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Connal Arvid

Don't worry, I will keep it safe.

0 · 248 views · located in Soul 2 Soul

a character in “Connection”, originally authored by JEDH3, as played by RolePlayGateway


~Hair: dusty brown with black speckles
~Eyes: Green
~Skin: Tan
~Age: 17
~Height: 5'10"
~Body: Athletic
~Dark green T-Shirt with black vest
~Dark blue jeans
~OD green patrol cap
~Black fingerless gloves


Connal is generally a happy individual, always glad to make friends. He is very secretive about his life though, and rarely spends time with anyone outside of school. Despite this, his friends find him trustworthy. He looks at secrets as any Griffin would look at their treasure, and once is told not to tell anyone, he will never speak of it again. He has often been made fun of for how seriously he guards the most menial of things -such as a soda- when a friend asks him to watch it while they are gone by refusing to move or look away until the owner returns no matter what else is going on around him. But he has little choice over the matter, even without his father's constant lecturing, his genetics would make him act the same.

He is also has strong faith in the Christian God due to his family's close history with the Church.


He also always keeps a Claymore Sword hidden with magic on his person at all times, As well as a bag of runes carved on pebbles for miscellaneous uses, and a magic book that has been passed down in his family for generations that specifically teaches the Art of being a Guardian.


"Griffins have always been the perfect guardians. If something needs to be protected, no matter what its value size, or form is, a Griffin will guard it with its life." This is what Connal grew up hearing. Never a day went by without his father drilling this ideology into his head. His father also taught him what he needed to know in order to protect anything. "A Griffin may be required to lay down its life, but that must be considered a last resort. For when you die, you have failed." He was taught how to fight, how to use magic, how to hide, how to find, and much more. His father was not a harsh man, but he was very strict. He was considered to be one of the greatest of guardians, and wanted his son to be even better than he. Connal grew up never knowing his mother, although his father rarely spoke of her. All Connal knows is that she died giving birth to him.

Note: So I looked up the Griffin's place in mythology, and was surprised at what I found. although the comparison was never made, after looking at a few different sources, it seems as though the Griffin is a lot like the Western version of the Nine Tailed Fox in Japan. They play very different roles, but it seems like the power of each one is very similar. Kind of interesting when you look into it. Sorry, I normally don't add notes like this to the bottom of my character sheets, but I found the mythology fascinating.

So begins...

Connal Arvid's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Arashi Inazuma Character Portrait: Alex Pido Character Portrait: Yuki Ryugami Character Portrait: Kichigai "KK" Kouen Character Portrait: Connal Arvid
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Today was day one and Yuki had been late for school but that didn't bother her. In fact she never showed up on the first day, it was a prime day to pull pranks when no one knew who you were. With a dreamy smile she walked down the empty halls casually as she hummed to herself and counted down in her head, "In three... two... one."

As though on a set timer an explosion could be heard from a classroom behind her as students staggered out coughing and with green hair just as she turned the corner. Earlier before the start of class when the teacher was in her classroom she'd snuck into the lab to see if any experiments were to be conducted that day and she was ecstatic to find out there were so she changed out the chemicals to cause this display. Leaning around the corner she viewed her work proudly before the students finally noticed what was off and started panicking and generally making a big fuss, signaling that it was time for her to hide for now.

Without further ado she silently ran down the hall at a light trott and into what she assumed would be an empty classroom since there was no curious murmurs coming from it. Swiftly opening the door and going inside, she sighed in relief when she heard the first door open after she'd closed her own, marking the start of other teachers and students going to investigate the commotion. Yuki struggled a bit to hold in her laughter as she heard people start rushing past her only to burst out laughing when they saw her work and she was able to but barely. However five unfamiliar scents suddenly registered scaring her enough to almost allow her tails and ears to pop out, thankfully her fox magic held up but it did sober her mood considerably.

"Uh... Hi? I don't suppose you guys could just forget that you ever saw me and let me get away, could you?" she asked uncertainly with a sweet disarming smile that could make almost anyone think that she wasn't capable of doing anything wrong or devious in the slightest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Arashi Inazuma Character Portrait: Alex Pido Character Portrait: Yuki Ryugami Character Portrait: Kichigai "KK" Kouen Character Portrait: Connal Arvid
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Looking around at the gathered group of her fellow classmates she knew that they weren't human by their scents, but even for mythical creatures they were speaking strangely. Taking another sniff of the room she couldn't detect any traces of any sort of drugs having been used by any of them. "Great I just ran into a group of mythical nutters?" she thought to herself in exasperation. However, as she was about to turn to leave the griffin smelling boy said something that instantly incised her, it had sounded like he was accusing her of purposely causing someone physical harm.

