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Ava Bellmore

"You mess with my friends, you get through me first. Got it bud?"

0 · 209 views · located in Disney School Of The Magicel

a character in “Disney's School of the Magical”, originally authored by Synicate, as played by RolePlayGateway


Ava Riley Bellmore

Ava, Bell

Known As:
Ava (pronounced: AY-VA)




Disney Character:
Tinker Bell

-She has a tattoo of a star on her left shoulder blade
-Her ears are pierced twice
-Her eyes are a stunning emerald green

"Answer denied.... Just kidding!" Call her energetic, aggressive, yet sweet, and you pretty much nailed it. This blonde haired girl is quite a hyper ball of fun! She is of course, kind and sweet. But what gets to her most, is arrogance. But although she isn't one to love it, she has a bit herself. She is proud and not afraid to admit it. But she does usually no when enough is enough. But one thing is for sure; she's not a peace keeper. Although she has the innocent and adorable look; don't forget, looks can deceive you. Also, she's quite a bubbly person! Even though she does have a lot of as her friends called it... blond moments. Common sense sometimes escapes her, but she has sharp instincts when necessary.

If I should mention a fourth word, it would definitely be rebellious.

She is very lovable and kind though, but not when you get on her bad side. And lets just say that is a side you don't want to see. She has a very short and hot temper and isn't afraid to speak her mind, whether it is good, or bad. Is you start her up, there's a slim chance you can cool her down because trust me, this girl can hold a grudge. It takes a lot on her mind to get her to forget. But considering all of the emotional and mental pain she has gone through, that's not hard. Some things she wants to, but can't, forget. And Ava sure does know how to put up a fight. Frankly, she gets a lot of them. Because if she see's anybody being bullied, she will stick up for them. Whether it is a complete and utter stranger or not. But honestly, she's been kicked out of at least 4 schools for fights. And she's not afraid to say that she had won them all. She's definitely a fighter, but she will only fight for what she loves... or who. And she has to say, that what she has been through has made her quite defiant, and pretty emotional. She if you try to take one step in that direction... let's just say you don't want to.

She loves music with a passion. She's amazing at the guitar, piano, drums, and writing music. She has a very wide range of insturments she can play, and she is mostly somebody who plays by ear although she can read music like a pro. And most people recognize that she is also a very talented, and good, singer. Because whenever shes on a walk or just doing something, normally she has a small song or tune slipping from her lips. Most of them, she had written herself. Although you will never forget her eyes, you will never forget her voice either. It's somehow unique and different from the others. No one ever knows if it's the bell like ring to it, or the silky smoothness to it.

She also is in love with sports. Her sport; lacrosse and baseball. Yes, baseball, not softball. You say baseball's too tough? She can't see the difference! And lacrosse? She's a whiz. She's really good at both, and surfing. That is her favorite thing, other than music, to do. Spa or beach? Beach baby! She's not one of those girls who freaks out at the slightest thing like a fly or a broken nail. Her motto? Tough it out. Because you haven't seen the worst of it. Sadly, she has.

Another thing, is her sharp tongue. She's very clever when it comes to arguments and comebacks. Sometimes, she can make the strongest person back down from a single, cunning remark. Her snide comments and sarcasm to people she truly doesn't like can get her into some deep doo-doo though. Example; Her freshman science teachers was a witch. And when she was yelling at the class for the stupidest thing, Ava called out, 'Look who doesn't have to dress up for Halloween?'. Yeah, she got nailed on that one.

Although, her tough and rebellious side shows, she does have some flaws. Well, a lot of flaws. Like her history of course. That's pretty much what made her that way. One chink in her armor is her past. And, she'll tell you if your really close. It can be used against you... Also, Ava does have a soft side. Towards the few she can trust, and the few she loves. She'll stick up for people, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Like said before, can be either good, or bad.

But, to find out who she really is under all of those layers, well, you will just have to find out.

-Being herself



-To become a famous singer, dancer, or a professional lacrosse player.

