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Jared Hyles

A fire-controlling sociopath.

0 · 584 views · located in Gamma Sector: Contamination Risk

a character in “Deep 17”, as played by Arkanistka


ID: 8977-X4
Registered Name: Jared Hyles
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 183 lbs
Age: 34
Physical characteristics: Short brown hair and brown eyes, tan skin and a few moles on his face. Anyone who would meet him on the street would just pass by, without even noticing anything unusual. Doesn't have any physical abnormalities, except of tiny burn scars on the inside of his palms.
Behavioral characteristics: well-mannered, thoughtful, intelligent with sociopathic personality traits. A good listener, uses heard informations for his own purposes. Egoistic.
Abnormalities: Can use pyrokinesis – his palms can create flames big enough to burn even a medium-sized building (side note: his room needs to be closed and fireproof). It is unknown if the subject has any resistance to fire.
Containment protocol:
Weaknesses: Can't stand most types of stench, his sense of smell is slightly better than a normal human's, a defensive reaction occurs while being exposed to the factor.
Comforts: He enjoys talking to people he finds intriguing in some way, likes tea and a good book.
Discomforts: He hates when people are ignoring him, get angered by restraints.
Subject overview: He worked as a psychotherapist in a clinique. He was a kind and helpful person. The first signs of abnormalities and a character change towards sociopathic occured after a car accident he was a victim of. Usually doesn't kill people, those who annoy him he leaves with a few burning wounds.

So begins...

Jared Hyles's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Fontaine Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage Character Portrait: Alexander Johnson Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Tyler Ryan
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#, as written by Davien
Frankie drifted in and out of sleep, sitting propped up in a booth next to the small confectionary stand. The booth, strategically located in the back corner of the shops seating area, was the most concealed area he could find. Still bleary from the sedatives and weak from the surgery, he basked in short window of solitude he had. Taking a deep breath, he felt a twinge of dulled pain come from several places. Not helping was the unfamiliar way Frank was having to position himself with the bewildering changes to his frame and fresh incisions from recent surgeries.
With both hands, he reached for the empty teacup in front of him. Just as he was taught, he raised it to his muzzle and made a sipping sound. Even if he knew there was no liquid in the cup, which was up for debate, the action itself seemed to have a calming effect. His mind was a jumble of questions he couldn’t even ask at the moment, feelings of unease brought on by some of the other patients and doctors.

With only one eye, it was hard to gauge how close or far away any given one was. Even with that being the case, his current position nestled into the seat of this current booth, out of sight and mind gave him some comfort. Plus, having no doctor giving him constant attention at least helped him make one friend. He made the slightly annoying sipping sound again, a bit louder this time.

Frankie played the role of quiet observer, watching as other expirements filed into the area. At least one thing can be said, it was certainly more entertaining and exciting than the holding cell they had him in. This being his first outing, he did have a subliminal instinct and urge to roam buried under the drugs. His friend had actually suggested they take a walk, but poor Frankie just didn’t quite feel up to it. Just the mental stimulation alone was starting to give him a headache. Or maybe that was the sedatives wearing off. He took another deep breath, pads gripping the porcelain cup a bit tighter.

Shifting his weight again, he found another position which wasn’t putting weight on his back. He put down the cup, closing his eyes and laying his head down on the table. Facing his gaze outward, he continued to watch the surrounding area, wondering if all of them had been put through what he had, and if they could remember back before a few days ago, like he couldn’t.

The setting changes from Alpha Sector to Delta Sector: Maximum Security

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Fontaine Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage Character Portrait: Alexander Johnson Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Tyler Ryan
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#, as written by Zaria
Life in a cell is such a boring life…always under surveillance, there’s always almost nothing to do. It’s sad because all she wants is to see them cry, fear for their lives, run and run as the blood fest once again starts.

She knew that with each failed escape, chance for blood fest and success was smaller. Chance for entertainment also, but entertainment could be found in form of those who guard her, in form of those who are called scientists and last…in form of “subjects”.

Somehow she sit still, motionless.

Usually she’s always moving, always searching for a way out.
That’s when she’s agitated…now Velera is bored.
“Ohh, come on…Why won’t anyone come?” She looked up to one of surveillance cameras, hoping for something, or someone to come.
“ What a bore…” She sighed, and her sight went to hands, hands marked with small scars.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Fontaine Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage Character Portrait: Alexander Johnson Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Tyler Ryan
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Jared finished the book he was reading and sighed. Again it took him only a week to read everything the scientists brought to him, from „Lord of the Rings Trilogy” to a book about quantum physics. He looked over to the gaming console he asked for but it wasn't giving him the thrill.

