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Jimmy Storm

"Bet you can't beat me in hide and go seek."

0 · 794 views · located in Descendant Tower

a character in “Descendant Academy”, originally authored by yukoman997, as played by RolePlayGateway



Full Name: James Johnson Storm
Nicknames: Jimmy // Invisiboy
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Origin: Boston, Massachusetts
Species: Mutant
Classification: Level 7 // Mental


Height: 6'1"

Weight: 200 pounds

*Broad shoulders*
*Athletic, lanky, muscular build*
*Short Hair*
*Facial hair varies*

+Several tattoos in invisible ink+
+Burn scar on left forearm+


+ Able to render himself invisible
Has basically perfected this skill.
+ Able to render objects and people around him invisible
Up to 100 feet at this point.
+ Can bend light to distort the reality of those around
Can only make one person see things at a time at this point.
+ Can mentally generate force fields and objects for combat
Very proficient with this.
+ Can cause objects to explode by expanding psionic forces within it
Has recently reached proficiency in this skill.
+ Can walk on air by conjuring solid psionic objects to walk across
Still learning with this skill.
+ Can control multiple psionic entities at once
Can only control two or three weaker fields at once at this point.

Practical Skills
+ Very high IQ
+ Master strategist
+ Proficient in hand to hand combat

X Blows to any of his psionic forces inflict pain on his brain
Sometimes this causes him to lose his focus and lose the forces he has conjured.
X Some less practiced psionic objects aren't as strong as they should be
Nothing like the indestructible forces that his mom conjures yet.
X Ridiculous migraines
His mom says they'll fade, and they have some, but not all the way.

Fear of Failure
With his mom being a perfectionist, he comes by this honest.


Positive Characteristics
+ Funny
Jimmy loves to make people laugh.
+ Smart
Jimmy is a genius just like his mom.
+ Determined
Jimmy is driven to get what he wants.
+ Energetic
Jimmy never stops going and is very optimistic.
+ Trusting
Jimmy chooses to believe in people until they give him a reason not to.
+ Fearless
Jimmy dives into things head first. He is confident in any situation.
+ Thoughtful
Jimmy wants to help others in ways both big and small.

Negative Characteristics
X Obsessive
Jimmy's drive gets the best of him sometimes, and he can get crazy over some things.
X Cocky
Jimmy is very confident in his own abilities... too confident.
X Impatient
Jimmy does not like to wait on the things he wants.
X Stubborn
Jimmy absolutely will not listen to others once his mind is made.
X Naive
Because he is so trusting, Jimmy can be gullible.
X Demanding
Jimmy expects a tremendous amount from those he aligns himself with.
X Perfectionist
Jimmy pushes to be perfect... at all costs.


Jimmy is the son of Susan Storm and former US District Attorney David Franklin. After Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) died of a bout with cancer, leaving Susan alone, she married a normal human being. They had Jimmy, Growing up, Jimmy had a special relationship with his parents. They taught him he was special from day one and nurtured his powers very early on. He basically grew up around the people of Xavier's School for the Gifted even before he could ever actually attend. Xavier himself was Jimmy's godfather. Once he was old enough, Jimmy left home to join the school. He trained extremely hard there, pushing himself to the brink of his youthful limits. Then he developed the migraines. At first, they were so bad that he refused to exercise his powers. After awhile his mother was able to help him learn to work around them well enough that he returned. Since then, they have subsided some. Still, they haunt him and he fears their return. Jimmy had a pretty easy life devoid of tragedy until his father died when he was 17 in a car accident. This hardened Jimmy, causing him to see the world with much less optimism. Jimmy has always believed that his father's death was no coincidence. He is driven to avenge his father, despite his mother's constant assurances that his father's accident was just that. That is hat brought Jimmy to Descendant Academy. He felt he had so much more to learn and discover about his powers and himself.

Hex Code: #0000BF FC: Dylan O'Brien

So begins...

Jimmy Storm's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wren Wilson Character Portrait: Frankie Parker Character Portrait: Petra Maximoff Character Portrait: Lilith Isley Character Portrait: Riley Barton Character Portrait: Ross McCulloch
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#, as written by mjolnir
T I M E x J U M P x T O x B E F O R E x T H E x G A L A . . .


wren wilson

It suffices to say, that Wren wasn't expecting Jack to take what she said so literally. Well, that's what she gets for putting her foot in her big ass mouth. Whatever. Maybe there was some truth in her words. She wasn't the type of person a 'better' hero should be going with. Hell, she's probably one of the people on Thaddeus Ross' list of supes to keep an eye on.

"Maybe I shouldn't go?" Wren muttered to herself as she stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her torso.

"Ms. Wilson, may I remind you that the mentors expect everyone's presence tonight," J.A.R.V.I.S. interjected in his usual creepy computer way.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Wren took a second towel, ruffling as much water out of her hair as possible. She wrapped the towel around her head, and began to brush her teeth. With a mouth full of tooth paste, she continued to complain to herself, trying to figure out a way to get of this damn gala. It's safe to say, she came to no such conclusion.

She spit into the sink with a disgusted groan. "Fuck."

Wren walked back to her bedroom, snatching up her cell phone from her bed. She stood there, staring at the blank screen way longer than what would have been necessary. It was in that moment that Wren truly realized how small her circle of friends was. She raised her free hand to pinch the bridge of her nose as she took a deep breath, laughing weakly.

After composing herself, she swiped through her contacts.

Compose text message to : Speedy Gonzales
"You've just been promoted to my date. The color is red if we wanna be total lesbos and dress to match. Be there in 30."

Wren chucked her phone on her bed, before heading back to her bathroom. Being as low maintenance as Wren was, she didn't feel the need to do anything extravagant with her hair and makeup. Plus, it's not like she knew how to do anything fancy anyways. It wasn't like she was going to this Gala to find a husband or something. The mentors were lucky that she was trying to make a decent enough impression. That was enough.

With her hair in some semblance of an updo, Wren made her way to her closet. She made sure she had an evening gown in case the occasion was called for... Or, she felt like the need to be way over the top for no apparent reason. "I guess I should dress like a somewhat sophisticated female," Wren groaned, pulling the dress off the hanger. It took her twice as long as it did to do her hair, just to get into the damned dress. The worst part of it was the giraffe shoes. She'd be lucky if she didn't fall at least once throughout the evening.

She was about to head out of her penthouse, but stopped mid step. Wren felt... naked. She hurried back over to her weapons closet. It took her awhile to find the sleek silhouette thigh gun holster. She never had a need for concealed carry. Everyone knew Wren was more of a loud and proud, wave my guns in your face, type. But, this would do.

