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Akita Smith

"Surviving is the key..."

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a character in “Crash: Chapter I”, originally authored by Totoro, as played by RolePlayGateway


Akita Smith




Not uttering much and happens to smoke just to calm his nerves, but he's nowhere near addicted.

Biting his lips is also one of his traits that's recently become a bad habit of his and it's gotten him nothing but a choppy bottom lip.

He normally keeps to himself and only speaks when necessary, but when he does say something brace yourself from sheer truth and to be hopelessly ticked off. This guy doesn't give a whole lot for what you will feel after he's had his small share of words and by the time he's finished with his comments you'll be wishing you hadn't spoken to him at all.
Don't just judge him on his not-so-good qualities though. He can become one of your most loyal friends if you try and he just needs someone to care for him. Hiding his actual emotions is just a defense mechanism so that no one will pity him for not having a 'normal' childhood. Sadly, he's just a poor kid who ended up being thrown from place to place like an abandoned puppy.

His half-asian-half-caucasion look became a must have for photographers in New York. He was called and requested by modeling agencies often and he'd except only those that perked his interests, but his careless personality only causing the photographers to get annoyed and sometimes angry enough to even kick him out of a photo shoot.
It's quite a shame that his talent had gone to waste because of his rotten attitude.

As for family, his mother had passed away after giving birth to him and his father is someone he had never known and doesn't care on finding.
Starting from a young age he cared for his sickly grandma and rarely had time to even tend to himself or go outside to socialize with other kids. Akita remained with his grandmother till the age of sixteen until she too died of a genetically inherited cancer.

One of his best traits is he surprisingly has a highly charming smile. If you happen to see him actually smiling, which is so close to rare that it could be considered extinct, then prepare to be blown away with pure cute innocence.

So begins...

Akita Smith's Story


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Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Akita Smith
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#, as written by Totoro
Akita Smith

'I'm I dead?', it was the first thing that entered his mind when he suddenly regained consciousness and went into a state of mind where he could think. He wasn't aware of his body, but was wandering around around in his thoughts. Akita's body had been washed up on a god forsaken island and if you just happened to be some random passerby, it would almost seem like he was dead. Eyes closed, not sign of movement, but it didn't take long till he was finally swarmed into full reality. his body was warm and he didn't feel like moving from such a comfy position. The white sand felt so soft and cozy against his skin, the sun beating down on his calm figure.

Akita forced his eyes open, his line of vision quite blurred at the start. Continuously blinking till it cleared, he saw various others beginning to wake and stir. He remained still, his body felt detached from him and he didn't dare send messages to his brain to started getting up. He started with his fingers, then lurched his entire arm out, then to his legs and abdomen till he completely turn himself over. That wasn't such a good idea. a slice of sun caught him right at the eye which caused him to cry out in sheer pain. Groaning loudly, the little shock roused him to become fully awake now. Like a baby just beginning to take it's first steps, he struggled to get on his feet, his thighs aching greatly. stumbling round the sand speckled beach, he looked like a drunk man, even falling every few moments, but getting up just as quickly.

Not far from where he was, Akita heard the faint 'hello' in the near distance. He approached Silas and dropped himself down on his knees and let his body fall to the ground. "Is this heaven?", he asked dumbly.


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Character Portrait: Akita Smith
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Silas' mind was abruptly awoken from its unaware, dormant state when someone approached him. Akita? Yes, it was him! A familiar face was comforting to Silas in a way even he didn't understand. Silas didn't know Akita well, but at least it was another student. Suddenly faint words struggled out from him. "Is this heaven?" he asked before collapsing back to the ground. Mustering out his remaining strength, Silas attempted to help him to his feet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith
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#, as written by Totoro
Akita Smith

Feeling Silas help him, it turns out they were still alive. "F*ck man!" he stood up straight as he untangled himself from Silas's grasp. "You should've just played along with it!", he said a little pissed that he hadn't died. It would've been better that way than being stuck in the middle of nowhere. Though he wasn't usually this cranky, maybe the plane crash and the fact that they were stuck in this uncharted island was what caused this little uproar of his.

Akita winced suddenly as he noticed a large bloody gash starting from his stomach to the left side of his chest. Cautiously, he hesitated at first, but slowly started to run his finger tips over the cut. He scrunched up his face in pain and made a mental note not to do that anymore. It was obvious that the injury would heal, but forever leave a scar on his body.

