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Sonia Redwood

"There is no time to regret the past. You can only look forward, and strive to make a better future."

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a character in “Dogs in Almighty God's Vineyard”, as played by Magus1108


Sonia Redwood


Age: 49
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/Race: Caucasian
Level of Faith: Sonia is a woman of moderate faith. After years of soul searching, she’s found a cause to believe in...though she does not agree wholeheartedly with Faithian doctrine, or all its professed tenants. Still, she believes in the Lord God, and her long years have led to her seeing some strange things. So she is more inclined to believe in the supernatural than others.
Years of Service: Ten years as a Dog, twelve years as Sheriff of Prairie Falls, and two and a half years in the US Army
Weapons/Equipment: Her trusty shotgun, two revolvers, a rifle, a hidden knife in her boot, the Book of Life, and a small locket that has a picture inside of it, showing a younger Sonia, a young Mexican man, three young boys, and a little girl.


Sonia is a woman hardened by her years of violence and war, but beneath her more gruff and hard exterior, lies a passionate and proud woman. She takes pride in her work and her past accomplishments; even her past sex work, to a degree. While the road to the present hasn’t always been pleasant, there is little she regrets, and she takes that approach to her everyday life. There is no room for doubt or fear in her mind.


When Sonia was a young girl, she was always free-spirited. She often got into trouble with her parents, who disapproved of their rebellious ways. The only person she got along with during her childhood, truly, was her older brother Caleb. The two of them were close friends, and he was seemingly the only person who understood her and accepted her. Unlike their father and mother, Caleb accepted Sonia’s more rebellious nature, and even encouraged it at times. Together, they brought a great amount of grief to their parents, but Sonia didn’t care about that at all. She hated the way her parents, especially her father, tried to stifle her and make her into a β€˜proper young woman’.

Sonia was fifteen when a life-changing event occurred: the War between the States. Her brother was seventeen at the time, and soon after the war started, he was drafted into the Union Army. It was a painful event, separating from her sibling...not helped at all by talk from her father Sherman of arranging a proper marriage for her, now that she was of age. Years of constant rebellion against her controlling father culminated in her decision to run away: she would marry whomever she wished to, not whatever businessman her father wanted to hitch her to in order to advance their social station.

After running away, Sonia was at first unsure of where to go...until she remembered where her brother was. With her boyish looks and still developing body, it was fairly easy to disguise herself as a young boy. The Union Army was desperate for more soldiers, so the recruiters accepted her quite easily when she presented herself; though she was unsuccessful in getting placed with Caleb’s unit. Despite that failure, Sonia hoped to reconnect with her brother in the army, and she was successful to that end. After claiming Caleb was her cousin, she found out what unit he was in, and started exchanging letters with her brother soon after. Through the rest of the war they kept in touch, both siblings managing to survive the War of Southern Secession.

The war against the South was a harsh affair, and one that would forever stick in Sonia’s mind. People around her died all the time, often more due to infection than actual bullet wounds. The conditions of war were hellish, with constant gunfire and cannonfire thundering around her. And then, the few times she had to fight hand to hand...thrusting her bayonet into the stomach of a Confederate soldier close to her own age was an experience Sonia would never forget. It changed her, hardened her, made her into a different person.

Then, too, came another inevitability: while she did her best to hide her gender, the men of her unit discovered her secret soon enough. And, distasteful as the notion was, Sonia bought their silence with her body. Sonia slept with her fellow soldiers to stay in the Army, as well as a few other people higher-up in the chain of command, who discovered her secret. It was unpleasant for the most part, but a necessity if she didn’t want to be outed, and forced back with her parents.

By August of 1863, the war was over. The South had won, and the Confederate States of America was now an independent nation. The result disheartened many Union soldiers, and Sonia herself felt a sense of bitterness in the aftermath. Still, fighting in the army had given her a sense of purpose, and it had taught her how to defend herself. If nothing else, her time as a Union soldier gave her valuable life skills that would serve her well in the future.

After the war, Sonia reunited with her brother Caleb, and after some discussion the two of them ventured out West, to seek a new life away from their parents. The trek West was hard, and often they had to resort to various unsavory means to provide for themselves and stay alive: with Sonia often letting men sleep with her in exchange for supplies or money. Her brother wasn’t happy with the arrangement at all, but Sonia did her best to soothe his worries. Even if it wasn’t pleasant, it was what was needed to survive.

