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Corvin McMordy

Yeah I willl get there, even if I have to topple the world.

0 · 397 views · located in New York

a character in “Code: Instincts of Survival 2”, as played by JokerofSpades


”What, a shakedown? Damn, I'm gunna get in trouble now..."

-Nickname: Corvy and Cobra is the most popular, but a few Mordy and Mord float around here and there.
-Age: 19
-Gender: Male
-Species: Genetic Mutation - Moderate.
-Role: Follower Numero Uno!
-Motivation: To rid the world of all those that are above him. That is basically it. Corvy also has this thing against Nekria and Rorian especially, wanting to use their heads in ways not quite appropriate for viewing.

”I have to say, you must really find me interesting. "

-Eyes: Dull blue
-Hair: Burnt Red
-Height: 5'11
-Weight: 165 lbs
-Skin Tone: Fair - Tan
-Build: Wiry/Average
-Body Markings: For being a Follower, it is almost necessary to have at least one scar - if you don't, then your probably useless. Corvin has his own fair share of scars from scraps between other followers, police, and wild animals, with the majority of these intrusions being on his legs. He isn't sure why, but people really like aiming for his lower body when it comes to weaponry, and this fact makes him quite nervous. Corvin has at least 3 bullet scars (he doesn't remember how many...) in his legs, with only 2 in his left arm. Knife marks also seem to be most present in his legs, as if the attacker wanted to chop off his manhood (O.O), with the count coming to at least 15. His arms, a measly 4. We aren't going to go into how many wild animals he has encountered that have left their marks: just assume a LOT. For tattoos, he has the majority of his on his back - with the predominant tat of a set of twisted wings on his shoulder blades, and a snake winding its way down his spine.

As with all of these people, he has the numbers 0 - 4 - 3 - 6 - on his wrist, but the last number is being eaten by a snake tattoo. (It was a 7)

"Look, if you are asking these questions 'round here, it is probably you that should be checked. Just saying.

-Quirks: His worst quirk is spinning his revolvers around his finger constantly: when he's bored, waiting, upset, all the time. Most are afraid that it will accidentally discharge, but Corvin assures them that it hasn't happened for a few months.
--> Fear of being Oppressed
-->Fear of Cats
-->Fear of Lack of Oxygen
-->Fear of Death
-->Fear of Regret
~Revolts/Rebellions/That sort of thing
~Sunlight Heat/Heat in General
~the Underground
~the Lost Children
*Useless People
*Fruity Drinks

Corvin is an interesting fellow, but not weird or bizzare in that sense.

In short, Corvin is a pretty chill kid - not much bothers him, and not much excites him. Life just goes by in motions, and Corvin is merely there for the ride. He is pretty unresponsive to most events or things that are deemed 'exciting' simply because that they don't appeal to him. This is the case for most people, but Corvin is a little more extreme - things that appeal to him barely raise his excitement levels, and the number of those things is quite few. Corvin, however, does not show discontent or disgust with the objects that he feels nothing for, instead he feels just a sense of blandness in their appearance. Corvin often comes off as a very dull, boring character that has little to no life in him, but that is to mere strangers.

When hanging around Corvin at night time or with the Following members he enjoys, Corvin becomes quite upbeat and exciting. He will frequently chat with people, constantly making his way through ever person until he has nobody to talk with. He has a certain boyish charm to him that allows conversation transitions to move extremely nicely, with no awkwardness at all - even when switching between people he makes it look casual. Corvin not only has the boyish charm to keep the conversation alive, but also a cool, smooth, mysterious, almost spy-like aura around him constantly, even when he is his chill self. He will let on a bit of who he is to the other person, but never fully explaining everything about himself.

There is a reason to Corvin's difference in attitudes: He is not much of a day person. Corvin loves to sleep, and doesn't really 'awaken' until the afternoon, when his attitude picks up. Until then, Corvin is the chill, bored-looking man in the corner with a gun - and nothing can make him become his upbeat self until nighttime. Literally nothing: he has tried everything.

However, there is one thing that can wake him up in the morning, and that is fighting. While he may not be upbeat, he is definitely awake. When it comes to combat situations and fighting against the Nobles, Corvin gains this freakish determination that seems to only be undermined by his sarcastic jokes. He runs his own little agenda when fighting, not really listening to his objective and instead likes to lay waste to 'every damn Nobleman' he can find. This is explained a little more in depth when you learn of what Corvin went through as a kid - though many others went through similar times, Corvin couldn't move on and accept them.

His attitude towards most Mutations is quite heinous, to be honest. Corvin really doesn't consider himself much of a mutation, since the only thing different about him than another human is that his sense of touch is hypersensitive. It isn't that he is rude towards them, it is just that he doesn't trust those that were created by the Nobles - even if they are fighting with him. Granted, he does somewhat trust the Underground as a network, more than the random rabble on the streets above, but that doesn't mean he likes them all that much.

Bottom line = Corvin is that kind of kid that doesn't wake up until nighttime.

”I carry anything I need. If I needed an annoyance, I would be carrying one."

-Clothing:To start, there are those ridiculous goggles that sit atop Corvin's head. While they are sometimes shielding his eyes, not many really know why he wears them. Moving down, he is always wearing a longsleeved shirt with stripes. Regardless of the colour of the stripes (though they are usually black and white) it is always vertically striped. There are some days where he wears a white vest - he gets cold easily - but even then it is striped. Corvin's gloves, on the other hand, are not striped and instead are just a solid black. There can be chains running down his shirt if he is feeling that way on that day. On his legs he wears blue jeans with a black belt with different belt buckles and chains, and his feet wear buckle up black and white striped punk boots. For fun.
-Carried Items:
Any kind of weapon he needs for the day, he has on him. Granted,

-Main Weapon
‱Name: Number Forty Two (or #42
‱Type: Revolver
‱Made of: Mithril and Velrium
‱Length: Roughly 2 inch barrel
‱Weight: 5 lbs
‱Description/Info: #42 isn't a very loud weapon. He talks only when spoken too, and usually talks in riddles. Corvin sees him as 'the answer to the universe' since he is either spouting off facts, or speaking in damned riddles. Yeah, they sort of argue a lot.

”I'm good. That's all that is needed."

-Natural Talents
‱Talent 1:Long Range Shooting/Accuracy
‱Talent 2:Stillness/Camouflaging/Silence

‱Skill 1:The Arsenal - Corvin is capable of using any type of weapon that can fire an object at another. He started with his slingshot as a kid, now uses things that kill people. No matter what it is, he can use it.
‱Skill 2:Vibrations - While Corvin's hearing are lacking, he makes up for it by being extremely in-tuned with the vibrations of the earth. He can feel the footsteps of another person walking towards him, but cannot usually hear them unless directly focusing on them. Similarly to a snake, he can also 'hear' through the ground.

‱Weakness 1:His Hearing - Corvin's ears are practically useless - he is 3/4 of his way to being deaf, and it isn't his fault, he just has always been that way. While his Vibrational Hearing makes up for quite a bit of it, he cannot hear anything airborne unless he seriously focus', which rarely helps.
‱Weakness 2:Hand to Hand - Don't get the wrong idea about Corvin - he could probably kick any random person's ass if he wanted to. Thing is, when it comes to fists or pointy objects, Corvin is somewhat useless.

