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"Do not worry, child. Everything will be alright. Just close your eyes."

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a character in “Code: Instincts of Survival 2”, as played by Spectrum


"I keep no secrets."

The Artist
Power. Control. Self-indulgent humors. Some people want to watch the world burn, but that is not her. She wishes to see it raise up and succeed. However, her way is the only way. It is unfortunate that many may be lost in this glorious endeavor, but some things are necessary for the sake of progression.

"I do like to keep my beauty in check."

Long, flowing, and teal in color
-Skin Tone:
Curvaceous, thin
-Body Markings:
There is not a single out of place mark on her body. No tattoos, scars, bruises, or otherwise.

"I never wished for harm. Only love."

She may bite her nails when she gets nervous, even though that is not the most lady like thing to do. When she's feeling too pressured, her whole motherly/lady-like composure will break.
-Losing control.
-Rebellion taking over.
+Her 'children'
+Good listeners
+Good followers
-Loud noises
Nekria is not a normal woman. Her mentality is beyond her years. Her entire being can be summed up in having a mother complex and being a power-mad sociopath. It's true that these sound like two completely different things, but she makes it work. She is a mess of conflicts, but within reason and rationality. She is very well put together, in appearance and in attitude. She always keeps herself well composed, sitting straight and keeping her features soft and without emotion. She considers herself a lady and rarely changes this position, always speaking with honey-laced words and walking with utmost grace. She's a headturner, even for a woman of her age, looking years younger; there is no denying that Nekria is a beauty and she is not modest about this. She can take a compliment with just a short, cool laugh. What I'm saying is, she knows how to act. She knows how to act like a lady and act like she's flattered and act like the sweetest woman you will ever meet. She knows how to act like a mother figure. That's how she reels people in: with all her little acts. She tells those who work below her to call her Mother and treats them as her "children." She stood by for all those horrid experiments she put these innocent children through, running her hand through their hair, shushing them, wiping away their tears and whispering kind things to them, telling them it would all be alright soon enough, just close your eyes and the nightmares will stop.

She's a manipulator. She will convince a crying child--a child's whose pain was caused by her own orders--that she truly cares for them. She knows just the right words to say to just the right people, picking out their weaknesses and attaching herself to them, breaking them down without them even realizing it and picking them back up again in her image, making them think that she's not the bad guy. She couldn't possibly be the bad guy. Those who are hurt and alone are weak. They're easy. They say they're strong, but she can get to them the fastest. Everyone is just a child at heart, even full-grown men who've seen too much bloodshed. They're just children who long for their mother's warm hold and kind words. They're just children who need to be told that everything is going to be alright for them, that everything's okay. Nekria takes advantage of those weaknesses in people by taking on the motherly figure. In reality, no, she doesn't care one bit for her "children." She uses people for what she needs and then disposes them. That really crushes people. If they get angry at her for her hurting them after building them up so much, after breaking their motherly vision of her after seeing her true colors, she'll revert in a snap, making it nearly impossible to turn on her. You wouldn't kill your own mother, would you? Because no matter how much pain this woman caused, she still resembles that mother you always wished you had.

In reality, Nekria is nothing more than a vein, selfish, cruel woman who's mad with power. She wants control over the people. She wants her ideals to be reality and nobody else's. She believes that she is the only right one and would refuse to believe anything else from anyone below her. She may act sweet and lady like, but believing any of that would be the worst mistake anyone could make. She's smart, technologically and psychologically. She knows just what to say to get under your skin. Nekria is both the beauty and the brains. She's a compulsive liar. An actress. A manipulator. A sociopath without a care for human lives. Humans are disposable for the greater good. It doesn't matter how many lives need to be taken in order to make her goals a reality.

"Please, I have people who are prepared for me."

Her attire consists mostly of dressy, fashionable clothes made with top quality materials. She prefers dresses or items laced with ribbons--mostly things that would set the attention of the room on her while also looking pristine and dignified. However, she doesn't go anywhere without being prepared for the worst, so under her skirts or dresses, she'll wear a short pair of tights in case of emergencies. When she's not wearing something so fancy, she'll simply wear a blouse and a nice pair of dress pants. A lady must always look her best.
-Carried Items:
Nekria does not usually carry items on or with her. If she needs something transported from one place to another, she has someone carry it for her.

-Main Weapon
Plasma gun
•Made of:

"It is not proper for a lady to fight, but I could beat any man."

-Natural Talents
•Talent 1:
Flexibility. She could get herself in and out of any situation if necessary. Nekria may not be a completely and total gymnastics master or anything like that, but she is pretty talented at that style of stuff.
•Talent 2:
Speed. Reflexive and otherwise. Her speed in almost unnatural, but within average capabilities, of course. She just happens to be very fit and good at the things she can do, and getting away or hitting that trigger before her opponent happens to be a few of them.

•Skill 1:
Technology/Mechanics. Nekria knows all about technology. After all, she's the one who came up with the design for most of the tech and tools used for experimentation uses. She's fluent in technical vocabulary. Just because she's pretty doesn't mean she doesn't have the brains or the skills to run an operation.
•Skill 2:
Weapon usage/Aim. She's easy to adapt, so if she picked a weapon up for the first time, it wouldn't take more than a few seconds for her to figure it out and use it like a pro. She prefers firearms over anything else, so guns over swords and etc., and has incredible aim and speed when it comes to using them.

•Weakness 1:
Close-range weapons. Swords, knives, chains, etc. are not her forte. She can fire a gun and hit center target from a far distance, but when it comes to using any of the other kinds of weapons, she's clumsy. She's not totally inept at them, but she'd probably lose against someone skilled with any of them if she had to use one herself. She's probably about beginner level when it comes to them.
•Weakness 2:
Mothers/Older Sisters. Having a sort of mother complex herself, Nekria finds that she has a soft spot for mothers who care for their children or sisters who treat their younger siblings like their children. She doesn't care one way or the other about fathers or older brothers, though. If she were to kill a child and their mother begged her not to, she might actually be tempted into reconsidering.

"I scavenged my way to the top. I was meant to be here."

•Martial Status:
Unknown - Father - [Unknown]
Nekria knows nothing of her father. He was gone before she was born.

Chora - Mother - [Unknown]
Chora was a terrible, vein, and selfish woman. She treated her children as if they were her own personal slaves and if they acted out, they were punished harshly. She was hardly a mother to them at all, rationing food to keep for herself and leaving her younger children to fend for themselves. If they got hurt, she didn't send them to the hospital. If they got sick, they didn't get to go to the doctor's; they didn't get soup or bed rest or any tender, loving, motherly care. They got yelled at for falling behind in their chores. The only child who didn't get this treatment was Jamus, her favorite. She treated him much better than any of the others. Nekria remembered hating her mother with every fiber of her being, but she dealt with it because regardless of her hate, Chora was her mother and Chora provided her with a home and enough food to survive. There was even a time that Chora taught her how to take care of her appearance and how to be a proper lady. Those times were unpleasant, but Nekria remembers them fondly.

Jai - Older Brother - [Deceased]
Jai and Nekria never got along. In fact, Jai never got along with any of his siblings. Being first born into the family, he'd known their mother the longest. He was punished the harshest. Their mother expected him to take care of the family whenever she could not (which was basically all the time, since she seemingly had no desire to) and he always failed to make her happy. All he ever wanted was to look like a success in their mother's eyes, but she wanted nothing to do with him. He was as big of a tool to her as the rest of her children, used only to get her way and to do the chores that she was not willing to do. He had to sacrifice a lot more for her than the others and Nekria remembers a time when her other older brother told her that Jai was one of the reasons that they no longer had a father. She knows nothing more about the situation other than that. She remembers that he had many demons in his head and whatever he went through before she was born was enough to push him to the edge. Before Jamus was born, when she was only eight, Jai killed himself. He was only seventeen years old at the time. In a note that he left for only their mother's eyes, he mentioned that he could no longer live knowing about the things he had done or had witnessed. Nekria did not mourn his death.

Gavin - Older Brother - [Unknown]
Possibly the most subtle and reserved of the siblings, Gavin never seemed to have any qualms with anyone. He was quiet and never backtalked his mother. He rarely cried and only did so when he was being beaten. He didn't speak out against their mother's punishments. On the otherhand, he never jumped to the aid of any of his other siblings either. He and Nekria spoke very little, but as far as she knew, she was closest to him. She never saw him speaking to any of the others aside from Jai. The only time she saw her brother Gavin show any sort of emotion was the day that they discovered Jai's body. It might not have been very obvious to any outsider, but Nekria saw something break behind her brother's eyes that day. He didn't cry and went on with life as per usual, but it was almost as if all the life had been taken from him. They no longer spoke to each other unless it was absolutely necessary. Nekria never felt any sort of real emotion towards her siblings before, but for some reason, seeing Gavin as broken and empty as he was had more of an impact on her than Jai's death ever did. It was like Jai's death made Gavin...give up. When he was old enough, he left the family and she has not heard from him since.

