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Sonia Redwood

"There is no time to regret the past. You can only look forward, and strive to make a better future."

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a character in “Dogs in Almighty God's Vineyard”, as played by Magus1108


Sonia Redwood


Age: 49
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/Race: Caucasian
Level of Faith: Sonia is a woman of moderate faith. After years of soul searching, she’s found a cause to believe in...though she does not agree wholeheartedly with Faithian doctrine, or all its professed tenants. Still, she believes in the Lord God, and her long years have led to her seeing some strange things. So she is more inclined to believe in the supernatural than others.
Years of Service: Ten years as a Dog, twelve years as Sheriff of Prairie Falls, and two and a half years in the US Army
Weapons/Equipment: Her trusty shotgun, two revolvers, a rifle, a hidden knife in her boot, the Book of Life, and a small locket that has a picture inside of it, showing a younger Sonia, a young Mexican man, three young boys, and a little girl.


Sonia is a woman hardened by her years of violence and war, but beneath her more gruff and hard exterior, lies a passionate and proud woman. She takes pride in her work and her past accomplishments; even her past sex work, to a degree. While the road to the present hasn’t always been pleasant, there is little she regrets, and she takes that approach to her everyday life. There is no room for doubt or fear in her mind.


When Sonia was a young girl, she was always free-spirited. She often got into trouble with her parents, who disapproved of their rebellious ways. The only person she got along with during her childhood, truly, was her older brother Caleb. The two of them were close friends, and he was seemingly the only person who understood her and accepted her. Unlike their father and mother, Caleb accepted Sonia’s more rebellious nature, and even encouraged it at times. Together, they brought a great amount of grief to their parents, but Sonia didn’t care about that at all. She hated the way her parents, especially her father, tried to stifle her and make her into a β€˜proper young woman’.

Sonia was fifteen when a life-changing event occurred: the War between the States. Her brother was seventeen at the time, and soon after the war started, he was drafted into the Union Army. It was a painful event, separating from her sibling...not helped at all by talk from her father Sherman of arranging a proper marriage for her, now that she was of age. Years of constant rebellion against her controlling father culminated in her decision to run away: she would marry whomever she wished to, not whatever businessman her father wanted to hitch her to in order to advance their social station.

After running away, Sonia was at first unsure of where to go...until she remembered where her brother was. With her boyish looks and still developing body, it was fairly easy to disguise herself as a young boy. The Union Army was desperate for more soldiers, so the recruiters accepted her quite easily when she presented herself; though she was unsuccessful in getting placed with Caleb’s unit. Despite that failure, Sonia hoped to reconnect with her brother in the army, and she was successful to that end. After claiming Caleb was her cousin, she found out what unit he was in, and started exchanging letters with her brother soon after. Through the rest of the war they kept in touch, both siblings managing to survive the War of Southern Secession.

The war against the South was a harsh affair, and one that would forever stick in Sonia’s mind. People around her died all the time, often more due to infection than actual bullet wounds. The conditions of war were hellish, with constant gunfire and cannonfire thundering around her. And then, the few times she had to fight hand to hand...thrusting her bayonet into the stomach of a Confederate soldier close to her own age was an experience Sonia would never forget. It changed her, hardened her, made her into a different person.

Then, too, came another inevitability: while she did her best to hide her gender, the men of her unit discovered her secret soon enough. And, distasteful as the notion was, Sonia bought their silence with her body. Sonia slept with her fellow soldiers to stay in the Army, as well as a few other people higher-up in the chain of command, who discovered her secret. It was unpleasant for the most part, but a necessity if she didn’t want to be outed, and forced back with her parents.

By August of 1863, the war was over. The South had won, and the Confederate States of America was now an independent nation. The result disheartened many Union soldiers, and Sonia herself felt a sense of bitterness in the aftermath. Still, fighting in the army had given her a sense of purpose, and it had taught her how to defend herself. If nothing else, her time as a Union soldier gave her valuable life skills that would serve her well in the future.