Cocking his head up, his eyes skimmed Silas and caught site of a long cut running down right his arm. "Hey, you have one too.." he said with a slight concern audible in his voice. He'd seen him around the school before and in some of his classes, but he wasn't too close to him in anyway. This could the time that destiny decided to bring them together.
It took a bit of time for Akita to actually start feeling the pain of the wound, but when it did hit him, it hit pretty hard. Gritting his teeth he cursed under his breath and walked along side Silas for a bit till they saw two figures up ahead. They were calling out for help. It didn't take very long till he was close enough in distance to recognize the pair, Reason and Emmalina. Waving his hand in the air to signal them he yanked Silas along, since the other girl seemed to be hurt. Who knows, maybe they were all hurt, not just physically, but mentally as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Prodigy Song
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Prodigy woke up and blinked, her eyes staring up at the burning sun. She was lying on something damp, yet sandy, and weakly stood up to see that it was blood. Her own blood. She gave a small shriek and looked down at her body. A massive gaping wound that went from under her right arm down across her belly, and the force had ripped the top she had been wearing slightly as well. She felt slightly dizzy, though whether that was from the shock, just waking up or a bang on the head, she was't sure. Hopefully the second one, but the last one seemed most likely. She brushed the sand off her clothes and took a small, shaky step. She took in her surroundins, and spotted a few people in the distance, and recognised a few.

"Akita! And is that...Silas?" she yellsed. She could see two other figures, but couldn't make them out well enough to know who they were. "Guys!" she yelled again, slowly making her way down the beach. She took a few steps, and stumbled, landing on her stomach on the ground. The impact hit her wound, and she gave a small cry out in pain. "Okay," she muttered through gritted teeth. "We'll crawl then." She used her elbows to slowly drag herself down the beach, and when she was a couple metres away from the group, she stood up and walked the rest of the way. "Uh, I survived!" she said, a sad attempt at lightening the mood. The other figures were girls, and she recognised them as Emmalina -- or Lina -- and Reason. She gave them a weak smile, then looked down at her shoes, her purple All Star Converse were ripped up beyond repair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith
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As Lina feels herself slipping away she starts to feel a burden be lifted off her body,that was until she heard someone can her name and sit her up. She hears the girl's name,Reason. She never really talked to her before mostly because Reason was in a grade year younger than her and she never was a sporty girl from what Lina saw so she didn't really speak to her but she knew her face and name. She was good at remembing faces and putting them to names. She wraps the sweater around her trying to keep herself warm seeing Akita and Sila, a guy she hasn't really ever seen before. As they walk up to her and Reason she can't help but to feel so girly and fragil,she hated having guys see her in such a state of weakness,ok lie she just hated having guys close to her period. But she wasn't about to refuse help.

She stops shivering a little and starts to feel the sting of the salt water go into her cut. Feeling a pain in her stomach she wishes she ate that morning. She exhales trying to calm down and looks at her feet. Clearing her throat she thinks of what they should do next. "Is anyone else,you know....alive?" She asks with worry in her eyes. Looking around she sees a cut on both Sila and Akita. God,did everyone get hurt?! She asks herself hoping that Reason wasn't as hurt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Akita Smith
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Ashton awoke with salt in his eyes, his world cloaked in blue.
What the hell? He retaliated, his hands balled in fists, ready to fend off whoever or whatever it was. Oftimes he had awoken from water, sludge, or a more repulsive fluid, splashed into face by one of his many brothers. But there was no one to wrestle but the suffocating weight that was sinking, and sinking fast.

The plane. It was...shit.

Uncharacteristically, he had obeyed the voice that had rung over the airplane's telecom. Actually, he had obeyed his gut instinct; he hated rules and being told what to do. Now, he realized it had saved his life. The gas mask wrapped around his mouth dribbled with a school of baby bubbles as he exhaled a shuddering breath. What luck. How long had he been unconscious? 15 minutes? Twenty? If water had entered his lungs, he wouldn't have ever regained consciousness...Ashton shuddered again.

Mr. Hoeman, who had been seated with him in the front row, ears plugged with music, had been too busy chatising and streaming angry complaints into Ashton's unlistening ear about his bad manners, gradework, citizenship, to hear the ominous warning. Now, while Ashton was strapped fast to his seat, his be-hated teacher sprawled against the roof, his pink brain winking at him, apparently the product of colliding against hard metal wall in front of him. Good riddance. I knew that fat mouth would have been the end of him, he thought. But then he saw others floating around him, bloodying the water. Eyes milk-white and gaping mouths stared at him. His kind math teacher, his brother, his best friend, his... Suddenly, the sight was too much for his stinging eyes, anguish threatening to smother his triumph over the hated adult. He shut them and groped for the window. The water pressure had shattered it. Violent hands ripped away the gas mask and seatbelt bontage; With a pushing motion, he freed himself from the metal prison, once full of excitement, that was nose-diving faster and faster down toward an underwater Nowhere. Gone, the cylindrical coffin imprisoning his classmates and teachers...