Ava had gotten into a horrible plane crash when she was 10, and almost died. Her whole family died, including her mother, father, and little brother who was only 7. She was in the hospital for at least a month, and when she got out, she had to move to America to live with her aunt and uncle, who were very abusive, and were almost always drunk. Soon, she ran away when she was 12, and lived on her own, switching from place to place on the streets. Ever since, she had grown used to getting mugged, jumped, and she almost got raped once. Luckily, she knows how to h old her own in a fight. It takes a bit to get her to trust somebody, but once she does, she is very friendly. ON the outside, she is a happy, energetic girl that you would never guess her back story. But inside, she's broken beyond repair. She grew up in England, and has a thick, but easily understandable accent.

Average Post Length
-It really just depends... Anywhere form two to five paragraphs...


So begins...

Ava Bellmore's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Peter Potts Character Portrait: Kina Midori Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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Donni Dawkson

Donni glanced at the old Mustang's clock and cursed. 15:01. He was supposed to be there a freaking hour ago. He pressed his foot down on the gas pedal as he zoomed towards the School. He was still surprised he had gone. I mean, a school for romance and airy-fairy characters? Not his style at all.

He parked the car in the parking lot, and was surprised to see almost no cars there. Where was everyone? As he walked into the Lobby, he looked up at the wall clock. 13:01. For god's sake, how many times had he told Chip and Dale to leave his car alone?! And he had been rushing for nothing. Now he would have to wait a whole hour for his roomate to arrive.

He had to admit, he was kind of nervous. I mean, who wouldn't be? You were meetig the supposedly love of your life. If it was the love of his life, then Donni wold probably regret coming here. He had kind of just come here to meet some hot girls, and possibly screw someone. Besides, he was - unfortunately - still a virgin, and that was definitely something he needed to change.

He glanced over at the woman behind the desk, a short middle aged woman with fair hair tied up in a bun and glasses. She looked kind though, and had green, twinkly eyes. "What's your name?" she asked him, giving him a small smile. "Uh, Donald. Donald Dawkson," he mumbled awkwardly. The woman looked down at the computer screen. "Aha, Dawkson, Donald, in Room 506. You have the key, right? They mailed it in the letter, I think." Donni held up the card in response.
"Perfect. Fifth Floor, Room 6. You can use the elevator there."
Donni nodded and walked towards the elevator, pulling his suitcase behind him. He had only brought one, but figured it should do him anyway.

Donni subconsciously rubbed his arm where his tattoo was, even though it was covered from his hoodie, it was a habit. He placed his bag beside one of the beds and lay down on it with a sigh. He wondered what to do for a whole hour while he aited to see his room-mate. What was her name again? He scramled in his suitcase until he found the crumpled up slip of paper at the bottom of it. Ava Bellmore. He better remember that. He knew from experience that girls hated it when you forgot their names.

Peter Potts

Peter lugged his two suitcases up the stairs and finally reached the top, at 13:45 exactly. Just then, he noticed the elevator. What the fuck? Couldn't that seemingly nice desk clerk have told him before he walked up five flights of stairs?!

He wiped the sweat from his brow and walked into his room, labeled 509. He slipped the card in the slot, and when the light flashed green, he walked in. He dumped his suitcases on a bed immediately, before walking into the bathroom and washing his face. He sniffed his armpits, then decided to change his shirt for his hollister top, and slipped a hoodie and a beano hat on after, but not before putting on deodorant. Happy with himself, he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a coke can from the fridge, popping it open. 13:51. God, he was impatient.

(Hello! :L You can now post about your character arriving and entering their rooms and stuff, and meeting their roomates. Everyone got their key in the letter, which you can find in the intro. You can also find your roommates here as well. I will probably post pictures of some of the school soon, though posiibly not tonight, because it's late.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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Ava Bellmore

The little red truck, slowly came to a halt.

It felt like ages since she had been to Disney.. She came with her family such a long time ago... when, she was about... 10 was it? Well, all she remembered was the castle.

The blond haired girl popped open her little 93' Chevy S10 door and climbed out, closing it behind her. A little packet was held tightly in her hand. Oh God... please let me get a decent roommate, and not some jerk... she prayed and took a deep breath, nervous, yet excited, and swung her single large duffel bag over her shoulder, and walked it.

"Hello darling, and who might you be?"

The sweet, elderly voice startled her, and she spun on her heel, realizing that her back was turned to her destination. She gave a nervous smile.

