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Corruption Within

Corruption Within


[1x1][Full] The journey of destroying corruption within yourself.

16,826 readers have visited Corruption Within since Ken Shiro created it.


The land of Reinos is full of everything you would expect from a land with such diversity in its citizens. With the mountain tops controlled by giants and the caves below occupied by dwarfs, forests for elves of all kinds and the cities containing mankind. Every part of the land houses a different race. With alliances and pacts being forged the entire realm stands on the brink of war. Only a spark is needed to ignite war, and that is exactly what happened.

Within a month each leader of every alliance we murdered, kicking off the hellish war. It did not take long for the strongest to quickly take advantages, and the weak and peaceful to suffer at their hands. After several months of war the Elves, Dwarfs and Naga all begin to face extinction.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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*As I lumbered through the dense forest I kept looking over my shoulder, recent activity had given me reason to become paranoid. However this war did make for good business, especially for someone like myself. As night drew closer I removed myself from the path and found a small clearing to settle down for the night. After setting up a small fire and eating my fill from what I could scavenge I lent back and rested my eyes. Sleep was becoming more and more precious than gold to me, very few nights I was able to keep my eyes closed for more than a few hours. Without seeing their faces or being woken by either a nearby battle or some kids trying to claim some bounty. As I sat there I longed for a real bed and a real meal, but with how I look I was not exactly discreet. It would only take one person to recognize me and I would either be dead or would have to retreat back to the place I hoped I would never see again.*


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The forest, a place that where I felt safest in, provided me with the protection that I needed until I can make my next move. I jumped down from a large tree with ease, letting the grass cushion my landing before I looked around. My slightly shorter-than-normal elf ears twitched as I listened to my surroundings. It seems that whoever was chasing me had stopped. I exhaled softly before I walked quietly onward, deeper into the forest until I found a large tree. I placed my slender hands upon its aged bark gently and I closed my eyes, whispering softly. Soon the bark seemed to peel itself open revealing the hollowness within the tree. Sweat beaded my forehead and my breath became short and rasped. This would do for now. I walked inside and laid down before I closed my eyes, letting exhaustion take over my body as I entered into a deep sleep.


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*Sleep began to take me and i could see the faces of those I had killed, I could hear their last words ringing though my head. Pleas of mercy, screams of terror, prayers to their gods and curses unto mine. They kept rushing through my head keeping me from peace. The conscious is a horrific thing, forcing guilt upon your every action making you feel that what is necessary is wrong and disgraceful.*

May the gods curse you and the demons of hell feast upon your rotting corpse!

*Words never had much of an effect on me but after hearing so many new curses and threats of revenge, that cursed conscious peered its ugly head and tried to make me believe there is truth in what they say. Between all the thoughts running through my head I awoke to the last flickers of the fire going out. The Sun would not be up for a few more hours, I rekindled the fire and inspect the markings on my arms and legs.*

"I need to find Thanos again."

*I mumbled to myself. I picked up my first sword and ran my thumb along its edge, I pulled a whetstone from my pack and began to sharpen the blade. By the time i finished doing the same with my second sword the sun was beginning to rise, so i holstered my weapons and covered my tracks before getting ready to set off once again.*


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My body twitched in my sleep. I could hear the muffled screams of those that I killed. I could see their eyes looking into mines and the emotions in their eyes, I could read. Fear, betrayal, anger followed by death. I remembered how their bodies struggled and frail in my hands as I became the cause of their deaths. My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly. Dawn had arrived and I was starting to feel guilty about my actions but that was it. I still held fast to my reasons. I stood up and I walked out of the hollow tree. I placed my hand on the bark and the bark slowly returned back to its rightful place. I gave the tree a light pat before I walked onward.

It was only a few hours before my ears twitched again. I stopped in my tracks and kneeled down, placing my hand on the ground while my ears studied the sounds. I felt vibrations through my hands, some slow and steady yet familiar. My ears twitched when I heard the sound of leaves being crunched. I stood up and looked around. Judging from the vibrations, I was already surrounded. I shifted my weight slightly on my feet before I ran as fast and hard as I could. I could hear the yelling and the others following behind me.

