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Alex Turner

0 · 973 views · located in California

a character in “Crossroads Academy”, as played by Blaire Rosewood



Alex Turner


Lex - Close friends
Alexander - This is his real name but he hates it, used by his parents and on official documents

Atheist - The rest of his family is Catholic except his Grandmother

C-list - Emos/Outcasts


Sexual Orientation:

Sexual history:
Been in one short term relationship with a girl at Crossroads who ended up cheating on him.
Now refuses to date people at school to avoid awkward breakups



Social Class:
Upper Class

Career goals:
One of the following-
  • Musician
  • Actor
  • Director
  • Screenplay Writer

New York


6ft 2


Hair Colour:

Eye Colour:
Dark Brown

Piercings - None
Tattoos - Yes Small poorly drawn nirvana face logo on his ankle done by his mate when he was drunk and lost a bet last year

Clothing Style:
Colour scheme - Black, White and grey
Often wears -
  • Black Jeans
  • Button down shirts or Band merch
  • Glasses
  • Dr Martens
  • Converse or Vans
Never wears -
  • Trainers
  • Expensive brands
  • Bright colours / any colour in general
  • Shirtless in public
  • Shorts


  • Can play Drums very well
  • Can sing/scream well
  • Can play basic guitar (only to grade 1)
  • Acting
  • Design Technology (Woodshop/Metalshop/electronics)
  • Maths

  • English
  • Spelling
  • Maths
  • Sport

  • Music - It's an obsession
  • Drums
  • Parties
  • Playing music with people
  • Going to gigs

  • People who look down on others due to their class
  • People having ridiculously high expectations for him
  • Bullies
  • Vain people
  • Girls who only care about money and their appearance
  • Liars
  • People who get offended by his humour
  • People who take jokes too seriously
  • Most academic classes expect Maths
  • People who put too much importance on being popular
  • Most Members of the Royals clique who in his opinion are often stuck up and annoying



Good traits:
Funny || Laid back || Kind || Friendly || Class clown || Cheerful || Resilient || Confident || Independent || Outgoing

Bad traits:
Lack of commitment || Can take jokes too far || Disorganised || Lazy || Dark sense of humour || Absent minded || Easily distracted || Immature || Doesn't consider consequences

The first thing people often notice about Alex's personality is how outgoing he is. He is a typical class clown and enjoys amusing his classmates. Lex very rarely takes things seriously and if he does it means something is really troubling him. He will befriend almost anyone who is nice to him but can be very short with people he dislikes. This can often be aimed at certain members of the Royals who enjoy looking down on people or are just generally arseholes to people in different cliques to them. Alex has the type of personality which helps lift the mood of his friends around him, especially if they are down.

Alex never really thinks ahead. Although he has a few possible future careers he has no idea what he wants to do really. He is the kind of person who rarely plans things and just rushes in head first without thinking. One of the most prominent negative traits of Alex is that he never thinks of the consequences of his actions. This can lead to him occasionally putting himself in dangerous situations. Lex is the kind of person who will never turn down a dare and almost sees him self and invincible not considering that he might get hurt.
By not considering consequences Alex can also unintentionally offend or hurt people, rarely thinking before thinking. He never says things with the intention of hurting people but he doesn't always stop and consider that some of his jokes might offend someone or that people don't have the same dark humour as himself.

Alex was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 6. His condition has always effected his school work dramatically and is probably part of the reason why he messes around in class. Alex gets distracted incredibly easily and struggles to just sit and work in a class room for hours. Lex often finds music helps him with his ADHD especially drums mainly because he doesn't have to think too hard about playing and it uses up a lot of his energy. Now he is 18 he is a lot more control of his condition and although he struggles with some of the symptoms it doesn't lead to the outbursts it did as a child.


