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Sorin Lair

"I said, f*ck off!"

0 · 326 views · located in Ravenwood

a character in “Contained”, as played by Sullenkiller


Name: Sorin Lair

Gender: Male

Age: Eighteen

Weapon: Two Machetes and a 9mm pistol. 

Personality: Sorin is quiet and usually has a pissed off look on his face. He is nothing like his sister, he will do everything to keep the group alive. He loves his sister more then anything and  is the only reason he is alive is because of her. He has a reputation of not to be messed with, and lives up to it. 

History: Sorin grew up with a horrible house life. His father abandoned him when he was five and his mother had a very serious drug issue and would be gone for days at a time leaving Sorin with no food or electricity. When Sorin was twelve his mother was raped and became pregnant. His mother wanted an abortion but Sorim threatened her if she killed his baby then he would turn her into the police for drug use and child neglect. She agreed and nine months later a baby girl was born. His mother didn't feed her, care for her, saying if Sorin wanted her he could have her. He did. He raised her, fed her, and cared for her since she was born. He grew extremely attached to his sister and right when he turned eighteen he filed for child custody considering he was making a decent living without his mothers help. 

 He won custody and a few months later while Yina was at school Sorin heard the broadcast. Saying stay where your at. He immediately got in his car and drove to the school. Threatening the break in the doors of he didn't get his sister they agreed and Sorin hightailed back home with her. Making sure she was alright. Luckily she was. 

So begins...

