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Anastacia Price

"Sometimes it's better to be alone, you can't get hurt that way."

0 · 1,082 views · located in Corolla Hills

a character in “Corolla Hills”, as played by .euphoria.


"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for."


| Full Name |
Hello, my name is Anastasia Veronika Price but I was born to the last name Zaretsky. Only because when my parents move our family to America they also decided to change it to what it is now.

| Nickname(s) |
The obvious ones of course like Ana and Stasia. But, I don't like people calling me Annie except maybe one person in Corolla Hills.

| Age |
That's rude to ask a woman but, if you must know... I am twenty six years old.

| Date of Birth |
I was born on the 14th of February in 1987.

| Education |
I graduated top of my class during my senior year with a 4.2 GPA and got my college education at Princeton University in law.

| Sexuality |
Sapiosexual if must know.

| Hometown |
I was born and raised in Saint Petersburg, Russia until the age of sixteen when my family and I moved to Corolla Hills... before moving to Princeton, New Jersey two years later for school. And after I gradated, I decided to move back.

| Class |
Because of my father's business, I am easily high class. If I wasn't, I would have the life I have now.

| Occupation |
I work for a law firm. I mostly do criminal law cases like you see on television but, I'll take any type.

| Likes |
Romantic gestures| Intimacy | Cuddling | Kisses | Italian Food | Jogging | Practicing | Being The Best | Arguing | Wicked (The Musical) | Drawing With Pencil | Winning | Italy | My Family | The Thought Of Being In Love | Starbucks | Chocolate | The Outdoors | Music (Folk, Indie, and Italian) | Using Sarcasm | Being By Myself | Reading | Sports | Being In Control | Things Done My Way | The Rain | Ballet | Soap Operas (Days of Our Lives, CentoVetrine , and General Hospital)| Vintage Style | My Job | My Cat and Dog |

| Dislikes |
Slow Dancing | Crying | Being Upset | Jealously | Pop, Rap, and Country Music | Her Father's Affairs | Being Lied To | Losing | Not Having Control | Lazy People | Fast Food | Reality Television | Cheaters | Getting Hurt | People With No Respect | Pity | People Asking About Her Past | The Rumors About Her Past | Sex/Having Sex | Romance in most situations |
| Quirks |
Swears in Russian When Angry or Having Sex | Bite My Lip A Lot | Smiles When Furious With Someone |

| Fears |
Losing My Job | Never Starting A Family | Falling | Falling In Deeply In Love | Losing Another Child |

| Skills |
I am trained professionally in ballet and in lyrical dancing but, I can pretty much dance to any type of music as long as it has a beat to it. I'm also not much of a cook but I can bake. You know like little things; cupcakes, cakes, brownies, stuff like that and if I can say so myself they are pretty good.

| Romance |
I have been widowed since the age of twenty two when I lost my husband in a car accident. But, I have done my grieving and now ready for a relationship. But, right now I am single. (See Relationship Thread)

| Thoughts on the Auditore Family |
They pretty decent, I love how they stick up for one another. Something I wished my siblings did. And, the guys in their family aren't half bad looking. Just saying.

| Thoughts on the Sarinelli Family |
They argue with each other.... A lot which makes me feel more at home with them seeing that my family was the exact same way. Only with the Sarinelli family, it makes them strong unlike mine where it ripper most of us apart from each other. And, they have a pretty good family other then the bickering.


| Personality |
I will or could never be just one thing, I have many different parts of my personality that makes me... me. They all make me Natasha Price. To some, I know I come off as that responsible and mature woman, like a strong woman who knows herself, who she is, what she wants. And to others, and I know this for a fact, I come off as the strict and cold-heated lawyer, unable feel an empathy for others. However, this Russian here isn't one or the other. I'm both. I am true to her heritage and the way she was raised. I have always been as passionate, caring, and strong as her mother, Colette. I am a bit dreamer just like my mother was and in some cases, I can be far more curious than I should be. And, with that I am surprisingly one not to act on instinct. I just can't do it. I'm always the one slowing down and taking the time to think something through before making a decision. This fact leads me to sometimes think too much, a habit I've been trying to break. But, for the last twenty four years it has not been able to be broken. But like my father I am determined, protective, and a leader. Having the heart of a bull. I am not one to take pity from anyone about anything and isn't above snapping on someone who sees me as inferior to them. And, I live to prove those types of people wrong. Which has made my father very proud. Something that I have always wanted to place from him; pride and acceptance.

I am, in two words, intelligent and sarcastic. I have what you Americans call a "sharp tongue", and I'm always ready with a quick comment or a sarcastic remark towards anyone, though I never mean to cause real harm to anyone outside of the courtroom. I am also one to always throw myself into everything I do even if that means having to keep at it for hours on end. Like I have with my dreams of law school and Princeton and having a good for the past, what... 24 years of my life. Since I was born, I knew what I wanted to do. And with those years behind me, I hate to lose or losing no matter what it is whether it's a case or a simple match of basketball. I hate losing to anyone! I do enjoy and love sports and I'm always at her best when she's in a competitive mood to be frank. And then of course, I like to stay active, and with that, I have a strict schedule. Which has made her stricter on herself than how her parents were which is hard to believe but it is true. She has much control over herself and her decisions, always being the one to think of the outcomes. This is the part of me that I need to feel as if I have done something with my life and that everything that happened to her in her life means something that will help me in the long run.