Charles Turner || Father || Age- 55 || Occupation- Bank manager || Relationship- Poor - They don't really get on well due to clashes in religion

Lavander Turner || Mother || Age- 42 || Occupation- Unemployed (gold digger) || Relationship- Neutral - Not awful but they aren't close because of his father manipulating her against him
Alyson Parkes || Grandma || Age- 67 || Occupation- Retired (used to be a teacher) || Relationship- Very close often spending most of school breaks living with her

Lily Turner || Older Sister by 4 Years || Age- 22 || Occupation- Studying at university to be a brain surgeon || Relationship - Close

Edmund Turner || Older Brother by 2 Years || Age 20 || Occupation- Studying at University to be a lawyer || Relationship- Very close


Alex is the youngest child of Charles and Lavender Turner. Growing up he was always out shone by his two older siblings taking the little attention they all got from their parents. Their Father was almost always away on business and their Mother had more important things like spend the money Charles made. The children where often looked after by childminders until they were old enough to be sent to the Catholic boarding school St Mary's Academy, joining in kinder garden. Before this Alex was seen as a bit of a nightmare child often being seen as purposely acting up. It was later that these discovered that this behaviour was caused by ADHD. After childminders refusing to look after him due to constant outbursts and poor behaviour and Lavender just always making things worse by constantly screaming or shouting at him, he was looked after by his Grandma for the majority of the week. Being a teacher she was very understanding and was one of the few people who could help Alex with his problems his behaviour improving around her.

After attending the boarding school for about a year Alex was diagnosed with ADHD and began taking medication which helped his behaviour improve but he still struggled in the school environment often getting poor grades with the exception of maths. During middle school Alex found this difficult because it seemed that regardless of how hard he tried to concentrate in class and do the work he was always getting bad grades when both his siblings were excelling getting straight A's in most subjects.
By this time Lex was spending school breaks at home with his parents but preferred being around his Grandmother because she understood his behaviour and made it easier for him to deal with opposed to more difficult.

Alex didn't have many friends at St Mary's partially due to the teacher often excluding him from spending time with a lot of the pupils in case his bad behaviour would effect others.

In 9th Grade Alex was expelled from St Mary's after multiple heated arguments about religion and him refusing to be confirmed. This was cause by Alex coming to the conclusion he is Atheist and called out some of the teachers for being 'Homophobic pricks'. Alex's father was furious especially being an important member in the local Catholic society so he sent his son to Crossroads academy and rarely see's him deeming him as the disappointing youngest child who is overlooked by the achievements of his other siblings. Shortly after moving to Crossroads, Alex spent school breaks with his Grandmother for a few years rarely seeing his parents.

At Crossroads Alex finally felt as though he fitted in with people, being accepted by the C-list clique mainly hanging out with the outcasts, emos and nerds (even if he often isn't smart enough to understand everything they are talking about). Making these friends made Lex feel much more comfortable being himself. In 9th Grade Alex also discovered his love for music and became obsessed with learning the drums and is in a small local post-hardcore/screamo band playing drums and backing vocals.

Alex's relationship with his father is a little bit better however he still spending most of the school breaks with his Grandmother to avoid the commotion his presence causes at home. Despite everything happening with his parents Alex is still very close with his siblings who agree his father is being unreasonable practically disowning his son because of his religion and grades and over looking other talents he possess. Since Alex has never been that close with his parents anyway his situation doesn't really bother him too much.

With the exception of his tuition fee's Alex's father is refusing to give him access to any additional money until he is confirmed catholic and drops the 'Atheist bullshit' so he doesn't go to hell. Alex doesn't mind this because he doesn't want to owe his father anything. Lex is quite private of his home life because it makes it much easier to forget and not care about it.

Education History:
St Mary's Academy || Catholic private boarding school || K-9
Crossroads Academy || Private boarding school || 9-12

Very minor roles in a few movies that were at least played in cinemas.
Nothing much... Grade 1 in guitar...

Extra Curricular clubs:
Music Club

Best Subjects:
Maths, Drama and Design Technology (Woodshop)

Worst Subjects:
Anything other than maths which is academic often only getting D's - C's but Science in particular.

