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Liloon Aquata

"Floating out on the sea, stars are watching me. Current takes me out what will be will be."

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a character in “Crowns and Empires”, as played by masato22



Liloon Aquata


Undocumented, Mermaids have very long life spans




Liloon Aquata is a petite and beautifully fair skinned young woman with fluffy brown hair. Her eyes are large and innocently hazel. Her mermaid tail is long, graceful and orange in color.



Petite when in human form, she’s considerably longer when in mermaid form.




Liloon is a cautious young woman. She is watchful of most everything. She used to be quite whimsical like many other mermaids but after an encounter with humans that changed her life she became much more vigilant about most everything. She is fair and gentle in her ways, but has a jealous side that one should beware of. Like other mermaids and mermen, Liloon is constantly comparing her beauty to that of humans. She dislikes it to find human women more attractive than her.


Liloon is quite mysterious to most. She is usually quiet with those she doesn’t know unless she needs to speak to a stranger for an objective purpose. She is good at quietly assessing the character of another and can very easily diagnose one’s nature. She is tough and will endure much stubbornly without caving in to pressure.

Where they live:
Drake City (Currently); She is initially from the South American Ocean

What/ who they are:


Liloon is a mermaid from the South American Ocean. She is now living in the Drake City Palace and is considered a Water Magician in service of the King. Many people of Drake are unaware that she is a Mermaid even the Drake King himself. She is known as the duchess of Drake City. She will also go on covert missions for the Drake King to gather information from other kingdoms.



Liloon Aquata is a mermaid from the South American Ocean. She lived there for many years with a pod of other mermaids. Her life was drastically changed when her pod of fellow mermaids attacked a Drake City Missionary Ship carrying Drake City crusaders not long before the passing of the late King of Drake City. The attack went sour as the crusaders were very combat adept and Liloon was captured and presented as a present to the late Drake City King.


Now living in Drake City the mermaid was shown an unusual measure of kindness by the king at the request of the late Drake City Queen. The Queen took pity on the mermaid and yearned for her to live out her life in service of the kingdom instead of death. Liloon was grateful to the human woman and was presented to others in the kingdom as a magically gifted peasant girl that was adopted into the kingdom. Liloon was trained to be a duchess of Drake and to look after the young Prince Moloch. Liloon did not age as the young Moloch grew older, most people assumed it was a trick of her magic that kept her from aging.


When the Drake King and Queen were killed Liloon was devastated. She grew to like the King and Queen. She decided to remain in service of the Drake City Prince Moloch who was now the King of Drake City. He grew to be a strong and wise man, one that Liloon began to fancy. She serves as Moloch’s confidant, personal magician, and royal spy. She is also considered a fine lady of Drake.



Liloon is a keen archer and can fight with a rapier quite well.

Liloon can use her voice to charm others into doing her bidding, or to produce a glass shattering shriek.

Liloon can transform her mermaid tail and fins into human legs and feet. She seems to be able to produce clothing upon transformation. She can also levitate herself via coating her mermaid tail in a thin layer of water and controlling the water so that she is lifted off of the ground. This way she can remain mobile while on the land in mermaid form if she chooses to.

Liloon has a variety of magical abilities that are common to mermaids. Some of these skills are not often known to be done by mermen. Liloon can render herself invisible for a short period of time (mermen cannot do this). It is a trick of water and light. She can also control water and summon sea creatures like water dragons (mermen can do this as well). Liloon can augment water temperature (mermen cannot do this easily).

She is good at stealth missions and moves rather swiftly when running away. She is quite agile, having learned how to move about with legs well. She is also pretty good with disguising herself.

She is in love with Moloch, and he loves her as well.

Mermaids and mermen have a special bond with the Moon. It is a large source of the merpeople’s power.

So begins...

Liloon Aquata's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Soo-Min Kwon Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Moon Jae Shin Character Portrait: Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai
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Liloon Aquata and Moloch Markus

(A few days earlier)

Liloon sat in her quarters in the Drake castle. She wondered what Moloch was up too. She already had a good idea of what that activity was. Moloch usually barricaded himself in his study when he was wdeep in thought. Something was troubling her beloved king and Liloon would do most anything to diminish his troubles. She headed down the corridor and knocked gently on Moloch’s door.

“You may enter.” Liloon heard Moloch answer through the door. He sounded rather melancholy and that worried Liloon a bit. Liloon entered with a bright smile on her face.

“Good afternoon, my lord. You’ve been in here all day. Something is bothering you, you’re sulking. Tell me what’s troubling you?” Liloon asked as she approached Moloch and sat down on his lap. The two were very close. He wrapped his arms gently around her waist.

“I am worried, that I will admit. You know me well Liloon. I just received word that Khal Jinn is headed to the South Atlantic Kingdom after also receiving a letter from the Dragon Queen. I know what Amelia is trying to do and I really don’t like it. However what I dislike more is that Khal Jinn is actually going to hear her out. I can’t let this go unmonitored.” The Drake king spoke to Liloon with worry deep set in his voice. He could not afford to lose Khal as an ally.

“If it is an ear into Amelia’s meeting you desire, then that is what you shall have. I’ll be in the South Atlantic as soon as tomorrow morning. You just rest your mind my king.” Liloon said as she arose from Moloch’s lap, her gown once more fluffing back out. Her hair fell whimsically over her bare shoulders.

“I can always count on you to ease my worries. You just make sure you’re careful love.” Moloch rose to his feet and gave Liloon a kiss on her pale, soft, cheek.

Liloon immediately departed for the South Atlantic Kingdom. She arrived shortly after Khal Jinn, Tenanye, Moon Jae Shin, and Soo-min were lead into the castle. Liloon wore a peasant dress and her plan was to impersonate the castle staff and gather intel. She found her way into the servant’s quarters and worked her way through the castle. She laid eyes on the princess Tenanye and Lord Eddard Snow speaking in the hallway after the Dragon Queen swiftly departed. Liloon knew that she had to follow the silver haired queen.

