

A gentle hand clasped Pepper's shoulder. Memphis shook his head discouraging her retreat for a few reasons. Particularly, "You're saying it wrong." He twirled her to face him, releasing once he had her attention. "She'll be home soon," He declared like a fact with all the confidence in his being before tousling her hair done up for the disguise back down to Pepper-esque.

"And I am ready for a turn." Memphis added, eyes darting from Rien to Tybalt.

The short girl's lips curled up into an embarrassed smile as she cringed away from Memphis's petting. Seeing her positive outlook reflected back at her seemed to recharge some of her spirits. "Yeah. I mean, we got the job done. That is at least worth a golf-clap?"

Tybalt furrowed his brows. Few people on the ship knew for sure what was going through his head, but everyone knew that look meant trouble. In their years of asset repurposing, failures were few and small. Yet the time was going on two in the early morning, and she had not arrived.

"I am afraid your eagerness to commit crime must yield place to the more dire matter of our missing companion," he answered Memphis, "but should I have a need for a jail-buster, your services will not go unsolicited."

He reached forward and placed his hand on Rien's shoulder, looking into her eyes. "You played to the tune I composed. It is no more your fault than a violinist's for a broken string, but the conductor will face the crowd's ire. Blame me."

Then, he swiveled round, plucking his cane from beneath his arm and walking with it. Late as it was, this could not stand. With a look of determination, he set off to find the one person he knew aboard the ship that spoke Russian: Armel.

A long exasperated sigh escaped Memphis, underestimated and misunderstood as usual. He thought himself quite capable of stealing a woman, especially stealing a woman back.

Eavesdropping on Tybalt’s comforting words, he neared to pass by with words of his own. "If I may conductor, the longer you silence a violin, the harder it is for it to find its true voice again." Then bowed to take his leave, seeing as he was not needed... again.

"You can join me if you like, Peps." He offered company with a cheerful smile, whistling away the sulk as he strolled off in search of a bottle of whiskey.

The moon sat at its highest peak, offering some natural light to Armel's dimly lit atelier. Dried colors splattered on the floor and walls, and the dust of sculpted clay decorated the small room's floor and walls. It was messy and showed Armel's meticulous efforts — finely detailed sculptures, finished and unfinished paintings of different scenery, and people all laid around the room.

For tonight, his current painting was simply an excuse not to sleep. After helping Ines rest, Armel hauled himself inside to work, his hands and clothing bearing the evidence of the long hours he had been there — covered in small blotches of paint. A rare sight for the well-dressed Armel, but here he had no reason to keep appearances.

His focus lay on the canvas before him, slathered in shades of blue, black, white, yellow, red, and orange — strategically placed and mixed to depict a bright moon and starry sky. No real reason for the inspiration; it had merely popped into his head.

However, for the last hour, he had run into a stump. The painting was rather plain to his keen eyes, it needed something more, but Armel did not know what. Maybe this was a sign of stopping, along with the bristles of his brushes beginning to fray, "Well..." Armel sat down his equipment and stretched, "Perhaps it is time for some rest." as if to answer his question, there was a knock on the door.

Armel let his head fall forward dramatically and sighed, "Or not." he whispered.

"Un moment!" He stood up and walked to the window, opening it wide to air out the room. He did not want the smell of chemicals to violently attack the visitor's senses, especially if it was Ines.

After a moment, he walked to the door, wiping his hands on his dirty apron, "Oui-" Armel opened the door and froze at the sight before him. In front of him was the last person he expected to see tonight, "Tybalt? To what do I owe this visit?"

The normally-chipper Ringmaster had a somber expression, far unlike his usual demeanor. His head was held high, yet Armel knew instantly that something was wrong. On the eve of a heist, this could bode only poorly.

"Apologies for disturbing you," he said, gripping to the head of his cane, "but there has arisen a pressing need for your services." There was no need to be cryptic, as in a few minutes the whole of the ship would know something had gone wrong.

"Karolin is missing."

Armel blinked, "...Excusez-moi, missing?" His surprise turned into an urgent attitude as he processed the information.

Considering that the crew was carrying out a mission, Karolin could be walking around the city lost. However, the word missing could be a favorable conclusion rather than the correct answer. Karolin, when left alone, would stand out amongst a crowd. Therefore the worst and most likely answer is, "Did the police take her?" he mumbled, frustrated.

Armel tossed off his apron and switched it for a plain black coat. He had no time, so a coat would have to cover the paint on his white sleeves, and he'd have to do with his paint-covered hands — luckily, the rest of his attire was well-kept.

"Alright, shall we go find her?" he asked urgently with his lips curved in a calm smile — maintaining his composure is essential.

Tybalt nodded. His words were chosen carefully, and Armel reasoned the truth out in short order.

"She is, by all accounts, detained by local police. We must act with haste and surety if we are to recover her," he further explained. He stepped lively after Armel recomposed himself, taking long strides so as to make it quickly to the elevator. "She was apprehended exiting the apartment; I do not know if she was seen in the process or merely in the vicinity, and the authorities are not likely to reveal the truth to us."