Sorin Lair's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Vega Character Portrait: Trent Corrigan Character Portrait: Emery Harlow Character Portrait: Jet Crossfire-Harlow Character Portrait: Rowan Nox Character Portrait: Sorin Lair
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He wasn’t exactly happy about being with the group, but in the same sense he was kind of content, besides the feeling of helplessness that kept eating at the pit o his stomach that he had no clue where his sister was and it was killing him. He sighed as he leaned against one on the shelves of the hardware store that the group had taken refuge in for the night. Not that it was night yet but the sun was close to setting and they knew things got worse at night. They could at least walk around running into two maybe three of the infected during the day, but the infected knew people were more helpless at night they could catch them off guard. He ran a hand through his hair absentmindedly “Here why don’t you use my back pack” he said handing his black back pack to Jane, he had become quite protective of her, he wasn’t sure why but he had a good feeling it had something to do with the fact she reminded him a bit of Emery, and if he couldn’t protect his sister he would protect Jane, though most the time he did it without thinking. “I’ll keep watch tonight” he offered to the others.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Vega Character Portrait: Yina Lair Character Portrait: Trent Corrigan Character Portrait: Jet Crossfire-Harlow Character Portrait: Rowan Nox Character Portrait: Sorin Lair
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"Here why don’t you use my back pack?" Jet offered "Thanks" She said softly. She took the bag and put it on the floor by the doors. She hated being without Jet. He was her rock. She always felt safe around him. She lay her head down on the bag, looking up at Jet. "I'll keep watch tonight" He said. "Ya, ya we know" She laughed a bit. Jet was like the leader of the "group". Being the oldest, bravest and probably smartest out of all of them. But she felt like it was more of a family for her. They all cared for each other, whether they would admit it or not. She never had a family before, growing up in a foster home. Though no one here knew that. They all thought that her parents had been infected right away, and she let them think that. Growing up in the foster home, she had no where to go. She was alone and scared. Jane, being the second youngest, was probably one of the weakest ones. They kept Yina, Sorins younger sister, because who would leave an 6 year old all alone at a time like this? Jane and Yina had bonded, since they were often on the side lines, watching for any infected coming along. She had been laying with her eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling, for about 10 minutes, thinking back to when she was at the foster home. Even though she had no parents, no friends and no true home, at least people weren't trying to kill her. "Jet... I can't sleep..." She said bringing her dead gaze towards him. He always knew what to do, well it seemed like it anyways. She crawled over to him and sat down next to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Vega Character Portrait: Yina Lair Character Portrait: Trent Corrigan Character Portrait: Jet Crossfire-Harlow Character Portrait: Rowan Nox Character Portrait: Sorin Lair
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Rowan silently watched the others. She sat slightly off to the side, her body tensed up. Her grey eyes flicked from the others, to the outside. Her blonde curls fell in her face. She seemed very on-edge. In general, Rowan didn't like sleeping. She was very expressive as she slept, making everything from twitches and murmurs to quiet cries of fear. Nobody knew her past, but it was pretty safe to guess that it wasn't a happy one.
"I'll stay up, too." She offered Jet softly when he announced he was going to stay up. It was easy to tell she was not going to negotiate by the look she had in her eyes. Usually she wasn't this edgy, but something seemed to be bothering her. Her lips pursed, she brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. This was often how she sat- she felt more protected this way. She watched each of the others carefully. Trent was asleep with his gun, Sorin had Yina asleep in his lap, and Jane was crawling over to Jet. It looked like she and Trent where the only ones being distant.
Sleep was not an option for her tonight. All day her memories had been washing over her, making her distant and cold. She did her best to block out her past, and loathed even the tiniest of memories. She wanted to completely let go of her past. Rowan rested her head on her knees and hugged them closer to her. She wasn't sure why she was so alert tonight; maybe it was because of her father's eyes searing her mind, or because she wanted to keep her group safe from the dangers that lingered outside. But something didn't seem right about her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Vega Character Portrait: Yina Lair Character Portrait: Trent Corrigan Character Portrait: Jet Crossfire-Harlow Character Portrait: Rowan Nox Character Portrait: Sorin Lair
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"Jet... I can't sleep..." Jane said crawling over to him. He gave her a soft brotherly smile like he use to Emery. “Well you need to get your rest” he said gently patting his lap for her to lay her head there. Jet glanced to Sorin as he spoke "Wake me when you get tired, I'm serious." Giving him a small nodded “I will, probably early morning some time” he said calmly. "I'll stay up, too." Rowan said, Jet sighed looking to her “You really should get some rest, you didn’t sleep last night either, it’s going to catch up with you” he frowned gently, knowing something was bothering her, but he didn’t know her well enough to pry even though he wanted to. He had always been the one his friends would come to for advice the reliable friend that would always bail you out. He looked to Trent who had just laid down “You could take a turn watching sometime to.” He said calmly though not really minding that he didn’t, just wanting everyone to do their part for the group. He grabbed his back pack pulling his jacket out as he tossed it to Sorin “She looks cold” he stated “we can’t afford anyone getting sick, we have to keep our immune systems strong, or the virus will attack us.” He said glancing to the little girl, not minding having a kid in the group. It kept the group humane as far as he was concerned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Vega Character Portrait: Yina Lair Character Portrait: Trent Corrigan Character Portrait: Jet Crossfire-Harlow Character Portrait: Rowan Nox Character Portrait: Sorin Lair
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She rested her head on his lap. He was always there for her. She relaxed to the sound of him breathing. With every breath she got even more tired. Though she couldn't close her eyes. She was probably paranoid. Though out of everyone in their group, she was probably getting the most sleep. That's probably half the reason she was always on look out. Also being young and not as useful as the others. She had her lazy gaze wander. Going from each person in the room. Trent, being his usual self, alone with his gun. Same with Rowan. She had never really liked Rowan. She just thought she was bitter and cold. Though she never said anything, it was pretty apparent they didn't get along well. She then looked over to Sorin and Yina, who were cuddling. She had always wanted a brother. One who would be over protective and scare the boys off. Well, if there had been boys. She started to slightly shiver, I guess it was really cold this night. She looked up at Jet and his green eyes. Was he her brother? Was this what it was like to have a brother? Or was it something more? She knew from when they first met in the grocery store that she had liked him. They flirted a bit, but when he saved her life, that's when they instantly clicked. "Thank you..." She said, finally letting her eyes close.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Vega Character Portrait: Yina Lair Character Portrait: Trent Corrigan Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jet Crossfire-Harlow Character Portrait: Rowan Nox
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#, as written by throne
Trent rolled his eyes. Of course, he had his cap pulled down, so nobody, least of all Jet, would see. Not that he've had minded if they did. The eye-rolling could practically be heard in his voice as he drawled back a response. "Anytime, boss-man. You want me to scavenge, or scout, or shoot anyone too? Wait. I already did all that." He didnt mind Jet being the one everyone looked to as a leader; let them come crying to him when they couldn't sleep or needed a good cry. He'd be damned if he was about to let the guy imply he wasn't pulling his weight though. Hell, if he weren't so wrapped up in being everyone's personal pretty-boy savior, he might have had the sense to delegate the watch in the first place.

That little thread of discontent was more than enough to wrap up Trent's mind and forestall the chance of sleep anytime soon. He sighed, silently, and pulled off his cap. Smoothing his hair, he let his eyes move slowly from each of the other survivors to the next. "While we're all plannin' on stayin' awake and feelin' so talkative, might be this is a good time to figure out what the fuck we're gonna do next. Plenty of fun shit to kill people with in here, but it ain't exactly defensible." His stare wound up on Jet at the end of his little speech. It wasn't exactly angry, or even malicious, but there was a sliver of pride shining in each of Trent's eyes. People had still talked about Jet like some kind of legend in his school, the same people who'd treated Trent like worse than shit... and this fucker'd brought a baseball bat to a gunfight, so to speak.