Jamus - Younger Brother - [Deceased]
Eight years younger than Nekria, Jamus was mother's favorite. He became a mommy's boy and was spoiled in every way. He got the most food, the best bed, the most expensive stuff. He got gifts on holidays while Nekria and her other brothers did not. None of them know why their mother chose Jamus as her favorite. Perhaps Chora was having regrets for the way she raised her first three children and decided to make up for it with her final child, assuming it was too late for the others. She coddled him. He was never beaten and rarely scolded. Nekria always knew it wasn't his fault that he was raised this way. It wasn't his choice to be born into the favorite spot. But she hated him anyway. She loathed him. She spent countless hours dreaming of his disappearance, but never had the means to carry out her wishes.
Nekria did not experience a very good childhood. Her mother was abusive, neglectful, and selfish. The most her mother taught her was how to be vein and how to care about her appearance. Her mother's neglect taught her how to take care of herself. She learned from an early age that there are many dark things in this world; the point wasn't whether or not you let these things effect you, but how they effected you. She grabbed hold of those experiences and clung to them, using them for her own personal gain. Through her experiences, Nekria learned to take care of herself, how to take a beating, how to protect herself, and many other things.

She had three other siblings. Neither of them were very close to each other--or so that's how it seemed anyway. They did not act like siblings. They did not protect each other and they did not look out for each other. If one was being beaten to unconsciousness, then the rest would continue about their chores to avoid the same happening to them. They all understood that it wouldn't matter. Two people beaten did not send any sort of message. When she was younger, Nekria found her oldest brother, Jai, dead by suicide. He'd hung himself. She did not express any remorse because it hadn't been something that surprised her nor did she have any sort of emotional attachment towards him as a person, or as a brother. To her, brother was merely a title, a formality, not a bond. However, after Jai's death, her other brother, closer in age, Gavin, shut himself down in a way that peaked her curiosity. She hadn't expected that of him. She'd expected him to continue on as she had, without any negativity, but he hadn't. He'd broken down as if he and Jai had been attached. She didn't understand that, but she learned from it. She learned that she already had the upperhand because it didn't effect her at all. She decided from that day onward that she was the superior sibling. She did not let the negativity of life get to her or effect her like it had her older brothers.

Shortly after Gavin left home, things changed for Nekria and Jamus. They both woke up one morning to find that their mother had left them, right out of the blue. There had been no warning, no note, nothing to say whether she would return or not. They waited two weeks until they decided they couldn't wait any longer. At this point, Nekria was nearly eighteen and her brother had just recently turned ten, so she took over the duty of taking caring of him. She'd always been a smart girl and she'd always had a plan for when the going got tough and she was left to fend for herself. She didn't think of this as a hindrance, but as an opportunity to accomplish great things. She began treating Jamus as a son, since he was much too dependent on others, and began thinking of him as more of a son than as a brother. At some point, she told him to start referring to her as Mother and she would call him her child. Jamus agreed to this without any issues. He did anything she said since she was all he had anymore.

Within a few years, Nekria had developed her first prototype idea for genetic experiments. She'd gotten a little influence with a few others who liked her idea and within those first few years, she'd already had a few people who admired her ideas and funded her project. The only issue was that she needed a human test subject for her prototype. She used Jamus, her own brother, coaxing him into it by telling him that it would all be okay and that everything was alright and that she would love him even more if he did as she asked like a good boy. At first, it worked like a charm! She was praised for her genius and talents and quickly moved up in the world, gaining what was almost an occult following in a just a short matter of time. While she trained Jamus as her own little genetic super soldier, she trained herself.

She became more warped with her power and influence and, when she came up with a more improved, yet more unstable, version of her genetic mutation idea, she once again used Jamus as a test subject. Jamus didn't make it through the experimental stage and died. Nekria did not feel remorse and continued to perfect her project, deciding to make a move on the public with her growing followers, which she dubbed the Nobles, in order to make her vision a dream come true, which included taking children from their homes to use as her own personal guinea pigs since she could no longer use her "son." To this day, things seem to only be going well for her.

So begins...

Nekria's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra Character Portrait: Oryn Caitedeora Character Portrait: Rillian Yelst
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Rillian Yelst

Rillian absentmindedly ran her fingers down the worn, once serrated edges of the sharktooth on her necklace. Today seemed like it was going to be another day that the Lost would sit around in their latest hideout. Not that that was exactly a bad thing, but it wasn't really that good of a thing, either. Sure, they weren't out risking their necks on a raid but heck, it was boring!

Her mother's words came to her mind. Boredom is a choice. Rillian knew of this message because of the small notebook her mother had left her. Her mother left other bits of wisdom, too, such as Make sure you have a positive attitude and Advocate for yourself. Things that seemed obvious but weren't always apparent. Various phrases weren't the only things in the book. Sketches of plants, recipes, and journal entries were in there, too.

She brushed her hair behind her ears. Morgan, the leader of the Lost, stood up and left, walking towards the control room. Rillian wordlessly watched him leave. When he exited the room she interwove her fingers and played around with her hands, examining the various shapes she could make with them. Her fingernails were longer than the short stubs most other people kept theirs as. Maybe it was partly because of the fact she was birdlike. Her bird form had talons, why shouldn't her human one?

Taking a deep breath, she stood up. It was time to do something else other than sit around and do nothing. She walked over to Oryn and saw that he was drawing something. "What are you drawing, Oryn?" she asked softly. She usually found it easy to talk to Oryn; he was a bit childlike and gentle most of the time. Not always, probably not even most of the time, but pretty close to it.

Vernigen Soletra

Vernigen woke up to find that the suffocatingly hot water he was under was actually a tangle of blankets. He had been dreaming again. Drowning dreams were semi-frequent for him. They were his most common bad dream, although they weren't the worst. The worst had to be the dreams of him reliving being sent away from his family. That had happened eight years ago and he hardly cared to conciously remember it but his subconcious wouldn't let him forget.

He dressed, putting on a navy blue shirt and a pair of khaki pants. Casting a glance at Tlys, he decided he didn't need the staff, at least for right now. I should see what Nekria wants me to do, first. No guarantee she wants me doing some fighting today. "Tlys, I'm leaving you here for now. I might pick you up later," he said. Not that the weapon cared, it was just that Vernigen thought it was polite to tell the staff what he was doing.

If worst came to worst and unfortunate circumstances found him without a weapon he was still alright. Hand to hand combat was his second best fighting skill. He had never been too interested in slicing people up with swords or whatnot. Why make such a bloody mess when you can just beat your opponent senseless? A staff or a pair of hands required less maintenance than a sword. There was no reason to saddle yourself with the tasks of sharpening a sword or worry about it rusting when you could have a staff that simply needed a washing every now and then.

He made his way to Nekria's office and knocked on the door. When she admitted him he entered and asked, "What are my orders for today, Lady?"
Standing up straight, it was all he could do to withstand from making a mock salute. That would be disrespectful, even if it was meant for a joke. It was better to be formal than personable, especially when talking to your superiors. Especially when you cannot lie.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Fleur Lhydderch
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Clyde Maxum

Clyde acknowledged the smile lacing his leader's face and, satisfied with that reply, turned back around in his chair and planned on subjecting him to a dramatic pause before he revealed his newest, greatest idea. Unfortunately, the whole attempt at dramatics was completely ruined by the nearly pathetic show of Morgan lifting him up by the back of his shirt and dropping him unceremoniously back to the ground. Well, at least he was on his feet. If he'd lost his balance, he would have been totally done and stormed right out that door like a child in a temper tantrum. Not to say something that was even his sort of thing, because uh it definitely wasn't, but that's what he had a feeling would of happened. Public humiliation was usually something he tried brushing off, but blatant displays of embarrassment were mostly unacceptable. He'd give Morgan the silent treatment for days.

But anyway, he was getting off track. He landed on his feet, crisis avoided, and unnecessary immaturity was not to be expressed. Not now anyway. Maybe there'd be some time or reason for it to happen later. "C'mon, you can walk and talk at the same time. What's your idea?" Clyde nodded as Morgan pointed to Fleur, grinning easily in anticipation. "You, follow us. I'll show you to where ever it is that you're going. Where are you going, anyway?"

