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Fred Weasley

Molly: "Fred, you next." George: "He's not Fred, I am! " Fred: "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? " Molly: "Sorry, George." Fred: "Only joking, I am Fred."

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a character in “Draco Dormiens Nunquam”, as played by Nightmaric_Angel


Fred is a third year studen at Hogwarts. One of the Weasley twins.

Love Interest: Unknown as of yet.

House: Gryffindor


Quidditch: Beater


Fred loves to cause trouble, no questions asked. He is the more dominant twin who talks the most as well. Due to much speculations many assume due to fred being the dominant more outgoing twin. Fred is older…First-born twins are often the 'dominant' twin, the leader, the one who comes up with most of the ideas. Fred is generally the one that does things to attract attention. Fred does seem to be the more exuberant one, if only marginally. Because Fred is fiery and brash, he needs George's mellowness and (relative) calmness and Venessa's cool and crazy attitude to thrive. Just like fire needs air to thrive and water can cancel out the flames. They all balance each other out beautifully. He generally is more outspoken and brash and he is the one to go dashing forward without a care. However, people also love Fred for his extremely extroverted ways. In other words, he’s fun.


his wand

among many other varies things like a broom.

House clothes and Quidditch clothes.


"If you must know, when I was three, Fred turned my — my teddy bear into a great big filthy spider because I broke his toy broomstick..."
—Ron Weasley explaining the origin of his arachnophobia

Fred Weasley, along with his identical twin George, were born to Arthur and Molly Weasley on 1 April; appropriately enough, April Fool's Day.He was raised at his family home of the Burrow, near Ottery St. Catchpole in Devon, England. In addition to his twin brother, Fred had three older brothers, Bill, Charlie and Percy, and two younger siblings, Ron and Ginny. The Weasley family was poor, but loving.

Fred and George enjoyed making mischief from a young age, and were quite a handful for their parents. It was not uncommon for explosions to be heard coming from the bedroom the two shared. They also greatly enjoyed teasing their brothers Percy and Ron. At the age of five, Fred transformed Ron's teddy bear into a giant spider, sparking his arachnophobia, after Ron broke his toy broomstick. Also around that age, he gave Ron an Acid Pop, which burnt a hole through his tongue. When they were seven years old, Fred and George nearly succeeded in getting Ron to make an Unbreakable Vow; their father was so angry that Fred later said "his left buttock has never been the same since."One Christmas, Fred and George set off a Dungbomb under the chair of their great-aunt Muriel during a family dinner. The elderly witch most likely wrote the twins out of her will for this stunt, and stopped attending Christmas celebrations at the Burrow, for which all the Weasley children were thankful.

Hogwarts Years
First and SeconYear
"...Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they're really funny..."
—Ron Weasley on Fred and George's performance at school

Fred was educated at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1989 to 1996, and was sorted into Gryffindor House. He was very popular among the Gryffindors in school, and he and George were well-known for their senses of humour and pranks. The twins even set up their own joke shop in the disused bathroom on the seventh floor. Among Fred's many friends were Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Oliver Wood, and Katie Bell. During their first year at Hogwarts, Fred and George swiped the Marauder's Map from Argus Filch's office.
Fred and George Weasley in their Quidditch uniforms
In their second year , Fred and George became Beaters for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. They both used Cleansweep Five broomsticks and were so skilled at Quidditch that they were both described as being like "Human Bludgers".

It was noted by Ron Weasley on the Hogwarts Express that Fred and George achieved "brilliant grades", at least in their early years

Third Year
Molly: "Fred, you next."
George: "He's not Fred, I am! "
Fred: "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? "
Molly: "Sorry, George."
Fred: "Only joking, I am Fred."
— Fred and his mother at King's Cross Station before his third year

Fred also became friends with Harry Potter in his third year, when Harry palled around with his younger brother Ron and was made the Quidditch team's Seeker. Fred and the other players believed that the addition of Harry would be a real shot in the arm to their chances of winning the Quidditch Cup. Around the Christmas holidays, Fred and George got in trouble for bewitching several snowballs to follow Professor Quirrell around, and hit him in the back of the head (they were, of course unaware that they were throwing snowballs in Voldemort's face). They stayed in the castle for the holidays along with their brothers and Harry, all of whom received jumpers from Mrs. Weasley. The ones she sent to Fred and George had their initials on them, prompting them to call themselves "Gred and Forge". The twins also dragged Percy away from his fellow prefects, insisting that Christmas was time for family, and stole his prefect badge, much to his irritation

So begins...