He wondered at least six times a day why he hadn't just gone on his own after meeting up with this lot; more often, actually, when he had spare time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Vega Character Portrait: Yina Lair Character Portrait: Trent Corrigan Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jet Crossfire-Harlow Character Portrait: Mercy Fairbanks
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"Now what?"

Violet pulled her gaze from the body on the floor and landed it on Mercy, who'd just forced her to pull the trigger on the only man they'd ever trusted. The young girl looked like she wanted to double over in grief, but she just stood there, arms wrapped around her waist, not making eye-contact in case she started crying. She was trying to be tough. For her. Violet nodded, turning to stone and giving a shrug as if what had just happened hadn't even phased her. "Now we have a drink. Lock up the place. Maybe check out the warehouse next door." She looked down at the body, then at her grief-stricken sister. Violet reached over and mussed her blonde hair, giving her a kiss on the top of the head. "Don't worry baby girl, you just saved our lives." She slapped a knife in the eleven year-old's hand. "Go on ahead and clean up in the bathroom. If something goes wrong just shout okay?"

Violet waited until she was gone before cleaning up the body, being ever-careful not to come in contact. Now that she was close, she could see that he was undoubtedly infected and shivered. She'd come so close to lowering that gun and letting them both get killed. When she was done dragging the body out to the alley, she sighed and locked the alley door, dragging a barstool over and hooking it under the knob before heading back to the bar. She went behind it's familiar U-shaped curve and placed a hand on the cool stone. She could remember a hundred nights at this bar. Jack had let her serve for a bit of money, drink when she was down, and even spend the night when her father was dangerous.

Without another thought on the matter, she reached behind her and grabbed some fruit-flavored drink of the glass shelf, it didn't matter, as long as it had alcohol. Next, she pulled a two glasses out from under the counter and filled them. She wasn't stupid enough to get drunk. Maybe in another time, when there weren't sick, homicidal manics running around, but not now that she had to protect Mercy. She did want something though, so one glass would be good.

Mercy came out of the bathroom, her face dripping from where she'd splashed herself with ice water. Violet smiled at her, a rarity she used only for the worst of times. It wasn't often that she smiled. "Here. It'll make you feel better." She slid one of the glasses to her sullen-looking sister, and took a drink of her own. Mercy was only eleven, but Violet didn't care. Piercings and tattoos were a no for sure, but, as long as she wasn't getting drunk, Vi would let her drink all she wanted. Mercy was her baby-girl, and, since no one else seemed to want so, Violet would raise her however the hell she wanted.

When the glass was empty, she looked at her sister. "So. What first? Sleep or ransacking the warehouse nextdoor?" She smiled at her again, slinging her black duffel onto the bar.

"I really don't think I could sleep after what just happened, and we could use some supplies to baracade ourselves in here." Mercy said, despite the purple bruise-like circles under her eyes. Violet just nodded in agreement.

"Alright then." She slid her sister a gun, slipped the bag back on her shoulder, and took her knife in her hand again. The gun still swung at her hip, but she really didn't want to use it again. A knife would be just fine. "Let's go." And with that, she led her sister back to the alley door. The warehouse shared the alley with the bar, and it's back door stood, facing them.

Violet crossed and jiggled the handle, but it was locked. Not too surprising. With a shrug, she flipped her knife in her hand and used the handle to slam the knob straight off the door and push it open. But it still wouldn't open. There was a shit-ton of stuff piled against the door. Violet knit her eyebrows in confusion and threw her weight into it, forcing it open. Once it was open, she waved Mercy in, and followed in after her, glancing at the stacks and stacks of boxes. "Alright. Stay close, I have a feeling we're not the only ones in here, but I'm not missing out on the opportunity to go through some of this shit." She whispered down to her sister as she started to move silently down one of the isles.


Mercedes watched her sister in amazement as the crept up the isles of the warehouse. She acted as if she hadn't just fed her little sister alcohol and hadn't just shot her trusted uncle. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Sometimes, she swore the older girl had no emotion other than anger. Focusing her attention back on the things around them, Mercy strolled slowly among the boxes.

She stopped at one and peered in. A bunch of TVs. Great. So if they got bored, they could watch spongebob or something. Mercy rolled her eyes with a soft snort and moved on. The next box was filled with canned food and her eyes shot wide open. "Violet!" She shrieked in delight, completely forgetting that they were supposed to be quiet. Her and her sister had left their house in a hurry and so far, she'd been living on cold Spaghetti-O's. One can a day for the two of them to share, and while Violet let her eat most of it, it still wasn't near enough. In front of her was a whole ton of food. It took everything she had not to squeal in delight.