Current Grades for main subjects:
Maths- A
Science- D
English- C

Has a job at a local coffee shop to help put away some money for the future and too help his Grandma when he comes to stay in summer breaks
Says he doesn't want to learn to drive but secretly feels that he would fail his test so doesn't want to try

So begins...

Alex Turner's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sophiex
Today was the first official day back on Crossroads Academy's campus, and there was an undeniable air of excitement and jitters on campus. Throughout the morning, cars had driven up the long driveway that led onto the campus, packed to the brink with parents, children, and suitcases filled with everything a teenager could need, only to be drive right back down it a little while later, empty, and usually with teary-eyed parents. It was nothing less than a tradition, and though many felt it was sad to see their parents go, most students did genuinely like Crossroads Academy. The fact that it was located right on the beautiful California coast played a part in it, and it possessing facilities nice enough to rival top colleges was a perk too, but the relationships made while at a boarding school were different than at many normal high schools. They were stronger, or that's what many of Crossroads' students would tell you, anyway.

Like the other dorm advisers on campus, Holly and Brian had spent their mornings acquainting themselves to parents and helping students move into their rooms. They had moved on campus a few days before, and though this meant that their summers were over too, they were both glad that the school year was starting. While Holly had worked as a dorm adviser for four years, and had acted as a dorm adviser for the girls she would be living with this year since they were freshman, Brian was new to this. He had been a faculty member for Crossroads for a year before, but this was the first year that he was going to be a dorm adviser. Life circumstances combined with knowing that his paycheck would look even better if he was a dorm adviser had led him to accepting the additional position, and though he was excited, he was understandably nervous as well. He knew that this position would require him to take on an extra level of responsibility and respect for rules and guidelines, but he also knew that he had to be understanding enough to get a bunch of teenage boys to like him... or at least trust him. It was going to be an interesting experience, that much he was sure of, but he didn't have much time to worry during the morning, as he really had been busy helping kids move in. He was grateful that he had been assigned a senior dorm, only because that meant that there were slightly less parents involved. Senior students were allowed to have cars on campus, and that meant that in some cases, for those who had cars, they were driving themselves onto campus and there were a few less introductions that Brian was forced through. In the girls dorm, Holly was experiencing a similar thing, but by now she knew most of her girls' parents, and for her, introductions were welcomed anyway. She was friendly and bubbly, and far too used to this to be bothered by the first-day events.

While Brian helped some students in 3C of Chase move into their dorm, Holly was on the second floor of Wright Hall. Most of the dormitory room doors were open, with girls coming in and out as they either helped each other move into their rooms, moved into their own rooms, or were in and out socializing. She skimmed the sheet of paper in her hand that listed which room each girl was in, and once she found the name that she had starred, she headed towards dormitory room 2B. The girl's dorm had one new student this year, and Holly thought that it was best that she introduce herself and make sure that the new student, Emma, was getting settled in all right. The door to get into the dormitory was open, so Holly gently pushed it open and entered the common space of the four bedroom dorm. "Girls, is Emma here yet?" Holly called out, unsure if Emma was there herself, or if the other girls rooming there, London, Dytto or Farrah would be there. She knew the other three girls from acting as an adviser to them for the past three years, so introductions there were unnecessary, though she was glad to be back with them as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Frederick Gains Character Portrait: Alex Turner
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0.00 INK

Interacting With: Sophia(NPC), Dytto(Text), Fred(Text), Esper(Text), Alex(Text)||Location: Her House-->School
Speech: #CC0000||Thought: #FF5555

