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Elysia O'Brian

"Don't call me Princess!"

0 · 439 views · located in The Manor

a character in “Cursed Under The Moon”, as played by Cursed


Name: Elysia O’Brian
Age: (what you look like in the sun) 10
Actual age: 19
Gender: Female
Cursed?: Yes
Personality: Hates to be called a child. Very rude towards strange guys. Would do anything for her friends and hates to be called Princess or any other girly name.
Bio: Elysia was the first child to be cursed and grew up hating to called a child. Her parents told her about 3 years after they moved that she had a curse placed apon her that made her look like a 10 year old girl. After She turned 18 her parents decided that it was time for her to go out on her own. They left her with a small fortune that she would be able to use if needed. Elysia then bought and opened the bording house. To maintain it till she could get borders she got a job during the day at a shrine.

So begins...

Elysia O'Brian's Story


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#, as written by Cursed
(Early Evening)

Elysia just got back home from working at the shrine. She went through the door and walked over to a rather large living room that was finished with black leather couches and chairs that matched the dark crimson red walls. Only one chair stuck out. An old blue antique chair that had been in the house ever since it was built. It was Elysia's favorite chair. She never sat any were else in the room. It could of possibly be because of were it sat. It sat beside the window facing the fireplace. After going in she headed straight for her chair. As she sat she looked over to the fireplace. She hadn't started it since she had been there. It looked rather lonely with out the fire. She stood up and walked over to it deciding to take it for a spin. After many attempts she got it started and sat back down a little worn out from her days trial. She looked out the window, with rather sad eyes, and wondered if there were people like her cursed to be a child forever and if so why haven't they come. It had been a little over a month since she had the fliers distributed. Yet not one call, letter, or visit. Maybe she really was the only one like her.


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Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian
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#, as written by Cursed
Elysia nearly broke her own neck to look towards the grand hall as she heard the knock. She jumped up a little excited. However, she realized this and calmed herself for a moment. She slowly made her way to the large oak doors when she heard the worlds "I'm cursed". Elysia's heart felt as if it would pop out of her chest if it was just a prank. She retched for the door and slowly opening it. "Can I help you?" She asked calmly trying to pretend she heard nothing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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Kiri Otanashi
Kiri stepped out from the cab as it parked by the manor. "... Umm, here..." She gave the driver the money and took her bag from the seat. As she closed the door, he drove quickly drove away. 'I wonder if there are others like me....' She walked steadily towards the house and looked up to see another girl there. 'Someone's already here....' She heard her call out that she was cursed and saw the door ahead of her open to reveal another girl. 'She must be the owner of this house... I hope I get along with her....' She ran forward and came at the door breathing heavily. "Um, My name is Kiri... I'm also cursed..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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#, as written by Lambie
Micheal Eden

Micheal had been walking all day with out rest his legs ached in pain. If it was night time the journey wouldn't have been as long, but since he was stuck in a 10 year old body the trip was longer than what it really was. He carried a duffel bag across his body as well as his trusted violin which had a few coins and dollars. It was easier to earn money when you were a kid playing a violin near malls or bookstores. The bag jingled a little bit with the coins as he finally made his way to the mansion. Gazing in amazement at the beautiful architecture and old look.