Clyde waited until Fleur replied to the question before chirping up with his own reply as they walked. "Okay, I've got the greatest idea of the century. Well, it should be anyway. Greater than anything those Noble nerds could think up--even though they've got some seriously cool tech. Have you seen that stuff? One of them had a plasma gun. I would give a kid's arm for one of those." No, he wasn't rambling just because he lost his train of thoughts. Not at all. He was rambling because if he couldn't have his dramatic pauses, then dammit, he would have some sort of dramatic finesse that would make Morgan wait for his stupidly amazing answer. That is, if Morgan didn't totally decapitate him for making him wait. That wouldn't be very cool either. Taking a quick check of Morgan's expression, Clyde finally went on, pretending as if he'd just suddenly remembered what he was going to say.

"We should make friends with the Underground."


Ooh, Games were so much fun~

Nekria sat on the couch that was put in her office for means of comfort and relaxation, a water bottle within reach on the obsidian table in front of her, as she considered all she had accomplished. She enjoyed this, but those thoughts had lingered for too long and now it was about time to move on to more important details. It had been a while since she'd been given a proper update on all that was going on and she didn't feel comfortable not having a firm grasp on each and every situation. She wove a complicated web and for anyone else it might be too much to keep up with in a general view, nonetheless a detailed one, but she knew everything going on at all times. She was the ruler of her own kingdom and, although she not a Queen, she surely felt higher than one.

A knock at the door interrupted her silent musings and she allowed the person entrance. When she spotted Vernigan enter, she gave him a soft smile. "What are my orders for today, Lady?" He was so young to her, merely a simple-minded teenager who hardly has a grasp on the world and its realities. Or perhaps he did know and chose this way regardless; which, of course, was all but reasonable, considering this way was the only right way. What Nekria was doing was not only smart, but progressive, and nothing could be considered more important. However, when it came to Vernigan, she always made sure to keep a watchful eye on him. He was one of her younger ones and, although he claimed to be unable to tell a lie, that did not mean that he didn't still have rebellion in his heart. As a teen, he still has the room to develop. Who knows what he could be thinking? Someone so young and easily influenced is not to be the most trusted.

She waved a dismissing hand. "Please, Vernigan, there is no need to be so official around me. Think of me as family. You wouldn't treat family so stiffly, would you?" She patted the seat next to her with a welcoming smile. "Come, sit with me. I just might have a use for you today." For anyone else, that may have sounded passive-aggressive, but for Nekria with her sugary sweet tone, it should have sounded completely legitimate. She took a small, lady-like sip of her water and handed a bottle to Vernigan before continuing, taking time to enunciate her words properly. "Vernigan sweetie, today I would like you to check up on Randle. After that, I would appreciate if you went ahead and took your mission to the outside. I haven't heard from Tallen in too long. Perhaps she is in need of assistance on her mission. However, if she dismisses you, accept it and return. I trust her skills."

Nekria took another slow drink of water. She had no reason to rush. "Before you do any of that, however, I want you to fetch me Drean and Rorian, if you wouldn't mind." Not that he had a real choice. She gave him another honey-glazed smile and fixed up his bed head, smoothing it out until it looked proper to her. When she finished, she lightly patted his cheek and went back to her thoughts, waving a hand to dismiss him. "That will be all. You are dismissed."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
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Blood. So much of it. A pity that it wasn't nearly worth enough.

Rorian stepped out from that little room he liked to call the 'Exchange Centre' and into the hallway. While he had just witnessed the brutal murder of a family, his clothes were neatly cleaned and pressed, for Nekria would not have him be a filthy butler - no, that just would not do. Rorian raised the black book in his left hand, with Bloody Mary giddily twirling in the right. Rorian quickly scanned through the book while he started his pacing towards the office of his Master, his pen tapping against his face as he did. Selbergs, Sensens, ahh! Here we are. The Shamsils. He smiled as he found the name of the family, noting that their debt to him was 27 478 credits, and would have increased to 28 075 due to interest had he not decided to dispose of them today. Rorian gave a little sigh, seeing as how the family had only saved 5500 in cash, and their valuables were pitiful - he could only auction them off for miniscule amounts, nothing close to their debts. This was the only reason he had come to the conclusion that extraction of their blood would be the only way to make back his money.

Speaking of which, the child's blood had tasted awful - she was a dirty O+, which seemed to taste of the dirt her family wallowed in. In all honesty, Rorian himself wasn't even sure why he decided to drink the child's blood to restock on his own - the parents would have probably tasted better. He gave a small shrug, a smirk forming on his lips as he continued his pace. Oh well. Back to Work I go. Rorian gave a creepy smile as he made his way to the grand door that lead to His Lady's office. Before entering, however, he noticed that someone had slightly scuffed the right side of the door. He scowled profusely, making a small mental note to ask Nekria what should be done with the door, before nearly knocking on the door to enter her room. Just as his right hand rose to knock on the now-scuffed door, he heard that sugary voice he knew too well say to another 'Before you do any of that, however, I want you to fetch me Drean and Rorian, if you wouldn't mind.

Rorian gave another one of his semi-creepy smirks before knocking on the door, and spoke - however muffled it would sound through a wall - in his standard speech. "My Lady Nekria, that will be quite unnecessary." Rorian softly opened the door to reveal Vernigan, the supposed 'Man-Who-Couldn't-Lie' being shooed away by his Master. Rorian gave a bow, crossing his right arm - which placed his pen in his pocket beforehand - to his left shoulder to do so. "I am here and at your disposal, Lady Nekria." Rorian said before raising his head, and giving a a shallow bow to Vernigan.

Rorian couldn't wait to inform her of the details of the past few hours. He simply was dying to tell her.

Corvin McMordy

Near the entrance to the sewers, along the main drag, cigarette smoke slowly filtered its way out of a massive casing. To one new to the Underground, they would probably avoid this place, for taking own glance in was to look into a chaotic disaster: buts littered the ground, clothes were hanging from different places, food packages thrown around the room like a piece of modern art. A newbie would never have dreamed that the kid that lived in there was one of the weapon's dealers for the Underground: Corvin the Cobra. The kid was basically passed out on his bed, only awake enough to have a cigarette sticking out of his mouth. If this was an amateur who had attempted this, their bed would probably be roasting that certain loser, but not Corvin. Nope, his head hung off the side just enough that the onlooker could see his face, and his cig didn't turn his bed into an inferno.

By now the newbie would have probably passed on, not really noticing that one of Corvin's eyes had been half open the entire time. Corvin didn't need rando's thinking they could just pop in, still one of his guns, and make a run for it without him noticing. To be fair, Corvin should probably be up by now, like the rest of the Underground, but he was always too lazy and too tired to bother. His goggles were on, filtering out the little bit of sunlight that peered through the hole in his roof, which landed right on his body: Corvin liked to believe that he was solar powered. (Corvin still isn't sure how he got a place near a manhole, but he ain't complaining.)

However, as all good sleeps before this one, it was rudely interrupted by the Underground's constant noise. Sure, he could probably sleep through it if he needed to, but he heard a few other voices that kept his eyes open: well, maybe half open. For starters, he heard the Princess' voice cutting through the rabble, talking too those brats she carried around with her. Once her voice slowly faded away, Corvin legitimately thought that he would be able to fall back asleep. Until Diaren's voice cut through the sleep and made Corvin roll his eyes in annoyance. With that, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that Kier had done something weird and out of place again, he got up and changed in a flash. It was Corvin's philosophy that it was better to be fully prepared and lazy, than slowly get through things and be lazy. That way, you could sleep more. Or something.

Once in his normal attire and the cigarette in his mouth still there, he stumbled out of his 'house' to see what was going on. Some people from the Underground even stopped to stare or snicker at him, for it wasn't normal for Corvin to be up at this hour. Sure, he was up for fights, but there wasn't any fighting going on yet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra Character Portrait: Oryn Caitedeora Character Portrait: Rillian Yelst Character Portrait: Randle Ludak
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Rillian Yelst

Rillian nearly slapped the butt of her hand against her face at the suprised look Oryn gave her. He had some... issues when it came to talking, especially when approached right out of the blue. She should have remembered that by now. Digging her fingernails into the palm of her hand, she made an attempt at an encouraging, friendly smile.

"B-Bunnies," he stuttered after staring at her with wide green eyes. "You know, the bunny-bombs I make? It's a concept idea, I think." He pulled a bunny-bomb out of his pocket and showed it to her. It was small, making Rillian think of how young Oryn seemed to be at times. Small sometimes equated young in peoples' minds. How old was the concept of that particular bomb? Oryn giggled, saying, "You can see if you want." He showed her a picture of a bunny in a field. It was a cute, cheery looking drawing. Rillian decided he had a pretty good imagination. He couldn't have seen grassy fields too often in his life.

