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Tszarvin Sphex

I have surpassed to gods, what challenge can you pose me?

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a character in “Crowns, Empires, Blood and Swords”, as played by zeph_gm



{ Q U O T E }

"Only those without understanding name my art as madness"



[font=constantia]❛__I___A M___W H O___I___A M__❜

Image ▓

Name:Tszarvin Sphex
Description:Potentially the foulest, most abominable creature to roam the world. Sphex is a psychopath and sorcerer of unparalleled skill, bending the mind, body and science to his wicked will. What he once was has long since been hacked, scoured and augmented away, so that now there is little indication as to the creature he once was. Pale, waxy skin peeks out from between mechanical, technoarchaic limbs and machines, his own biology and flesh fused through dark magiks and foul sciences to a form unfit for living eyes to behold. His twisted and warped flesh is clad in cloaks and robes of flayed, tanned skin, the flayed faces of his victims often sewn in for his amusement. His pitch black eyes stare malevolently out above his too large mouth, lipless and lined with thin, needle like teeth. However it is not just for his disfigured appearance that he is abhorred for, but the tortuous practices he inflicts upon those whom he captures, and upon those who call him master.


❛__W H A T___I S___H I D D E N___W I T H I N__❜


Towering Arrogance
Single Minded
Very, very Insane

Personality:Cruel, sadistic and ingenious, he is a horrific master of pain and deformation. He cares for nothing but his own research and science, his servants expendable subjects that he has molded and forged from the flesh he has tithed, stolen and bartered from the various kingdoms of the world. His vicious brutality is legendary and well renown, as are his services, hiring out his "creatures" and skills to the highest bidder in exchange for more flesh and artefacts of science and magic.

Quirks and Habits: Incessant displeasure at the imperfection of his creations, he constantly works to improve his experiments..


❛__H O W___I___C A M E___T O__B E__❜


Land/Kingdom: Named by the countries that border it simply as the Blight, or the Barren lands, Sphex cares not for the land and requires it not to fulfil his work. What sustenance he and his flesh-slaves require he either grows within his cavernous mountain fortress or "harvests" from his supplies of test subjects. None try and claim the surrounding wastes for there is nothing to be gained by doing so, the very land itself poisoned by Sphex's foul experiments.
History:Little to nothing is known of Sphex's history before his horrors begin marching out of the caves of his mountains. What race he once was is lost to time and his eternal horrific modifications. All that is known is his incessant need to experiment and warp the natural form to a foul mimicry of life. He has sold his skills and his creations to anyone with the need, and the willingness to accept it, for the correct payment, of course.


So begins...

Tszarvin Sphex's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nemu Kizomuri Character Portrait: Tszarvin Sphex
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#, as written by zeph_gm
The shadows were deep in the dark citadel that stood as the only structure in the desolation that was the Wastes. From the outside, it would be easy to assume the structure uninhabited, its windows dark, its ramparts empty, flagpoles standing lifeless and unrealised, it was only below, that the heart of the beast pulsed, giving the truth to the sleeping monster that was the Wyrdspire.