The Queen moved swiftly and Liloon made sure to keep up with her. They reached a beautiful spiral stair case and Amelia climbed. Liloon was about to follow however the queen’s guard closed in on her. Liloon immediately used her camouflage and vanished before being spotted. She made a dash up the stairs and followed the queen into a grand bedroom. Liloon was quite nervous. She needed to make sure that she was not heard and that her camouflage didn’t wear off. There before her stood Khal Jinn looking out into the atmosphere. Khal Jinn was indeed a very large beast of a man. Liloon was quite intimidated by the esteemed warrior lord. She wondered if Khal would be able to detect her. It was a risk she’s have to take. Thus Amelia and Khal began their conversation.

Liloon listened intently and was not too thrilled to see Khal beginning to warm up to the queen. Eventually the talk of dragons arose and the queen soon summoned them to the room. Liloon was really worried at this point. She may not have been seen but Dragons could most definitely pick up on her body heat. However, Liloon was still not without her tricks. She would not need to augment her body temp. If her body was cooler she could stand a better chance at evading the senses of the dragons. She hated land dragons having seen them many years ago but seeing them now was still too soon for her nonetheless.

Khal seemed quite impressed with the dragons the young queen showed him. Liloon cringed. She still hated land dragons and felt water dragons were far superior. Liloon glared at the silver haired queen. “So this is the girl whose hair is to rival the moon’s shine? I know the moon and she is no contest whatsoever.” Liloon thought. Her jealousy of the fair queen’s looks was flaring up. Liloon could not escape her mermaid tendencies. After Khal’s examining of the dragons he spoke defining words to the queen that caused Liloon’s heart to jump in horror.

"You and your children have nothing to fear from me, Moon Kissed. Moloch will have to find himself a new ally in his war of vengeance." Khal said sincerely.

Liloon’s eyes widened at the sound of Khal’s decision to betray his promise to her lord. She often disliked human warriors and had a problem with those who proved to be disloyal. Liloon did not think that Khal Jinn of all people would betray her lord. “So Khal Jinn has decided to show his claws. I wish I could show him mine
” Liloon thought to herself. “This is all her fault. That dreadful girl
” Liloon stood there brooding in thought.

She had to escape and warn her lord. Yet getting out of the room would prove to be a difficult task. There were guards posted at the door waiting for Amelia to depart. Eventually Amelia began to leave the room and Liloon knew it was her slim chance to leave as well. She definitely didn’t want to get trapped with Khal. She practically was on Amelia’s heels (as close as she could be to her since Amelia was wearing a dress, as was Liloon) as she walked closely behind her. She made it out of the room and waited by the door for the Queen and her guards to exit down the spiral stairs.

Liloon was unable to hold her camouflage any longer. She let out a big sigh of relief, however Khal could hear it. She could have kicked herself. She immediately turned around and pretended to be a servant girl. “Ahem, Lord Khal Jinn. I was sent by the maids staff to make sure you were still finding everything to your liking. If you find your lodging to be satisfactory I shall be on my way.” Liloon asked wanting Khal to answer affirmatively and quickly so she could leave.

Katsura Shiraishi, Himiko Hatsumomo, Masaki Mizuno-Wa, Faramir Elendil

As the group rode alongside Ulfar and Tyra they took in their surroundings. The air was cold and the foreigners were definitely not accustomed to this extreme form of chill. Faramir and his men took the brunt of the adjusting, as they were from a far warmer climate. The mage’s pale cheeks almost seemed to turn blue. He pulled his fur coat tighter. He was given one by the natives. He was truly grateful for the kind offer.

Ulfar turned towards Katsura and Hatsumomo who were riding to his side. “Do you either of you have any children back home in Wa?”

Katsura was a bit surprised by the question. He gave a nervous smile and remembered his family. Masaki immediately began to look uncomfortable at the mention of Katsura’s family. Katsura looked at Masaki and gave a gentle smile in the hopes of easing Masaki’s discomfort.

Hatsumomo was the first to answer. “No I have no children. I wonder if I ever will. I’m not sure if a child would tolerate me.” Hatsumomo snickered a little at the thought.

Katsura hesitantly replied, “I was once a husband and a father. However I lost my wife and son during the imperial succession war. They were killed defending our home in an assassination attempt. My son was 10 years old. I miss them dearly.” Katsura spoke in a rueful manner. The snow of the atmosphere didn’t make remembering the happening any easier for him. Masaki wished he could give Katsura a child. However, even if he could the child would be no replacement for the child Katsura had already lost.

“What do you think Masaki? Would I make a good princess?” she asked returning to her usual jovial self, “What exactly do princesses do?” Tyra asked Masaki.

Masaki smiled. “I think you’d make a great princess, one that would be an inspiration to many. As for what princesses do. They do a lot of different things. It depends largely on the nation and it’s customs.”

Ulfar piped back in at this point, “They bring their fathers all the mead and food they can carry, clean the mud from their father’s boots, stay virgins and never speak. He turned back to face his daughter who was riding behind him, one eyebrow raised jokingly.

Tyra laughed. “No, I’m beginning to think that a king should spoil his daughter with all the fine weapons and horses her heart could desire, take her on long hunting expeditions and building great holds in her honour!” She feigned a far off look with her hands clutched together pleadingly all with her ever mischievous grin.

Giggling once again Tyra turned back to Masaki. “So what do the princesses of Wa do, Masaki? Do they still get to fight when they want and go riding on long hunting trips?”

