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Devil's Bane Academy

The Academy


a part of Devil's Bane Academy, by Rabidness.


Rabidness holds sovereignty over The Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

416 readers have been here.


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The Academy is a part of Devil's Bane Academy.

9 Characters Here

Sayter Deces [11] Have you heard of me? I've heard of me. Me is pretty scary. Me scares me. You should be scared.
Mark [11] A boy of fifteen whose parents were butchered by a demon, and he thirsts for veangence
Pandora [6] " Time for your soul to burn...... "
Akira Sato [2] "Arisu, please stop crying..."
Arisu [2] "Uwaah! They're picking on me!"
Adam Alexander Night [1] He is a shadow wielder where he control shadow.
Anna Borovsky [0] Anna is a teenage Russian hunter who was recently moved to America, but she hates it there and wishes to move back. She has light curly brown hair and dark brown eyes, she is normally seen in cameo clothing.

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8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pandora Character Portrait: Sayter Deces Character Portrait: Mark Character Portrait: Akira Sato Character Portrait: Leia Gaulzetti Character Portrait: Loel Gaulzetti Character Portrait: Arisu Character Portrait: Adam Alexander Night
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Leia walked up to the school with her brother, Loel as their mother sped off in their old, rusty car that smelled of cigarette smoke. Loel walked swiftly while Leia walked more hesitantly towards the academy's front doors. Soon they got inside and began to pull out their papers with their dorm assignments at the same time. Leia got a dorm with two other girls, Pandora and Arisu... Strange, no last names for the two others she would spend this year with. Loel got his dorm assignment with two other boys, named Mark and Sayter Deces.

"So, twin..." Leia began to speak to her brother. "Guess we get separate dorms, huh?" She tried to smile, but couldn't. The tears fell down her face as her eyes watered.

"Leia... Don't cry. You might meet new friends, and we'll be away from them." Loel spoke. He was referring to the family the twins were born into. "Don't worry, I promise if you keep an open mind about this, you will meet new friends." Leia stopped crying and smiled a tiny bit.

"I will keep an open mind, but only for you." Leia smiled, then wiped her tears with a tissue her brother handed to her.

"Let's get going, OK? We both have friends to make." Loel smiled at his sister, and began to walk to his dorm. Leia walked the different direction.

"Come on, Arisu." Mr. Akira Sato said to his pride and joy, who was hesitant to get out of the car.

"But I dun' wanna!" Arisu responded and added, "What if the kids here are mean to me?"

"Then tell me, I AM a teacher after all." Arisu reluctantly got out of the car and followed her creator to the school.

As soon as they got inside, Arisu sat down on a bench outside the school as her creator went inside to talk to the headmaster.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sayter Deces Character Portrait: Mark Character Portrait: Loel Gaulzetti
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The car pulled up to a large building, resplendent with the colors of autumn, and it already had several students walking up to its double doored entrance. Mark's "Godfather" who in fact was not his godfather, but was an "agent" or something like that, had spent the entire four hour trip in silence, except for brief snatches of conversation about how he was expected to excel, and the panting of Bjorn as he gazed out the window, his tongue lolling out.. As Mark opened the car-door, the man merely said, "Do your parents proud."
"Uhhh, yeah. Of course." Mark muttered as he got out. Bjorn, as all dogs do in a new area, preceded to relieve himself on every tree he could find. "New place, same old dog, eh?" He asked the dog. And then, he really looked at the building. Being from a fairly small area, he couldn't help but gape at the massive building, and as he walked in, he saw he had already been assigned to a dorm, with two other fellows, Loel Gaulzetti and Sayter Deces. He thought to himself "I hope they aren't complete losers.." as he walked further in, his dog Bjorn with him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sayter Deces Character Portrait: Mark
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"Marie, I'm sorry!" Sayter Deces yelled as he barged through the hallways, trying to get into the main hall, "I didn't mean to!!! Jackie told me there was candy in you panty dresser! Ahhh!!! It wasn't my fault!!"

Trailing behind him was an attractive girl with blonde hair and green eyes. "Sayter, I'll kill you!!" she yelled. Marie really hated perverts.

"Fackin'!!!" Sayter finally made it to the main hall, "YESS!!!!! HOME FREE!!!!!"

