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Seraphiel Alamore


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a character in “Deviance: The Uprising”, originally authored by Temperance, as played by RolePlayGateway


Seraphiel Alamore: Seraph, 21, Female
Virtuoso (Rank 1C) Circle Two

~ Physical Info ~


Seraphiel is rather delicate looking. She has very pale skin, dark brown almost black eyes, and dark brown hair. While she is somewhat curvy she is also very thin, something about her general appearance makes it seem as though if the wind blew, it would take her with it. She has rather sad looking eyes, regardless of her facial expression, with very long lashes. Her lips are also very pouty, people generally think she is constantly upset or depressed. The types of clothing she wears widely varies, but she favors dresses and short tops with skirts with an assortment of leggings and types of boots.

{Rank Marking}
On her tongue

~ Mentality ~

Seraphiel is a rather distant individual. She comes across as very disinterested in everything that goes on around her. This may be because of her lack of trust for people, in general. She believes everyone has an ulterior motive for everything, these thoughts border alongside paranoia and complimented with anxiety. She believes most people, in one way or another, would hurt her someway somehow. For this reason, she tends not to try and form relationships, or bother interacting with people. Seraphiel is a rather open person, though she lacks trust in people she is very open minded to new ideas and different things. It would not be rare for her to be the first to take part in something out of the norm. Socially, she is rather awkward, she lacks the inability to process other people's body language, though she seems to be able to understand through the person's voice. She tends to be a person that gets into people's personal space if talking to them, out of habit however, and doesn't get how unacceptable it is. She is sensitive, if not hypersensitive. It is extremely easy for people to hurt her feelings or cause her to burst into tears. She's terrible with other people's feelings though, if their thoughts aren't literally voiced. When it comes to her opinions she is very forward, and tends not to spare anyone's feelings regardless of the person. She isn't however, the type of person to only believe she and only she, is right. She knows when she is wrong and will openly admit this, and would prefer to learn from her mistakes that cause a fight over opinions.

She has a level of determination that levels on obsessive behavior. All she does, sleeps, breathes, is whatever her current goal is - assuming she has one. This is another reason as to why she is so detached, no one has been able to pull her away from such behavior. She is always wanting to better herself, and 'do something that matters' so she might say. Though she has rather negative thoughts on society she still tends to want the best for people. She seems to have a need to be needed, however, which makes everything all the more difficult most of the time. She wants people to want her help, but she doesn't trust said people to help them in the first place. This is why often times she will try to do things in which she can help something or someone indirectly. Underneath it all she is a very caring individual, she just doesn't quite know how to express what she feels, for anyone.

{Likes} {Dislikes}
o Music The closed minded x
o Nature People twho try to sing and can't x
o Snacking Animal cruelty x
o The Rain Religion x
o Writing Know it alls x
o Composing Ignorant people x

{Quirks} {Phobias}
% Tends to ignore people's personal space on a constant basis Religious Cults @
% Will eat anything, often steals other people's food Being experimented on @
% Spaces out when idle

{Strengths} {Weaknesses}
o Photographic Memory Cannot read social queues x
o Disciplined Doesn't trust people x
o Agile Physically fragile x
o Emotionally detached (Opt.) Oversensitive and irrational x
o Musically gifted Doesn't have proper offensive magicx
o Strength6 (Opt.) Wants to save everything x

~ Ability Statistics ~

{Guardian, Demon, or Enchantment}
Enchantment -

Seraphiel's weapon, idles always as some kind of musical instrument. When it is not being used it usually is in the form of a picallo, a flute, or a violin. When she uses it in battle, the weapon's go tos bend naturally to her liking which is stringed instruments. Most commonly a violin and guitar, and on occasion a harp. When forced to be used offensively, the weapon is keener to turning into a gun or guns, as Seraphiel has always disliked the thought of close combat. Her enchantment which she has named Vinnie, normally caters to his owners every whim, but he does get temperamental when he does not approve of something, or when it seems Seraphiel is in direct harms way, making him harder to control.