In the fall of 1865, the two of them settled in a small frontier town known as Prairie Falls. At first it was just a general stop in their continued journey Westward (with the goal of maybe settling somewhere in California), but that changed as Sonia and Caleb formed connections in the town. The people there were welcoming, and after some discussion, the two siblings decided to settle there. They managed to settle in at the town well enough, and Sonia soon made the acquaintance of the town’s bartender: a former Mexican soldier by the name of Miguel Castillo. Miguel was a man like no other, far as Sonia was concerned: he was a kind, gentle soul, and their shared bitterness over their nation’s loss in war helped them to bond further. The two of them became quite close, and after two years of flirtation and courtship, they were married.

After several years of marriage, however, another unexpected development occurred. In 1871, the Sheriff of Prairie Falls was murdered by a group of outlaws who were harassing the townsfolk. Sonia and her brother helped lead the posse that hunted down the outlaws in response, and during the fight, Sonia proved herself very well. After justice was served, the town needed a new Sheriff...and who better than Sonia Redwood to serve that role?

Sonia was deeply surprised by this development, but went along with the decision. For the next twelve years, she served as the Sheriff of Prairie Falls. And during those twelve years, she started a family with Miguel. Her first son was born in 1872, followed by two more sons in 1874 and 1877. In 1880, she gave birth to her first daughter, and her last child overall. During that time, her brother married as well, and started his own family.

During her tenure as Sheriff, Sonia oversaw a relatively peaceful and eventful period of Prairie Falls history. During the mid 1870s, a connecting railroad was built along the town, which contributed to its subsequent rise in population. Slowly but surely, Prairie Falls was transitioning from a small frontier town to a more developed railroad city. The times were a-changing, and in 1883, Sonia ended up changing as well.

The β€˜Miracle’ Sonia witnessed in the Summer of 1883 is ill-defined, largely because she does not like to talk about it in detail. Regardless, some sort of event happened in 1883 that gave Sonia a newfound belief in God, and of the Faithian religion. This new sense of belief inspired Sonia to give her talents to God to use...and what better way for her to accomplish that, then to become a Dog? So it was that, after a brief discussion with her family, Sonia resigned as Sheriff and left Prairie Falls, bound for New Life.

With her history as both a sheriff and a soldier, she breezed through the Dog training fairly well, and was ordained within four months. Since then, Sonia has been serving as an active Watchdog, ready to deliver God’s justice (or mercy) when need be. Sonia is not as dogmatic as some of her fellows though, and her downright liberal views on sexuality, race-mixing, and a woman’s place in the world would scandalize many a New Life socialite. She’s good at her job though, and has developed a reputation in the Dog community as a fair but firm soldier of God.


Sonia’s goals are to see God’s will and judgment carried out in Man’s World, to live to a ripe old age, and see to it that her children live happy and prosperous lives.


  • Her sons, Alejandro, Ethan, and Julio, and her daughter, Isabella.
  • Dogs (the animal, but also Watchdogs)
  • Her Husband and Brother
  • Snow; a rarity in the climate of the Deseret, admittedly
  • People of Strong Character


  • Her father Sherman
  • Holier-than-thou types
  • Confederates
  • Hypocrites
  • Thunderstorms

So begins...

Sonia Redwood's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Sonia nodded at Charles, glancing at the maid as she stepped over to her. As he checked out the water closet, Sonia smiled at her apologetically, and started patting her down, making sure she had no weapons on her first. "Sorry about this, but we have to be careful, you see. What was your name again, Miss--?"

Sonia had a sudden flash of insight, a split-second, guttural feeling that something was wrong. It was all the warning she got, but it was enough to help her suddenly jump backwards, as the maid swiped at her with a previously hidden knife. A knife that would have sliced open her belly, if her instincts hadn't warned her.

Her eyes widened, and Sonia fumbled to pull out her gun, but the maid was already rushing at her, knocking her off balance with surprising strength, as she bolted towards the door in order to escape!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Anna only feigned a calm smile to the doctor at his admission of the other Dogs' prior visit. Bit by bit, the trail was becoming clearer. Their comrades had thought the boy was of interest, the question was if they'd gleaned anything of use from his addled state.