”I wouldn't go down my path if I were you - screwed up the last guy that did."

‱Marital Status: 'Divorced' (Yeah, this will need explanation....)
Corvin's unknown parents - Deceased.
The poor boy was ripped from his parents at 6, and all he can remember of them is their faces. Heck, he only knew them by Mom and Dad anyway.
Corvin's 'Ex-Wife' Sandra Delange - MIA
Corvin met her when he was just starting with the Underground around the age of 10. She was, like him, taken by the Nobles to be tested on, but sort of thrown away after a failed test (she could float). Once they both his 16, for they were the same age, a little blossom of love started between the two of them. Since they knew that life would be quite short if they were to stay in the Underground, out of a spur of confidence and heart-pounding love, they eloped. The problems started not a year later, when Corvin started going on more and more missions and rarely coming back to her. It didn't help that things between them were starting to get a little awkward, with the whole 'sleeping with your friend is weird' thing going on, and Sandra wanting to leave the Underground to raise a family. These little splinters finally destroyed their relationship halfway through his seventeenth year, when they parted on 'semi-friendly' ways. Sandra left the Underground days later, and Corvin hasn't seen her since, and is starting to miss her company as a friend. In reality, it wasn't much of a marriage, so not many consider him really 'divorced'.

‱History:Corvin doesn't remember much before the age of 10. He was taken from his home Rorian as payment to be experimented on, and his parents were butchered for the sadist as well. The only reason he knows this is because his clearly remembers the creepy man's face showing up at his house, black book in hand and everything. After that, everything is sorta blurry, except for one person: Marcus. The little boy was about the same age as he was, and they fought through the experimental pain together for the next four years of Corvin's life. Nearing the end, however, Marcus was killed after being unloaded with one too many powers - he was able to control the earth, including magnetism. With his only friend dead, Corvin nearly commited suicide at the age of 9 since he had no idea what to do. Little did he know that he would be getting out fairly soon.

The tests done on Corvin's body weren't all that severe or special, which puzzled the young lad to no end. His friends were being zapped, burned, eaten, and all these other horrible things, while he remained roughly untouched. It wasn't until they attempted to fill him with venom sacks that the pain really started, but it didn't last. The idea was a complete failure, for he was supposed to be turned into some reptilian freak-a-zoid, and instead only ended up compatible with the vibrational hearing. After this, he was immediately thrown out onto the streets, where he was supposed to be killed. Had it not been for the Underground, Corvin would have been one dead reptile.

Corvin joined the Underground out of pure revenge to get back for the death of his friend, but that quickly fizzled out after all the other things he had to do. There, he met Sandra and they eloped and that sort of thing. Life in the Underground was pretty awesome, with their main goals being to riot and rebel against the Nobles. Corvin got used to the lifestyle extremely quickly, with his laid back attitude helping emmencely. However, the burning desire to topple the Nobles - Rorian espeically - remains with Corvin, and he would love to see them fall. For now, however, he is content with just living.

OTHER: When doing missions that require a little more stealth, he disguises hiimself as a musician, just like the guy here

So begins...

Corvin McMordy's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
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Blood. So much of it. A pity that it wasn't nearly worth enough.

Rorian stepped out from that little room he liked to call the 'Exchange Centre' and into the hallway. While he had just witnessed the brutal murder of a family, his clothes were neatly cleaned and pressed, for Nekria would not have him be a filthy butler - no, that just would not do. Rorian raised the black book in his left hand, with Bloody Mary giddily twirling in the right. Rorian quickly scanned through the book while he started his pacing towards the office of his Master, his pen tapping against his face as he did. Selbergs, Sensens, ahh! Here we are. The Shamsils. He smiled as he found the name of the family, noting that their debt to him was 27 478 credits, and would have increased to 28 075 due to interest had he not decided to dispose of them today. Rorian gave a little sigh, seeing as how the family had only saved 5500 in cash, and their valuables were pitiful - he could only auction them off for miniscule amounts, nothing close to their debts. This was the only reason he had come to the conclusion that extraction of their blood would be the only way to make back his money.

Speaking of which, the child's blood had tasted awful - she was a dirty O+, which seemed to taste of the dirt her family wallowed in. In all honesty, Rorian himself wasn't even sure why he decided to drink the child's blood to restock on his own - the parents would have probably tasted better. He gave a small shrug, a smirk forming on his lips as he continued his pace. Oh well. Back to Work I go. Rorian gave a creepy smile as he made his way to the grand door that lead to His Lady's office. Before entering, however, he noticed that someone had slightly scuffed the right side of the door. He scowled profusely, making a small mental note to ask Nekria what should be done with the door, before nearly knocking on the door to enter her room. Just as his right hand rose to knock on the now-scuffed door, he heard that sugary voice he knew too well say to another 'Before you do any of that, however, I want you to fetch me Drean and Rorian, if you wouldn't mind.

Rorian gave another one of his semi-creepy smirks before knocking on the door, and spoke - however muffled it would sound through a wall - in his standard speech. "My Lady Nekria, that will be quite unnecessary." Rorian softly opened the door to reveal Vernigan, the supposed 'Man-Who-Couldn't-Lie' being shooed away by his Master. Rorian gave a bow, crossing his right arm - which placed his pen in his pocket beforehand - to his left shoulder to do so. "I am here and at your disposal, Lady Nekria." Rorian said before raising his head, and giving a a shallow bow to Vernigan.

Rorian couldn't wait to inform her of the details of the past few hours. He simply was dying to tell her.

Corvin McMordy

Near the entrance to the sewers, along the main drag, cigarette smoke slowly filtered its way out of a massive casing. To one new to the Underground, they would probably avoid this place, for taking own glance in was to look into a chaotic disaster: buts littered the ground, clothes were hanging from different places, food packages thrown around the room like a piece of modern art. A newbie would never have dreamed that the kid that lived in there was one of the weapon's dealers for the Underground: Corvin the Cobra. The kid was basically passed out on his bed, only awake enough to have a cigarette sticking out of his mouth. If this was an amateur who had attempted this, their bed would probably be roasting that certain loser, but not Corvin. Nope, his head hung off the side just enough that the onlooker could see his face, and his cig didn't turn his bed into an inferno.

By now the newbie would have probably passed on, not really noticing that one of Corvin's eyes had been half open the entire time. Corvin didn't need rando's thinking they could just pop in, still one of his guns, and make a run for it without him noticing. To be fair, Corvin should probably be up by now, like the rest of the Underground, but he was always too lazy and too tired to bother. His goggles were on, filtering out the little bit of sunlight that peered through the hole in his roof, which landed right on his body: Corvin liked to believe that he was solar powered. (Corvin still isn't sure how he got a place near a manhole, but he ain't complaining.)

However, as all good sleeps before this one, it was rudely interrupted by the Underground's constant noise. Sure, he could probably sleep through it if he needed to, but he heard a few other voices that kept his eyes open: well, maybe half open. For starters, he heard the Princess' voice cutting through the rabble, talking too those brats she carried around with her. Once her voice slowly faded away, Corvin legitimately thought that he would be able to fall back asleep. Until Diaren's voice cut through the sleep and made Corvin roll his eyes in annoyance. With that, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that Kier had done something weird and out of place again, he got up and changed in a flash. It was Corvin's philosophy that it was better to be fully prepared and lazy, than slowly get through things and be lazy. That way, you could sleep more. Or something.

