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Kallin Jacey Wright

"I know why I'm in here... the thing is, you don't have a fucking clue."

0 · 429 views · located in Coldwater county rehab

a character in “Coldwater County Rehabilitation Center”, as played by Lucky


Kallin Jacey Wright



Nickname: Kal or KJ

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Gay

Relationship Status: Single



Height: 5'11'

Weight: 152 lbs

Build: Slender, toned and muscular.

Eye Color: Navy blue

Hair Color: Dark brunette

Physical Description: Kallin usually wore some sort of black or white tank top along with a plaid button up shirt. She liked to be able to show off her physic. Normally she was in a pair of jeans and black combat boots, unless she was working out, then she wears basketball shorts and just a tank top.



Likes: Guitar, skateboarding, basketball, music, flirting, working out

Dislikes: Emotions, hate, bullies, injustice, sleeping.

Fears: Open water, drowning.

Personality: Sarcastic and a bit of a smart ass. Kallin likes to wear a smirk or cocky grin, but her friends can usually tell that there is a lot of pain behind the mask. She's reckless about her own safety, incredibly independent, and hates for others to see her as weak. She doesn't know how to handle emotions or understand them, and suffers from Alexithymia (inability to describe and identify emotions in oneself) . She's loyal, and would do anything for her friends, but she does get defensive and likes to push people away. Most see her as just an adrenaline junkie and party animal, but her friends don't believe the act, no matter how hard Kallin tries to convince them. She doesn't want people to waste time on a lost cause. She's extremely flirty and seems over confident, until people start to ask about her as a person. Her friends are her only link to reality, and she'd do anything for them. Kallin absolutely refuses to talk about her father, or listen to the doctors when they taunt her. She also suffers from intense nightmares.

Jeffery Allan Wright- Father (Alive)
Lynn Stacey Wright- Mother (Deceased)

Reasons for Admission:

  • Alexithymia
  • Claimed behavioral disorder
  • Self Destructiveness
  • Pathological lying
  • Drug Abuse

Kallin was born in Chicago and lived there until she was four with her mom and dad. Her dad's career really took off and he was beginning to hit gold with some of his clients (he's an NBA Agent), so they moved to LA. Her mother at the time was really depressed, and when Kal was six, her mother killed herself. Her dad was at work and Kallin was the one to find her. Ever since then, something inside her dad broke. He blamed Kallin whole-heartedly for the death of his wife, and he abused Kal for the first time right after the funeral. After that, her dad hired a nanny to watch Kal while he worked, always firing them in a couple of months so they wouldn't be suspicious of the abuse. Kallin grew up learning to avoid him while he was home and especially if he was drunk. When she was thirteen, they moved again. This time they lived in Tampa, and Kallin was old enough that her father didn't bother with a nanny. From the age of eight, Kal played basketball and skateboarded. While her dad said that music and skateboarding was a waste of time, he encouraged the basketball. She found that if she did well, he wouldn't be as angry at her. Pretty soon, he would send her off to basketball camps and traveling teams, and Kal knew she'd be safe for at least a little while. Since her dad always acted with fake calm until he suddenly lashed out and would beat Kallin, she never really understood emotions or social cues. Kal learned to fake some of them, but she couldn't understand the feelings she felt or that others felt, and what they mean. This terrifies her and she prefers to ignore emotions.

When she was a sophomore, Kallin was the starting point guard for the Tampa Lions. She took her team all the way to the state championship game, but they lost in the second quarter by seven points. Kal had fouled out in the second quarter of that game, and her dad was furious. Immediately after the medals were passed out and Kallin had both her second place medal and the MVP award she was given around her neck, she was trembling. She could see her dad on the sidelines, his face red with fury and disappointment. Her coach at the time told her she did good and it was alright, they played their best. He didn't realize that Kallin wasn't shaking from just losing the game, but from fear. Before she could open her mouth to respond to her coach, her dad grabbed her by the arm of her warm up jacket and yanked her behind him all the way to the car. The car ride was silent and Kallin leaned as far against the door as possible, trying to put distance between her and her fuming father. When they arrived home, Kallin endured the worst night of her life. She'd broken two ribs, her right arm, and suffered a concussion. The next day, her father drove her to the emergency room saying that she got beat up from some skater punks she hung out with. And her father being the rich, powerful man that he is, had the doctors and nurses nodding in agreement.