Tybalt brought the elevator down to the main deck with Armel in tow, then marched his way forth from it towards the ramp which led to the city. "This is a proper fiasco, the first of its kind. Her freedom lies in our hands. Let us prevail."


The sun rose upon Manhattan and still the men had not yet returned with Karolin. Hours passed, leaving the ship in mild disarray. Tybalt had not appeared for rehearsals, nor was he present at the galley's dining table for breakfast. His guiding hand had, for the briefest of moments, disappeared, for the first time in many years.

And then, finally, by midday, the two arrived back at the ship, not having slept through the eve, the morning, nor the afternoon.

Worse yet, they remained alone.

Tybalt, dragging his feet, re-entered with a gait like a shambler, clutching what looked like reams of paperwork and legal documentation under his arm. He did not say a word, but disappeared once more into the elevator, looking wholly drained of color.

The circus would find him missing from the table for lunch and supper as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Etoile Character Portrait: Rien Character Portrait: Alix Rayne
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  It seemed a foregone conclusion that the night on which a member of the family had been stolen away would prove to be a night which would also steal away the sleep of dear Tybalt. Yet, by some miracle, the man had managed to find enough peace to rest. That miracle's name was Etoile, who lay curled up at the foot of his bed like a kitten, ever reassuring, ever kind.

  It was not nearly enough to ward away the mental cataclysm which rose him from slumber in the middle of the night. He rolled out of bed, looking this way and that, grasping at his head to make sense of what was going on. He had never felt something like this before.

  Etoile, disturbed by his sudden awakening, pried open one of her heavy eyes to gaze up to her Papa.

"Qu'est-il arrivé?" she asked verbally, unafraid of accidental fallout from her abilities, since they were alone. She knew her Papa could sense things in people, but never had they been affected this strongly.

  Tybalt panted for breath, then gulped, looking this way and that, trying to locate the source. His eyes bored holes in the wall.

  "Did you find another?" Etoile asked.

  "Non, ma cherie, I believe they have found us."

  Just then, there was a knock at their door. Tybalt approached it with hesitant steps, his hands trembling. What awaited him on the other side? Sensing his fear, Etoile slipped clumsily from the blankets to scurry up to him and take his shaking hand. Taking a breath, he at last reached out and slid open the door.

  He saw, gazing back at him, a small, eerily thin boy in raggedy suspenders, his miniscule hands roughened from toiling on factory floors. Their noses were assaulted by the stench of coal, oil, steam, and street scraps.

  Before Tybalt could react, the boy spoke a name: one that Tybalt was sure he had shared with no soul aboard this ship. A name that predated the circus entirely.

  Flinching, Tybalt grabbed the boy's arm and yanked him inside, shutting the door behind him. He stared sternly into the child's eyes. And then the boy spoke again.

  "I will keep your secrets if you will keep mine."

  "Who told you that name?" Tybalt demanded.

  "I hold the annals of the future," the strange boy replied. "In them it is no secret."

  Tybalt's eye twitched with unease.

  "And what is your aim in coming here?"

  The boy held a blank, empty gaze at the much taller man before him. There was a pause before he replied.

  "You presume I had a choice. It was already decided for me. Tomorrow I will join your circus as the fortune teller La Voyantette, whether or not you and I desire it so."

  Tybalt stumbled back, confused. He looked to Etoile for her take on the matter. One thing stuck out in her mind.

  «La Voyantette is a girl's name, isn't it?» she signed.

  As though the strange child understood what Etoile had signed, the voice replied,
"As I said, I will keep your secrets, and you will keep mine. It is better for the circus to believe that Alix Rayne is only a cabin boy, and La Voyantette is the true star. You assign me to Etoile's room, as we are both ladies."

  "Why?" Tybalt hesitated to inquire.

  "It would be wiser to let time reveal that."

  Etoile, protective of her Papa, glared at the mysterious stranger. Boy? Girl? It did not matter. Only one man was immune to her words. With a single utterance she would send this bizarre child away from them.

  Tybalt thought deeply of what he should do. He set his hand atop Etoile's head, gently brushing through her hair. It was too late in the evening to be asking questions about fate.

  "I will have Maria confirm what you have said, and then we will see what is to be done. Her room is--"

  But the girl had already opened the door, walking in the right direction.

  "I know," she answered.


  Rien answered the knock at the door with a tone of annoyance. As she slid it open, she declared, "Memphis, if you've come this late for something strange, I will--oh." She took note of the small creature before her, a ghostly pale child with no guardian in sight. Her voice softened, and she asked, "Hello there. Do you need some help?"

  This stray looked not far from dead - if not in body, then in soul, reflected in her weary eyes. Alix answered, "Tybalt requests Maria's assistance."