Once in his normal attire and the cigarette in his mouth still there, he stumbled out of his 'house' to see what was going on. Some people from the Underground even stopped to stare or snicker at him, for it wasn't normal for Corvin to be up at this hour. Sure, he was up for fights, but there wasn't any fighting going on yet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
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#, as written by FizzGig
Amelia Desaro
The Underground Headquarters

Amelia paused, glancing to Diaren for a moment as the young man stopped to address her. Still in her civilian clothes, with none of her attendants in sight, she looked the part of the normal Undergrounder. This was how she liked it, to be around the people she was meant to serve and protect. That was one of the reasons why she allowed people to address her by her name, first or last, rather than some ridiculous title that emphasized her authority.

“Keir disappeared again?” she asked tiredly. The only thing that was worse than her disappearing without an escort, was Keir performing the same trick. If he died or got captured, well, it wouldn’t end well for any of them.

Curse that stupid man and his whimsical fantasies.

Groaning softly, the woman pushed her hands back through her hair, before letting her arms fall to either side. She fixed Diaren with a look infused with exhaustion, though she did her best to smile. “I’ll have to deliberate with our fearless (read: stupid) leader when he gets back. You know how it is, no official announcements until we’ve both had a chance to discuss details.” She glanced behind her, surprised to find that Mortecai had approached without so much as making a sound.

“Perfect.” She said suddenly, smiling and reaching to grab Mortecai’s arm. “Take Diaren’s place here for a moment. I’m going to be borrowing him for a little bit.” Looking to Diaren, Amelia managed a more genuine smile this time.

“Unless you’d rather stand guard duty of course.”

When Corvin poked his head out of his home, Amelia turned to point a finger at him too. “I want you to come with me as well. Things we need to talk about.”

Corvin was known for his laziness, and Diaren for his occasionally misplaced enthusiasm. Perhaps, if she could get the pair to work together, they’d be able to curb one another to the point of being a rather excellent team. It was time she had a few new trainees. Her current ones were right where they needed to be anyway.

“Come along then,” she said finally, before turning and beginning to walk back through the small Underground city.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
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Rorian the Scholar

Rorian, in hindsight, probably shouldn't have bowed to the child known as Vernigan: it let loose the fact that he may consider Vernigan to be of actual importance, and he didn't. Mentally, however, Rorian shrugged the meager idea off, and kept his smile on as the boy returned the bow. His action made Rorian add a taste of sinister to his smile, for Rorian confirmed that the kid knew his place. Rorian knew that Nekria convinced all of her followers/mutations that she cared deeply for all of them, saying that they should refer to her as her first name, and sit with her. Rorian knew this to be a front, just as his was. When he first found out, it pained him dearly to know that the only one to whom he thought cared for him actually thought of him to be less than trash. However, over the years, Rorian has accepted this fact, for one reason, and one reason only: he would have done the same.

"I will work on my tasks. Good day, Nekria and Rorian. Rorian merely kept his 'friendly' smile present as Vernigan addressed them both, and then quickly left the room. The smile never really left Rorian's face, but it changed somewhat - instead of inviting and amiable, it looked a little more creepy - instead of looking like a smile, it began to form into a smirk. He said absolutely nothing as the time passed, for it was not his turn to speak - he had done so when he entered the office of his Lady, and he would not speak until addressed. It was just one of those things that he did - after all, he was below her, so she had the authority over him at all times to dictate his speech patterns, thoughts, and actions.

The only difference between himself and the rest of the Noble followers was that he was fully aware of his actions: for some reason, they could not see past their own faces. That thought made the smile even more awkward on his face, and he knew it.

Corvin McMordy

To Corvin, this entire morning seemed to be staged: Step one, wake up a guy that doesn't wake up for another hour or two. It makes him drowsy and more easily controlled, which was exactly what Corvin was at the moment. He didn't really care what happened, but if somebody told him that something was going on, or to do something, he would probably just do it so they would leave him alone. Step 2, get Amelia to give him an order. Corvin was completely shocked to hear Amelia's voice cut through the common rabble amongst the people.

“I want you to come with me as well. Things we need to talk about.” Corvin's eyes were wide with semi shock, until he gave a sigh of exasperated fatigue, and turned around to re-enter his house. Now, this may look like Corvin was ignoring the Princess' order, but he really wasn't - he hadn't eaten yet, so he grabbed a disposable drink and bag of... something to go with his cigarette (Corvin had a feeling it was a bag of chips, but he couldn't really be certain until he opened it.) With his goggles now firmly attached to his head - for they were leaning a little to the right when he came out - and #42 making some prophetic nonsense while being shoved into his back pocket, Corvin came back out of his house and started towards Amelia. His posture was, to say the least, highly laid back - he had a little bit of a slouch going from not doing anything recently. He finally opened the bag of 'whatever it was - turned out to be pretzels... - and was munching on a few when he finally reached Amelia.

For Princess of the Underground, Amelia really didn't look like it. She was technically older than he, but those oddly large eyes certainly didn't solidify that fact. Instead, she looked about 15-16, but Corvin knew better than to feel superior to the Princess. Corvin looked slightly down to meet her eyes, since she was a few inches shorter than his own height, and swallowed the rest of his pretzels. "Alrighty, you got me out of my sleep. What's this all about?" Corvin's voice normally sounded quite nice when he was fully awake, but at the moment his voice was somewhat hoarse. Didn't help that those pretzels made it so damn dry, so he took a drink of his juice - at least, it tasted like juice - to wash them down. It tasted like liquified crap.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Fleur Lhydderch Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
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Morgan listened to Fleur, and nodded. He cracked a small smile as she stammered through her explination of getting lost. He wasn't surprised. Hell, he wouldn't be surprised if the girl managed to find her way into the Noble's fortress trying to find her bedroom. That's be an interesting way to infiltrate them. His reverie was cut short, however, by Clyde's sudden and unexpected suggestion.

Morgan halted, an intense and rather mad gleam in his eye. He said nothing as Fluer put her own input in, and then spouted at Clyde, perhaps in a harsher tone than he had originally intended, "There's no way in hell I'd ever go back to the Underground. There's a reason I left, Clyde. And it wasn't easy, getting out. I doubt they'd welcome me with open arms anyhow. The Prince would more likely execute me on sight. He's one of the few who know exactly how to kill me." He paused again after his little outburst, and lit a cigarette, taking a long drag before continuing on, motioning for the two to follow.


Diaren nodded, following Amelia closely, rather excited. He liked it when he had something to do. It gave him purpose, and kept his mind off of other things. "Hey, listen Des...I know you don't really like Keir going off on his own. And I'm sorry I let him. But...he's our leader. It's not like any of us can just tell him he can't go alone. Besides...I'm not that inconspicuos, either." Diaren was rambling. He did that alot. His mechanical win sraped along the side of the tunnel as he walked, and he pulled it in closer. He'd have to fiddle with it later, and get it more compact. He sighed inwardly. Apart of him wished that his mutation was invisible. Then at least he could go outside and to the surfae with a small chance of being recognized. As it was, he normally could only go out after dark, when the streets were less crowded. His arm was easily concealed. His wing on the other hand...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
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#, as written by FizzGig
Amelia Desaro
The Underground

Pleased to have gotten Corvin’s attention without too much trouble, she offered him a small smile as he stood and made a point of looking down at her. Almost lazily, her eyes drifted up to his face, and she gave him a quick, assessing once-over before saying,

“This isn’t the right place to talk about the sort of thing I need to talk about. Walk with me and I’ll explain it a little better once we’ve gotten out of ear shot.” She looked to Diaren, to make sure he also understood, then turned around and began to lead the way back around the Underground city. She put her hands behind her head, stretching for a moment before allowing her arms to flop lazily to her sides.

