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Darius Arteria

I am a valet. My job is to cook, clean, tell my employer what to wear, and take out the trash. Oh, and to escort you off the premises.

0 · 641 views · located in London

a character in “Copper and Gold”, as played by Thundergod1020


Darius Arteria

❝It's amazing what human stupidity and unlimited funds can achieve when together, don't you agree?❞


The Inside

| Nickname(s) |

I do not respond to any name other than Darius, or Darry, for those who must impose a nickname on everything.

| Gender |

Last I checked, I was(and still am) male. I can only pray that doesn't change.

| Age |

I am a lovely twenty, any younger and I'd be a horrible idea for a valet. One should never act as a valet in their rebel years, it isn't healthy.
| Face Claim |

The Valet of the Darkest Shade

| Master/Sevant Relationship |

Like, Hate, No Feelings Whatsoever, Love, or Newly met?
I have just recently met my employer, and so have yet to develop feelings of any sort for her.

How long have you known your Master/Servant?
As stated not one sentence ago, we have only just met.

| Spot/Role |

Servant 8


| Likes |
*Anything that can be defined as being "for refined tastes"
*Classical music
*Being a valet
*The Bering Strait. Yes, you read that right.

| Dislikes |
*Uncouth behavior
*Oranges, not tangerines or clementines, oranges. There is just something about the inner peel sticking to the flesh that just irks me.
*Being called a butler/servant. The nomenclature of either brings to mind one who handles the entire household, whereas I only make sure my employer is well cared for. While I can buttle with the rest of them, I am a valet first, last, and foremost.
*Anyone who tries to interfere with my duties as a valet.


| Personality |

And now we reach the meat and potatoes of what makes a man worth hiring. If you will check references five through seven, I display a full mastery over a vast range of subjects, from philosophy (my favourite philosopher is Spinoza; I find Nietzsche fundamentally unsound) through an encyclopaedic knowledge of poetry, science, history, psychology, geography, politics, and literature. I am also a bit of a "whiz", as my employer two folks back called me, in all matters pertaining to gambling, car maintenance, etiquette, cooking, tailoring, and women. However, my most impressive feats are a flawless knowledge of the aristocracy and making breakfast in the mornings(I have yet to find someone with a meal to match my cari oufes et pommes de terres). I attribute my mental prowess to eating fish, it is most certainly a wholesome meal when prepared in a proper way. I have a distinctβ€”and often negativeβ€”opinion of items about which my employers take a shine to that are no means proper. I also feel obligated to mention that I can be a little brash at times when something that truly irks me continues without reprieve. And finally, as people have begged me to warn you, I have a habit of flickering in and out of a room while no one's watching, or as they put it, and I quote, "appearing out of fecking nowhere and disappearing just as fast".


| Bio |

Not much to say, really. I am merely a valet, and that is all you need be concerned about. And don't expect any more out of me, because while I have acquired many skills over my life so far, none of them need to be borne for the world to always see.

| Other |

Do not think for a second that I will stand idly while someone wanders about in hideous attire or possesses horrid taste in furniture. I can, and will, destroy it with fire at some point.


So begins...

Darius Arteria's Story


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Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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(OoC: Might as well kickstart this one as well...)
Well, to think I've the honor of telling you my tale! Well, I was at work in the kitchens, preparing breakfast for my new mistress, Miss Felicia Haddon. Due to my not knowing her tastes, I decided upon a simple morning brunch of rabbit moco loco, which is diced rabbit served under brown rice, topped with two eggs and bacon gravy. Not exactly the healthiest thing for a meal, but it leaves one pleased beyond all recognition(Except vegans, but they don't count).

With the dish prepared, I took the plate, lowered it onto a tray to be covered, and brought it to my Mistress' room. I knocked, and stood outside, giving her what I figured to be a proper amount of time to hide anything unsightly, and walked in. However, what my peers call my being a "bloody ninja" had apparently kicked in, and Miss Felicia apparently had no idea I had even knocked, much less noticed me enter. I tried my best to gently notify her of my presence. With a simple cough. When that failed, I simply spoke, hoping she wouldn't be too disturbed by my presence.