Wren velcroed the holster around her upper thigh. As she grabbed the small pistol and started holstering it, J.A.R.V.I.S. chimed in, "Apologies Ms. Wilson, but the mentors have instructed a strict 'no weapons' policy for the entirety of the Gala."

Wren groaned, slamming the gun on the table in front of her, then ripped the holster off. "We can't just trust everyone who walks through the doors to not try something, J.A.R.V.I.S. We're going to have every U.N. official, Thaddeus Ross, and a majority of superhuman forces in the same building at once. That's a fucking jackpot."

"I believe the mentors see all the academy members as weapons in themselves. They have the utmost confidence in all the students' abilities to defend the academy and everyone in it."

Wren snorted, pivoting on her heels and walking towards her door. "No they don't, J.A.R.V.I.S. They don't trust us." With that, she exited her apartment, slamming the door behind her.

She made her way down towards the elevator. It took Wren a couple strides to get the hand of the long hem, and large slit in her dress. She occasionally got her heel clipped on the train of her gown. She sighed as she pressed the button for the elevator, adjusting the skirt. "Get your shit together, Wren. It's just a fucking dress."

Wren took the elevator to Caitria's floor, seeming to finally have a handle of her gown as she walked down the hallway. She gave a knock on the door, before calling out to her friend. "Your knight in plush velvet gown is here. Ready to break hearts and be bored out of our minds?"


tobias lehnsherr

"I was officially uninvited... Mycroft made that pretty clear," Tobias said into his phone as he stood in front of a floor to ceiling window that looked out over the bay. His left arm was stretched over his head, forearm pressed against the cool glass.

"Tobias," Mystique said on the other end of the call. "That's discrimination. They can't exclude you because of your father.

"Mom, they already have. They do it all the time. Sometimes I just want to be the monster they see... It'd be easier that way."

"You can't think that way... Toby, you have a kind heart. I just wish other people could see that."

Tobias looked down, scratching at his bare abdomen with a sigh. He softly tapped his foot on the ground, but didn't know what to say in response. He knew Mystique was trying to make him feel better, but days like that day... It was harder to believe that he was so different from his father.


"...I'm here."

Mystique sighed. "Honey, I think you should go with Petra, like she offered. If you were like your father, you wouldn't be so upset about not being invited. Go to the Gala, and show everyone... Including that dumbass Mycroft why you are part of the academy. Show them your—"

Mystique was cut off. Shuffling and mumbling could be heard on the other side of the line. "Mystique?... Mom?"

"Mom? She didn't bear you."

Tobias instantly felt a pit grow in his stomach. A clammy sensation began to cover his palms as he clenched his fists. "Oh, it's you."

"Now, is that anyway to greet your father?" Tobias didn't reply. "Well, if you ask my opinion... I agree with Mystique."

"What are you talking about?"

"Go to this gala... Show them that you are this golden boy. Nothing like your wretched father."

Tobais' brows furrowed, nostrils flared. What in the hell was he talking about? There was always an ulterior motive with Magneto. But it was just a mask. A facade, that he was using to guilt trip Tobias, or use reverse psychology on him.

"That is what you want after all..." Then, as if flipping a switch Erik's voice changed back to the monster Tobias was all too familiar with. "Tobias, you are not in line to be in the Avengers, X-men or Justice League. They don't want you. No one does... No one, but me. The Brotherhood is your home. And you will be part of this family, and perform your role spectacularly. Or, so help me."

Tobias pushed off the window, and began pacing around his room. "You will listen to me son, and listen well. I'm tired of hearing you complain to Mystique with your struggles like your some teenager in High School. You will do what you were sent there to do and that is that. Cross me and I'll send you Raven's head in a box. Do you hear me boy?"

His hands were shaking. The rattling of metal around him rang in his ears. He clenched his jaw, inhaling sharply. "Tobias Lehn—"

"I got it!" Tobias hissed.

"Oh you do? Prove it." Tobias' heart skipped a beat. No, not this. Anything but this. "I want you to kill Thaddeus Ross. You have until midnight, or you'll never hear from Mystique again."

Click. The line went dead. Tobias closed his eyes tightly. When he opened them, his phone was in pieces in his palm. He turned to face his apartment, sighing when everything was in disarray. He brought his hand up to rub his temples. Magneto made Tobias' blood boil. He knew exactly how to manipulate him to do whatever he wanted. He refused to kill Thaddeus. Doing something like that would ruin everything the academy has worked so hard for. But if he didn't... He'd kill Mystique.

Tobias wanted nothing more to be able to talk to someone... Maybe, Petra. But at the academy the walls have ears, or J.A.R.V.I.S. He'd be lucky if the computer didn't hack and record his phone call. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place, worse than he had been since he arrived at the academy. He slammed his hand into the wall, letting his gaze fall the small table in front of him. Sitting perfectly center, untouched by his temper infused wage, was a corsage.

He stared at it for a long moment. "Fuck it." Tobias stormed off towards his room, changing into the tuxedo he had laid out. He checked his appearance in the mirror, scooped up the corsage and headed out the door. He checked his watch as he took the stairs down a few flights until he reached Petra's floor. What in the hell was he doing? It was like that day, he was destined to piss every single person off... Aside from Petra. He'd figure the rest out later.

When he reached her door, he gave it a gentle knock. Then waited patiently. Once the door opened, Tobias held out the corsage, giving a slight smile. "I uh... Didn't know what color you'd wear, so I figured white would work." He held out his free hand for a moment, before slowly taking her right hand. He took the Calla Lily corsage out of the box and placed it on her wrist. "I also have a weird question... Can I borrow your phone?"



frankie parker

Frankie had been dressed and ready to go for awhile. Unlike some of the other students at the academy, she had been trying to strategize how to make the best impression on Thaddeus Ross. This was an important evening. It could set their future for the rest of their lives. Although she understands the need for control, it wouldn't work. Heroes... Vigilantes... They have to work above the law. It's a flawed system but any other way wouldn't work.

Look at the police, FBI, CIA... They all work under laws and rules, and they can't do everything that needs to be done. That's where we come in. We handle what can't be handle by anyone else. But, the second we're on a leash, out power goes away. Of course, Frankie couldn't say that to them. It'd make her look reckless and against the law.

It's a fine line to walk. In the end, Frankie decided she should just... Be herself. Just show that she is a good person, and hope that is enough. What else could she do? One wrong word or opinion and that could tie the noose.

"Ms. Parker?" The computer's voice snapped her out of her own thoughts.

"Yes, J.A.R.V.I.S.?"

"The mentors have requested that you be present when our guests arrive."

Frankie's brows furrowed, and the nerves finally hit their full level. "Wait... What? I thought they wanted us to arrive afterwards... And—" She could hear the anxiousness in her voice.