"I'm Ava Bellmore?" she said, and waited to see if she had anything for her.

"Ah, Ava. You are in room 506." the lady instructed her. Ava gave a thankful smile and bobbed her head, in the universal gesture for thank you. She grabbed the map that the lady was handing out to her, and headed towards the shimmering gold painted elevator door. She pressed the up button and relaxed, expecting the thing to take its time as it did almost everywhere else. But, the ding made her jump.

"Quick service..." she mumbled and walked in, punching the close button, and then the floor number five.

Within a few moment, Ava reached her destination. She slid her plastic room key into the thin slot, and the green light flashed once, and a click sounded. Ava squeezed her emerald green eyes shut, took a deep breath and opened her eyes before walking into the room. She turned around to shut the door before she saw her roommate, and when she swiveled back around, she saw her roommate.

The room was amazing. Baby blue painted walls, and two twin beds with a sort of net hanging over them. It was furnished with white desks and everything. Through a door, she could see a stainless steel and black kitchen. The wavy blond haired girl breathed a simple, whoa.

A bumping sound seemed to snap her back into reality, and she saw her duffel bag had knocked into the door. Ava immediately moved to the open bed and tossed her bag down. Then, she remembered the other guy int he room. Ava gave a friendly smile and nod before introducing herself.

"Hi, I'm Ava." she said and looked at the paper in her hand. "And I'm guessing you are... Donald?" she guessed with a point. A habit. The name reminded her of Donald Duck, and she couldn't help but give a bright smile. Her green eyes seemed to twinkle at the thought. But, people told her she looked like a fairy, and she didn't doubt it. Tinker Bell was it?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Peter Potts Character Portrait: Kina Midori Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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Donni Dawkson

"Hi, I'm Ava," Donni looked up to see a blonde girl standing next to the bed next to him. He quickly put the sheet at the bottom of his bag and stood up.Before he could reply, the girl continued. "And I'm guessing you are... Donald?" Donni gave a small smile. "Well, most people call me Donni," he responded, wincing slightly as he said most, as his slight lisp could be heard, but the wince was unnoticeable - well, to the unobservant. "But, y'know, you can call me Donald if you want," he blushed slightly and looked down at his shoes for a second. He felt so awkward.

"So, have you seen the place yet? Pretty sweet." He mentally gave himself a face-palm Of course she hadn't seen it yet. She had just arrived. He walked towards the kitchen, turning to her for a second. "I'm still not sure why I got into this school," he admitted as he turned to enter the kitchen.


Peter Potts

“ Hey Peter, are you, uh, in there? It’s Kina, my key’s kinda’ , not working…”
Peter stood up from where he had positioned himself on the sofa. Nice place, he thought as he jogged to the door. "Yeah, uh...coming!" he called to his locked-out room-mate. He quickly opened the door - obviously not needing a key to get himself out. He smiled at the brown, curly haired girl. "Uh, Kina, right? The room's over here," he grinned at her and went back into the room, holding the door open for the girl. "Pretty cool room, huh?"

He swiveled his gaze all around the room. One bed, he noted. That'll be awkward. He moved away from the pool, which was beside the door. "And, look, a pool, and-" he stopped himself from saying anymore before he embarrassed himself.

(Just to clear things up, the door leading to the garden in the picture of Room 509 is where they will enter from the hall.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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Ava Bellmore

The lisp was slightly noticeable, but Ava mentioned nothing.

"Well, Donni," she said with a smile, correcting herself. ", I haven't really seen the place. But so far, this room is pretty awesome. And so is the kitchen." she said with a slight laugh of amusement as she stuck her head around the door frame to peer into the other room.

"...lovely..." she said to herself as she finished up touring the room herself. Her accent was a thick layer over her soft, musical voice, but she was easily understood.

Ava returned to the main part of the room, and flopped down on the twin bed that she claimed as her own. She then tossed her duffel bag to the ground next to her. Her green eyes scanned the place, and she then turned to Donni, unsure of what to say.

"I'm still not sure why I got into this school..."

At the comment, Ava couldn't help but grin. Neither did she.

