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Jem Maddox

"What's up?"

0 · 341 views · located in The Manor

a character in “Cursed Under The Moon”, as played by VidiDici



Name: Benjamin Todd Maddox
Nickname: Jem
Age: 11
Actual age: 19
Gender: Male
Cursed?: Yes

Jem's personality differs with what form he is in. As an eleven year-old boy, he likes to stay active- running around, playing ball, climbing trees, and generally causing mischief. He's a wild child, carefree and full of life. As a nineteen year-old, he feels he has to 'act his age', and cools down a bit yet still retains some of that lively attitude. He secretly prefers being a child as there's less responsibility and he can get away with a lot more. He's a very friendly and optimistic guy.

Jem was born into a family of all boys, save for his mother, with him being the youngest of five. So, naturally, there was quite a lot of competition in the home. His eldest brother was sensible and mature, the second eldest athletic and popular, the third intelligent and kind, and the fourth thoughtful and artistic. They all had a lot going for them. So, in order to get the attention he craved, Jem became the clown. He pulled pranks, talked loudly, and argued a lot, and it drove everyone crazy.

Jem's parents were rather wealthy, and so they always had a maid around to help around the house. After the first maid claimed that she couldn't deal with Jem's tricks any longer, she quit and they quickly hired a new maid, an old woman who they thought would be able to keep Jem on a leash. When the new maid was introduced to the rest of the family, and Jem loudly stated that he'd never listen to her, the maid warned him that his attitude would soon get him in deep trouble if he didn't shape up. Of course, Jem didn't listen, and spent the next two days causing mayhem all over the house. Finally, on the third day, the old lady had had enough. She told Jem that since he was so determined to act like a child, he would stay a child forever. The next day, she didn't return to the house, and she was never seen by the family again.

Jem didn't believe in curses and witches at the time, so he soon forgot about what the old lady had said. However, several years passed and Jem remained the same age during the day. His two oldest brothers graduated and moved out of the house and Jem started high school, yet he still looked like an eleven year-old boy. Finally, Jem realized what he had done and told his family. His parents were enraged, but his brothers laughed at him and teased him about being a child forever. Furious, Jem ran to his room, packed a small bag of personal belongings and all the money he'd scrounged up over the years, and ran away. For the next four years he lived on his own, taking night jobs and sleeping during the day. When he saw the flier, he left for the manor immediately, curious as to whether or not there were actually other people like him.

Other: He's allergic to cats, and has a habit of biting his thumbnail when he's thinking, frustrated, or nervous.

So begins...

Jem Maddox's Story


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Jem hefted the bag higher up onto his shoulder, its contents shifting noisily as he did. His footsteps echoed eerily as he trudged along the empty street, the moon hanging just above the horizon before him. How long had he been walking? Hours? He stopped in the middle of the street, smoothing out the crinkled sheet of paper he had clutched in his hand, and scanned the page for what must have been the millionth time.

Yep, he was in the right place. But there was no manor in sight. Had the address been printed wrong?

"Damn..." Jem tucked the hand with the paper underneath his armpit and nibbled on his thumbnail. "Where the hell is this place?"

Jem's shadow suddenly splayed about before him, and he turned to see headlights baring down towards him. He moved out of the way just in time as a taxi hurtled past, its horn blaring as it swerved to dodge him. Even through the darkness, Jem could see the driver flip him the bird through the back windshield before it hurtled around a corner and disappeared.

"Jackass..." Jem mumbled. "I wonder where you're going..." He considered the possibility that the taxi's destination was the same as his, and quickly decided that he would follow it. Hell, he was lost anyway. What could it hurt?

He stuffed the flier into his pack and sprinted after the cab. Rounding the corner, he was suddenly faced with the manor from the picture, its Victorian era architecture giving it an old, refined look. Yet...there was something rather ominous about it. Like the haunted mansion from some horror movie. Peering closer, he noticed a few shapes gathered on the doorstep. Other 'cursed children', maybe? This looked like his kind of party.