Thus leading into the part of me no one ever sees: the insecure woman, the one who fears being forgotten and hurt so she second-guesses every decision she makes because it might not be good enough. This is the part of myself that I hide from the world. Not wanting to look weak. To anyone or incapable of anything. Even those close to me only ever get glimpses, never the full truth of the person that lies far from my serious surface. Overall, l'm like most people in the world who just wants to have all her hard work lead up to... something, anything that is worth remembering in history. Even is that means pushing the people away that I have taken for granted once and a while.


| History |
You want to here my life story? Seriously? Ok but it is no tearjerker if that's what you were hoping for... Alright, so I was born in the beautiful city known St. Petersburg, Russia just thirty minutes after my older twin brother, Felix to a rather older couple at the age of 28 when they decided to have children after being married for ten years. My father, Alexei you see is one of the richest people in Russia, hell in the world, an heir to a great fortune. And, all he had to do was wait many years to have children with his wife and not just that but to not have sex at all. He had to wait until he was of the age of 27 years of age and be able to make a nice living in order to receive the seventy million dollar fortune. And, he did. Which I can understand. While our mother, Colette stayed home to care for our home. Not long after they decided to make our family even larger, getting pregnant with triplets only months after having us. And they were named Alexandra, Joesph, and Isabelle. Growing up, my siblings and I had a nice life. Well, more than a nice life, the perfect life in our young pampered eyes. We were given whatever we wanted when we wanted it no matter the price. This was the life our father, Alexei wanted to be able to give us. Around my teenage years like... 13 or 14, Felix and I began to gain interests. I had an interest in the country of America, everything about it fascinated me even more. The people, the clothing, even how they could literally fry anything.

But, I never thought she even leave Russia especially by myself. I thought I'd live in St. Petersberg forever and start my family there because my dad disapproved of me going to America. So, I got angry but, obeyed my father's demand. So, I began to focus on school and my "friends" I had who were the reason of her personality. Before going into high school, I was sweet and innocent and I thought I was damn amazing, then I changed into the person everyone knows of today. They would say things about my family asking and wondering how my father got his money, saying he was a gang leader which... Doesn't matter. My father got it from his father who's "business" is classified. And, to be honest, I never want to know because I might just have to prostitute him. Haha, lawyer joke but going back to my life. I would end up shunning them all away and ended up with a wall around my emotions. I decided that why make nice with others if they do is all make rumors about my family. One day I got expelled for hitting a classmate who called my mother a gold digging whore who just wanted for my father for the money. So, I hit her. And when I got home, I was terrified of the punishment I thought I was going to receive but when I got home my father told me that we were moving. To America. And, of course, I thought he was joking around but after remembering that my father never joked. I got excited! I was amazed that he told us that because of reasons we were to young to understand, that we were moving to America. In a place called Corolla Hills in the state California. California! I was elated about it until we left three months later.

And, when we moved here. I loved it, everything about it. From the men to the food to the beaches, everything. And not to forget my brother and I were the top two students in our school. Me with a 4.2 and my brother with a 4.1. And, yes, we were more focused on our academics than have relationships of any types. At least, I was. Which is why I probably only had one boyfriend during high school. Which... ended badly. And, at the age of sixteen I ended up alone with a new daughter who I named after my mother, Colette Elizabeth. Of course my father was furious at first but, of course he was enjoying being a father again. So, yea. Anyways, in the two years of my junior and senior year of high school, I kept my GPA and became Valedictorian of my class, getting scholarships to many colleges all of the country. But, none of them interested me, sure I had, Columbia, Notre Dame, UCLA, you name the top schools and my brother or I got letters from them. My brother wanted to live off my parents wealth, so I let him. Let him be a gold digger on his own parents. Pathetic. I wanted a career and I chose law. And I chose Princeton. The second best law school in the country after Harvard of course. I was-- I was living a dream. I had my plans on track and well... My life was perfect. That is until a couple days later my began getting really hot. Her fever being 106.5. My father rushed her to the hospital but it was now use, within three days... She was gone. The doctors told us that she had passed away from Hyperthermia. And like that, y life was gone. My mother was the one person in the world that loved me no matter what was... gone. And she wasn't going to come back. Ever. I wanted to just throw everything away to grieve but my father wouldn't let me. He refused to let me throw my dreams away because of it. And after awhile, I started to think that he was right.