"I believe they think it'd be beneficial to have someone like you there to great them."

"A hero descendant..." she mumbled softly under her breath.

"Not necessarily. I believe it is because you make a good first impression."

"When will they be arriving?"

"Within the next 10 minutes."

Frankie inhaled sharply, moving to her feet. She lifted up the hem of her dress, stepping into her heels. She went to grab her web shooters and froze with her hand over them. What kind message would that send? Going to a Gala, but still armed. It shows distrust or a dependency on her powers. No. She has to be normal, like everyone else... Just for the night. She snatched up her clutch purse, and headed towards the elevator.

Once she began a descent, Frankie whipped out her phone to send a quick text.

Compose a text to : Riley
"Mentors asked me to be there when Thaddeus Ross arrives. Wish me luck? You better be going. I'll need someone to save me from my nervous break down... And a dance partner :)"

She took a deep breath, slipping her phone back into her bag. Frankie's heart skipped a beat when the elevator came to a stop. When it opened she was greeted by Alfred. Thank god.

"Well don't you look just lovely Ms. Parker," he said offering her his arm like a gentleman. Frankie smiled nervously, taking his arm like it was her life line. "Nothing to worry about." He patted her hand gently. She couldn't be more happy that it was him versus Mycroft or Phil that was there waiting for her. "We thought you would be a good first impression for the U.N. officials. What better way to break the ice than with one of our kindest and most friendly pupils?"

Frankie's smile grew as Alfred's words helped fade away some of her nerves. He led her towards the main entrance of the Descendant Tower where Phil and Mycroft waited with the founders. "Mr. Wayne," she said, approaching Bruce Wayne, extending her right hand to shake his. "Mr. Stark." She greeted Tony Stark the same. "I didn't know you both would be attending."

"We'd be bad hosts not to be at our own Gala," replied Mr. Wayne with a smile.

"I just came to see if Thaddeus is still on hold from the last time he tried to call me," Tony laughed looking over at a slightly aggravated Bruce.

Frankie looked forward when she saw headlights approaching. "Are you sure I shouldn't just... Arrive with the others?"

"Nonsense," Tony replied, taking her arm from Alfred. "If you're anything like your dad, which I heard you are, you'll make a star impression... As long as you don't talk as much as he does."

Frankie laughed nervously. "I'll try not to."

"Tony, you're not helping," Pepper Potts chimed in as she joined the group on the other side of Mr. Stark. "Don't listen to him. I don't." She gave a Frankie a warm smile.

Numerous limos came down the long drive towards the tower. The first one coming to a halt at the curb in front of them. Alfred stepped forward, opening the door and out stepped Thaddeus Ross himself. He made his way through the mentors, greeting each of them like old friends until he came to a stop in front of her. Frankie smiled up at him, extending her right hand. "Hello Mr. Ross, I'm Fran—"

"Frankie Parker." He smiled, shaking her hand in greeting. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Hopefully, all good things."

Thaddeus laughed at her comment, following her inside. "You have my word, Ms. Parker." They made their way down the large hall towards the ballroom where soft orchestral music could be heard. Once entering the large room it was almost like entering a large winter wonderland. Glistening lights hung from the ceiling and dangled down the walls. A few dozen tables lit by candles sat on one side of the large room near extravagant tables of food and drinks. Then the center had a large opening, presumably for dancing. And the other end had the orchestra playing Mozart.

Frankie was shocked. Gala was an appropriate word to describe this. It was the nicest thing she had ever been to. More sophisticated than half of the people that went to the academy. She just hoped they all lived up to the standards that were being set. She looked over towards Thaddeus. "Would you like something to drink, sir?"

Thaddeus smiled. "Yes, thank you. How about a scotch."

Frankie nodded her head with a friendly smile and made her way to the bar. Oh lord, there's alcohol. Dear god, she hopes no one gets drunk. No better way to show they aren't qualified than a bunch of drunken enhanced humans acting like morons.


ross mcculloch
mirror masterx|xoutfitx|x#FF8D34

"Alright," Ross said to himself as he walked into the bathroom wearing only his suit pants, suspenders hanging off his hips. He stopped to look at himself in the mirror. Ross couldn't remember the last time he had to make himself look presentable... If ever. But, he was a descendant of a villain. That puts a sizable target on him. So, he most definitely has to be on his best behavior and look his best.

Plus, Petra would be there. Ross instantly shook his head, trying to push that thought away. "Yer not goin' to da Gala to impress ole finger wiggles. Yer goin' ta prove we don' need... Whater dat Ross fella be offerin'." He combed his hair back, before putting a little gel in his palms. He rubbed his hands together and froze as he slid his fingers back in his hair. He couldn't help but think about how pretty she'd probably look.

"Alright, alright." He held up his hands like he was arguing with himself. "Maybeh... Just one dance. That ner hurt anyone." Ross nodded his head in approval as he walked back to his room, putting on his button up shirt. He buttoned it up, before tucking the hem into his pants. He draped his necktie across his shoulders and slid the straps of his suspenders on as he walked back to the bathroom.

"Plus, it's not like she'd actually dance with meh," he said to himself as he tried to tie his neck tie. He groaned in frustration when he messed up for the third time. "Because I can't even fackin' tie a damn tie." He tried a couple more times, before deciding that his pride wasn't worth it. He grabbed his cellphone and watched a dumb tutorial online so that he got it just right.

He looked down at his phone once he finished, tempted to text and ask her if Tobias was going with her or not. Show up like a knight in... Well, nothing. He's not a knight. Who's he kidding. He took his phone and slid it into his pocket. Ross then walked back out to his room. He put on his vest, then green tuxedo jacket on top of it. He adjusted himself in the mirror one last time, making sure he looked as good as he could possibly manage. Even though he felt ridiculous, he at least looked like a civilized human being.

On his way out of his penthouse, he stopped when he saw his table of compact mirrors. Ross had a feeling in his gut that if he didn't take one, he'd regret it. Unlike most of the other descendants, their weapons are.... well weapons. But one compact mirror? Who would think twice about it? And it would be hidden in his pocket the entire night. He reached down, picking it up. Ross flipped it open, and slid his hand through the mirror to make sure it was active. He then closed it and slipped it into his breast pocket.