“I don’t want anyone overhearing and getting the wrong idea about what’s going to come to pass.” She finally said as they began to come to a less populated space. She was about to continue, but Diaren’s sentence quieted her. She glanced back over her shoulder at him.

“I don’t care if Keir does as he likes. I go off on my own all the time, and frankly it’ll be his own damn fault if he gets himself captured or killed.” Her expression was wan. “He knows enough to not give us all away.” Or so she hoped. She didn’t like doubting the man, but sometimes his whimsical trips to the surface world were for little more than private entertainment. He hardly made a secret of it when he was out and about.

“But do not underestimate the kind of influence I have on him.” She wouldn’t be second in command if that wasn’t the case. She had stopped, turning to face the pair of them as she said the words. Her eyes flickered over Diaren as he fiddled with his wings, and she made a mental note to help him out with that some time in the future.

“Alright, what I wanted to say earlier was—“

”Hey guys.”

Her eyes snapped to the figure who had approached from behind, and her brow furrowed. He looked off, and she knew him well enough to figure out that much.

“How was your trip?” she asked, unable to keep the edge from her tone. “Learn anything interesting?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra Character Portrait: Oryn Caitedeora Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Diaren
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Morgan sighed as Clyde stomped on Oryn's stuffed animal. "Honestly, you're worse than a child sometimes." He turned to Fluer. "You can find your way around from here, right? And the others can help you, if you get lost again." He then grabed Clyde again, litteraly dragging him from the others. He stopped when they had reached the edge of the steel complex. There were many different buidlings, the mil only one of them. But the mill was in the best shape. He sighed as he let go of Clyde. His back was to the other boy, and he was staring at the borders of the city. "People are beginning to move, and there are whisperings. It would seem that I've gotten the Noble's attention. They're looking for me, Clyde. The way I see it, we have two options. Either we get the hell out of dodge, fast, or I do something to get them off my tail. I'd prefer to do it myself, but I can't leave you behind, I'd never hear the end of it. As much as I hate to admit it, you're probably right about the Underground. But if we do this, it's you and me. The others stay behind until we know whether or not we're even welcome. Then we'll bring along the others." He finally turned and looked at Clyde, his green eye like fire. "Deal?"



Tallen wasn't quite sure what to make of everything. The man who had claimed to be her brother had left as quickly as he had appeared, Drean fell in front of her, and her fellow Knight, Vernigen was there helping him. Slightly caught off-guard for a second, Tallen simply stood there, before realizing Vernigen had addressed her. She cleared her throat. ", I do not need any assistance. But I could do with the company." She knew very well Vernigen had no ability to lie, and would welcome his point of veiw without having to consider the possibility of being lied to. "That is assuming, Ser, that you'll be alright making your way back on your own?" She asked Drean, who loked slightly...well, grey. But then, he always looked like that.


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Diaren silently followed, this time keeping his mouth shut. His superiors were talking, he had no right to intervigne. Instead, he turned to Corvin, studying the other boy. However, he was cut short by Keir returning, followed by Desaro speaking harshly to him. She was probably the only one who could do that. There was something bugging him though, it was just a feeling he had. Non-chalantly, he checked the small monitor built into his arm that was linked to a security cam outside the entrance. Nothing, only garbage, rubble, and shadows. Though there was something quite unnerving about the shadows. They seemed to...move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Drean Montréal
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0.00 INK

Rorian the Scholar

Once they were alone in the room, Nekria took a small sip of her water and leaned back in her seat with one leg crossed over the other. She glanced over again at Rorian, head turning with the motion this time to give him more of her attention. "What is it that's humoring you today, Rorian?" She allowed the slightest upturn of her own lips even though she didn't quite believe in using the same tactics on Rorian as with most of the others. It was unfortunate, but easy to make due with. "Have you carried out your requests? Is there anything that needs tending to?" She paused as she took another small sip of her water, her gaze turning back to face ahead of her rather than on the nearby man. "Have any more children been admitted to the ranks?" Another pause as her tone threatened to drop, but continued to be as even as always. "Or is there any news on the rebels?"

Rorian watched his Lady Nekria as she shifted her appearance from her 'motherly' look to how she always looked for him - serious, powerful. That was the Nekria he knew, even if he grew up with her motherly love. She tilted her head a little and posed a question towards him which he was expecting. What is it that's humoring you today, Rorian? He let his smile drop a little, but it stayed there anyway. "Merely the circumstances and my own thoughts on the Followers, Miss." He finally let his entire smile slip down to a small smirk as she continued her questions towards him. Have you carried out your requests? Is there anything that needs tending to? Rorian nodded slightly as he answered her next series of questions. "I have. The Shamsils have paid off their most of their debt, while a few knights are preparing to seize their home to repossess it. Our funds have grown as of late, as more and more civilians require loans that they cannot pay off." Rorian gave a little pause. "Otherwise, nothing needs your immediate attention as of now in the money sector, Miss. I cannot speak for Drean and the people however." he bowed a little, for he was to be apologetic for not knowing something. Rorian noticed that she took a sip of water during his answer, and Nekria continued with her questioning.

Have any more children been admitted to the ranks? Or is there any news on the rebels? He furrowed his brow a little, before letting it return to its normal state to answer. "According to my intel, we have lost a two of our ranks to the Underground as of last month - both male, late adolescents. No names listed." He opened his black book quickly and began to scan the computerized pages that were contained within. "Four new children have joined our ranks as of 5 days ago, 3 female and a male. They are all still awaiting their fates in their holding cells." He closed the book, leaving the thoughts wide open for Nekria to ponder about the children. "I apologize, I have no knew definite intel on the rebels, perhaps Drean-' a heavy knocking on the door interrupted him, and Rorian instantly suppressed his annoyance when the little robot appeared and printed off a page to which Rorian grabbed from its mouth and read aloud to Nekria, as he always had.

"Hello Nekria, you seem as lovely as ever today, how can I help?" Rorian spoke in his normal manner of half monotone, half intrigue. In reality, Rorian loathed the little robot that Drean used when he didn't want to talk to his Lady in person. However, before he could continue his thoughts, it printed off another page, one that he did not have to read out loud to be annoyed by. Hey there Mr.Money-bags, had any good 'wine' lately? His mouth was in a taut, hard line - he really quite hated the nickname 'Money -Bags - before giving the little robot a smile and answering. "Greetings, Drean. No, to answer your question, I have yet to have any decent wines lately, for I cannot indulge myself while working. Perhaps when I do find one, you would join me." He gave the little robot a smile before turning away from it to face Nekria and stated. "Both Drean and myself are present, Lady Nekria. What would have us do?"