Masaki chuckled a bit. “Well Wa princesses definitely don’t go hunting that’s for sure. Wa princesses are taught to defend themselves but it’s mainly a formality and not taken very seriously. They are politically involved and they do a lot of charity work. It would be quite boring in comparison to your life here. I mean Wa noble women spend a large amount of time composing Haiku or poems about aesthetics and the seasons, or coordinating what kimono they’ll wear that best fits the seasonal aesthetics. It’s a very different world.” Masaki stared off into the distance for a brief second. “I mean, I as the crown prince was only formally taught self defense. However it was not until I pledged my service to Lord Katsura that I became a warrior to be taken more than seriously. Because of this, my husband is considered quite the trouble maker from the perspective of the nobility for taking my focus away from my imperial duties. Hilarious right?”

Moon Jae Shin

After a long silence, Soo-Min sighed. "The truth is, Moon-dono. I've been in love with the Princess since we were childern." She said and she realised it was the first time she spoke of this to anyone, save for Ananse. "And the issue isn't with her. It's justthat...I'd hoped during this journey that we'd become..." She stopped and shook her head. "She's never been interested in females before. I know that and there were times she'd taken men to her bed like many Anansai women however...for some reason, she was taken to the Khal's bed..." Soo-Min clenched her fists hard, leaving little half moons in her pale palms. "No one will ever love her as I do. He does not to deserve to look upon her body because I know he does not love her. I feel that she will only realise this too late. I can see it in her eyes that she holds strong feelings for him yet she may not know it herself..." She spat bitterly. "It doesn't seem fair." she said softly then, her gaze falling to floor. "I fear that she will get her precious heart broken... and will never want love again."

Moon sighed as he took in the young woman’s situation. He was relieved that Soo-Min felt comfortable enough to share her worries with him. He wanted to help her to feel better as best he could. “I understand the feeling. However you shouldn’t worry too much about Tenanye. She seems to have a pretty strong heart. Even if she is let down by Jinn, she will be just fine because you’re here to be her comfort. She depends on your strength so that she can remain strong as well. But don’t forget to search for your own happiness. There is someone waiting for you I believe it.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai Character Portrait: Khal Jinn Character Portrait: Liloon Aquata Character Portrait: Eddard Snow Character Portrait: Robb Snow
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The Khal turned at the voice from the door. A meek voice practically shaking with fear. A young servant girl popped her head in and asked if Jinn was comfortable. He arched an eyebrow but nodded to her dismissively.

"I'm fine."

He said with a grunt. The serving girl left him alone and he walked towards the balcony to step out into the air once more. He breathed deep as he then realized his heart was racing. He put his hand to his chest curiously as he took a deep breath and looked out onto the ocean. What had just happened to him? He came to this kingdom to meet an enemy and in the first few hours he not only swore to betray his vow to ally himself with the King of Drake but further more told the Queen his darkest secret, something known only to himself and a select few.

Jinn growled under his breath and pressed his fist into the stone banister. He didn't like this, this feeling welling up inside him because he didn't understand it. He was quickly becoming confused as to his path. He thought he sailed to war, found peace, then destiny. Things were so much simpler when he was in the South Pacific. Few things surprised him yet here it was nothing but surprise after surprise. The brittle cracking sound reached his ears and Jinn looked at his fist to see the stone was beginning to form cracks in it from the pressure he was applying. He pulled his fist away with a silent curse as he shook his head and went back into his room.

The feast would be before long, he would eat, drink and in the morning he and his riders could go home and leave this damn land of mystery and beauty. What was it about this place that confounded him so?



His booted feet rang out in the shinning halls of the Queens castle. As he walked his long sword clinked against his hip, his hand casually resting on the hilt. The eldest son of House Snow was here in the hopes he could show his face and be gone quickly. The Queen was throwing a feast, everyone knew it and as Lord Snow's family they were all expected to attend. Nevertheless Robb had other plans. He had intended to take the night for a ride into the country and go on a night hunt like he used to do with his father back home. The only real difference was that he would be trading snow for warm night air. Still, wild game was wild game, and he was in the mood for a good hunt. He left ahead of the rest of the family who should be before long hoping he could get a quick drink, shake a few hands and begone within the hour.

As he rounded the corner he caught sight of his father walking with a vision of beauty on his arm. Hair dark as night, skin bronze as if kissed by the sun itself, her smile was infectious and Robb had to meet her. He walked over to the pair catching her eyes first. She looked at him curiously like one looking at a memory. With a smile soft as silk she spoke.


She said. Robb flashed a charming smile and extended a hand to her.

"Hello yourself. Did this old wolf kidnap himself another maiden fair?"

He asked as he cast his father a quick glance and a wink.



Ned couldn't help but chuckle as his son approached. He knew that look in an instant and watching his son charm the princess gave the old man a mix of amusement and pride. Eddard was never this comfortable with women in his youth. Then again he never had the boys good looks either.

"This, is the Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai."

He said emphasizing the title of princess in hopes Robb would show a little more decorum. Robb took heed and took a quick step back and bowed proudly to the Princess of Anansai.

"My lady it is an honor and my highest pleasure to meet you."

He said still as charming as a fox. Eddard shook his head with a smile.

"This is my son, princess. Robb is my eldest."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Soo-Min Kwon Character Portrait: Moon Jae Shin Character Portrait: Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai Character Portrait: Khal Jinn Character Portrait: Liloon Aquata
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Liloon Aquata

Liloon stood slightly nervous as she was not sure what Khal would pick up on or not. He quickly grunted a reply “I’m fine.” With that Liloon gave a quick curtsey and promptly exited the room.

She sped down the stairs as fast as her feet could carry her. She happened to walk past the area that was occupied by the woman from Anasai and the South Atlantic gentleman once more. This time there seemed to be another young man there with them. Liloon rolled her eyes and huffed when examining the dark haired princess. “Gosh each time I see that woman she’s surrounded with male attention. She’s surely not from the South Atlantic Kingdom. If that is the case it would be best for me to figure out where she’s from and why she’s here. It could serve as useful information to my lord.”

With that train of thought she stepped a bit closer to the group. Taking cover behind a large stone column she listened carefully. "This, is the Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai." The older gentleman introduced the curvy woman to the younger man.