My feet carried me swiftly with great speed, running almost faster than any on this land. I placed my steps carefully, hearing traps and snags go off as I ran but soon out of the corner of my eyes I saw ropes fly towards me. I managed to dodge one that was aiming for my throat but the other grab my leg and I fell to the ground, face-first with a grunt. I quickly sat up but before I could pulled my dagger from the inside of my boots I was tackled down and my hands binded behind me. "Ha! Gotcha ya stinkin elf! The prize on ya head will have us living like royalty!" A man said as he pulled me up by my hair, causing me to hiss in pain. "Feast yer eyes men! This is the one!" The mixture of cheers and mummers of approval ranged in my ears as I glared at them angrily. They quickly bind my legs, gagged me and removed my weapons from me. Before I knew it, I was put into a carriage and taken away. I struggled with my bonds but failed. It seems that I was finally captured.


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*Once I reached the path a continued onwards to the west, the forest felt like it went on for an eternity before the trees started thinning out opening up into a large clearing. I stood still for a while wondering if I should cross through it, there was no cover or anywhere to run to if i get spotted. I liked knowing I had an escape if I needed one, before I could make up my mind i felt a slight rumble beneath me. I turned my head seeing several men on horseback coming down the path towards me. I was too far out of the forest to hide, my only choices were to run or fight. Normally I would stay and fight, but i have no desire to have the bounty raised and more trouble than I already have.*


*I took off sprinting through the clearing, the ground shaking with every stomp I took. I quickly checked over my shoulder, they were slowly gaining ground but if I could keep this speed i might make it to the tree line on the other side. As i reached the center i heard a shout from behind me.*


*As quickly as I heard it a huge wooden structure was lifted from the ground. it was covered in large wooden stakes aimed right at me. I tried to stop myself but at this speed I was not able to in time, I turned my body and skidded right into it. I felt several stakes impale my right arm and leg, I managed to lean my head back far enough to stop one entering my neck. I attempted to free myself but could pull myself from them. The men caught up and surrounded me circling around, with my free arm I drew my greatsword and began to swing it wildly. It was not until I heard them laughing at me that I felt the pain surge through me, I had been wounded in battle before but I have never felt anything like this. I could feel my blood running from my wounds and down my skin. It felt like lava burning away at my flesh. My vision was beginning to blur and my strength leaving me.*

"I have to escape now!"

*I looked up to the sky and let out a giant roar.*


*Some of the tattoos on my body began to surge and glow, I felt my strength return to me. As the glowing reached my right side it began to fade and wither.The marks are broken! As quickly as the power had come to me it left. Leaving me weaker than before, my sword fell from my hand and the world started to fade. Before I fell fully into darkness I heard one of the men scoff and speak.*

"Not so tough now, are you?"

*I felt his foot hit the back of my head and finally lost consciousness.*


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It seemed that we traveled forever. The carriage rattle and rocked as we travel all day well into the night. Only stars lit up the sky when the carriage finally came to a stop. My legs where grabbed by a pair of hands before I was pulled out of the carriage and dropped onto the ground. I blinked as the ground was not solid ground but rather, it was sand. My eyes widen as I realized where I was. I felt the rope that once binded my feet cut off and the men pulled me too my feet as I looked ahead at a small building. "Heh. Welcome to your new home, elf girl." A man, clearly the leader of the group, said as he shoved me forward to the building.

I glared angrily at him as I was shoved forward. This place was not a home to anyone or anything. This was the world's most deadly prison. A prison of many names but the elves called it Death's Door Prison. I was shoved into the building and I blinked as I looked around. The first thing I notice was that there wasn't much inside other than a desk and several large guards. "I am here to collect the bounty on her head. Me and my men will ensure that every copper, silver and gold pieces is counted." The man sneered. One large man, strapped with several daggers and knives stepped forward. He grabbed my chin and he forced me to look at him. My green eyes glared into his black ones and I notice the scars on his worn face. He shoved my head away from him. "Hmph. This elf wouldn't last a week in here." He snapped his fingers. "Send her down." He said before the two men walk off to the desk talking.