With a shake of his head, he expertly extinguished the memory. His mind became blank. No time to worry about that. He must survive.

He was 30 feet under. With a few strong thrusts of his legs, he broke the surface of the water. Blood-shot eyes blinked at the vibrant world around him, swirling with the heat from the sun. With a sigh of relief, Ashton tore himself free of the deadweight of his clothes, revealing a darkened criss-cross-shaped bruise on his chest. The tanned boy realized three shards of glass embedded his cheek, but otherwise, he had escaped with minimum damage. He knocked the jagged pieces out, leaving three claw-like gashes dripping blood down his chin. That's gonna leave a scar.He grinned idiotically at his distorted reflection. Sweet, he beamed, I look tough. Queer triumph bubbled in his chest like helium.

Unconsciously, his hands trembled.

He found his classmates scattered in the water and on the island, helping each other. A realization suddenly struck him. Hey! No fair! They all had been flung into the ocean, while he had been stuck in the cabin! Stuck there, to drown. Stuck there, to Nothing. He hadn't seen anything. Somehow this angered him profusely, and he had the intense desire to punch someone. As if someone had cheated him of all the fun. He swam wildly toward shore and leaped into the coarse sand. Panting, his short brown hair clinging to his forehead, scars stinging, the delinquient boy rushed like an animal toward the boy named Akita, a savage fist raised in the air. Senseless blood-lust pumped through him. Maybe it was trauma, or delusions, or he had gone momentarily insane, but he had lost it. He did not notice the boy's injuries. "Hey, you!" he roared, swinging his arm violently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Prodigy Song
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#, as written by Totoro
Akita Smith

"Akita! And is that...Silas?". Akita turned around to see a stumbling figure in the distance. His eyes widened as it started to crawl, he almost thought it was a zombie until the familiar face of Prodigy appeared through the smog. Letting out one of his rare grins, he wanted to show his appreciation to her for trying to boost the atmosphere a bit. Losing their sense of humor and becoming depressed was something nobody would want as of now. They had survived a plane crash after all, that alone was something to celebrate about. Trying to make the mood more comfortable for everyone, he even commented on her badly torn up converse, "Nice shoes!", the sarcastic tone was audible in his words.

Akita then turned to the now functional Emmalina as she finally woke from unconsciousness. "Welcome back..", he said kindly and slipped off his dry sweatshirt as he noticed her teeth chattering and her body shivering. "Here, this should keep you warm..", he said as he passing her the slightly bloodied piece of clothing, but at least it was dry. It was a surprise, even to himself, that he was actually acting way off his usual personality. Not that acting the way he does in school would help much in this sort of situation. Seeing others hurt like this probably clicked his nice side into action. It reminded him of his sickly grandmother and how he had cared for her till the day she passed away. The sun was starting to get clouded over, the air becoming colder than it already was without the needed heat of the rays, while the seaside chills kept the temperature even lower.