He made his way up to Riley's room in a timely manner and knocked on the door. Ross slid his hands into his pockets as he waited. "Aye, I need meh hot date ey was promised. Ya can't leave meh hangin', Barton." He leaned his right shoulder against the door frame as he waited. He pulled his phone once more from his pocket, flicked on the screen and nothing. He sighed. No surprise there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wren Wilson Character Portrait: Frankie Parker Character Portrait: Petra Maximoff Character Portrait: Lilith Isley Character Portrait: Riley Barton Character Portrait: Ross McCulloch
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#, as written by mjolnir

wren wilson

Wren grinned up towards Cas as his fingers wrapped around her hand that was placed in his palm. His other hand moved to the small of her back, gently pulling her closer to him until her chest was lightly pressed to his. To no surprise, Cassius seemed to know exactly what he was doing. After all, he looked like the type to be well bread. So, anything that called for more tact and class, he'd excel at. On the other hand, Wren was probably the farthest thing at this academy from classy and graceful. Luckily for her, her partner seemed to be more than capable of leading a dance with ease. It was a decent amount of time into the dance before she realized that she was moving in sync with him without a hiccup.

His gaze was intense and direct. Normally, something like that would make her uncomfortable. But instead, Wren held his gaze with ease, a small smirk cemented on her face. It was safe to say she had never seen a more attractive specimen in her life. It should have been intimidating, but everyone who knew Wren knew she loved a challenge. But so far, there wasn't even a minor hurdle. Just electric sexual attraction... And who could turn that down? She wouldn't be the first to admit that something else about him was even more intriguing, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Wren Wilson," he said softly, his face so close to her own that she could feel the warmth of his breath as he spoke. "I have to say you are not what I expected."

Her hand slowly moved from his upper arm, coming to rest upon the curve of his neck. She tilted her head to the side slightly as her finger tips ran along the edge of his tuxedo collar. "Oh really?" Wren asked with a smirk. Being completely frank, she probably wasn't the first thing anyone expected. She was the kind of person who danced to the beat of her own drum and kick anyone's ass who gave her shit for it. "And what was it you were expecting?" She couldn't help herself from asking.

Wren always wondered what people assumed about her before they met her. Especially someone like Cassius. She couldn't help but wonder what preconceived notions would be in a mind like his. No doubt if he was his father, Kilgrave would waste no time in using Wren as a weapon. Would mind control even work on her? She knew that telepathic nonsense did little to nothing to her... Something with her healing factor and something something. Professor Xavier explained it to her once, but Wren was fairly certain she was zoning out. So, he might have told her at some point in that boring conversation about how mind control would effect her. But again, did she listen? Nope.

But, even if it did work on her... Wren wasn’t intimidated or scared. It took a lot to intimidate her. She might not have powers that she can use offensively like some of the others in the academy. But unlike them, she could take a lot. Mycroft seemed more intimidating than over half of the people in this ballroom. But it still didn't scare her. Wren could be the only woman up against an army of more powerful mutants and laugh in their faces. Her fears were much more basic and primal.

As they continued to dance, there was a long period of silence. But it wasn't uncomfortable or awkward. A peaceful type of comfort without talking, allowing their minds to wonder while their bodies moved through the steps with ease. Then it seemed as though Cassius' gaze drew a bit more inquisitive and meaningful, causing Wren's brows to furrow ever so slightly like a silent question. "Do I not frighten you?" For such a heavy question, he asked it calmly. As he waited on her response, his hand slid lower down her back. The subtle movement sending a slight chill up her spine. She couldn't remember the last time someone's touch gave her chills… It was a good thing of course. If it wasn't, Cas' hand would be broken already.

This time instead of replying in a sarcastic or seductive manner, Wren kept herself fairly serious. She felt a question like that wasn't something to joke about. Contrary to what others believed, she did know when to be a sarcastic asshole and when not to be. Her hand shifted to the back of his neck, her thumb brushing the exposed skin above his suit collar. "No," she replied quietly with a slight shake of her head. She let her gaze drift about the hall, seeing the numerous eyes fixed upon the two of them. The sight of the both of them together obviously worrying them. A powerful and deadly combination, bodies pressed together in a waltz. It was almost like she was the gun and he was the trigger... And everyone there knew it. Wren looked back up at him. "Do I scare you?"

You know how it is always said there is a calm before the storm. An eery silence where a pin could drop and sound like a bomb. Sort of like the world was holding its breath waiting for the other shoe to drop. That sensation hit Wren like a freight train, causing her body to instantly tense. Her eyes widened slightly as she looked up Cassius. She brought herself closer to him. Her cheek softly pressed to his while her arm wrapped around his shoulders. To anyone else their dance just seemed to grow more intimate but her body was in a more protective and alert position. She now had a large view of the gala. Wren tried her best not to look on edge as her eyes darted around looking for something out of place. "Something's not right," she whispered quietly into Cassius' ear.

The song slowly came to and end, the ballroom drawing silent. It was so quiet that Wren's own breathing was deafening. She took in a sharp breath and held it. "We need to—"


The explosion ripped through the ballroom, sending everything flying in every direction. Wren couldn't stop the force of the explosion from sending them flying across the hall. She held as tightly as she could to Cassius. When being thrown through the air its nearly impossible to control what's going to happen. Luckily, Wren was the one who was slammed into the wall. The descent to the ground far below was much slower than the force from the blast. As best as she could, Wren positioned herself to take most of the impact of their fall.

"Ah!" She groaned out on impact. Wren looked up at Cassius. "Are you ok? Were you hurt?"

As carefully as Wren could manage, she slid out from under Cas. While sitting up, she winced feeling every piece of debris shift with her movements. But that was the least of her worries. She slowly moved to her knees, peaking around an overturned table. A whole the size of a school bus was ripped through the side of the hall. A loud chopping noise grew as a helicraft lowered beside the opening. Its side doors flew open. Before she could see who was inside, dozens of smoke grenades were tossed into the ballroom. Aside from creating a thick fog, Wren could smell traces of numerous toxins and drugs within the cloud.

Soldiers in head to toe riot gear and gas masks started flooding into the room. For just a second she caught a glimpse of the symbol on one of the men. Hydra. "There!" one of them shouted while pointing at her just before the smoke consumed Wren.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Wren quickly tore a piece of fabric from the skirt of her dress and held it to Cas' nose and mouth. "Stay hidden and try not to take deep breaths." Unfortunately, no amount of fabric would block those toxins forever. As she stood up, Wren could already see many of the U.N. officials collapse from the knock out gas. She was kicking herself for following the rules this time. If she had her guns, or even her swords these Hydra soldiers’ asses would be grass… But no.

Wren pulled off her stilettos, ditching one while holding the other in her right hand. Without her shoes she was able to run towards the Hydra soliders making minimum noise. She came up behind one, using her left hand to yank his helmet off his head. Before he was able to turn around, Wren slammed the heel of her shoe through his eye socket. She pivoted on her heels, turning to face another approaching solider. She took off in a sprint, jumping up and slamming both of her feet into his chest, sending the guy flying backwards. Wren quickly got back up on her feet and pinned down the armored man before he could get up.

