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0 · 743 views · located in London

a character in “Copper and Gold”, as played by Lorawr



Dreams are for the weak. And why should I dream? I have everything I could possibly desire


| Nicknames |
Ali, X, Alice

| Gender |

| Age |

| Face Claim |
Raito Sakamaki

| Role |
Master Five



| Likes |
Candy ~ Feeling fulfilled ~ His hat ~ Being in charge

| Dislikes |
His schedule being disturbed ~ Noisy people ~ Long words ~ Sour tastes


| Personality |
Alistair is quite a difficult man to judge. On the surface, he is calm, cool, charismatic and reserved, and yet his surface characteristics are easily shattered to reveal the vengeful, masochistic individual beneath. When among higher class company, Alistair is quite impressive. He is warm, inviting, sophisticated and most of all, charming. Most people find it very difficult to dislike him, or find fault in their host. He enjoys putting on social events and dinners, and showing off his many skills. There is only one condition - everything must go his way. If not, Alistair will very quickly become violent and cruel.


| History |
Alistair was born to an incredibly rich father, and his mother died in childbirth. His father, a wealthy businessman, gave the child over to a nanny who raised him without love, and with very little affection. Her touch with him was almost always clinical, and he soon learned that if he tripped and scraped his knee, there would be no one to come and kiss it better. He saw his father rarely, and sometimes he would go weeks at a time without seeing him, but having grown up in a loveless life, Alistair didn't care. He went to school with many 'normal' children, whose parents weren't as affluent as his own, and Alistair always knew that he was different to them. He looked down on them with disdain, and bullied many, until, that is, he met the Uchiha twins. Their connection was the first relationship that Alistair came to associate with love, and curious, he found himself befriending the boys. Alistair made an effort to model himself after them, and matured greatly in a short space of time. It didn't take long for the boy to realize that bullying people to get attention wasn't the right way to do things. When Alistair was fourteen, his dad died, and Alistair didn't grieve. Instead, he looked on the passing of his father with a neutral thoughtfulness, not even slightly concerned that he was now an orphan. He had always looked after himself, and he would continue to do just that. However, as his father had left him the family's money, Alistair coped just fine with being left alone.

So begins...

Alistair's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Winston Character Portrait: Isolde Jancis Character Portrait: Alistair Character Portrait: Charlotte Tate Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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#, as written by Lorawr


Contrary to what was commonly believed, Alistair had never learned to sail a boat. He had never learned to do a lot of things stereotypical of the rich and famous. For example, he had never learned to play polo or chess, and he had never been one of those people to sit at his desk and count his pennies while enjoying the busy metropolitan landscape from his penthouse flat when there wasn't any smog. However, he was doing something very typical of what rich people did. He was lounging on the deck of his incredibly expensive luxury yacht, a butler stood erect behind his chair, sipping a glass of ice cold lemonade and watching the day go by. He'd been there for a good few hours now, and people had begun to congregate ashore to snap pictures of the rich young man. Alistair smirked slowly, but only after moving a hand to conceal the expression.

"Jeeves," He addressed the butler behind him. His name wasn't really Jeeves, but Alistair thought the stuffy name suited the stuffy man, "Jeeves, bring me some more lemonade"

"Of course, sir," The man drawled in his upper class tone, and Alistair laughed as he took his empty glass. The man reminded him often of a monkey that had been pushed into an expensive suit and put on show. Everything was comical about the man, including his bow legged walk. Alistair sighed and smiled, before standing and walking to the rail of his yacht to observe the day.

It was warm, hot enough that his drink had been refreshingly cool and beads of condensation had trickled down the glass. It made a nice change from the normal British weather. Alistair was dressed as he normally was - in stylishly worn jeans and a crisp white shirt with a loose black tie. His ever present hat was sat firmly upon his head despite the heat. In all honesty, Alistair wasn't too sure what to do with his day. It was approaching midday, and he'd already wasted the morning away eating sweets and drinking lemonade.

Turning, Alistair went back to the chair he'd been on, and, sitting on the edge of it, popped another skittle into his mouth as he slipped his phone out of his pocket. Jeeves returned with his lemonade, and Alistair took a sip as he swallowed the skittle, savouring the sweetness of his treats. In the reflection of the glass, he saw his servant, Hanako, who he had forced to come along with him that morning. Alistair smirked to himself, and turned to her, before beckoning with just one finger. He waited for her to approach before standing. As usual, he towered over her, but he chuckled softly so that he wouldn't intimidate her too much. He offered her the covered bowl of skittles and rose a quizzical brow.

"Would you like a skittle, Hanako?" He asked her, his tone implying some later mischief.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alistair Character Portrait: Hanako Tsubakawa
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Hanako signed as she sat very silently on a bench on the yacht. To be honest, she never much cared for open water, though she never had the opportunity to sail on it like this. Still, the fear of the boat sinking or her falling off due to clumsiness, which was much more of a threat than anything else that could happen, made her very uneasy. She didn't want to make a fool of herself; not around him. The him in question was none other than her master, Alistair. He was a tall man, towering over her very short, five foot stature, and very, very handsome. He had hair as red as the freshest grown rose and eyes the color of emeralds. His skin was pale and the sun seemed to make it glisten.