Deep within its darkened depths, the sounds of screams, pleas and cries of beasts unnatural in design would echo in the all but empty halls. Their cacophony muffled by the endless tunnels, and punctuated by the snarling, hacking demands of the creature that called the Wyrdspire home.
"Nemu! You worthless sack of flesh! Where are you?" Deep with one of many subterranean labs, the abomination know as Tzsarvin Sphex called for his assistant. His body may have once been something akin to human, but many unnatural centuries and foul magic warped science had reduced him to a monster. Arms and legs hung in a far too long gait, his pale, waxy skin drawn taught over his skelital features. An additional set of pale, sinewy arms emerged from back in a horrific mockery of wings, each one of his four arms possessed of disturbingly long fingered hands. His body was clad in a simple robe of black fabric and steel, various surgical, alchemical and arcane items hanging from his frame and even embedded in his flesh. His black, soulless eyes stared out over slitted nose and a mouth far too full of short, needle like teeth.
"Nemu!" it spat again, its voices a guttural, course hack.
"Yes, Master?" Came another voice, soft and sonorous, its gentle, if monotone resonance starkly opposing Sphex's own voice. From the shadows emerged another being, who similarly to Sphex, may have once been human. Nemu was the size and shape of a human, but the many drips, tubes and alchemical devices that infested her body, along with the blank stare with which she observed the world, leant a decidedly, inhuman aspect to the female creature.
"Worthless creation!" Sphex said, his hand striking Nemu with coinsiderable strength, hurling her back and into a wall with a sickening crunch. A blow that would have hindered a grown man immobile, seemed to not even phase the abominable woman, who lifelessly rose to her feet.
"You desired me, Master?" She continued, as if nothing had happened.
"I desired you, minutes ago! You imbecile! Did I give you permission to wander off?" He snarled, a clawed hand striking out and pressing the girl against the wall, his long fingers easily curling around her throat, choking the unlife from her. Various tubes and fluid resovoirs bubbled and spasmed as her body fought to regenerate and maintain her unnatural existence.
"No... Master... You... Told me... To... See to... That slave..." She managed to choke out, Sphex choking her for a second more before dropping her to the floor.
"And?" He said, leering down to where she leaned on the wall, regaining her breath.
"I... Observed him... until he left the perimiters of the-" Another blow from Sphex came across like a cannon, striking the side of Nemu's head with such force that there was an audible meaty crack as the vertibrae of her neck snapped and broke, her body striking the far wall before crumpling in a heap on the cold stone ground, unmoving.
"Now look what you have made me do." Sphex grumbled, stalking over the females unmoving body. He picked up the girls limp fram, turning it over so he cold observe her bruised, bloody features.
"My Spinal cord has been severed at the second and third vertebrae master, I am sorry for my weakness." She said, he lips moving and speaking, but her eyes as distant and unfocussed as ever.
"Your weakness did not cause this," Sphex spat, throwing the rag-doll Nemu over his shoulder and loping off down a nearby tunnel, "Your stupidity did. I desired you to kill him, not ensure he escaped."
"I am sorry master," Nemu replied, listless as she was carried away, "I will try and do better."
"You will do better, there is no try," He said, his voice a course rasp, "Now lets go find you a new spine, one a bit sturdier than the one you have."
"As you wish master."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nemu Kizomuri Character Portrait: Tszarvin Sphex
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#, as written by zeph_gm
The small, innocuous ship came into port at Jodan, its deck crewed by what appeared to be burly men, clad in rough burlap cloaks despite the hard work. Next to the helm, which was manned by a similarly cloaked giant, stood a smaller figure in much finer clothes, dark silks coating her oddly irregular form, a soft veil descending from her cowl so that only her mouth was visible.
The little boat was waved past the fleet that sat in the harbours defence, and it sidled into a small dock, the harbour master paid in full with a small bag of silver. All that was left on the ships registry was a curt X. The woman left the ship flanked by a quartet of the padding brutes, their features and bodies obscured by their burlap shawls, but even still it was clear that their form was no altogether normal. People in the street gave them a wide birth, two of the burlap giants walking ahead of the rest, shoving aside those who refused to, or hadnt noticed to move. They made their way slowly and inexorably towards the castle, and the trade summit that was to take place there, and the place her master had bade her come.