Fred Weasley's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir Character Portrait: George Weasley
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Fred was walking alongside his twin George and childhood best friend Vanessa. They were laughing and smiling as they told jokes. "I got an idea for you lot!" Fred exclaimed with a mischievous grin.

Vanessa's full lips set into a mischievous smile waiting for him to discuss his plans for the prank. A light blush was on her cheeks. It was normal for her when she was with George.

Fred looked at his twin and then at Vanessa as they entered there normal compartment door in the back of the train. He held a very mischievous excited atmosphere about him now. "Okay so remember those stink pellets we have in our hidden store in Hogwarts? Well I was thinking we could set it off in one of the classes." He told them as if his idea was genius.

Vanessa smiles more. "I volunteer Professor Snape's Potions class!" She told them in a quiet voice as if telling a secret.

Fred grinned "Can you imagine the look on his face when a bunch of stink set off in his class!" Fred told them in the same secret low voice with wide eyes grinning more.

Vanessa smiled. "Bloody Brilliant!" She answered happily. She looked at George and smiled a bit wanting his input.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir Character Portrait: Hermione Granger Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette
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Fred looked at George. "Brilliant!" He exclaimed but like always Fred liked to keep his ideas in the mix of the events. "What about Stink Pellets and these Filibusters!" He exclaimed.

Vanessa looked at George and smiled blushing a bit more. She had developed a crush on George almost immediately. She unlike every person could til which twin was which. It was easy to her. And came natural. As easy and natural as breathing. She smiled at Fred and laughed ruffling his hair. He was always the leader of the group being he was the older twin. She wished she could tell George her feelings for him even more at this moment. She always wanted too but it seemed it was never the right time. Her deep blue eyes looked to George and then to Fred. "So Stink Pellets and Filibusters." She smiled. "I still have those Dungbombs...we could add those?" She asks them. "Or should we save them for another day?" She asks him.

Neville nods at Sara "H-hermone...please help too." He pleaded with her.


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Character Portrait: Fred Weasley
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Neville nodded gulping again. He was always awkward but even more so when around girls.

Fred smiled and nodded in agreement at George's word. "Percy'll love that." He laughed.

Venessa nodded she too loving the plan. "His annoym


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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Neville nodded gulping again. He was always awkward but even more so when around girls.

Fred smiled and nodded in agreement at George's word. "Percy'll love that." He laughed.

Venessa nodded she too loving the plan. "His annoymint will prove most amusing" she laughed happily. "Quidditch will be good this year I just know it!" She smiled obviously giddy. "And were going to completly wipe the floor and beat Slytherian. That's a given!" She exclaimed. "We have the best chasers and beater on the team boys have some faith." She tells them putting her arms around them both smiling and giggling when a lady walked by asking if they wanted anything. She looked at them with a questioning look. "We'll boys? What'll be?" She asked them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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Fred smiled sheepishly at her "can I try my luck Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans." He asked. "Yea we will pay you back, honest." He told her.

Vanessa smiled "I'd like 6 licorice wands, 2 cases of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, 7 chocolate frogs, 3 bottles of butter beer." She smiles at them and winks. Being raised by one of the professors at Hogwartz had its advantages one of them being discounts. She payed her and got everything. And handed them each a licorice wand. "And don't worry about the costs it what I do." She told them with a sweet smile. She always pampered them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir Character Portrait: George Weasley Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette
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Fred clicked his glass with Vanessa's and George happily. "Cheers." He said and took a drink of it.

Vanessa giggled following there acts and taking a sip of hers. "So......should we change into our school clothes?" She asks happily.

Fred sighed and nodded. "Seems it's that time again eh fellahs." He said with a smirk.

Neville nods sullenly. He looked to the side and saw Trevor and sighed in relief picking him up. "Trevor!" He said happily.

Vanessa walked off to go change.

Fred looked at George "So...when you and her getting married?" He laughed teasing him like he always did. "How long you been googoo for her anyhow? I reckon too long. You dont ask her I sure will." He smirked with a challenging grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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Fred laughed "Because its obvious she likes you." He anseeted matter of factly. "Plus your my twin I always know whats up with you and you know what is up with me." He smirked. Fred then got his robes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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Fred laughed "Because its obvious she likes you." He anserewed matter of factly. "Plus your my twin I always know whats up with you just like you always know what is up with me." He smirked punching him back with a grin. Fred then got his robes following you.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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Fred sighed. "My dear man, you have SO much to learn about girls." He said patting his shoulder with a sigh as he shook his head being dramatic as always. He laughed as he asked about the Hogsmeet. "Well if I was you I would before some other bloak does." He tod him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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Fred laughed. "It was funmy." He told him.