"Me to... I mean, who even knew there was a school at Disney World, of all places!" she chirped, and tossed her arms up ot emphasize her point. A small corner of her leather bound songbook peeped out of the bag, and she bent over and picked it up, as well as a pen, leafing through the pages. Maybe being in this new place would inspire some more songs. Ava smiled softly and then tossed the book and ball point pen on her pillow, deciding to leave that for later. She had managed to fit her smaller, but portable keyboard in her very large duffel bag, and would put all of her stuff away later. In the meantime, hopefully she would get to tour this place.

Then a thought came to her. "Well, on the bright side, hopefully they tell us why we are here int he first place once everything starts up." she pointed out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Peter Potts Character Portrait: Kina Midori Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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Donni Dawkson

"Me to... I mean, who even knew there was a school at Disney World, of all places!"
Donni grinned in agreement. " old do the think we are? Well, I do enjoy Disney now and again - and it's gotta' be better than normal school...right?" he gave Ava a sheepish smile.
"Well, on the bright side, hopefully they tell us why we are here int he first place once everything starts up."
"Hopefully," Donni agreed with a nod. He looked around the kitchen, then walked towards the fridge. "Would you like anything? They have eough food to feed an elephant in here," he jokd as he examined the food.

Peter Potts

"There's a pool! This is awesome! I mean, wow, our own pool! I wonder if there's mermaids in it, this is disney after all..."
Peter grinned at the girl's enthusiasm. She seems okay, he thought. "Sorry, got distracted by the pool..." Kina said, a slight blush reaching her cheeks. She looks cute when she's embarrassed, he thought, then mentally shook his head to rid the thought. "So, uh, are you excited?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I suppose. I mean, it's gotta' be better than regular school, right? It's Disney, afterall. I've never actually been to a boarding school before so..." he trailed off. "Sorry...I tend to blab on a bit." He felt his cheeks go red. Heglancd at the bed, where his suitcase sat. "I'll take the couch," he mumbled, grabbing the bag from the bed and walking into the sitting room. Maybe he could ask the clerk at the front desk for an extra mattress, or even another bed. Who knew, maybe she would oblige. She seemed pretty nice, anyway.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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Ava Bellmore

Ava listened, already a step ahead of him. "I've got it. she reassured him and popped open a can of Root Beer.

Honestly, Ava loved Disney. Especially Disney movies. Her favorite had always been Peter Pan. She didn't know why... it was the magical qualities it gave off. Her favorite character? Tinker Bell! Tink all the way! Her friends told her she acted just like her. Stubborn, but at times sweet. But with a really short temper. Except, Ava was more... energetic... then the green and blond fairy.

"So, wht's your favorite Disney movie?" she asked, curious. A habit of hers was always saying what was on her mind. Whether it was good or bad... Which could get her in trouble sometimes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Larsen McDowell Character Portrait: Matthew Rodgeman Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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Donni Dawkson

"Yeah, Peter Pan's great," Donni said with a smile. "So, you wanna' check this place out?" he grinned and turned to look at Ava to see her holding out a soda can for him to take. "Thanks," he said, taking the can and popping it open. He took a gulp of the cold drink, and grinned at Ava."So, you up for it?" he asked, referring to his earlier question.

(Sorry For The Short Post!)


"Hello. Remember us? We just saw our room. We're not pleased. It's bad enough you're forcing us to live co-ed, but giving us only one bed. That has got to be some kind of sick joke. I demand to speak to who ever's in charge here. This will not stand."
The receptionist looked up, startled, at the sound of the man's voice.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," she said, rufflig through her papers for a second. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She noticed the girl walking uo behind him. "You tell 'em Matthew," she said. She looked like she was trying not to laugh.

"Oh, and um... also, sir, we didn't force you to share a room. It was in the contract?" the receptionist gave them a nervous smile and held up a blank contract, about ten pages thick.
"But, we don't actually have any, um, spare mattresses... but I could give you some sheets? Or there is a city a few miles away, you could buy a sleeping bag... or something," she blushed. "Sorry I couldn't have helped any more."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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u]Ava Bellmore[/u]

Donni then offered to go check out the place, and Ava shrugged in a laid back manner. "Sure." she agreed and popped open her can of soda as well and took a sip. HTen, she ran a hand through her blond hair and bounced past him, peeking around a corner that she had just noticed, only to see a large living room area. "Whoa..." she breather with a grin and vanished around the corner, walking around and her curious green eyes twinkling with excitement.