Looking herself over in the mirror Natalya smiled and pulled on her jacket. The day had started early for her today, having to wake up at 5am to get everything done. This year her Uncle had finally finished setting up a local branch of the business which was both good and bad for her. The good obviously outweighed the bad. She finally had family in Cali, it benefited her family with the new income they'd be getting (as if they weren't rich enough already), and it meant she didn't have to hire strangers to help her move into her room. That being said, the bad was that when she had gone to ask her cousin, who was the current 'boss' of the local branch, to get some guys to help her he had waved her on to ask herself. While usually she would have been all for this, the first day of school really wasn't the day you wanted to get in a fight. Since she hadn't hired anyone she had sighed and shrugged, respect had to be earned. It didn't take her very long to 'win respect', she had meant it when she said not to hit her face and sadly the second guys ballsy enough to fight her gave her a busted lip. She touched the wound gently, looking in the mirror with a frown. 'I'll have to do presents right when I get to school rather than before the after party to distract them... At least I broke his arm.' Her thoughts now on a happier note she brought her mind to the party. With London's permission Natalya threw the back to school party every year, always on the first friday back and Natalya gave her best friends their birthday presents for the year before the party started, which was why it started at 6 rather than 5. As she spoke Sophia was down the hall with the two chefs Natalya had hired to cook for the party tomorrow, planning the meal and getting the meat into marinades they decided on. While it was only another barbeque, albeit with a pool and an open bar, Natalya loved splurging to have the food home-made.

Shaking her head Natalya grabbed her helmet and her cell phone, dialing her cousin's number as she towards the front door. "Sophia I'm heading out! Just use the card I gave you if you need to buy more supplies and call me if anything goes wrong!" The hispanic woman answered quickly, "Of course! Adios chère fille!" As she walked out the door her cousin picked up the phone and she spoke in russian as she headed towards the garage. "Hey I need you to tell the guys to head towards my school with the three trailers and the large box Dad had you guys bring with you." Going into the garage she hit the button for the door to open and looked at her choice of rides before going with her 2015 Harley-Davidson Street 500. "No, I mean the box full of cocaine. Yes! I meant the one that's gift wrapped with a bow around it. Fuck was that so hard to figure out..." Her cousin made a comment and started to laugh, causing Natalya to pull the phone away from her face to glare at it. Shaking her head Natalya lifted the stand on her bike, keeping it upright with one hand. "I gotta go so I can meet them there. Bye." Ending the call Natalya noticed she had two texts, one from Dytto and the other from Esperanza.

To: D-Mac
I'm on my way. Are Nate and Fred there yet?

To: Crazy Bitch <3
Yeah I know but at least we're together against hurricane Katherine. You at school yet?

To: Fred and Alex
Yo you guys at school yet?

Shoving her phone in her pocket Natalya turned the key, pressed the button to close the garage door, and revved her engine, peeling out of the garage just as the door began to lower.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Frederick Gains
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0.00 INK

Interacting/Texting With: Holly, Dytto, Fred, Alex, Nate, Esper, Will ||Location: Senior Parking Lot <--> Wright Hall
Speech: #CC0000||Thought: #FF5555

The twenty minute drive to school, while exhilarating, was uneventful. The weather was nice and warm something that, while not necessary since Natalya grew up riding in New York, was definitely pleasant. As she pulled into the senior lot and into an spot Natalya noticed that the first of the trucks drove in the same entrance she had just passed under. "Awesome! I made perfect time." Cutting the engine to her bike, Natalya lowered the centerstand and took off her helmet. Shaking out her hair and setting the helmet down she pulled a mirror out from under the seat. Quickly checking her lip she was glad to see that the injury didn't look as bad as it had that morning. Throwing the mirror back in it's spot, albeit after making sure her makeup wasn't smudged, she jogged out to where the three trucks had stopped, unsure where to park. "Yo, perfect timing." The windows already rolled down the driver of the truck closest to her nodded. "Yup, where do you want these parked?" Natalya quickly looked around the parking lot. Sadly, most of the spots closest to the buildings were filled. The Chase and Wright dorms both shared a parking lot that was currently filled with people rushing to finish unpacking. Looking at her watch Natalya sighed, 11:25, glancing around again she waved her hand to the left, to a large amount of parking spots left empty cause they were so far from the building. "There. It might be a bit of a walk but it'll be easier if they're all together. Make sure they're all side by side. You guys have the box right?" One of the other guys in a different truck called out a yes and Natalya smiled, leaning back to see the large box strapped down in the bed of the truck. 'Wonderful.' "Make sure you take it out and set it down gently. You guys all brought drinks and shit like I told you right? You're gonna be here at least another hour and you might have to drive them someplace else." The man who had spoken before waved off her questions. "Don't worry I got us covered. Go get your friends."