"Is anyone else,you know....alive?", Akita was just about to respond to Lina's question when he suddenly felt rage powered punches at his back. It didn't hurt that much, instead they actually helped loosen up his tense muscles. When he'd finally had enough of the annoying twerp, he turned around to see a short boy with a demonic glare in his eyes. Sticking out his arms, he wrapped his left hand around the boy's head to keep him an arms length away, the petite figure still madly throwing punches. Snorting and raising his eyebrow, Akita reached over and with his right-hand, he grabbed the boys cheek and yanked on it. "Who brought their little brother along? I thought the trip was strictly for highschool students?", he said bluntly as he struggled not to laugh at his own joke. He'd barely seen this boy around the hallways of the school, but he just felt like pissing him off a little more. Eyeing the 'thrashing monkey', he guessed that he was around fifteen years old.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Prodigy Song
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Silas and Akita reached the girls. Relieved that they were alive, Silas learned the girls' names as Lina and Reason. Silas kneeled and closely examined Lina. It was obvious that she was very hurt. Her teeth were chattering and she was shivering rapidly. A few moments later she awoke from unconsciousness, coughing and still shivering. "Take deep breaths Lina, you're going to be alright," Silas assured as she emerged from the painful sleep. Looking over to Akita, Silas saw him put his sweatshirt over her. "Here, this should keep you warm." Dropping from his knee, Silas sat on the coarse sand looking around with a concentrated look on him. Clouds starting to meander over the sun, making it colder while the tide continued to edge its way towards the group. Looking behind him, he noticed the tree line across the sandy coast that lead into dense forest. Even in utter silence, Silas couldn't hear even the faintest sound of wildlife within the trees. Suddenly remembering something, Silas dug into his jean pockets desperately searching. "Dammit," he said under his breath. We're going to need to find the others and group up fast, the sun is going to set soon and if my meteorology is correct, it's going to get substantially colder by nightfall. Fire. We need a means of administering a flame... His train of thought was abruptly broken by the sounds of close shuffling. "Prodigy?" Silas said. Yes it was Prodigy! She was crawling about the sand towards them. Her shoes were scorched and torn. "I'll be right back," Silas said before starting off towards her. He was trying not to run in risks of wasting energy. "I'm coming!" Silas assured. His steady stride was stopped when he heard a commotion behind him. A young looking person was attacking Akita effortlessly. Eventually Silas made out the person as Ashton, a lower-classman he barely knew. Akita seemed to be handling Ashton's crazed attacks so Silas continued towards Prodigy until he finally reached the girl on the ground. "Here," Silas said helping her up to her feet. Clutching onto her arm and shoulder, they walked back to the group. After returning, Silas' mind re-entered critical thinking mode.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Prodigy Song
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Seeing all the peoplem around her,trying to help made her freak out alittle. The only time so many people were around her was when her parents were about to beat her. She looks at the people and wonder why they were helping her. I barely have talked to any of them in years,but now they're treating like a friend. I kind of like it. The thought goes through her head and she smiles at the thought. Seeing Akita hand her his sweatshirt she smiles at him sweetly and wraps it around her. She can feel some of her blood get on it and feels kind of bad. Looking down she looks at herfairly new purple Osiris sneakersshe tries to swallow the lump in her throat. It was quiet for a few moments before she started to hear yelling and she sees a younger kid hit Akita. She stifens a chuckle looking like it didn't even hurt the 18 year old. She the young kid she remembered him,Ashton. She never talked to him,he was a little too loud for her taste. But she tolerated him just like all the other guys at that school.

She sees Sila kneiled down next to her,she can feel herself start to freak out but the sting became unbearable and wasn't about to yell at him to get the hell away from her like she usually did when guys tried to touch her. She does what he saids and starts to calm down her breathing watching as Sila helped Prodigy,a girl she thought was pretty cool. She never talked to her much but they had classes together and they sat next to each other in a few,so they talked when she got bored of the class. Messing with the top peicing on her right ear she feels it getting colder but at least she stop shiverling so badly.

Seeing the clouds she curses. "Shit,we need to find somewhere dry. Or else i'm gonna freeze" She warns them in her New Yorker accent hoping at least one of them cocld understand her. She makes sure her braids are still in before trying to push herself up. Getting up with her one good arm,she looks around for a place they could stay and she could dry. She taps her foot rapidly trying to think. She looks at Akita then at Reason. "What do you guys think we should do?" She asks shrugging acting kind of like they were just a few of her teammates/friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors
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Ashton was in disbelief that his attack had been taken so lightly. With a frustrated cry, he wriggled from Akita's grasp, twisting clumsily into the sand in front of the senior, a hand on the ground to steady himself. "Y-you!" A fresh flush of hatred bubbled up inside him as he surveyed the towering upperclassman, who now reminded him of a certain older brother who always beat him in wrestling and fistfight matches. His brother would effortlessly throw him down, exhausted, to simmer in his own frustrations at his weakness. In middle school, the kids had been easy enough to pick off, but highschoolers... He scowled, eyes bright with dislike, "I hate you! Coward! Fight me!"

Glancing down at his skinny arms, he suddenly felt his inferior size. To his dismay, he had to tilt his head upward to peer into the Asian-Caucasion's face, who was taller than he had appeared from a distance. Ashton was not short, but he wasn't tall enough. The sun's heat dripped sweat down his back, and he was still exhausted from the swim to shore. Akita breathed heavy, uneven breaths, a thick soreness spreading in his limbs. Without knowing it, his arms were trembling with a sealed memory. The eyes...Ashton shook his head furiously again, flicking water droplets everywhere like a dog. The image died down. He had to fight to forget it. His courage restored, he hopped into a hapkido fighting stance, trying to poise his arms intimidatingly.
Although the boy knew that he couldn't get very far, he did not want to act like a coward and back down from a fight. A fight that he had started, too. Wait, why am I?... A moment of confusion. No, he's a dick, Ashton thought, remembering the disdainful way Akita had handled him, the way he had caught and pinched him. His cheek throbbed with a newborn bruise. Just one more time...I'll get him.In his self-absorbed bubble, he only saw Akita and his own bruised ego. I hate him!