After the war, Sonia reunited with her brother Caleb, and after some discussion the two of them ventured out West, to seek a new life away from their parents. The trek West was hard, and often they had to resort to various unsavory means to provide for themselves and stay alive: with Sonia often letting men sleep with her in exchange for supplies or money. Her brother wasn’t happy with the arrangement at all, but Sonia did her best to soothe his worries. Even if it wasn’t pleasant, it was what was needed to survive.

In the fall of 1865, the two of them settled in a small frontier town known as Prairie Falls. At first it was just a general stop in their continued journey Westward (with the goal of maybe settling somewhere in California), but that changed as Sonia and Caleb formed connections in the town. The people there were welcoming, and after some discussion, the two siblings decided to settle there. They managed to settle in at the town well enough, and Sonia soon made the acquaintance of the town’s bartender: a former Mexican soldier by the name of Miguel Castillo. Miguel was a man like no other, far as Sonia was concerned: he was a kind, gentle soul, and their shared bitterness over their nation’s loss in war helped them to bond further. The two of them became quite close, and after two years of flirtation and courtship, they were married.

After several years of marriage, however, another unexpected development occurred. In 1871, the Sheriff of Prairie Falls was murdered by a group of outlaws who were harassing the townsfolk. Sonia and her brother helped lead the posse that hunted down the outlaws in response, and during the fight, Sonia proved herself very well. After justice was served, the town needed a new Sheriff...and who better than Sonia Redwood to serve that role?

Sonia was deeply surprised by this development, but went along with the decision. For the next twelve years, she served as the Sheriff of Prairie Falls. And during those twelve years, she started a family with Miguel. Her first son was born in 1872, followed by two more sons in 1874 and 1877. In 1880, she gave birth to her first daughter, and her last child overall. During that time, her brother married as well, and started his own family.

During her tenure as Sheriff, Sonia oversaw a relatively peaceful and eventful period of Prairie Falls history. During the mid 1870s, a connecting railroad was built along the town, which contributed to its subsequent rise in population. Slowly but surely, Prairie Falls was transitioning from a small frontier town to a more developed railroad city. The times were a-changing, and in 1883, Sonia ended up changing as well.

The β€˜Miracle’ Sonia witnessed in the Summer of 1883 is ill-defined, largely because she does not like to talk about it in detail. Regardless, some sort of event happened in 1883 that gave Sonia a newfound belief in God, and of the Faithian religion. This new sense of belief inspired Sonia to give her talents to God to use...and what better way for her to accomplish that, then to become a Dog? So it was that, after a brief discussion with her family, Sonia resigned as Sheriff and left Prairie Falls, bound for New Life.

With her history as both a sheriff and a soldier, she breezed through the Dog training fairly well, and was ordained within four months. Since then, Sonia has been serving as an active Watchdog, ready to deliver God’s justice (or mercy) when need be. Sonia is not as dogmatic as some of her fellows though, and her downright liberal views on sexuality, race-mixing, and a woman’s place in the world would scandalize many a New Life socialite. She’s good at her job though, and has developed a reputation in the Dog community as a fair but firm soldier of God.


Sonia’s goals are to see God’s will and judgment carried out in Man’s World, to live to a ripe old age, and see to it that her children live happy and prosperous lives.


  • Her sons, Alejandro, Ethan, and Julio, and her daughter, Isabella.
  • Dogs (the animal, but also Watchdogs)
  • Her Husband and Brother
  • Snow; a rarity in the climate of the Deseret, admittedly
  • People of Strong Character


  • Her father Sherman
  • Holier-than-thou types
  • Confederates
  • Hypocrites
  • Thunderstorms

So begins...

Sonia Redwood's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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"My dear girl, there is a power here beyond your comprehension at work. And He Who Walks the Desert Night, our true God, is generous beyond belief with the strength he grants to his believers," Father Mycroft imperiously proclaimed. He granted Anna a dark smile, and leaned back in his chair, seemingly uncaring of the growing tension in the air.

"Still, it is a pity. So, no deal then. Such a shame. Our Lord could work such miracles through all of you...still, there is no need for bloodshed. If you will not work with us, there could yet be an arrangement to be made. Truth be told, this is not the first time you Dogs have stumbled upon what we have here. Your predecessors took neither offer, but in the past...well, in the past, the Dogs have not always been so strict in their doctrine."

