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Edward Murphy

She is here?

0 · 336 views · located in The Boarding School

a character in “Cynical to Love”, as played by mermaidlegend





Full name:
Edward James Murphy
Ed, James, Murphy, Murph
Birth Date:
January 30
Sexual Preference:


5' 9
On his arm after he failed to commit suicide
Appearance: Links or Description



+Ice Cream
+Roses/ Flowers
+Hanging out with Friends

-People Leaving
-Getting up early

V Protect Rose
V Get into Oxford
V Live through high school peacefully
X Losing the love of his life
X Death
X Rose getting hurt
Writing, Sports, Playing the Guitar


To be honest Edward's family is quite wealthy, his mother is a congresswomen in America while his dad is the owner of a family business in London. Growing up Edward had a lot of constraints including a strict private lesson plans, which why he learned multiple languages. However, despite that he is still able to attend school with the normal kids which is how he met Rose. They were very close and basically did everything together. To him, she regarded him as a friend, but he had great crush on her. His shyness didn't help him at all, so she never found out about it not even when he moved away to America when he was 12.
The move affected him a lot, when he was in his new school he was bullied. He was very sad seen as he had no one, soon he actually became suicidal, which caused him to kill himself. Although his parents recognize how much he missing England, they didn't want him to be stuck with the normal kids anymore so he was sent to boarding school where he still didn't know anyone, but his parents however felt that it is what is best for him.
Mother: Lily Murphy
Father: August Murphy
Spoken Languages:
French, German, Spanish, English


Face Claim Logan Lerman
Theme Song(s):

Sample Post:
The Fourteenth Floor
After seeing Arielle's text message about the party, Danielle begun jumping up and down in her room. Stuffing the blue hard cover copy of "Pride and Prejudice" back on her shelf in her tiny library along with her whole collection of hard cover classics. She opened her laptop and begun playing Tiffany Alvord's "So Alive". The music filled the room, unaware whether this is going to disturb her next door neighbors, she blasted the music louder, after all everyone on the fourteenth floor likes parties.
"Yes, it's another party" She thought to herself. She was almost absolutely sure the Cassidy boys would be there. Guess it's time to pick out a outfit from her clothing rack. After trying on a dozen dresses, it came down to the final two; a strapless floral print gown and a dark blue dress with a black belt. Troubled by the which to choose, she was going to ask her sister, Dina but then it would probably take an hour to come up with excuse to explain why she needs the dress, since Dina probably wouldn't allow her to go to the party.
In the end she decided to wear the dark blue dress with high heels(just wait till Dina lectures her about wearing high heels, they had that conversation just this morning)
Just as she finished cleaning up the mess she made in her room, she looked down at her bracelet watch that one of the Cassidy brothers gave her, it's already 6:30, time to to find Dina at the coffee shop, she probably is just finishing up. It's quite ironic thinking back, the Cassidy boy and her met so many times at the party but none of them ever bothered asking each other for a name :D
As Danielle walked down the hall, she was hoping to see Nailah leave for work, but instead sees her walking back up into the apartment with the loud music coming out of their room. Guess they have a lot of preparation for the party, as you can see Cheyenne is probably just testing out the music. Danielle, was never a great fan of Cheyenne's mix tapes, but everyone else seemed to enjoy it a lot so she generally just sticks with it at the parties.

Exiting the building Danielle walked across the road toward the café that her sister works at.
There weren't that many people there for dinner, just a group of football players. Her sister has just dropped off their orders before moving on to the other tables. Before Danielle sat down at her favorite seat in the corner, she spotted someone. It was Abby, her sister's college friend, working the coffee machine. So she sat down at the counter right next to Abby and ordered a Mint Chocolate Chip Frapuccino.
When her sister returned, Danielle let her a smile and returned to reading the copy of Jane Eyre she had previously stuffed in her leather bag. People in her school had always been so into fashion especially bags, but she was never that into bags, just clothes and shoes, so she decided to stick to the vintage bag.
Abby and Dina had begun a conversation about Abby's work at starbucks, funny that they discuss this in a coffee shop. However, when the conversation begun trailing of onto her, Danielle felt there is a need to intervene. As she rose her voice and said "Well, I mean Dina you do act like it sometimes." and looked away. When around waitress served her Mint Chocolate Chip Frapuccino, she quickly left the coffee shop and walked back to the apartment.
Originally, she was planning on asking Dina to come to the party with her, after all the guys from apartment 1427 will be there. Dina seems to be eyeing one of them from time to time, but now that Dina officially made her angry, she is definitely not going to tell her about the party.