"Hey!" The voice rang in his ear, and he turned annoyedly to see a boy watching him. He searched his memory for a name, and remembered that his name was Sasha. He grinned both charmingly and idiotically and jeered, "Hey you! Isn't Sasha a girl's name?!" Unafraid that the slight boy would recoil, he turned back to Akita.

"Hey!! You know how I got this?" he screamed, pointing at his triple scarred cheek, "It's from a bear!" With a running charge, Ashton attacked Akita for the second time, swinging his leg in a wide 180 degree ark to strike his chest. The wind roared in his ears and he gasped from sheer joy as his heel felt flesh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors
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#, as written by Totoro
Akita Smith

Akita watched as the short tanned boy twisted out of his hold. He flared his nose slightly in entertained disbelief as the tiny figure became unbalanced and winded up tumbling to the ground, but merely catching his weight with a sand dusted hand planted into the ground. He snorted and thought of him as one of those super annoying brats that would get on his nerves and fight to show off in front of people. Never really understanding why they acted that way, Akita had always tried to avoid those type of people. Imagining himself in that state of mind was strange and impossible. He had been an only child and quite spoiled by his grandmother before she had gotten sick. An above average look, he was able to act the way he wanted to without any consequences and you could say that he became full of himself at times, but not enough to go out of hand. Never given a good reason to fight, he tried to stay away from that type of atmosphere as much as possible, but seeing such a young kid acting that way just perked his interest.

Turning his attention back to the group, he let the crazy 'monkey' cool down for a sec. "Shit,we need to find somewhere dry. Or else i'm gonna freeze", Akita nodded his head in agreement. He shoved his frigid hands into his pockets in an attempt to heat them up a bit. "Yeah, we all need to find a place to stay warm or we'll all die of hypothermia out here", he replied as he shuffled uncomfortably at the thought. The time had flew by quite quickly and it wouldn't be too long till the sun's heat would no longer be in their aid. The longer they stood their doing nothing, the colder the temperature seemed to get. "We need to start moving quickly..", he said aloud. 

Looking over at Silas, he noticed he seemed to have some ideas in mind. "Plan something with the group while I-", his sentence was abruptly cut off when a sudden surge of a strong kick was shot directly at his cut. Akita's body was sent tumbling backwards a good two meters. He landed with a thud on his side as unbearable pain spread from the cut all over his body. The impact of the young boy's foot had been strong enough to re-open his healing cut which caused a dangerous amount of blood to slowly inch its way out of the large opening. "Gaaauuhhww...", Akita groaned as he drowned in sheer anguish. He glanced down at his hand which was stained with his blood along with his shirt. His eyes scanned the piece of clothing as he watched the scarlet red hue start to run up the surrounding area of the previously white shirt and infect all parts with its contagious warning color. 'God damn it, that little...', he cursed mentally as his body curled into a half fetus like position, both hands clutching his chest. "Fuck!", his vision began to blur as his eyes began to water up a bit, but not because he was crying, it was from the soul crushing pain. Though it was probably freezing outside, his body felt an instant wave of heat, probably a side effect of the wound and his body getting injured in such a way.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors
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Silas' thoughts were again interrupted by the Ashton kid. Observing in near disbelief, he saw Akita crumble to the ground in rensponse to Ashton's brutal kick. Silas immediately stood up and looked at Akita concerned, then striked his gaze to Ashton. "What's your problem?" Silas sternly dictated to Ashton. "I don't know if you hadn't noticed, but we just survived a hellish crash that nearly killed us. The last thing we need is more injuries." Taking his eyes to Akita again, Silas observed his bleeding. God damn it Ashton. Thoughts were racing through Silas' head at a thousand miles per hour, when he noticed the blue haired addition to the group. It was Sasha. Again, he didn't know this student well either, but knew his name. "Sasha, did you come alone? Are there more survivors back there?" Looking back over to the three girls, Silas was about to execute his quickly thought plan. "We need to help Akita closer to the tree line. I'm going to find a good place to set up camp, then we'll find a way to start a fire." He then turned back to Sasha. "Are there any more survivors?"
If only he had his lighter, he always carried it around. He felt rather stupid searching for it earlier when he realized you obviously can't bring a lighter on a plane.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors Character Portrait: Damien Braveheart
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"Sasha! Isn't that a girls name?" Sasha clenched his fist and pulled is fringe down towards his eyes, hiding his now rosy cheeks. He mumbled something in Russian, as he had learned a lot in his spare time.
After looking down for a good 30 seconds, he looked back up when he saw Akita crashing to the ground. He shook his fringe away and jogged towards them. His shy personality disappeared for a while.
"Are you mentally defficient or something? He's injured, damn it!" he yelled at the delinquent boy, Ashton. He turned his face towards Silas as he asked him if there were any more survivors.
"I.. Peter sent me over to look for more survivors.. Damien is badly hurt.. Probably mentally hurt in not too long, too. We should get the injured further in on the island, and.. Yeah, Silas, is it? We should go together and look
for more survivors. You seem more competent than.." he looks at the group of people around him, especially at Ashton. "Well, never mind, we should get going. We'll have the others take the wounded, and someone should go back and
get Peter and the others." He looked back at where he had left Damien and Peter. For some reason he was really worried about Damien, more than anyone else. He seemed so fragile, somewhat like himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors
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When Ashton first saw Akita crash to the ground, he felt the wild exhileration of triumph, like a protagonist that had defeated a dragon with a fatal crushing blow. I did it! He couldn't believe that his kick had actually worked. An arrogant snort puffed fro his nostrils, his ego inflating substantially. Eying the fallen body that was crumpled in a fetal position, he advanced a few steps curiously, surprised that the noble-looking boy hadn't regained his footing. Tears seemed to be springing from Akita's eyes. Did it hurt that much? He bent slightly to inspect him intensely, and tumbled back in shock. Blood!
The scarlet hue was spreading and thickening a once spotless white shirt, and it was blatant that the senior was severely suffering internally. "H-how?" Ashton gasped, "I couldn't" Suddenly the sight of the red fluid renewed memories of the plane, the sea water thick with the blood of his best friend, his... Ashton ripped at his hair, falling to the ground, unable to tear his eyes away from Akita's shirt. He fell hard onto the sand and yelped breathily in pain, pushing back as if to escape the sight. Suddenly, it occured to him where he was. He turned, surveying the scenery and saw the wounded everywhere.