  "Oh. Alright, I will wake her, then." Though something was clearly off about the child, it was too deep in the night for her to concern herself. Maria was always better at this sort of thing, anyhow. And she would love to hear that Tybalt requested for her. So she went back in the room, to Maria's bedside, and gently shook her.

  Groaning, Maria turned over and asked, "Pourquoi me secoues-tu?"

  With an audible grin in her voice, Rien answered, "Monsieur LeGrande demande votre aide."

  At that, Maria tore off her sleeping mask and donned her robe, scrambling to ready herself. Quickly, she lit a lantern, fixed her hair in the mirror, and in her haste, nearly bowled over the child standing in the doorway.

  "Ah--" she vocalized, before exchanging glances with Rien, who nodded.

  "I hear Monsieur Tybalt is calling for me," she said finally to Alix. "I should have known it was to take in another cute lost kitten. Come along, we will go to him together." At that, she stretched out her hand for Alix to take.

  It was not an easy thing to accept such a gesture, however. An uncomfortably long time passed before the child at last placed a worn hand in Maria's. There was no grip to it; the whole of this stray's frame felt limp and on the brink of collapse. Maria could sense things, too, and she could tell that there was pain in this child. A warmth flowed from her hand in an attempt to soothe it.

"My name is Maria. What should I call you?" she asked, escorting her back to Tybalt's quarters.

  "Alix," she answered simply. That she was far from well was obvious to the naked eye, but what had transpired to steal the light from her eyes was as yet unclear.

  "What a lovely name," she commented, bringing the lantern closer to get a better look. Unkempt hair, gaunt skin, long lashes, and an expression with not a speck of joy. She was less a child than a phantom.

  "And such beautiful lashes," she added, but it washed off of her like water off a duck's back. Alix reacted to very little; Maria had seen unconscious patients more responsive than her.

  At last they reached Tybalt's door, which slid open by Etoile's little hands. Maria signed her greetings to Etoile, and they entered, Etoile shutting the door behind them.

  Immediately discerning Tybalt's distress from his pacing, Maria signed to Tybalt,
«Monsieur? Do you know this child? What is going on?»

  «No, but she knows me,» he signed in return.

  It would have been easy to assume things based on that response, but Etoile signed frantically to Maria to explain more clearly. When things had settled down, Tybalt elaborated.

  "She claims I will assign her to room with Etoile after you confirm a delicate matter. And she does not want others to know she is a lady; for what purpose, I do not know. But she...possesses knowledge I cannot explain. It is unreasonable of me to impose upon you at this late hour, chère Maria, but this was an urgent matter."

  His words were sweet and beautiful as honeysuckle, but they were drawn out by an anxiety that Maria had rarely seen in him. She resolved to help settle this matter. But surely Tybalt could just say no? She did not understand why it was being spoken of as an inevitability. Nevertheless, she resolved to help.

  "Ah, so the petite Monsieur is a Mademoiselle," she remarked. "Détourne le regard s'il te plait," she asked Tybalt, then said to Alix, "Pardon me for a moment."

  As Maria confirmed the matter, Etoile could not help but notice the girl's complete lack of response. Alix held as still and lifeless as a doll. Malnourished and unmoving, for the briefest of moments it was like looking into the past. In an instant, Etoile saw herself reflected back - the girl she had been before she met Tybalt. But this girl had no one.

  "She is telling the truth," Maria assured Tybalt. "But why would you assign her to Etoile's room?

  "I have not. But according to Alix, it has...already occurred? But it has yet to transpire... I do not understand it myself."

  Etoile leapt forth, taking Alix's hands in both of hers. Feeling the roughness of her palms, she raised them up and displayed her own, which still bore scars from ill treatment in childhood. She hoped it conveyed her message: We are the same.

  Then, Etoile turned back to Tybalt and Maria, signing with determination,
«She can stay with me.»

  Tybalt scratched at his head, unsure of what had just happened. But rarely could he change Etoile's mind when she was so intensely convinced of something. Though he did not see what she saw, he did trust her judgement.

  "Very well. It seems La Voyantette's assessment was correct. She and Etoile will be roommates. Do you have any other questions before I leave Alix in your care, Maria? I imagine Etoile and I have some matters to discuss."

  "Many, but in my years of following you, I have learned that some questions are better left unasked." Maria gestured for Alix to follow her, saying, "Come along, my nouveau petit ami, we will go find you something warm to eat."

  With that, Maria ushered Alix out of the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Memphis Character Portrait: Lawrence Character Portrait: Ines Character Portrait: Etoile Character Portrait: Rien Character Portrait: Armel
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Later than anticipated or desired, the roll of carriage wheels made its presence known at the docks. Long had Etoile's bedtime passed - and that of most of the Redempteur's inhabitants, save its most night-worthy of owls - but, deep into the evening, the horse-drawn vehicle came to a stop and deposited its inhabitants near to the airship's moor.

Despite Tybalt's remarkable height, he was accompanied by a girl taller and stronger than he, and flanked by his now de facto lawyer, Armel. The wooden platform creaked beneath their feet as they approached their ship's main ramp.