They moved again less than a month later, and Kallin arrived in Coldwater County. Her dad had heard things about the new law, and at first he was nervous that Kal would be forced into the center because of her rebellious nature and expose him. Jeffery Wright demanded to take a tour, and he hit it off with the doctors immediately. He began to discuss how he wanted to ensure that the facility would "benefit" Kallin in case she had to be admitted. He further explained how he was "at a loss" with what to do with her, and her "need to pathologically lie" whenever she'd get into fights. Pretending to feel shame, he even told the head doctor that Kal once blamed him for abuse and it tore him to pieces to think his daughter felt "just so troubled that she can't even admit she has a problem to her own father." With the assurance that Kallin's admission into the Rehabilitation would probably help him hide the beatings he gave her, Jeffery slid the doctor two court side seats to the next home basketball game in the nearby city.

Kallin didn't know about her father's sabotage. She was walking around town one day when she heard a girl screaming. Running towards the sound, Kal found the girl down a dark alley being thrown into a wall by a hooded guy. As soon as Kallin saw the glint of the knife, she tackled the guy to the ground. The girl screamed louder, drawing attention as she held onto the little baggy in her hand. The guy kept shouting at Kal as he tried to stab her, saying something about "payment" and "good business." Kallin slammed his head into the concrete, feeling the cold blade sink itself into her side. As he dug deeper into her side, Kallin continued to punch his face until she felt him go limp. She was covered in blood and felt her body turning cold and numb. Falling backwards onto her back, Kal couldn't see the girl anywhere. Soon, sirens were approaching and Kallin passed out before they arrived.

She woke up in Coldwater County Rehabilitation Center with a burning in her side and surrounded by an unfamiliar room. Kallin was told that she had put the guy into a coma, and she was being blamed that it was a drug deal gone wrong. A nurse told her she was "so lucky to have a father who kept you out of jail" since Kallin was now in the center as a mandatory court sentencing. The doctors had a long list of reasons, to which Kal didn't know how they obtained. Her father came in once, acting with mock concern until the doors closed and he threatened that if she ever tried to expose him for who he really was, then Kallin could expect to be tossed into federal prison. He would make it happen. That was his last promise.

Other Information:

So begins...

Kallin Jacey Wright's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cedric Baburry Character Portrait: Kallin Jacey Wright Character Portrait: Sage Elizabeth Brabury
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kirihe
Emma tapped her bare feet on the mattress as she stared at the wall. She'd been in this place for only two days and it was already on her nerves. For example, the weird nurse dressed in pink was still sitting in the corner just watching. The woman had what Emma could only describe as "Dead eyes"; soulless blue corneas that wouldn't leave Emma no matter where she moved in the room. She was one of the many people Emma saw here at Coldwater. The nurse, Nurse Shadewyn, had been following her since she arrived and laughed whenever she snapped at someone for calling her Emmaline. It was Emma, plain and simple. No one could ever tell her different.

"Miss Harper, it's time for your common hour" The other nurse from the outside called from the now open door. She was a pudgy woman that asked to be called Mrs. Angie. She was one of those people you couldn't stand as soon as she opened her mouth. All that came from it was her perky do-gooder attitude and orders for more medication.

"I don't want to" Emma said, turning her attention to a spider on the wall. She wondered if she could suddenly change into a spider and eat Mrs. Angie.

"You haven't even met the other patients, Emma. How could you know what you want" Mrs. Angie insisted in her no-nonsense tone.