Mycroft trailed off, another infuriating smile tugging at his lips. He could tell he had Anna's attention now, however, as well as that of the rest of the group. Allegations of corruptions among the Watchdogs was a serious declaration, after all: even if it came from a mouth as untrustworthy as his.

"Every man has their price. An indulgence that they cave to, at the end of the day. Perhaps a special tithing would be in order, Sonia? You and your husband have had trouble paying off your debts: the farm isn't as profitable as it used to be, and for all their piety, the Dogs do not pay much better than a town sheriff. What about you, Charles? Do you miss your family back in Virginia? Arrangements could be made: they could come to see the Lord in the same light as you. Or perhaps you'd rather see the men you fought alongside with given their due? And Anna...your dear Horatio, so like a father to you. Haunted all his life by the tragedies that defined him. It would be no issue at all to ease his burden, and give him the man he's been searching for all these years, so he can have his final revenge. And Margaret--!"

"Save your breath," she immediately interrupted. "I have no intention of accepting any false deal that you offer."

Mycroft smiled thinly at her, and glanced back toward Anna. "So you say now. But you would follow this woman in a heartbeat, wouldn't you? You trust her judgement. And if she wanted to make an arrangement..."

Margaret pursed her lips tightly, but refused to take the bait either way. Mycroft merely chuckled at her lack of reply, and focused his attention fully back onto Anna.

"The choice is yours, Watchdog. There are many miracles and wonders that the true God can bring about...your lives could become heaven on earth, if you so desired. All you would need to do is...look the other way. Find a scapegoat, and parade them in front of your superiors: hell, I'll give you the Sheriff, if you want her. A corrupt lawman brought to justice! The true madwoman behind all those fires...wouldn't that make for a lovely end to this story? And you'd never have to worry about the town of Abernathy again. What say you, Dog?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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A deep breathe in, and out, as coldly calm as ever, despite the righteous fury burning in her heart. The outstreched arm never wavered, her revolver aimed perfectly at the preacher's heart, as it became painfully clear to her that this was the moment she had been called to by the Lord. There would surely never be a greater test than this. The Devil came in many forms and his temptations would be sweet. Anything and everything, to lure the ignorant and the desparate into heresy.

Charles said nothing in the moment of silent tension, gritting his teeth, restraining his own fuming temper at the man who dared to claim he knew his troubles. His fingers shifted against the grip of his revolver, but he still didn't dare draw yet. The pack was waiting for Anna.

All you would need to do is... look the other way.

He offered it as a choice to Anna. As if there could ever have been one. There was no more retort or threats to be made, no bargains to be offered. She only wished she could look back to Margerat in that last moment before. But as ever, her duty came first, no matter the cost, no matter the consequence. The Lord would judge her works and her faith, in the end.

Anna pulled the trigger.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Anna knew what she saw, in that briefest of moments, with the briefest flash of her revolver providing the further light to see her shot strike true. At such a distance, she could never have missed. Her aim, and her resolve, never faltered.

Nonetheless, for once, she swore. "Goddammit!"

She strode up to the chair splattered with further evidence, her grip all the tighter on her gun. But nothin else, despite the mere moments it had been. "There must be a hidden passage! Find it!" She pointed her gun to the floor, and let her frustration flare with five shots across the floorboards, nearly at random, as if in vain hope that the Lord would guide her hand.

"Sonia, watch our rear." She said with a tight breath out, forcing composure back as she quickly reloaded, and looked across the pierced floorboards, searching for any hint of something underneath.

Charles hurried up behind her, drawing his saber, and starting to tap the blade in between floorboards, searching just as hurriedly for one that might have been loose. "Like damned ghosts..." He muttered.

"Ghosts don't bleed." Anna snapped without looking to him. "They're only men."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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While Sonia watched the rear entrance and Charles checked out the floor, Margaret moved toward the other main doorway, setting herself alongside the opposite side of the door handle before she cautiously reached over to open it. The door creaked open without issue, and Margaret peered into the darkness within, her gun pointed forward. She glanced inside, squinting as her eyes tried to adjust to the pitch-black darkness of the room. When she was finally able to properly see, Margaret openly gasped.