Upon arrival, the Ringmaster, knowing intimately the quirks of his vessel, reached out his cane to tap upon just the right spot. Each thud rang out like a low gong through the cargo section, alerting his fellows to the recovery of a lost sheep.

Home sweet ship...It may have been a good bit since she had seen the ship but the tingling feeling she had seeing it was a nice feeling. But with them finally stopped, Karolin would step outside the carriage to enjoy the nice open space after being cooped up in a less than comfortable environment which was that room with metal bars.

But now far away, and remembering Tybalt's words she was a few steps away from a hug… Oh… Hugs were possible, once again. As much as the ship had missed Karolin, she too, had longed for her return. With a fuzzy, sentimental feeling in her chest, Karolin stepped forward. However, her face was blank, her normal, stoic expression like a mask across her features.

Armel stretched at the entrance, letting out a heavy sigh. Karolin was home and his duty was done. And although the detectives were persistent, the situation ended well.

Now—despite it being way past the time for a good night's sleep—Armel was determined to rest. He turned to bid his companions goodbye, but before he could speak he was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Karolin! Mr. Tybalt! Armel! Welcome home!" Ines sang in French, her eyes glistening with excitement.

Armel whispered beneath his breath, "Almost escaped. Almost."

The return of the trio was greeted by the pitter-patter of little feet. Up far past her bedtime, she excitedly held the hand of Maria, who was still in her day-clothes, having prepared for their return. "Welcome back," Maria smiled, her relief palpable.

This would not be the first time the circus had had a run-in with the law. However, it was the first time one of them had gotten caught. "Someone insisted on staying up far past her bedtime to make certain you returned." Untangling her fingers from Maria's grasp, Etoile ran forward to her Papa, grasping his pant leg with one hand, the other signing quickly.

«You were gone for too long, Papa.»

Peering down from his head's high perch upon his shoulders, Tybalt beamed a glowing smile to his adoptive daughter.
«Not by choice», he remarked back to her in sign language. Then, with one of his large hands, he ruffled her golden hair.

His attention turned to Ines with warm astonishment. "Oiseau chanteuse, I did not expect to see your shining face at this hour! It seems half the ship has gathered for this occasion!"

Karolin’s ears caught the tune of Ines’s sing-song voice, her melodic tone carrying down the hall. One by one, they poked their faces out to greet them. Oh...With this many people, surely there was a party going on. If so many gathered in one spot, there must have been something worthy of celebration. At least this was her reasoning.

"Ines. Back home. Hug?" She would greet her back in her normal deadpan tone of voice as she put her arms to the side in a gesture of a hug.

Ines' eyes brimmed with tears. She fell ill and only awoke moments ago. Filled with guilt for wasting an entire day, she was debating coming to greet them. But seeing her friends, brightened Ines' mood.

Ines walked over to Karolin and wrapped her arms around the larger woman’s waist, "I missed you, Karolin." Ines sniffled.

With the heart warming hug that Ines would embrace Karolin with, she in return would gently wrap her arms around her. Despite her strength being very well known to be extortionary, she knew full well that she should be very careful with her friends. They were of course not like her, so she would hug back gently with closed eyes to enjoy their warmth together...Nice and warm...It did feel better with the company of friends.

Of course she would perk up at the surprise Maria mentioned. "There is a party. Everyone is all together...Oh...Did something good happen while I was away?" Karolin asked as she would soon release her arms from Ines.

As through appearing from the shadows, Rien was suddenly among them, her face smeared with what looked to be flour. "Welcome back, Karolin," Rien, too, was relieved to see the gentle giant make her return.

"If everyone should like to gather in the dining room, we have prepared a bit of a surprise." Maria clapped her hands together, hoping to guide them to where each member had dutifully set up the surprise for Karolin. Rien flashed a thumbs up to Maria, indicating that the cake preparation had been a success. Maria nodded subtly in reply, smiling gratefully. They could not have done this without the help of the entire crew.

Etoile shook her head, attempting to fix her hair. «Papa, next time, you should let me whisper to la police.»Etoile signed back. She could have made them all forget that Karolin was ever there.

«No next time», he replied in sign. But who was he assuring—Etoile or himself?

With long, stilt-like steps, Tybalt strode towards the dining room, motioning for Karolin to join him.

"Come one, come all, it's time to celebrate!" he declared as he ventured through the hallways.

Not quite finding the need to join the welcome huddle, Lawrence instead busied himself halfway slogging through the more intimate beats of preparations. Of course, he didn't blame Etoile for leaving her post to greet the ringmaster early, the man himself admittedly forfeited their already fleeting time to wash the stems and sepals of every plucked flower.

Regardless, he'd find time to greet and inquire on exactly when their heist went sour after he was finished. He was strangely enjoying himself, dispersing picked litter atop the finished, dustless mantels he had scraped clean himself the morning preceding.