"How are you? What have you been up to recently?" The blonde boy flipped through his notebook. "Do I need to thank you for something I've forgotten? I'll remember next week, I promise."

"I'm doing well, thank you. A little sick of all of this sitting around and doing nothing, but good nonetheless. What have I been up to? Well, thanks to you I've been looking at some cool artwork," she said, tapping his picture. "Recently I have been cooking. When you have the food needs of a bird you need to eat quite a bit. I'd really like to go flying, but it's too risky right now. I wouldn't want to betray the location of the Lost." She genuinely grinned at Oryn's closing statement. "No, you don't need to thank me. Unless I've forgotten, too. Which in that case, it doesn't matter."

"What about you? Have you been busy?" She snorted. That was a stupid question. What was there to be busy with? "Maybe a better question to ask would be how have you been doing."

Vernigen Soletra

"Please, Vernigan, there is no need to be so official around me. Think of me as family. You wouldn't treat family so stiffly, would you?" Nekria said, a sweet smile on her face. Vernigen refrained from answering, deciding instead to go with a small nod. He wasn't sure how he would treat his family after they had sent him away. Maybe he would still be on a good foot with Roger, but heck, he hadn't seen them for eight years!

"Come, sit with me. I just might have a use for you today." Nekria said, patting the seat beside her and making room. Vernigen sat down beside her, taking the spot she indicated. She handed him a water bottle and he held it, unsure if she wanted him to drink or not. Probably not, he decided, so he continued holding it. "Vernigan sweetie, today I would like you to check up on Randle. After that, I would appreciate if you went ahead and took your mission to the outside. I haven't heard from Tallen in too long. Perhaps she is in need of assistance on her mission. However, if she dismisses you, accept it and return. I trust her skills."

Vernigen nodded, accepting her orders. "I will do that, then." He said.

"Before you do any of that, however, I want you to fetch me Drean and Rorian, if you wouldn't mind."

"Of course, Lady," he said, calling her the title out of habit. He winced as the word left his mouth. Rude, rude, rude! He shouldn't call his superior something she didn't want to be. Especially when that superior was Nekria!

"That will be all. You are dismissed." Nekria said, making shooing motions.

A muffled voice could be heard through the door. "My Lady Nekria, that will be quite unnecessary." Rorian walked into the room. "I am here and at your disposal, Lady Nekria," he said, bowing. He even gave Vernigen a bow.

Vernigen inclined his head to Rorian, not wanting to show greater respect to Rorian than he did Nekria. "I will work on my tasks. Good day, Nekria and Rorian." There! He had called Nekria by name. The down side was that he had called Rorian by name too, and he wasn't sure how that particular Noble would like that.

He left the room. His first task was to check on Randle. To tell the truth (like he could tell anything else) Randle creeped him out a little. The guy was a big hulk of rage that needed to be sedated for half of the time. Randle scared Vernigen a little. Randle had brute strength and a beserker's rage that would last for long periods of time. He was unstable and unsafe. He supposed Nekria had a reason for the beserk-knight but it wasn't apparent to Vernigen.

He made his way down the halls, walking with a quite step. He reached the place of Randle's room. Cautiously, he opened the door and barely refrained from letting out a sigh of relief. By the looks of Randle was still half-sedated. Vernigen walked a couple steps into the room. Hopefully he wasn't too close to the behemoth, but one could never be sure.

"Hello, Randle. It's Vernigen. How are you?" he asked, unsure of how much Randle really comprehended. "Nekria wanted me to check on you, so here I am. Do you need anything?" It was a good idea to get on the good side of people. Unfortuantely, Vernigen wasn't sure if Randle had a good side. It was still worth trying, though.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
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Rorian the Scholar

Rorian, in hindsight, probably shouldn't have bowed to the child known as Vernigan: it let loose the fact that he may consider Vernigan to be of actual importance, and he didn't. Mentally, however, Rorian shrugged the meager idea off, and kept his smile on as the boy returned the bow. His action made Rorian add a taste of sinister to his smile, for Rorian confirmed that the kid knew his place. Rorian knew that Nekria convinced all of her followers/mutations that she cared deeply for all of them, saying that they should refer to her as her first name, and sit with her. Rorian knew this to be a front, just as his was. When he first found out, it pained him dearly to know that the only one to whom he thought cared for him actually thought of him to be less than trash. However, over the years, Rorian has accepted this fact, for one reason, and one reason only: he would have done the same.

"I will work on my tasks. Good day, Nekria and Rorian. Rorian merely kept his 'friendly' smile present as Vernigan addressed them both, and then quickly left the room. The smile never really left Rorian's face, but it changed somewhat - instead of inviting and amiable, it looked a little more creepy - instead of looking like a smile, it began to form into a smirk. He said absolutely nothing as the time passed, for it was not his turn to speak - he had done so when he entered the office of his Lady, and he would not speak until addressed. It was just one of those things that he did - after all, he was below her, so she had the authority over him at all times to dictate his speech patterns, thoughts, and actions.

The only difference between himself and the rest of the Noble followers was that he was fully aware of his actions: for some reason, they could not see past their own faces. That thought made the smile even more awkward on his face, and he knew it.

Corvin McMordy

To Corvin, this entire morning seemed to be staged: Step one, wake up a guy that doesn't wake up for another hour or two. It makes him drowsy and more easily controlled, which was exactly what Corvin was at the moment. He didn't really care what happened, but if somebody told him that something was going on, or to do something, he would probably just do it so they would leave him alone. Step 2, get Amelia to give him an order. Corvin was completely shocked to hear Amelia's voice cut through the common rabble amongst the people.

“I want you to come with me as well. Things we need to talk about.” Corvin's eyes were wide with semi shock, until he gave a sigh of exasperated fatigue, and turned around to re-enter his house. Now, this may look like Corvin was ignoring the Princess' order, but he really wasn't - he hadn't eaten yet, so he grabbed a disposable drink and bag of... something to go with his cigarette (Corvin had a feeling it was a bag of chips, but he couldn't really be certain until he opened it.) With his goggles now firmly attached to his head - for they were leaning a little to the right when he came out - and #42 making some prophetic nonsense while being shoved into his back pocket, Corvin came back out of his house and started towards Amelia. His posture was, to say the least, highly laid back - he had a little bit of a slouch going from not doing anything recently. He finally opened the bag of 'whatever it was - turned out to be pretzels... - and was munching on a few when he finally reached Amelia.

For Princess of the Underground, Amelia really didn't look like it. She was technically older than he, but those oddly large eyes certainly didn't solidify that fact. Instead, she looked about 15-16, but Corvin knew better than to feel superior to the Princess. Corvin looked slightly down to meet her eyes, since she was a few inches shorter than his own height, and swallowed the rest of his pretzels. "Alrighty, you got me out of my sleep. What's this all about?" Corvin's voice normally sounded quite nice when he was fully awake, but at the moment his voice was somewhat hoarse. Didn't help that those pretzels made it so damn dry, so he took a drink of his juice - at least, it tasted like juice - to wash them down. It tasted like liquified crap.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Oryn Caitedeora Character Portrait: Rillian Yelst Character Portrait: Morgan
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Clyde Maxum

“Uh . . . um, it’s not my place to . . . but, t-the Underground . . . ?” Clyde's eyes darted to Fleur's face, his lips tugging down into an unsatisfied frown. What? Was there an issue with his perfect plan? What would she know? Obviously, if she had any objections whatsoever, it was only because she had no idea what it would mean and obviously didn't have the adept thinking skills that he definitely had. He was so far superior to her tiny mind that he was surprised her moon wasn't rotating around his planet. Tft. “I-I’m sorry, but I can’t keep myself from saying what’s in my head or else it’ll drive me batty!” He rolled his eyes and waved a hand before shoving them both in his pockets. He'd already decided at this point that despite her being a color she disagreed with him and therefore, he did not care for whatever she had to say from this moment onward. She could be calling him every insult under the sun and it'd probably go in one ear and out the other.

“The Underground had itself settled into some really dangerous and unsavory stuff—I know we’ve gotten into our share of danger and other stuff too, but still, would aligning ourselves with them, or even associating ourselves with the group b-be. . . .” Is she still talking? Ugh. “W-Would it be for the best? We could wind up marked, hu-hunted. . . .” Clyde let out an exaggerated sigh, not caring if it seemed rude to do so in the middle of her little...whatever she was doing--in the middle of her whole talking thing. He looked around and realized he could see some people up ahead but he didn't care enough to bother focusing on them. “I-I don’t want to see any of us like that, in so dire danger, I’ve been hunted by people before, and i-it’s . . . horrible.”