"Congrats. You've been promoted to hostage." Wren tore the gas mask from his face along with his helmet. Then in a single swift motion, she smashed his helmet down into his nose, knocking him unconscious.

Before Wren could get up, something slammed her in the back like a battering ram. The second it hit her, she spat out blood, gasping for breath. Wren inhaled a painful breath as she looked down to find a whaling harpoon protruding out of her abdomen. Like a claw, tendrils expanded from it, wrapping around her frame. Then with a forceful jerk, she was pulled backwards knocking over Hydra soldiers in her wake. She was brought to an abrupt stop once inside the helicraft. Gloved hands quickly grab her head and with a forceful twist, they snap her neck causing Wren to slump over unconscious.

"Lock her up!" one of the soldiers barked to the other. "If she wakes up, break her neck again... Unless you wanna deal with a pissed of Wilson in closed quarters."


tobias lehnsherr

"I'm Petra Maximoff. It's good to have you join us." Tobias leaned out of the way slightly so that Petra could give Wynne a proper handshake. He wasn't going to stop her. Wynne may be trying to make nice, but she's fairly transparent when she goes straight for him. She wasn't fooling him.

But with the arrival of the ever so smooth Ross, Petra's attention was swiftly drawn to a more interesting companion. Not that Tobias blamed her or anything. She deserved to enjoy the night, as much as humanly possible. Wynne raised her champagne to meet his own that was extended towards her. "Please. Just Wynne will do." Tobias wasn't one for jokes like some of the others at the academy. If he was, he'd probably make some dumb remark referring to her as 'just Wynne.' But he wasn't. Instead he simply nodded his head in understanding before taking a sip of champagne.

"So, Tobias. I don't know if you've ever been the new kid - goodness knows I've been that person too many times - but each school has its own culture, and though I might not have the chance to fit in fully given my short time here I thought it'd be nice to hear from a student. What's the Academy like? Do you like it? What do you guys do?"

Tobias tried his best not to laugh coldly at the comment. Instead swirling his drink for a long moment. Be on your best behavior. Not that he was overly a dick like Wren Wilson or Thaleia, but he wasn't by any means the friendliest either. But, being friendly or at least cordial to Wynne was in the benefit of the academy. So he sighed softly, looking down at the ground for a moment. "Every day I feel like the new kid here." He didn't say it coldly or with a harsh bitterness. Just as a simple fact as if someone was asking him his age or favorite color.

He wasn't looking for pity or sympathy, but Tobias wasn't the type to lie either. There never seemed to be a purpose for that. She asked her questions, and now she will get her answers. He turned to face Wynne fully, tucking his free hand into his tuxedo jacket. "I do not believe I am the person to give you the answers you seek. Someone like you, a child of a hero would fit in much better than I do... And I've been here for years."

"It's better than where I was before this. Generally, everyone is treated equally... But, there are exceptions." Tobias didn't expand on that. Wynne seemed like a smart girl, and if she couldn't gather his meaning then it was her loss. "We spend most of our time training in simulations that test us on different levels." He sighed shrugging his shoulders. "If you're not going to be here long, as you say... Then why worry yourself over it? I hate to be the bearer of bad news but... The fact that you're being planted into the academy by the U.N. doesn't make it all that likely for you to make friends."

Tobias wasn't trying to be harsh or heartless but he didn't feel the need to filter or sugar coat his thoughts either. She wanted to know what she was going to get into. "Sure some people will be nice to you out of obligation... Or the rare few like Frankie Parker who doesn't have a mean bone in her body. But most likely, people will skirt around you like they do with me." And that was the truth of it. Son of Magneto, mutant planted in the academy to assess how they function? Neither one is that appealing. But, Wynne still had a better chance at making friends than he ever did.

With nothing more to add to her onslaught of questions, Tobias raised his champagne flute to his lips. He took a long drink, glancing over his shoulder towards the dance floor. He was a bit surprised at how many people are started to join. Although, most of them looked to be students. Smart. You can't particularly approach someone and bombard them with questions while they are dancing with someone else. Well, you could but it'd be very rude.

Then out of nowhere there was a loud, abrupt bang that shook the entire building. Instantly, Tobias turned towards the explosion, placing himself in front of Wynne. He planted his feet as firmly as he could and raised his hands up before him. With all the power he could manage, he stopped the pieces of metal shrapnel, while trying hold himself firm in his place. He wasn't able to block it all, just what was coming towards himself and a few others in the general area. Every piece of metal he stopped, fused together building shields to block those around him. But, that didn't stop pieces of concrete, glass and other non metal debris from flying towards him.

Tobias held it until the explosion died down, and everything within the hall settled. He exhaled deeply, releasing his hold as he fell to his knees. The makeshift metal shields collapsed to ground when he seized his control. His breathing was heavy and labored. When he finally looked down, a piece of glass the size of a cellphone was lodged in his left side, along with other tiny pieces of debris everywhere else. He didn't have time to pick any of it out, or try to help others to safety. The moment everything went quiet, a helicraft was hovering at the gaping hole in the tower, and the room was quickly filled with dozens of knock out bombs.

"Fuck," he whispered to himself, his left hand clutching his side. Between the knockout gas and the amount of blood loss from the wound, Tobias wasn't going to have strength for much longer. He looked towards the hole, watching as numerous Hydra soldiers flooded into the ballroom. He slowly stumbled to his feet, looking around through the dense smoke for Thaddeus Ross. Once Tobias found him, he waved his hand causing a metal box to entrap Thaddeus and the closest officials so that no one could get to them.

"Lehnsherr!" Several sets of footsteps came to a halt behind him. The sounds of gun safeties switching off and laser sights buzzing alerter him to the guns pointed at him. Tobias raised his hands in the air as he slowly turned around to face a dozen Hydra soldiers. After a second he gave his hands a quick flick... But nothing happened.

"Do you honestly think we didn't learn anything from your father?"

Tobias swept his right hand through the air in front of him, sending a table flying towards the soldier, knocking them over like bowling pins. He waved his index finger in a circle causing a metal chair to unravel and wrap itself around one of the Hydra men. Then with a push of Tobias' hand, the man shot backwards through the hole and plummeted to the bottom of the harbor. He started coughing as his vision began to get spots from the gas. He slowly limped his way forward, extending his hand towards another guard attempting to suck the iron from the man's blood.

But Tobias was too weak. Blood began to drip from his nose, while even more seeped through his fingers that clutched at his abdomen. While distracted with the man in front of him, he didn't notice the soldier that approached him from behind. Something slammed him hard in the back, wrapping around his body like a cobra. He screamed out when the tendrils pushed the piece of glass deeper into him as the fingers of the mechanism entrapped him. Without being able to control his own body, whatever was on him forced Tobias to his knees, with his arms extended behind him in a rigid pose.