Liloon’s focus honed in on the princess. “So she’s from that far away
 What is she doing here? Could her nation be planning on opposing Drake City as well? I can’t believe that silver headed witch managed to enlist two nations against Drake so easily! Moloch will not be pleased at all to hear this.” Liloon hated having to bring back such negative news, especially when she thought she could cheer her lord up not bring him down further. She decided to listen a little further.

"This is my son, Princes. Robb is my eldest." Eddard Snow said proudly.

Liloon looked the young man up and down from her post behind the column. She thought him to be handsome but she still preferred the looks of her lord Moloch much more. “So these men are definitely important people to the South Atlantic. I suppose Moloch can expect them to play a part on the battlefield. I should probably go now. I’m not sure if there is much more information to be gained here.” Liloon whispered to herself and soon continued down the corridor and out of a service exit. One of the maids pondered who Liloon was as she exited the castle. She didn’t recognize Liloon yet she did not stop her either.

Liloon headed toward a river passage that lead out to the sea and noticed two men wading in the water. Liloon stopped and stared at them inquisitively. She knew they had to be mermen. Why they were there she had no clue. Not only were they mermen but they didn’t look like they came from any pod native to the South Atlantic region. One looked like he was a native of the Wa region, Wa pod mermaids and mermen had very distinctive features. The other looked like he was from the Australian Sea. They were a very curious sight. As soon as they noticed Liloon’s staring at them, they ducked downward, submerging themselves in the river water. Liloon also hurried off to the docks to make her escape.

Moon Jae Shin

"I hope you are right, Moon-dono...I just...I do not want to see her hurt. Tenanye is indeed strong but matters of the heart is as foreign to her as this place." Soo-Min said.

“I see. However as much as you’d want to protect her from the world, you’ll find that you simply can’t. I’ve had to learn that lesson myself. I guess I’m still learning that lesson.” Moon replied. He smiled a little thinking about his past love.

"Moon, do you have someone you love but couldn't have?" Soo-Min asked almost like a saddened child.

Moon looked up at Soo-Min in surprise. It was a most rare thing for anyone to ask him about his personal life. Most people saw him solely as a True Rune bearer and not much more. It was as if his personal life had faded into the not often read pages of history.

Moon replied with a smile, “I have. I used to be a pirate many many years ago. This was before I encountered the man with the rune. I rescued a merman from my captain’s ship one day. I had known mermen to be dangerous and murderous. However this one was different. He was timid and afraid. I just couldn’t let him get slaughtered for the sake of some noblemen’s desire to become immortal. So I snuck him away. He was scared of me and I was a little nervous of him as well. But eventually when it came time for me to set him free, he didn’t want to go.” Moon paused in thought, a gentle smile crept across his face.

“I was on my own at that point. But he stuck with me. We talked daily and explored things together. I was falling in love and it scared me. I had never thought I’d feel that way for another man, and even worse one that was not even of the same species as me technically. I figured that we could only be friends and only get as close as friends could get. He was the exact opposite apparently. Mermen live together and form partnerships with each other. So men being with one another closely wasn’t a strange thing for Rumil. I felt I couldn’t have him the way I wanted to for a long time. Then one day it happened. My desire to be as close to the one that gave me happiness got the better of me. We were physically intimate only once, of course he had legs at the time.” Moon snickered a bit before continuing.

“I was at my happiest. I let go of my doubts. Then the Sword and Shield War exploded into everyone’s lives. Wa was involved in the war. They had a large draft and I was forced into battle. The merpeople of the Lake Japan region mostly fled to the Mildorian region, apparently it was the safest place to be at the time. We had to separate. His brothers wouldn’t allow him to stay by my side and I wouldn’t have him in danger either. We parted ways and I thought I’d never see the one person that made me feel happy ever again. When I acquired the True water rune, I found that I had ageless life. But then I was confined by the Wa kingdom for safekeeping of the rune. I was unable to look for Rumil and I didn’t even know if he was still alive. Believe it or not that was a little over 100 years ago. Each day I longed for him and fate denied me.” Moon looked quite sad.

He placed his hands on Soo-Min’s shoulder’s. “I know how you feel. Wanting to protect your love from the world’s fire but in the end everyone is consumed. I realized that he needed to go through his trials as well no matter how hard it was for me to stand by and let it happen. That’s fate’s way. But there is hope. I was blessed enough on this very journey to encounter Rumil on the ship carrying up to the South Atlantic. Rumil is alive. Although our time was brief I feel like I’ve received a thousand healings for my hearts wounds.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soo-Min Kwon Character Portrait: Moon Jae Shin Character Portrait: Liloon Aquata Character Portrait: Eddard Snow Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald Character Portrait: Rumil Arato
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Moon Jae Shin

"You have your second chance, Moon-dono." Soo-Min said softly, looking up at him as if he were family. "Fate brought you two together again, I am happy for you." She said with a smile that did not reach her eyes.

Moon was glad to hear Soo-Min’s encouraging words. Not many people in Wa outside the emperor, empress, and the rest of the immediate royal family. However he knew that Soo-Min was still far from hopeful. What she needed was to start living for herself some. Tenanye was far too much the center of Soo-Min’s world. Moon didn’t wan’t Soo-Min to spend her life in unhappiness and an unrequited love. That was too tragic a fate for the sweet young woman.

"You should go to him. You are together once more. You should be with your beloved instead of listening to me wallow in my own self-pity." She said with a somewhat rueful laugh.

Moon looked saddened. If he could break a portion of his happiness off and give it to Soo-Min he would. He gave a somewhat sad smile to the rueful young woman. “I think you should keep your eyes, ears, and heart open to endless possibilities. You never know if you’ll run into a man or woman that sends your heart soaring. I want to help you find that someone if I can.” Moon stepped closer to Soo-Min and gently embraced her. He hugged her as if she was his little sister. It was a warm embrace that very few received from Moon Jae Shin, who was most always regarded as distant and constantly in solemn solitude.