Whether she was done talking or not, Clyde was a hundred percent done listening to her. "Yeah, yeah, that's nice but--"

Morgan stopped. "There's no way in hell I'd ever go back to the Underground. There's a reason I left, Clyde. And it wasn't easy, getting out. I doubt they'd welcome me with open arms anyhow. The Prince would more likely execute me on sight. He's one of the few who know exactly how to kill me." Clyde felt a little hurt by Morgan's tone, his frown deepening as he gave his leader much more attention than he'd bothered giving Fleur. Morgan didn't agree? Obviously, they couldn't agree on everything, but on this? And he'd thought it was such a good idea, too.. No, screw these two. It was a great idea! ...But that didn't mean he was going to go out and follow through with it. If Morgan said no, then that was it. It wasn't exactly that Clyde feared Morgan because, honestly, he didn't. He wasn't afraid of anyone. But he respected Morgan and would do as he said.

The details on this issue were vague, even to Clyde. He knew bottom line that Morgan and that Underground Prince priss were not on good terms, what? Who even cared about some stupid disagreement or whatever, right? Clyde believed there was strength in numbers. The Lost were good, but...the Underground was great. And the two of them together and all four leaders with their heads together? Plus the kind of talent they could get their hands on? It was a good idea! Annoyed, unable to complain, and now bored with everything, Clyde decided to take his silent frustration out on the nearest object: a small, red rabbit sitting right next to one of the blond kids. If he'd stepped at a different angle, he probably would have stepped on the kid's hand, but he missed the hand and stomped right on the rabbit's head. He glared down at it, not moving his foot for a good few moments as he debated on whether or not he wanted to snatch it up and set it on fire, before giving up and moving on. He hardly glanced at either of the three people sitting around, even the blond boy who owned the toy, before grumbling about something under his breath and moving on to catch up with Morgan.

"Where are we even going? You make it sound like there's somewhere we actually gotta be at," he said when he got there. He adjusted the headphones around his neck so they'd stop rubbing against the skin. "If we're just wandering around without a purpose, then I've got places to be you know." Okay, so that was a bit of a lie. He had nowhere to be. In fact, if Morgan told him he could leave, he'd just end up doing the same boring thing he'd been doing before.


Nekria had decided herself finished with outside contact with anyone aside from those she had requested, so she almost immediately gave up any attention focused on Vernigan and went back to what she'd been doing prior. "My Lady Nekria, that will be quite unnecessary." Ah. So he finally decided to present himself. Nekria did not look up, but merely glanced over at the door as Rorian entered the room. She did not allow her expression to waver any as she inspected him, making sure that he was presentable and, as usual, he didn't let her down in that aspect. "I am here and at your disposal, Lady Nekria." She nodded to him in greeting as she waited for Vernigan to say his parting words and leave. Rorian was an older gentleman and therefore she found it unnecessary, and un-ladylike, to use the motherly disposition on him.

Once they were alone in the room, Nekria took a small sip of her water and leaned back in her seat with one leg crossed over the other. She glanced over again at Rorian, head turning with the motion this time to give him more of her attention. "What is it that's humoring you today, Rorian?" She allowed the slightest upturn of her own lips even though she didn't quite believe in using the same tactics on Rorian as with most of the others. It was unfortunate, but easy to make due with. "Have you carried out your requests? Is there anything that needs tending to?" She paused as she took another small sip of her water, her gaze turning back to face ahead of her rather than on the nearby man. "Have any more children been admitted to the ranks?" Another pause as her tone threatened to drop, but continued to be as even as always. "Or is there any news on the rebels?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra Character Portrait: Drean Montréal Character Portrait: Tallen
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Drean Montréal

Drean opened his eyes and started getting up only to be helped up by Vernigen, who also whispered to Drean "Sir, Lady Nekria wants to see you.". As he brushed himself off he noticed the strange man had left. The message that Vernigen delivered suddenly sunk in. He'd have to return to Headquarters and be stuck in a meeting with Nekria and probably Rorian for god knows how long. Drean was about to run for it when Tallen spoke to him "That is assuming, Ser, that you'll be alright making your way back on your own?" which made him stop and think for a moment. He probably could have gotten away if it was only Vernigen and would probably have no punishment from Nekria but since Tallen was here there was extremely little chance of him successfully getting away. "Ah no I think I'll be just fine," Drean said to Tallen with a bit of a sigh. He would have probably gotten her to accompany him back but then Vernigen would have tagged along as well which would have ruined the mood. He was smiling on the inside slightly at Tallen's offer, completly ignoring the fact that she was doing it because of his rank.

Just as Drean was about to head off he noticed that his watch had a tiny light flashing so he quickly pulled out his laptop and noticed that his robotic armour had started heading towards Nekria's office meaning that it had probably been told by someone that Nekria wanted to speak to him. Drean's mind suddenly had a brilliant idea, he then put his laptop away and crouched down to make it look like he was tying his shoelace but instead picked up some loose dirt. "Actually Vernigen, a difficult situation arose and you were unable to get a 'hold' of me," Drean said before standing up and quickly throwing the dirt at Vernigen's eyes and running away disappearing into the crowd. He disliked Rorian and was afraid of what some what afraid of Nekria, he wasn't going to the meeting. Clearly the message to Vernigen was for if he was asked about why Drean didn't go see Nekria himself, since Drean knew Vernigen couldn't lie he'd instead made the message into simply not telling the whole truth. Drean having much experience about weaving through crowds and the fact that he kept a constant high speed meant he easily managed to get away, even if Tallen had of been after him as well.

After having snuck away down some back allyways Drean quickly ducked into an old house he'd taken to using as a bit of a hide away. Not even the Noble's knew where the place was exactly as Drean had set up certain devices to keep the place secure. He dropped down onto a couch and set up an earpiece before reopening his laptop and pulling up what the robot saw. It was just arriving outside of the door to Nekria's office, it knocked with a sort of heaviness that could not be copied by other hands before waiting for a second and then it opened the door and walked in. While the robot could not actually talk it could print out messages from it's 'mouth'. A message was soon printed off, it read "Hello Nekria, you seem as lovely as ever today, how can I help?". Drean could easily hear what Nekria said and could easily see her but Drean didn't have to deal with Nekria face to face which was a bonus for him. Still she could be quite scary even from a computer screen. Drean noticed Rorian was also there like he guessed and so printed off a second message, "Hey there Mr.Money-bags, had any good 'wine' lately?" the 'wine' obviously was refering to blood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Drean Montréal
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Rorian the Scholar

Once they were alone in the room, Nekria took a small sip of her water and leaned back in her seat with one leg crossed over the other. She glanced over again at Rorian, head turning with the motion this time to give him more of her attention. "What is it that's humoring you today, Rorian?" She allowed the slightest upturn of her own lips even though she didn't quite believe in using the same tactics on Rorian as with most of the others. It was unfortunate, but easy to make due with. "Have you carried out your requests? Is there anything that needs tending to?" She paused as she took another small sip of her water, her gaze turning back to face ahead of her rather than on the nearby man. "Have any more children been admitted to the ranks?" Another pause as her tone threatened to drop, but continued to be as even as always. "Or is there any news on the rebels?"

Rorian watched his Lady Nekria as she shifted her appearance from her 'motherly' look to how she always looked for him - serious, powerful. That was the Nekria he knew, even if he grew up with her motherly love. She tilted her head a little and posed a question towards him which he was expecting. What is it that's humoring you today, Rorian? He let his smile drop a little, but it stayed there anyway. "Merely the circumstances and my own thoughts on the Followers, Miss." He finally let his entire smile slip down to a small smirk as she continued her questions towards him. Have you carried out your requests? Is there anything that needs tending to? Rorian nodded slightly as he answered her next series of questions. "I have. The Shamsils have paid off their most of their debt, while a few knights are preparing to seize their home to repossess it. Our funds have grown as of late, as more and more civilians require loans that they cannot pay off." Rorian gave a little pause. "Otherwise, nothing needs your immediate attention as of now in the money sector, Miss. I cannot speak for Drean and the people however." he bowed a little, for he was to be apologetic for not knowing something. Rorian noticed that she took a sip of water during his answer, and Nekria continued with her questioning.

Have any more children been admitted to the ranks? Or is there any news on the rebels? He furrowed his brow a little, before letting it return to its normal state to answer. "According to my intel, we have lost a two of our ranks to the Underground as of last month - both male, late adolescents. No names listed." He opened his black book quickly and began to scan the computerized pages that were contained within. "Four new children have joined our ranks as of 5 days ago, 3 female and a male. They are all still awaiting their fates in their holding cells." He closed the book, leaving the thoughts wide open for Nekria to ponder about the children. "I apologize, I have no knew definite intel on the rebels, perhaps Drean-' a heavy knocking on the door interrupted him, and Rorian instantly suppressed his annoyance when the little robot appeared and printed off a page to which Rorian grabbed from its mouth and read aloud to Nekria, as he always had.