"You can thank Kamar-Taj for that lovely piece of equipment," a cocky Hydra soldier said as he squatted down in front of Tobias. He gave the piece of machinery a flick. "The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak... Or Plastic Bands of Cyttorak if you want to get technical." The man stood up, and patted Tobias' cheek. "We figured you'd be a handful. I didn't think it'd actually be this easy."

Another soldier quickly joined them, looking between his companion and Tobias. "Are we taking him too?"

"Are you kidding?" The other responded, digging out a syringe from his utility pack. "We're already going to have the academy breathing down our necks. Do you really wanna have to deal with the Brotherhood too?" The man jabbed the syringe into Tobias' neck, injecting him with a powerful tranquilizer.

Tobias' eyelids quickly grew heavy, as the sounds around him started to mumble and blend together. "Have a nice sleep, Mr. Lehnsherr." The soldier then raised his gun, slamming the butt of the rifle into Tobias' head, instantly knocking him out cold.



frankie parker

The pure happiness in Nathaniel's smile made Frankie's own grin grow, along with a soft flush upon her cheeks. She wasn't expecting him to look that happy, but it only helped calm some of her nerves. Nathaniel had always been sweet and kind to her. Frankie never understood why people were so scared of him, because in her eyes he was a gentle giant. Maybe he was a powerful weapon, but she knew he'd never hurt her.

Her gaze fell slightly as Nathaniel took her hand, moving it so that it rested in the bend of his arm. Frankie smiled to herself, unable to help but imagine what he might dance like. With his size, she wouldn't be surprised if he was kind of awkward. Not that it'd bother her, she'd still dance with him like nothing was wrong. While they walked towards the dance floor, Frankie couldn't help but notice his nerves. She raised her free hand and gently patted his arm while flashing him a reassuring smile.

As they reached the dance floor, Nathaniel slowly turned to face her. His left hand took her right. Frankie couldn't help from holding her breath as his right hand moved to rest upon the small of her back. She swallowed and took a step towards him. Her left hand slowly moved up his arm until it rested upon his broad shoulder. Frankie hadn't paid much attention to how much larger Nathaniel was until this moment. Even in heels, she found herself still standing on her toes slightly. She quickly grew nervous, hoping her mermaid styled dress wouldn't inhibit her ability to keep up with his larger strides.

Frankie finally let herself breathe as Nathaniel began leading them in the waltz. Thankfully, her dad danced with her when she was younger, giving her a little taste of what it was like. Of course, Frankie was standing on his feet, but it was still practice none the less. She couldn't help but giggle softly when she saw Nate look down at his feet, checking the steps. "It's ok," she whispered up at him with a smile. "You're not stepping on my feet."

They danced in silence for awhile, finding their groove with the beat of the song, weaving between the other couples on the dance floor. She felt Nathaniel move in closer to her, causing Frankie to look up at him. He leaned his head down so that his cheek brushed hers and his lips were next to her ear. Her heart skipped a beat, as her hands subconsciously gripped his hand and shoulder tighter. "Thank you for saying yes..." Before she could reply, Nate spoke again, his breath tickling her ear slightly. "I don't know what else to say other than you look too beautiful for words."

Frankie's cheeks flushed, unable to fight the smile that spread across her face. Then Nathaniel gently slid his hand from her back and guided her in a spin. Frankie couldn't help but giggle as she twirled under his arm while holding his hand. Nate gently pulled her back towards him, her free hand returning to its place upon his shoulder. He leaned in, speaking quietly to her one more time. "And it's not only today." Frankie moved closer to him, hiding half of her face in his shoulder. She wasn't able to stop smiling or hide the bright flush that covered her cheeks.

She couldn't help how happy she felt in that moment. Frankie and Nathaniel had known each other for such a long time. She had noticed her own crush brewing for quite sometime now, but Nate was so hard to read. One day she felt like they were on the same page, and other days she worried that he only saw her as a little sister. Frankie was still surprised he approached her for a dance. It was like the instance he did, her whole conversation with Thaddeus earlier just melted away. It wasn't important anymore. This was.

But just her luck... It couldn't last longer than a fleeting moment. Frankie felt the hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stand up. Her spidey sense was tingling off the charts. Her body froze, bringing the waltz to a screeching halt. She quickly tried to catch back up with Nathaniel, but her body was rigid. Frankie allowed herself to drift back from him, just enough so that she could look up at him. "My spidey sense," she whispered, a concerned look on her face. "It's never been this strong before." She was going to suggest that they should leave, or at least move off of the dance floor, but it was too late.

The force of the explosion hit Frankie like a wave. It instantly knocked her off her feet and sent her fly backwards. When she slammed into the wall, she quickly pressed her hands to the surface, keeping herself from falling. She tucked her head behind one of her arms, trying to block herself from the blast. But no matter how strong her hands held, Frankie still began to slip, unable to get a grip through her heels. She kicked off her shoes, accidentally tearing her dress up the side as her toes pressed against the wall.

When everything beneath her started to settle, Frankie released her grip on the wall. She landed on the ground quietly in a crouching position. As she stood, her eyes quickly scanned the devastation that was the ball room. Frankie started to panic when she couldn't see Nathaniel. Her attention was so focused, that she didn't notice the helicraft move into place or even the gas grenades until one stopped on the ground before her. She quickly picked it up and threw it towards the onslaught of Hydra soldiers.

Frankie winced when the projectile left her hand. A burning sensation quickly began to cover her palm. Insecticide. Mixed in with all those other toxins and gases, the Hydra soldiers also laced the grenades with insecticides. Anything else, and Frankie would be unaffected. But this quickly washed over her. The moment the smoke surrounded her, she began coughing hysterically. Frankie grew weak at a rapid rate. She tried her best to get away, but her feet felt like they were held down by weights. She stumbled through the debris, until she bumped into an over turned table and fell to the ground.

She gasped for air, crawling on all fours. Just when she thought she couldn't move any farther, Frankie was snatched up two Hydra soldiers. They each held one of her arms as they dragged her towards the whole in the wall. It took a moment for hrt to register what exactly was happening. Then what little bit of energy Frankie had left, she began thrashing against their hold. "Nate!" she screamed out. No matter how hard she fought, in her weakened state she was no match for the soldiers holding her. "Let me go!" she cried, digging her heels into the ground trying to stop them. "NATE!"


ross mcculloch
mirror masterx|xoutfitx|x#FF8D34

The second Petra turned to face Ross, his heart skipped a beat. She was without a doubt, the most beautiful woman at the gala that night. And he'd fight anyone who argued otherwise. Her face almost seemed to light up when she saw him, which helped put some of his nerves at ease. She even complimented him... And being the idiot he was, he rambled on afterwards. But he was sure his blushing cheeks and smile that didn't know how to chill probably said he was thankful for the compliment.