As the trucks drove off Natalya set out towards Wright Hall. She had arrived at exactly at 9am earlier and 5 of her cousins guys had been there to help her move in. With so many people it had taken a bit longer than the usual 45 minutes but it wasn't that big of a deal. While she had been there she had left Esper's two gifts, the two sets of keys and the card she got for London in her room. She wasn't really that close to the girl but she had gotten her something for two reasons. The first, while not that important, were how it would look to others. Natalya's gifts, after freshman and sophomore year, became legendary and tons of people gossiped about it every year. Most likely London would be there for the unveiling of the gifts, as she had been sophomore year, being a friend of Esper's and Natalya didn't have to imagine how it looked that she didn't give the Queen Bee a present. The second, and most important in Natalya's book, was that the girl had never been anything but friendly to her. Despite her status whenever Natalya was around the Queen Bee all she got was kindness, whether this was out of fear of Natalya or respect for Esper she didn't know but she appreciated it. She had also felt horrible giving presents to all of her friends and leaving London out so that had a bit of play in it too.

As she burst out of the elevator one of the first people she spotted was Holly and she smiled. The supervisor was walking out of the dorm across the hall from Natalya's and was talking with a younger student but that didn't stop her. "Holly! It's wonderful to see you." Natalya went over and pulled the woman into a hug, promptly ignoring the startled looking freshman. Her freshman year she had been extremely wary of the woman but after coming back from a fight and only getting a worried/disapproving response she seemed to relax around her. Holly smiled and hugged Natalya back. "Hey Sweetie, it's great to see you back!" Pulling away Natalya spoke quickly, obviously excited. "I know this is sudden but I need a favor. I need you to get three buckets of water down to the parking lot asap. I know it's short notice but it's for Dytto's birthday present. I couldn't wait till friday night so I brought them here!" Holly laughed but then sighed, a regretful look on her face. "I would love to help but I still have to help some of the girls moved in on the third floor. If you still need me, I should be free in thirty minutes or so." Natalya sighed and shook her head. "No, I have to do it right away. The guys who drove over here with the... Presents, wouldn't be happy to have to wait that much longer." Natalya caught herself, almost slipping up and giving a hint to the presents when people were around. "Anyways I gotta rush! See you later! Giving the woman another quick hug Natalya looked around and spotted three girls she knew, both sophomores. As she quickly explained to them what she needed done and where to find the buckets her phone chimed and she pulled it out, not even pausing in her explanation. 'Holy shit, everyone's messaged me...' After thanking the girls at least three times she shot out some texts.

To: Fred
Psh, I moved in at 9 am sharp. Guess what's coming early this year? You better be with Dytto and Nate.

To: Nate
You better not have left Dytto's room. I have plans set up. -.- <3

To: D-Mac
Don't leave your room. I'll come get you and the boys in 10.

To: Crazy Bitch <3
I'm coming to grab you. Presents are happening today in 15 minutes. London's included if she's with you.

Yo, you alive?

To: British Tea
That was set hours ago. I'll help you move in if you meet me in the parking lot in 15. Don't be late, the Queen wouldn't approve.