"Hello Nekria, you seem as lovely as ever today, how can I help?" Rorian spoke in his normal manner of half monotone, half intrigue. In reality, Rorian loathed the little robot that Drean used when he didn't want to talk to his Lady in person. However, before he could continue his thoughts, it printed off another page, one that he did not have to read out loud to be annoyed by. Hey there Mr.Money-bags, had any good 'wine' lately? His mouth was in a taut, hard line - he really quite hated the nickname 'Money -Bags - before giving the little robot a smile and answering. "Greetings, Drean. No, to answer your question, I have yet to have any decent wines lately, for I cannot indulge myself while working. Perhaps when I do find one, you would join me." He gave the little robot a smile before turning away from it to face Nekria and stated. "Both Drean and myself are present, Lady Nekria. What would have us do?"

Corvin McMordy

Amelia's eyes always made him feel weird when she looked over him, especially today: they were simply eyeing him over lazily before she said something. This isn’t the right place to talk about the sort of thing I need to talk about. Walk with me and I’ll explain it a little better once we’ve gotten out of ear shot. He gave a sleepy nod before following her as she walked to the back of the Underground City. Must be pretty freaking big if others can't listen in. Corvin mused before Amelia spoke again.I don’t want anyone overhearing and getting the wrong idea about what’s going to come to pass. Now it sound like shit was going to get serious, and Corvin's attention span slowly got longer and more focused as they walked. By her tone, it sounded like something was going to go down, and Corvin always woke up when fights and stuff happened. When they stopped, Diaren piped up about something.

Hey, listen Des...I know you don't really like Keir going off on his own. And I'm sorry I let him. But...he's our leader. It's not like any of us can just tell him he can't go alone. Besides...I'm not that inconspicuos, either. Corvin gave a little sigh with a small chuckle at Diaren's statement. Damn right he wasn't. Diaren stuck out like a missing limb - which is sort of ironic, since Diaren is missing a few. It didn't help that the guy had some metal freaky wings going on behind him. Corvin didn't necessarily dislike Diaren because of this, but how was he supposed to trust a guy like that?

“I don’t care if Keir does as he likes. I go off on my own all the time, and frankly it’ll be his own damn fault if he gets himself captured or killed. He knows enough to not give us all away.” Corvin nodded slighly, staying quiet the entire time and just listening to everybody's thoughts. He really didn't have much to say on either of the matters, since he didn't know what Amelia wanted, nor did he care about Keir's disappearing habits. But do not underestimate the kind of influence I have on him. the Princess turned to the two guys whilst saying her words, and Corvin smirked at her sentence. That sounds like the Princess.. He seriously wanted to light up a cigarette right now, but he really didn't need Amelia getting angry and beating him up over it, so instead he drank his liquified crap and finished off the pretzels before stuffing the empty bag into his back pocket.

Alright, what I wanted to say earlier was—“ Amelia was cut off, however, by the familiar shuffling and voice of that one man that could stop her: Prince Keir. ”Hey guys.” was all the dude said, and Corvin gave him a little nod to signify that Corvin noticed their leader. Amelia wasted no time whatsoever in blasting a few questions at the leader, the way that only the Princess could. Corvin shook his head and finished his drink of crap and threw it towards what looked like a garbage can - if it wasn't, somebody later on would be pissed, but Corvin didn't mind. He checked out of his peripherals to see that Diaren was checking the security cameras, and he gave another sigh. He needed a smoke...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Drean Montréal
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Clyde Maxum

The blond kid looked happy at first. What was his name? Oran? Oreo? Ory-something. Whatever, it wasn't really important anyway. Clyde rolled his eyes and turned his attention back on his leader, the leader of which he didn't exactly agree with at the moment. "Honestly, you're worse than a child sometimes." Again, Clyde replied with another roll of the eyes, huffing a little impatiently as he shoved his hands in his pockets and glanced away as Morgan turned to talk to Fluer. "You can find your way around from here, right? And the others can help you, if you get lost again." Clyde yawned as she walked away, probably to go off and get herself lost all over again. Really, she was totally helpless sometimes, even for a color.

He nearly jumped when he was suddenly grabbed and pulled away from the others around the area into a more secluded area. For a moment, he thought Morgan might still be mad at his suggestion and want to punish him for it, so he braced himself, but it didn't take long for him to realize that that wasn't the case, so he slumped his shoulders and relaxed. "People are beginning to move, and there are whisperings. It would seem that I've gotten the Noble's attention. They're looking for me, Clyde. The way I see it, we have two options. Either we get the hell out of dodge, fast, or I do something to get them off my tail. I'd prefer to do it myself, but I can't leave you behind, I'd never hear the end of it. As much as I hate to admit it, you're probably right about the Underground. But if we do this, it's you and me. The others stay behind until we know whether or not we're even welcome. Then we'll bring along the others." He was damn right about one thing--if Morgan ever thought he could just leave his second in command behind like nothing, he had another thing coming. Morgan turned again to face him and he swallowed down his rising nerves. "Deal?"

Clyde bit his bottom lip and shifted his weight from foot to foot. He didn't answer right away, taking his time to think this through for once as he took a look over his shoulder. He could see some of the others sitting around talking amongst each other about one thing or another. Most of them weren't important to him as individuals, not as important as Morgan was, but as a group they were...special. As a group they were the most important thing in his life and he didn't want to just leave them behind. What would they do without a leader? Or co-leader? What if something happened that they weren't around for? Taking a deep breath, Clyde turned back to Morgan and nodded. "Alright, just you and me then. We'll talk to the Prince priss, see how he feels, and if we get him to agree with us, we bring the rest of our group. Right?" He gave Morgan a slight smirk. "Maybe we can even come up with something good against those Noble jerks. ...When do we leave?"


Nekria remained calm as Rorian answered her questions swiftly and with the utmost efficiency. She allowed herself a small smile as he went on. She wouldn't go so far as to say she truly trusted Rorian, but he was definitely efficient in his work and he certainly knew what he was doing when it came to most situations. He was a good asset to have around, even though he was supposed to be more of a partner than a butler. Details. "According to my intel, we have lost a two of our ranks to the Underground as of last month - both male, late adolescents. No names listed." She sighed a little theatrically, placing her now empty water bottle on the table in front of her and motioning for him to continue. "Four new children have joined our ranks as of 5 days ago, 3 female and a male. They are all still awaiting their fates in their holding cells." Well, at least there was that. "I apologize, I have no knew definite intel on the rebels, perhaps Drean-"

A thud at the door interrupted Rorian's speech and Nekria hardly had to look to know who it was. Or, rather, what it was. She stared down at the small robot without an expression. Although, if she had to admit, she didn't care for it. She would much rather have Drean here in person, but she knew from the past that it was either this or, most likely, nothing, so the robot it was. She just gave it a curt wave, supposing Drean could see her through it one way or another, and remained quiet as Rorian read off the message. "Hello Nekria, you seem as lovely as ever today, how can I help?" She nodded curtly and glanced at Rorian as he read a message she figured was strictly for him. She didn't ask. "Greetings, Drean. No, to answer your question, I have yet to have any decent wines lately, for I cannot indulge myself while working. Perhaps when I do find one, you would join me." He gave the little robot a smile before turning away from it to face Nekria and stated. "Both Drean and myself are present, Lady Nekria. What would have us do?"

Nekria leaned down and lifted the robot off the floor, placing it on her lap and studying it for a moment as she considered her options. "I do not like the silence we've been receiving from the two rebel groups. I'm concerned that they may be planning something larger and I wouldn't want to be unprepared for it." She took the robot and flipped it upside down, trying to find the plate for it's circuitry. Her lips pursed in a small pout when she realized it was too well done for her to simply snap or screw off. She would have to congratulate Drean for his good work next time they met in person. She did not enjoy speaking to a robot. "I haven't heard from Tallen recently and she was sent to visit the Underground.."

Suppressing a sigh, Nekria flipped the robot right side up once again, but let it remain on her lap. She rested her hands on top of it as if it were a toy. "The Underground is causing us more issues and I want to put a stop to it. Not to mention the minor issue with that runaway Knight of ours..." She trailed off momentarily, considering her options. After a moment, she patted the robot and continued. "I believe our safest bet would be to stop with the small work and move on to the bigger prizes. There is no need to continue with the experiments on the children of each group. Nobody is coming to save them. There hasn't been an uprising. We need to do something to cause the uprising and bring the rebel groups out of their hiding." She smiled a little. "I believe the best way to do this is by capturing their leaders. Their followers will want to riot for the return of their leaders, but they'll be broken without anyone to direct them. They will be in chaos and that's exactly what we want."