So, when the next school year came around, I was done with my grieving and in Princeton, New Jersey for my major in law. At first of course it was hard. But, I met someone that helped me through it. His name was Andrew and he was a nice American boy that just... became the apple of my eye and I was the apple of his. And after our first year of pre-law, we fell in love and through the years we got stronger and stronger...Which may be why,he was okay with me having a daughter. After a couple years, he proposed during our last year of school I said yes, obviously. And that day we began to plan while also doing the work we needed to do for our school. And, once graduating, three weeks later... I was the new Mrs. Andrew Samuel St. John. And it was perfect and amazing and... beautiful. A few months later we went with our first child in our new home of Corolla Hills, moving back to my home once our honeymoon was over. Which just added to my happiness, letting my wall fall more and more everyday. That is... until I was six months pregnant and my husband was coming home from work for our first Valentine's day as a married couple. So I waited, and I waited and I waited until it hit eleven at night and the phone rang. And that call, that goddamn call! Ruined my life. I rushed to the hospital just in time to talk to my love one last time before his hand dropping and the line going flat. Losing the most loved person in my life. Once the funeral passed and I was back home, still crying eyes out. I started thinking about our baby, I-- I couldn't, do it with out him. I needed someone who was going to be able to help me. I couldn't take good care of Emma and still work.

It has been three years later, my daughter's now ten years old and I am doing much better then I was. I have done my five stages of depression and now I'm ready to accept that I need to move on to take care of my daughter who is now six years. During the years, my family had fallen apart. My father has never stayed faithful to a woman after my mother, my sisters are now god knows where, and my brother is in jail for abuse on his wife. The only person who has stayed here and stayed by my side is my twin, Felix. And he promised me, whenever I needed help that he would help me especially now that I'm trying to find a decent man to take care of us or at least to help me with the money. So far? Not so good, so right now I am living in an small house which was built by my father, who wanted to have his daughter and granddaughter close while still having his girl being independent. Look, my life is far from what it looks like, I work all day, everyday of the week, have to be a mother while still being a educated working woman. But, everything that has happened in my life has happened for a reason, I just need to find what reason that is.

| Misc. |
Theme Song-My Love | Also, she still wears a locket with her husband picture inside most days. |

So begins...

Anastacia Price's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastacia Price Character Portrait: James DeSilvio
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The first thing the twenty six year old heard when she woke up in the morning was a loud creak of the wooden floor boards below her and who ever else was in her room. She knew exactly who it was seeing that She felt a small hand go on her arm, shaking her. Yet another attempt to wake up. She let out a groan before slowly opening her eyes and turning to the the side of her queen size bed to see her daughter with looking at her with her big doe eyes. She smiled at her daughter as she kissed her daughter's forehead and sat up in her bed, stretching her arms above her head with another small yawn. She looked at her daughter who was holding her cochlear implant in her right hand, waiting for her mother to get it ready. Her daughter wasn't completely deaf but she was close to it and she wanted her daughter to be able to grow up hearing. So, around the age of eight, her father paid for the implant that went around her ear and gave her the ability to hear like anyone else. But, that didn't stop and Ana, Colette, and her close family from learning sign language and sending her daughter to a special school just for the deaf and on top of that for a little girl, Colette was rather good at reading lips when the implant got uncomfortable around her ear. Anastacia wiped her eyes free of the sleep before letting her feet go over the right side of the bed before reaching out for the device. She smiled at her daughter before slipping the device on and speaking to her to make sure it was working, "Can you hear me, baby?" She asked with raised eyebrows before her ten year old nodded. "Thanks mom."

"No problem sweetie." She said before getting out of her bed, slipping on her slippers so her feet wouldn't touch the cold flooring. She watched as her daughter just went to her door before turning back around with an overly sweet smile; She wanted something. "Yes?" Ana said as she stopped from looking in her closet and turn the short brunette girl at her door. "Mommy, can I spend the night over uncle Felix's house to go play with Olivia and Tatiana? Please." And, there it was. The point, she had nothing against her twin brother. She adored him, his wife, and their two daughters but, she hated last minute plans. She sighed before looking down at the floor. "Please mom, I promise I'll be good and...and, I won't lose the implant or be disrespectful. And, I cleaned my room so you would say yes." Ana let out a smile as she walked over to the young girl with a pout on her face with big puppy god eyes. Ana got down to her level and held out her hand. "You promise?" She said with a raised eyebrow as she watched her daughter shake her head before hugging her mother after she said yes. The Russian woman watched as her baby rushed to her room to get her over night bag ready. The woman rolled her eyes before going back to her closet and began to pick out an outfit for the day. She looked out her door to hear and make sure that Colette was okay. She was protective... Sue her. After doing so she grabbed a pair of her skinny jeans that showed off her curves nicely without looking too... young.

She grabbed a white shirt and pink blazer out, tossing them alongside her new jeans. She then closed her door a bit for privacy while she slipped her nightgown off and tossed it in the hamper by her door. She then began to slip on her jeans, shirt, and blazer before looking at her reflection in the full length mirror in her room. She grabbed a pair of nude heels and slipped them one as she looked herself up and down. She turned to look at her curves before walking out of her room to the room around the corner, also known as "Princess Colette's room". Anastasia walked in and looked at her daughter's bag making sure she had everything; Pajamas, toothbrush, clothes for the next day, shoes, the other cochlear in case they ever somehow lost the other one, and of course, her iPod touch fulled to the core with mostly One Direction and Justin Bieber like most little girls. She grabbed the iHome on the dresser and put it in the bag, knowing she probably going to ask to stay more then just one day seeing that it was summer vacation. For her daughter at least, Ana was on the clock 24/7 except for two days, her daughter's birthday and Christmas. Those were the two days her work mode went off and her mommy mode went on all day.