She grimaced faintly at what she could see of the boy's injuries, the extensive bandaging both hiding and showing how grievous it was. Perhaps it was not some manner of deception, to keep the boy addled by opium for such a length of time, she mused as she examined his body. Anna had seen grave injuries before, to be sure, men and women crippled in the line of duty. Her own father for one, slow and limping, but at least he had not had his whole life ahead of him when he had been near-crippled.

"Hello, Richard. My name is Anna. This is Margaret. We are Watchdogs of the Lord." Anna said quietly, trying to feign another smile to reassured the boy. She glanced up quietly towards the door, wary of the doctor eavesdropping. "I need to ask you something very important, do you understand? I need you to tell me what happened when the other Dogs, Meyer and Ford, came to see you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Richard continued to stare at them vacantly, perhaps not registering what Anna had said. Before she could repeat her question though, Richard spoke up, his voice rather strained and hoarse. "...The other...Dogs. I...remember them. It was...the woman that spoke to me mostly.'s hard to remember...what she asked me..."

He trailed off, looking vaguely frustrated. Margaret wasn't too surprised: even if the opium helped dull his pain, it also no doubt helped to dull his mind. Getting concrete answers out of Richard might be harder than they'd anticipated. Still, it was their duty to see this through to the end.

"This might be hard, but we need you to remember, Richard. Can you do that for us?" she asked softly.

He nodded after a moment. "I...think I can try. They...yes...I think...she asked me about...the night of"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Charles was about to give his full attention to a necessarily protracted search of the water closet when he heard the sudden scrape of feet across the floor and the barest hint of an all too familiar sound of metal slicing through the air. He hurriedly stepped back out into the room to see Sonia stumbling back with her hand reaching for the gun, while the maid fled for the door, a glint of light across the knife bringing attention to what had happened.

His hand swept back for his revolver in one swift movement as the maid was nearing the doorway. There was no time to shout a warning, no time to risk losing her in a hotel she knew far better than he and Sonia. The blade in her hand was proof enough of her intent, and her guilt. He stamped down on the split second of reluctance as his pistol flicked out from the holster with familiar instinct.

God forgive me. The thought crossed his mind in another half instant, with no time left to aim precisely as his pistol was raised up at the maid, and he fired a single shot at her back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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The shot hit its mark, and with a strangled cry the maid collapsed to the floor outside the room, landing on her back. It was hard to tell where he’d hit her, but she was still alive for the moment, gasping and groaning in pain as the floor beneath her was soaked with her blood, a crimson ring starting to spread from beneath her fallen body.

β€œShit...” Sonia murmured to herself, giving a grimace. She withdrew her gun, though at this point she doubted she’d need it.

She turned her attention to Charles, giving him a thankful nod. β€œCome on, we’d best question her while we can. There’s no telling if she’ll survive her wound.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Anna pursed her lips tightly as she eyed the boy's drugged state. "Breathe, Richard, just breathe, and focus." She drew in a tight breath of her own, reining in her impatience. Reaching down, she squeezed lightly at his hand as she stared down at him. "What did you tell the other Dog?"

Her gaze flicked back to the doorway they'd came through, watching for the doctor, listening for any sign that he might be lurking nearby. It would be so easy for him to burst in and interrupt the boy, if he was a part of any plot to obscure the truth... The unknowns nagged insistently at her thoughts, risking a treacherous path of paranoia. She had a God-given authority to compel the truth by any means necessary, but such drastic action could not be taken on vague suspicion. She looked back to the boy, biting worriedly at the edge of her lip. "I know this is hard, Richard, but this is of great importance. You will do the Church a great service in aiding us. The Lord smiled on you for your bravery and I am sure he will once more on this day."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Richard remained silent for a long moment, before slowly opening his mouth to speak. "I don't remember...much of that night. It's all a...hazy blur. But...I remember trying to find...her. I tried to find Melissa Watson, I truly did. But I couldn't. She was...already gone when I went inside. At least...I think she was. All I found were the bodies of her brother and parents. They...were already dead by that point. I tried looking for...Melissa elsewhere....but...I never found her. By the time the smoke forced me out...a piece of timber fell on me. After that I....well, I don't...remember much else. That's...what I told the other Dogs."