"Nemu, I will be needing you to travel to Khalidor," Sphex had said, as he adjusted the pincers, clamps and needles that protruded from the prone girls new, and still exposed, spinal column, "I have a task for you to complete there."
"What Master?" Nemu replied, oblivious or uncaring to the horrendous wound that lay open on her back.
"Did I instruct you to speak?" Sphex said, wrenching a pincer and causing her to release an agonised cry. She clenched her teeth and released a muffled whimper before responding.
"No... Master." She said, her voice as toneless as ever.
"I thought not," Sphex said, returning to his work, "There is a trade summit of the major nations occurring in a few weeks, I will require you to go and act as my representative."
"But master dont we-" Nemu started before suffering another agonising wrench for her insubordination, causing her to scream again.
"This spine is making you disobedient Nemu, correct that or I will test the nerve stimulants on you again."
"Yes... Master..." she panted through pain addled breaths.
"Now what were you going to say? You have permission to speak." Sphex said, returning to work.
"I thought we already possessed an Employer, Master." She asked, her arm muscles twitching as Sphex reconnected nerves and soldered muscles.
"We do, my pet, but we must maintain appearances, and besides, if this employer turns out to be less than useful, we may have need to find a more generous benefactor."
"Understood Master. What is it you desire of me?" Nemu said as Sphex began sealing the girls spine with fire and steel plates.
"I need you to make our presence felt. We are still open for business, and it is important that the world not forget about us. Once you are done, head to our employers base of operations for us. I will be awaiting you there with any resources I need."
"Yes Master, I will ensure the world does not forget you Master, your creations will march forth from the Wyrdspire once again."
"That they will, my pet. But before you leave, we will test your new spine and nervous system. Ready those you will take with you, then return to my chambers."
"Yes Master."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Arim Funar Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Zexen Tiberius Elen Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Valen Mori Elen
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__Luin Elen/ Father Superior__
__(The Blue Faery)__

▉__Zexen Tiberius__Elen__▉

__Valen Mori Elen__


"Thank you for your kind words, Father. I hope that my people are content, it's all a King can truly wish for. An angry populace makes for uncertain times, something we could all do without." Arim responded as he and Aada spoke with Father Superior. Blue had high hopes for the Kingdom of Cinnabar.

Father Superior turned to acknowledge the King of Drake as he and the older magi approached. “May I present King Moloch Markus of Drake." Cyrus introduced Moloch. Father Superior looked upon the magi curiously. They had met once before a very long time ago. Neither party seemed to let on that they’d ever encountered one another before.

"It is a pleasure," Moloch greeted, his eyes seemingly favoring Princess Aada, though he took a moment to take the measure of King Arim. He bowed his head respectfully.

Blue bowed to the Drake King respectfully, “Your Majesty, it is an honor.” he said to Moloch. Blue could tell that the king of Drake City was taken by the Cinnabar Princess. He smiled kindly. “If you’ll excuse me please.” he said politely as he shifted to his pixie size in a blue flash. He bowed once more as he hovered in the air and then flew towards Zexen, Tenanye, Xiao, Valen and Arkaelus. Blue felt he had been human size long enough and wanted to return to what was more comfortable.


Soon the door to the grand room opened up and another guest was about to be introduced. Father Superior could immediately feel a rush of darkness flood into the room. It was as if this cloaked person carried the energy of hell itself on their presence. He hadn’t felt this sort of dark energy in quite a long time, not since the before the Wastes were closed off to the rest of the world.

Zexen looked over toward the floating Blue Faery that hovered about shoulder height and asked, “Father Superior what’s wrong?”

Father Superior kept his eyes fixed on the figure and its entourage as he replied to Zexen. He materialized his wand into his hand and readied himself for the worst. “Dear child something VERY dark has come into our presence, hailing from a land long since closed off to the world.”

The Khalidoran man dressed in fine robes nervously announced the cloaked guest. "The uhh... The Lady Nemu, representing the interests of her master... Tsarvin Sphex..." He finished with a half terrified, half disgusted look upon his face.


Valen’s face couldn’t avoid displaying the shock he felt in the pit of his stomach upon hearing the name Tsarvin Sphex. That was an entity that freaked even him out. The presence of a representative of Sphex meant that the Wastes were no longer in an isolated state. The world would once again see a new form of horror that it had long since almost forgotten. Valen hoped that the invitation sent to Tsarvin Sphex was in error. However at this point it mattered very little.

Zexen looked on curiously. “Isn’t Tsarvin Sphex some scary story adults tell children about to keep them from getting out of bed in the middle of the night and go wondering around? But that’s just a scary fable.” He said to blue.