There was no question about it, today would be the day Emma left her room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cedric Baburry Character Portrait: Kallin Jacey Wright Character Portrait: Emmaline Marie Harper Character Portrait: Sage Elizabeth Brabury
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lucky
"Seriously guys, I can walk myself. It's not like I could get lost or anything..." Kallin groaned as she was led into the common room. She'd been here a for well over six months and still, no one at the damn rehabilitation center trusted her. Without a word, she was practically shoved into the common room and abandoned there. Seeing as she was one of the first people there, Kal sighed to herself and headed towards the piano. She could feel them watching, and she knew they were just waiting for her to mess up. With a frustrated sigh, Kal began her morning routine. Sitting down, she allowed her fingers to gently float over the ivories before she began to play. It was a slow, melodious noise that flitted throughout the common room. Without a word, one of the doctors leaned against the piano with his clipboard.

"You know Ms. Wright, they say that music mirrors the soul." He pointed at her with his pen and a malicious grin. In response, Kal did an upbeat show tune type of song. She smirked at the doctor before lifting one hand up and flicking him off before returning to her playing. "How... charming."

"Sorry Dr. Dumbshit, I impress the ladies." Kal beamed with a cocky smirk. The doctor hastily wrote on his clipboard, face red with anger.

"It's Dr. Dumsheer." He hissed, putting his pen away into his breast pocket. "You're going to have a new patient today. Be nice."

"Is he an asshole? I don't play well with assholes." Kallin did a little flourish on the piano before charging into another overly chipper song.

"I don't think this place could handle another asshole." Dr. Dumsheer muttered, glaring smugly at the teen. Kal rolled her eyes. "Don't forget group therapy today." He almost sang that out, knowing how much the girl despised group therapy sessions. With that he left Kallin in the common room, and she immediately went back to her previous slow, methodical tune.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cedric Baburry Character Portrait: Kallin Jacey Wright Character Portrait: Emmaline Marie Harper Character Portrait: Kayleigh Sadies Belle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kirihe
Emma really didn't like the shoes Miss Angie insisted she wear. They were white and made from soft canvas. She also had to get dressed, pulling on her favorite pair of jeans and the pink hoodie her nurse at the hospital had given her. It wasn't much, but it made her feel a little better as she was lead down the dull white hallway. Someone had told her that the center was old, like ancient old. Apparently people used to think all-white rooms were comforting. Emma thought they were terrifying; sterile and cold.

"This is the commons room Miss Harper. You will spend an hour here every day. If you behave and go through your treatment you'll get more time." Miss Angie ushered her inside the doors, smiling. "Play nice"

Emma hovered near the doors as the nurse shut them. She was the only one in the wide, airless room save for a girl at the piano. She was playing, hardly paying attention as Emma slowly crept across the room, sitting in a small, leather chair nearby. She loved the sound of pianos and had even played one before her father brought home the witch. After that it was quiet hours 24/7; no time for a piano loving girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cedric Baburry Character Portrait: Kallin Jacey Wright Character Portrait: Emmaline Marie Harper Character Portrait: Sage Elizabeth Brabury Character Portrait: Kayleigh Sadies Belle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lucky
"Any requests, love?" Kallin smirked, glancing over her shoulder at the girl. When Kal had heard the leather of the chair, and it caught her attention. She must be new. With a wink, Kallin struck the piano with another melody and turned her attention to the ivories. "Kallin Wright, but call me Kal or KJ. If you wanted a real show, I'd pull out my guitar and sweep you off your feet, but sadly, they don't let me play that often. Something about it being a weapon." Kallin shrugged nonchalantly. Her fingers danced across the keys, finding a rhythm that was familiar to Kallin. It was a song she'd written for her guitar, but had adapted it to piano since that's all she really had. The player was glad that there was someone else there now though, someone to entertain.

