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Skyler Rea

0 · 612 views · located in NYC

a character in “Coming Out”, as played by IAmAlien



Skyler Rae Winstin



Sexual Orientation:
Bisexual (leans a little more towards girls though)

Butterflies, Superman, Batman, cars, Family Guy, the Simpsons, music, singing, drawing, writing, reading, school, people, unicorns, rainbows, fairies, elves, magical stuff, cursing, cussing, the word "super-calla-fradulistic-ex-pea-alla-doe-shis", old Disney movies, old cartoons, Loneytoons, Spongebob Squarepants, cats, rats, mice, geckos, squirrels, birds, cacti with flowers on them, sunny days, her small pet Fennec fox

Country music, homophobic's (people who don't like/are against homosexual, transgender, and bisexual people), the name Phil, cocky people, mean people, people who bully others, ears, the dark, swimming, guys who talk about their dicks, curly red hair, people with tattoos all over themselves, people who diss Superman & Batman, that piece of skin on the edge of your fingernail that comes up and just hangs there, the wind, when it pours down rain, thunder, the Wizard of Oz, bugs, insects,

Listening to music, singing, drawing, & just sitting alone letting all her thoughts run around

Cherished Items:
iPod, iPhone, Yoda (her pet Fennec)

Teeshirt and skinny jeans with light purple converse that have neon pink shoe laces

Skyler is basically that girl that's always nice to everyone and everything so people feel bad when they hurt her, sometimes anyway. She can be very outgoing, when she puts her mind to it. She can remind people of a little kid, always laughing and smiling when around people she's loves and cares about. But, when she's not around people, she tends to get lonely and be quiet with a little frown on her face as she just sits there and listens to her music, witch is one of the things she has a wide taste of and constantly quotes song lyrics of a song she was listening to.

Thoughts on situation:

Brief History:
Skyler Rea grow up on a little farm in Georgia. She went to public schools and had a loving mother and father and little brother, Billy; everyone called him Billy Boy. She had a grandmother, Granny, and a grandpa, Gran-pa Joe. They were all religious and went to church every Sunday morning, where they then went out to eat after and then to a movie. This went on in Skyler Rea's life until she turned 13 years old and she found out about the different sexualities. All, and I mean All, of her family members believed homosexuality was a major sin right up there with killing and having sex before your married. At 14, Skyler Rea deemed herself bisexual when she developed strong feelings for a girl she had meant around the time she had a boyfriend, and Skyler Rea had the same strong feelings for both this boy and this girl. She desired to "come out" to her friends first, who were very supportive and fine with it, like most kids are. Then she came out to her parents a year later when she was 15. They didn't like that at all and said she was betraying God witch brought out the other confession of not believing God. She got beat for that by her fathers belt. They all still went to church, to eat afterwards, then to a movie, but it was never the same. At 16, Skyler Rea decided to change everything. She dyed her hair from its light brown to a dark amber brown color. She changed her hair to the pretty scene looking hair she has now. She changed the music she listened to and dissed country music. She even lost her country accent for listening to people from Chicago talk on the radio. Her parents got tired of it after a while and kicked her out after they sent a text to her girlfriend & boyfriend saying she was breaking up with them. So, she packed her bags and was kicked out of the house and made it all the way to New York by hitch hiker her way there (witch is dangerous, NEVER DO THAT).

Theme Song(s): Good Time - Owl City ft. Carly Rea Jepson

Sahrahsahe Adams

Room Appearance:

This is Yoda, Skylers pet fennec. Image "He's sooooooooooooooo cute!!!"

So begins...

Skyler Rea's Story


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Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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Skyler walked down the oddly empty sidewalk on the way to the place she has called home for the pass year now. She went to get some fresh air before the new arrivals that were suppose to be coming to "join the family" got there. So, she went and got Yoda then walked the four blocks to the coffee shop to get a special eggnog coffee they had for the holidays. With Yoda hanging on her right forearm, she took her time walking back to the house while sipping on her coffee trying to stay warm. Skyler, being the girl she is and being from the country, had just walked out of the house with jeans and a teeshirt. No jacket. No scarf. Just jeans and a teeshirt and of course Yoda on her arm. Once she got in front of the house, she took another sip of coffee then sat Yoda down to get her key out of her pocket incase the door was locked. She walked in the fort door of the house while taking another sip of coffee. "I'm back!" She called, closing the door behind her then scooping Yoda off the ground by his chest. Skyler heard talking from the kitchen and started walking towards it. Once she got to the door way and saw all the people, she smiled and took another sip of coffee. "Heeeeey people!" She said, trying to make eye contact with everyone as a small smile was plastered on her face.