Jem grinned, adjusting the bag on his shoulder once more, and headed for the house.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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#, as written by Lambie
Micheal could feel the stare of two girls which made him feel a little awkward. Not that it wasn't awkward he was like the only guy there until another guy came along. Still he didn't feel very sure of himself at this moment. He kind of wanted to slink away because there staring. "Its not like I a pervert or something." Micheal mumbled underneath his breath. That's when he heard two foot steps walk into the mansion and he couldn't help but look over. A boy and another girl walked in. Sighing to himself in relief that another boy had come, so now there were 3 boys which made him feel a little less awkward. He noticed the girl with the green hair a little more, but looked away after all it was rude to stare. "So. . ." Micheal looked Elysia "Which side are the guys going to be staying in?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi
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Kiri Otanashi
"So... Which side are the guys going to be staying in?" Kiri looked down at the ground and said in a quiet voice, "Umm, where are the girls to stay also?" She shifted her bag onto her shoulder and pulled a fallen strand of hair back into its place. 'There are so many others... I'm so nervous, I don't know what to say..!' Kiri turned her head up slightly and looked at Elysia. "Umm, if I may introduce myself, my name is Kiri..." She looked down quickly, afraid to look back up again. "I'm, err, Otanashi Kiri...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi
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The eerie mood of the building was lifted, as more and more of the cursed entered. No two were the same, except for the curse. Some were tall, others like herself were not so tall. The men were all..very handsome...and all the girls were very pretty. It reminded her more of like a slumber party than a collection of messed up people. The interior of the home was lit, and the sounds of the group were softened by the decor. An lovely rug covered the floor, she knew this because she was keeping her head down and staring at it.

The sir seemed thick, and humid in the house. Using her free hand she flipped her pigtail out of her face and once again looked around the room. There were three other girls and three guys. She simply grasped her bag and waited for the the host to answer.
Tapping her finger's along her bag to her favorite piece "Fur Elise" she stood in the hall. Taking notice of the last two to enter, she looked up.
A girl and a boy, she began, Both cursed, they must be siblings. Possibly lovers as well. She turned her eyes on Kiri as she spoke , Nothing that appears special to me...though she seems very nervous Randi wanted to speak next, to lift some of the burden from the shy woman but her words caught in her throat, so she remained silent, swaying in the corner.
Curiosity began creeping up her spine as she looked around the room, about the very cute blond boy that had walked in particular. The moment her eyes passed over to the door, a rosy hue began blooming up on her cheeks like a field of baby rose buds all blossoming across from her ears across her nose. What's wrong with me, he's just big deal. Though she still dipped her head once again to hide the blush. This is weird, she thought, maybe it's because I know their cursed...I know they understand...
Lastly she examined the host, who was standing near the first guy to enter. She seemed to be just as astonished about the number of us that existed as we were.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi
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"All right!" Jem pronounced loudly as more and more "cursed kids" kept showing up behind him. "This is looking better and better!" He scanned each and every one of them, disregarding the boy with the glasses and barely noticing the other guy that showed up after him. No, he was more focused on the girls.