I lifted the corner of my lip in annoyance before I felt a strong hand grab onto the rope that bonded my hands. My ears twitch as I picked up the sound of chains clinking and wrapping itself around the rope. The hand grabbed my shoulder and turn me around. I looked up and blinked. This guard was one of those giants. I crouched down, ready to attack but he grabbed my throat with ease, lifting me off the ground. He walked, carrying me until he was holding me over a large hole, ranging to be about 10 feet in diameter. I gasped lightly before he let me go and my body descended into the underground prison. I fell about 10 feet before I quickly turn my body, my head pointed downward and my feet up, right when the chain jerked me to a stop at 60ft, I used the sudden stop and slipped my lower half of my body between my arms, letting out a pained yelp as I did. I was suspended 40ft in the air from the stoned ground below my with my arms over my head but my left shoulder was pulled out of socket.

I looked around, the smells reeked of heat, sweat, piss, blood, the worst you could imagine. I saw the prisoners creep out of their hiding places, looking at me. Their eyes told me that they had lust and greed in them. I away quickly then up at the chain. I needed to free myself. I manage to lift myself with one arm and I bit onto the rope, it took a while but after I finally pulled the rope, the rope released it's hold on my wrist and I fell onto the ground, landing a bit roughly. I un gagged myself before looked around at the prisoners then up at the hole above. I saw the guards look down at me with evil smirks. I frowned lightly before I looked around again. Underneath all this sand was a stoned prison filled with small caves and short series of tunnels. I walked into a tunnel and followed it into an empty cave. I looked out from the cave and I watch my chain get lifted up slowly to the hole. My eyes narrowed as a conclusion came into my head. It will be pretty damn hard to escape from this prison.


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*I don't know how long I was our for or where I was. Tho that was not the first thing that came to mind, the pain has not subsided it still felt like those stakes were still impaled in me. I tried to lift my arm to see it but I couldn't move it, as my senses slowly returned to me I realized I couldn't move anything. I tried to sit up but was quickly met with foot pressed down on my chest forcing me back down.*

"Looks like the freak is awake boys."

*I heard the chains wrapped around ever inch of my body jingle as I was forced down, These bounty hunters were not complete idiots. They had the sense to gag and blindfold me and use more than just rope to bind me, after hours of travel we arrived. I did not know where but I could take a good guess. As I was forced to my feet and made to limp onwards the sand underfoot and the smell told me all I needed to know. I was heading for the worst prison imaginable, I only knew it as Blood Stone. Every instinct told me to try and escape just run and get away. But when my foot stopped I felt a sword in my back and was forced forward. I was too weak to resist.*

"I think he knows where he is, I can smell the fear on him."

*The voices all around laughed at my fear, Then i felt a hand on the back of my head remove my blindfold.*

"Try not to piss yourself they might lower the price."

*They laughed harder as they opened the doors and we marched in. My vision was still hazy all I could make out were a few torches on the walls and several people standing against the walls. I heard voices in front of me, I couldn't make out what was said, I felt a hand pull my hair and draw my head up and let it drop back seconds later. The voices continued but closer and I was able to understand what was said this time.*

Man #1; "How did you manage it?"

Bounty Hunter; "It dose not matter, I just want my pay."

Man #1; "You didn't remove the stakes? HAHAHA, I like your style."

*I was pushed forward and the sword removed from my back, my vision began to clear but all I could see in front of me was darkness. I was standing over a pit, my right foot began to shake under my own weight. I took a step back to steady myself but quickly felt a huge force on my back as I was pushed forward and fell into the pit.*


*My body bounced off the walls several times as I fell deeper and deeper, until I slammed into the floor below landing on my back. I spat what felt like all my blood, It took all my strength to roll onto my left side trying to get the weight off my wounds. I was finding it harder to breath and keep my eyes open, I felt blood seeping from my wounds and mouth.*

"Maybe this is finally my time..."