Micheal then noticed some people standing there some no older than he was. He could only assume they were just like him under a cursed that wouldn't break. At least that's what he assumed that the curse was unbreakable. Quietly he walked up to the group of females which sort of made him uncomfortable, but he kept calm as best as he could. "Hello there. . ." Micheal said gently as a small smile graced his small face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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Miranda smiled shyly as a group of people formed around her, "Uu-m hello," she peeped, as she squeezed into the manor, "I came here to stay, I found this flyer..." she held it out, and eyed the mass at the door.
All she really wanted to was go to her room, she wasn't ready for a heartfelt meeting yet, she wanted to rest...Holding her bag with one hand she held out the flyer, giving it a little shake, eager to get her things put away.
Something caught her eye, a glisten off of a pair of glasses perhaps? She shook, and leaned against the doorway a bit...Must we all stand by the door...
She crossed her arm in front of her and watched the others, a boy passing through the group. Must have been him, Her face towards the doorway, her eyes lingered on him for a moment more, I wonder If he is cursed...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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#, as written by Cursed
Elysia looked at everyone amazed at the turn out. She backed away from the door and motioned for everyone to come in. She walked to the living room. She was thinking of the people that came here to stay. All different and yet tied together cause of the curse. She sat down in her chair and thought of all the questions she wanted to ask. She then thought of what rules she would have to put in to action. She didn't really plain on anyone really showing up. She then turned her head to look at them again. 'Two girls and one guy,' She thought,' Not a good combination. The girls will be in the west wing with me and maybe the guy in the east? Or should I have it the other way around so I could keep an eye on him.' She was confused and it showed on her face. She then sighed and leaned her head back a moment. She turned back to normal. She would let them choose. As long as they either payed the rent or helped out around here it really shouldn't matter to her, but then again she knew how guys were. She knew how guys acted when she went in to town at night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Husky Amaran
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"Come on, Husky! They're all going to be asleep before we get there!" a girl's voice rang loudly through the night air, shattering the peaceful silence from a moment before.
If one were to follow the sound to its source, they would find a girl of approximately eighteen with long green hair panting as she ran up the empty street. A lime green backpack thumped noisily against her back with each step. Behind her, moonlight caught the silver hair of a boy that was following along behind her albeit much slower.
"There's no huge rush, Cooro. If that flyer's right, I imagine they'll be up all night just like us." The silver haired boy called up to the girl, but despite his words he broke out into a light jog.

Pausing to allow the boy to catch up to her, Cooro grabbed his hand and took off once more, pulling him along with her. "Rush or no rush, I want to be there already!" she glanced back at Husky with a grin as she rounded a curve in the road and stopped mid-step to gaze in awe at the mansion house that had suddenly come into sight like a phantom appearing from nothing.
"Woah." the girl stared up at the magnificent building before her, taking in and trying to memorize every detail; to burn every respect into her brain.

With a sigh, Husky put his hand on Cooro's shoulder and guided her up to the door where another boy had just arrived. Snapping out of her reverie, Cooro's bright eyes darkened as she realized how many people were around her. Half-stepping behind her twin, Cooro kept her head down and grabbed Husky's hand in a vise-like grip. Her grip was nothing Husky wasn't used to, so it didn't particularly bother him- since they'd come to the city he'd learned to deal with any pain she caused through it.

As they stepped up to the door, Husky rapped lightly on the open portal to announce their arrival. Producing the flyer from a pocket, the silver-haired boy unfolded the crumpled paper with one hand and held it up for the host to see, not wanting to interrupt any conversation she might be partaking in. Silently, the twins awaited welcoming or rejection, whichever might occur.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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#, as written by Lambie
Micheal could feel the stare of two girls which made him feel a little awkward. Not that it wasn't awkward he was like the only guy there until another guy came along. Still he didn't feel very sure of himself at this moment. He kind of wanted to slink away because there staring. "Its not like I a pervert or something." Micheal mumbled underneath his breath. That's when he heard two foot steps walk into the mansion and he couldn't help but look over. A boy and another girl walked in. Sighing to himself in relief that another boy had come, so now there were 3 boys which made him feel a little less awkward. He noticed the girl with the green hair a little more, but looked away after all it was rude to stare. "So. . ." Micheal looked Elysia "Which side are the guys going to be staying in?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi
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Kiri Otanashi
"So... Which side are the guys going to be staying in?" Kiri looked down at the ground and said in a quiet voice, "Umm, where are the girls to stay also?" She shifted her bag onto her shoulder and pulled a fallen strand of hair back into its place. 'There are so many others... I'm so nervous, I don't know what to say..!' Kiri turned her head up slightly and looked at Elysia. "Umm, if I may introduce myself, my name is Kiri..." She looked down quickly, afraid to look back up again. "I'm, err, Otanashi Kiri...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi
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The eerie mood of the building was lifted, as more and more of the cursed entered. No two were the same, except for the curse. Some were tall, others like herself were not so tall. The men were all..very handsome...and all the girls were very pretty. It reminded her more of like a slumber party than a collection of messed up people. The interior of the home was lit, and the sounds of the group were softened by the decor. An lovely rug covered the floor, she knew this because she was keeping her head down and staring at it.