He got up and went towards the cell door made of reinforced glass. As usual, the staff was busy or was ordered to ignore the man. After driving a scientist towards depression, Jared was prisoned in a cell in Sector Gamma of the facility. The girl already had signs of depression, he just pushed a bit and it ended up with her trying to commit suicide. Human lifes were just so delicate, so easy to destroy. It wasn't his actual purpose, he only was bored and she needed a person to talk to. He used her, as he used everyone since his accident.

He noticed a redhead walking towards his cell. He took a chair, placed in in front of the communicator in the door, and sat down. When the girl approached, he said: „My, my, if it isn't Scar. And here I thought everyone is going to bore me to death. I would offer you a cup of tea but I burned the kettle. Also, I doubt that I'm allowed to give anything to anyone here.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Fontaine Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage Character Portrait: Alexander Johnson Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Belynta
Tabitha yawned and stretched her arms over her head feeling a satisfying crunch as she did so. She slowly disentangled herself from the nest she had made of her blankets and stretched again. She had no idea what time it was, there wasn't much need for time in the facility, and didn't much care. She slept without any particular schedule simply sleeping when she was tired. Her room was dark, it had no windows, with only a sliver of light from under the door to see by. But Tabitha wasn't bothered by this, she could see just fine. She yawned again and debated whether or not to go back to bed, it wasn't as if she had anything important to do, but she decided against it. She changed out of the cotton trousers and t shirt into a frilly green maxi dress and colourful kimono over her shoulders before looking at one of the cameras in the room.
"Y'all gonna let me out today?"

The answer was an electronic beeping sound and Tabitha grinned and nodded to the camera. "You guys are such darlins today."

She wandered down the corridor to the rec area where there was shops and seats and where the other Alpha patients gathered. Tabitha had done her time in the more secure wings, especially when she'd first arrived, and was reminded again how good it was not to be stuck in her room all day. She hated her room, simply because she knew she was locked in, and spent as much time as she could out of it.

There wasn't many patients there and Tabitha sighed, so much for some entertainment. Damn this place was so boring, there was only so much playing with wool and hunting stuff she could stand. She sniffed the air picking up some new scents, one was distinctly animal and she zeroed in on the fox sitting in a booth.
He was well hidden and if she hadn't smelled him, an odd mix of fur, chemicals and...death. She felt an urge to stalk him, he wasn't likely to hear her approach, but she pushed the urge down. She was all too aware of what would happen if she behaved like that and wasn't keen on losing the relative freedom she had.

There was only one other patient in the room who looked human but smelled odd, but then everyone there smelled odd so that was nothing new. She walked into the room without hesitation feeling no insecurity about meeting new people. She was fully confident in herself.

"Morning y'all. Welcome to dullsville." She sat near the human looking guy but also not far from the fox, she wanted to watch him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Fontaine Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage Character Portrait: Alexander Johnson Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Tyler Ryan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zaria
Once more she wandered into a strange place, with a strange person. Seemingly simple man visibly bored, and trying to start a chat.
His cell had a window made of glass, beside it was some kind of communication device, and man sat in front of glass window.
Device had a button, button that she pushed, red light changed to green and it seemed he could now hear her.

“Says who exactly?” Her arms crossed as she waited for an answer from this strange man sitting in cell.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Fontaine Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage Character Portrait: Alexander Johnson Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Belynta
Tabitha grinned at Tyler and took his hand and shook it firmly but not too firmly. She had taken a long time to learn how to control her enhanced strength and could now do most mundane things without breaking anything. Though for all she knew this man, who was apparently actually a blob like thing, might not have any actual bones to break.

"Well now." She drawled. "I ain't seen one of you here before an I have seen most. Been here years an seen all sorts but don't think I've ever seen a blob man."

She leaned back in her chair, the position looked precarious but she wasn't worried about falling, and grinned again.

"You mean you haven't guessed, well damn thats another first." She pointed to her eyes that although a normal colour had vertical pupils and looked identical to that of a cats.