Concluding his own devices, he approached Tybalt, orienting himself peculiarly as to protect his mouth from Etoile's eyes and spoke in a husky half-whisper.

"Ringmaster, a word after celebrations?" When Lawrence was trusted with field-planning, the exhausts of any missteps lingered like tainted gas. He'd rather nip the source of the issue at the bud..

For their sake, and especially Karolin's.

From within the dining room, a much more sordid scene was unfolding—the sudden, dramatic bawling of a clown. "Bwoo-hoo-hoo!" Pepper sobbed melodramatically, fists concealed in her sleeves raised to her cheek to wipe at painted tears. "Memphy, dear, our darling Karolin is never coming home!" Her whining was directed at the colleague who she had been working with to set the table—or at least she had been hours ago. Now, her only occupation seemed to be warming the seats, while playing the role of a worried mother scorned.

"She just doesn't care for Mama and Papa anymore!" The tiny Mama complained, "Not since she ran off with the boys in blue... And it's because you drove her away with your shoddy jokes!" She pointed accusingly at her 'husband’. "You—buster! Oh, you drive me to drink!" Pouting, she reached out to the wine bottle they retrieved to cheekily pour herself a glass.

A man's shadow dragged his feet toward the source of the sound, one that beckoned his name with the sing-song pitch of a winebibber that rang straight to his eardrums that distance didn’t spare. Memphy he had been called, blinked slowly as if he had just woken from a long slumber. He groaned as he settled his weight on the nearest chair, shoes propped up on the table and a top hat shielding his face from the blinding lights above. Pre-drinks with the tireless resident clown was a terrible idea. He didn’t need to look out from under his hat to sense the commotion she was brewing, fingers jabbed in his direction as he was placed in a role he never entertained would come to pass…A terrible idea indeed. Although drained, he cleared his throat and hopped back onto his feet to make amends. It was still a momentous occasion, and there were more drinks to go around. Not to mention other fingers may be jabbed his way, the blame easily falling to him when things went astray. “Not now, darling, we have visitors.” He pulled Pepper away by the waist from her newly poured drink, tidied the stray strands of her bright red wig before lifting her over his shoulder in a breath’s break from her theatrical tirade.

"Goo-wargh—!! See, this is what I mean!" Pepper whined as she was clown-handled, "You have no sense of dramedic timing! I'm trying to do a bit of a bitter bit, and you're biting it!" She kicked and pounded—while subtly avoiding hurting her escort—while she threw an amusing temper tantrum, curly locks jostling like leaves in an autumn torrent. "Honestly, you think I don't know that?"

"Welcome back, Karolin." Rien poured herself a glass of wine, joining in the festivities. They had no qualms with drinking on this ship, some even thought to make a game of it on slow nights, where they had nothing to do but wait to reach their next destination. Tonight, the air was a bit lighter. The previous somber haze that had hung over them began to lift, Karolin having at last returned to them.

Just as implied, Pepper's hearing stole away all suspense. It was not long before the others, too, could hear the approach of footsteps and the tapping of Tybalt's staff upon the hull. Tybalt's long strides took him to the entrance of the dining room, where someone would surely fix Karolin a meal. "I am quite sure you are famished," he said in an address to his newly freed crewmate. "Prison food is...nothing to write home about, as the kids say. But a home-cooked meal should have you right as rain." He was careful not to imply too much. Hopefully, then, as he ushered Karolin inside, she did not expect to see the feast laden before her: scrumptious soups and meats, still-warm bread, and a large chocolate cake as a centerpiece. Crisp, bright fresh flowers lined the room on all sides, as did bottles of wine and highly-distilled vodka imported from Karolin's homeland. And, in the seats, all who had the endurance to stay up at this late hour to greet the prodigal strongwoman.

Kaolin's thoughts would shift at the sudden prospect of food. From her question of who the party was for, her mind was now on the prospect of stuffing her face with food from home once again.

And well...The prison food was food, it was nice of them. Two slices of bread with some jelly three meals a day. Prisoners really did get some benefits even if they did so-called 'bad' things. But the smell of nice hot food in the air certainly did interest her more than slices of bread and jelly.

"Thank you. And a thank you to whoever cooked it." She would soon walk on over like a curious cat looking over all the options, the food and...Oh the drinks? She saw some of those bottles before back home...Her father drank a lot of those clear liquids from bottles. And she saw other people in other houses drinking them and dancing around afterwards...Strange...Her father always was in a bad mood when he drank that...

How strange indeed...She would take one bottle and begin making a plate with all sorts of nice steaming foods with no rhyme or reason. She was after all not a picky eater after all. But she was indeed quite curious on what this 'vodka' does to people.
November 10, 2022

The tall woman normally intimidated the mouse. It was not as if the mouse detested Karolin, no, she was merely wary of someone that towered over her and was strong enough to lift the entire dining room table.

Etoile mustered up her courage, moving out from behind her Papa, taking out her quill and pad of paper. 《Welcome home, I brought the flowers, with Lawrence, for you.》 She scribbled with nimble fingers. Etoile held the pad up for Karolin to read, but she must have done so too late.