Corvin McMordy

Amelia's eyes always made him feel weird when she looked over him, especially today: they were simply eyeing him over lazily before she said something. This isn’t the right place to talk about the sort of thing I need to talk about. Walk with me and I’ll explain it a little better once we’ve gotten out of ear shot. He gave a sleepy nod before following her as she walked to the back of the Underground City. Must be pretty freaking big if others can't listen in. Corvin mused before Amelia spoke again.I don’t want anyone overhearing and getting the wrong idea about what’s going to come to pass. Now it sound like shit was going to get serious, and Corvin's attention span slowly got longer and more focused as they walked. By her tone, it sounded like something was going to go down, and Corvin always woke up when fights and stuff happened. When they stopped, Diaren piped up about something.

Hey, listen Des...I know you don't really like Keir going off on his own. And I'm sorry I let him. But...he's our leader. It's not like any of us can just tell him he can't go alone. Besides...I'm not that inconspicuos, either. Corvin gave a little sigh with a small chuckle at Diaren's statement. Damn right he wasn't. Diaren stuck out like a missing limb - which is sort of ironic, since Diaren is missing a few. It didn't help that the guy had some metal freaky wings going on behind him. Corvin didn't necessarily dislike Diaren because of this, but how was he supposed to trust a guy like that?

“I don’t care if Keir does as he likes. I go off on my own all the time, and frankly it’ll be his own damn fault if he gets himself captured or killed. He knows enough to not give us all away.” Corvin nodded slighly, staying quiet the entire time and just listening to everybody's thoughts. He really didn't have much to say on either of the matters, since he didn't know what Amelia wanted, nor did he care about Keir's disappearing habits. But do not underestimate the kind of influence I have on him. the Princess turned to the two guys whilst saying her words, and Corvin smirked at her sentence. That sounds like the Princess.. He seriously wanted to light up a cigarette right now, but he really didn't need Amelia getting angry and beating him up over it, so instead he drank his liquified crap and finished off the pretzels before stuffing the empty bag into his back pocket.

Alright, what I wanted to say earlier was—“ Amelia was cut off, however, by the familiar shuffling and voice of that one man that could stop her: Prince Keir. ”Hey guys.” was all the dude said, and Corvin gave him a little nod to signify that Corvin noticed their leader. Amelia wasted no time whatsoever in blasting a few questions at the leader, the way that only the Princess could. Corvin shook his head and finished his drink of crap and threw it towards what looked like a garbage can - if it wasn't, somebody later on would be pissed, but Corvin didn't mind. He checked out of his peripherals to see that Diaren was checking the security cameras, and he gave another sigh. He needed a smoke...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy Character Portrait: Tallen
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0.00 INK



[Salva Nos]

Morgan turned to Clyde, looking the younger boy full on in the face. There had never been a time he actually remembered Clyde thinking about something. That could only mean one thing. This was about to be one the most important decisions they had ever made, not just for them, but all of the Lost. He grinned slightly when Clyde asked him when they would leave. "We need to go now. I have a hunch the Underground hasn't moved yet, they were growing too large to just up and run without notice, it would take time, a lot of it, so if we're lucky...they'll be right where I left them. Leave Kyveli in charge while we're gone, tell them it's recon, but don't say anything else. Fluer can be Ky's back-up. I trust the girl, but never her sense of direction, god help her. Get your gear and meet me back here. Odd enough, the entrance to the Underground isn't very far into the city." He stopped, checking both of his guns, and snapped the amunition back into them. "As soon as you get back we leave."


It didn't take Clyde long at all to set things straight, grab his gear, and the two of them were off, sneaking into the city in the middle of the day. It was pretty normal for them, really. Morgan took Clyde through the back streets, explaining as much as he could to Clyde. The Prince's name was Keir. He had the power of Claircognizance. "All he has to do is touch you, and he'll know everything you know in your head. And I mean everything. It's why he knows how to kill me, honestly. Luckily, he doesn't like to use it very often, he's learned some nasty things about people that others really shouldn't know. Also, there are security cameras at the entrance, monitored by Dairen. He's a younger kid, blonde hair, and partially mechanic. He's missing his right arm, and it was replaced with a mithril one, and also, he's got wings. One is feathered, like a bird, the other is also mithril, like his arms. He and I were both supposed to be Knights for the Nobles, apparently. Dairen is rather stubborn, and likes to fight. Watch out for the mithril, those wing tips can cut like a bitch." He halted, pointing to a drain cover over a sewer entrance.

"Here. Let's go give the Prince a surprise visit, shall we?" He took one step forward only to be halted by shadow. Honestly, Morgan was surrounded by it. A dome of shadows trapped Morgan in a sphere of darkness, as a purple-haired woman stepped from them. "I'd honestly hoped you'd be a bit more of a challenge to catch, Kishitora...but thank you. You've provided me with the Intel that I need about the underground. It will be easy aprehending the Prince now." Her blue eyes turned to Clyde. "You are the one known as Clyde, no? Your number...what was it...ah yes, I remember now. 0-5-1-3-7, and your power...a minor type of Pyrokenisys. Family of two other siblings, both male, one deceased. Parents deceased soon after your younger brother was born. No, you are not on my capture list, you may go." She spoke in mostly of a monotone, and seemed about to walk away, when her done of shadow cracked. She turned sharply to it, her eyes widening.

Morgan punched through the shadow, creating a hole to which he scrambled out. Morgan hated darkness, he hated shadows. There was a reason. He didn't like not being able to see. He could see at night, thanks to the tiger genetics, but this...pure, impenetrable was the type of thing that made him remember, and there were parts of his past that he didn't want to know. After regaining himself, he turned a one-eyed glare to the woman. "I take're a Knight, correct?"

Dairen was nonchalantly listening to the conversation at hand, only gather bits and pieces, while every so often checking the screen. Creepy moving shadows, stray cat. Garbage, leaves. Check, check, check. Nothing interesting, not at all. Oh, and the two orange-haired boys walking, one who looked suspiciously like Morgan...then he got trapped in a shadowy thingy...some girl with purple hair...

Dai shot to attention, staring at the screen. Morgan?! His eyes widened as he looked closer, freezing the frame and doing a close-up. Yeah, it was him. Dai danced back and forth between keeping his mouth shut and just blurting it out. Neither was very good, so instead, he just clamored over to Keir, pushing past Corvin to get there. "Uh, um....boss, we may have a situation outside...there's some girl moving shadows, and ah....I think...I think He's come back, boss..." He put over-emphasis on the word he, hoping Keir would get who he meant, and then showed him the freeze-frame of Morgan's face. "That's him, right? It's not very easy to forget that face...even after four years."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Drean Montréal
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0.00 INK

Rorian the Scholar

Rorian watched as Lady Nekria lifted the robot of Drean off of the ground and set him in her lap. He made no comment about this action, for it occurred quite frequently - even if he was slightly against the notion. "I do not like the silence we've been receiving from the two rebel groups. I'm concerned that they may be planning something larger and I wouldn't want to be unprepared for it. Rorian nodded his agreement as a small, smug grin appeared on his face as Lady Nekria attempted to dismantle the little robot. It amused him to see such a higher being than the rest of the world struggle with circuits and electricity, but he had to hand it to Drean - the man did know how to assemble a perfect robot. It didn't help his little grin, however, that Lady Nekria simply looked adorable when she was pouting about something. "I haven't heard from Tallen recently and she was sent to visit the Underground.. Rorian dismissed the thought of the Knight known as Tallen falling into the wrong hands or betraying them: if he recalled correctly, she was in debt to him roughly 7 dollars.