So begins...

Edward Murphy's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Nova King Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Rose sat there in the rather uncomfortable, blue velvety seat on the rickety old bus, humming her music silently to herself, head phones placed over her ears. Staring outside of the scratched up window, she couldn’t help but have a nagging feeling play in the back of her head that something horrible was bound to happen. But that’s how it always was with change for her. She couldn’t think of anything good coming out of a change, and only ever wanted things to stay the same they always had been. It was easier that way. I mean little change yeah that was always fine. But big change is always what got to her, and moving to a boarding school in which she knew little about, considering the pamphlet they sent her was rather outdated, was a huge change of scene to her. Too much change happened in her life. When she was three, her father left, leaving just Rose and her mother, six months ago her Boyfriend, Gabriel, died and Rose was in ICU for three weeks because of that damned car crash, and now this. It was lovely. Sarcasm intended.

As the Bus roared to a creaky stop, Rose snapped out of her day dreamy state, and gathered her things from the bus. One rather large suitcase, and her scratched up, elder guitar case. Saying thanks to the kind, aged bus driver, she stepped off onto the plush and well groomed green grass of the Boarding school, which loomed in front of her like one of those stereotypical ones you see in all the movies.

Stepping up to the doors, she felt flushed. She was a little freaked out, as she was obviously late, not by her choice or fault at that. The bus that had originally picked her up had broke down half way there, and it took two hours for one to come pick her back up. Originally it was set that she come during the student’s lunch break, to sign in at the office and get her dorm ready, and then join the Twelfth year class for that half of the afternoon. How fun would it be to already have the administrators enraged at her by something that was merely an accident due to an unkempt, battery dead bus?

Stepping into the corridor, she saw an array of things. Some straggling students, award show cases, and signs up pointing in ways to go. She followed the one that stated “Administrators office” with an arrow pointing down one of the halls to the left. Dragging her luggage with her, she stopped in front of a glass door that peered into a nicer version of a schools office. One of the teachers that walked past her held the door open for her as she dragged all her things along with her, obviously not having a place to put them at that point. Glancing around the area, she was engulfed with the scents of the flowers that surrounded the office in pretty arrangements. A tap on her shoulder broke her out of her curious glances. Turning around, she noticed a very professional looking blonde woman, most likely in her mid thirties. She gave a kind smile, and asked “Hello! May I help you with something?” Rose blinked, before nodding her head. “Ah, I’m new, I was supposed to be here during the lunch break but my bus broke down you see...” She trailed off, bettering her grip on her guitar case. “Yes, yes! You’re Rose Kingsbury then? We were wondering what had happened! So glad you’re alright. I’m Mrs. Watson, one of the secretaries here. I’ll be sure to let the School’s Principal you’re in, and I will let you’re teacher know as well, her names Miss Butler. But first, let’s get you signed in and clear any confusion you have!” Spoke the woman in a burst of excitement, as she led Rose over to her desk. Letting go of the grip off her suitcase and guitar case, she set them on the ground beside her before sitting down in a plushy office chair in front of the dark oak desk, in with Mrs. Watson sat behind.

She ruffled through some of her papers, and Rose saw her circle something on a whack of them, before she handed them over in a fast thrust to her. She explained what each was, a map, in which she circled where her teachers room was and dorm, a couple of things explaining policies, and that was that. “Now, you do have a dorm mate.” Mrs. Watson started to explain to her, “Her name is Nova, she’s very friendly and I’m sure she’ll help you with anything else. I suggest putting your things in your room; then make your way down to the class. Schools almost over, but at least you’ll have time to get introduced and all that.” Her spiel seemed finished enough, so Rose sat up, smoothing her flowy shorts down, and made her way out the door with her things, trying her best to follow to map up to the girls dorm area.

It seemed to be a bit before she finally came across her dorm door. It was pretty plain and simple it was hers simply due to the fact that white board on it read, Nova and Rose. It seemed pretty safe to assume that another name had only just recently been erased where her own name was now placed, but that was only to be expected. Setting her things down, she grabbed her key that she was given, unlocked the door, and opened it up into the pretty standard looking room.