Sensory Manipulation ~ Music Manipulation (Primary) ~ Unnamed magic ~

{Signature Spell}
Comatose - Immediately robs the enemy of their senses, leaving them in a state of nothingness not being able to hear, see, taste, feel, or smell anything. Would be common to bring someone to the ground as they cannot feel their feet beneath them. This is however, temporary, and will not damage the users senses long term.

{Spell List}

~Affliction: Makes the opponent's senses feel as if they are not functioning properly, may cause things like confusion, dizziness, fatigue.
~Weaken: Allows the user to weaken or cease one of the senses for a short amount of time.
~Unnamed spell: Allow the user to fool the opponent or opponents into feeling sensations that do not exist or are not actually harming/happening to their body. May fool others into feeling things such as pain, pleasure, heat, cold, or even more specific situations. This spell does no direct harm to the person's actual body, however.
~Symphony: Seraphiel when using symphony starts to see the world around her differently. Objects are replaced by colors and musical notes, people turn into color in motion. This spell must be used carefully and requires a tremendous amount of musical talent, technique, and concentration. Each sub spell requires a certain song, in which Seraphiel must compose and arrange accordingly each time. Symphony is the literal manipulation of musical notes to create music on the spot. The effect, manipulates the environment around her, and in turn, the environment around those who surround her. Only applies to her immediate surroundings. Failing to arrange the proper music notes however, can result in damage to the environment around her.
~Animation: Allows Seraphiel to bring to life stationary objects while playing and instrument or singing. Objects depending on the tempo of the song can move out of their free will, or do their master's bidding.
~Gravitation: Manipulates the gravity around her when playing a song or singing. More powerful when played with an instrument.
~Concealment: Immediately erases a location from sight, and puts a sound barrier around the area, requires continuous play, but causes the area to appear as if it never existed in the first place. Is capable of sheltering those within the area.
~Enchantment: Focuses on an ally to give them temporary attributes. Attributes are physically enhancing, and are tied to a type of creature or creatures. Spell may vary with visible effects, like temporary wings and bear like claws or effect things like speed and sight making them greater and equivalent to a specific creature or creatures.

{Non-magic Skills}
# Musically inclined/Musically gifted
# Good with animals
# Good with technology

~ Personal Background ~


(Friends, enemies, family, rivals, boy/girlfriends etc.)

So begins...

Seraphiel Alamore's Story


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December 18th, Wednesday, 4:30 AM

The raindrops on her window accompanied the melody in which she had found herself starting to play. The strings beneath her almost vibrated at her touch, responding to her fingers before she even lay her hands upon them. The more she played the more the violin seemed to come to life. "I'm sorry, Vinnie, I have been neglecting you haven't I." she cooed to it. It had been a while since she had played Vinnie in her leisure, as the magical world had gotten rather chaotic. It was now as if you were not guaranteed to live any longer than the day you currently reside in. Mages were disappearing, and finding them was not the priority of the police, leaving it only up to the council. The council was rather secretive, and thus, no one ever knew if they made progress with any cases or not. Hunters, though to be a thing of the past, had resurfaced. The hatred towards mages had been masked by their own ignorance while wanting just to be accepted. All of these hunters were new, as in the past, hunters had made names for themselves, and people knew who and what to stay away from. It was like a chain of serial killers on the loose.

Last night on the news, there had been a mage who had been arrested for killing several hunters, calling themselves a seeker and writing on the walls with the blood of their victims. This rather intrigued Seraphiel, and though rather unsettling, she could see the reasons behind their actions. "Vinnie, sweetie, what do you think will happen to us?" she asked the violin, as she danced around her room with the tune in which she played. Everything around her turned to colors, and she started to drift into her own world. "They're going to come for us Vinnie, they'll kill us all." Her rather calming tune took a more dreary tone as she started to envision herself and her family being brutally attacked and left for dead. "Who gave you the right to play god?" she asked, as the strings went off tune, causing the Vinnie to wince beneath her. Seraphiel put down her bow, holding Vinnie by the neck, hanging by her side. "Certainly not me." she said.