Speaking of which, Ana looked at her phone looking at the time and tapped her daughter shoulder telling her it was time to go. "They're going to the mall right now, do you need any money?" She asked as she looked in her bag for her wallet, knowing her daughter was nodding. She gave the girl thirty dollars, slipping it in her purse as the power duo began to walk down the stairs carefully, not wanting to fall. When they made it down, Ana saw her cats, Gatsby and Daisy rushed towards their cat house. Knowing their owners are leaving. She grabbed her car keys and walked out right behind her daughter, closing the door behind them and opening the garage. She unlocked the car and slipped in the front as her daughter slipped in the passenger side. As they pulled away she watched her daughter turn back and watch their house get smaller before turning back around and turning on the radio. The whole time, Anastacia was talking on her Bluetooth as they drove to the restaurant.

As they pulled up and got out of the car, she looked and saw her brother right at the door with his family. As they walked up next to the group her two nieces hugged her legs and yelled. "Aunt Annie!" Ana let out a smile and hugged them back as she looked at her brother who looked exactly like her but in male form. "You'll make sure that she's okay. Right?" Her brother, Felix rolled his eyes and nodded. "Yes, I will. I'll get her something to eat at the mall." After a while of talking with the adults while the kids were listening to the radio. Ana watched as the drove away and walked back to her car, just to drive over to James' house not long after. She knocked on the door and crossed her arms around her chest as she waited for him to answer. She knew he was at home, it was too early for him to really be at one of her business unless he really wanted to watch families eat breakfast at his restaurant. She took out her phone and texted him.

James. Open your front door.

The Russian put her phone back in her purse and she bit her bottom lip as she thought of why she had to speak to her friend. She needed to lay everything out in the open, she needed the winks, flirty comments, and everything else he did to stop. She needed to focus on being his lawyer and his friend not just another girl he wanted to take to bed. Which she has told him many, many times before. Yet, it somehow never got through that thick skull of his.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rayna Tatianna Sokolov Character Portrait: Anastacia Price Character Portrait: Sofia Sarinelli Character Portrait: Joseph Sarinelli Character Portrait: Dante Sarinelli Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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Rayna was struggling to maintain calm as her step mom pretended care about Talia. Rayna took in her step moms attention grabbing outfit and the fact that she was practically posing as she rolled her eyes. She did however brighten up as her dad strolled up to them, also carrying two bouquets of flowers. One was a a bouquet of white and pink tulips. The other, which she assumed was for her since they were her favorites, were gorgeous white mums.
"Dad, I'm not the one graduating," She said as he hugged her.
"Yes, darling, why on earth would you buy Rayna those, especially mums, I find them so boring," Felicity said innocently wrapping her arms around him.
"I know your not Ray, but you helped her, did you not?" He said matter of factly with a grin on his face." And Felicity what I do and don't do for Rayna is none of your business. Do not stick your nose where it does not belong." He added, which shut her up quickly. He didn't say it coldly it was just that her had a very demanding presence and you did not question him.

Rayna began to notice people whispering around them and directing their attention to them. Some of the things said were compliments others were rumors, to which Rayna tried to ignore. She felt a twinge of anger as someone said "Isn't that the ice queen, man she is hot. Did you hear her dad was like a gangster in the mafia?" One boy with bright green eyes and unsightly pimples on his forehead said. His friend nodded "Yeah, her family is like the god father," The rumors continued to swirl as well as the usual attention her step mom, sister, and her usually received "Oh my gosh they all look like super models." A girl in a obnoxious bright pink gown gushed. Her friend who was obviously bitter of the attention Talia was getting snorted "Yeah too bad her older sisters like some snobby, cold bitch. That's why they call her the ice queen. She won't give you the time of day unless your rich." That one stung a little. She glanced at Talia who was having the same reaction.

She was about to walk away to look for Sofia when she saw Jayson walking up to her and hugging her. She noticed Jayson's polite greeting to Talia, not friendly just polite, but she decided to leave that one alone. "I'm glad you're here. Now it's time to party."
Rayna rolled her eyes "Yeah sure, by the way this is for you," She said handing her one of the bouquets of roses in her hands. "Just let me grab Sofia. " She said quickly scanning for Sofia, who she quickly found. It wasn't hard since, like her her family drew alot of attention, even more than Rayna's. She, making sure periodically that Talia and Jayson were still with her and not lost in the crowd strolled toward them.

She suddenly felt a little self conscious, not that her outfit wasn't fabulous, because it was but because there was her ex boyfriend and her current boyfriend, who were brothers. She also suddenly wished she hadn't chosen such a short dress. Though her dress was appropriete with the high neckline. The subtle sexuality of the dress was hard to miss. Though she quickly pulled herself together and gathered Sofia in a hug. "I'm so proud of you," She whispered. Next Talia hugged her and did her squealing and jumping, which all together amazed her since Talia was wearing Rayna's 6' pumps and Rayna's feet were tired just from her 4' pumps.

She turned to Sofia's mom and gave her a polite smile "Hello Mrs. Sarinelli," She said before turning to Joey and giving him a hug. "Can you believe our sisters are graduating?" She asked brushing away a fake tear dramatically, she giggled before saying "But seriously this is unbelievable."