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The prisoners looked at the newest arrival and saw that he was weak, injured and perhaps, near death. They slowly started to swarm towards him until I threw a rock at a prisoner's head, skillfully aiming right between the eyes, instantly knocking him out. The other prisoners quieted and they backed away. I stood up, walked out of my cave and onto the hard, stone ground. "Have you no shame? A being is wounded yet your hearts continues to blacken by letting your mind convince you to prey on the weak instead of aid them. Tell me, that this has not lead you here." I hissed as the prisoners parted to let me at the large man. I did not like anything that was unfair or unjust before my eyes but who am I to preach when my past couldn't support my words.

I hesitated before waved my hand slowly over him, inspecting his wounds. I picked up that he had lost a lot of blood and was weak because of that. I removed the stakes only to see more blood seep out of his wounds. I closed my eyes and whispered softly, concentrating hard as I lifted my hand. My hands glowed a whitish-yellow color, the glow was dim at first then it grew stronger. When it reached its peak, I opened my eyes and I thrust my hand into one of his wounds. His wounds started to glow then they started to close and heal itself. The healing process was painful at first then a feeling of recovery and release of pain should be felt along with renewed energy but myself, on the other hand, I felt the pain that this stranger once felt. My body shook at the growing pain and blood started to seep out of the corner of my mouth. My eyelids grew heavy as the feeling of unconsciousness began to overcome me. I slowly pulled my hand out as the last wound finished healing.

Once I withdrew my hand completely, the glow disappeared and I fell over, gasping for air. Pain, this was something that elfs where not suppose to feel. Not suppose to get use to and the pain this stranger had endured was incredible. This kind of pain could easily kill and that was exactly how I felt. I felt like I was going to die. Before I closed my eyes, I vowed never, ever to heal someone that close to death unless I felt the need to. My eyes closed, darkness came and my body laid limp with some involuntary twitching as my body was still experiencing some shock from the sudden feeling of extreme pain.


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*My eyes shot open to a blinding light and a surging pain going through every part of my body, it lasted only a few seconds before it subsided and I felt a renewed energy flowing through me. At first I thought I had finally passed on but as the light dissipated I saw my surroundings and realized where I was. I quickly jumped to my feet and instinctively reached for my swords only to grasp air. I noticed a elf lying next to me twitching and bleeding, I knelt down and brushed the hair from her face and blood from her mouth.*

"What happened? Did she heal me?"

*I looked at my arm and wiped the blood away seeing that my wounds were now healed. Looking around at the other prisoners I knew none of them would or could help anyone, even if their lives depended on it. I picked up the elf in a cradle and slowly made my way down one of the tunnels, I nearly had to crouch to stop myself from headbutting the ceiling. We eventually came across a small makeshift cell, only a small room with iron bars as a door and a small cot in the corner. There was water running down the wall on the far side of the cell. I gentle put the elf down on the cot and cupped a small amount of water running down the wall. It was clean for the most part, I took a small sip and washed the blood from my hands. I tore off a piece of cloth from my undershirt and soaked it through. I began to wash the blood from the elf's mouth and hands before cleaning and wetting it again, I folded it over and placed it on her forehead.I looked over her and wondered.*

Why did she help me? If shes in a place like this she can not be too different from me."

*I moved to the other side of the cell and removed the rest of my shirt, hanging it on the wall under the water. It felt strange moving around without my armor and weapons, i felt lighter and quicker yet weaker much weaker. I sat on the floor next to the water letting it flow over my right side, drawing my hair over my face. It was refreshing but the smell of this place was enough to make you gag, I only hope there is a way to escape this place. Sooner rather than later.*


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I awoke half an hour later, my eyes slowly looking around before I grabbed the cloth that was on my forehead. I took it off and sat up slowly, letting a soft groan leave my lips as I did. I looked down at the cloth in my hand before I spoke, my tone soft. "You are very strong to be able to handle such an extent of pain especially for not being a full blood giant." I stood from the cot and my ears twitched as it caught the sound of water running. I turned my head to the water running down the wall and I looked at it hard, studying it. Water, underground, in the middle of the desert. I waved my hand over the running water, studying it. My hand stopped and I let me eyes trace where the water was coming from. There was no water on the surface yet gravity pulls water down. So where is this water coming from?