"Hey! No one was hurt!" Yuki growled as she glared at him, "All I did was change out the chemicals in the chemistry lab so that their hair would turn a nice lime green and in an hour or so their skin will turn cotton candy pink (her eyes started to glimmer in joy as she remembered her prank then a mischievous smile made its way to her features). The explosion was a minor side-effect of the chemical reaction and the coloring isn't permeant. Though to get rid of it, one might consider a nice mud bath." Her last comment indicating that she was either getting ready to set up another prank or that she already had another one already set up, it was difficult to tell which.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Fenix Character Portrait: Connal Arvid
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Watching as some of the others leave the room that he had just entered, Angel had simply crossed his arms as he leaned on the wall next to the door. He listened to the kid as he was talking about something that was related on the lines with magical beings and twelve others and how odd it was that we had met each other at the same time. After his little speech, Angel had simply shuffled himself around, pushing his frame away from the wall...

"Well, as that kid was impatient to know who I am, let me introduce myself. I am Angel Fenix, but I just go by Angel most of the time. And, what's this about magical beings and all that jazz?"

He cracked a sly grin as he pushed his orange hair to the side, as it had slid down into his face when he moved. Before he could hear the answers from the others, the intercom rang out through the school, a signal for his early departure...


"I'm sorry, but it seems that I need to go. If you need anything, I'll probably be in the Cafeteria or in the Library."

With a simple wave, Angel cracked the door open, slipping through the gap that he had just made before returning the door back to his previous position. Well, this is going to be one hell of a school year for me, I guess, he muttered to himself, walking down the hallway.

As he reached the corner of the hallway, he gazed through both directions, in case of a small horde of "fangirls" were around the corner to swallow him up at any given moment. But the coast was clear, and he continued his small trip towards the school office, unsure of what they wanted of him exactly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Kichigai "KK" Kouen Character Portrait: Erin Ice Character Portrait: Connal Arvid
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"I want you to be honest." She said after a long silence. "You could make the last two/three periods if I drive you back now." Erin was already beginning to get up, even though she was reluctant to do so. In all honesty she didn't want Connal to leave, and was enjoying his company. But they were stranger, and after this book thing was figured out, that was probably all they would ever be. Barely friends, if you could even call them that. It saddened her to think of their meeting as nothing more than how to decode a mystery, but it seemed to be true.

Erin didn't make friends anyways, so there was nothing different about this. It was like a school project. She was "friends" with someone until the project was over, and then they would go back to their real friends and Erin would return to her books. "So what d'you say?"


"Having a secret party that they didn't want us to know about. Because obviously then we would throw our own party and everyone knows dragons are fucking epic and throw amazing parties." Snow said without blinking, but her lips twitched into a smile as she laughed quietly. "Or maybe just doing whatever they please, sort of like us." Without thinking, she leaned her head against KK's shoulder, but unlike other times she didn't move away.

"What do you want to do?" She asked, unsure what other kids would think when classes ended and they found the pair sitting in the hallway together. "Unless you're going back to class I mean."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Ice Character Portrait: Connal Arvid
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#, as written by JEDH3
Connal thought about what she said for a moment before answering, "I never thought about it quite like that before, but it makes sense. Either way, I don't believe in it. If they all end up marrying each other sometime in the future, then that will have been their choice. Not because they were meant to. In any case, Romeo and Juliette was not so much fate, than it was the ill thought tantrums of two immature children." He glanced up at her and seeing her expression, immediately apologized. "I'm sorry. The concept of being controlled by an invisible force and having no true choice in anything I do makes me rather bitter. And I hate Romeo and Juliette." wanting to change the subject, he quickly continued, "Anyway, I just thought I would mention that there were more of us. I will try to introduce you to them tomorrow if you would like."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Ice Character Portrait: Connal Arvid
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#, as written by JEDH3
"The end is nothing more than the beginning. It gives you something to look forward to during the dark times. Kind of like Christmas. It is always chaos and stress in preparation, but on Christmas morning, you finally get to open your present. I suppose that is a terrible analogy, but it is the best I can come up with for how I feel about death on the spot."

Hearing her last comment, he answered, "Perhaps that is because you have never met any of our kind before. I had a hard time growing up alone. I had human friends, but I was still always the different one. even the other kids knew I was not normal, but none of them knew why. But it feels different when you are with others like us. Almost natural. I won't make you meet them, but I would suggest it."