"Miss Felicia, your breakfast is ready."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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Felicia was sat in bed, reading, as she was often found to be doing wherever she might have been in the house. Lost as she was in her book, she didn't hear the knock at the door, simply turned another page. Nor did she hear whoever it was who had entered clear their throat.

"Miss Felicia, your breakfast is ready."

Felicia casually looked up from her book, taking in Darius's form. He'd only been here a few days and she was already getting used to the fact is was a distinct possibility that he was the child of a ninja clan. He had the disquieting habit of turning up seemingly out of thin air. She would have to get used to that if she wasn't going to have constant heart attacks whenever he appeared.

"Thank you Darius," Felicia said, her voice a little croaky given that she hadn't spoken to anyone in a while. She gave a small cough to clear her throat, placing the book on the bedside table. She indicated for Darius to bring the tray to her, wanting to eat breakfast in bed that morning. It smelled divine. "It tastes wonderful," Felicia commented after taking her first mouthful, " Do I have any important appointments to attend to today?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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(OoC: Yay for copy/paste!)
My chest swelled a bit with pride from her compliment, but she had a question to which I had an answer. I closed my eyes, recalling the list I had been given the evening prior that dropped to the floor of galas, fundraisers, soirees, and other fancy ways of saying you were giving away free food going on in the next few days that had asked for Miss Felicia's attendance.

"Absolutely nothing worth making a show of, really. Personally, I'd say sod the lot and stay in with a good book, but society dictates that we must make ourselves known on a regular basis. So I agreed for you to attend a ball tonight, and a fundraiser for some project tomorrow afternoon. I've prepared your dress for the ball, the car to get you there, and a quick little excuse saying you were feeling ill and could not attend, if that is your desire."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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Felicia nodded as Darius reeled off her itinery for the next few days. A ball and a fundraiser. Yes, she could live with that. She neer understoid these social butterfly people who were never away from such events. No, that wasn't for her. Darius had only been here a few days and was already proving himself to be head and shoulders above her last valet. What was his name again? Nevermind. It wasn't important. Darius had everything under control.

"Excuses aren't necessary Darius, but thank you. I should probably show my face at some event or other before people start questioning my wellbeing," Felicia blew a lock of hair fom her face, "As appealing as a life of a hermit sounds, I doubt wider society would allow it."

Felicia finished her breakfast, thanking Darius once again for the meal. She found it paid to be polite to the staff, they stuck around longer. The incompetent staff were dealt with in the upmost discretion. She dismissed Darius and slid from the bed, beginning the daily ritual of getting washed and dressed. Felicia left her room, now fully dressed, fiddling with the cuffs of her shirt. She sighed in frustration. In reality, you probably needed four hands to be able to do your own cufflinks. God, the angle was so awkward.

"Darius?" Felicia called for her valet who, once again, managed to appear out of thin air, "Could you help me with these please?" She asked, holding the cufflinks in the palm of her hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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0.00 INK


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Winston Character Portrait: Isolde Jancis Character Portrait: Alistair Character Portrait: Charlotte Tate Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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#, as written by Lorawr


Contrary to what was commonly believed, Alistair had never learned to sail a boat. He had never learned to do a lot of things stereotypical of the rich and famous. For example, he had never learned to play polo or chess, and he had never been one of those people to sit at his desk and count his pennies while enjoying the busy metropolitan landscape from his penthouse flat when there wasn't any smog. However, he was doing something very typical of what rich people did. He was lounging on the deck of his incredibly expensive luxury yacht, a butler stood erect behind his chair, sipping a glass of ice cold lemonade and watching the day go by. He'd been there for a good few hours now, and people had begun to congregate ashore to snap pictures of the rich young man. Alistair smirked slowly, but only after moving a hand to conceal the expression.

"Jeeves," He addressed the butler behind him. His name wasn't really Jeeves, but Alistair thought the stuffy name suited the stuffy man, "Jeeves, bring me some more lemonade"

"Of course, sir," The man drawled in his upper class tone, and Alistair laughed as he took his empty glass. The man reminded him often of a monkey that had been pushed into an expensive suit and put on show. Everything was comical about the man, including his bow legged walk. Alistair sighed and smiled, before standing and walking to the rail of his yacht to observe the day.