The host looked nice enough; he liked dark-haired chicks. The girl who had just spoken, Kiri Ota-something, looked a little timid and unsure of herself- not really his type, and she looked a bit too old. The green-haired girl held some promise, though he couldn't be sure because she hadn't spoken yet. And finally, his eyes settled on the second dark-haired girl with the pigtails and busy fingers. She was pretty, he noted with a grin. It widened when he caught her glance toward him, and he gave her a wink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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A silent moment passed, and Randi felt it was safe to lift her gaze again. The blush from her cheeks had receded and she didn't feel as flustered anymore. That is until she looked over at the blond boy again, this time catching his gaze. Her eyes widened as he caught her looking, and once again the blush came back, fiercer than ever as he winked at her.
Immediately dropping her gaze again, she ducked around the corner for a moment to catch her composure, Stop it. Stop it right now. You are making a fool of yourself...
As she looked up, her eyes caught sight of a piano laying dusty in the far room...her heart longed to play it, and she lingered there in the hall staring at the beautiful ivory piece, tapping her fingers against her bag.
I should go back with the others... she thought, but she couldn't take her gaze away. Plus...that boy...there is something about him...
Part of her hoped he left her alone, part of her didn't want to let him in...but part of her wanted him to follow, to chase after her and ask questions. She was confused, being around so many people did that to her...crowds...she felt suffocated. Only behind the keys did she feel truly comfortable...
She glanced back toward the group, and lingered deciding if she would go explore the piano...or stay and socialize. Again her heart told her to go play, but something else kept her near the others...Why...? she thought, peeking around the corner once again, Why no one else...ever...before him...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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Jem blinked as the girl suddenly whirled around and immediately disappeared around a corner, pigtails flying. Whoa, he didn't mean to scare her off like that. He frowned, suddenly feeling guilty. I should probably check on her...he thought. See if she's okay... He smiled apologetically to the hostess before striding quickly to where the girl had disappeared.

He poked his head around the corner, immediately coming face to face with the dark-haired girl. She looked torn, like she didn't know what to do, and his guilt deepened. "Hey, are you all right?" he questioned, stepping fully around the corner to face her. "Sorry, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He offered her a genuine smile, as if that would somehow make things better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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Breaking from her trance, she saw him standing right in front of her.
She peeped,"Oh, no I'm fine...I just..." she scrambled in her head for an excuse, "I...I don't like crows that much..."
She was atleast telling the truth as she dipped her chin, and fiddled with the strap on her bag. She stood there for a moment, frozen from embaressment, then stuck her hand out, "I'm Randi," she said, as she lifted her gaze to meet his. Her hand shook a bit as she extended it, I have to get to know them... Thinking a moment more, No...I want to know him...I will try...
Her nerves were written all over her face, but she still held out her small dainty hand to him, her mind drifted for a moment as she wondered how his hand would feel when he took hers...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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Jem blinked. Crows...? He must have heard her wrong.

He snapped out of his befuddlement, though, when she suddenly stuck her hand out, slowly lifting her head to meet his gaze. "I'm Randi..." she said quietly, and he noticed that her hand was shaking a little. He was silent for moment, staring at her hand, before his face suddenly broke out into a wide, ear-to-ear grin.

"Name's Jem!" he said, taking her tiny hand in his larger one and giving it a few enthusiastic shakes. "And don't let me make you uncomfortable again. Really, I'm harmless." He let go of her hand and slid it into his pocket, his other hand gripping the strap on his shoulder as he beamed at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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They're so big...and warm...and soft...
Smiling up at him she clutched her bag with two hands and replied, "It's lovely to meet you, I'm sorry about the way I acted. I don't let people in know because of the curse, I can't really have friends."
Taking one last glance back at the piano she turned to face the entryway and started walking back to the others.
"I guess I should start trying a little harder," she chuckled, and touched his arm, "Do you think you and I...we could..." pausing for a moment she reeled about what she truly wanted, but settled knowing it was far to soon, "We could be friends?"
Softening her face as she spoke, her lips and eyes were delicate on her face, her long eyelashes waving as she blinked. She leaned her body forward as she walked and swayed her hips. It was her naturally graceful gate, one that came with years of posture training for piano. Her slender legs carried her next to him, thought she had to walk a little faster to make up for the height difference.
He seems sweet...and such a pretty smile...

As they walked in she heard the shy girl introduce herself, and with a new burst of courage she smiled at her and said, "It's so nice to meet you Kiri, My name is Miranda but you can all me Randi."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Elysia O'Brian Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi
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"...I can't really have any friends."