Maria, in that moment, walked over with a plate for Karolin, smiling in that motherly way of her's. "Welcome back, Karolin, tu nous as manqué. We have missed you."

Amid the pleasantries and welcomes home, Tybalt bowed to dismiss himself for a moment. He and Lawrence had meant to have words; not cross ones, ideally, but for one of their own to find themselves behind bars merited discussion. Between the grieving and legal proceedings, it was difficult to find time to address what went wrong, but now that Karolin was home, the ache of the error was nipping at Tybalt's constitution with every step, like a misplaced pebble in his balmorals.

With a subtle wave of his staff in Lawrence's direction, he invited his fastidious companion to join him away from the dining room, then slipped into the hallway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Memphis Character Portrait: Lawrence Character Portrait: Ines Character Portrait: Etoile Character Portrait: Rien Character Portrait: Armel
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Excusing herself from the late festivities, Pepper left the dining room, only to pass by Lawrence and Tybalt in the hall. With a jaunty march, she was counting, "Forty-two, forty-seven, forty-eight, sixty-one—Exqueeze me, sirs." She greeted the ringleader and sharpshooter. Raising her heels and pointing her toes in on each other, she ambiguously riddled them, "How many shoes afoot are a foot?"

The girl then answered quite confusingly, "None, of course! Shoes aren't feet. But there's two shoes for every foot, and every foot is on board—every foot plus two. Now, it sounds like every foot that wears a shoe has at least one shoe, but everyone that wears a shoe—except horses—has only two feet..."

"Now, the sole reason I ask," she paused to smirk at her pun before continuing, "I thought we were missing somebody, so I'm just retracing the steps—recounting, I mean... We were missing two big feet until just now, but I think we've got two extra big feet? I'm just checking the deck below to make sure nobody's extra pair of shoes are walking out on the party—But wait! Shoes aren't feet! How we~eird..." Hardly waiting for a breath, much less a response, Pepper spun around on her heels and continued her strut down the hall, counting footsteps once more—not entirely all her own, as some of them were in French.

It had taken years for Tybalt to master decoding Pepper's particular parleying proclivities, which on the best of days were opaque, at the worst all but inscrutable. Not that she wasn't well-spoken - she said what she meant and meant what she said - but her meanings were not so much veiled as they were painted over. Tybalt removed his hat partly in greeting and partly to scratch his head. He redonned it, cocking his lips to the left and to the right, like he was chewing over the words. At last, recognition filled his eyes.

"Extra feet, you say?" he answered, rolling his shoulders and puffing out his chest. "Without a dance partner? I shall rectify it; my gratitude, Pepper."

Tybalt flashed a knowing smile at Lawrence, one with hints of weariness. Between the dire straits and the hard fight for Karolin's return, his constitution wore thin.


Marching back to the lower deck, the Ringmaster was quick to spot a face standing out from those he was used to seeing: a bright-eyed messenger man scrabbling about for acknowledgement despite the wee hours of the eve. By now the clock had past 2 unaccompanied by a daytime bell. What on earth was a courier doing searching about at this late hour?

Tybalt approached the young man lingering at the entrance, who was turning his head to and fro while clutching a sealed envelope to his chest. They locked eyes, and the man stood upright, presenting the letter with a shaking hand.

"Message for you, Mr. LeGrand!" He reported.

"At this hour?" he said, taking hold of the envelope and nicking its seal open with the tip of his staff.

"Of urgent priority," the messenger replied.

Tybalt pried apart the folds of the envelope, sliding out the letter and running his eyes over the text. "I gathered so," he answered.

"My apologies for the brevity and the inconvenience. There has arisen a desperate and immediate need for an act of appropriate grandeur to be presented at this year's Exposition universelle in Chicago, Illinois. The name of your troupe has been on the short list for some time. Cirque du Voles would be received with full honor and sponsorship, as well as considerable compensation for the lack of advance notice. If you agree to attend, please inform our courier. We await your answer and performance.

Tybalt tilted his head to one side, reaching into his pocket for a handful of coins to give to the messenger.

"What should I tell them, Mr. LeGrand?" he asked.

"Tell them we accept!" Tybalt answered, his lips curling into a wide grin.

The ship was aflutter with activity, the pounding of feet audible on nearly every floor of the ship. All hands were on deck, working like a well-oiled machine. Together, they worked to ready their flying device to take to the air. On one side of the lowest floor, there was a large handle that when turned, would alleviate the bridge from its position on the ground. From the balcony on the exterior, the ropes were pulled up. One by one, they were lifted, their crew rescinding the items that kept the Redempture securely fastened to the dock.

The engine sputtered, spewing black smoke from its belly like a dragon with a foul cough.The sputtering gave way to a soft purr, the ship now ready for flight.