Father Superior replied quickly with an unusual hit of nervousness in his voice. “Oh
 dear you don’t know what you’re saying. Tsarvin Sphex is a scary reality that I had hoped the world had seen the last of. Unfortunately I was wrong.”

Zexen seemed a bit more concerned than he was previously. Realizing that the beautiful and talented Fae Xiao was still relatively close to this feared entity he grew protectively concerned. Zexen took a few steps forward in an effort to reach Xiao. He felt compelled to safeguard the young woman. After the cloaked figure made a few obscure movements toward Xiao she stopped and spoke.

"Greetings, my lords and ladies," said the lady presented as Nemu. "I am here so I may convey the will of my master." Nemu bent, pulling back the hood she wore revealing a horrible disfigurement. "It is a honour." She said.

Xiao Jingshen gasped. “By the Mother!” She rushed to her sister’s side, clinging to her while Tenanye held her tight, shushing her softly. Her sister looked to their host then at the girl. Xiao Jingshen hid her face for her fear. Zexen was relieved that Xiao got away from Nemu. However he honestly felt sick looking at the disgusting state of Nemu’s body. He tried to be tough and keep eyes on the tortured physical form that was Nemu but he could no longer manage it and averted his gaze.

“Greetings, Lady Nemu,” Tenanye said, “You say, your master sent you? Tsarvin...? Who is that?” She asked, her tone even, and unwavering.

Blue realized that the young Empress of Anansai had never before encountered the likes of Tsarvin Sphex. Blue remembered a time when the warring was strong in the Wastes and cries and prayers went up into the skies for days. The torment the souls there endured was immeasurable. The darkness enveloping those lands repelled any chance of the faeries to help. That realm was beyond salvation.

Valen stepped beside his son and the hovering pixie sized Father Superior and added on to Empress Tenanye’s inquiry. “And what intentions does your master wish for you to convey? What possibly would a representative of the Wastes desire to give and gain from a trade summit?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Arim Funar Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Zexen Tiberius Elen Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Valen Mori Elen
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#, as written by zeph_gm
"My Master is the Alchemancer, Tsarvin Sphex," Nemu said in response to the two faeries questions, "Due to historical embargoes on my Masters realm, we have shrunk from the eye of the other nations, but we are still very much... alive." Nemu strode towards the gathered nobles who stood in attendance, particuarly the small group of various Faeries, who fascinated her greatly. Sphex had procured few Fae specimens in her time, and each time coveted them as a rare resource, as were their magical items.
"My Masters reasons for sending myself to represent him, are the same as yours. We seek trade. As you may know, Father Superior, the land that my Master controls is of little agricultural worth, and as a result of this and said... embargoes, we have had to adapt to survive. But Merely surviving is something We would wish to move on from. Despite the Wastes lack of useable lands, there is much we have to trade." She looked around at the arrayed nobles, eyeing each carefully, "Assuming you are not as squeamish as your vassal, Queen Tenanye."
Her scan of the nobles complete, her gaze jerked back to the Fae, her mouth forming a mechanical approximation of a smile, "But such discussions should be held for the summit."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Arim Funar Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Zexen Tiberius Elen Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Valen Mori Elen
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"My Master is the Alchemancer, Tsarvin Sphex," The creature spoke causing Xiao Jingshen to whimper. Tenanye hushed her softy "Due to historical embargoes on my Masters realm, we have shrunk from the eye of the other nations, but we are still very much... alive." she said approaching Tenanye and Blue, who floated nearby.
"My Masters reasons for sending myself to represent him, are the same as yours. We seek trade. As you may know, Father Superior, the land that my Master controls is of little agricultural worth, and as a result of this and said... embargoes, we have had to adapt to survive. But Merely surviving is something We would wish to move on from. Despite the Wastes lack of useable lands, there is much we have to trade." She said and Tenanye narrowed her eyes. There was something omnious about this creature, twisted and broken. "Assuming you are not as squeamish as your vassal, Queen Tenanye."
"Hardly." Was Tenanye's response.
"But such discussions should be held for the summit."