((Sorry I have no idea who's all there plus I'm on me ipod so it's hard))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Emma Porsche Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek
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Ground rules. Jordyn could most definitely live with ground rules. It kept everyone and everything in line. They were actually really lax guidelines to live by. It sounded like more common sense and courtesy than anything actually restrictive. Jordyn nodded at Craig as he introduced himself. Of course. He was the one running the show, so to speak. Even if he was a little rough around the edges, she knew he had good intentions at the core of him. At least she hoped. She could only hope for any of them to have decency and the mind to not be total twats. Evgeny gave her an answer for his strange lack of layers in the cold weather, and she smiled wryly. So he was used to the bitterness. What a lucky one, he was. Everything started to click into place as usernames suddenly had bodies and faces and voices that she could hear that weren't over the computer (and that was rare, if ever.) They were real. Touchable. Not like she would. Jordyn definitely wasn't the type to go up and just hug someone out of the blue, particularly someone she had only met online.

She smiled warmly at Evgeny. "Dear lord, the world stopped spinning if you weren't online. Unlike some of us, AKA me, who had a helicopter mother who creeped on my internet use. That's borderline abuse." Jordyn smiled a little more, tipping her head to her side, hair tumbling to hang and brush against her arms. There was another entrance, this time being another level of petite female. Sahrahsahe. Sarah. Right. Jordyn squinted at her until there was the username. It all clicked and she grinned, quite amused. Most of them fit their usernames. The personalities were still there, just a lot easier to see in body language and facial expressions. No more smilies. She rolled her eyes playfully as Carsin shot back that she was fully classified as weirdo. "Good to know. Stranger danger, stay in school...blah, blah, blah." Jordyn stuck out her tongue at the girl for a moment.

Suddenly, someone yelling and practically assaulting Carsin. What the...? She watched for a moment as there were tears, then words she didn't quite catch between the two, sort of put off by the white haired girl's behavior. Why did she have to be so loud? Wasn't that rule number one? Or was that three? Did it matter, she didn't need to shout and get everyone's attention. Jordyn sighed, tipping her head forward for a moment, then quickly flicking her head back up to kick her hair away from her face. Emma. The name didn't strike up any distinct memories or feelings. She kept watching her, not terribly amused with her. Party? It was early, and she had just gotten off a seven hour bus ride. Well...maybe she was being a little harsh. Not everyone had a miserable trip here like her. At least she hoped. She looked at Carsin, who had mentioned that they had a free space in her and Emma's room to add a person...she wasn't terribly sure. Hell, she would have to pick a roommate eventually, but something didn't sit right with her. Jordyn would figure it out later.

"Come back to me with the party stuff when it's not like...painfully early." Jordyn finally commented, smiling wearily and rubbing nervously at her face. It was then there was another entry...and by the looks of it, someone who had been living there a while. What was she holding? A rat? No. Was it a dog? Jordyn stared at it. A fox of some sort? It was weird looking. But in a cute way. It was quite endearing in that strange little way. Hmm.

Either way, she really should have been getting her bags upstairs and situated in a room. But it was pointless if she didn't know who she was rooming with and where. She anxiously shifted her weight from one foot to the other, back and forth, examining her housemates. This was quite uncomfortable, now. She had passed the point of wanting to get to know everyone and shifted straight to wanting to get settled and be left alone (well, relatively alone) for a while. It was a selfish want, but after seven hours of travel, she was tired and a little bite-y. Jordyn didn't snap much, but she might end up giving a few harsh stares or silent treatments in her path. Not a great way to start off living with new people.

" that we're aware none of us are serial killers. Rooms. Yes? No. Yes? Please? Someone just point me in the right direction so I can dump my stash of stuff somewhere not in the hallway?" Jordyn asked, giving a nervous grin and holding up her hands.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek Character Portrait: Skyler Rea Character Portrait: Sahrahsahe Adams
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Craig Winters

"But I can't make any promises on the loud sex bit." Craig made a noise that was a cross between laughter and choking on his Pop-Tart. What an expression, it seemed to fit right in with the interesting bunch of people that were meant to live under one roof together. He brushed a few crumbs away from his mouth after finishing his food. Although, he left the second breakfast pastry in the toaster, the item more or less being forgotten during the commotion. He wasn't quite sure how this would work out, but if he was already getting a kick out of it, it couldn't end in complete disaster.