She quickly glanced at Dante "Hey Dante," She said with a small smile. She bit her lip to hide her grin. What she wanted to do was to grab him, pull him close and kiss him in front of everyone. But that might not be a good idea so she instead tried to act nonchalant. While Talia was still socializing she turned to Sofia and asked " So you planning on celebrating with us?" She ask with a knowing wink. She pulled out her phone and sent two new messages.

To: My little Russian
Message: Going to celebrate after graduation, you in?

"Oh I almost forgot, I need to get home and get changed can somebody give me a ride home?" She asked glancing at Dante, though the question was aimed at the whole group.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rayna Tatianna Sokolov Character Portrait: Anastacia Price Character Portrait: Dante Sarinelli Character Portrait: James DeSilvio
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James DeSilvio

With a muffled moan James reached over to slap at his alarm and only lifted his head from beneath his blankets when he realized it was his phone making the obnoxious sound that was ringing through his skull. He’d definitely had a bit a too much to drink last night, James tended to indulge every now and again and bourbon happened to be his drink of choice. As a matter of fact he could still taste it. Rising from his king size bed he blearily stumbled to his pants crumpled on the floor and ripped his phone from the pocket and silenced the beeping that wouldn't stop until he read his text.

James. Open your front door.

It was from Anastasia. Furrowing his blond brows he tried to come up with a reason why he might be in trouble with his lawyer. Oh, God he thought. Something had happened at Omega or DeSilvio’s and she was coming to deliver the bad news. Taking pains to pull on a pair of track pants he usually reserved for the gym, and to run a toothbrush over his teeth, he stalked to the front door and unlatched the lock before retreating to the kitchen to start his coffee maker. Moving silently and efficiently around the small kitchen that came in the small condominium that he’d purchased when he’d gotten back into town, he took down two mugs and grabbed cream from the fridge along with a bottle of water. Grabbing aspirin from the bottle he kept in the junk drawer he downed three of them and chugged the water, trying his best to make himself as coherent as possible before Anastasia could start. Of course he probably should have put a shirt on, but at this point his head was pounding so hard he really didn’t care how she saw him.

He and Anastasia had been working together for two years, and became friends along the way. James trusted her, something he didn't give out freely or without reason. There was something about Anastasia that drew him to her, and even if she did turn him down for dinner at least once a week he didn't think it affected their relationship one way or the other. Just because he was nearly six and half feet tall, a successful businessman and a former model doesn’t mean that every woman would find him attractive and want to spend time with him. Although if you asked James he knew that Anastasia was fond of him, perhaps even more so than she realized.

Yawning and pouring himself a cup of coffee he took a sip and immediately winced at the temperature while inwardly cursing himself as an idiot. What was the definition of insanity again? To repeat the same action expecting a different result each time? Every morning he scalded his tongue because he had no patience, and perhaps it was a bit insane to keep flirting with Anastasia when she rarely even gave a hint that she noticed.

Wandering back into his living room, James plopped his large frame into the sleek, black, leather armchair that faced his front door and waited for the bad news that was inevitable. His mind raced over the hundreds of awful things that could have happened. Of course something would happen the one night he took some time away to visit a bar that he didn’t actually own, but James found it strange to be inebriated around his staff and knew that there was no way he’d be able to get drunk at Omega and retain any kind of respect. Draining his coffee mug, he ran a large hand through his blond hair, still wild from sleep and prayed silently that no one had served a minor, or that there hadn't been some kind of bar brawl because the last thing he wanted to do was pay a fine, get shut down or have to deal with an insurance company. Of course that’s why he had a lawyer.

"So what's the bad news? Let's get it over with?" He asked dryly, looking up at Anastasia with eyes still swollen from sleep.

Dante Sarinelli

Dante folded his arms over his chest and watched the touching scene unfold between his mother and sister and wanted nothing more than to say his goodbyes and head for the beach, with a small smile plastered onto his face he was momentarily taken aback by arrival of Rayna. Immediately his nerves began to sing and it took everything within him to not throw an arm around his girlfriend and proclaim to everyone that they were together. Pretending wasn't something he tended to be good at.

Waving a greeting to Rayna, Jayson and Talia he grinned broadly at the younger girls and did his best not make too much of the fact that his girlfriend was hugging his brother while all he got was a distant hey. Of course it’s what they’d agreed upon and it really made the most sense. If they didn't get caught at least. Neither one of them was the type to try and involve anyone in their private business nor Dante’s family were nothing if not opinionated so when all was said and done it was best to keep it all on the hush hush.