Xiao Jingshen rose up some, nearing Tenanye's ear. "She scares me, Meimei." She whispered, and Tenanye, never taking her cold eyes from Nemu.

"Be at peace, Little Sparrow, We are spiders." She told her. Her House saying, hoping to instill some family pride and strength to the girl. Severyn, seated beside Tenanye, eyed the creature as well. "Did your master, make you this way, Lady Nemu?" He asked, calmly but Tenanye could see the tension in his body. "Did you choose this?"

Severyn was always quick, and sometimes his intuition was frighteningly accurate. She didn't know how he came to this conclusion, perhaps the term "Master" but it was clear that Severyn was under the impression that this "Lady" was in fact, a slave of some fashion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Arim Funar Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Zexen Tiberius Elen Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Valen Mori Elen
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There was not much that surprised Moloch, but the appearance of this "Lady" from the Wastes threw him off balance. Even not taking her appearance in account, he felt something sinister in her very essence. Moloch resisted the urge to shiver. He was no true magi, but the dragonblood in his veins made him sensitive to certain things.

If Moloch was uncomfortable, Cyrus was furious. Moloch could see the old man practically shaking, his usual amused expression wiped away, replaced with a grim frown and eyes as hard as daggers made of dragonbone. Cyrus stood up to reach his full height and recited bitterly,

"Oh Avalon, Avalon! Land of lush meadows and crystal streams.
Who among the living remembers your bountiful yields,
The creatures in your heart,
Or the people you took to your bosom?
Oh, Avalon, Avalon!
If I cease to sing of your memory,
Let my right hand no longer remember its strength,
Or my mind heart, mine own children!"

The old man sighed and looked upon the woman with some pity. Yet his tone broke no argument as he spoke once again.

"What can your Master offer but blasphemy, distortion, and destruction?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Arkaelus Ursuul Character Portrait: Tenanye Ananse; Empress of Anansai Character Portrait: Skandar, Prince of Ashkara Character Portrait: Nemu Kizomuri Character Portrait: Tszarvin Sphex
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#, as written by zeph_gm
Nemu zoned out of the conversation. If none would listen to her counsel, then so be it, it was no concern of hers. Her role here was complete, she would leave soon and return to her master, so he may relieve her of this blasted enhanced cortex system. The unusual mixture of chemicals and thought processes made her all the more uneasy and irritable, an emotion that usually did not affect her. No emotion usually affected her. She had been elevated above such concerns by her masters ingenuity.
She stood and made her way towards King Arkaelus, bowing low but maintaining eye contact with the man as he sat in his throne.
"My lord Arkaelus," she said, returning her cowl to her face, once again covering the deformities along her skull, "My master sends his regards, and wishes you to know that he sorry for not being here in person. He was preoccupied with a project of great delicacy."
She nodded hr head one final time and turned and strode towards the exit of the hall, but not before passing some key groups towards which she desired to leave some passing words.
"Queen Tenanye," She said to the Fae Empress, "I wish to congratulate you on your wondrous physical form and mental capabilities. I believe one of my auxiliary Cortex centres may have been Fae in origin, its processing power is... splendid." She smiled and continued walking, but not before passing the Ashkara Princes.
"Prince Skander, it is a pleasure to see you again. I hope your father is well, my Master remembers him fondly." Nemu lied, Sphex cared for nothing but his craft, but she was finding it was prudent to lie to achieve what she desired. What her master desired. Without waiting for a reply, she continued on and out the door, where her waiting guards stood motionless without her presence. The four stood against the wall as if they were grotesque statues of flesh and metal. Where the guards of the other nobles talked in low voices and even played a simple gambling game on a low table, her bodyguards stood as motionless, silent and cold as the grave.
"Come." She said, the one simple order jolting the creatures into life, upon which they began loping on behind and ahead of her. There was nothing left for her to do here. Her task was done. She would return to her beloved master.