She stood and brought Drean's robot up with her, lifting it to face level, moving it back and fourth as she studied it closer. "So, Drean, Rorian, that's my instructions for you. I don't care how you do it, but I want those four here in our vicinity. I want them alive. That will be all."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Drean Montréal
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0.00 INK

Rorian the Scholar

Rorian watched as Lady Nekria lifted the robot of Drean off of the ground and set him in her lap. He made no comment about this action, for it occurred quite frequently - even if he was slightly against the notion. "I do not like the silence we've been receiving from the two rebel groups. I'm concerned that they may be planning something larger and I wouldn't want to be unprepared for it. Rorian nodded his agreement as a small, smug grin appeared on his face as Lady Nekria attempted to dismantle the little robot. It amused him to see such a higher being than the rest of the world struggle with circuits and electricity, but he had to hand it to Drean - the man did know how to assemble a perfect robot. It didn't help his little grin, however, that Lady Nekria simply looked adorable when she was pouting about something. "I haven't heard from Tallen recently and she was sent to visit the Underground.. Rorian dismissed the thought of the Knight known as Tallen falling into the wrong hands or betraying them: if he recalled correctly, she was in debt to him roughly 7 dollars.

The Underground is causing us more issues and I want to put a stop to it. Not to mention the minor issue with that runaway Knight of ours..." That wasn't an issue that Rorian felt like addressing - past failures always made his budget hurt. I believe our safest bet would be to stop with the small work and move on to the bigger prizes. There is no need to continue with the experiments on the children of each group. Nobody is coming to save them. There hasn't been an uprising. We need to do something to cause the uprising and bring the rebel groups out of their hiding. I believe the best way to do this is by capturing their leaders. Their followers will want to riot for the return of their leaders, but they'll be broken without anyone to direct them. They will be in chaos and that's exactly what we want." Rorian nodded, that smug smirk returning to his lips as he saw her train of thought perfectly, and loved where this was going. Lady Nekria stood up and took the little robot with her, and spoke her statement

So, Drean, Rorian, that's my instructions for you. I don't care how you do it, but I want those four here in our vicinity. I want them alive. That will be all." Rorian bowed respectively, smiling when his head was down, and his face quite positively sinister when he came back up. "It shall be done, Lady Nekria." Now, Rorian wasn't one for that 'sneaking in and stealing' stuff, he was better at 'Mocking people in public, waiting for them to show up and then kill them' sort of thing. Well, it was either that or "Show up at their house and demand money'. However, Rorian noticed that the robot was starting to print, and he motioned to Lady Nekria about it. "May I." He said, indicating the message that was printing. When it was finished, he ripped it off and spoke its contents out loud once again.

"Rorian, maybe I'll take you up on that offer some time, I've sorta wondered what blood tastes like. My dear lady Nekria, I'll work on your request and I might be gone for awhile but I'll try and contact when I can, also when I do I'd like to know if some information is true or not. Does your knight 'Tallen' really have a brother? until we 'meet' again, take care." He gave a small smirk towards the message after reading it, and then thought about the question posed at the end. However, he didn't have enough time to think, for another message was printed off and he nearly began to read it outloud. He scowled as he read it in a murmur. Money bags learn to enjoy some of the smaller things, cash'll only get you so far, Rorian narrowed his eyes and ripped the page into nice, even squares before discarding it accordingly.

"Lady Nekria, I too will begin preparation for this request by doing only what I was meant to - serving and money watching. If you so wish, I shall leave immediately on a lead I have pending." He bowed a little more shallow this time, his head beginning to compile a list of names and faces who would possibly be able to give him information in exchange for their debt being erased. The lead he had was simply a client he was keeping out of debt that was hinting at the location to the Underground, one that he would very much like to go see in person.

Corvin McMordy

Corvin nearly reached for a cig when Dairen barreled through the guy to get to the leaders of the Underground - since Dairen had a bunch of extra weight on him (metal limbs), that really quite hurt. Corvin narrowed his eyes at the metal kid, and reached for his cigarette out of spite. Cobra would have lit the cig if he hadn't easily heard Dairen's blabbering. "Uh, um....boss, we may have a situation outside...there's some girl moving shadows, and ah....I think...I think He's come back, boss..." Corvin would have just dismissed this as Dairen being overcautious and too easily excitable, but there was something about the way he said the word 'He' that made Corvin curious. Surely MetalMan here didn't mean...

That's him, right? It's not very easy to forget that face...even after four years. Corvin nearly dropped his cig as he walked quite quickly towards the screen to sneak a quick peak at the face. Sure, Keir would probably be pissed off that McMordy was being slighly nosey about security - the dude was lazy, so he gave up most of his rights to care about security... - but that didn't stop him from catching a glimpse of that face. Awkwardly orange/yellow hair, eyepatch over right eye.

"Bastard decided to come back huh?" Corvin said as he lit his cigarette, now behind the two leaders and the security dude. From his tone, it was excruciatingly hard to tell if Corvin missed the tall guy or if he really hated Morgan's guts. Thing was, Corvin wasn't really sure if he missed that guy or not either. Sure, him and Morgan shared a loved for smoking, but that was about the end of similarities between them - for starters, Corvin's fear of cats was indirectly linked to Morgan being somehow able to shift into that freaky tiger. Corvin sucked in a breath slowly, and then blew - more like gave a sigh of smoke - out the smoke in his lungs. He really liked the Lost Children, they were pretty decent folk, but he didn't like their motives. Who gave a crap about finding out about the past? The stuff behind them couldn't save the world from Nekria. "Brilliant, just effing Brilliant."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Keir Craig
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0.00 INK

Clyde Maxum

Clyde had to admit that he was feeling a little excited to finally get the chance to meet the Prince face-to-face. It would be the first time for him. He'd seen pictures of the guy before and he'd heard a few rumors here and there about him. He knew who he was for the most part, but he'd never actually had a conversation with him. It was very possible that he could just be another one of those boring shades of gray that made up the world. But Clyde highly doubted that. No gray lame-o could get Morgan as fired up as that Prince seemed to be able to. And that's one reason Clyde was so excited to meet him, because he had that control over Morgan that nobody else really did. Not to misunderstand--Clyde had no intentions of taking the guy aside and asking him all his knowledge on Morgan or anything like that, he just thought it Yeah. Cool.

Oh, wait, he was spacing out. He should probably listen to what Morgan was saying. Man, he sure was chatty all of a sudden. Clyde just kept his mouth shut and continued to nod his head here and there as they made their way through the city to get to...wherever it was Morgan was taking him--probably to the Underground, obviously. "Here. Let's go give the Prince a surprise visit, shall we?" Again, Clyde merely nodded, smirking a little. In all honestly, he'd hardly retained any of the information Morgan was trying to spew out at him all at once. Okay, so the Prince guy had powers to...what was it? Read minds? He had a feeling there was something else about it...but Clyde couldn't remember. All he could remember was that Morgan told him the guy had the power to know everything in peoples' heads. So mind-reading. Right. Got it. The idea made him totally uncomfortable, but maybe he could protect himself somehow? He'd figure it out when he got there. Then there was something about security cameras and some dude with an arm issue and...well, whatever. He got the gist of it.

At the sudden appearance of shadows (at this time of day?), Clyde jumped, stepping away from the Morgan that was no longer there; at least, not in his line of sight. All he could see were shadows, even when he squinted. He was smart enough to know that there was some sort of mutation behind this. They had to be...oh, there she was. "I'd honestly hoped you'd be a bit more of a challenge to catch, Kishitora...but thank you. You've provided me with the Intel that I need about the underground. It will be easy apprehending the Prince now." Clyde frowned. She was definitely not part of the Underground.

He was wondering how to go about this when she suddenly turned to speak to him. "You are the one known as Clyde, no? Your number...what was it...ah yes, I remember now. 0-5-1-3-7, and your power...a minor type of Pyrokenisys. Family of two other siblings, both male, one deceased. Parents deceased soon after your younger brother was born. No, you are not on my capture list, you may go." Huh? He had nothing to say to that. She was obviously off her rocker. She could remember his number right off the top of her head, but she still managed to get his history wrong. Because of course it was wrong. He only had one brother and that brother was dead. She must have her information incorrect. Right. That wasn't the point right now. The point was that she wanted to take the Prince and he wasn't going to let that happen. It would put a major whole in his plans.

He was relieved, but not surprised, so see Morgan break free, shooting him a grin of satisfaction. That was definitely his leader. Totally cool. Totally strong. "I take're a Knight, correct?"