As he listened to the small group socialize, their chattering beginning to sound like a buzzing in his ears he was brought back to attention by Rayna’s plea for a ride home. Being smart enough to realize that this was his opening, Dante made a showing of looking at the time on his phone and shrugging nonchalantly. “I wouldn't mind giving you a ride, I guess. I was on my way to get a haircut. Mother would die if I showed up looking like this for dinner.” He said with a snarky grin as he wrapped an arm around his visibly unentertained mother. Dante knew that she was angry at him for not doing as she asked this morning and her wrath would probably grow if he didn't do as she asked by the time they were due for dinner and while he was out he might as well spend as much time with Rayna as he possibly could. At least time where they didn't have to pretend that they were barely friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rayna Tatianna Sokolov Character Portrait: Anastacia Price Character Portrait: James DeSilvio
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As Ana waited for James to open the front door to let her in, she began to look through her phone text messages. Most from her boss, who kept giving her cases to do just because most of the others at the firm weren't as... reliable as her. She sighed and rolled her eyes, knowing that she could't just say no. She need that job. She was about to slip her phone back in her bag right as she saw a message from her best friend, Rayna. As she read over it she started to think if she had anything else to do for the day other then talk to James who really needed to hurry up, Anastasia was never a patient woman when she had something on her mind. She quickly replied to her friend before slipping the black IPhone into her purse.

Absolutely. :) I just need to have a talk with James first.

After a brief moment of waiting and tapping her foot on the cement she finally heard the door make a loud "click" sound. "Finally" She said in her head as she opened the door and walked into the condo. She closed the door behind her and looked at James who was shirtless and laying in his black leather chair. She looked him up and down before seeing the look in his eyes. She was very observant and she could tell by just looking at him that he was suffering from a hangover. She looked at him as he quickly began to talk to her, "So what's the bad news? Let's get it over with?" She gave him a small smile as she walked to his kitchen and grabbed the mug that was set out by coffee maker. Once pouring the coffee, she turned towards James and walked into the living room to a chair next to his. Sitting down, she crossed her legs and put the coffee down before speaking. "Will you relax? Nothing happened last night, if something did I would have found out and called you in the middle of the night. Why? Because I am your lawyer, someone who is here to keep your ass out of trouble. No if's, and's or but's." She said in a reassuring tone as she looked at him, trying her hardest to keep her light brown eyes connected with his green ones and not let her eyes slip down to look at his bare chest. When she looked away from him and looked at her tapping foot, a habit she did whenever she had something on her mind that was being a slight thorn in her side.

The Russian let out and sigh before looking back at him and clearing her throat. "But, there is something we have to talk about, James. And we need to talk about it now." She told him before continuing. "For the past two years we have work together and became good friends, really good friends in my opinion. Which is exactly where we need to stay in order to keep this going." She told him with her voice growing a bit more demanding, like she did when she was on the job. Then again, she was always on the job. She got up and began pacing, something that she did whenever she had to think about what to say in order not to step on too many toes. "Trust me, I have thought about it... a lot. But, unlike you I have other things that I need to think and care about first like my daughter and my job. I need to focus on those two things and having a relationship with a man who will probably find another girl within the next few days is only going to remove that focus on those two things." After she said it, she knew she was wrong. James wasn't like that, if he was like that he wouldn't have asked Anastasia out to dinner at least once a week for the past two years, that takes persistence. Something that made her attracted to him even more, not that she would ever tell him that or anyone else for that matter. In all honesty, the only person who knew about Ana's feelings for James was Rayna.

She stopped her pacing and looked at James, sighing. "James, I know you're flirting just to flirt and that I'm probably over-reacting about the whole thing but, I think that if we did end up trying. We would find out that it was a mistake and that's a chance I'm not willing to take." She told him as she looked at him, waiting for a reaction... Anything. The best thing would happen would be him agreeing with her and have them move on from this awkward conversation. At least that's what she kept telling herself. Maybe her Rayna was right, maybe she was afraid of relationships, I mean Ray had told her that ever since Ana let the cat out of the bag a little over a year ago. And maybe she was correct, not that she would ever admit it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastacia Price Character Portrait: Alexandra Alena Auditore Character Portrait: James DeSilvio
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James DeSilvio

James watched Anastasia as she paced around nervously trying to explain to him that apparently he was wasting his time and hers both by trying to pursue her. This hadn't been quite what he’d been expecting when he saw her text this morning and he wasn't quite sure how he was supposed to take it. Should he be insulted? Or relieved that it was out there and she wanted no part of it? In all honesty he felt a bit annoyed. Remaining silent he merely rolled his eyes when she mentioned all of her responsibilities. Rising from his chair, he walked past her to the kitchen to refill his coffee mug and to give himself a moment to think.

“I know you have responsibilities Ana, we both do. You know that. You have a kid, I've got my widowed, ailing mother who has a million things she needs done around her house. According to her, God blessed her with a son because he knew she needed someone to change light bulbs for her. “Running a hand over his face, James sighed in frustration and moved to stand in front of his lawyer. “I’m not saying they’re the same thing at all. I’m just saying we all have things we need to do, people to take care of, but shouldn't we take care of ourselves too?” He said plainly, his eyes meeting hers as he lifted an eyebrow suggestively

Grinning now he slipped back into his chair and admired the woman before him appreciatively. “It’s not like I’m asking you to marry me, Price. I just wanted to buy you dinner, we can go dutch if you like, or not at all I suppose if dinner is too much of a commitment.“James finished with an elegant shrug of his shoulders, finding himself disappointed at the prospect of not flirting with Anastasia anymore which usually took up at least a few hours of his time a week. What was he supposed to now? It wasn't as if he was out trolling the streets for women to hook up with and he wasn't sure quite why he had that reputation.