Dragging her stuff in, she plopped it onto the bed that seemed to be evidently hers, as the opposite side had already been occupied with her faceless dorm mate’s things. She would unpack her things later, and fill her drawers up. She really didn’t have many things at this point. Her mother would be sending another suit case down later on that week, but that was it. Rose was never one to put up things on her walls, other then the occasional drawing she did, but that was it. She did have one picture in a frame, it was of her and Gabriel at a Concert, but she was debating whether or not to set that on her dresser or just keep it packed away.

But, that would all have to be decided later. Taking off her jacket, she set it on top of her guitar case. Opening up her bag, she pulled out a messenger bag in which was already packed with some of the basic school supplies. Slipping it over her head so it rested on her shoulders, she made her way out the dorm, being sure to lock it behind her.

Following the map to the best of her abilities, she found herself face to face with a class room door, which stated on a sign in pretty cursive Miss Butler. “Seems to be it.” She said in a small intake of breath, before lightly tapping on its hard surface, and creaking it open to peer in. The teacher behind the desk, a petite brunette woman, gave a kind smile, and waved her in. Tip toeing in, she took notice that the kids where doing their own things. A couple read, but the rest seemed to be packing up there things at the anticipation of the ending of the school day. She didn’t, however, catch a look at any of their faces. The click clacking of heels could be heard as the teacher approached the middle of the room, clearing her throat in trying to get the attention of the kids. “Class, this is the new student, why don’t you introduce yourself, Miss Kingsbury?” She spoke, in a rather powerful voice considering the tiny stature of her. Rose felt uncomfortable in that moment. She felt a little cliché, the whole new kid speech in front of the class. Giving a small flick of her hand, she said “Hi, yeah I’m Rose.” Right before the sounding of the bell, in which stated the school day was at an end.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Jason Micheals

Jay woke up that morning before his alarm clock even went off, a song whirling around in his mind. He got out of bed, grabbed the notebook he writes all his songs in and quickly scribbles out the lyrics rolling around in his head. He grabs his guitar, wanting to put some music to the lyrics but he sees that his roommate, Edward, is still asleep. He glances at the clock seeing that it's nearly time for him to wake up anyway, so he goes ahead and starts strumming his guitar, writing in his book as he he gets the music just right. He keeps working on his song until he has to start getting ready for class. He sighs quietly, reluctantly slipping his notebook into his backpack and starts getting ready. He takes a quick shower and gets dressed in a pair of tattered jeans and one of his bands t-shirts before grabbing his bag and heading to class.

The day seems to drag on. Jay sits in the back of class, scribbling in his music book like he always does, not even paying attention to the teacher. When lunch comes, he's so focused on his song, he stays in the classroom and continues to work on it, humming the tune to himself since he doesn't have his guitar. He doesn't even notice the others file back in for the afternoon classes, to lost in the music. By the time the class is nearly over, Jay is stuck on the bridge of the song. He's sitting in his desk, his cheek in his hand as he drums his pencil on his desk. He glances up as the door opens and a girl walks in, though he doesn't really pay much attention to her, just enough to know her name is Rose, but she doesn't really peek his interest.

He sighs running a hand through his blonde hair as he looks down at the music in front of him, when suddenly it comes to him, the bridge of the song. He's about to write it down when the bell rings and all the students scramble toward the door. The noise of the bell and the all the students talking and stampeding toward the door makes him lose his focus and he looses the bridge. He curses under his breath in slight aggravation. He sighs quietly as he closes up his book and slips into his bag. He gets up from his seat but hangs back, letting the room empty out a little before heading toward the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Waken up by the sound of the guitar strumming, Edward laughed, he needs to teach Jay when he should and should not play the guitar. However, when he looked at the clock it is already 7:30 seems like a pretty good time to get ready for school. So he did the usual, brush his teeth, get dressed in his usual clothes and then walked out the door. When he exited Jay was still sitting his desk with his guitar writing in lyrics, need to remind him to get ready to for school, so Edward cried out: "Jay! You need to start getting ready or else you are going to be late" unsure whether or not Jay had heard it, Edward continued down the hall.

The hall of the dorms seemed busy as usual, with students walking up and down the hallways carrying stacks of paper and books. He payed no attention to anyone but decides to actively try to avoid everyone that is coming at him.