I looked towards the stranger, my tone suddenly changed to being hard and serious. "I do not plan to die here. I'm leaving this place the first chance I get. You can choose to join me or you can stay here and let you potential rot away into nothing." I looked back at the running water before I made my way out of the tunnel. Once out of the tunnel, I stopped and I looked up at the hole above. If I calculated right, the sun should be coming up and light will hit the tunnel but it'll just be light from that small 10ft hole. I shook my head, looking around. I needed more. I needed a plan but without certain things within reach and the entrance being 100ft high, it would be impossible to escape. I looked around the prison and picked up on the structures. This prison was once the dwarf's high out or bunker of some sort during the ancient war. Riddle with caves and tunnels, there must be a way to escape but the wrong move could cause myself and the whole prison to drown in sand. I needed to be careful when figuring out and putting my plan into action.


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*I drew my hair back and out my face as she left the room, thinking to myself. She may be the only person here that could escape, but she would need my help. If the rumors i heard of this place are true then there is only one way to leave, the way you come in. The tunnels lead nowhere but dead ends and sealed off pathways, but a flicker of plan beings to form. I stand up and pull the rest of my hair back, I moved back through the tunnels until i reached the entrance. I could see the elf inspecting the hole and area around trying to formulate a plan, I looked around and saw a prisoner sitting in the shadows. Looking at nothing with dead eyes, i crouched in front of him and waited. His eyes seemed to roll back to life once he noticed me, he had been here long enough to have the information i need.*

"How often do patrols come by the hole?"

Prisoner; "There are three always stationed at the top, they check every couple of minutes."

*He spoke quietly, nearly whispering. This place had broke him long ago, if we do not leave soon it will do the same to us. I moved beneath the hold and out stretched my arms judging the distance. It could be done, but one misstep or going to slow will surely mean death. However I'm not willing to my life in another persons hands, not yet anyway. I made my way to the elf and inspected her before speaking, she seemed much different when she was awake not as peaceful.*

"Why did you help me before? It was clearly dangerous to you."


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I continue to look up, my ears twitch at the sound of heavy footsteps of the stranger. It seems that he will join me. I blinked when my acute hearing picked up on the prisoner's whisper. Ever couple of minutes. That doesn't give us much time at all. I heard the heavy footsteps come towards me then the stranger spoke. My eyes continued looking up at the hole before I spoke. "Watch." I whispered.

Above the hole, the lead guard yelled. "Alright! Let's give them some fresh air!" There was a sound of grunting that I could pick up from above before 4 new smaller holes became revealed to us. Apparently, the guards had to push large boulders to reveal 4 small 5ft holes that were about 10ft radius away from the hole that we came through. The deserts morning sunlight and sand poured in and I could catch a hint of fresh air before it became mixed with the foul smell of the prison. My eyes searched as I studied the now 5 holes. The prison guards only reveal the smaller holes once a month for fresh air for the prisoners, to keep them from dying too soon.

I waved my hand towards the entrance. What I originally thought was one main hole and 4 smaller holes on the surface was actually full of holes of different shapes and sizes. The story of this place being a bunker of some sort was a lie. The dwarves created a trap. One wrong step in the sand and you fall down into this prison and die. My eyes widen before I balled my hand in a tight fist. Could this place be any worst?


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*As the new holes revealed themselves I glanced up then back at the elf, she might be able to fit through those but I could not. But she still has the same problem as before, she would need help. That is something I'm sure will be in short supply in a place like this. I moved in front of her and repeated the question.*

"Why did you help me?"