It was warm, hot enough that his drink had been refreshingly cool and beads of condensation had trickled down the glass. It made a nice change from the normal British weather. Alistair was dressed as he normally was - in stylishly worn jeans and a crisp white shirt with a loose black tie. His ever present hat was sat firmly upon his head despite the heat. In all honesty, Alistair wasn't too sure what to do with his day. It was approaching midday, and he'd already wasted the morning away eating sweets and drinking lemonade.

Turning, Alistair went back to the chair he'd been on, and, sitting on the edge of it, popped another skittle into his mouth as he slipped his phone out of his pocket. Jeeves returned with his lemonade, and Alistair took a sip as he swallowed the skittle, savouring the sweetness of his treats. In the reflection of the glass, he saw his servant, Hanako, who he had forced to come along with him that morning. Alistair smirked to himself, and turned to her, before beckoning with just one finger. He waited for her to approach before standing. As usual, he towered over her, but he chuckled softly so that he wouldn't intimidate her too much. He offered her the covered bowl of skittles and rose a quizzical brow.

"Would you like a skittle, Hanako?" He asked her, his tone implying some later mischief.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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I simply smiled as I took each cufflink in one hand and fed them through to their places in Miss Felicia's sleeves at the same time, a little trick I picked up while working for a tailor.
"Before I forget," I added, snapping the cufflinks into place, "Your father is curious as to if you plan on changing your mind on the thought of marriage, and has said he wishes an answer. Dare I inquire on the subject, or shall I keep mum about it from now on?" Bear mind that at this point I had no concern about my standing in my job, but merely the best interests of my Mistress at heart. As I awaited her answer, I took care of a few spots she had gotten loose on her outfit, and tucked a loose strand of hair over her ear while adding on a few light touches of powder to accentuate her already beautiful face without making it look like I was masking anything. By the time I was done thirty seconds later, she looked like a goddess, with one heavenly valet to match.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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0.00 INK

Felicia watched Darius intently as he snapped her cufflinks into place. She should probably start dressing more like a young woman, god knows her parents would be pleased if she did. "Before I forget, your father is curious as to if you plan on changing your mind on the thought of marriage, and has said he wishes an answer. Dare I enquire on the subject or shall I keep mum about it from now on?"

Felicia let her shoulders sag a little while Darius fussed over her. Marriage? Already? For crying out loud she was only eighteen. Darius pushed a lock of hair behind her ear and powdered her face. Felicia crinkled her nose slightly, the powderpuff tickling somewhat. Felicia had no idea how Darius knew all this stuff about makeup or what colours suited her and which ones didn't, but she was glad he did. "He's still going on about marriage?" She asked, a little disappointed her father hadn't let the subject drop, "Well, you can tell him that I'm in no hurry to settle down. In the highly unlikely event I find someone I wish to spend the rest of my life with, I will let him know. Until then, I have no desire to enter into an engagement." She knew she should probably tell him herself, but anytime Felicia and her father had a conversation, it almost always escalated into an argument, something Felicia found exhausting and a little saddening, "It's the twenty first century for crying out loud, hardly anyone gets married at eighteen anymore."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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I merely shrugged as I made the final touches on Miss Felicia's appearance. She truly was a work of art, the way her eyes pierced the soul like they did. Still is, come to think of it.
"He is a great man, but of an era past, and while he has values, they conflict with those of the modern world. I tried explaining that to him when he asked me, but like all great men of eras past, he refused to budge. Said he didn't even care who you married, so long as it happened eventually. Now-" I stood back to admire my handiwork and smiled, "what do you plan to for the next nine hours? I refuse to let you sit in bed and read all day. At least sit outside and read, sunlight is a MUCH better thing for your skin." I had already procured the parasol I'd selected for her, a nice little number that I'd noticed whilst shopping for her groceries the Sunday previous. Cute, but still capable of blocking a fair amount of sunlight, and it came with a small dagger hidden in the handle, to ward off any ruffians. I've had one too many run-ins to NOT prepare for that sort of foolery.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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0.00 INK

Felicia looked at the parasol Darius held. Where on earth had he been hiding that? The parasol was undeniably feminine, cute would be a wonderfully accurate word to describe the appearance of the parasol. Felicia looked out the window. It seemed to be a pleasant enough day and Felicia doubted Darius would let the point drop until she went outside. She took the parasol from him and twirled it around like a baton before bringing it to rest on her shoulder.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was an attempt to get me to dress more like a girl," Felicia said, looking down at her shirt and trousers, the waistcoat could wait, she wasn't going anywhere, "But then I remember, you're not my father and I do know better, so I have nothing to worry about. Until tonight." She added under her breath, making her way to the library.