Marie went up to Sayter and slugged his shoulder. Grunting in pain, he smiled at Marie and hugged her. She screamed, turned red and ran off. Sayter laughed, "She still can't get enough of me, eh?"

Sayter looked around the lobby/main hall and saw a guy with a dog. "Hey, guy, no dogs allowed in this building!" Sayter called out, "Or in any building, actually. But there's a fenced off area out back!! I can take you there!"

He walked up to the new guy and said, "Hey you look new! The name's Sayter Deces, God of God's, Son of Devil's, the Hottest Guy on Campus-well, that's what the girls say, anyway-and Death! Have you heard of me? I've heard of me. Me's a scary guy. Me's scared of me. You should be scared of me. Actually...I take that back. Who are you?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sayter Deces Character Portrait: Mark
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Mark raised an eye at the seemingly suave fellow before him. He debated with himself for a second as what to say to the boy in front of him, and he decided to be friendly. "Mark Luther, Son of None, at ya service!" he chuckled mildly and bowed slightly, "And this is Bjorn, my trustworthy canine comrade! But don't worry about him messing up the place, I'm fairly confident that he emptied himself completely outside. You know how dogs are with new places."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sayter Deces Character Portrait: Mark Character Portrait: Akira Sato Character Portrait: Leia Gaulzetti Character Portrait: Loel Gaulzetti Character Portrait: Arisu
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Arisu sighed and looked at the paper in her hands. She was to share a room with two other females, Leia Gaulzetti and Pandora. Unfortnunantly, she used never shared a room with anyone before. Now Arisu was very nervous. Would her roommates be nice? Will they be mean to her? What would they be like?

Putting the crinkled paper back in her pocket, Arisu pulled out a teddy bear from her suitcase Mr. Sato gave to her before going to the headmasters office. She clung on to it, a little sad and trying to calm herself by humming a song to herself. If she cried on the first day of school, she would be embaressed for the rest of the year. No, Arisu would survive. Arisu wasn't the same kid who was drowned to death after being abused. She would get by, someway, somehow. She wouldn't cry.

Just then, Akira Sato came out of the office and came outside. "Want me to walk you to your dorm?"

"No thanks. I'll survive." Arisu put the teddy bear back in the suitcase, and began walking away, leaving Akira surprised. Maybe she was begining to grow up, and getting over her fears.

Leia reached her dorm and opened the door. She put her bag on the ground and laid on a bed. Thinking deeply, she wondered when her roomates would show up. As she only shared her room with her brother, she never knew what to expect with female roomates. Sighing, she began reading a book.

Leia's brother, Loel, on the other hand, was looking for his dorm. He wandered the hallways and eventually reached the main hall again. He looked closely at his map, then disposed of it in a nearby trash can. It certainly wasn't getting him where he wanted to go. Peeved was one word used to describe him at that moment. Loel decided to sit down and play a video game on his handheld game system.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pandora Character Portrait: Sayter Deces Character Portrait: Mark
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Pandora walked the halls looking around at the sights, her had arrived early with her luggage. She sighed and looked at the walls around her it was plain, nothing out of the ordinary. She was told that she had to share a room with two others, Leia Gaulzetti and the was Arisu. Pan was not that happy with that at all, her and people tend to mix well. " Life here shall be an odd one to say the least." the one thing that she loved the most about this place the views, the trees were her favorite of all. She stopped to look out the window, but she was sidetracked when she saw two boy and a dog, she was really interested in the dog. so went over to him to meet him, she crouched down to meet him at his own level. " well your just the handsome dog"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pandora Character Portrait: Sayter Deces Character Portrait: Mark
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While chatting amicably with Sayter, he noticed a rather attractive girl kneel down and start talking to Bjorn, who enjoyed the attention immensenly, as the wagging tail suggested. "Well hello there!" Mark exclaimed, "M'name's Mark Luther, and that's my dog Bjorn! And if I might be so bold, whats your name?". Mentally though, he was smacking himself. He thought to himself Oh Jesus, I sound like a dude from a freaking medieval fantasy book or something, can't I do better than that??