She seemed to take awhile after he asked her to dance. Ross started to worry that he shouldn't have asked, or he miss read signs from her. Petra finished her champagne and passed it off, while he stood there waiting. He might have looked relatively calm on the outside but was moderately freaking out inside.

"I would love to dance. But before that..." Petra finally answered. Ross' gaze dropped to her hands as she moved them to his necktie. His eyes widened and cheeks flushed when she adjusted it. Had it been wrong this whole time!?

He raised his gaze to hers, giving a weak apologetic smile. "Thanks, Red."

"Don't you have any mirrors?" she asked, her fingers resting at his collar for a moment.

Ross laughed softly, nodding his head. "'Course aye do. Maybeh it was all part of meh evil plan." He raised his brows, grinning mischievously. Of course, it wasn't. But little did Petra know, this was the first time he ever had the need to actually wear a necktie. Thieves don't usually find the need to dress black tie formal.

"Now about that dance you asked for..." Petra took his hand and he smiled. Ross slowly lead her to the clearing in the hall that must have been designated for dancing. If it wasn't, then the academy could get over it. From what he could tell there was already a handful of partners taking advantage of the space. "How are you finding the party so far?"

Before answering, Ross grinned playfully. Then in a smooth manner, he gave Petra a spin not caring who was watching. After she made her turn, his other hand moved to her back and gently guided her closer to him. "Aye may have just gotten 'ere like five minutes 'go." He laughed. He couldn't help himself. Ross saw how beautiful Petra looked, and had to ask her to dance before someone else beat him to it. "But, its significantly improved since aye arrived." And that was the truth.

Ross wasn't the most conventional person by any means. Whatever he was doing, well it wasn't the waltz. But they were dancing. It's not like he was uncoordinated or anything. He just preferred to have fun while dancing instead of being all proper and uppity. He didn't care who was watching, as long as he wasn't being a total arse in front of Petra and she was enjoying herself, that's all that matter. So whenever the tempo in the song picked up, Ross would release her waist to spin her. Sometimes, even dipping her, if he felt so inclined. The entire time, he couldn't remove the smile from his face.

When he brought Petra close to him once again, Ross let them dance calmly for a minute. "How's all de...?" He wiggled his fingers next to his head, referring to her telepathic ability. "'m sure it's not easy wit all these people here." He moved with her slowly, looking around at the numerous people who cluttered the hall. "If ye get tired of holdin' up yer barriers... Ye can always focus on my mind." Ross smiled sweetly. "Not much is goin' on up there, ya know... Besides you."

Then his gut twisted into a knot making him want to vomit. Why did he say that? God, he sounded like such an idiot. He wanted to kick himself for opening his big stupid mouth. Don't tell the girl you think about her. Probably sounds creepy or stalker-ish... Or whatever. He didn't let his face show how mad he was at himself, but wasn't able to hide the flushing that crept up to his cheeks as he looked away from her. "Aye'm glad you brought Tobias. Mycroft was a total arse earlier." He tried to quickly divert the conversation before he put his foot in his mouth again.

When the song came to an end, Ross' heart sank a little. Hopefully Petra didn't walk away, and decided to stick around for another dance. But he wouldn't pry. She probably has other people she wants to socialize with, not just him. No matter how much he wanted that second dance, it wasn't going to happen. Not that night anyways. Ross looked down at Petra with a smile and parted his lips to thank her for the dance.


It felt like an instant earth quake shook the tower down to its very core as a hole was ripped into the side of the building. It all happened in the blink of an eye. Ross tried to move himself in front of Petra but it was futile. The explosion ripped through the room like a tidal wave sending everyone and everything flying. Ross was flung backwards knocking into a table and some chairs before the wall stopped him.

Ross laid there for a moment in a daze, stars in his vision and ringing in his ears. He coughed as he shifted a top the rubble, moving to all fours. He squinted his eyes, looking around for Petra. When he saw her several feet away, Ross stumbled to his feet and ran over to her. He slid to his knees beside her. His eyes scanned her body for any serious injuries. "Red! Are y'ok?! Are ya hurt?" He reached out, carefully trying to help her sit up. His right hand moved to brush her hair from her face as he continued to inspect her.

His body tensed when he heard the helicraft lower to the level of the opening in the tower. When Ross saw numerous gas grenades get tossed into the ballroom, he switched like a light becoming more alert and quick on his feet. As fast as he could, he pulled off his blazer and ripped it down the middle. Ross handed one half to Petra. "Hurry, cover yer face," he whispered towards her. He then took the sleeve off of the other half and wrapped it around his face, tying it behind his head. Ross knew this wouldn't stop the gases forever but it'd slow their effect down. He didn't quite have the time to ask Petra if she was immune to toxins, so he decided it was better safe than sorry.

Trying to remain as quiet as possible, Ross slid over to the nearest overturned table. Placing his feet against the flat surface, with a couple jerks he was able to get one of the legs free. He kept himself crouched down behind the table, watching as the Hydra soldiers started to spread out. When one them walked past him, Ross stood up and slammed his makeshift weapon down on the back of the guys head. Once the guy was on the ground, he yanked off his helmet, chucking it across the room. Ross pinned him down, then smacked the butt of the table leg into the soldier's nose, knocking him out.

Ross could feel the gases slowly starting to effect him, seeping through the sleeve wrapped around his face. He tried not to cough as he snuck up behind more guards. "Wren Wilson has been apprehended," one of the men said.

"Who else do we—there's the Maximoff girl!" another said, pointed his gloved hand at Petra.

Without a moment's hesitation, he struck the table leg into the back of the soldier's legs. As the man fell, Ross grabbed the guy by the head and slammed their face into his knee, then kicked him in the jaw. He ducked when another Hydra soldier went to throw the butt of their gun into Ross' head. As he dropped, he reached into his pocket, pulling out the compact mirror he grabbed before leaving his penthouse earlier. "'m sorry," Ross mouthed towards Petra. He opened the compact and slid it across the ground like a hockey puck. The moment the mirror touched Petra, it sucked her inside and closed shut.

Ross let out a sigh of relief just before a steal toed boot clocked him right in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. He rolled over onto his side, coughing and spitting up blood. The soldier moved to stand over him, grabbing a fist full of his shirt. "Where is she!?" he demanded.

Ross smiled a bloody grin. "Suck me cock ya piece of shite." He laughed until it turned to more coughing.

Furious, the Hydra soldier punched him. Then continued, again and again. The man hit Ross so many times that he lost count after three and the one that broke his nose. He would have fought back, but the effects of the knock out gases were already too strong. But that didn't stop him from laughing in their faces after every hit.