Sphex stood amongst the lumbering chaos of his new abode. Their current patron had been generous in their contribution to Sphex's trade, including a space for his laboratory, which his Ghouls were currently furnishing with specialized equipment brought with them from the wastes.
"Careful you maggots! This equipment is worth more than all of your miserable lives combined!" He spat, but was returned by only silence, He had long since removed his slaves capacity for speech. It was a skill and distraction they did not need and he did not desire. They were shaped by his will, and were bound to it. They were simply extensions of his own body. A thousand extra hands to enact his desires with.
Nemu would be finishing her role at the summit soon, and would return to him post-haste. She was his masterpiece, ever evolving and enhancing. She was far from perfect, but Spex did not believe in such a thing. Sphex believed in advancement, improvement, augmentation, but not perfection.
He stalked over to where the slaves his patron had provided sat in their cages, packed in like sardines and stinking of piss, shit and fear.
"Why are you afraid?" Sphex asked them, his voice hissing from between sharpened needle teeth, "You are about to achieve the greatest privilege you shall ever receive, the chance to be apart of my genius, to be moulded by my mastery of the flesh and the soul." He reached a large, pale hand through the bars, his long taloned fingers gently curling around a young womans face, tears streaming down her tan face, her sobs muffled to a whimper by his touch.
"I will mould you to my will, and you will be... glorious."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tszarvin Sphex
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#, as written by zeph_gm
Sphex stood back as he inspected his latest creation. He had always been curious as to the production of life, its mysteries being one of his primary interests, but the utilisation of some of the more mundane methods of procreation had never occurred to him.
Or at least he couldn't remember if it had and he had simply dismissed as being beneath him and wasteful of resources.
His new employer however, seemed more than generous with his supplies of bodies, and Sphex looked forward to indulging some of his more esoteric concepts and ideas.
He usually disliked working with females, he kept a couple around usually as replacement parts for Nemu, but otherwise found them to be physically less useful that men. However, now that he had access to an almost limitless supply of flesh, he had conceived a way to create more... exotic creations.
The problem with working with already fully grown stock, was that he was limited in the parts he had to work with, and the shapes they took, beast, man or any other species. But he was still limited to what physical part was available.
With this, he hoped to surmount this problem, and create new life of ever more unusual form.
The woman before him was but the first of what, should the experiment prove successful, many, but there was something special about being the first.
The sedatives he had given her would not wear off for at least another couple hours. He usually didn't bother with them, but this delicate surgery required the patient to be still, which was easier when they were unconscious. The woman's abdomen had been opened up and exposed, revealing the internal organs within, however, this did not even scratch the surface of the true horror Sphex had created. Now firmly secured to the woman's belly, was a large, thick glass reciprocal. It was over a meter long and half as broad in diameter, its contents a thick, pale pink fluid of Sphexes own design. The glass container was attached to the womans reproductive system, and served as an enlarged womb, able to accommodate a spawn of much larger size than would be typically possible in a human. It would also, he hoped, allow him to cross different species together, and create hybrid creations that would possess the strength of a beast, the intellect of a man, the magic of the fae, and the power of a demon.
But he was getting ahead of himself. It was early days, and early trials yet. The runes of warmth and fertility, as well as those to accelerate growth and healing, had been engraved carefully around the glass cylinder, and they glowed faintly in the gloom of his workshop. The fluid within the chamber would also accelerate the growth of its contents, meaning that with any luck, the creation within would be fully grown in under a month, by his calculations.
He wiped his bloody hands on a rag and turned his head to his mute assistants, "Ensure that container is supported, The female is only useful for facilitating reproduction if she is alive. Then attach her to a feeding and air tube. Ensure she receives double the usual nutrient level, my creation will drain much from her. If she dies, I will flay you both."
They did not reply, they couldnt, their tongues had long ago been cut out, they did not fear his reprisal either, Sphex had deprived them of that too, but they would obey him to the letter. And most certainly knew that the females death would result in their own.
Sphex walked over to the entrance to the chamber and opened the heavy wooden door, speaking to the ghouls that awaited outside.
"Fetch the next one."