“You know I take offense to you accusing me of going through women like tissue.” James teased, slowly sipping his still warm coffee. “Who am I supposed to turn my attention to now? You’re pretty hard to replace.” He finished just as his phone rang, looking up at Anastasia with mock astonishment he looked at his phone as if it were a miracle. “Perhaps it’s some poor idiot looking to be my next conquest? Oh, we can only hope!” James exclaimed as he answered his still ringing phone.

“Alessa, to what do I owe the pleasure?” James said evenly, his mind immediately trying to remember where she was at today, Omega or DeSilvio’s. With another shrug he mouthed the word business to Anastasia and didn't feel particularly bad that their conversation had been put on hold. It was just like her to come to his house at nine in the morning, get all defense lawyer-ey at him and then not give him a chance to prove her statements wrong. Of course her tenacity was one of the many qualities that drew him to her along with many; many others he thought as he carefully regarded her out of the corner of his eye.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rayna Tatianna Sokolov Character Portrait: Anastacia Price Character Portrait: Sofia Sarinelli Character Portrait: Joseph Sarinelli Character Portrait: Dante Sarinelli Character Portrait: Alessandra Alena Auditore
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Rayna bit her lip as Dante said “I wouldn't mind giving you a ride, I guess. I was on my way to get a haircut. Mother would die if I showed up looking like this for dinner.”
She glanced over at Sophia who was being attacked with hugs by Talia, though she wasn't sure Sophia's hungover stomach could handle it. "Talia, oh my gosh. I'm going to be sick if you keep jumping."
Sohie seemed to be making excuses to her mom about where we were going."Us girls are going out for dinner, aren't we?"
"Of course I chill dinner isexactly what we need," She said widening her eyes and smiling innocently.

As she was convincing their mom she heard the Sarinelli siblings joking about Dante's haircut.
"You should get an S shaved into your hair, for Sarinelli." Sofia joked,"Or Dante could get a J and an S, for Joey and Sofia. Proclaim how much you love us to the world."
"I think you'd look good like that. Forget the letters- how about just both of our names, one on each side? "Joey added. His and Sophia's comments made her giggle. She giggled and said "That would be very sexy," She added. Before noticing Joey's curious gaze "Did Talia drive you guys here?" He asked
"Um no I drove us but Talia's clothes are in the car so she doesn't need to go home, I forgot to bring my clothes." She glanced at Dante "Speaking of which we should go"

She waved at the group and sternly looked at Talia "Do.Not.Crash.My.Car" She Said as she turned on her heel. She easily found Dante's car and leaned on it . While she waited she checked her phone which was buzzing with a message from Anastasia she read it before smirking at sending her a message.

Remember pleasure before business


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rayna Tatianna Sokolov Character Portrait: Anastacia Price Character Portrait: James DeSilvio
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Anastasia watched as James rolled his eyes and went to refill his coffee mug. “I know you have responsibilities Ana, we both do. You know that. You have a kid, I've got my widowed, ailing mother who has a million things she needs done around her house. According to her, God blessed her with a son because he knew she needed someone to change light bulbs for her. “ She scoffed and raised her eyebrows all while crossing her arms across her chest. "Are you comparing changing a light bulb to taking care of a deaf child?" After she was done talking, she watched James walk past her before wiping his face and sigh. “I’m not saying they’re the same thing at all. I’m just saying we all have things we need to do, people to take care of, but shouldn't we take care of ourselves too?” She sighed and look at her feet for a brief moment before looking back at him as he sat back in his seat with a grin on his face. “It’s not like I’m asking you to marry me, Price. I just wanted to buy you dinner, we can go dutch if you like, or not at all I suppose if dinner is too much of a commitment.“ She let out a deep exhale as she rolled her eyes at him. She didn't say anything, she just kept her mouth shut knowing that no matter what she said, no matter how sarcastic it could have been, he too would have a smart ass reply as well.

“You know I take offense to you accusing me of going through women like tissue.” She looked at him with a smirk on her face. "You don't go after women, you go after girls. You know, the ones who are are in their early twenties and have absolutely no cares in the world." She told him as he sipped his new cup of coffee before asking her a question or as she saw it, a sarcastic remark. “Who am I supposed to turn my attention to now? You’re pretty hard to replace.” She shrugged towards him before giving him a smirk. "I'm sure you'll find someone up to your standards." She said to him in fake enthusiasm. After a moment his phone began to ring which made her look towards the phone not far from him. “Perhaps it’s some poor idiot looking to be my next conquest? Oh, we can only hope!” She scoffed as she grabbed her coffee cup and heard him answer the phone. When he responded to whoever was on the phone, she knew it was one of his employees. She wasn't close too Alessandra but the name did ring a bell. And she could easily put the name to the face. She rolled her eyes at the man in front of her as he shrugged and mouthed to her.