Moon stepped back with a bright smile. “If I go to see Rumil, I’d like you to come as well. Have you ever met a merman before? They’re quite interesting people. He seemed to have another with him earlier perhaps we can meet his friend as well. What do you say? Maybe there’s a handsome merman that might tickle your fancy. Come now, I’m sure these sturdy horses will be just fine.” Moon extended his hand and looked up at Soo-Min with his head still tilted downward, giving her a cool smile.

Liloon Aquata

Meanwhile the servant girl who saw Liloon leaving the castle minutes later stood gossiping with some of the other servant women about the mysterious young woman she witnessed leaving the castle for the docks. The young servant girl, Abigail, talked rather loud, and excitedly. Something she knew better not to do and could get in trouble for but she was so excited it slipped her mind. Eira was not too far off. And could hear the women’s banter.

“You lot wouldn’t believe what I just saw!! It was the prettiest girl I’d ever seen that wasn’t a royal! I mean, the gods have mercy on my soul for saying this but, there was a servant girl that looked almost as pretty as our Queen Amelia!!” Abigail exclaimed.

“Abigail child!! What nonsense are you spouting about this time girl?!” an older woman questioned in annoyance. Abigail often proved to be quite easily excitable.

“It’s true!! I’ve never seen the likes of her before! She was poking about the castle not really seeming to do no work. But she dressed like us. Madam she was sooo pretty! You’d almost think she was one of Lord Snow’s children!? His family is so pretty she’d fit in with the looks of them!” Abigail continued.

The older maid et out and exhausted sigh, “Well child if this young woman was that pretty why haven’t I seem her about? Hmm? You’d think a face like that would stick out like a sore thumb among us chickens and hens! Well child spit it out already! Where is this dream girl you keep prattling about now?!” The older maid was quite tired of Abigail’s tall tale.

 Miss I saw her leaving out the servant’s quarter’s exit not too long ago. She was headed toward the docks.” Abigail informed.

“What?! Now why would any decent young girl be trotting off to the docks in the middle of the night!? And not to mention she’s supposed to be one of the service staff. I can’t afford to lose not a single set of helping hands tonight with this feast going on!! I need her found and brought back immediately! And you get back to work Abigail. You’ve stood around gossiping long enough child, go make yourself useful spit spot girl off with you now!!” The older maid fussed. Abby went scurrying back to work and the maid stood with her hands on her hips shaking her head in disbelief.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai Character Portrait: Liloon Aquata Character Portrait: Eddard Snow Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald Character Portrait: Robb Snow
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Eira Gunvald

Eira returned Eddard’s greeting as he and the Anansai princess approached her, giving a small bow of her head as she recognised the young woman, it was quite possibly the first time Eira had seen the princess up close but she had spent many days in the shadows around many royals in her time. The life of the spy was hardly a sociable one but that was always a bonus for Eira.

Eira turned herself around as the pair left, her gaze wandering after them. They made an unusual pairing, she decided the young and beautiful princess of Ananse and the old and troubled Lord Snow. It was almost the beginning of a fairytale that would only lead towards romancing of the Lord’s son, Robb Snow.


“Right on cue.” Eira thought to herself with a smile.

Pulling herself away from watching the group Eira started back towards her tower; if she really had to go to the feast then she may as well bring Meredith. At least then it would keep people’s eyes away from her lack of food or drink. Nobles could be annoyingly inquisitive.

“You lot wouldn’t believe what I just saw!! It was the prettiest girl I’d ever seen that wasn’t a royal! I mean, the gods have mercy on my soul for saying this but, there was a servant girl that looked almost as pretty as our Queen Amelia!!”

This caught Eira’s attention. Such a statement was obviously false, she had lived for well over three lifetimes and as yet she’d never anyone more beautiful than Amelia, the Queen even made the lump of ice that constituted as the vampire’s heart flutter.

Continuing to listen, Eira’s attention became more captivated on this girl’s description. “It’s true!! I’ve never seen the likes of her before! She was poking about the castle not really seeming to do no work.” Abigail continued.

This wasn’t good, the maids knew everyone in the palace just as Eira did, if this ‘maid’ was truly unknown then it meant something was awry. Approaching the maids Eira put her hand on Abigail’s shoulder. “Where did she go?!” she asked quickly but not unkindly.

 Miss I saw her leaving out the servant’s quarter’s exit not too long ago. She was headed toward the docks.” Abigail informed her.

Eira moved quickly, not even hearing half of the matron’s fussing as she tore through the servants quarters and down towards the docks. The sun had finally gone down which meant she could easily move around again without having to bother with her hood.

It didn’t take long for Eira to reach the docks of the great city; un-death had its advantages of course. As she walked out across the wooden platform she quickly began searching amongst the few people still around at this time for anyone who seemed out of place, her highly attuned eyes easily seeing through the darkness.

Continuing out towards the water Eira spotted the girl; she drew her sword and ran to head her off. It was odd really, she couldn’t work out which ship the girl was actually headed towards. “Stop! You are under arrest!” she called out drawing her sword. Approaching the girl Eira grabbed her roughly by the shoulder, forcing her to turn almost instantly recognising the familiar beauty of the Duchess of Drake City.

A smile broke across the vampire’s face as she lay on eyes on the woman whom she had once known long before Moloch had even been born.