There didn't look to be any objection to the ground rules he had laid out and for that he was relieved, not that he had expected any objections for they were far from being anything ludicrous. They were more like reminders that this wasn't a college fraternity or sorority, if anything. "I'm Sahrahsahe, spare me and just call me Sarah, and most of you probably know me better as TheKleptoLesbo." By her appearance Craig assumed that he would have been able to figure out who exactly she was without the introduction, everything about Sarah screamed 'Caution : This woman is a master of attitude! The sass master, she is fierce and ruthless, do not feed'! Wasn't she freezing in those clothes?

"Hey," He greeted, soon remembering that she was one of the few people that would be able to actually purchase alcohol, legally that is. It'd be nice to live with people that he could actually go and grab a drink with, though just every once in awhile, he wasn't that big of a drinker himself. Craig brought himself down from the counter and stood, stretching momentarily. "If you're up for it, lets go get a drink later. I don't know about partying, but I know a few good bars." He didn't really care if she wanted to check it out or not, but if he could use a couple of drinks, then he was sure someone who's been traveling could use a few too. Besides, it was his night off work.

The number continued to grow as Skyler returned from her morning quest. "Welcome back." She had been living with him the longest; shortly after he found this place, and also shortly after he was kicked out of his previous home with his previous roommates or when he had to drop out of college to take on full shifts and a second job for awhile. Craig grabbed a boiled egg from the fridge and started peeling off the shell, flicking the pieces into the nearby sink. The item of food was met for Yoda, not himself, who had taken awhile to get used to. A year ago he was much more hesitant to having such a young person room with him, especially since it was just them for awhile, yet it had been nice even if he had to work more during the time. Skyler reminded him a lot of his younger sister, someone who he hadn't seen in about five years now, and that was what probably made him give in in the first place.

By now it didn't really bother him too much, it was kind of like having a family again, more or less. Craig approached the auburn haired girl and held the now peeled egg in front of Yoda, waiting for the fox to take it. "If you get a cold, I'm not going to pay for you to see a doctor." He warned, noticing that she was lacking anything that would actually keep her warm. That was a lie, if she really did become so ill, he'd find a way to make sure she got the treatment she needed.

" that we're aware none of us are serial killers. Rooms. Yes? No. Yes? Please? Someone just point me in the right direction so I can dump my stash of stuff somewhere not in the hallway?" He glanced backwards, trying to remember who was rooming with who, though it wasn't his strong suit. "There's empty bedrooms upstairs, except for Skyler and Carsin's rooms, so if you want you can just grab one and figure out room arrangements later." That sounded reasonable to him, he really wasn't the type to try and force these situations together, they could figure out their own roommates. "Mine still has room too, it's by the living room." Craig didn't care who roomed with him as long as they didn't mess with his things, he didn't hang around in it too often aside from sleeping anyways.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Emma Porsche Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek
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"I wont get a cold!" Skyler said in response to Craig's comment. She decided to take a quick review who she saw.
Her hairs extra white! It makes her real pretty though. That guy has a lot of red hair and looks a bit like a hippie. Guy with a cat. I have no words. Girl with black hair. Cute. Chick with brown hair. She's cute too. Punk-ish looking chick. She looks cool. Carsin, she's cute. Then Craig, I know the guy already.

That concluded Sky's quick analysis of all these people so far. She couldn't help but smile at everyone and their eagerness to get into a room. "Okay!" Sky said as she sat Yoda on the ground, who then went towards the table and looked up at it. Sky drunk the rest of her coffee and throw the cup away than stood by the fridge looking at everyone. "Like Craig-lyn said, the rooms are up stairs, except for his. Some people can room with me if y'all want. But let me warn ya', I'm pretty awesome." Sky said, using a lot of hand gestures as she spoke, then turned to the fridge and took out a large Monster Energy Drink that she opened and took a sip of. "Oh, by the way, I'm Skyler, or Sky if y'all want." Sky said then nodded down towards Yoda, who was still looking up at the table. "And that's Yoda. Be careful. He uses the force." She said smiling at everyone and taking a few more sips of her Monster before heading up stairs. She passed the room that the guy the had said something about the cat was in and she gave him a big smile and a weird wave. Then she went to her room, leaving the door open just in case, and laid down on her bed with one knee up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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Carsin smiled when Sky came in with Yoda and gave her a small wave then went and made herself another cup of coffee "Well I guess I should get ready, I mean I can't look like this the rest of the day. I call it my morning look. I have a couple beds in my room so anyone who wants to make themselves comfortable in there go ahead."

She went to go up the stairs but stopped for a moment "Oh just so everyone knows you might hear violin music from my room and usually music all the time, if it gets too loud just let me know and ill turn it down" she smiled to the group and continued upstairs but before she went to her own room she went to Skys.