Natalya chuckled at her last message and headed towards her room. While Will was only a normal boy from England she always loved to tease him, though truly many of their summer talks had been her quizzing him on British culture. 'At least talking to him is never boring.' The two trips down in the elevator and across the parking lot to leave the rest of the gifts with the guys took exactly 10 minutes as she expected. Arriving back on the second floor of Wright hall Natalya quickly ran to Dytto's door and bangs on it three times, hard, before throwing it open. "Hurry up and get your asses downstairs! I'll go get Esper and meet you at the elevator!!!" Without waiting for an answer Natalya shot across the hallway, dodging around other people as she went. It was surprising how fast she could move in heel but then, she was probably the only girl who's dad made her do combat training in heels 'just in case'. Banging on Esper's door just as hard she flung it open, her excitement showing on her face. Even as she started to speak she looked around the room to see if London was there. "Come on! Time to go!!!" While Natalya could be one of the most cold-hearted, bitchiest people you will ever meet she could be a kind and generous person. She loved giving presents, she loved the looks of shock, sometimes horror, and happiness that people got when face with a truly heartfelt, meaningful gift. And Natalya, as her friends knew, didn't know how to NOT spend absurd amounts of money on gifts. Her family tradition was literally to try and outspend/gift each other, going so far that they had made it a game that they literally had scorecards for.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Frederick Gains Character Portrait: William Richardson
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0.00 INK

Interacting/Texting With: Dytto, Fred, Alex, Nate, Esper, Will, Grigori (NPC) ||Location: Senior Parking Lot (Across the parking lot from the Wright and Chase Buildings)
Speech: #CC0000||Thought: #FF5555

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go get London, she's just next door," Despite knowing that meant London was in the airhead's room Natalya just nodded, a big smile on her face. "Oh, and nice to see you again. We'll catch up at the barbecue? I have something to tell you." Natalya rolled her eyes though her smile never left her face. "Of course! Now hurry up!"As Esper went to one of the other rooms in their dorm, the one she assumed to be Katherine's, Natalya stood next to door that lead out of their dorm. Bouncing up and down in excitement she peaked out to see Dytto and Fred emerging from her room just as Esper walked past her and down the hall. Rushing out after her Natalya practically skipped which caught the attention of a group of Junior nearby. Shooting them an evil smile to make up for her unsual amount of happiness the girls quickly looked away. Just as Natalya chuckled at her little accomplishment Dytto and the boys walked up to them. Turning to press the elevator button Natalya looked back as Dytto spoke. "This better be a bomb ass present for you to be banging on people's doors like you've lost your mind" Esper chimed in right after her. "She's right, I mean I would expect something extravagant since it's our senior year" And Fred was quick to add a comment in as well. "You interrupted Dytto's ass kicking, Nat. This has to be good." Natalya laughed, a devious look in her eyes. "I'll be lucky if you're not banging on my head after you get your wicked sweet present. And sweetheart you have no idea. Also, Fred we both know she was about to kick your ass." For a moment Natalya let her eyes wander over Nate's physique as he approached with the others but her eyes skipped away just as quickly. Just as the elevator doors opened Natalya felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and pulled it out as she and her friends stepped in. She chuckled at Will's text and sent a quick reply.

To: British Tea
Oh it's good. I'm on my way down. I'll grab you on our way out.

As the elevator opened and they exited the building Natalya noticed the crowd as she put her phone back in her pocket. She had expected this of course. After asking sophomores for help it was obvious they would tell a few people but Natalya definitely had underestimated the rate at which information like this would travel. Shrugging Natalya looked around the crowd, as she started across the parking lot. Once they were a good halfway across the parking lot Natalya spotted Will. Letting out a whistle she waved him over and then headed towards the trailers, the small crowd parting for them in a manner that had Natalya chuckling again. Shaking her head she let her excitement fall away for a second, glancing back to see if Will had joined the group or not, as she touched her lip gently. 'It's still just as fun but I really wish I wasn't doing it now just to distract them from the fact that I look like someone beat me up...' Natalya had been known to get into fights (both in school and out) but never before something important, like the first day of school, and she always made sure her friends never saw the worst of her injures. Sadly a busted lip was hard to hide, unlike the bruise on her left arm from using it to block a blow, so she put on a smile and hurried the last few feet past the crowd. Making it within the vicinity of the trailers Natalya saw that all five guys now stood outside of the three trailers that were parked in a neat row. The next moment she spotted the three sophomores she had asked for help, each with buckets full of cold water at their feet and looking at the guys nervously. Three of the five were on the bigger, and definitely buff side, the other two having being muscled in a far more subtle way, and all five had at least a couple tattoos.