“Good evening your grace. I had not expected to see you again so soon.” Eira’s fangs were in full view of the woman but it did not matter, their secrets had been shared long ago. “It has been far too long since we last spent an evening under the moon like this. Though I must say I wish it were under different circumstances.” She said gripping the woman’s wrists knowing full well that strength was not a strong point of the merfolk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soo-Min Kwon Character Portrait: Moon Jae Shin Character Portrait: Liloon Aquata Character Portrait: Oropher Rovain Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald Character Portrait: Rumil Arato
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Liloon Aquata

“Stop! You are under arrest!” Liloon heard a voice call out from behind her. Liloon felt herself grabbed roughly by the shoulder, forcing her to turn almost instantly. She was mortified to see the familiar face of Eira the vampire. The two had met long ago not long after Liloon was formally accepted into the Drake nobility. A smile broke across the vampire’s face as she lay on eyes on Liloon.

“Good evening your grace. I had not expected to see you again so soon.” Eira’s fangs were in full view. “It has been far too long since we last spent an evening under the moon like this. Though I must say I wish it were under different circumstances.” She said gripping the woman’s wrists knowing full well that strength was not a strong point of the merfolk.

Liloon smiled sarcastically at Eira. “On the contrary it hasn’t been long enough. I managed to elude the giant Khal Jinn, the silver tongued witch Amelia, the Anasai princess, and the Snow family. What a fool I was to think I’d slip into the South Atlantic Kingdom and pull the wool over your ever awake eyes!” Liloon was slightly nervous as the vampire’s grip was tight on her wrist. Liloon jerked her wrist back a little. “Shall we handle this civilly? I’d hate to impose on you any further. I needed to be on my way anyhow. Another time Eira dear?”

Liloon paused for a moment and glanced at the water quickly. “Besides I’m not alone. I really don’t want either of us to have to take part in a rumble. You know how ghastly us merfolk can be in groups. So let’s at least have a chat and call it even. I give you a little information and you share something interesting with me, since we’re both in the information gathering business.” Liloon smiled and spoke innocently.

Liloon had a good chance of negotiating with Eira. She didn’t really want to fight the vampire. It would not be easy and would force Liloon to take drastic measures. Besides, who knew if the two mermen nearby would actually help Liloon or not. Merpeople on occasion stuck together with their gender opposite groups. But usually mermaids left mermen to their own devices and vice versa. Liloon knew she couldn’t afford a fight with Eira here, not tonight with such a huge international group about the castle. Her chances of causing a huge incident were frightening.

Moon Jae Shin

"Perhaps, I shall meet him at the feast. For now, Go. I'll be alright, Go to him." Soo-Min said and this time her smile did reach her eyes.

Moon smiled gently. “Alright then. You just be sure not to sulk about. I wasn’t planning on bringing him to the feast but perhaps it wouldn’t hurt. I’d just have to keep him out of trouble. Merfolk are a curious lot amongst land people. We’ll see. See you later then Soo-Min-hime.” Moon called Soo-Min hime meaning princess in the Wa and Asansai languages. Although Soo-Min wasn’t actually a princess Moon felt calling her one was appropriate. Soo-Min had the heart of a princess, one that was warm and caring, and honest to a fault. He wanted so badly to protect her from sorrow as best he could.

Moon made his way toward the docks and he saw Rumil and Oropher in the distance, wading in the waters near the docks. Moon was disappointed to see that the two weren’t really making much of an effort to hide. However he not only saw the two mermen, but two women as well. One he had recognized from the South Atlantic’s initial welcoming ceremony. The other was unfamiliar to him although both women were very beautiful in a different way than the beauty of say Amelia, Tenanye, or even Soo-Min. These women were what one would call other worldly. It seemed Moon felt once more that the stars of destiny were at work with this sighting. Moon decided to lay low and watch a bit before making his presence known.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liloon Aquata Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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Eira Gunvald

“On the contrary it hasn’t been long enough. I managed to elude the giant Khal Jinn, the silver tongued witch Amelia, the Anansai princess, and the Snow family. What a fool I was to think I’d slip into the South Atlantic Kingdom and pull the wool over your ever awake eyes!” Liloon retorted. “Shall we handle this civilly? I’d hate to impose on you any further. I needed to be on my way anyhow. Another time, Eira dear?”

Eira’s grip remained unwavering as Liloon attempted to break free. “Unfortunately I can’t let you go so easily, Liloon. You see it is my job to stop people such as yourself successfully spying on the South Atlantic Kingdom and for such a comment on our queen I really can’t let you go without punishment.”

“I’m not alone. I really don’t want either of us to have to take part in a rumble. You know how ghastly us merfolk can be in groups. So let’s at least have a chat and call it even. I give you a little information and you share something interesting with me, since we’re both in the information gathering business.” Liloon pleaded, she was evidently desperate to escape. Eira knew how much trouble her discovery could cause for the Drake kingdom especially with the amount of foreign ambassadors currently feasting in the palace.

“You forget your trickery won’t work on me, Liloon. I am a vampire, I am well aware of your ‘friends’ presence but I am also aware they are mermen, who care little for the welfare of mermaids until breeding season. Besides
” Eira’s free hand rose to the woman’s face, gently cupping it and stroking her cheek. “You’re not really in the position to make demands of me.” Eira’s smile had turned predatory but her eyes remained their unusual green. She had no intention of spilling blood. Yet. “So how about you join me in returning to the palace and explain to me what exactly it is that you intended on gaining from this little venture and perhaps I will allow you to return to your king.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soo-Min Kwon Character Portrait: Moon Jae Shin Character Portrait: Liloon Aquata Character Portrait: Oropher Rovain Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald Character Portrait: Rumil Arato
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Liloon Aquata, Moon Jae Shin, Rumil Arato, Oropher Rovain

“You forget your trickery won’t work on me, Liloon. I am a vampire, I am well aware of your ‘friends’ presence but I am also aware they are mermen, who care little for the welfare of mermaids until breeding season. Besides
” Eira’s free hand rose to the woman’s face, gently cupping it and stroking her cheek. “You’re not really in the position to make demands of me.” Eira’s smile had turned predatory but her eyes remained their unusual green. “So how about you join me in returning to the palace and explain to me what exactly it is that you intended on gaining from this little venture and perhaps I will allow you to return to your king.” Eira replied.