"I know what you mean," Jem chuckled, adjusting the strap on his shoulder as he walked alongside the girl, his long strides matched by her smaller, faster ones. "That's why I usually only go out at night. Plus, I'm a bartender. Talking to people's sort of in the job description."

"I guess I should start trying a little harder." Jem's grin widened when she chuckled and touched his arm, deciding he liked her laugh. "Do you think you and I...we could...we could be friends?"

Jem laughed at this, at the way this seemed like such a serious question to her. Friends had always come easy to him, ever since he was a child before the curse, and he actually couldn't remember the last time someone had politely asked to be friends with him. It was cute.

"Of course!" he answered with another chuckle, putting a hand on her shoulder. "After all, we'll be practically living together from now on, won't we? Might as well get comfortable."

They arrived back to where they had started, where all the other cursed children were still gathered around the hostess. They were just in time to hear the brown-haired girl ask for introductions before Randi introduced herself to the others with a new found courage. He grinned as she finished, giving a small wave to the other cursed kids.

"And my name's Benjamin Maddox," he said. "But everyone just calls me Jem. Hi, it's great to be here!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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Husky and Cooro remained standing at the door, hesitating in their decision to enter the residence. Husky had since put away the flyer, tucking the vibrant paper back into a pocket. Frowning for a moment as he tugged Cooro fully into the room, Husky smiled as he turned to look at the other people. Cooro, however, remained standing half-behind her brother despite his attempts at getting her to not use him as a human shield.

Hearing a girl comment that everyone should introduce themselves, Husky smiled a little wider, happy that someone else brought it up. "My name's Husky." he glanced over his shoulder at Cooro and prodded her with his elbow.
"Cooro." her voice was barely audible, a fact that spurred another prod from Husky.
"My name's Cooro. I'm Husky's twin sister. I'm the cool one. He's just a friendly little Husky puppy." Cooro tried to imagine it was just her and Husky in the room and she ended up speaking like she had outside earlier in the evening; her voice was loud and clear and even accompanied by a small giggle at her end comment.

Squeaking as she realized she'd spoken like she normally would, Cooro moved farther behind Husky, continuing to use him as a shield although she peered over his shoulder. She wasn't really sure how to act around people other than her twin, even though they'd lived at an orphanage with several other children for almost six years. Lost in her own thoughts for a moment, Cooro didn't notice that Husky had sidestepped, leaving her standing next to him. Pausing as she realized what had just happened, Cooro felt a pale flush rise to her cheeks as she realized how exposed she felt now that she wasn't hiding behind her brother.

"It's very nice to meet you Jem, and you too, Randi and Kiri!" Husky's smile was bright and true as he spoke to the three other people that had thus far introduced themselves.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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Kiri Otanashi
Kiri saw the outcome of her courage and began to feel more brave. 'Everyone's so nice...' She looked up at everyone and smiled meekly. "Umm, it's really nice to meet you Randi, Jem, Cooro, and Husky. I'm sort of a 'hikikomori', or in English, withdrawn... I don't really like to get out much, so, I'm mostly cooped up somewhere... It's still really nice to meet all of you. I hope we all get along." Kiri held onto her bag tightly and smiled brighter. 'I hope we get along well, everyone...'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cooro Amaran Character Portrait: Micheal Eden Character Portrait: Jem Maddox Character Portrait: Husky Amaran Character Portrait: Kiri Otanashi Character Portrait: Miranda "Randi" Reese
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#, as written by Lambie
Micheal Eden

Micheal listened to the introduction. He really wasn't into the whole introductions until one voice was loud and clear it sort of caught his attention. "My name's Cooro. I'm Husky's twin sister. I'm the cool one. He's just a friendly little Husky puppy." Her voice was loud and clear and even accompanied by a small giggle at her end comment. Clearing his voice. "Micheal Eden." He said gently with a small smile and glanced at Cooro briefly with gentle eyes. He then put his bag down only cause it was getting on his nerves.