Letting a smirk slide onto her face Natalya stalked over to one of the bigger guys, who happened to be the one she had chatted with earlier. "You didn't have to get out of the trucks you know. It's just a school." Before the man could answer one of the other guys shrugged. "It's not a problem Boss, Grigori here felt nervous once the crowd started to gather so we decided to stretch our legs." Natalya shot a sharp look at the man that obviously screamed 'Not Here' .The man's Russian accent was thick and at that moment Natalya was glad that her own was at least partially masked by her Boston accent. While she knew most people would assume she had hired the guys the use of the title Boss could raise questions. The man she spoke to, know known to be Grigori, cleared his throat and spoke up quickly. "You want us to get back in the trucks?" Natalya pursed her lips and then looked at the man who had spoken up before. "My friend Alex isn't here from what I can tell so go bring that one back. The rest of you can stay out, I'll need three of you anyways." Natalya motioned to the trailer that she knew had Alex's present in it and then watched as the guy nodded and turned to leave. Satisfied Natalya turned to look at her friends, her smile reappearing. "Okay! So, for those of you who aren't used to this let me tell you the rules. There are no refusals, no returns, and no regrets! I worked really hard to get you all things I know you'll love. I don't want to hear complaints about cost. As much as I love you, I will kill you. They're birthday presents, you're my friends, and this is senior year! Also, I enjoy this just as much as you guys enjoy using your gifts afterwards so don't ruin it for me." Laughing Natalya headed over to grab the first gift.

Going over to where two large boxes sat, though one was extremely larger than the other, Natalya lifted a gift box about the size of book off the top of the larger one and walked over to Esper. Handing the girl the box Natalya watched as the girl lifted the lid off. Inside were two jewelry boxes, a purple Ipod (That wasn't supposed to be released for another two months) and a stack of iTunes gift cards worth $2000. Natalya quickly put a few steps between her and Esper as the, known to be violent, Latino girl reached for the jewelry boxes. Inside the first was a simple necklace with a two carat diamond on a 18 karat white gold chain. The second held another necklace, this one being far less simple. It was, as the man selling it had said, a one-of-a-kind diamond pendant showcasing an exceptional fancy yellowish green pear shape diamond adorned by a double halo of petite brilliant white diamonds and fancy pink diamond accents set in a modern 18 karat white and rose gold design. The 2 carat,pear shaped diamond in the center was what had caught Natalya's attention and as such had been the main reason for it's price of 42 thousand dollars. Looking up at Esper's face Natalya hesitated to get too excited. This was the first year she had gone over the 10 grand mark so she didn't know how the girl would react.

Going to get the next present Natalya decided to grab the smaller of the two large boxes, figuring that it would be a little less of a punch in the gut since only Will would know how much they truly cost. Carrying it over carefully Natalya set it down in front of the Brit and smiled. "Go ahead!" As she knew, inside the box were six gifts in total. The most expensive was the antique, Arthur Stone Sterling Silver Tea Set. 'Though now that I think about it all of the tea might have been more expensive...' The tie, since Natalya honestly couldn't remember, was the box that filled the entire bottom half of the gift box. After finding a Chinese tea website Natalya had called them and ordered a 200 gram (7 oz.) bag of every type of tea they had, which now filled the box. There were also two more antique tea sets, a Green Toile Porcelain Tea Set, a Black Totem Japanese Tea Set, a stack of iTunes gift cards, and an iPod (the same model as Esper's) in blue. As Will looked through the items Natalya spoke. "I know that some people don't use the antiques so I wanted to get you some normal ones too. You would not believe how hard it is to find non-girly tea sets..." Though she was smiling, uncertainty was definitely present in Natalya's gaze. Will and her had only started talking this past summer and weren't that close. She had tried to tone back but had gotten carried away and excited while shopping online for him and it had lead to this.