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pandora Character Portrait: Sayter Deces Character Portrait: Mark Character Portrait: Loel Gaulzetti
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Sayter looked at the obvious scene in front of him with amusement. Boy meets girl, boy tries to impress girl, blah blah blah. Laughing a shrill laugh, Sayter said, "And then, Mark tries and tries. But fails. Tries and fails at what, I will not tell!"

Well, time to get serious, Sayter thought before going to the back of the room. He saw Marie and smiled at her. She still looked like she hated him, but no one can hate Sayter Deces for long. Turning back to the crowd after standing on a chair, Sayter said in a loud, strong voice, "Hello!!"

Seeing that no one was paying attention, Sayter sent out a wave of dark magic. Nothing that would harm, just to get attention. But it does tend to make people shiver. And, seeing that people were actually looking his way, he started again, "Hello, everybody! My name is Sayter Deces, and this is," he gestured to Marie with a waving with a crazy waving of both hands, "Marie Levestair. We are the year representatives for the last year. We are here to show you the way to dorms, tell you the way of the world, blah, blah, blah. First and foremost; Rules. Read on them, and if you don't understand them got to a teacher. If you can't find a teacher, come to either one of us, or a different year representative. Except first-years, they don't get a year representative until halfway through the year. Again, if you guys need any help, go to a teacher, if you can't find them, come to one of us. We will either forward it to a teacher, or if it's urgent, we will help right then." Taking a deep breathe, Sayter continued on, "People, this school is looking for demon killers/hunters. If you don't understand the risks of this, please, do NOT, and I repeat, do NOT, take training. It's not necessarily for the faint of heart."

Marie shook her head and said, "But on a lighter tone, for you guys anyways; If confused on where the dorms are come find one of us or and older student. And by older, I mean who's been here longer than first years. People who have just come here and are either in Year Two to Last, well, find an 'older' student. Do NOT be afraid to ask questions, do NOT be afraid to question our judgement. If you see fit to not do what we suggest, we whole-heartedly agree with that. Sayter is not sane, and I, I am to smart for my own good. But most important of all; HAVE FUN and LEARN LOTS!!! Now new males, please follow Sayter to find your dorms. New females, follow me!"

Marie jumped from the chair she was on and left, going through the hallway, females following. Sayter laughed his insane laugh. "Follow me," Sayter said in a sickly-sweet voice, "Newbies. Ahahahahaha!!"

Sayter went down the opposite hallway, boys reluctantly following their probable insane representative. And as if proving their thoughts right, Sayter started dancing while shaking his hands crazily and laughing shrilly. "AHAHAHA!!" he laughed. Of course, to him, it was all a game. The was what he was supposed to be doing. The persuasive character in a book, the evil-turning out to be good-character. Sayter Deces was broken, never to be same. His father helped with that, whether he didn't know that or not.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sayter Deces Character Portrait: Mark Character Portrait: Loel Gaulzetti
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Loel felt a shiver down his spine. Quickly realizing that someone was using dark magic, he looked around and heard a voice yell, "Hello, everybody!" He closed his game system and listened to the most-likely insane guy named Sayter talk, then some girl named Marie who didn't seem half as insane. When told by Marie to follow Sayter, he did. But he soon regretted it. Sayter seemed more insane than when he was talking! Doing some crazy dance and shaking his hands while laughing shrilly. Loel sure hoped this guy Sayter wasn't a roommate of his...


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pandora Character Portrait: Sayter Deces Character Portrait: Mark
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Pandora looks up still petting the dog and laughs at mark and the way he is acting " Bjorn is a strong name for a dog, I think it suits him well. " She stands up, her body language was closed off with her hand gripping tightly to her bear" Hello Mark Luther my name is Pandora.... Just Pandora I guess that's my name now.... " She looked down not really sure if that name fit her or not.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pandora Character Portrait: Sayter Deces Character Portrait: Mark
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"Well, my family and his family are closely interlinked you could say.., for ever since Danes went viking my family has been there with great dogs, Great Danes in fact. Bjorn is a descendant of one of those ancient war dogs, and I of those warriors of wave and wind. But enough about me. So why no last name eh? I sense a story behind that." Mark said. He had spoken with pride the first few sentences, and now he faced Pandora with his head slightly cocked, like Bjorn's. At the same time though, he listened to Sayter's seemingly mindless babbling, and now wondered about the fellow's sanity.