The sir seemed thick, and humid in the house. Using her free hand she flipped her pigtail out of her face and once again looked around the room. There were three other girls and three guys. She simply grasped her bag and waited for the the host to answer.
Tapping her finger's along her bag to her favorite piece "Fur Elise" she stood in the hall. Taking notice of the last two to enter, she looked up.
A girl and a boy, she began, Both cursed, they must be siblings. Possibly lovers as well. She turned her eyes on Kiri as she spoke , Nothing that appears special to me...though she seems very nervous Randi wanted to speak next, to lift some of the burden from the shy woman but her words caught in her throat, so she remained silent, swaying in the corner.
Curiosity began creeping up her spine as she looked around the room, about the very cute blond boy that had walked in particular. The moment her eyes passed over to the door, a rosy hue began blooming up on her cheeks like a field of baby rose buds all blossoming across from her ears across her nose. What's wrong with me, he's just big deal. Though she still dipped her head once again to hide the blush. This is weird, she thought, maybe it's because I know their cursed...I know they understand...
Lastly she examined the host, who was standing near the first guy to enter. She seemed to be just as astonished about the number of us that existed as we were.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi
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"All right!" Jem pronounced loudly as more and more "cursed kids" kept showing up behind him. "This is looking better and better!" He scanned each and every one of them, disregarding the boy with the glasses and barely noticing the other guy that showed up after him. No, he was more focused on the girls.

The host looked nice enough; he liked dark-haired chicks. The girl who had just spoken, Kiri Ota-something, looked a little timid and unsure of herself- not really his type, and she looked a bit too old. The green-haired girl held some promise, though he couldn't be sure because she hadn't spoken yet. And finally, his eyes settled on the second dark-haired girl with the pigtails and busy fingers. She was pretty, he noted with a grin. It widened when he caught her glance toward him, and he gave her a wink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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Jem blinked as the girl suddenly whirled around and immediately disappeared around a corner, pigtails flying. Whoa, he didn't mean to scare her off like that. He frowned, suddenly feeling guilty. I should probably check on her...he thought. See if she's okay... He smiled apologetically to the hostess before striding quickly to where the girl had disappeared.

He poked his head around the corner, immediately coming face to face with the dark-haired girl. She looked torn, like she didn't know what to do, and his guilt deepened. "Hey, are you all right?" he questioned, stepping fully around the corner to face her. "Sorry, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He offered her a genuine smile, as if that would somehow make things better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi
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"...I can't really have any friends."

"I know what you mean," Jem chuckled, adjusting the strap on his shoulder as he walked alongside the girl, his long strides matched by her smaller, faster ones. "That's why I usually only go out at night. Plus, I'm a bartender. Talking to people's sort of in the job description."

"I guess I should start trying a little harder." Jem's grin widened when she chuckled and touched his arm, deciding he liked her laugh. "Do you think you and I...we could...we could be friends?"

Jem laughed at this, at the way this seemed like such a serious question to her. Friends had always come easy to him, ever since he was a child before the curse, and he actually couldn't remember the last time someone had politely asked to be friends with him. It was cute.

"Of course!" he answered with another chuckle, putting a hand on her shoulder. "After all, we'll be practically living together from now on, won't we? Might as well get comfortable."

They arrived back to where they had started, where all the other cursed children were still gathered around the hostess. They were just in time to hear the brown-haired girl ask for introductions before Randi introduced herself to the others with a new found courage. He grinned as she finished, giving a small wave to the other cursed kids.

"And my name's Benjamin Maddox," he said. "But everyone just calls me Jem. Hi, it's great to be here!"