When he arrived at class, the teacher just kept on talking, and he paid very little attention. The day seemed like the usual, first block, second block, lunch etc. Jay seemed to be hooked to the lyrics he was writing, so Edward spent sometime reading them during lunch and discussing it with him.

When last block finally arrived, Edward just couldn't wait till school ends. The red clocked above the teacher ticked, as he looked up....5 minutes left, but just then the door of the classroom swung open and in walked a girl with brown hair. He actually didn't pay any attention until the girl said: "Hi, yeah I’m Rose" That moment he realize, wait Rose! Rose Amelie Kingsbury that girl he had a crush on(more like the love of his life) from his old school before he moved. His thoughts were interrupted by the class bell. The girl turned to walk out the door, so he quickly chased after her. He finally caught up to her at the main entrance.

"Rose Kingsbury! remember me? Edward, Edward Murphy?, we used to be friends when we were like 12 "

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Nova King Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Rose felt about as ready to get out of the class as many of the others did, even though she was literally only there for a minute. Turning so she could be the first out the door, as she was already up and the closest, she was stopped by a peppy red head that moved to stand in front of her. She introduced herself as Nova, and Walla. Rose’s faceless dorm mate got a face to the name. Rose mustered up the kindest smile she could, considering she was pretty tired and also that she didn’t really want to be there. Extending her arm slightly for a hand shake in greeting, she said “Hey, nice to meet you. I already put my stuff in the dorm but haven’t unpacked. I don’t have a lot so don’t worry about me over taking the room or anything.” She laughed slightly. She opened her mouth to ask a question to do about the school as she started to walk out the door again, “Is there a garden or music room anywhe-“but like earlier, someone crossed her path and stopped her, cutting her question short. This time, it was an unexpected, familiar face.

“Edward?” She said a little surprised, her face probably showing the same emotion as she looked up at the taller boy. “Of course I remember you!” She laughed, pulling the taller boy into a hug. Letting go, she stepped back feeling a bit awkward to have just suddenly done that. But she got over that pretty fast. “I don’t really remember you being this tall, last time I remember you where as tall as me and was in that awkward pre-teen phase, acne and everything.” She teased.

This really came to a shock to Rose, having him stand before her.. This was the kid that she held almost all of her happy childhood memories with. Before he up and left, Rose and he would be considered joined at the hip. She wasn’t exactly always great at making friends, even more so now, but when Edward had stepped into her life, that changed for her. When he stepped out of her life, that was an even more awful change to her life. She went back to being kind of a loner, obviously upset by the fact he just wasn’t there anymore, the only person she would say fully that she trust, the person who knew all her secrets. That was a big thing when you where young. It really wasn’t until she happened to bump into Gabe that she felt that same closeness to someone again. She let him in, really just trying to fill the void of her missing her best friend. But that obviously just developed into something more, that four year relationship that ended rather abruptly and tragically.

Shaking off the dark and depressing feeling, she said “I didn’t know you went here. If I did I would have brought that guitar we bought together. I was scolded into only bringing one and I couldn’t risk it getting damaged." She smiled, remembering the memory of the twelve years old New Year’s night, walking into a shady pawn shop they probably shouldn’t have, pooling their money together to get it. When he left, he left it with her. Not her choice, it was just on her doorstep the morning he went away. If she had it her way, he would have kept it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Nova King Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Nova was overjoyed to finally meet her new roommate. She shook her hand as she smiled widely, hardly even noticing how tired Rose seemed, too distracted by the pleasure of meeting someone new. "Nice to meet you too! No worries, even if you did have a lot of stuff I could make room." she said, she would do just about anything to get along with her new roommate, the last thing she wanted to do was upset her.

She went to walk with her out of the classroom, but in attempt to not take up too much of the doorway she banged her shoulder on the doorframe. Nova grabbed her shoulder, more in surprise than pain "Dang it! I've got to st-" she began but was quickly distracted by a fellow classmate, she knew his name was Edward, but she usually just remembered him as the British guy, coming over to speak with Rose. She looked back and forth between them as they talked, reacting to things they said with just facial expressions before she gave up on being silent and spoke up, "You two know each other?" she asked, but realized that the answer was obviously yes, so she rephrased, "How do you two know each other?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Nova King Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Jason Micheals

Jay makes his way toward the door, but can't get by because the new girl is standing there with another girl and Edward. He watches as Edward and the new girl hug. He slowly walks over to them, wondering what's going on. "Hey, Edward. What's going on?" He asks, glancing between his friend and the new girl, having to remind himself of her name, Rose. As he waits for his friend's answer he notices the other girl who had been standing with them start to walk off, only to bang her shoulder on the door frame.