"God sometimes talking to you is like talking to a child." She said to him in somewhat of a hush tone just so Alessandra didn't hear her irritated tone. She grabbed her coffee cup and walked, a bit annoyed into the kitchen to get the last of the coffee. She put some cream in it and opened one of the cabinets where she knew the sugar was. She had to stretch a little for it but, after a second she got it and put a decent amount into the light brown mixture. She leaned on the counter as she looked at James with her eyes screaming in annoyance. But, he wasn't going to make her regret her decision of bring it up. She heard her phone go off and walked over to get it out of her bag before heading back into the kitchen to read it. She gave a small chuckle and grin as she read what her best friend said. Rayna always made her feel better, she was sweet, naive, and positive while Anastasia was more... realistic, frank, and well... untrusting of other people. But, when they were around one another they got along perfectly. Which made her happy that at least one of her close friends didn't find enjoyment in pissing her off and annoying her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rayna Tatianna Sokolov Character Portrait: Anastacia Price Character Portrait: Sofia Sarinelli Character Portrait: Alexandra Alena Auditore Character Portrait: Joseph Sarinelli Character Portrait: Dante Sarinelli
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Dante Sarinelli

Dante laughed sarcastically with his siblings and smiled lopsidedly at the idea of him buzzing their initials or names into his head. The idea was so absurd that he couldn't help but to laugh. It was times like this that he was glad to be a Sarinelli. His family was large and loud and crazy but somehow he always felt like he belonged in some way or another. Be it the black sheep or otherwise.

It was then that he heard Rayna remark on how sexy she thought it’d be, jokingly, of course but if anyone was observant they would have caught Dante blushing a deep shade of red at the comment. Not to mention the fact that Joey seemed slightly curious about the driving situation which made the palms of Dante’s hand begin to dampen due to nerves. “I could just get Idiot shaved into my head. Same difference, right?” The blond boy replied with a smirk, as he was caught up in a hug with his older brother. Dante immediately reciprocated and watched as his brother bailed and left him the only male among the many women surrounding them. Something Dante’s could always get behind. Not to mention fewer questions to be answered.

Soon enough Dante realized his sister was going to dinner with her friends and not her family which made sense. His father was out of town on business and they’d probably have some elaborate dinner with a side of snide remarks. He couldn't wait. Either way it meant that he and his mother were dining alone tonight and the idea set his nerves on edge. He could just imagine how the evening’s conversation would go. Why wasn't he more like his older brothers, what was he going to do when he graduated university, was he going to be a handyman for the rest of his life, who was he dating now, who were her family and didn't he know he could do better? He was a Sarinelli. Only the best for them, even the fuckups. The thought of it made his skin crawl and he was glad to have the distraction of having to drive Rayna home.

Speaking of, he bid his family a last farewell, swearing he’d be back to have dinner with his mother at DeSilvio’s and followed his girlfriend to his dusty jeep parked off to the side of the parking lot. Showing up late hadn't afforded him the best choice in spots. Appreciatively Dante watched the woman leaned against his jeep, a genuine smile crossing his handsome face as he thought of the stolen time they’d have together before they would be called away by the evening’s events.

Opening the passenger side of the vehicle he held the door open for Rayna and bowed slightly. “At your service, Milady. Would you like to go and spend time with me practicing in illicit activities?” He asked saucily, arching one eyebrow suggestively at the beautiful woman standing before him.

James DeSilvio

“You get if from a liquor supply store, Alessa, which is closed.” With a sigh, James rubbed the back of his neck and rolled his shoulders as he thought about what to do and how he’d somehow fucked up the last liquor order. Quickly coming to a decision he replied “I’ll stop by DeSilvio’s and raid their closet and then I’ll be by. Oh, and don’t call me older. You know how vain I am.” He finished glibly just as heard the absurd noises on the other end of the line. Holding his phone away from his still aching head, he winced and spoke back at the phone. “And honestly I think I’m owed the apology, but that’s a whole different story. Just make sure my bar is still standing when I get there.” He finished as he glanced over at Ana, noticing the smile on her face apparently there from something she’d read on her phone and immediately his small bit of jealousy reared its ugly head.

James had no idea if Anastasia was seeing someone, but he figured he’d know if she did. Maybe this was just her way of letting him down easy, trying not to hurt his feeling. He was a big boy, a very big boy, and he didn't need his feelings spared. Everything in him was saying that there was no way that his lawyer was in a romantic relationship with someone, that if anyone knew he would and she’d be quick to let him know about it.

Tucking his phone away into the pocket of his pants he placed his elbows on the counter and leaned forward on them, looking up at Anastasia who was still standing in his kitchen. “I've got you saying I act like a child and another calling me an old man. You all should get together and figure it out. Personally I feel a fit thirty-three and if women who are a bit younger are attracted to that who am I to blame them? I’m not one to point out a lady’s age, seeing as its quite rude and all but you are twenty-six after all. If that doesn’t make you a younger woman then I don’t know what does.”

Stretching back to his full height he looked down at the woman standing before him and tilted his head at her, his currently messy blond hair sticking every which way. “You don’t want me. I get it. Whatever reason I give you to take a chance on me you bat away like a fly. I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do except do what you ask me I suppose.” James said, finally taking Ana’s word to heart and beginning to feel the defeat of being flat turned down.

“I have to go soon so unless you want to join me in the shower I think this is where we say goodbye and see you later.” James offered, feeling slightly hurt and defensive now that her words had finally begun to sink in.