Liloon glared at the tricky vampire. She looked back in the direction Moon crouched hidden, Her sense of sound was very acute. “We have a third excellent spy among us. He’s been watching us the whole time. If I must go back into that horrible place I’ll walk there, without you putting bruises on my wrist.” Liloon said in a subliminally angry tone. I honestly could share the details here but I’m sure you’d do anything to get me alone wouldn’t you?” Liloon mocked. “Well lead the way Eira dear.” Liloon said with a false smile.

Moon stood to his feet knowing that he had been discovered. “Ladies if you’ll excuse me. I must meet with someone.” Moon said as he approached Rumil and Oropher who remained quiet just below the water’s surface.

Liloon only smiled at Moon. As he went about his way and the two ladies headed inside the castle Liloon commented to Eira, “That man feels like the ocean itself. There is something about him that draws me to him like fish to water. It’s most unusual. He’s more than he seems.”

Meanwhile, Moon Jae Shin called for Rumil. Rumil surfaced and then climbed onto the land from the waters below. The two sat and talked for a moment. Oropher wanted to leave but he couldn’t quite bring himself to do so. “I’m headed into the feast. If you two take human form, you can come and join me as well.” Moon offered.

Rumil blushed and was excited. “Of course I’d love to go! It’s not often I eat land food! Come on Oropher!”

Oropher looked appalled, “Are you kidding me?! Us WALK?! On Human LEGS??? I’d rather drop dead!” Oropher replied angrily.

“You’ll learn a lot~~” Rumil sang playfully. He knew that Oropher couldn’t resist gathering information on the humans.

 I’ll go. But if on eof you humans so much as looks at me the wrong way I’ll shatter their ear drums!” Oropher threatened.

The two mermen magically converted their tails and fins to human legs and stood on the ground. They materialized clothes that fit the style of olden day Mildorian kingdom attire. It was the form of human clothing they knew best to materialize upon transformation. Moon smirked at their clothing, “It’s a little dated but it’ll do. Perhaps only a few people will realize that you two are dressed in the attire of a long fallen country.” Moon chuckled a bit.

Rumil hadn’t realized that his clothing was considered old fashioned and dated. This meant that he needed to learn how to materialize more current and a larger variety of clothing soon. Moon noticed Rumil’s worry and sought to relieve it with a peck on the cheek. Rumil’s worry melted instantaneously yet Oropher’s jealousy flared.

“ALRIGHT LET’S HURRY THIS ALONG!” Oropher fussed actually shoving Moon forward.

The group arrived at the feast. There was so much food and so many people. Rumil was a bit afraid, he’d rarely been around so many humans. He was afraid that he’d lose concentration and revert his legs back to fins. Oropher scanned the room and took in all there was to see. He made mental note after note as he scanned for anything deemed useful intel. Moon spotted Soo-Min. He took Rumil’s hand and ushered him over.

“Lady Soo-min, this is Rumil Arato the merman I told you about. And his friend, Oropher Rovain.” Moon introduced the two to Soo-Min.

Rumil smiled, “He-hello Soo-Min
 Gosh you’re pretty for a human girl.”

Oropher’s frown began to decrease a bit. Soo-Min was very different than the human women he’d lain eyes on so far. “I gotta admit that we look waay better than any of these human men.” Oropher taunted as he sized up the other males in the room. Many of the women took immediate notive of the two mermen. They were unaware that they were fawning over mermen but they could help being drwn to them. Even some of the men felt uneasy as they couldn’t resist giving the merfolk the attention of their eyes.

Moon Muttered to Soo-Min. “They seemed to draw more attention by just being here than I thought they would. Why do people get so entranced by merpeople

Oropher decided to have a little fun. He began to use his charm to attract several hansom men over to his person. The guys loaded Oropher with questions. “Where are you from?” one man asked in as if her were in heaven. “What’s you name handsome sir?” another asked gabbing hold of Oropher’s hand. “Why don’t we go someplace more quite and enjoy dinner under the stars.” Another man offered actually shoving two others out of the way. The three men began to bicker and cause a scene. Oropher simply laughed at the trouble he’d caused.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jae Shin Character Portrait: Liloon Aquata Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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Eira Gunvald

Eira’s gaze followed Liloon’s towards where Moon had been hiding, her eyes flashing to their fearsome blue. Sure enough the mermaid was right; their accompaniment appeared to be a man of Wa, someone Eira recognised from her missions over there but didn’t know by name so as far as she was concerned he couldn’t be of much importance.

Slowly her eyes returned to Liloon, not losing their vampiric colouring. “If I must go back into that horrible place I’ll walk there, without you putting bruises on my wrist.” Liloon said in a subliminally angry tone. “I honestly could share the details here but I’m sure you’d do anything to get me alone wouldn’t you?”

“What can I say; I would just hate to have to share your beauty with anyone. Now play nice or I may have to gift you to the Khal’s warriors, they are quite animalistic you know.” Eira smirked. “And people always say that Fyrkat is uncivilised.”

By this point in their taunting Moon had surfaced from his hiding and made towards the women. “Ladies if you’ll excuse me. I must meet with someone.” He spoke quickly, not making much eye-contact with the either of the two as they passed. Eira couldn’t have cared less either way; it was none of her concern why commoners were on the docks.

As the two walked through the dark streets, Liloon began to speak. “That man feels like the ocean itself. There is something about him that draws me to him like fish to water. It’s most unusual. He’s more than he seems.”

“I believe mortals call that lust, Liloon.” Eira taunted, her gaze wandering down the woman’s form. “He had the scent of a mortal and he wasn’t a mage. Maybe you’re just beginning to lose your faith towards Moloch.” She continued.

It didn’t take long to return to the palace and Eira led Liloon quickly towards her own tower, pushing her away from the door to her own chambers and instead pressing her towards Eira’s secondary quarters. The place the
 dirtier side of her work was committed, away from prying eyes and secured behind several locks.