"You alright?" He asks the girl. He knows he's seen her around, but he can't seem to remember her name. He glances back at Edward and Rose as the girl asks if they know each other and how they do. 'Well, that would explain the hug,' He thinks, glancing between the two. Though, he's been friends with Edward ever since he started at this school, and he can't remember him ever mentioning a girl named Rose. 'Maybe he did mention her and you just weren't paying attention,' He thinks, knowing that happens quite often, especially when he's working on his music. Which is pretty much all the time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Nova King Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Rose turned around and laughed "Of course I remember you!" As she pulled him close for a hug. It came to Edward as a surprise, not the hug part, but the fact that she still recognizes him considering it has been forever since the two has seen each other, but he is actually very glad that she does, that sure saved a lot of reconnection to do.

However, looking back considering the two had been quite tight back then, it would actually be impossible for her to forget. Letting go of the hug. Rose said: “I didn't know you went here. If I did I would have brought that guitar we bought together. I was scolded into only bringing one and I couldn't risk it getting damaged." Remembering the guitar they bought back then, surely it brought back a lot of memories, whether it's writing funny penguin songs or tapping on the guitar case it was some type of drum. Edward laughed "it's fine, at least we now know it's somewhere safe. Sorry I had to leave it with you back then, I didn't know what my parents had planned for me, surely if it were to have followed me, I can't promises you no dents"

As they laughed, their laughter was interrupted by someone, Jay.
"Hey, Edward. What's going on?"
"Nothing much, oh by the way there is someone I want you to meet, my friend, Rose, we used to go to school together. I believe you have seen her in class"
Edward said laughing it off and beginning to introducing them to each other.
Then another person interrupted, Nova, that girl from English class, surely she was an interesting girl, but since they never hung out Edward never had a chance to officially meet her.
"oh, you know we know the old days where we were just kids" Edward said laughing it off again as he responded to her question. Surprisingly, this is probably the first time that he has had a crowd of people that made him feel pretty comfortable around here, but before he knew it he realized he is late for his sports practice.
"Hey, sorry guys but I have soccer practice right now, so I gotta run, I'll talk to you guys later"
He said as he ran out the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Nova King Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Jason Micheals

Jay nods his head as Edward introduces Rose to him. He smiles at the girl, about to greet her when Edward runs off. Jay chuckles quietly at his friend. "Well, that's Edward for you," He says, watching his friend's retreating figure. He turns his attention back to the two girls, not really sure what to do. He doesn't want to run off and seem rude or anything. "I'm Jay," He says, offering his hand out to Rose. "I could show you around campus, if you'd like," He offers, glancing from Rose to the other girl, still trying to remember her name. "Though, I'm sure," He trails off, cursing his poor memory. "I'm sorry, what's your name?" He asks the other girl. "Well, anyway, I'm sure she'd like to show you around," He finishes to Rose, motioning to Nova. She just seems like the naturally cheerful and helpful type. He doesn't have anything to do for a couple hours, until band practice, so he could show Rose around, if she wants him to, but he doesn't want to deprive Nova of the privilege. He runs his hand through his hair as he glances between the two girls, waiting for an answer so he knows what he's doing. It won't hurt his feelings none if Rose wants Nova to show her around.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Nova King Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Nova looked at Jay when he asked if she was alright and nodded "Oh, yeah, just bumped the doorframe, nothing out of the normal." she said, giving a friendly smile. She listened as Edward answered their questions and nodded in understanding, "That's neat!" she before Edward said he had to go to soccer practice, which reminded her of her own practice, hers didn't start till later though, when the boys practice ended so they could use the field. She waved enthusiastically enough that some other kid in the hall had to duck to avoid getting hit, she didn't really notice though. "Good luck!" she called after him. It didn't really matter to her that she didn't know him well, she liked giving over the top greeting and farewells to everyone.