Margaret felt her heart start to quicken, as she took in what Richard said. She shared a glance with Anna, silently pondering just what that had meant. The Sheriff had already mentioned that they hadn't found the Watson girl...this Melissa. Still...the rest of her family had already been dead when Richard had gone into the house? Could they have died of smoke inhalation that quickly? It was highly unlikely they'd burned to death that first, most people died of the smoke before the fire ever got to them.

Considering the fire had been limited to just the block of the Watson can't have taken too long for the fire brigade to show up, and put out the flames. Not to mention, no one outside the Watson family had died...

Strange. This mission was getting curiouser and curiouser by the moment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Charles had the decency not to swear, if only because the habit had been thoroughly scolded from by his Dog elders. With the briefest of glances to Sonia and the revolver in her hand, he quickly holstered his own and hurried to the other woman's side. Kneeling down on the floor, he reached to grasp at her hand, as much to pin the arm that had been trying to swing a blade into Sonia as to comfort the woman he'd shot. Part of him wanted to shout to fetch a doctor, but the pooling blood on the floor was sign enough of the inevitable.

He spoke with a quiet intensity, without hesitation. He had watched far, far too many men die before him, some by his his hand, some not. Women, more rarely, but regardless it was these moments where he did not share the same grizzled judgement of his comrades. "Do you believe in the Lord, our God, who's grace is eternal and who's power is beyond measure? Do you believe in his love and judgement?" He said hurriedly, as he squeezed tighter at her hand and stared into her eyes. "Confess and go before him with your soul laid bare of your sins."

In the end, every man and woman was a sinner, and every sinner was equal as they were about to face the Lord. Charles knew that more than he wanted to admit, at times. He let out a tight breath through gritted teeth as he watched the woman's life bleed out. "Confess and I will beseech the Lord to forgive you of your sins. Tell us what happened here. What happened to the Dogs?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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The dying woman paused...and spit out her blood-stained saliva onto Charles' face. She grimaced in pain, but nonetheless tried to speak. "Fuck you and fuck your god. The False Prophet and the False Lord are nothing compared to He Who Walks the Desert Night. I work in the name of the True God and his Herald!"

She paused, breaking out into a wet coughing fit, trickles of blood pouring out from her open mouth. She took in a shaky breath, and with one final act of defiance she declared, "The missing Dogs are...dead. And so...will you be too."

With that, she let out a strangled gasp, and became all too still: her hand growing limp in Charles' grasp.

A long moment of silence passed. When she finally found her voice, a noticeably pale Sonia bent down to put a hand on Charles' shoulder.

"Well. Shit. I think this just got a lot more complicated. If what she said means what I think it means...this could be really, really bad Charles."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Charles flinched reflexively at the splatter of blood across his face, but he didn't lash out, simply staring down hard at the woman and her spite, until the last light faded from her eyes.

He sighed heavily as he felt her go still, brows furrowed with intent thought. An ominous invocation indeed... not that it made a lick of sense to him. Nonetheless, he released her hand, and reached up to gently close her eyes. "Go to your judgment in peace." He murmured, eyeing the body for a lingering moment. Then he stood quiet a slow breath out, wiping the dripping blood from his beard.

"Dying folk don't tend to lie." He'd seen that more than enough. Begging, crying, spite on rarer occasions such as these... If she believed the missing Dogs were dead, they most likely were. "We know there's something here, for sure now. Just need to find the trail. Could show the hotel owner this to start, that should make him chatty." He paused with a look to Sonia, eyeing her shaken expression. "What d'you reckon?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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"...I think we just opened up a can of worms that we weren't ready for," Sonia replied, scowling slightly as she glared down at the woman's corpse. "Maybe I'm wrong...hell, I'm hoping I'm wrong...but the phrases she used had meaning, Charles. He Who Walks The Desert Night...that's a term I haven't heard in awhile."