Disney went all out with the dorms, that was for sure. Ava grinned and practically danced over to the couch, and flopped down with a light laugh. this place was amazing!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Larsen McDowell Character Portrait: Matthew Rodgeman Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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Donni Dawkson

Donni followed her into the living room, and his eyes widened slightly.A laugh escaped his lips. Ava flopped down onto the couch, giving a small laugh as she did so. Donni walked further into the room, away from the doorway he had just been standing at. "This place is so cool," he breathed, so low that Ava probably didn't hear it anyway. He looked arund the room, taking in the flat-screen TV situated above the fire, the large couch and the balcony, which hadan amazing view. He turned back to Ava for a second, giving her a small smile, though he didnt really see if she had been looking at him or not. He glanced at the unusual painting on the wall as his eyes swivelled around the whole room.

"All Students Have Permission To Enter Other Parts Of The School Grounds, excluding classrooms. This includes our restaurant italian restaurant, Bello, the Disney Theme Park, the Star Cafe, the pool, the gym, the game room and many more. Please ask at reception for places to visit."
Donni's eyes lit up as the femalespoke through the intercom.


"Spare me your apologies," the boy said. "I asked to speak to the person in charge. I want to see the person who's responsible for this catastrophe. Now I want his name and how I can reach him. And don't tell me about the contract. I want answers. So stop giving us the run around." The recptionist was slightly taken aback. "Well, you see, he is actually in London at the moment. But his name is Ted Marvolo. I can't actually give you, um, his like phone details and stuff without, like, his permission," she blushed and looked down at her feet as the voice spoke over the intercom.

Matthew turned to the girl. "This is unbelievable. Why can't these people just be straight forward with us?" she heard him say. The receptionist gritted her teeth. "I am being straight forward with you sir. I am telling you that you agreed that you would share a room, we have no spare mattresses but we do have duvets and pillows, and that Ted Marvolo, the person in charge, ho you requested for, is currently unavailable. I am only a receptionist after all. I don't have much influence." She finished her senetnce with a small hmmph, something in between annoyance and pride. And she was proud of herself. It was her first time she had stuck up for herself in, well, anything, really.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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[/u][/b]Ava Bellmore[/b][/u]

Out of the corner of her eye, Ava spotted Donni enter the room, and she watched to see his reaction. ALthough she couldn't quite here what he said, but saw his lips move, she grinned, assuming he was impressed. THen, suddenly somebody spoke through an intercom, announcing they could go explore the place, and Ava immediately shot to her feet, bouncing a bit as she did so.

"Cool! I'm up for it!" she practically sang and moved back to the regular room, placing her hand on the door handle, about to turn it to leave. Then,, she poked her head back around the bend that led to the living room, and blinked, looking at Donni. "You coming?" she asked, her accent blending in with her musical voice to create a soft, unique, British accented sound.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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Donni Dawkson

Donni grinned as Ava popped her head around the corner. "You coming?" she asked. Donni nodded. "Sure, where do you want to go?" he askd as he follwed her out of the room, and then out the door leading to the hallway, holding the dor open as he did so.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donni Dawkson Character Portrait: Ava Bellmore
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Ava Bellmore

Ava dashed ahead of Donni, but only to turn on her heel smoothly and prance backwards, rounding corner simply as if she had eyes in the back of her head. She did this so she could walk, and talk, and the same time.

"Well, I haven't exactly had a chance to take notice of where everything is," she reminded him with a friendly, teasing smile. "...but, I guess we could head anywhere. Where do you want to go?" she asked, bouncing off the question back to him. Honestly, she was horrible at making choices. Yes, she could simply make them, but the reason she was bad at it, was because it usually turned inside out and backfires on her.

They soon reached the elevator and she punched the down arrow, and was startled when she was reminded how fast they got there, and the door opened almost immediately. She hopped in and hit the star that meant the main floor. Suddenly the song The Second Star To The Right began to play in her head as she saw the image and she began to hum joyfully.