”Hang on te something,” their skillful pilot, a red headed bloke named Rory MacGillan grinned, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. He wore a golden badge pinned to his lapel, a relic of his glory days as a pilot in the Royal Navy. His red hair was slicked back, having grown a bit long, it was held together by an elastic with a fake sunflower fastened to the band. It was anyone’s guess which little lady of the ship had gifted it to him.

”Bring her up slowly, Red.” Samson warned, his gaze remained trained out the window, his stellar eyesight allowing him to see things that others would need binoculars for. The engine made a strange noise and both men outwardly groaned.

”Estella!” Rory shouted, stomping his foot on the ground. A panel popped upwards, revealing a slim girl with skin like umber and eyes like stars. Her hands were covered in grease and her oversized glasses were smudged with it, too. She had short black hair which she tucked behind both ears, and wore gray overalls and a pearl necklace that was startlingly clean despite the state she was in. ”Yes?” Estella asked, adjusting her glasses.

”What’re you doin’ down there? You want to get swallowed by the engine, do ya?” Estella placed both palms on either side of the deck and hoisted herself out, sitting on the ground and closing the panel she had crawled out from. ”If my calculations are correct, we could get to Chicago one hour earlier than Samson’s projections, based on my modification.”

Samson scoffed. Little was known about the man, other than that he had great eyesight and a nose for navigation. ”Found a new route, did you? Do you want to take over the maps, then?” He gestured as the airship began to lift, taking flight.

”It’s not the maps,” Estella went to the wall, running a hand across its metallic surface. ”You hear that purr? I’m confident with the adjustments I made, we’ll see a difference.”

”You better be right.” Red turned away, taking the helm. ”Now fetch me some coffee, it’s gonna be a long night.”

On another side of the ship, Blaise was assisting Genya in cleaning up the dining room. The party had ended, but the celebration lived on. There was palpable relief in the air, not only that Karolin had been rescued from the dreadful grasp of the law, but that they were leaving Manhattan in search of brighter skies and a handsomely paid performance. ”Ms. Genya,” Blaise started, averting his gaze. The gentle giant was often too shy for his own good. ”As we have discussed in the past, just Genya is fine,” she glanced up from collecting dishes, reaching forward quickly to capture an escaped plate that would have slid off of the table.

”Do you think something like this could happen again?” It was clear that the events of the last week weighed heavily on Blaise’s mind.

Genya shook her head, ”No, this was a freak-erm, incident, rather. The Ringmaster knows what he is doing and I have full confidence in our dedicated staff.” Blaise nodded, but his brow furrowed, as if he was unconvinced by her words.

On a deck below them, three men stood huddled, their card game interrupted by a door opening behind them. The smell of whiskey was prevalent in the practice room, the three of them having sneaked off after lifting the ropes and securing the provisions in the kitchen.

”Is there room for one more, boys?” A voice came from the doorway, a slender, but tall frame leaning against the opening. Her black hair cascaded over her shoulders and her arms were crossed. All three stiffened, caught in the act. While the rest of the ship was preparing, Riftan, James, and Alistair were playing cards and drinking themselves into a stupor.

”The jig is up, boys.” James Martella shook his head and laughed. They collected their cards and shook their heads, cursing Rien for making them help. ”You should all go to bed, anywho. We land in two days, our acts need to be perfect.”

”Yes, yes,” Alistair waved a hand. He was Etoile’s trapeze partner, but often went off-script to tease the child and garner a reaction from the audience. He clapped Rien on the back, ”See you in the morning.” They held no ill will against her, if it had been any other night, Rien would have joined them rather than scolded the men for slacking off.

One deck above them, Violetta knelt down to lift a sleeping Etoile off of a settee. She had taken to rest there, waiting for her Papa. The child started, always a light sleeper and pushed herself away from Violetta, who deposited her carefully on the ground so as not to injure her. ”Are you alright?” Violetta whispered, her voice physically incapable of speaking even an octave louder.

Etoile nodded, looking up at Violetta with a wary expression. Slowly, sleepily, the child rose and dusted herself off, looking around the room she had fallen asleep in. She rubbed one eye and scurried off, like a mouse that had been discovered in the pantry. Where was her Papa? Why were they moving? Etoile could hear their calls, the back and forth banter of those that lived on the ship.

They were flying, but to where? She went up the steps, to the long hallway with doors decorated with names and paper cut outs. Cautiously, Etoile entered her Papa’s room and clambered onto his bed, waiting for him to return.


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Character Portrait: Rien
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It was during a sunny, spring afternoon that the Redempteuer arrived to its location. Floating above the city of Chicago was a massive platform, its sides bobbing with airships that had come to dock, much like their own. In the center was a tower with a gleaming spire, a beacon that was a welcoming site after being packed for so long into their ship. Their floating home-away-from-home was fine, but sometimes, Rien began to feel the cabin craze. Today was one such day, where she needed to escape from the confines of the walls, even if for only a moment.