She paused, looking around briefly to make sure no one else was nearby. So far no one had shown up to investigate the sound of the gunshot, but undoubtedly someone would, and soon. "We don't have much time, so I'll make this quick. Have you ever heard of the Black Deseret? It's a heretical group, a bastard offshoot of the Prophet's teachings. They sprung up maybe a decade ago, or thereabouts. Long story short, they're a dangerous cult. And we might have just walked right into a whole nest of 'em."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Could the Watsons have been murdered? Could Melissa Watson have been kidnapped? If someone had come into the house, fifteen minutes was more than enough time to abscond into the night. But fleeing the city itself without notice would have been far more difficult, surely.

The thought gnawed at Anna. The boy had found the bodies of most of the family, already dead, but the smoke had clearly not be so thick as to kill him so swiftly. No one else had perished in the fire. The girl's body hadn't been found. There was enough, to be sure, more than enough to catch a Dog's attention. Even perhaps to pull them away, if only intentionally briefly, from a prior assignment. Just enough for them to stumble onto a genuine conspiracy, for what else could have left them missing, likely dead?

But why Melissa Watson?

Anna stifled a sigh as the boy rambled further. Whispers in the flames indeed. But she would be thankful enough that the boy was as lucid as he was, with what the doctor had given him for his pain. "Thank you, Richard. You've been very brave. I will pray for your swift recovery." She said with another feigned smile, stepping back with a nod and turning away, not letting him see the worried grimaced that she looked to Margaret with.

"We are still missing a piece." She muttered to Margaret. "Someone must have seen the girl. Our comrades must have found some better trail to follow."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Margaret cast one last look at Richard, a thoughtful look on her face, before leaving the room with Anna. She nodded as her friend spoke, agreeing with her on that much. "Indeed. I think at this point, we ought to regroup and disseminate what we've learned. I believe we all agreed to meet back at the Sheriff's office...waiting for them there, if they aren't already waiting for us, seems like our best option."

At the same time, she couldn't help but ruminate on her own thoughts. Some sort of conspiracy was afoot here, that much was clear. But to what degree? Whispers in the flame...the mere notion sent shivers down her spine. She'd seen the destructive force of the Flame firsthand, not too long ago...when her last team had perished. Margaret still wasn't sure what to make of what she'd seen and heard that awful night...but it seemed this case might force her to reconsider those memories sooner than she'd like.

They left the hospital soon after, beginning the tedious walk back to the sheriff's office. Along the way, Margaret decided to speak up. "Things are getting stranger and stranger here, are they not?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Charles grimaced deeply. He had heard a lot of tall tales in his life, but rarely from the dying, and rarer still from veteran Dogs. He only shook his head, his hand resting calmly on the hilt of his revolver as he stepped to the door, peering quickly out and down the hallway. "Ain't that ill tidings." He muttered, mostly to himself.

Cults and heretics he could understand, at least in theory. He'd seen murderous madmen invoke the Devil once or twice, not that such a thing struck him as able to make two other Dogs disappear from the streets without a trace. The look in Sonia's eyes was worrying, but there was little to do but press on. "Reckon we should hurry after the proprietor? He'll surely be bolting if he heard that gunshot and knows more than he let on 'fore."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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"I'm not certain. I don't want to run headlong into any traps. After all, if these cultists managed to subdue, even kill two Dogs...they must have numbers on their side. And if there are more of them in this hotel aside from that maid, well...perhaps we'd best leave while we can, and regroup with the others. They need to know what's happened...and besides that, we'll have better chances coming back to this hotel in full force, maybe even with the police at our side. The proprietor might be gone by then, but it's a risk we'll have to take," Sonia advised after a moment.

It was risky, chancing that a lead like that could vanish, if indeed the hotel manager, or anyone else here for that matter, knew more than what they were saying. But at the same time, she didn't want to repeat any of the mistakes that had no doubt done in Ford and Meyers. Besides, there was no telling what their fellows had also found: regrouping and exchanging information seemed like the best course of action to her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Anna walked swiftly back out to the street and towards the sheriff's office, eyeing the look on Margaret's face, knowing that her own expression was far from confident on any obvious lead forward. She let her friend mull over her own thoughts for a moment before she eventually spoke up as they continued down the street.