Figuring she would go on with the boxes Natalya asked two of the guys to grab the huge box and carry it over to where her friends were. As they set it in front of Fred she looked between him and the box, that looked like it could fit ten 60" flat screen TVs in it, and wiggled her eyebrows. "You ready?" Just to make it difficult on him Natalya had actually tied a bow and wrapped the huge box, her efforts apparent as there were three types of wrapping paper covering it. Inside was a treasure trove of gifts. Fred was very hard to shop for expensively so she had decided to go quantity=quality. Inside was another bow that heal an actual 60" flat screen TV in it. Other than that there was an Xbox One, a PlayStation 4, four extra controllers for each console, five headsets (those things break wicked fucking easy) that are compatible with both systems, a green Ipod that, just like Esper's, wasn't supposed to come out for another two months. Not stopping there, there was a large stack of gift cards tied together with a ribbon. The stack was quite large and contained ten thousand dollars of Game Stop Gift Cards, two thousand of iTunes, ten thousand dollars in Barnes and Nobles Gift Cards, and five thousand dollars of cards to his favorite local coffee shop. "Two guys will be coming by with a stand for the TV and the gaming systems tomorrow. I had it custom made to where it would fit the TV and Systems on top and the two shelves are both tall enough to hold games. Oh, and I had them make it taller, which three shelve, but not as wide so it would stick close to he wall and not take up a ton of room." As Fred looked through the gift cards she laughed at the coffee shop one. "You would not believe the look on her face when I told her to ring up five grand of gift cards this morning. She had to ring it up as eight separate orders"

Natalya rushed over to Nate, a huge smile on her face, and held out a small box to him. As the box moved it jingled and inside there was a key, an iPod, and a stack of iTunes gift cards. Once Nate had opened the box and looked at Natalya she rushed over to one of the two trailers that was still there. After getting a confirming nod, Natalya yanked the door up, garage style, and ran in. Having prepared for this there was a black cloth that concealed her, and the gift from sight. A few moments later she came out, pushing a 1963 Harley Davidson DuoGlide FLH along at her side. As she walked it over to him she smiled, knowing he would have instantly recognized the bike. After all it was the type Wolverine rode in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and Nate loved Wolverine almost as much as Natalya loved music... Maybe a little less than that but still, he was obsessed. "Not only is this the same type of bike but is the actual bike from the movie. It was really hard to find and even harder to convince them to sell it but here it is. AND, you have another present but you can't have it until I can talk to you and Dytto alone." She handed the bike over to him with a smirk.

This one excited Natalya the most, something she made obvious as she jumped in excitement before scurrying away from Nate. Going into the second trailer, after lifting the door, Natalya revved the engine and drove the Redish-Purple Lamborghini Gallardo out of the trailer. Jumping out Natalya looked at Dytto with an excited, goofy face. "Don't move! Watch this!" Jumping away from the car, closing the door, and running over to Dytto's side she clutched her best friend's hand in excitement. Grigori who, along with two of the other guys, was now holding one of the buckets full of water. Giving him a quick nod Natalya focused her attention on Dytto's face as they dumped the water onto the war making it appear to wash the paint away to reveal a wicked sweet paint job. "It's thermo-chromatic paint! Whenever the car gets wet it changes back and forth! As if to set an example one of the guys dumped what little water was left in his bucket on the car and a splash of the maroon reappeared. Sitting inside the car on the passenger seat was, of course, a purple iPod and it's paired gift cards. "If you can believe it I think your other gift is cooler."

Prices (cause I had them xP)
Arthur Stone Sterling Silver Tea Set - 37.5k
Tea Set Link "Antique" - 4.2k
Tea Set Link "Tea Sets" - 14.5k
Green Toile Porcelain Tea Set - $120
Black Totem Japanese Tea Set - $35
Fred's Gifts - About 35k (sorry, I wasn't searching all that again xD)