"I don't know if you hadn't noticed, but we just survived a hellish crash that nearly killed us. The last thing we need is more injuries." Sila's words of wisdom stabbed him like a razor blade and he twitched as if he had been slapped. Shame soaked him to the core. He turned sheepishly, and heard another voice scream at him. "Are you mentally deficient or something? He's injured, damn it!" It was Sasha, that girly boy. Shut up, twerp, he thought angrily. In anger, he sprang to his feet, an angry fist raised, and advanced a step toward Sasha, who, standing next to Silas, had glanced at him hatefully. Ashton opened his mouth as if to make a sharp rebuttal, but his jaw closed speechlessly, his eyes wide in terror. All he could see was Sasha, broken and bleeding. Instead, he flashed a middle finger at the blue-haired boy, sticking out a bubble-gum tongue. Pink lips scowled fiercely, his umber hair bristling like a cornered wildcat.
"Come on,guys the less wounds and fights we have the better. And you try and contain yourself." Stealing a glance at the girl, he flushed like a tomato. A girl, now. What was her name again? He hated to be told what to do, and sneered at her, turning away from embarassment. With all this negative attention directed at him, this had to be his worst self-made predicament yet. He had created other injuries in the past, but none so serious. He found that he was trembling all over with the severity of his sin. Harboring a good degree of hesitation, he let his eyes linger back to Akita. The blood was spreading by the minute. The white shirt was like blood-soaked snow; Akita was swimming and drowning in the hot hue. If nobody does anything, he's going to die!