Kallin recognized the girl's shoes, remembering her first week. Now though, she had more freedom if that's what you called it. The black tank top that showed off her abs and faded jeans that Kal wore weren't her best attire, but it was comfortable. Luckily, she was now allowed to wear her desired clothes and even her boots. But that was only if her behavior was acceptable. Freedom here was a joke, and Kal knew that the game was rigged. As irritating as it was.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cedric Baburry Character Portrait: Kallin Jacey Wright Character Portrait: Emmaline Marie Harper Character Portrait: Sage Elizabeth Brabury Character Portrait: Kayleigh Sadies Belle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kirihe
Emma ignored the girl's voice, focusing instead on the fingers on the keys. Her nurse said that she'd see things that weren't there. Emma didn't believe that though. She knew if things were real or not, and this girl was as real as the nurse in the corner. She turned her eyes upward toward her face, catching the girl's eyes. She'd called herself Kallin but mentioned Kal and KJ. Emma didn't understand why she didn't want to be called Kallin. It was a pretty name. Fitting for the pretty girl in front of her.

"Emmaline.....Emma" she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Emma Harper" She titled her head to the side, looking up at Kallin. "You play well."

She wondered how long Kallin had been in the center. Her father told her that some people had been there since they were babies. and that some of them never left because they never got better. He wanted Emma to get better, but she wanted her to stay in there permanently. "Why are you here?" Emma asked, a little bolder than before. She tapped her fingers on her knees as she followed the keys again. The song wasn't familiar, but it was simpler than most, and seemed like it would be easy to pick up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cedric Baburry Character Portrait: Kallin Jacey Wright Character Portrait: Emmaline Marie Harper Character Portrait: Sage Elizabeth Brabury Character Portrait: Kayleigh Sadies Belle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lucky
"Well Emma Harper, I'm here because I am a danger to society. If I were to escape, the entire would would go to hell." Kal grinned, chuckling a bit with a sarcastic tone. "At least that's what people tell me." Kallin breathed deeply as the music filled her with a calm, her fingers sliding carefully over each of the ivories. But abruptly, she stopped and spun around on the bench. Smirking, she stood up and held her hand out to Emma. "But let's talk about something important, love. I know I'm pretty good, but how about you play me something? Only fair, right?" Kal grinned, quirking an eyebrow. Kallin couldn't identify exactly what it was that was stirring inside her... maybe protectiveness? Kallin's brow furrowed for a moment before she shrugged it off. Since she couldn't decode her emotions well, it was easier just to brush them aside and go with the flow. "That is, unless I'm too intimidating." The last part was a joke, and Kal wiggled her eyebrows to emphasize that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kallin Jacey Wright
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kirihe
Emma looked from the girl's face to her outstretched hand hesitantly. Kallin didn't seem like she was exceedingly intimidating, nor did Emma think she might hurt her. It was obviously meant to be a joke so she forced a slight smile to come to her face. "I don't remember it much' Emma said as she took the girl's hand with her own cold fingers. "I probably won't be any good anymore" She bit her lip, remembering the different notes coming together as Kallin's song. She thought back to the nurses who brought her here and the notes on her file they'd "accidentally" let her catch a glimpse of. Words such as "Deranged" "schizophrenic" and "dangerous" were marked in red ink. She withdrew her hand quickly. "I...I can't though." I'm sorry she wanted to add on but she refrained, sealing her lips shut.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kallin Jacey Wright Character Portrait: Emmaline Marie Harper
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lucky
"Probably for the best." Kallin sighed lightheartedly, nodding to the many orderlies that had sharp eyes on them. It was obvious they were just waiting, waiting for a reason. Kallin had endured the place long enough to know the signs. Seemed that the orderlies really wanted some form of provocation. Perhaps it was safer not to make contact. Though even deducing this, she frowned and dropped her hands to her side with a hint of rejection. "Maybe one day love, when we're out of this hell hole and kicking back somewhere, no worries except what we should have for lunch. Yeah, maybe one day." Kal smirked, and it was sarcastic and a bit bitter, but Kallin still shrugged off her mood and slid back to the piano. "Did you ever watch that tv show Friends?" She threw over her shoulder before playing the theme song for the television series, her foot tapping along with the beat.