Noticing the door open a bit she knocked on the door two times before stepping in, seeing Sky on her bed "Hey Sky got a question for ya, was wondering if you wanted to do some harmonizing or work on some songs after I get ready. I thought maybe I could pull my violin out and practice some. Interested?" Leaning against the doorway she took a sip from her coffee and waited for Sky's answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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Sky was laying there on her bed starring at the ceiling when she heard two knocks at the door. She propped herself up on her elbows, one of her knees still up in the air. She saw a familiar face, Carsin, standing there and gave the girl a smile. She liked Carsin. Why? No idea, she just does. She nodded and smiled as Carsin spoke. "Hey Sky got a question for ya, was wondering if you wanted to do some harmonizing or work on some songs after I get ready. I thought maybe I could pull my violin out and practice some. Interested?" Sky, nodding like a little kid who really wants some candy with her hair jumping and covering her face, flipped her hair back away from her face with a flick of her head. "Yeah, Yeah! That sounds fun!" She said with a big smile pasted on her face. Music was one of the only ways Skyler was able to be. If there had been no such thing as music, then who would Sky be? She would still be the blondish country girl from Georgia who went out and brushed her houses everyday after they got home from church. Sky missed her family. More specifically, her little brother Billy. Billy. Billy-Boy. Sky shook her head slightly and looked back at Carsin with a big smile reappearing on her face and she stood up and decided to do what she does every morning after he Monster. "I'm wide awake." She sang smiling having as much fun as she could make it seem.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Emma Porsche Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Dean Morgan Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters
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#, as written by S1mon
Dean Morgan

Such a long night and busy too as the crowds multiplied ten to the dozen as Dean stood behind a long wooden counter, on top of which were full of so many delicious food, including the infamous popcorn. Many a time, Dean seemed envious of all the people eating and watching the latest movies on the big screen, but it did not bother him too much. After all, there were many benefits for working in the cinema unlike the club, there weren’t so many fights for starters. The cinema did have a bar, which is where the most action was (unless you were watching James Bond). It seemed that his job was improving, except for some guys that didn’t quite like the new guy hogging the limelight as it were, what was what tended to happen with any new job.

It however didn’t bother him, and after a hard evenings’ work, he enjoyed a peaceful sleep in the top floor of the shared accommodation he had come to. He had been there for a week now and it was nice not having the burden of having all his earnings going into the house with little for himself. Craig, the owner, had told them all that they had some more guys coming in, so Dean set his alarm ten minutes before the estimated time of arrival, got dressed and took off in the Capri. He’d let Craig do all the introduction stuff as it was his place afterall, while he went for a spin before getting breakfast for everybody down MacDonalds. Dean was king in that respect, but at the same time, he wouldn’t stress out over petty little things, which is why he got bacon, sausage and egg McMuffin, so if there was one part somebody didn’t like, they could easily take it out. It wasn’t so hard, so should at least be grateful.

Dean was pretty fed-up of tending to people too much, only to be rewarded with a smack in the face, rather than the preferred kiss or a thank you. He had been let down quite a few times and did not fancy it happening again. The first date was supposed to lift his spirits not dampen them. He could not lie that the time when he felt loved was not food as it was the sweetest thing on earth to be loved by somebody. Rejection, being used, being played, were not so sweet and as such, Dean had been unlucky to be part of. He was a caring guy but his past had hardened his shell. Despite this, he still tries to be friendly, but more open to speak, if he feels something is wrong to prevent something bad happening again.

As a result of his experiences, much has changed within Dean to prevent him breaking up again. He was Humpty Dumpty that had fell from the wall, only to be pieced together in the wrong way so he wasn’t himself. It wasn’t a total bad thing, but like all things, there were pro’s and con’s. One of which was his smoking habit which he had developed as a result. In order to get companionship, he adapted to what others do to make him look good and now all of them were gone with their love of their lives while he remained alone and rejected. However he was thankful to the online chat that he went on, and then joining the House with others like him, and as such, he was more kind towards them.