The guy went to hit him again, but was stopped by an approaching soldier. "Forget about him and the girl. We have to go!"

The soldier who held Ross up growled out of frustration. He forcefully pushed him down on the ground and turned to leave. But just before he left, the guy turned around, landing one last powerful kick straight into Ross' ribs.

He couldn't move, and was barely able to breath with a nose broken and the wind knocked out of him. Through bloody gasps, Ross pointed his index finger towards the leaving Hydra soldier. "'m not done with..." His hand fell to the ground as the gases finally over powered him, causing him to black out.


I'm putting this here because sometimes we forget to read the OOC. (It's ok, I do it too lol) These are just somethings to remember when posting with the plot ordeal with Hydra. Those of you who knew this was coming, this is more of a refresher. Everyone else, I just wanted to tack this here just in case :)

x The only characters getting kidnapped/taken by Hydra are one's where I've discussed it with the writer. If you really want one of your characters snatched up, PM me and we can talk about it. But know that Hydra isn't interested in any humans, and want people with specifically unique and strong abilities. Which is why I've chosen who I have so far.

x Anyone who doesn't have a toxin immunity will be knocked unconscious by the gas and it works fastest on humans.

xSadly, we can't save any of the people getting taken. But feel free to have your characters try. You can have them kick ass, scream, cry and whatever else you like :) The world is your oyster!

x Lastly, once everyone is kidnapped, there will be a minor time jump until the next morning when everyone who was knocked out is waking up, etc. But no need to worry about that, because I'll initiate it. So, feel free to have your characters get injured, knocked out, beaten up... Or chase the Hydra assholes away like a maniac. All is possible :D

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wren Wilson Character Portrait: Frankie Parker Character Portrait: Petra Maximoff Character Portrait: Lilith Isley Character Portrait: Riley Barton Character Portrait: Ross McCulloch
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0.00 INK

_____Protege of Captain America
_____Dialogue: #4d2be2 || Outfit
Astrid was one of the first to come around but she stayed seated watching Mia by Xavier's side as an ice pack was pressed to her jaw and she clutched her shoulder. She had been offered pain killers, but with her metabolism the amount to actually kill the pain would risk putting her in a drowsy state and she needed to be their for the others. She needed to be alert.

When they started to come around, most of them freaked or barked what was happening or where certain people were. Understandably.

“Guys, collect yourselves,” Astrid said, barely covering her grimace as her left cheek radiated pain. The staff were just doing their job, in fact aiding them to the best of their ability and being in hysterics wasn't going to help anyone. Not those taken or those laying in beds still recovering.

“We got to screw our heads on right before we can help anyone else,” she told them. Of course it was frightening for people to be taken right under their noses, for their fortress to be invaded. Astrid felt the panic and anxiety too. But in this moment, composure was important and in the case of throbbing headaches, they shouldn't have been yelling across to each other.

Astrid gently prompted the nurse away to spend her efforts elsewhere.

She did a head count and noticed there were few more than she thought that were missing. Taken, she mentally corrected herself. They couldn't have been dead because Hydra would have come in using lethal force from the beginning. Wren, Lilith, Ulrich, Alec, Caitra, Frankie. “Oh, Frank.” The pit of her stomach dropped and Astrid held herself. Wren had a mouth and was gifted in antagonizing people. Ulrich had a god complex, Lilith had a sadistic queen complex. Alec could be a little lippy. They would make the most of being prisoners. The other two were least deserving and likely wouldn't provoke torture.

Astrid steadily strode between the rows and rows of beds to check how her peers were coping and the UN officials, though in honesty they were far less of a priority. She got to the entry of the infirmary and froze. Her shield was there, propped against the wall painted in hydra colors and the star replaced with their symbol. A skull with six tentacles emerging from it in red and black. “I don't suppose you know who did that?” she questioned through clenched teeth.

A nearby nurse shook her head. “No, sorry. There's been lots of people coming in and out.”

Astrid stared at it for some time before lunging to it and flipping it around. Her eyes couldn’t bear into the taunting hydra symbol. Her fists clenched by her sides.

The more she processed the worse things appeared. Hydra struck when the academy hosted an event for the UN. They only abducted some students. Astrid clutched her hair. How much was orchestrated and how much was luck? They would only be able to put their heads together once they were composed enough.

Protege of Poison Ivy || #e116d8 || Outfit
Lilith woke up gasping and immediately went to feel her own throat. Her fingers tentatively inspected the damage she couldn't see, but she could feel it. One little touch sent her hand retracting. She imagined she must have modeled a blue and purple neck and not in any steamy way.

Lilith then saw her chains and some of the others. She had a little leeway at least being the weak link of the group which was a perk and insulting all the same. She twiddled her fingers trying to prompt some green to help her out but her powers were a no show.

Her eyes met Wren's and she instinctively mirrored her poor smile. "I saw you kicking ass back there. Your training is showing... But, when we get out of here, I'll have to teach you how to get out of a choke hold."

It didn't feel too wrong to genuinely smile then. And something else hit her, pride. Only a smudge because clearly she wasn't good enough to get out of an ox's choke hold. “Thank you,”
she replied though the words were barely audible. Lilith tried to clear her throat. “He was a monster in size so I look forward to your teachings,” she croaked.

Just as she said it, she wished she hadn't. Her eyes saw - and couldn't unsee Wren's large spider-shaped scar and what tried to remain of her dress on her abdomen. Lilith got choked by a big guy, big whoop. Wren got...god knows what. Hog-tied or something.

"Did anyone see what happened at the Academy?" Lilith turned to Frankie then took a look around for anyone that wanted to pipe up. Mr. Smooth Talker was present and by default he couldn't say anything. Lilith shrugged as response in case she was expectant on her for an answer. "Please tell me no one died..."

She almost thought about answering Frankie since no one else helped the girl with peace of mind, but she was too late. "Only those that deserved it or weren't smart enough to duck." Lilith shook her head, unable to help the smile that passed her lips. She couldn't have said it better herself, but for Frankie, it was probably best to divert from the truth a little. "From what I heard, Nathaniel ripped up some of the men. Literally I heard it. The crack, snap and screams of agony," Ulrich continued.

Yes, I had to play hopscotch over the different body parts flying out of the cloud of smoke, she had half a mind to chime but mercifully did not. Besides, her vocals weren’t feeling great and Bane wasn't the only one dropping bodies.

Around her conversation seemed to change to individual 'are you okays?', 'how'd you get caught', 'I care about you' so she closed her eyes and strapped in for damsel in distress. She had no role in such conversations. Lilith also had a half mind to inquire who Wren's plus one was, but she figured it would be a little unfair since he couldn't speak for himself, whether that be truth or lie.