Ashton felt a trembling hand grapple at his khaki's. Then, hardly knowing what he was doing, he tore his pants from the knee down, until his right bronzed leg was bare. He stared uncomprehensibly at the strip of cloth in his hand. Confusion. Suddenly, an epiphany winked him into consciousness, forcing him into a heavy sneeze. Oh! I have to stop the blood.
In an instant he was at Akita's side, glancing nervously at Silas. His strip of cloth was pressed against his chest as if to hide it, and he trailed an unsteady hand onto Akita's bloody shirt, lifting it slightly. "Let..." In indecision, his fingers dropped it. A strong desire to run froze his limbs. To no one in particular, he pleaded hoarsely, " help."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors
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Silas nodded and said, "Yeah, let's go," to Sasha's suggestion of finding others. Turning then back to Ashton, astonishment struck Silas in his sudden change of heart. "Let," he said. Thinking it over for a few moments, Silas contemplated possible outcomes to this situation. What if he goes haywire again? By the looks of it he has a short temper. Sighing deeply Silas agreed with Prodigy. "Okay, Ashton, you can find Peter and Damien while me and Sasha go looking for survivors." I don't trust him with Akita, Silas thought. Turning bak to Prodigy, Lina, and Reason, Silas then told them help Akita and head closer to the trees to find a good campsite, then they'll all rendezvous after everyones regrouped. He hoped Lina was alright, they didn't need more severely injured people if they wish to survive. Silas looked at the sky again. The sun wasn't visible behind the heavy clouds that shrouded it. Looking over to Akita, it was obvious he was in severe pain. "We need to move fast," Silas cautioned. Motioning towards the other side of the coast Silas said, "Alright Sasha, let's check over there."
This side to Silas was new to him. He always heard about how you act different in times of danger and survival. He didn't want to make himself the "leader", but everyone else seemed shooken up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors Character Portrait: Prodigy Song
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Reason watched events unfold around her with a blurry acceptance as she sunk into a numb state. Others arrived helping Lina, that was good, more survivors flocked in, though most were bloody. She had been mentally fine moments before, but seeing the injuries everyone else had made her come to terms with everything. Oh God, I can't believe this... so many dead, and of these people, almost all of them are hurt...
She was lucky. As far as she knew, her only injury was a cut on her head, that was already dried and scabbed over.
She could hardly see. A commotion went into play around her, but Reason just sat and counted grains of the coarse sand.
102, 103,104,105....
Finally, Reason lifted her head, eyes popping as she saw a boy she knew as Akita, doubled in pain after being attacked by a smaller boy, Ashton. Others stood around, some she didn't know the names of. A girl walked over and yelled at them. Reason quickly followed, arriving to hear Ashton hesitantly offering help and the girl agreeing. quietly. Reason did a double-take on the crumpled Akita. He was bleeding heavily.
"Um..." Reason began, looking to the girl. "I kinda wasn't watching... I mean...." Reason cleared her throat. "What happened?"
She was already running through possible plants and herbs that could help staunch bleeding, and may be able to be found in the woods of the island.
Another boy began to take lead. Silas, Reason thought his name was. She nodded in agreement, glad someone was taking charge.
"Um, if you want me to run ahead and check, the forest might have some herbs that can help Akita, and anyone else whos bleeding. I know some stuff about plants and... yeah."

((I've been at parties, sorry lol. I've been kinda out of it, so I'm just kinda jumping in on the action lol.))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Prodigy Song
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"Um...I kinda wasn't watching... I mean....What happened?" one of the girls asked. "Aston attacked Akita," Prodigy replied, then silently cursed herself. She obviously knew that. "Uh...I'm not sure why. He just kind of ran over here and...yeah." She looked down to hide her slight blush."Um, if you want me to run ahead and check, the forest might have some herbs that can help Akita, and anyone else whos bleeding. I know some stuff about plants and... yeah," the girl continued. Prodigy nodded her agreement. "Yeah, I s'pose. I mean, y'know, as long as you don't go too far, 'coz you might get lost, or there could be some sort of animal..." she trailed off, and ripped the bottom part of her jeans leg off with some difficulty and bent down beside Akita, trying her best to use it as a sort of make-do bandage for the time being - he didn't need to lose any more blood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Prodigy Song Character Portrait: Damien Braveheart Character Portrait: Peter christoph
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Ashton listened to Silas' orders with dulled eyes. Insolently, he wanted to finish what he had started--that is, bandage Akita. He replied to him with the automatic reply he used with his father that had become robotic over the years, "I a moment." Why should I listen to him?

Ashton scowled at Prodigy as she tried to use her jeans to bandage Akita. He waved the khaki strip he had torn off his pants angrily. "That's my job!" Using more force than necessary, he pushed her hand away with a brutal flick of his wrist, cringing slightly that he had touched a girl's "cooties." He made a big show of tearing his cloth strip into several thinner strips. Forgetting his intense fear, he leaned over Akita's body and withdrew the bloodied shirt that plastered his body. He stopped. Widened eyes trailed over the deep wounds that covered his torso and stomach area. Fear gripped his limbs. Hastily, almost carelessly, he soaked up the blood with some of the strips, and then tied the remains tightly over the bleeding wounds, exuting pressure to--hopefully--hasten the bleeding.
He leapt back and surveyed his work with squinted eyes. It was messily tied, but it would do for now. The creeping red mass slowed. Ashton realized his cold discomfort. The coming darkness saturated the air with a brisk iciness that made it essential to find shelter, or build a fire, fast, and it was difficult to see clearly. He regretted taking off his shirt and leaving it in the ocean, and his soaked, ripped pants was like ice on him.