"Some genius thought it was a good idea to mix cat and human together, see what happened I guess. They got me." She shrugged her eyes returning to the Fox in the corner. "Pretty normal if you see some of the others in here, if I knew who made me guess I oughta thank them for not doing sumethin worse."

She laughed then a playful sound. "Though its hell on a girls nails, you wouldn't believe how many scratching posts I go through in a month. Must cost em a fortune. Oh I forgot, i'm Tabitha but you can call me Tabby if you like. Its sorta a running joke around here."

She cocked her head to one side and watched the Fox unblinking, damn she really wanted to chase him. "You know there's a kind of dead, not dead Fox over there right? "

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Fontaine Character Portrait: Alexander Johnson Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Jared Hyles Character Portrait: Frankie (RGN-01F) Character Portrait: Dr. Addler
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0.00 INK

Jared made himself comfortable in his chair. It really was nice to have someone to talk to.

"Jared Hyles. You could say I'm keeping my eyes and ears open for everything that is happening in this facility. Especially when it comes to people who are staff and patient at the same time. So, Scar, do you mind if I'm going to talk to you for a while? It's so boring in here, I'm feeling like an alien on a distant planet. They don't allow me to watch news here, imagine that. They treat animals better than humans. Pah, they even treat a tree better than me." He watched the redheads face to see her reaction. She seemed like someone running away from the past, trying to keep strong and calm, burning just below the surface.

"But enough about me. What brought you here, except for your powers?" He asked mostly to sate his curiosity but he knew also that such an information might proof useful for him. Like it always did.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Jared Hyles
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zaria
"You? Alien? Funny, ask the idiot with chainsaw, she's not of this world and went nuts cause of emotions she experienced..." Flania couldn’t help, but chuckle. She knew well that he observed her every action, and as always she limited herself, her facial expression mostly cold once more.

“We can talk, if you are so curious, though don’t be surprised if you won’t get the thing you so desire.”
His question about her seemed to be born out of curiosity, but it’s a different talking case – he’s seemingly calm and collected, yet may seem to search for a way out.

“Boredom? I’m allowed to enter gamma sector more often than delta sector for obvious reasons, not to mention I angered her…”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Fontaine Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage Character Portrait: Alexander Johnson Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Tyler Ryan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by DAOMR
There was no noise coming out of the silence in the room. Opening his mouth didn't amplify any smaller sounds either.

He could hear his own echoes and the echoes of his echoes at a low, uncomfortable volume that he couldn't reach with his complaints. Understandably, Hanan had started to shift around his room in the facility after having rested for the past 51 hours. For the same reason of having slept for so long, when he moved he'd take the chair with him, wearing a stiff upper lip as he did so.

It was a dark room, no noise - the Scientists had obliged him and kept everything dark and quiet at his request. But he hadn't obliged himself for a long time, and had kept himself noisy, unrestful, hypocritical in his cell for as long as he could remember so that it wouldn't be quiet. Although his desire to keep the room quiet hadn't changed, he'd become more energetic for lack of a better schedule or company.

As the chair squeaked due to its rubbing against the concrete floor, he stared frowning at the Roman candle in the middle of the room. This was the only luxury that remained, or perhaps the only luxury he ever had. He could remember a time where he had the luxury of being able to read books. Admittedly, all the factors that worked against his health didn't compare to the fact that he hadn't read a single book since the first day he was detained in this facility. He wanted to read one of Kafka's works, ideally "Der Trial", a book he found out about by coincidence, because he was sure it wasn't esoteric. Kafka had become a household name in the collective consciousness of the Merzbows. Eventually he reminded himself that reading Kafka would be a gratification he'd have to delay, as long as he had a duty to fulfill to these scientists. Apparently it was for the safety of others, and he didn't suspect a thing about that - it seemed perfectly unstrange that they were alarmed.

He'd accidentally injured, fatally injured, mortally wounded and maimed a few people. Then he'd done what seems to have been described as "killing quite a few researchers". Their names weren't countless but he couldn't remember a single one of their names, and therefore couldn't lament the loss at all. After all this time of being a subject, it would be suspect that he was in any fit state to lament anyway

Things were just as they were, and would be for quite some time again. Someone magnetized by his strangeness might meander in to ask whether he was alright and then they'd leave again for a number of days, because he was an unscheduled act. He was glad, in a way, that his violent novelty had worn off. People fell in to a steady pattern of hating him with an edge of sympathy.