It was at that same time that a peculiar and rather odious smell filtered into the wider area, a smell that all four of the Dogs were all too familiar with. The smell of a rotting corpse.

"Anna, come quick," she hurriedly urged.

Margaret grabbed the nearest candle available, and used it to shed light into the darkened room. Inside, three pale-faced bodies stared back at them. They were of an older man, an older woman, and a young girl barely into her teens. The man and the woman were chained to the wall, while the girl was bound to a table in the center of the room. A tray containing bloodied medical instruments laid next to her. The bodies of the man and woman bore evident signs of torture, with slits across their throats as the most obvious sign of their demise. The body of the girl, however, was cut open in a manner most foul and ghastly: her chest cavity was exposed to the world, torn open no doubt with the instruments around her.

"Jesus. That must be Melissa Watson. And the other two..." Margaret trailed off, before cautiously approaching the body of the woman. She stared carefully at her still face, noting the Watchdog tags dangling from her neck, before pulling back. "They have to be Dogs Meyer and Ford. There's no doubt about it."

Her eyes darted back over to Melissa, and despite her growing nausea, Margaret carefully chanced a look at her exposed chest. The look of utter pain and anguish on Melissa's face told a clear story. "It...looks like they cut her open while she was still alive. And...God, her heart is missing. I can see her other organs, but her heart, it's just...gone."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Anna ran without the slightest pause at Margaret's call, scowling as she quickly caught the scent of rot before anything else.

"Goddammit." She couldn't help but curse again, gripping tighter still at her revolver in a vain attempt to steady her trembling fury. "Goddammit."

Charles followed soon after, only to jerk to a halt with a muttered swear of his own. For all that he had seen of mangled corpses before, more than he could ever count, his stomach roiling as his gaze lingering on the girl's body. Bowing his head, he mumbled a prayer, difficult that it was to muster words.

Anna said nothing further for a long moment, glaring at the corpses, forcing sharp breaths in and out through gritted teeth. Eventually, she spoke up. "Leave them be. We need to keep moving. The heretics can't have gotten far. There has to be a path they took." She ordered, quickly looking further about the room, all the more furiously searching for a hint of a trail.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Anna ran without the slightest pause at Margaret's call, scowling as she quickly caught the scent of rot before anything else.

"Goddammit." She couldn't help but curse again, gripping tighter still at her revolver in a vain attempt to steady her trembling fury. "Goddammit."

Charles followed soon after, only to jerk to a halt with a muttered swear of his own. For all that he had seen of mangled corpses before, more than he could ever count, his stomach roiling as his gaze lingering on the girl's body. Bowing his head, he mumbled a prayer, difficult that it was to muster words.

Anna said nothing further for a long moment, glaring at the corpses, forcing sharp breaths in and out through gritted teeth. Eventually, she spoke up. "Leave them be. We need to keep moving. The heretics can't have gotten far. There has to be a path they took." She ordered, quickly looking further about the room, all the more furiously searching for a hint of a trail.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Margaret nodded, and she rejoined the others in searching out the basement room. It took another ten minutes of thorough and careful search: their target was so well hidden, that it almost escaped Sonia's notice. But she was the first to notice a series of odd scratch marks etched on the floor near a bookcase built into the wall. Her eyes narrowed, and she started pulling at books in a hurry: it was on her fifth try that a soft, sudden 'click' echoed through the room, and the wall partially opened as the bookcase suddenly swung out, revealing a secret tunnel carved through the hotel's foundations.

"Well, they are a cult...I suppose secret entrances and tunnels only makes sense for them," Margaret remarked.

After peering out into the darkness, and seeing no one in the immediate area, they cautiously made their way into the tunnel, Anna leading the way with a candle taken off of the table in the room. The small, paltry light was not nearly enough to illuminate the otherwise darkened tunnel, but it provided enough light to guide them forward, illuminating the path ahead through the barest margin as they traversed through the tunnel.