Pulling up outside, Dean pulled the bag of McMuffin’s out with one hand, while he closed the door, locked the car and let himself in with the other. Once he was inside, he looked around and noticed quite a few unfamiliar faces, but if anyone was hungry, then they were sure going to come running and be overjoyed with him. Putting the bag onto the kitchen table, he pulled out two, seeing that pulling out more would make them all squashed, and walked towards Craig as he bellowed, “Breakfast is served! Get it while it’s hot!” and passing one of the McMuffin’s to Craig with a smile. Turning slightly to await the mad rush to the bag to get their Maccies like hyenas after their prey. “This everybody?”, he asked Craig as he glanced around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Morgan Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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Carsin smiled at Sky "Great, I just got to get myself looking good instead of my morning look. Figure out some songs you want to do okay?" She smiled at the girl singing and turned around to head to her room. Hearing Jordyn she smirked, she liked Jordyn in the chatroom so it will be interesting sharing a room with her.

Going into the room she saw Jordyns stuff already on one side, but the other girl wasnt in the room Shrugging she goes over to her side room to her dresser and picked out her outfit, then grabbed a towel and headed to one of the bathrooms.

Once inside she made sure to lock the door then undressed and got into the shower. After getting cleaned up and dried off she got dressed and went back into her room where she dropped her clothes onto her bed and grabbed her straightner, hair stuff, and makeup. Going back into the bathroom she plugged in her straightner, then did up her makeup, straighter her hair, making it have the messy hair look. She was glad she did the teal and white highlights this time with the feathers, it did her some justice. Taking one more look in the mirror she grinned, then took her things back to her room.

Hearing Dean yell that breakfast was served she left her room and went over to Skys room "Okay, I am ready..Dean got breakfast, ao lets get something to eat before we start" she smiled then headed downstairs and quickly grabbed an egg mcmuffin from the bag and moved away so others could get in. Unwrapping the breakfast sandwhich she took out the meat and put it on a paper towel "Anyone that wants that they can have it, Dean thank you, your awesomesauce" she said and gave Dean a quick hug before going over and making herself her third cup of coffe.

Once she had her breakfast and coffee she went into the living room and saw Jordyn on the couch. Smiling she sat down on the other side of the couch "Im glad your going to be my roommate, been sorta lonely in the my home I was used to sharing a room with my twin" she said as she then took a bite of the breakfast sandwhich.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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Skyler snapped out of her spacing out moment and sat down on her bed for a second as she hummed to Fireflies by Owl City. "I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly…" Skyler sang, her voice sounding so lovely against the lyrics. Singing was one of the things Sky did to get away and pretend to be someone else. That and acting of course.

Yoda seemed to smile at Skyler's singing, opening his mouth and yipping then panting a little as he wagged his tail. Sky smiled at him then stood up and walked down the stairs. "So many people in this house yet no one to talk to!" She said in a sarcastic whinny voice as she headed down the stairs, Yoda close behind her. She couldn't remember who was who from the chat room, so she honestly had no idea who was who except for the few people that already lived here before all these new people showed up.

Hearing talking in the living room, Sky went passed Craig and sat on the ground in front of the couch by Carsin and two other girls. "Craiggy, don't forget to get ice-cream. I think I ate it all." Skyler said, sounding like a little kid as she looked up at Craig with big eyes from her spot on the ground. She was sitting criss-cross, leaning forward with her hands on her ankles. She then turned to Carsin and the other girls. "Hey." Sky said, stretching out he 'e' and smiling as she gently rocked back and forth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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Riley B. Day

"Hey Riley, Jordyn is also rooming with me but there is a third bed and I don't mind you rooming with us. You will just have to deal with our crazy lifestyles as Jordyn mentioned earlier." The other black-haired girl spoke and chuckled. Riley smiled at her, trying to recall her name. "You're... Carsin, yes?" Her name came in a flash, and Riley smiled even brighter as she spoke it. Being around people was nice, she thought. Some were nicer than the people around at home, and it felt good to be around those who understood her situation.

Riley listened as Jordyn spoke. "Pretty much what Carsin said. If you can put up with us, you're good to shove your stuff in there. Just don't touch my laptop. Might kill you." Riley's smile faltered a little. Jordyn sounded pretty serious, but when she laughed, Riley relaxed. "I'm kidding, of course. There shouldn't be any problems. I think the main complaint you might have about me is that I never go anywhere. My butt will be imprinted on the couch or the bed. And if you find note pages with scribblings about people and murder plots...don't worry. It's just my note taking. I'm not a serial killer. Not yet, at least." Jordyn shrugged, and Riley laughed. "I like you."