The Underground is causing us more issues and I want to put a stop to it. Not to mention the minor issue with that runaway Knight of ours..." That wasn't an issue that Rorian felt like addressing - past failures always made his budget hurt. I believe our safest bet would be to stop with the small work and move on to the bigger prizes. There is no need to continue with the experiments on the children of each group. Nobody is coming to save them. There hasn't been an uprising. We need to do something to cause the uprising and bring the rebel groups out of their hiding. I believe the best way to do this is by capturing their leaders. Their followers will want to riot for the return of their leaders, but they'll be broken without anyone to direct them. They will be in chaos and that's exactly what we want." Rorian nodded, that smug smirk returning to his lips as he saw her train of thought perfectly, and loved where this was going. Lady Nekria stood up and took the little robot with her, and spoke her statement

So, Drean, Rorian, that's my instructions for you. I don't care how you do it, but I want those four here in our vicinity. I want them alive. That will be all." Rorian bowed respectively, smiling when his head was down, and his face quite positively sinister when he came back up. "It shall be done, Lady Nekria." Now, Rorian wasn't one for that 'sneaking in and stealing' stuff, he was better at 'Mocking people in public, waiting for them to show up and then kill them' sort of thing. Well, it was either that or "Show up at their house and demand money'. However, Rorian noticed that the robot was starting to print, and he motioned to Lady Nekria about it. "May I." He said, indicating the message that was printing. When it was finished, he ripped it off and spoke its contents out loud once again.

"Rorian, maybe I'll take you up on that offer some time, I've sorta wondered what blood tastes like. My dear lady Nekria, I'll work on your request and I might be gone for awhile but I'll try and contact when I can, also when I do I'd like to know if some information is true or not. Does your knight 'Tallen' really have a brother? until we 'meet' again, take care." He gave a small smirk towards the message after reading it, and then thought about the question posed at the end. However, he didn't have enough time to think, for another message was printed off and he nearly began to read it outloud. He scowled as he read it in a murmur. Money bags learn to enjoy some of the smaller things, cash'll only get you so far, Rorian narrowed his eyes and ripped the page into nice, even squares before discarding it accordingly.

"Lady Nekria, I too will begin preparation for this request by doing only what I was meant to - serving and money watching. If you so wish, I shall leave immediately on a lead I have pending." He bowed a little more shallow this time, his head beginning to compile a list of names and faces who would possibly be able to give him information in exchange for their debt being erased. The lead he had was simply a client he was keeping out of debt that was hinting at the location to the Underground, one that he would very much like to go see in person.

Corvin McMordy

Corvin nearly reached for a cig when Dairen barreled through the guy to get to the leaders of the Underground - since Dairen had a bunch of extra weight on him (metal limbs), that really quite hurt. Corvin narrowed his eyes at the metal kid, and reached for his cigarette out of spite. Cobra would have lit the cig if he hadn't easily heard Dairen's blabbering. "Uh, um....boss, we may have a situation outside...there's some girl moving shadows, and ah....I think...I think He's come back, boss..." Corvin would have just dismissed this as Dairen being overcautious and too easily excitable, but there was something about the way he said the word 'He' that made Corvin curious. Surely MetalMan here didn't mean...

That's him, right? It's not very easy to forget that face...even after four years. Corvin nearly dropped his cig as he walked quite quickly towards the screen to sneak a quick peak at the face. Sure, Keir would probably be pissed off that McMordy was being slighly nosey about security - the dude was lazy, so he gave up most of his rights to care about security... - but that didn't stop him from catching a glimpse of that face. Awkwardly orange/yellow hair, eyepatch over right eye.

"Bastard decided to come back huh?" Corvin said as he lit his cigarette, now behind the two leaders and the security dude. From his tone, it was excruciatingly hard to tell if Corvin missed the tall guy or if he really hated Morgan's guts. Thing was, Corvin wasn't really sure if he missed that guy or not either. Sure, him and Morgan shared a loved for smoking, but that was about the end of similarities between them - for starters, Corvin's fear of cats was indirectly linked to Morgan being somehow able to shift into that freaky tiger. Corvin sucked in a breath slowly, and then blew - more like gave a sigh of smoke - out the smoke in his lungs. He really liked the Lost Children, they were pretty decent folk, but he didn't like their motives. Who gave a crap about finding out about the past? The stuff behind them couldn't save the world from Nekria. "Brilliant, just effing Brilliant."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
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0.00 INK

Keir Craig

“How was your trip?” Keir bit his lip and cast his eyes down. He always made her mad every time he went out. Which pissed him off due to the fact that she left the Underground just as much as he did, with just as little protection. Hypocrite she was. “Learn anything interesting? Two other boys shuffled behind her, and Keir gleefully recognized them as Corvin, a redhead much like himself, except was taller and wears goggles and constantly smokes, and Diaren, a much shorter blond male. He was different because he was half metal, though the limbs were fully functional, and metal wings. Or at least one. Keir wasn’t great at remembering the little things some times. But that’s was his Princess was for. His adorable, evil, little Princess. She was scarier than he was, and more productive sometimes. He was the face, and a lot of the brains. She was the power behind it all. They made a pretty kickass team.

But back to the current. Keir smiled slightly, “It was fine, thank you for asking,” he glanced at the two other men and gently pulled his Princess aside, “I
I saw her again.” He was talking about his sister. The only two that truly knew the whole thing would have been his parents, who were dead to him, and his little girl. His little girl who was looking like she was about to just roll her eyes, like she did every other time, “No
I talked to her and oh God Ameila, she was brainwashed so bad and I just want to chain her up and unbrainwash her. I want to just scream that I love her and she’s my sister.” He gripped her shoulders and stared at her with his large green eyes, wanting nothing more than to hide away in his room and calm down. Taking a deep breath he moved to take his hands off of her, but his body froze. Images of a young girl flashed through his mind. Alone, with family, alone. Fighting. Safe. Keir blinked back the pictures, able to see them clearly, but unable to describe them to anyone else. Frowning he stepped back from his Princess like nothing happened. “Sorry, I got carried away. It
shouldn’t happen again.” He smiled.

Suddenly Diaren barrled over to him, and Keir stepped back some more to give the boy some space, “Uh, um
boss, we may have a situation outside
” Keir groaned. Outside, he didn’t want to deal with outside. He didn’t want to deal with anything. But he was the leader, and he was looked up to. Put on a pretty face Keir, something’s going wrong. “
there’s some girl moving shadows and ah
I think
” Calmly he followed the upset boy to a frozen picture of a tall, lanky redhead, an eye
no way. He should have left. He said he was gone for good. “I think He’s come back boss
That’s him, right? It’s not very easy to forget that face
even after four years.” Four years. Four damn years of not seeing him. Of not
Keir was sure the Fates were against him in every single way and not only was his
old friend here, but the shadow girl that was his sister of evil was there as well. Great. How the hell was this going to get handled? “Bastard decided to come back, huh?” Corvin broke Keir from his mini freak attack, but just barely, “Brilliant, just effing brilliant.” Keir kept his eye roll in his head and took a large sigh.