Like an afterthought, he pulled the white shirt back over Akita's stomach, and he watched the unconscious face hardly stir. He stared nervously. What am I doing? Am I some kind of queer? "Wake up, dammit!" he cried, slapping Akita's face in a wild impulse. He withdrew the hand and it shielded his mouth, eyes shocked at what he had just done. Embarassed, his leg were seized with the intense desire to flee from the disapproving faces. Not that I care, of course... He pumped his fists and ran along the shoreline, away from the mass of people that had gathered.
For a while, he ran wildly like an escaped animal, with no destination in mind, his mind renewed by the cold air. His warm-blood pumping again, the memories of the fight and the dawn's cold evaporated like vapor. Then, fresh realization about his duty to find Peter and Damien stopped him short. "Who were they again?" he asked no one in particular, staring at the towering palms that marked the entrance to the forest, touching one that had a strange carving that held his interest. As if in reply, a medium-sized blur scuttered in the shadowy shelter of the trees. Bright eyes flashed. Ashton screamed, rather high-pitched, in shock, and retreated in a wild scramble toward safety, leaving his echoes ringing behind him.
"Damien! Peter! Whoever you are! Where are you!"
In the distance, he could make out two male figures, badly wounded, crumpled on the sand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Prodigy Song
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Reason gave the girl, and Lina, a smile. "I'll be fine, I wont go to far! If you two can move Akita at all, or if he can move on his own, I think we were supposed to make camp by the trees, but if you cant, I'll meet you back here!"
Reason glanced down at the bandage job Ashton had done before running off. "Oh, and that'll work, but don't let the fabric dry into the wound! That could get messy. by the way, I'm Reason if you didn't know, call for me if you manage to move to the trees!" The red head flashed an optimistic smile before turning and jogging off towards the trees.
The sand was compact enough to run easily on, though it was still difficult and her vans sent sand flying with every stride. Soon, in a few minutes, she had reached the trees, and carefully looked for a place to enter the brush. She didn't want to get lost or turned around, so it had to look like a good spot for herbs to grow. She picked a spot and set off.

Five minutes or so in, Reason found the first helpful plant. It was Yarrow, and luckily it could grow just about anywhere. She pulled off her scarf and unrolled it so she could put what she gathered in it. She quickly harvested most of the yarrow. After a search she was able to find a small amount of Lady's Mantle, as well as a few edible roots and hunger satisfying herbs. Reason tied off the scarf and peered upward through the canopy of leaves above her. It was getting dark, and hard to see.
She picked up a small bundle of firewood, and added a handful of berries-thankfully none poisonous. Finally she turned to set out....
Then realized she had become a bit turned around.
Reason narrowed her eyes and looked around, but everything looked the same.
I THINK I came from that way.... hm..."
Movement in the trees startled her.
A few twigs snapped. With eyes wide, Reason turned and fled the way the had thought she had come from, catching the glimpse of a shadow. She froze and looked again. There was nothing. Shaking her head and growing fearful in the growing darkness, Reason began walking again, hoping she was going the right way, and that there wasn't some dangerous animal out to kill her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors
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#, as written by Totoro
Akita Smith

All the things that had happened after he half passed out was all a blur. His eyes were half closed and he couldn't see past the wetness of his eyes which he tried to rub off, but more water just kept replacing the ones that left. Not able to explain why, again his mind felt detached from his body as various comments and actions happened all around him. Before he knew it Ashton was trying desperately to help him. If he had the energy to say something he would have said 'Fuck off' or 'Get away', but all he could manage we're long groans and moans of pain and confusion. He felt the uncomfortable wet shirt being removed as the two began to treat his wound. Laying still, wincing and whining every few seconds was all he could do. It wasn't long till he felt them bandage his injury up which helped stop some blood.

Akita's mind felt lost and he was lightheaded. Nausea started to kick in and be up chucked into his mouth, but without hesitation he swallowed the load in pure disgust. His vision started to clear as his body put up a defense mechanism of some sort for him to suddenly stop feeling the pain so he wouldn't freak out. Before he knew what was happening the group started to separate and he saw the little kid dash away like a mad cow, leaving his wounded body open and vulnerable. 'Where the hell did everybody go?', he thought in disbelief that everyone had stranded him there. Akita lay there and didn't move an inch. Someone was probably busy fixing something up, they wouldn't leave him in such a bad state, would they?

((I was only gone for a few hours and so much things happened already xD ))