Vanessa walked back into the room. her long curly orange-brown hair was now down the curls cascading down her shouders. Her robe was off and in her hands. She now wore her short skirt and her tight shirt, the outfit was her school clothes showing off her models body complete with biggish bust, long legs, hour-glass curves, and flat stomach. She also had done her makeup which was red and gold eyeshadow, darkish pink lipstick, blush, thickish eyeliner, and mascara. As she walked in she walked in she put her robe on and sighed looking at them. She sat down across them again. "What did I miss?" she asked them as Jinx her Lynx looking kitten jumped into her lap. She pet him happily as he eyed Fred and George with a protective stance and threatening gaze that Nesse seemed to no notice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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Vanessa blushes red at this point and nods happily. "I would love too." She told him smiling.

Fred sighed in relief in a dramatic way. "Finally!" He exclaimed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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Fred seemed to beam at them now. "Oh my, my, my little Ronald is in need of a good pranking." He smiled mischievously.

Vanessa just shrugged, she was never a fan of pranking Ron but viewed it as the normal ordeal between older brothers and there younger siblings. Give them hell but when they need you, your there no questions asked. "I may feast and then go off and explore." She tells them. She smiled cheerfully her blush had lightened to pink now.

Fred laughed at Vanessa's words. "A little early to be getting into trouble Vanessa." He told her with a smirk. Vanessa had a bad habit of getting into trouble when she walked around or was alone. She was a klutz mixed with gullible and naive and innocence. All this mixed together was apparently in her case at least a recipe for utter diaster.

Vanessa laughed giving him a mischievous grin her blue eyes sparking at the chance to explore and cause a bit of choas and laughter. "It's never to early to create my dear boy." She told him matter-of-factly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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Fred busted out laughing "More like a full grown Hungarian
Horntail and Troll!" He told him.
Vanessa winked at George "aye yie le capetan." She said mimicking a french accent as she saluted him.

Fred laughed shaking his head and then ruffling her hair.

Jinx forgetting he was declawed pawed at Fred arm his ears bent backwards in anger and warning as if the cute kitten was terrifying he fluffed out his fur and bared his small fangs causing Vanessa to cuddle him in her arms huging him . "You are so bloody cute!" She told Jinx who calmed down almost instantly and purrred.

Fred would look at George "you got comoetion."he joked teasing him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir Character Portrait: George Weasley
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Vanessa nodded putting Jynx on her shoulder as she got her suitcases in her hands and stood up quickly. "Agreed." She said.

"Yea lets get out of here." Fred said as he followed Vanessa's action getting his suitcases in each of his hands and then walking to lead them off the train.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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She looks at him blushing more. "S-so George...are....we together?" SHe asked and then blushed crimson at her question.

Fred looked at his brother and smirked. "Remember my words." He said referring to
If you dont ask her I will
it was more of him saying if he doesnt agree then fred will agree for him. Vanessa in his eyes his other twin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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Vanessa smiles and kisses his check softly holding his hand happily.

Fred smiled "Aww you two are so cute." He teases.

Vanessa punches his shoulder lightly. "Shush it. Or i'll tel Angelina what you did last summer to her cat." She threatened with a smirk.

Fred looked at her "You woul'nt." he challenged.

She looked at him and smiles mischeviously.

Fred groaned. "Bloody hell Nesse cruel and unusually punishment that is..." he tells her.

She laughs and ruffles his hair. Causing him to laugh too.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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Vanessa smiled and nodded in agreement.

Fred laughed "It always is when Im around." He jokes


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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"news flash fred your funny but without me you'll never be as huge a hit as you are with me"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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Vanessa laughed "And If I didn't balance you lot out and save you from yourselves and each other you both woul' never be as huge as hit as you would prob have driven eachother insane and killed one 'nother." She told them with a smirk.

Fred laughed at this. "Alright, alright point taken." He said laughing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fred Weasley Character Portrait: George Weasley (my official charachter) Character Portrait: Vanessa Amber Dragomir
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"or Oliver would have killed us for goofing off in practice virtually every week" George said