The room was almost barren of furniture, except for one solitary table with two chairs sat in the middle with multiple drawers built in, each filled with the smaller implements of torture that Eira favoured, the rest sat decoratively atop a stone shelf built into the side of the room. The room itself was perfectly circular and perhaps every four foot a new set of manacles dangled from the wall, each dotted with the blood of their previous occupants. There were no windows in the room at all, instead torches dotted in sequence with the manacles giving the room a flickering glow and allowing Eira to conduct her work whenever she felt necessary.

Eira locked the door after them as they entered, smiling darkly to herself as she noticed Liloon’s horror that had befallen her at the sight of the Eira’s personal dungeon. “The palace’s dungeons are not fitted for my needs.” She explained simply, walking round behind one of the chairs. “Sit.” She ordered, gesturing towards the remaining chair.

“Now, tell me; what exactly has Moloch decide to suddenly begin redoubling his efforts against the South Atlantic? Since I’m assuming that was his plan in recruiting the self-obsessed Khal. And I can’t imagine he was told very nice things about our Queen to join Moloch.” The vampires eyes were locked on Liloon’s, searching for any sign of deception.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liloon Aquata Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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Liloon Aquata

Liloon rolled her eyes at Eira’s taunt regarding Liloon having eyes for Moon Jae Shin. He was indeed a handsome human man but he was no match for the way Moloch made her feel. Perhaps Eira wouldn’t have been able to understand what Liloon meant because she was not a merperson and thus had no connection to the sea. Either way, Liloon would have to figure the situation out later. Eira had plans and that was never a good thing.

They eventually reached a tall tower that Liloon was uncomfortable with going so high up. She was being taken further away from a water source, which meant, controlling water would be substantially harder. However Liloon was not yet defenseless. Eira’s personal dungeon was just as dark as she was personality wise. Liloon was growing far less pleased about her friendly chat with Eira as it seemed to be far less friendly.

Eira locked the door after them as they entered, smiling darkly to herself as she noticed Liloon’s horror that had befallen her at the sight of the Eira’s personal dungeon. “The palace’s dungeons are not fitted for my needs.” She explained simply, walking round behind one of the chairs. “Sit.” She ordered, gesturing towards the remaining chair.

Liloon looked at the chair and was compliant. She sat down gracefully as she fluffed her dress a bit. Her eyes seldom left Eira. Vampires were swift and highly snaky. Liloon knew to always keep a look out when dealing with one.

“Now, tell me; what exactly has Moloch decide to suddenly begin redoubling his efforts against the South Atlantic? Since I’m assuming that was his plan in recruiting the self-obsessed Khal. And I can’t imagine he was told very nice things about our Queen to join Moloch.” The vampires eyes were locked on Liloon’s.

Liloon cocked her head to the side. Her expression was quite serious. “My look has nothing nice to say about the South Atlantic as you should know. But He has spoken the truth. He told that treacherous giant the truth about the Late King and Queen of Drake’s murder via poison. That is beside the point now. Khal Jinn has agree not to harm Queen Amelia and the South Atlantic Kingdom. I’m to return to my lord to deliver the dreadful news to him. He was quite distraught after you murdered Kallias, his brother. I personally liked Kallias a lot. He was a sweet soul. It’s an outrage that the likes of you drank such purity from his blood.” Liloon looked sharply at the vampire. Her mission today only would serve to hurt the Drake king even further so it would be to Eira’s advantage to let Liloon go.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liloon Aquata Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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Eira Gunvald

Eira remained standing as Liloon, took her seat. She had taken a stance of authority and it was important to maintain in such circumstances, especially since she had no intention of opening her torture implements today, such unsanctioned violence upon the Duchess of Drake would probably only cause more strife. No, a simple talk would suffice for now.

“My look has nothing nice to say about the South Atlantic as you should know. But He has spoken the truth. He told that treacherous giant the truth about the Late King and Queen of Drake’s murder via poison.” Liloon began, obviously without intention of holding back. At least this meant it would be quick.

“That attack had nothing to do with Amelia and you know it. You and I are both old enough to know what really happened in that encounter. Both sides took losses from quieter means but neither nation’s rulers were involved in either of them.” Eira retorted, her hands still firmly clasping the back of the spare chair.

“That is beside the point now. Khal Jinn has agreed not to harm Queen Amelia and the South Atlantic Kingdom. I’m to return to my lord to deliver the dreadful news to him.”

“You know for a peace loving Mermaid you are quite the warmonger, Liloon.” Eira smiled coldly.

“Moloch was quite distraught after you murdered Kallias, his brother. I personally liked Kallias a lot. He was a sweet soul. It’s an outrage that the likes of you drank such purity from his blood.” Liloon looked sharply at the vampire.

Eira laughed, putting her fangs in full view. “Unfortunately you are incorrect there. I have never drunk royal blood, my Queen has never permitted me to do so; support of the treaty and all. If Kallias is dead then I can assure you it was not by my hand.” Eira leant in until she was mere inches from the Duchess’ face, her voice as cold as ice and filled with more than just Malice. “And I would remember where you are, Liloon. You are even less of a place to make threats of me then at the docks. I could chain you up in here and leave you here for the rest of time.”

Eira stood back up eyeing the woman predatorily, as much as she wished too she couldn’t keep her here for long. Liloon was still a noble of the Drake and if Kallias really was dead then there was a good chance that Moloch would have sent a search party to find her, he always had been of the family type.

“But, I suppose that if I kill you now or leave you here to rot then we will never have another of our chats again and I do so wish we could do this more often.” Eira taunted again, her sinister eyes boring into Liloon. “So on this occasion I shall permit you to leave, though please make capturing you more difficult next time please.” Eira added unlocking and opening the door to her tower for Liloon to leave. “Duchess.” She said with a slight bow.