Riley prepared to introduce her habits to Jordyn and Carsin. "Well, I suppose I don't take up much space, except maybe for my hair dye and straighteners and curlers and whatnot. I assure you, I'm very skilled at keeping things compact, especially when it comes to my hair stuff. I change my appearance now and then, but you should still be able to recognise me. I'm terrible at getting up early - still trying to get used to it, breakfast is going to be a nightmare - so if I don't get up in time for breakfast, would it be too much to ask you to save a little for me? I don't eat much, but if you don't it's okay. I'm on my phone a lot, and I constantly write in my diary, so don't mind me much. I'm not so social, if you haven't noticed, so if I don't speak to you or anything, I'm not mad - simply taking a break from society." She paused to take a breath and thought. "I think that's all, look forward to rooming with you guys. If you'd just show me the room later..."

She allowed herself to trail off to give the girls a break from her rambling. Just then, a girl Riley knew to be Skyler turned to them. "Hey." Riley waved. "Hi."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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I think the main complaint you might have about me is that I never go anywhere. My butt will be imprinted on the couch or the bed. And if you find note pages with scribblings about people and murder plots...don't worry. It's just my note taking. I'm not a serial killer." Carsin laughed at what Jordyn said, she liked the girls antics they were amusing and she felt they were going to get along quite well. "Murder plots...interesting I must say, Remind me to never piss you off" she said jokingly then looked to Riley.

"Yup I am Carsin, the one and only Blitz. And no worries about space hun, there is plenty of space in the room for three. And trust me I am not a morning person, I only got up this early because I knew y'all were coming. And like I told Jordyn I play the violin and I like my usually I have music playing around me all the time" she then pointed ti the ear bud in her ear thay was connected to her ipod in her pocket. "Just ask Sky, I always have music going...its pretty much my life, or sometimes I do some drawing and Riley we will have to talk about hair stuff because as you can see I love to mess with my hair color" pointing to her hair then smiled to Sky who sat down on the ground in front of her.

"Hey Sky! So whenever you want to go and make some music just let me know. I was thinking maybe we could video tape us doing a cover to a song and put it on you tube, you up for it?" Carsin already has done some covers of different songs and put them on youtube. People actually liked her so she decided to keep going with it.

"So if Sky, you want to go practice some music now I can show Riley the room, fortunately it is one of the rooms next to the biggest bathroom. I chose it when I got her a few weeks ago" looking around to each of the girls she couldnt help but be happy. "I also need to get another cup of coffee..or two before we go up" she chuckled and held up her empty coffee cup.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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0.00 INK

"Hey Sky! So whenever you want to go and make some music just let me know. I was thinking maybe we could video tape us doing a cover to a song and put it on you tube, you up for it" Carsin had said, then Skyler smiled. "Okay! Sound's like fun!" She said happily as she stood up, almost falling back on the ground as she did so, putting her hands out. Sky then heard what else Carsin said and looked at the girl with her eyebrows up and a smile on her face. "Okay, okay. You seriously need to get a bigger coffee cup." Sky said jokingly with a smile looking at Carsin. So cute. Sky thought, not really understanding why though. She shook her head a minute, her hair falling in her face then pushing her bangs out of her eyes. "Let's go then!" Sky added, clapping her hands a little as she looked at Carsin and the other girls whose names she'll eventually remember, then heading towards the stairs to go upstairs.

Yoda, on the other hand, was having a little fun terrorizing a cat.

((couldn't resist putting that haha))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasiy Norn Character Portrait: Riley B. Day Character Portrait: Dean Morgan Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Evgeny Boroschek
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#, as written by S1mon
Dean Morgan

Despite being rejected by those he knew all his life, he was accepted here. The same feeling applied to everyone else, which was why everyone got along okay. Couldn't really say that everyone got on wonderfully because they were all their own person. They had all gone through some rejection and some had closed themselves from others after all they've faced. He himself had changed as a result of his experiences. If he looked back to how he was before, he would be looking at someone completely different. Dean often looked up to people and in order to be liked by that particular person, he would mould himself in order to be seen and be part of it all. That approach obviously hadn't worked or he wouldn't be here. Others saw how Dean acted, took advantage and carried on from then.

However, he didn't regret coming here, as Craig was cool and was great to hang around with. Dean first smoked when he was copying someone else and ended up coughing quite a bit as he didn't do it right, before getting use to it and using it for stress, but now getting worse to keep his mind free and also look cool. Then there was Skyler and Carsin who lived here also when he arrived and they were cool too and nice gals. Carsin played the violin so it was nice to be with others who played music himself. Dean played the guitar, acoustic rather than electric and loved the sound that came from the strings, providing it was in-tune, that is.

Thinking about who he did know, he then thought about those he did not know, all the newcomers, which is why he asked Craig if that was all. His reply..."I think so", which meant that he got the right amount and now can start familiarising himself with the new people. Calling them for food was one way, as he could then see people as they came to collect it. Carsin was first as she took hers and put her meat on the side before thanking him, "Dean thank you, your awesomesauce", causing him to smile as she then gave him a quick hug before joining a new girl with the regular sight of coffee in her hand. It'll only be a matter of time before she'd want another, keeping herself awake for hours to come.