The quiet, pink-haired girl looked over the side of the boat, taking in the sights, no matter how nervous it made her. The only other things she could look at were the ground and her master which, she figured, may get him to speak to her. Not that she didn't want that. His voice was often that of melting chocolate. Savory and smooth, with a bite to it. She almost longed to hear him speak, but she would have nothing of any value to say in return. Often just stealing a glance at him would get his attention. He had the eyes of a hawk, seeing the quickest eye movements. Then came the smile, or smirk rather. It gave Hanako chills. They were almost the eyes that a man gave to his lover. It always turned her face a glowing crimson. So, instead of risking an embarrassment on her part, she looked over the water at the sights of London. The London Eye, Big Ben, The Houses of Parliament, truly she had never been this close to them before. They almost evoked a smile on her face. Almost. She looked down, however, and what would have been a smile disappeared. She remembered what she wore. Alistair often had Hanako wear costumes to show that she was, in fact, his maid-servant. She didn't hate this particular dress, she just thought the skirt was a bit short. She preferred skirts past the knees, this came to her lower thigh. Though, it's best not to argue.

"Jeeves," And there it was, the voice immediately made her heartbeat quicken, "Jeeves, bring me some more lemonade."
"Of course, sir." The butler replied. His name was not Jeeves. Actually, Hanako wasn't entirely certain of what his name was. It was Alistair's pet name of sorts for him. The butler dare not correct him however. You never correct him. The man promptly returned with Alistair's lemonade. That's when Hanako began staring. The glass had beads of water sliding down the sides due to condensation. For some reason, this made Alistair appear even more attractive, Hanako was not certain why. As her master popped a skittle into his mouth, he took a sip from the lemonade, making Hanako blush slightly. A moment later, their eyes met, and the smirk appeared on his face. He turned to face her, beckoning with a single finger. Her heart stopped and her face turned it's bright crimson color as she quickly stood, brushing off her skirt and skittering to Alistair's feet. He stood, making her feel like an ant before a giant. Even though he chuckled, she still felt small, in more ways than one. Offering her the bowl of skittles, he spoke with a playful, mischievous tone. One that was very familiar to her.
"Would you like a skittle, Hanako?" Smooth, sultry. It made Hanako's heart race.
"I-If you will allow it...I-I suppose I w-would..." She squeezed her words out, putting her softened fist to her lips and looking away nervously, her glasses fogging.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alistair Character Portrait: Hanako Tsubakawa
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#, as written by Lorawr

Alistair smirked slightly as his servant approached, and for a moment, a thoughtful look crossed his features as he considered the clothing she wore. Really, he thought that the colour was a little over the top for this particular venture out of doors, but it made him feel good to see that it was him that owned her. One of the more eccentric qualities that the man possessed was his almost childish delight in owning things, and knowing that he was in charge. He inhaled deeply, enjoying the pleasantly scented air, before glancing down at Hanako who was now stood before him.

"I-If you will allow it...I-I suppose I w-would..."

Alistair's lips twisted into a small, amused smile as he observed how nervous he made her. Of course, he was aware of the reaction he enforced upon her, if not the reason. The way her hand curled in front of her mouth irritated him, though. She should know better than to shrink away from him, yet the quickly angered young man kept his temper this time. Instead, he reached forwards with his long, slender fingers, and wrapped them around the hand that hid her lips. He took his time, enjoying making her feel uncomfortable as he pulled her hand away. Often, Alistair had considered taking on a more capable and self assured servant, and in honesty that whim was the reasoning behind Jeeves' presence, except he enjoyed teasing the girl too much to release her.

He smirked as he then released her hand, and placed the bowl of skittles on a nearby counter, as he reached up and placed his fingers against her chin, which he tugged down gently until her lips parted. And as they did, Alistair took a skittle, and popped it in her mouth, before abruptly turning his back to her and striding to the rail of his yacht.

"Bring me the phone, would you, Hanako?" Alistair requested with a small sigh, already bored of teasing the young woman.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alistair Character Portrait: Hanako Tsubakawa
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As Alistair grabbed her hand with his fingers, Hanako's face became as red as a freshly-picked strawberry. Her glasses became so fogged, she could no longer see out of them, so she had to peer out above them to the best of her ability if she wished to gaze upon her master. She hated how nervous he made her and she wasn't entirely sure why that was. Was it his looks? The way he spoke? The softness he showed her? Or could it be that she knew he had a short temper? Hanako had been around short-tempered men before and it never ended well for her. Her job as a servant was one she took because it was the only thing she was really good at. That and the fact that she had no where else to go.

The last job as a servant she had was one of brutality. She still has scars from the lashings she received from her former master. Unfortunately, she was forced into servitude under him due to her mother's feelings for the man. Outwardly, he seemed kind, caring, and a generous person. But on the inside, he was a manipulative villain who was only toying with the emotions of Hanako's mother. Though she was just a girl, maybe 8 years old, if she fumbled or messed up a task, she was whipped. Her scars are along her back and front, in places normally covered by clothing so no one would see. Hanako still kept this all a secret from Alistair. Perhaps to either keep her from reliving the experience more than she already does, or perhaps to prevent him from getting any ideas. Hanako felt in her heart that Alistair would never be so brutal, but her mother thought the same of her master. And the end result was in a stoning that killed her.

Alistair popped the skittle into Hanako's mouth after he carefully pulled her lower lip down. She graciously chewed the sweet candy and swallowed it. With a bow, she thanked him. When she rose, she noticed he had turned away from her and walked to the rail of the yacht. Her heart sank slightly. Had she done something wrong? Was she boring him? His orders brought her out of her thoughts.
"Bring me the phone, would you, Hanako?" Hanako jumped slightly at the sudden request. She had been lost in thought again, but she nodded, bowing again.
"Y-Yes! Of course, Master." With that, the girl scuttled away in search of the object her master had asked for. Within a few, short minutes, the shy girl returned giving a low bow and offering him the phone.
"Your phone, s-sir!"