In a way he wanted enemies and got them, so he'd started to move on to his other aims. He wanted to go outside now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Jared Hyles Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Dr. Addler Character Portrait: Mr. Grimms
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0.00 INK

Seated before GNS-88's large containment tank was the somewhat withered form of Dr. Addler, gazing deeply into a book before the tinted glass. From the other end, only a glow seen from a pair of blue eyes could be seen, and a vague form shifting around. He was quietly reading a story to the subject inside, who was intently watching on the other side. Attention went unbroken as the sound of heavy steps approached.

"... soon borne away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance," Hayden says, before closing the book and raising his head to meet the eyes. There was a bit of silence between them, until a shadow cast itself over the doctor, the eyes of GNS-88 raising up. "Mr. Grimms," he says, in a tone that barely masks his weariness. Reaching over with his massive hand, Grimms takes the book in between his fingers and thumbs through a few pages. "H-hey, that is a classic," Hayden meekly protests, getting up to stand before the titan.

"Doctor, don't you feel that reading material like this is perhaps... a bit inappropriate?" Grimms asks, somewhat condescendingly, before shutting it and presenting it back to Dr. Addler, a slight amount of steam escaping from between the teeth of his mask. "You may inspire it to turn against you."

"It," Hayden begins, hurriedly taking the book into his left arm, looking up to Grimms, pushing up his glasses. Despite the size of Grimms, he was still "This is only a story, she understands that. Besides, she was already given what the monster was not. I think I've well established order here. In fact, keeping her in this ridiculous tank, I feel is-"

"She spreads," Grimms bluntly states.

"Only to the dead, she's no risk to the living," the doctor retorts.

"Exactly, and by that same logic, we're outnumbered," Grimms replies, grimly no less. He then sighs, turning to the side. "But, as much as I'd love to wax semantics with you, good doctor, I would have you know that my little Saiph has arrived, bonding right now, I would hope. If there had been any other venue, I'd allow her to go about as she has, but, well, I would allow no other eyes than yours to understand the depths of my concerns."

"I read, but I'm not sure how I... I mean, we here can provide the help that you, I mean, as her father can..." Hayden begins, cut off as he watches Grimms's eyes dim from within the mask. Conceding to the wishes of Stepping back, he clears his throat. "We'll... do what we can."

"Good, I'll return periodically to check on her progress, but for now I have business to attend. Until then, do try to take better care of yourself, doctor, you look haggard," Grimms says, turning away from the doctor and beginning to walk away. His departure is interrupted by the sound of GNS-88's comm clicking to life, her blue eyes now fixated upon him.

"Grimms," a female voice speaks from the other end, a soft voice, gentle voice, almost human, were it not for an unnatural resonance to it. The eyes of Grimm flicker briefly in response, his head turning halfway to catch the tank from the corner of his eye, greeted by Bashemath's smiling face now partially visible against the tinted glass. "Perhaps, you would read to me in daddy's stead sometime... you could bring material that you deem more appropriate. It would be oh so very interesting from you."

There was a brief silence as Grimms stood there, his eyes flickering momentarily once again. Hayden tenses up, ready to cover for his beloved experiment until the giant silently turns away and starts leaving.

"As you wish," he finally responds, before fully vacating the sector. Hayden audibly sighing in relief, hunching over and rubbing the back of his neck. He then turned to look towards Jared's containment, finally noticing that he's gained a visitor in the form of Flania Scar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tabitha Louise Fontaine Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage Character Portrait: Alexander Johnson Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Tyler Ryan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Belynta
Tabitha instantly recognised and understood the Fox's behaviour, most animals retreated to hide when injured and although this creature was certainly not just a Fox, enough instinct remained for it to seek a hiding place. She bent and picked up the bracelet looking at it briefly before picking up the cup and carefully putting the sweets and fruit back in from where they had spilt on the floor. She wrinkled her nose at the pervading smell of rotten meat that had hit the air mixed with the scent of blood, if anything was guaranteed to get her to avoid hunting the Fox that was it. She wasn't a dog to be eating carrion. It didn't occur to her to question how a Fox smelling of dead meat was up and walking around, things just happened like that at Deep 17.

"Frankie huh." She said aloud. "Cool name."