"I'm about to go buy some groceries. Is there anything the two of you want?...Unless you just want to tag along", Craig asked. Dean first looked at the new guy who was under the table if he had anything to say, seeing as with his own job, he could buy anything he wanted, just as Craig could, so he thought he'd stick in a little something to help Craig out, "If we haven't got any pasta, then could get some of that. I've not checked the cupboards yet", one side of his mouth tugged to reveal a half-smile, seeing as he was out of the house as soon as he woke up. With Craig then moving towards the girls, Dean then moved onto his own McMuffin which was indeed very yummy and went down a treat. He wasn't sure whether to go grocery shopping or not. He might go out if there was nothing else to do.

"Thank you very much!", said one of the new guys with long red hair. It was....unusual, but he could admit that it looked pretty cool and it seemed he too took pride in his appearance as he did, especially round his face which shined as he smiled. "You welcome", before seeing him go over to the guy under the table. Seemed everyone was getting along fine. However, he'd have some coffee first as he pulled out the coffee jar and waiting for the kettle to boil before making it. The perfect drink to have in the morning. When it was done, he walked over towards the new guys as he asked, "Anything you guys want as we're getting food in..." to see what they liked, seeing as he overheard one of them offer to take their luggage upstairs, so he'd ask them before they went up.

With them going upstairs, there was nothing else to do, so he decided to accompany Craig on the grocery trip as he opened the door slowly and entered in. "I'll come with you Craig. We leaving now or in a bit?". He glanced around the room and saw Carsin with her cup in the high, no doubt asking for another which made him smile as he walked over to her, "Here you are Carsin" as he turned the cup around so he was holding it around the base so that she could safely from his hand with the handle, "Though take it quickly or I'll burn myself and be unable to play", adding a smile and taking her empty cup with his free hand.

Dean was helpful afterall, and there was no point drinking if they were doing out. Besides, maybe what he needed was some nice cool energy drink from the store. With everyone busy introducing each other and the fact Dean arrived late with everyone starting to fall back into their rooms, there wasn't alot for Dean to do, though he didn't mind it. When he came back, he could get on with playing his guitar or have a little smoke outside. He wondered if any of the new guys smoked at all....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Morgan Character Portrait: Jordyn Tessa Hedrich Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Carsin Huntress Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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Craig Winters

He made a mental list; Less microwave food, tofu, veggie burgers, fruit, vegetables and pasta. Nothing too crazy or out there, yeah, he could remember all of that with no problem. Living with a vegetarian had been odd at first, but he quickly grew accustomed to it, and buying to suit these new needs would be easy. Also, having people that could cook in the house was always a plus. Hell, maybe they'd even have proper holiday dinners now? "Got it." He nodded, before looking over to Skyler, who was acting particularly bubbly this morning. It could be that she was happy to have more people around the house, especially more girls. To tell the truth, he was glad for that; because wouldn't it be good for her?

"You ate it all already?" He teased, eyebrow arching. Sky's ice cream addiction could rival Carsin's coffee drinking habit. Honestly, at times she reminded him of a person that worked long hours at a corporation, rather than a teenager. It was possible that she drank more coffee than anyone else he had met, and he had run into a lot of people during his twenty two years of life. Of course, this could just be an exaggeration, but that didn't change how they were already running low on the stuff. He'd have to remember to pick up more coffee as well, lest they face the consequences of living in a house with cranky, half asleep young people. Of course, he would end up buying the gourmet expensive stuff like always. That line in Pulp Fiction really spoke to him, when he drank coffee he wanted to taste it.

"I won't forget." Craig said in regards to the ice cream, doing so could also bring upon an unfortunate situation that he rather avoid. There was a reason why you didn't make people drop their addictions cold turkey. "I'll be back soon then..." His sentence trailed off as Sky left the room and his eyes meeting the commotion between pets. Yoda and the cat were put into a western stand off, and whenever the fox would forward, the feline would step back. This couldn't be good. In a blur the animals took off, one chasing the other, scrambling out of the living room to God knows where. Craig rubbed his temple before walking over to the stairs where Skyler had relocated too, probably planning to get ready for whatever plans she had made with the others. "Make sure Yoda doesn't destroy the house while I'm gone, Sky!" He called after her from the hall, sounding only midly irritated.