They traveled for some time: at least ten minute's worth, until they reached a central juncture through the tunnel system. Stretched out before them now where several branching paths: one to the right, one to the left, and one in the center. And, of course, there was the path behind them that led back to the hotel.

"A series of secret tunnels that stretch under the town?" Sonia murmured to herself, eyeing her surroundings warily. Every flicker of shadow had her spooked, and she couldn't help but wonder if and when someone or something would jump out at them. "They must have an extensive operation here. But, if a cult like this has been able to operate in a city like Abernathy, undetected this entire time...well, that only makes sense."

"The question is, which path do we take?" Margaret questioned. "There's no way of knowing which path leads where....I don't see any markers here. Perhaps..."

She trailed off, an idea sparking to her mind. She gestured for Anna to lower their candlelight closer to the ground, and once she did so, Margaret spotted what she was hoping to find. They were faint, but she could see a trail of footsteps leading toward the rightmost tunnel path. Unfortunately, a second set of footprints verged off toward the central tunnel as well, throwing an unfortunate wrench into her discovery.

"Not bad," Sonia complemented. "Assuming these tracks are from those bastards from earlier, then it seems we have their trail., no way of telling which set of 'prints is most recent. Hell, for all we know, they could have split up, and gone down different paths..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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"Thank the Lord." Anna murmured ever so faintly as she hurried to Sonia when she found the passage, careful not to let the relief show, intent on given the image of the stern, confident Dog she had to be in such a moment. "Quickly, now. They can't be far ahead."

Of course, they could only move so swiftly in a dark, cramped tunnel, mindful of ambushes that they had to be, and Anna gripped her pistol tight enough to leave her hand trembling once more, furiously aching for the opportunity to use it. Charles followed at the rear, all the more tense in such cramped quarters, keeping a careful watch for any hint of movement behind them.

Anna hissed, but managed to refrain the curse, when they arrived to the passage's split. At Margerat's suggestion, she lowered the light, and let out another annoyed breath as the trail became clearer.

"Damned madness." Charles muttered from the rear, grimacing at the thought of how extensive the scheming had gone. "Should we split?"

"No, we go as one. The Lord will guide us." Anna said, not voicing the inevitability that they had surely split up. Without hesitation, she stepped to the right, and began marching down the tunnel with the light and her pistol raised and readied.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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0.25 INK

They traveled down along the rightward tunnel, a tense air following the quartet as they moved forward. Pistols drawn and eyes darting to and fro for any sign or hint of danger, the Dogs were on heightened alert as they traversed the area. It took several minutes of travel, but eventually the tunnel they had chosen opened up, revealing its end destination as they exited the end of the tunnel.

The end result was...not quite what anyone there expected.

The tunnel opened up into a vast, excavated cavern, what almost seemed to be some deep mining pit. The open cavern revealed all sorts of excavated pathways and tunnels, leading deeper into all sorts of directions as dozens of new branching paths and tunnels were revealed.

"This is..." Sona trailed off, at a loss for words as she took in the sheer scope of the area. "What is this? Did they build some sort of elaborate tunneling system all over the town?"

"Maybe..." Margaret voiced, though her tone was doubtful. " almost seems more like a mine, than anything else. As if they were digging for something."

"For what?" Sonia immediately questioned with an incredulous tone. "There isn't any gold in these parts, not that I've heard. Or any other sort of precious metal or minerals. What on earth could they be digging for?"

She was silent, however, her eyes taking in the wide expanse before them. Something itched in the back of her head, as if she were forgetting something very important. Something about all of this seemed....achingly familiar to Margaret. But, why?

"He Who Walks the Desert Night..." she murmured to herself, recalling the name Father Mycroft had given for his god. That, too, seemed familiar to her.

Sonia gave her an odd look, but shook her head thereafter. She glanced over at Anna instead, and voiced a thought that almost all of them had to be thinking.

"We should turn back and check out that middle tunnel. If anyone ran down here....there's no telling where they could be now. This place is too big with too many tunnels all around: perfect to get lost in, if not ambushed in. We'd be better off coming back to this area with a militia at our side, or some sort of backup."