She walked over to the booth and careful to not accidentally touch Frankie she placed the cup on the table in front of him and put the bracelet next to it. She placed a crumpled piece of tissue that she'd found on the floor, humans liked to wipe their blood with them she remembered, next to the other things and cocked her head. Sometimes trying to think like a human and an animal was hard, should she do something else? Or leave him alone? She decided on the latter remembering how she always wanted to be alone to lick her wounds, literally, when she was injured.

"Frankie."She said quietly pointing at him and then pointing at her own chest. "Tabby." As she figured that was easier for him to pronounce.
"You come back on over when you feel like it. Don't be worrying yourself about anythin."

She then walked back over to the group. "I think maybe leave him alone for a few, that's what I'd want anyhow. So we have Tree man, Blob man, Cat Woman and..." She looked at Saiph. "what about you hon? I'm guessing you're not here cause you like the food. Though I guess someone's gotta like it."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Jared Hyles Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Dr. Addler Character Portrait: Mr. Grimms
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0.00 INK

„The girl in the Delta Sector... Funny, I've tried to talk to other members of staff about her and the only answer was dead silence. I guess she's even crazier than we, the patients of the Gamma Sector. And that seemed almost impossible. But I guess weirder things are going on right now. Also, if you're bored and I'm bored, so maybe we should do something together to get less bored? Doc Addler promised me he would let me out to watch the sunset this week, maybe I should ask him if he allows you to join me and watch me?”

Jared noticed Addler watching at him after Mr. Grimms left. He nodded the doctor.

„You could even ask him. Seems he's done talking to Bashe. Hey, Doc! Scar wants to ask you something!”

Hyles could finally use the opportunity to get out of his stinky cell without bloodshed. At least for half an hour. With a girl. Would be romentic if he wouldn't be extremely restrained.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Jared Hyles Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Dr. Addler Character Portrait: Mr. Grimms
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zaria
Flania chuckled, surprised he’s that much bored to even start something without asking her first if she wants to spend time with him.

But then again…

“Fine, I don’t mind, it’s always something…”

Flania turned to Addler.

“True is what he says, I want to spend some time with him outside…watch the sunset as he said!” She yelled, too lazy to shorten distance between her and Addler.

Unless I can’t – she thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flania Scar Character Portrait: Jared Hyles Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Dr. Addler
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0.00 INK

Addler thought for a moment, the words of Grimms still echoing in his mind. He smiled somewhat sheepishly to Jared and Flania. Strange, obsessive, perhaps even deranged as he was, he wasn't unkind, and perhaps, too, that made him weak in some regards. "Yes, that would be alright, a promise is a promise, after all," he says, rather calmly, whilst walking over to the cell. He keyed the release code and swiped his card and after a short validation, the doors slid open. "So, you are making friends, Jared? I'm delighted, actually, this is wonderful. Hah, not to sound sappy."

As he finished, he felt the specialized facility phone vibrate in his pocket, startling him briefly. He had the sound turned off since the ringtone tended to... agitate some subjects. Lifting it, he didn't hesitate to answer, and before he could ask what they wanted, a voice on the other end boomed at him. "W-what... was anyone hurt? Okay, good... huh? No, I don't recognize that... huh?" He rubbed his forehead as the man on the other end continued, but he motioned for Jared and Flania to go on ahead. "Listen, if it didn't cause anything more than a few minor cuts and bruises, it isn't above a class 2, and clearly it didn't have ill intent... I think we should try... wait... wait..."

Thumbing through his phone he noticed some of the cameras were coming up as having no signal, one of them being Velera's cell camera.

"Some of the cameras are malfunctioning in your area, including Miss Strage's room... the door is still locked? Alright... good... huh..? You hear talking..?"

"I hear whispers in the corners, I feel a tremble in the aether... what has been brought here, father?" Bashemeth murmurs, hands pressed against the glass of her cell. "Let me handle this, let me be useful... I want to be useful. I promise I will not hurt anyone, you know I won't, in fact I cannot. Well, not anymore, anyways..." Behind the glass, the humanoid creature gave a smile just as sheepish as her creator's. Hayden felt something sink inside, knowing that every word was meant by a creature that cannot comprehend deception, and despite that, he still could not release her. "Don't worry, I understand, father, please don't be upset! It was just a suggestion, is all! Though I would love to help someday."

"I know," Hayden said, barely audible under his breath.