He glanced back to where he thought they disappeared to, suddenly thankful that he closed his bedroom door. "And don't let them kill each other, either!" He was not in the business of cleaning up animal corpses. A death on their hands would be coming too soon. Did fennec foxes get along with cats? He didn't even know, he wasn't an expert on animals at all; for all he knew they could just be playing, and not facing each other in life or death battle. Hopefully it was the former, bloodstains could be a bitch, and he was not going to try digging a grave when the ground was solid like this. Craig sighed, this was going to be an interesting first week, he could already tell. No, he could already see the headlines, if they didn't make front page because of some bizarre occurance or melodramatic tragedy he'd consider them lucky. This was some reality tv shit right here.

"I'll come with you Craig. We leaving now or in a bit?" Dean was entering the living room by the time he had returned, and he was happy to hear he'd get some assistance with the trip, since he wasn't really the type to ask people for help in the first place. "I'm going to smoke a cigarette outside first, then we'll leave." He'd have to buy more this time, but years of living on less than paycheck-to-paycheck had gotten him used to finding good deals. He was like a working single-mother (Wait, wasn't that exactly what he was? He didn't want to think about it.) when it came to coupons, anything to save an extra buck or two, and he was past feeling lame for it. He was too old to try and keep the whole 'cool rebel without a cause' image anymore. "Just come outside when you're ready." Craig said before moving through the living room towards and out the front door, closing it behind him.

Once outside he settled himself down onto one of the steps, deciding he might as well make himself comfortable. After digging through his pockets the man had a cigarette between his lips and a lighter in his hands, lighting it with ease before pocketing the cheap device. Craig inhaled the smoke with a problem, he usually wouldn't smoke again so soon, but counted this as a special occasion. Besides, he didn't really care that much if his habit worsened, though it would be annoying if he developed a bad cough. That might happen anyways, now that he was living with so many people. On the internet they seemed fine, and even in person he didn't really have any complaints about them. Their impressions were good ones, but no matter what, living with that number of people was going to get stressful. Well, at least he'd have good company on the trip to the store.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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Sky smiled at Craig about the ice-cream and nodded happily. She knew she had an addiction to ice-cream, like a little kid almost, but she always told herself at least it ain't drugs or something like that. To be honest, that's what made Sky a bit of a goddy-goody. She never really tried any type of drugs or smoking or drinking before. Well, she has drank before, but the only drink that she's addicted to is maybe those dumb Monster Energy Drinks that she has two everyday. Sky the heard what Craig said about Yoda and the cat. She knew Yoda wouldn't hurt the cat, but she wasn't sure about the cat. "Okay." She said laughing then got up and picked Yoda up. His ears laid sideways, almost flat, making him look like Yoda from the Star Wars movies, witch is where he got his name.

She decided to go wait up in her room with Yoda. Sky headed up stairs, Yoda in her arms, and went in her room. She sat Yoda on her bed before picking up her notebook and pen. The notebook was covered, front and back, with little drawings and doodles and nonsense. Sky the grabbed it and sat down on the bed, leaning back against the wall. Yoda climbed on Sky's lap and laid down as she opened to notebook with the pen in her hand. The page she opened it to was about half way full. Not of mindless little doodles, but it was a half way written song or poem. Sky read it over and over until she could find out how to tweak it and what to add.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Craig Winters Character Portrait: Skyler Rea
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0.00 INK

Sky smiled at Craig about the ice-cream and nodded happily. She knew she had an addiction to ice-cream, like a little kid almost, but she always told herself at least it ain't drugs or something like that. To be honest, that's what made Sky a bit of a goddy-goody. She never really tried any type of drugs or smoking or drinking before. Well, she has drank before, but the only drink that she's addicted to is maybe those dumb Monster Energy Drinks that she has two everyday. Sky the heard what Craig said about Yoda and the cat. She knew Yoda wouldn't hurt the cat, but she wasn't sure about the cat. "Okay." She said laughing then got up and picked Yoda up. His ears laid sideways, almost flat, making him look like Yoda from the Star Wars movies, witch is where he got his name.

She decided to go wait up in her room with Yoda. Sky headed up stairs, Yoda in her arms, and went in her room. She sat Yoda on her bed before picking up her notebook and pen. The notebook was covered, front and back, with little drawings and doodles and nonsense. Sky the grabbed it and sat down on the bed, leaning back against the wall. Yoda climbed on Sky's lap and laid down as she opened to notebook with the pen in her hand. The page she opened it to was about half way full. Not of mindless little doodles, but it was a half way written song or poem. Sky read it over and over until she could find out how to tweak it and what to add.