*I moved slightly closer to her to make sure she was listing.*


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My view was blocked by the stranger. I blinked lightly before I looked into the stranger's eyes, studying him for a brief second before I spoke again. "Quite demanding, are you? Must I give you the obvious answer to your simple question or..." A slight grin appeared on my face. "....are you wanting me to confirm your answer by answering your question?" I held my gaze to the tall stranger. "You are the only one in here that can help me escape. If you fate wouldn't be too different from yours, now would it?" I turned and walk away from the stranger. "I think we should talk more in private. I would hate for us to get caught."


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*A grin came to corner of my mouth as she turned and walked off, I followed behind until we were alone and out of ear shot. I lent back against a wall and crossed my arms. I stayed silent for a moment and tried to get a read on her, but nothing gave any inkling to her true nature. She was a cypher, one I was determined to solve.*

"I would throw question after question at you hoping to gain some insight to your mind. But I have never been one for games so I will simply ask you one."

*I pitched my upper body forward and stared deep into her eyes.*

"What do you want?"


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I could hear the stranger's heavy footsteps as he followed me. I smirked lightly as I took notice that stealth was most likely not his best skill. I turned and face the stranger when he spoke, my smirk slowly growing wider as he spoke. I walked towards him, my eyes watching him as I neared him until I was standing right in front of him. "You want to know what I want?" I chuckled softly, shaking my head slowly as I turned my back on him and walk away from him. "Isn't the answer obvious?" I asked before I stopped. I turned my head slightly, looking towards him from the corner of my eye. "We want the same thing."


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*I leaned back and closed my eyes letting out a large gasp, frustration was growing within me. She was toying with me, she has known me for minutes and already she knows how to get under my skin. Or maybe that's just the way she is, either way I would not play her game. I pushed myself from the wall standing up straight and turning away from her.*

"When you want to stop playing we can talk."

*I walked back down the tunnels finding the cell we were in before. I sat back down under the running water, it felt soothing and calming letting the water run down my face and body. I could only hope patience was not a virtue of hers, it definitely was not one of mine.*


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I smirked lightly. Playing? Heh. I would stop playing if he stop asking questions that has obvious answers. I put my hand on the stone wall and I frown lightly. The best time to escape would be before nightfall. By then, the desert heat would die down and the cool night air would allow is to travel to safety. I took my hand off of the wall before I walked out, looking up at the holes then along the prison walls. There would be no time to test the plan. It'll be a gamble. All or nothing.

I walked back I to the tunnel until I saw the stranger near the water again. "It feels good. Refreshing, hm? I wonder if that is what peace feels like." I. said before I walked over to the stranger, sitting down next to him. My eyes study his tattoos and markings. "May I?" I asked, wanting to touch and explore the marking on his body.


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*I was lost in the serenity of the moment that I did not notice the elf had entered until she sat next to me and asked to see my marks. I gave a small nod lent my head back, I did not give them much thought now a days unless they needed repairing like they do now. My skin may be healed but only Thanos could repair the tattoos.*

"They are more than simple markings, they are my bi.. my link to Tempos."

*Why am I telling her this? I was never good at reading people, but that never stopped me from trying. But for now I can only know what she decides to tell me, we may both want the same thing for now. But if we manage to escape everything changes, her motives could shift as quickly as this water. I can only trust her until we reach the exit after that she is a rouge element, one that could easily thrust a blade in my back. I have only known 3 elves in my life and trusted only one of them, and that did not turn out so well.*


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My curiosity had gotten the better of me as I lift my hands. I hesitated slightly, wondering if to be this close to a giant, to touch a giant would be safe. I decided to take my chances and I gently touch his skin and the markings. My eyes widen as my curiosity grew, my ears twitched, listening to him as I let my fingers trace along his marking. My hands stopped on his right side as I noticed that the markings seemed to come to an abrupt end. I ran my hands along his right side before I went back to tracing my fingers over the marks and soon my hands pulled themselves gently away from his body. "Does it hurt?" I asked, in almost a whisper, my tone was soft and held a hint of concern. "Those markings. Does it hurt to get them?" I asked as my eyes looked towards his. I may be an elf or part elf but...for sone strange reason, I felt that I needed to help this stranger. Perhaps there is more to this stranger that meets the eye.