“Right. Princess, I’m going to save the world.” He said with a smile, though he wasn’t feeling it, like every other time he said it. Battles weren’t his thing, but he did try to break up skirmishes if he could. However he knew that Tallen was a Noble and could report him. There wasn’t anything he could do to stop anything. If Tallen took him to Nekria, he would rather die then say anything to her. Running a hand through his hair, Keir walked out of the room without another word and made his way to the surface, finding Morgan, another redhead, and Tallen. “Good afternoon gentlemen, and lady,” he nodded to Tallen, “As much as I love to have female company, if you could kindly return to wherever you came from and leave these poor pitiful men alone would be of great service to me.” Keir frowned slightly and shuffled in his steps. He hated fighting, and much less someone he knew, but he wasn’t going to die if Tallen attacked him. Cold green eyes flickered to Morgan and his friend, “As much as I would love to know what the hell your doing back here, I would like to have Princess with me when we grill your ass. For right now you two can head inside. Tell them I sent you if you’re asked.” He wanted to run a blade through Morgan, to scream at him, but he couldn’t. He had to deal with his sister. His now evil sister.

“Tallen, Knightmare, whatever you may be called, get off my grounds. You are trespassing on my territiory, and last time I check with my people, we weren’t bothering you in the slightest,” he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes, “In fact,” he continued with a cool tone to his voice, “Last time I checked, it was you that was bothering us. Fancy that. I’ve done nothing, so scurry back to your master before I hand you to her in pieces.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
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0.00 INK

Rorian the Scholar

Please do. At those words, he simply bowed again and waited. While normally he would silently leave without a word, he stayed put - the reason? Nekria was indicating that she was leaving, and that was made clear to him when she stood up to leave. There are a few matters of business that I need to attend to, so I will no longer be here. If you need me, I will be with my special child. Rorian nodded to her as Lady Nekria exited the room. When she did, he gave a sigh of annoyance. To be perfectly honest with himself, he despised that special child of hers, Randle. It wasn't because he was jealous - Rorian was a butler, not a child - it was merely because Randle himself was an abomination. A very, very large, powerful abomination. Since the madman had enough force in that body of his to rip two men in half, Rorian kept his words to himself about Randle. Though, the days that she made him go and converse with the creature appalled him to the core - all he could hear was the mewling of a baby. Well, a baby that could kill anything Nekria asked for, anyway.

Regardless of his emotions towards a certain individual, Rorian smoothly exited the room as well after his Lady. Instead of going towards the rooms full of people, Rorian instead went onto the streets, signalling for two unnamaed knights to follow him. Now, Rorian would have normally just done the solo mission just that, but his face as the Right Hand of Nekria was quite well known throughout the city, so unless he left within the cover of night, he needed to have some 'protection' as you will. In reality, he called the knights that he used 'distractions' for most people would notice them first.

After a car ride, Rorian came to the stop of Mr. and Mrs. Kangley. Well, Mrs. Kangley had been killed by Rorian himself actually, so it was just Mr. Kangley now. Rorian knocked on the door in the special pattern he always used to instil fear - three slow, soft knocks - and paused. After a few muffled sounds from inside, a stout man with glasses appeared below Rorian, his eyes already shifting around to search for an exit.

"He-Hello there, Rorian. Ple-" Rorian rudely interupted him, for he didn't feel like wasting Nekria's time today.

"Two thousand, nine hundred and eight, Mr. Kangley. I trust that your next piece of intel will shave off that amount to only Two thousand, one hundred and fifty-six." Mr. Kangley gulped, pulled out a map, and started explaining in his timid, tenor voice. Rorian kept looking over at him, his smile never really leaving, and wondered how long it would take for this little, fat man to break so he could kill him.

Corvin McMordy

After all that focusing, Corvin's hearing slowly died off. He was used to not being able to hear and all - since feeling vibrations was, in his opinion, much cooler - but it was highly annoying to get glimpses of what other people could hear. It was as if his ears loved pissing him off by being a tease, saying 'Hey, you know what, we are gunna work today! Oh, it's been a minute? Day over!'. Corvin gave a sigh, and used the practice he had gotten pretty good at over the years - reading lips. Yeah, not the most glorious way of figuring out speech, but it got him through life: the ground could only vibrate for so many things, you know.

So, after breathing out his last statement, he tried to make it look like he didn't care anymore. Instead, he could feel Keir's footsteps moving away in a few seconds after he spoke, slightly more heavy than usual (probably due to the crap he had to do next). Noticing that he had left for the surface, he spun around and looked at both the Princess and Diaren. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm backing him up. I consider this a breach in security, and that means shooting stuff." Corvin gave a smirk, then spun on his heels and raced after Keir, but still keeping his distance. However, instead of going outside to greet all of the party guests, Corvin took the alternate route up to his little hawk's nest. This little area was really just a room in the building above one of the sewer entrances, where he had built his own little way to the top so he could keep an eye out for losers when the power went out. Sure, he was called the Cobra and all, but that nickname had nothing to do with Corvin's love for shooting.

Since a rifle was already up there for him - he left his guns at his work site - Corvin made no stops until he reached his perch, and settled down to watch. For starters, he could barely hear anything - they weren't speaking loud enough, nor were they facing in any direction close to him so that he could pick up their vibrations in his jaw. So, from just his eyesight alone, he saw a girl with purple hair and a guy that looked ridiculously confused standing together,
Keir trying to talk to both Purpley and Morgan, with that Clyde kid - dear lord he was an annoying one, and Corvin hadn't a clue why Morgan thought he would be fit for Second in command - looking like his normally retarded self by walking up to the confused guy. Corvin assumed that Purpley and Mr. Confusion were both from the Nobles, and he resisted the urge to shoot them now. Keir would be pissed if he intervened.

Especially now that those other two were leaving, and Morgan and Keir were now talking. Or, at least, it sort of looked like talking - Morgan's face was all angry and stuff.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy Character Portrait: Tallen
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0.00 INK

Rorian the Scholar

"You are right about one thing, KnightMare Tallen: You were made for Nekria."

Rorian walked onto the roof from the doorway, seemingly at a perfect time. It was a little talent of Rorian, one that had been perfected many years ago: the art of simply appearing, seemingly out of nowhere. In reality, he had just finished getting information from his informant, and needless to say Rorian was disappointed in Mr. Kangley. The man barely had enough information to shrink his debt down to Two thousand, one hundred and fifty-six dollars, so Rorian changed the deal to $2159. Mr. Kangley wasn't impressed, but Rorian didn't care: in fact, Rorian had been even drawn the deal out longer than normal, hoping the little man would break and the butler could kill him. Recently, Mr. Kangley's information had become less informative, and more trivial. The only thing that Rorian really had gotten from the man was a street, and that wasn't very useful to him. It wasn't until he saw that stupid dragon Vernigan that Rorian decided to talk to the Knights.

Rorian had followed the dragonoid human carrying the purple haired knight all the way through the city, and when he saw the decent he instantly raced up the stairs - but it wouldn't even look like he had. No sweat covered his brow, no heavy breath came from his mouth. Rorian looked the same as always as he emerged from dark doorway of the somewhat deserted building. The metal roof's resonance of his footsteps almost echoed the emptiness of the building, but that meant nothing to Rorian. After all, this building was practically useless.