Clyde nearly asked what they should do about the situation--he didn't want to bring unnecessary attention to themselves, but then again, who gave a crap when he could just set any of these guys on fire anyway?--but another voice caught his attention. "Yes, Kishitora, we are Knights. This will be easier if you surrender now. What say you, Ki-" And then he simply passed out. Clyde paid more attention to him than to the Knight, watching carefully as the guy changed from human to something...else. Something much uglier. When the guy, thing, whatever, stood again, Clyde couldn't help but wrinkle his nose at it. "I am Veritas." Oh, so great, it had a name. Because he cared. Not. "What is going on here?" Ugh, shut up, shut up. Let me figure out the situation and shut up before I burn your stupid faces off.

“Good afternoon gentlemen, and lady. As much as I love to have female company, if you could kindly return to wherever you came from and leave these poor pitiful men alone would be of great service to me.” Clyde's head turned again, this time to face...who exactly was this guy? Boring. He looked boring. He talked boring. He was good-looking, he had to admit, but ugh, he was probably just another loser coming here to bug them. So what was it now? Three against two or something? “As much as I would love to know what the hell your doing back here, I would like to have Princess with me when we grill your ass. For right now you two can head inside. Tell them I sent you if you’re asked.” Ohohoh, nevermind. Spicy. So he did have a color. Wait. Wait. Woah. Hold on. Back up. This guy wasn't...was he? He was the Prince? This was the big deal?! Are you serious.

He didn't move from where he was, staring stubbornly at the redhead even as the assumed Prince spoke to the Knight. He couldn't care less what they were talking about. "This is the guy?" Clyde said suddenly, talking specifically to Morgan. He might of been talking a little louder than he intended, but he didn't really care. "This is the big deal you've been so worked up about? Look at him! He's a loser in cloth! He's a pretty boy." He laughed and ran a hand through his hair, not at all concerned by those around him. "Man, I don't get you. This is stupid. I mean really, Morgan, what can he even do? Ugh. Dragging me all the way here, talking my ear off, get attacked by this chick," he pointed a thumb behind him at the girl in question, "just to build up to the one great moment I get to see this great Prince guy and he's totally nothing. Great, cool, awesome. You know what? I will head inside." He nodded his head at the boy who'd transformed, walking up to him with a mixed look of annoyance and disinterest. "Veritas, right? Lead me inside, will you? Maybe the Princess will be something worth looking at."


Nekria waited for Rorian to read off the pages Drean printed from the robot. "Rorian, maybe I'll take you up on that offer some time, I've sorta wondered what blood tastes like. My dear lady Nekria, I'll work on your request and I might be gone for awhile but I'll try and contact when I can, also when I do I'd like to know if some information is true or not. Does your knight 'Tallen' really have a brother? until we 'meet' again, take care." She nearly frowned at this, but maintained her neutral expression. However, she wondered what he really wanted with that sort of information. She knew the answer, of course. She knew everything about her 'children.' Whether or not she wanted to disclose this with Drean was a different matter. She would decide on that by the next time they were able to speak. For now, she placed his robot on the ground and let it continue on its way. "Lady Nekria, I too will begin preparation for this request by doing only what I was meant to - serving and money watching. If you so wish, I shall leave immediately on a lead I have pending."

She nodded at him, standing and brushing him off with a simple wave of her hand. "Please do." She brushed the wrinkles out of her clothes and fixed a few misplaced strands of hair before continuing. "There are a few matters of business that I need to attend to, so I will no longer be here." She continued to the door, pausing with her hand on the handle. "If you need me, I will be with my special child." And with that, she nodded to him once again and left the room.

After a short walk, Nekria arrived where they were keeping her 'special child.' Randle. She smiled softly when she saw him, nearing him without fear. "Hello, Randle darling, how are you? I've missed the time we've spent apart." Although she referred to him as her special child, she did not consider him to be her favorite. She did not have a favorite child. That was unethical. A mother could never pick a favorite child. Randle, however, was special in many ways. Although he wasn't a completely success, he wasn't a failure, either. She and her team were able to succeed things with him that they weren't able to with many of the others and although his mental instability was concerning, his attachment and his delusions were excellent assets. "Would you like some fresh air? I think you have earned it. Are you hungry? Is there anything Mother can get you?" She placed a hand on his metal-covered face. "All you have to do is ask."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Nekria Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
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0.00 INK

Rorian the Scholar

Please do. At those words, he simply bowed again and waited. While normally he would silently leave without a word, he stayed put - the reason? Nekria was indicating that she was leaving, and that was made clear to him when she stood up to leave. There are a few matters of business that I need to attend to, so I will no longer be here. If you need me, I will be with my special child. Rorian nodded to her as Lady Nekria exited the room. When she did, he gave a sigh of annoyance. To be perfectly honest with himself, he despised that special child of hers, Randle. It wasn't because he was jealous - Rorian was a butler, not a child - it was merely because Randle himself was an abomination. A very, very large, powerful abomination. Since the madman had enough force in that body of his to rip two men in half, Rorian kept his words to himself about Randle. Though, the days that she made him go and converse with the creature appalled him to the core - all he could hear was the mewling of a baby. Well, a baby that could kill anything Nekria asked for, anyway.

Regardless of his emotions towards a certain individual, Rorian smoothly exited the room as well after his Lady. Instead of going towards the rooms full of people, Rorian instead went onto the streets, signalling for two unnamaed knights to follow him. Now, Rorian would have normally just done the solo mission just that, but his face as the Right Hand of Nekria was quite well known throughout the city, so unless he left within the cover of night, he needed to have some 'protection' as you will. In reality, he called the knights that he used 'distractions' for most people would notice them first.

After a car ride, Rorian came to the stop of Mr. and Mrs. Kangley. Well, Mrs. Kangley had been killed by Rorian himself actually, so it was just Mr. Kangley now. Rorian knocked on the door in the special pattern he always used to instil fear - three slow, soft knocks - and paused. After a few muffled sounds from inside, a stout man with glasses appeared below Rorian, his eyes already shifting around to search for an exit.

"He-Hello there, Rorian. Ple-" Rorian rudely interupted him, for he didn't feel like wasting Nekria's time today.

"Two thousand, nine hundred and eight, Mr. Kangley. I trust that your next piece of intel will shave off that amount to only Two thousand, one hundred and fifty-six." Mr. Kangley gulped, pulled out a map, and started explaining in his timid, tenor voice. Rorian kept looking over at him, his smile never really leaving, and wondered how long it would take for this little, fat man to break so he could kill him.

Corvin McMordy

After all that focusing, Corvin's hearing slowly died off. He was used to not being able to hear and all - since feeling vibrations was, in his opinion, much cooler - but it was highly annoying to get glimpses of what other people could hear. It was as if his ears loved pissing him off by being a tease, saying 'Hey, you know what, we are gunna work today! Oh, it's been a minute? Day over!'. Corvin gave a sigh, and used the practice he had gotten pretty good at over the years - reading lips. Yeah, not the most glorious way of figuring out speech, but it got him through life: the ground could only vibrate for so many things, you know.

So, after breathing out his last statement, he tried to make it look like he didn't care anymore. Instead, he could feel Keir's footsteps moving away in a few seconds after he spoke, slightly more heavy than usual (probably due to the crap he had to do next). Noticing that he had left for the surface, he spun around and looked at both the Princess and Diaren. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm backing him up. I consider this a breach in security, and that means shooting stuff." Corvin gave a smirk, then spun on his heels and raced after Keir, but still keeping his distance. However, instead of going outside to greet all of the party guests, Corvin took the alternate route up to his little hawk's nest. This little area was really just a room in the building above one of the sewer entrances, where he had built his own little way to the top so he could keep an eye out for losers when the power went out. Sure, he was called the Cobra and all, but that nickname had nothing to do with Corvin's love for shooting.

Since a rifle was already up there for him - he left his guns at his work site - Corvin made no stops until he reached his perch, and settled down to watch. For starters, he could barely hear anything - they weren't speaking loud enough, nor were they facing in any direction close to him so that he could pick up their vibrations in his jaw. So, from just his eyesight alone, he saw a girl with purple hair and a guy that looked ridiculously confused standing together,
Keir trying to talk to both Purpley and Morgan, with that Clyde kid - dear lord he was an annoying one, and Corvin hadn't a clue why Morgan thought he would be fit for Second in command - looking like his normally retarded self by walking up to the confused guy. Corvin assumed that Purpley and Mr. Confusion were both from the Nobles, and he resisted the urge to shoot them now. Keir would be pissed if he intervened.

Especially now that those other two were leaving, and Morgan and Keir were now talking. Or, at least, it sort of looked like talking - Morgan's face was all angry and stuff.