Violet came over and slapped her hand tight over her mouth. "Shut the hell up." She hissed angrily in her ear, and then saw what she'd found and dropped her. Mercy rolled her eyes and rubbed her neck while her sister dropped to the floor, yanking her duffle open. Hurriedly, she began tossing cans in the bag, looking around as she did so as if someone would stop them. "We're not the only ones who had this idea." She explained in a quick whisper as she zipped the bag back up and slung it over her shoulder. "Keep looking, but be careful. We don't know what kind of people they are and they might kill you for your supplies. We have to be in and out of here. Fast. We'll go back to the bar, and come back in a few days. I don't like the idea of getting second choice of all this shit, but whatever. Go."

Mercy didn't have to be told twice, and she scampered off silently, grabbing everything she thought might be necessary and bringing it back to the place Vi had dropped their bag, tossing it in. When she was done with the isle she was in, she walked to the end and turned the corner. Shit! She ducked behind a box quickly. On the other side of her small row of boxes, was a group of people. Vi was right. They weren't the only ones who'd had the idea of heading to the warehouse.

Slowly, she peeked over the box. Had they heard them? Would they kill them? They weren't infected, and the six year-old with them seemed to be a pretty good indication that they weren't hostile, but one could never know. Mercy ducked down low again and cursed herself with every word she knew in her head, breathing a little too rapidly.

She should just take off running now. Let them chase her, they wouldn't get far until they Vi got them, but she couldn't move. She was frozen in place as she peeked over the box again. They seemed okay... Maybe her and Violet would be allowed to group up with them... Even if her sister hated the idea of groups, Mercy had always thought they were safer anyway... She ducked low again and placed her hands over her head as she waited for them to find her huddled there. No matter what she did, she couldn't slow her breathing, and she was sure her heart was beating so loudly, the whole world could hear it. An eleven year-old girl. Maybe they would take mercy on her because she was young.

Or maybe not.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Vega Character Portrait: Yina Lair Character Portrait: Trent Corrigan Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jet Crossfire-Harlow Character Portrait: Mercy Fairbanks
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Jane was a deep sleeper. The infected, and other things that lingered or made noise outside, didn't wake her. But she woke when Jet started to move. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. Then she heard it too. Someone was trying to get in. She could hear the door moving and being banged on. "Jet... Is it the infected?" She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She looked over and noticed the stronger ones were getting up. She then saw Yina, who was sitting all alone where Sorin once was. She slowly crawled over to the girl and they huddled together. "It's okay... You're going to be alright.." She said calmly. They used the blanket and wrapped themselves together. She hugged Yina tight, for she could feel how scared she was. But she didn't know if Yina could feel how scared she was as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Vega Character Portrait: Yina Lair Character Portrait: Trent Corrigan Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jet Crossfire-Harlow Character Portrait: Mercy Fairbanks
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#, as written by throne
The second a racket started at the back door, Trent was on his feet. He pressed an index finger to his lips, indicating that the others should be silent, and then broke all-but-silently away from the group to go investigate, his shotgun primed and ready to go in his hands. The teenager’s expression had changed from vague annoyance (he’d been very ready to tell Sorin off for being an idiot; there were infected maniacs running around, ready to kill them, and he was worried about cussing?) to grim determination, and he disappeared into the back of the store. In this kind of situation, he wasn’t about to wait for Jet’s permission. This was what he brought to the party.

The intruders were making plenty of noise, which made him lean towards them being infected. It was that or they were just plain stupid, and in either case, Trent was more than ready to pump whoever it was full of buckshot. He took his time, focusing more on his senses and maintaining quiet than he did on moving quickly. Swallowing a lump that had irritatingly coalesced in his throat, he took a turn

And was confronted with the sight of Mercy hunkered down. From his vantage point, he could easily tell that she’d seen the group, and little girl or not, he wasn’t taking any chances. He leveled the shotgun at her; until he got to see her face, to see if she had the telltale bumps of infection, all bets were off. Odds were it was just some scared kid with decent enough instincts to last this long. Using a little girl as bait was a little sophisticated for the murder-minded infected, at least from what little experience he had.

Great, he thought. Just what we need. Another friggin’ kid. No doubt Saint Jet will wanna adopt this one too.”