"Greetings to you, KnightTruth Vernigan, or in this case Veritas. Knightmare Tallen." He gave a small bow when he had stopped, as was his custom. Naturally, he didn't mean it in any form of respect: Rorian just went through the motions. He gazed at both Tallen and Veritas, and gave them a dry smile. Veritas was by no means intimidating to him, even if he was some dragonoid freak. Tallen had seemingly restrained the beast, but that also held nothing to him. While her power over the shadows would be unnerving to a human, to a man that created the illusion of duplication just by staring into another's eyes it was simple.

"It seems that you did require the assistance of Knighttruth, Knightmare. Nekria sends her regards." While she never told him to send her regards to anybody, Rorian did so anyway to remind those that he spoke to that Nekria was everywhere, and disobeying her was punishable by death. "However, I am not here for simpilties: I have my own matters to attend to. Money to collect, blood to extract." He gave another dry smile, and then it disappeared just as fast.

"You're mission was to head after the Prince, if I am not mistaken. And from what I have heard and seen, is that you ran into some trouble along the way." That dry smile was back. "Tell me, Knightmare - as you would so avidly like to be called - where is the entrance to the Underground?" He did not care if she wanted to know why he was headed towards the Underground, and he would answer if she asked. It would be better, however, if she just assumed that it was not any of her business and answered.

Corvin McMordy

Corvin gave a sigh of relief mixed with annoyances as he peeled his eye away from the scope. It felt like a four year reunion from hell, and Corvin wasn't there to join the party. There were two uninvited party guests, but they flew away with that dragon thing as the plane - weird as shit, if you asked Corvin. Then you had Keir getting all emotional, and Corvin was happy that they were all quite loud so he could pick up the vibrations of their speech. So, Keir was screaming about how Morgan was a dick, Morgan was going all feral and stuff, and the red head looked like a complete idiot. Corvin stood up to leave just as Morgan was starting to go a little psycho, and he knew that it wouldn't be that funny to watch. Corvin gave a puff of his cigarette, and slowly made his way down the stairs, back down to his home.

However, when he made it to the bottom, he instantly picked up very angry sounding tones. While they weren't loud enough for him to catch the words, he could catch the loud vibrations in his hypersensitivity, and his jawbone caught the anger. (Yeah, it is kind of weird to talk about his hearing in his jaw. So many people are completely confused as to how a guy can hear with his jaw bone, but it isn't his fault that the Nobles wanted him to be some sort of snake freak). Corvin sauntered his way towards the sounds, slowly picking up words that were none too tasteful. When he finally found out where they were coming from, he was somewhat shocked: The angry voice was Diaren, who wasn't an angry person to begin with, and Keir, the other end of the yelling. Corvin shoved his way through all of the losers that had crowded around as Diaren parted his way through the crowd. Now, with all the information he needed, Corvin spat out his cigarette onto the ground and spoke.

"I didn't know you were a pansy, Diaren." Corvin had his back to Diaren, and then turned around with the same dull eyes that he always had before nighttime. "It's been four years, kiddo, Four Fucking Years. That's one hell of a long time for a friendship to splinter. But apparently you don't understand that." Corvin narrowed his lazy eyes, and said a little more softly. "Best friends hold the longest grudges. Best friends make the worst enemies." He started walking away when he piped up. "Now, if you're not too busy bitching, help me find those restraints so we can go save that dumbass red head. It's either that, or get Keir to kill him, after all." Corvin's words held no remorse, and no excitement. He would truly hate it if the Underground had to go to war against Morgan, but if that was a stepping stone to killing Nekria, he would take it - regardless of his feelings towards an old smoking buddy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
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Keir Craig
The sound of bolts being ripped out of where they should have been made Keir open his eyes just enough to see what was going on. Just in time to get punched in the face. Perfect. As if this day wasn’t crappy enough. “You
of shit!” God dammit Dairen, the stupid annoying child. Keir rolled his eyes, as best he could, as he was pulled up into Darien’s face. Could he just hurry up? The longer he annoyed Keir, the more severe his punishment would be. “When did you get so damn spineless?! I thought
you told me once
that Morgan was your friend and that you would do anything to save him, even though he had left. Where’s that now?! Are you going to just let him die?! Or have you forgotten what happened last time organ tried to fight the changing?”

Stop it. Just stop it. Keir narrowed his eyes and over his shoulder, glared at the other Undergrounders just standing around. Everyone would pay.
“And to think I actually looked up to you once. But because Morgan didn’t agree with you years ago and left, you’re just going to throw him at the mercy of something he didn’t and doesn’t want, and jeopardize your own people. You’re no better than the Nobles you say that you’re against.”

Along the way, Corvin had come along and talked to Dairen, but Keir was too engrossed in the beautiful punishments he was thinking up for the little bastard that he heard next to nothing. Oh well, they were gone by the time Keir had emerged from this thoughts.
Keir stood on his own two feet when the kid let him go and stared after him, his face set in stony anger. Glaring into the crowd, he saw Lily making her way through. A tense smile tilted his lips as she glanced at the blood on the floor and hurried off to clean it with something. “If you don’t get the hell away from my door, I will personally punish every single one of you.” He stated, his voice cold with fury. It was safe to say they cleared out pretty quickly after that. Only Lily came back, patting him on the shoulder lightly before cleaning up the blood and calmly walking out of the room.

He glanced around the room and his eyes settled on the door, broken from the hinges. First thing the brat did, fix the damn door. Huffing Keir pushed the mask off his face and let it crumble into one of grief. He had been doing fine without Morgan. He had moved on. He was getting happy again. He was healing. And he just comes and pretends like nothing ever happened and it hurt. He wanted to punch him until he died, yell at him until he went deaf, hug him until he lost his breath, and just breakdown and cry. He felt like shit. And with Morgan it wasn’t going to ever get better. He wanted to repair their friendship, but he couldn’t trust him. He wanted to be the way they were, but life was hard on Keir, and he was sure it was less than kind for Morgan the past 4 years. Neither was the same person they were when they parted ways. Neither wanted to apologize. Both wanted to forget, but neither could. It was a horrible circle of
horribleness and Keir couldn’t find an end to any of it, unless one of them died, or was put in enough danger to make their old actions seem childish and stupid.

A shrill scream sounded from the Underground. Keir turned his head and listened closely. It came again, followed by pounding feet and claws. He cursed loudly and placed the mask of fury back on his face, making his way to this closet, Keir pulled out the cuffs he had kept from Morgan’s days there. Of course he kept them, hidden in the darkest parts of his closest.

He walked out with a purpose, his eyes alight with the cold fire of anger and a touch of nostalgia. He found Clyde in no time and with a growl of anger, he yanked the boy out of the way and stood in front of Morgan, who stopped for a bit. “Morgan.” He started slowly, the tenseness of his muscles fading, “Hey I know you can understand me. Fucking think about what I am saying you asshole.” He snarled. Well it wasn’t like all the anger left his body, “I want you to stay still while I put these stupid cuffs on you until you calm down.” He took a few steps toward the tiger-man, “and if you touch me with any part of you, I swear to god I will kill you myself and leave you to bleed out slowly.” Darting forward he wrapped the cuffs around the tiger and chained him tightly to the nearest wall. Thankfully they weren’t in a heavily populated area of the Underground. Maybe Clyde wasn’t so dumb.

Speaking of Clyde, Keir turned to him with a scowl, “I believe I told you to not come in here, did I not?” he growled low in his throat and stalked over to the boy. He lightly hit the back of his head and sniffed, “Idiot kid.”