The shadow weaver was standing on one of the few balconies of the ship, her azure eyes surveying the landscape and watching the floating fair grow closer. She was soon joined by Genya, who reached into the pocket of her coat and offered Rien a sweet. The spring breeze was cool against their faces, the ship hovering while it prepared to touch ground. "Come around these parts often?" Genya joked and the two girls laughed. Rien took the offered sweet and unwrapped it neatly, the taste of peppermint stinging her tongue. Genya laughed once more, turning back to face the landscape. "You are so English," she teased while twirling a piece of hair around her finger.

"And you, Russian." Rien countered, smiling. She leaned against the railing and the two of them fell silent. "You will depart as soon as we land, yes?"

"Yes, I really must find a public phone, if I am to continue my ruse."

"Does your family still not know you left?"

"No, they believe that I am a sad widow, living all by my lonesome in the peaceful countrysi-" a cough came from her chest and she leaned over suddenly, retching into her hand. "Rien!" Genya shouted, "I will fetch Marie."

Black ink dripped between her fingers, she felt suddenly dizzy, perhaps because of the sunlight. "I am alright," Rien insisted, the acrid taste of shadow left on her tongue.

Genya reached for her, redirecting Rien back inside. There, Rien leaned against the wall and tipped her head back. Genya offered another candy, which Rien took, grateful for the offer. The red wrapping crinkled between her fingers, but the taste at least washed away the awful flavor.

"That is two times today. It is not getting worse, is it?" Genya asked worriedly. Rien's condition was closely monitored by Maria, her shadow weaving as much a mystery as all of their curious ailments. "I have a working theory," Rien pushed the candy around her mouth with her tongue, feeling it clink against her teeth. "That my body is filling with shadow and when it becomes too much, it uses the fastest route to excrete it."

"Does it hurt?" Genya asked, her words laced with concern.

"No, it's not painful, per say." Rien attempted to explain, but found that her words fell short. In truth, it did not hurt, it was more like a muffled sensation, that made it feel like her senses became numb and slow. Almost as if she were underwater. "You should rest, you have a show tonight."

"No, I really must go out." Rien insisted, abandoning the wall. The ship jostled slightly as it docked, the ground shifting enough to make both girls reach for something to hold. "Well, if you insist, then I will go with you." Genya looped her arm around Rien's, dragging her towards the elevator. Together, the two girls descended and waited for the dock to lower.

"Going out already?" Riftan asked, wiping his hands on his trousers. "Yes, I must ring my family in England, or at least try." Rien tucked them into her coat pocket, so as not to lose them to the wind. She opened her parasol, keeping the sun from beating down on her. Genya stuck close, the two meandering a bit away from the ship to explore.

"Wow, this is quite a bit bigger than I imagined."

Genya whistled. They were used to fairs, but nothing of this scale. The way it had been explained to them the night previous, by their fearless ringleader, is that it worked something like a city. Each section had a block with a certain amount of space and it was divided into districts. There was a food district, an arts district, an innovation district, and an entertainment district.

"S'cuse me ladies? Care for a show?" A man looked to them, winking. He wore striped trousers and an ill-fitting button down. He gestured towards his ship, boasting a fortune teller. "In Russia, we had a word for those, moshennik," the two laughed and walked on, heading towards the center of the platform.

There, they found the postbox, standing out with its blue paint, next to the spire structure. "How odd, their phone boxes are blue," Rien remarked and stepped inside. The invention of the telephone was still relatively new, but most lords and ladies in England had hurriedly incorporated them into their homes, believing them to be more convenient than letters. Rien could see why, although it was a bit of a length process to get a hold of anyone.

"Crobeau household, whom, may I ask, is calling?"

"Hello Dudley, it is Rien."

"Ah, the young miss. I shall summon your Mother, I am certain she will be delighted you called." She could hear him place the receiver down and hurry off. Outside of the phone booth, Genya was reading a flyer pasted on a wall.

A woman's voice suddenly came from the other end of the receiver.

"Rien? Rien, is that you?"

"Yes, it is me." There was a sigh of relief from her Mother, she had sounded frantic.

"Is everything alright?"

"Your father and I visited your home and the head maid informed us that you had been away for many months! Why did you not tell us?"

"I did not wish for you to worry."

"Well, we were more worried you were hiding secrets."

"I... apologize, Mother. Things are a bit complicated right now, I could not stay there any longer. Not with the memories, not with... my condition." Audrey Corbeau went silent, those two words were no doubt making her head spin.

"Are you receiving treatment?" She whispered on the other end of the line.

"Yes, I am." It was not a lie, Marie was the ship's best doctor. "I am and I have made lovely friends who suffer from... similar ailments."

"Oh!" She could practically see Audrey's face now, it would always crinkle before the tears would well up in the corners of her eyes and she would sob. "I am so glad. Your Father and I-well, what matters is that you are safe. Please, we would love to hear from you more often, Rien. We love you very much, you know that, do you not?"

"Yes and I, you, Mother." With that, Rien hung up the receiver and leaned against the phone booth, retching into her hand once more.