Her attention returned to Rose and then Jay as well as he began speaking. When he asked her name she happily supplied it, "I'm Nova." she said and then let him continue speaking. Once he finished she chimed in, "We could both show her around. The more the merrier!" she exclaimed. She didn't really know Jay but he had seemed like a nice guy from what she had noticed of him, she didn't mind him joining Rose and herself at all. She looked to Rose eagerly waiting for her response.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Nova King Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Rose shifted her attention to Nova as she bumped into the door, and was about to say something before another boy came up to them all, and asked Edward what was going on. Turning her gaze onto him, she studied him. She felt slightly uncomfortable with having a small group around her as she really hadn’t surrounded herself with others for some time. But, she would have to get used to it so might as well deal with it.

As she was introduced to the blonde headed boy named Jay, she shook his outstretched hand lightly, “Nice to meet you.” She said, glancing back over at Edward as he left for his practice, giving a small wave of her hand in goodbye. Now she felt a bit more awkward, as she only felt completely comfortable around Edward; but Rose was a brave girl who did stupid things because of her outright stubbornness and trueness to herself. This should really be nothing to her.

She didn’t know what to say the invitation. Partly because she really didn’t really want to bother the two with giving the new kid the works. “I’m fine with whatever. I really feel though as if the only places I would go would be to the dorm or a music room or garden if you have those.” She stated, then glancing back over to the ecstatic Nova. “But maybe we should get you some ice for your shoulder, even small stuff like that really sucks.” She laughed a bit. It was true, Rose wasn’t very great on her feet if she wasn’t fully paying attention or seriously focused.

Of course she had been in way bigger accidents, but that's not something she finds joyful and funny to remember.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Nova King Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Rose followed a short distance behind him, Nova close by at her side as they finally made their way out of the class room area. Rose shook her head at the guys question, “Sorry, I haven’t.” She said, a bit apologetically. “What kind of band is it and what do you play?” She questioned, giving a small blink of her hazel eyes. His question took her aback for a second about what she played, and she paused from her walking, but continued on quickly running back up to Novas side. “I play a bit of piano, but mostly guitar. I also have a ukulele, but that’s really easy to pick up if you know guitar. Well... I guess it helps if you have smaller hands to.” She mumbled, glancing down at her pale and frail hands. She left out the part about her being able to sing. Yeah, that wasn’t something she shared, she felt embarrassed about it.

She only actually had the ukulele for a small time. Six months to be exact. It had been her birthday present from Gabriel. She barley ever played it for that reason, and when she did it as always by herself and when she felt kind of upset. The thing was that he died the night before her birthday. Well, actually it was past 12 AM so it technically was her birthday. When she finally got out of the hospital weeks later, his mom had found it in his closet with a birthday card meant for Rose, and so she gave it to her. Rose really didn’t like her birthday after that, and it was kind of hard to even look at the pretty little ukulele.

Shaking off the sad thoughts like she always did, she moved her gaze from her hands, and over to Nova. “Oh, you don’t have to worry about me playing it in the dorm. I never used to even play it in my room, mostly outside or in my old school music area.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Nova King Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Edward arrived at practice slightly late, surely the coach was suppose to be there but surprisingly he didn't show up for the whole practice the whole team waited around, for a bit before deciding to leave. However, Edward waited around for a bit, before deciding maybe he should go grab his guitar from the dorm.

After returning he realized nobody was there maybe Jay is still hanging around somewhere writing his lyrics, so he proceed back to the field with his guitar.

As the wind blew on his face he strummed a familiar tune, it was the song that he wrote with Rose when they were little.

Before he realize it the girls team had begun arriving....sigh guess the coach forgot he had a team to train....or yeah he is request for a sub had been lost in the office secretaries desk. Oh well time to go back to the dorm.

And then he remembered Nova is on the soccer team as well, it's never really occurred to him but then he thought, maybe it's just a good idea to stay and say hi before going off.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Amelie Kingsbury Character Portrait: Nova King Character Portrait: Jason Micheals Character Portrait: Edward Murphy
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Nova looked amazed, "You play that many different instruments? I wish I could play just one." she said and continued, "I don't mind if you want to play in the dorm. I really like listening to music."

As they walked down the hall Nova noticed one of the clocks, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I gotta run." she said quickly, "I'll see you around, Jay and I'll see you later, Rose!" she gave a quick wave and a bright smile before hurrying off down the hall towards the locker rooms, accidentally running into an open classroom door on the way. She shook off the shock of the impact and kept on running down the hall. If she was late for another practice her coach would have her running laps all of practice.

She changed as quickly as she could in the locker rooms before running out to the field. Amazingly enough she wasn't late, in fact, she was slightly early.