"What would drive someone to murder the Watsons and kidnap their daughter?" She asked quietly, careful of any passing townsfolk, watching the street intently even as she spoke to Margaret. After all, the city had already taken two Dogs. And so Anna eyed every passerby in sight, searching for anyone with more than a passing glance towards her and Margaret. "To set a fire so deliberately that it doesn't spread far, and then to kill two people and kidnap the third without a trace..."

She trailed off with a heavy sigh, trying to calm her own frustrations. Every question the two of them had asked the boy had only led to two more questions in turn. "It would take a certain cleverness. Someone, or a number of them, likely clever enough to then ambush two Dogs. But what is the value of the girl, for all of this?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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"I'm not sure. That's still a big mystery here. And no doubt this all has to do with the fires that happen every year; it stands to reason that whoever the arsonist is who started the fires before, is also the one behind the current, possible kidnapping. We'll have to ask the Sheriff about any other missing people from the previous fires...there could very well be a pattern here. Regardless of all that, however...more and more, it feels like we're stepping into some sort of grand conspiracy here," Margaret replied, tapping her chin in thought.

Anna was right: a clever someone, or a group of someones, had definitely ambushed and likely killed the two Dogs. And it had to have been more than one person: this amount of precision and sophistication would be near impossible to pull off with just one person. An entire group, a conspiracy, had to be at work here. For what end, she couldn't yet say. But the further they unraveled the mystery of Abernathy, the more laborious and cryptic things became.

"We might want to consider sending a telegram for backup when we reconvene with the others. Even with the four of us, I can't help but feel ill at ease. After all, if this conspiracy could swallow two Dogs whole with ease, what's to say they couldn't do the same for four?" she opined, grimacing slightly in distaste.

It was something of a blow to her pride to admit as such, but she had to be realistic here. If anything, she knew that the higher ups in New Life would agree with her assessment after they reported in. More and more this was starting to feel like a mission too big for one group of Dogs to feasibly handle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Charles scratched at his beard with a wordless grumble as he considered. It was certainly wiser not to go chasing off with guns drawn after an unknown suspect, especially when the dying woman had indeed made it abundantly clear she was far from alone. After all, two Dogs had likely gotten far closer than he and Sonia had thus far, and their own skills hadn't been enough to save their lives. After another brief moment of thought, he managed to crack a faint grin. "If they've got numbers, then at least they'll struggle to hide 'em for long. Like rats, eh? Just gotta light a fire under 'em in the right place and they'll scurry out."

He then stepped towards the doorway to the hall, revolver in hand. "Maybe we take a back door out quickly, yeah?" He quickly poked his head out just long enough to look back and forth for any signs of moving before leaning back into the relative cover of the doorway. "Ready?" Charles asked, with a quick look back to Sonia, still listening carefully for any sounds of footsteps coming down the hall.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Sonia nodded wordlessly at him, gun in hand, before moving out of cover and down the hall with him. No one was present to impede their path right now; and when they reached the entrance to the stairwell, no one still harassed them. After that, the two of them proceeded down the stairs, slowly and carefully making their way to the first floor. And still, no one chased after them; instead, the few people they came across turned the other way the moment they saw their pistols.

As such, they remained largely unmolested by the time they did exit the hotel, and enter the backstreets of Abernathy. Sonia couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief, though she still looked around for any sign of a pursuer.

"Looks like we're clear for now. Come on, let's hurry; we've got to get back to the others!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anna Ward Character Portrait: Charles Carver Character Portrait: Sonia Redwood Character Portrait: Margaret Thorne
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Asking for help, on her first mission as pack leader. The thought galled Anna, at least until she stamped down on that folly of pride. Two Dogs surely as experienced as she, if not likely more so, had fallen prey to the lurking danger here, and she had an obligation to much more than just her own safety.

She was silent for that long moment, brows furrowed with thought, only belatedly looking back up to Margaret. "You are right. We need to look farther back, find a pattern. Inquire about any other missing women." The thought drew out a deep frown from Anna. The most obvious motive for such a crime drew a cold fury in her heart, but she couldn't let such thoughts distract her from the task at hand.

A deep breath, in and out. "We will send word to New Life of our difficulties in finding the trail and the danger that represents, that there is more at work here than any simple criminal or sinner. Bolstering our numbers would be a boon. Perhaps the arrival of a second pack would force the culprits into rash action."