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*Her hands were soft as they gently traced the marks, the softest thing to have touched my skin in many years. I opened my eyes and turned my head to face her, as our eyes my met I was surprised to see concern in them. The tone of my voice naturally matched at almost a whisper.*

"Yes...they are seared into my skin with fire and magic. Tho none will match the first."

*I leaned closer to her and closed my eyes revealing two more marks covering my eyelids with intricate designs. After a few seconds I opened my eyes and moved back but kept my gaze upon her. As I thought back to that night I can still hear my own screams echoing through the camp as they kept me pinned down, drawing and fusing what felt like hell fire to my eyes.*

"I have no doubt more will be needed before my time is done. But tell me, what cruel jokes dose your god play with you?"


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My skin crawled when he told me that the marks are seared into his skin. I wanted to look away and shrudder but I couldn't. He leaned closer and I looked at the marks on his eyelids. I waved my hand over his eyelids when he closed him but instantly heard a scream in my mind. It was his scream. I quickly pulled my hand away as a soft gasp escaped my lips before I looked back into his eyes. How could a being endure such pain? And why? Was it by force? Was it by choice? Or was it just tradition?

I held my gaze lightly towards him when he questioned me before I looked away. "The gods are not cruel. The gods do not joke. Cruel beings do. Cruel beings like humans." I hissed, clearly showing my dislike for mankind. "Elves are but peaceful caretakers of the planet. Our gods tell us to be kind, to care for all beings and to forgive, only ever fighting to protect. Never are we to fight for anything other than to protect." I wrapped my arms around myself. "The gods only show favor to the pure." I said softly. "Everyday I wish that I could be a pure but instead, my blood is tainted by beings who only carries lust and greed within themselves." I shook my head. "It's because of them that I can never be pure."


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"Its also because of them that you breathe today, I hold no great love for mankind but nor do I for giants either. Every race, every being is born with darkness within them. It is not your blood that defines you its the actions we take and what we choose to do with the lives given to us."

*I stood up and took a few steps forward, showing markings running all around my back and neck.*

"The gods show favor to only the pure? No, the gods pick pawns and play their games. Yet we are still forced to pray and ask forgiveness for our sins."

*I turned towards her and extended a hand to help her up.*

"I was born from the rage of battle, and I will be dammed before I allow my life to be anything other than what I wish it to be."


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Character Portrait: Atlas
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I frowned lightly at the stranger's words. I didn't believe everything he said but, his words did have some truth to it. I looked at his hand but didn't take it. My independent nature and stubbornness wouldn't let me. I stood up without his assistance, dusting myself off lightly before I let my eyes look towards the stranger. "I am called Aiyana. It means...Eternal Blossom." I said, lightly. "Who might you be called?" I asked to the stranger.


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"I call myself Atlas, it dosent mean anything that I am aware of but it is better than the name my father gave me."

*I let me arm drop to my side and rest on my waist.*

"Seems like we should know at least some basic information about each other before we try to escape. Id rather not put my life in a strangers hands, nor die next to one. So how about I ask a question, then you ask. No lies a truth for a truth. Besides we are stuck here until we decide to work together."

*I moved around to face her and pulled the hair from me eyes. I knew I would never get anywhere trying to play her, she knew this game and was far better at it then I. I would need to be honest with her, tho if she asks the wrong questions I would have no choice but to lie. She would probably see through my lies but id rather have her think me untrue than what she would if she knew the truth.*

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Reinos by Ken Shiro


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Character Portrait: Atlas
Character Portrait: Aiyana


Character Portrait: Aiyana

Half Elf, Half Human

Character Portrait: Atlas

half giant half human barbarian


Character Portrait: Atlas

half giant half human barbarian

Character Portrait: Aiyana

Half Elf, Half Human

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Character Portrait: Aiyana

Half Elf, Half Human

Character Portrait: Atlas

half giant half human barbarian

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Re: Corruption Within

Bumping this up since its a little further down on my list than I would have liked

Re: Corruption Within

Alright. I think I put up my character. Shall we start?

Corruption Within

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