“I ain’t gonna hurt’cha, little girl,” he finally whispered, still sighting her with the Browning. “But I need you to show me your hands and your face, real nice and slow like, okay?” The tone of voice he was using would have been appropriate for a five-year old. An eleven year-old under normal circumstances probably would have found it insulting, but then again, he did have a shotgun on her. ”You here alone, or is anyone with you?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Vega Character Portrait: Yina Lair Character Portrait: Trent Corrigan Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jet Crossfire-Harlow Character Portrait: Mercy Fairbanks
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Suddenly a few things happened at once. First, Mercy decided it was a good time to bow out, giving the reins over to her sister as she wrapped her arms around her and buried her face in her back. Vi smiled ever so slightly. Mercy was strong when she had to be, but she was always more than happy to let someone else take over. Inside, she was really a big baby. She patted her sisters hands with her free hand before things started happening.

First, a boy with a machete stood and looked over at their little stand off. He seemed to be protective of the little six year-old and Violet guessed that he was her brother. She gave him a quick glance, hoping he didn't decide to attack her. Maybe he'd be sympathetic. Afterall, they were both looking out for little sisters. Thankfully, he didn't come over and Violet turned her eyes back to the man with the shotgun.

The next thing to happen was a girl. Maybe a little younger than herself, and seeming considerably weaker, came over and placed a hand on the man's arm. Vi thought she was going to force his arm down, but she didn't. Instead she just mumbled for him to put the gun down and she sighed, running her hand through her long blond hair. She wouldn't lower hers until he lowered his. She didn't care what the others said. He was the important one. He had the gun.

Finally, the boy that seemed to be the leader of the group came over. “Alright, I think everyone should put their weapons away.” He said and Vi returned his smile with a smirk and a shifting of her weight, so that she was leaning on one hip. She still held her gun up though. “Sorry if you were hurt, we are just trying to keep ourselves safe and you never know” His tone was calm. As if he was trying to keep her from shooting. “I’m Jet” At least she had a name now. It was a start. “If you two agree to not kill us in your sleep your welcome to join our little survival group” he teased a bit. “You two girls look like you could use some rest and some food”

At that, the boy with the shotgun on her turned on his heel and took off. It made Violet's eyebrows raise in slight shock. Okay... She hadn't been expecting that. She rolled her eyes and slipped her gun into her pocket, looking at the guy who'd introduced himself as Jet. "It's okay baby-girl." She whispered, grabbing Mercy's arms and un-lacing her from around her waist, pulling the eleven year-old out from behind her. Biting her lip, she considered his offer. "We're not going to kill you." Her fingers gripped Mery's shoulder tightly. "Unless you come after us, because trust me, if someone even twitches towards their weapon around my sister, I'll kick your ass."

Violet was short and seemingly not intimidating, but she squared her petite shoulders and held herself with such attitude it was hard to see her as anything other than the girl you don't want to mess with. "I'm Violet Fairbanks. Some people call me Skip. Vi. Violet." She shrugged. "It's whatever." Vi gestured to her sister. "This is my little sister Mercedes Fairbanks."

"Mercy. Call me Mercy." Her sister cut her off and Violet only shrugged in response to that.

"Yeah. No shit we could use rest and food." Violet said in response to Jet's statement. "We've been fighting through the same mess you guys have, only..." She glanced at the hardware store. "With less supplies." Violet shifted her bag on her shoulder and locked eyes with Jet. "Whatever Mercy says goes. What do you want hun?" She asked, squeezing her sister's shoulder without ever taking her eyes from Jet's, trying to size him up and see if he was trustworthy. She wasn't normally one to trust, but if Mercy thought it was a good idea, Violet wouldn't argue.

Mercy felt Violet's fingers digging into her shoulder like a weight hanging over her head. The tight squeeze of her sister's hand said one thing. Choose. And don't be wrong. It was an important decision Vi was slapping in her face, but Mercy was used to it. Violet had never trusted herself enough to make the important decisions for the older girl acted on solely impulse and it got them in trouble more often than not.

That meant, when it came to decision making, Mercy was the one to turn to. Vi was the power, but Mercy was the brains of the two. Even if Violet would never admit it and hid it well, she had to turn to her eleven year old sister often to make smart choices. If Violet made all the choices, Mercy had no doubt the two of them would either be dead or running nonstop with a horde of eighty infected after them.

"We'll stay with them. I like them Vi." She looked up at Jet and smiled slightly. She didn't trust easily, but there was something about a group of people who were willing to look after a six year-old that seemed trustworthy. She squeezed her sisters hand to give her a bit of reassurance, knowing Violet wouldn't like it at all. She hated other people. Never trusted them. But Mercy did trust these people and Violet would not make her give up the opportunity to travel in a group. It would be a lot less lonely and there'd be more people to turn to when nightmares got her. Then, there was the bonus of protection as well as having someone around to keep you sane. She smiled at Jet, giving him her most grateful smile. "Thank you."