To describe her personal library as vast was something of an understatement. Over the years, Felicia had become something of a bibliophile. She'd read most of the books in her collection, but that was what happened when you had as much time on your hands as Felicia did. It also highlighted the beauty of books. She could walk into a bookstore and be guaranteed to find a book she had never seen before. Books were so good for the imagination. Felicia propped the parasol up on a bookcase, climbing a little way up the ladder, leaning over to find the book she was searching for. The faded gold font of a red leather book caught her attention and she pulled it from the shelf. She gave the cover a cursory glance before climbing back down to terra firma. Tucking the book under her arm she gathered the parasol and made her way to the garden.

Felicia wasn't much of a botanist, but he could admire the skill that went into creating and maintaining such a garden. Money had definitely been spent here, but not to the extent that it was horrendously ostentatious. Felicia crossed her legs, resting the book against them, holding the parasol up to block the sunlight. It wasn't that she didn't like the sunlight, she just liked the way she looked when she was pale. She didn't suit a tan. And a tan meant that you had to change whatever colour scheme it was that you had going just to suit your temporary complexion. Tans were more trouble than they were worth.

"You can sit down you know Darius," She said, not entirely sure if Darius was still around, but she was fairly certain he was, "You don't have to stand to attention all the time."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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I bowed upon her permission, then sat down on a decorative rock, pulling out a small pocketbook with the words Tao Te Ching embossed in gold on the cover and opening it to read. However, halfway into the first sentence, a dumb idea burst into my head, and unlike other dumb ideas, which I tended to keep to myself, force back into my mind, and beat until they realize the error of their ways, this one felt, and I hate to use the old adage... JUST stupid enough to work.
"Miss Felicia," I said, putting my book down and standing up once again, "I believe I may have a solution to your problem about your father asking marriage." I waited until she gave permission to continue, then said, "Your father explicitly said he didn't care who you married, and I know for a fact you do not wish to have to put up with any potential suitors who would either show up on their own accord or through your father. So my solution is simple. You and I marry. I already look after you, know your likes and dislikes, and have no real desire to see any friction between you and your father because of a silly outdated worldview. The marriage would be purely for your benefit, life for us would continue on as normal, and if someone came along who you fancied, I could instantly step aside for them... And I must say, this idea is sounding sillier and sillier as I say it. Forget it, it was an idea made on a whim." I went back to my book, now actually curious as to whether or not something as silly as that would work. For God's sake, it sounded like something directly out of a bad romantic comedy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darius Arteria Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon
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Felicia looked up at the mention of her name. "I believe I may have a solution to your problem about your father asking marriage," Felicia gently folded her book closed, curious as to Darius's plan.

"Go on."

"Your father explicitly said he didn't care who you married, and I know for a fact you do not wish to have to put up with any potential suitors who would either show up on their own accord or through your father. So my solution is simple. You and I marry. I already look after you, know your likes and dislikes, and have no real desire to see any friction between you and your father because of a silly outdated worldview. The marriage would be purely for your benefit, life for us would continue on as normal, and if someone came along who you fancied, I could instantly step aside for them... And I must say, this idea is sounding sillier and sillier as I say it. Forget it, it was an idea made on a whim."

Felicia nodded trying to process what Darius had just proposed. She looked at Darius. His words were true enough, whether or not marriage would work between them was another matter entirely. The entire thing was utter madness, wasn't it? Darius himself had already dismissed the idea. Felicia returned to her book although she found she couldn't really concentrate on it, mulling the whole marriage thing over in her head, "I'll bear your proposal in mind Darius." She heard herself say. She thought about what she just said, "I didn't mean for it to sound like that, I meant I'll keep the idea in mind, not the idea that you would be proposing, which would be strange, like you said. And I'm just going to stop talking now," She said, feeling her cheeks heating up as she returned to her book.