5:30 AM

Seraphiel walked briskly out of her apartment, having made sure she locked all six of her locks, and headed towards the stairs. The apartments had always had an elevator, but she didn't trust elevators, and thus she didn't use them. People never did understand why she would walk down six flights of stairs, when there was an elevator. It would in theory save her so much time and energy, possibly. "Do you hear it Vinnie! The rain outside?" she asked him excitedly. Seraphiel loved the rain as well as the cold. She would often go outside in the rain just to dance in it or play her music. Often times she would go to the roof and sing, only to be scolded by the landlady. "Unfortunately we don't have time to play in the rain today, so another time." Seraphiel finally made it to the bottom of the stairs, walking towards the exit of her building. The building she lived in was full of middle aged people as well as the elderly, she was perhaps the youngest person living there. It was rather quiet as most people were at work for long periods of time or kept to themselves. She never recalled a day where she saw more than one person from the building out and about. This was precisely why she chose these apartments. She would never admit to anyone, but maybe Vinnie, that it was rather lonely.

A week ago, she had joined a circle, which had been taking up a lot of her time lately. They were very adamant about their mages being conditioned in tip-top shape. Seraphiel had attended the academy when she was younger, and thus had proper training for her magic, but this guild wanted to shape you in more than areas of your magic. Merciless work outs each day, combat against each other, and most recently the leader of the circle forced them into groups to learn to mesh and use their magic together in a way that would merry well. They had also been digging for information on the hunters, and taking precautions in how to go about the situation proactively. What the circle was about was simple, making use of whatever you were given to be something greater. Not living a simple and easy life. They wanted everyone to get better, stronger, and simply be of use. Seraphiel had always had this need to help people, and yet she could never find anyone she could close to to be of help to them. Often she would see people around her, struggling, and would visually stress in the fact that she couldn't help them. She wanted everyone to be happy, everyone.

Seraphiel walked in the rain, Vinnie on her back as a flute. The outfit she chose was rather simple, though it appeared as if she wasn't aware of the weather she was currently walking in. She wore a gray hoodie, which had cat ears at the top, the hood was rather oversized and thus kept the rain out of her face entirely. Her skirt, was a pastel peach, that rather hugged her curves and made her tiny legs look awkward. With this outfit she wore a pair of black sneakers. Seraphiel always wore some kind of running shoe, as she thought that she might have to run away from someone at any given moment. As she walked, she looked unnatural and anxious, her eyes scanned all over for people, but she seemed not to be interested in the people actually around her. She walked the streets, passing people as if not seeing them. Her expression was somewhat like a lost puppy, and yet her body language prompted everyone to stay away. This was natural for Seraphiel, she was never interested in conversing with others and thus never looked open to being approached.

She was heading towards the base of her circle, to meet up with the rest of her members. Till this day she didn't know anyone's name, except for the person which had accepted her. She also had yet to speak to any of the other members outside of pairing excersizes. Though she didn't trust them, she rather liked being a part of it, as hard as it was it seemed fairly comfortable to be part of something. She always had her eye out though, for that person, the one that would cause problems. As people do, she would watch as they would pretend to be friendly with each other, they had these things they would call friends, comrades, but the day would come when it would be proven otherwise. When they might be cornered by hunters, and one mage would leave their so called friend to save themselves. What were friends really, but your entertainment, as when the times got rough where would this friend be? Seraphiel hadn't had a friend since her early teenage years, and she would not make the mistake of having one ever again.

Her need to distance herself from others was not because of a hatred for people, although this is what everyone mistook it as. Seraphiel was still haunted till this day about incidents which took place in the past. She was scared of everyone around her, or perhaps maybe the potential harm they could bring. Seraphiel was afraid of being hurt, she was afraid of dying, she was afraid of that moment a loved one becomes an enemy. Seraphiel passed the academy on her way to her circle, she loved the academy. On occasion she would stop by it, just because she had pleasant memories of when she learned about her magic. She feels as though she owes her current status to the school and the teachers that reside within it. Though they don't know it, and she's never told them, the teachers are very important to her. While she could never get close to them, she would surely be the first to defend them.