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"How can you live while you refuse the breath of life?"

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a character in “Dragons”, as played by Creek


Hello everyone. My name is Creek. Uhm... Hrm... What else is there to say? This is a very promising roleplay, and I hope to be accepted. KumooriRyuu, you have my admiration; such a vivid imagination you possess. Anyways, I suppose I should stop licking boots and write my character application. Forgive me if it is a bit vague. I am very open to any critique anyone may want to share. And, I am a bit tired, so it may not be my best work.

Character Skeleton

Name: Adanessa
Age: 20 (Appears to be 10)
Race: Elf

Picture: Image
Written Appearance: Adanessa looks very odd. Not ugly, but odd. In fact, some consider her to be an exotic beauty. Feathery grey locks frame her jovial eyes while they stare into the world with a wisdom that is beyond her age. Painted onto her face, are the traditional markings of her clan, and hanging from her neck is an azure gemstone. ( I decided to omit the orange gemstones in the picture. They would be impractical. Always falling off and whatnot. I am sure you can get the idea.)

Height: 5'2
Weight: 88 lbs.
Hair Color: Snowy White
Eye Color: Grey
Body Type: Lithe; barely budding into adulthood. Her breasts have yet to develop.

Personality: With her girlish innocence and naive demeanor, Adanessa is the epitome of joy. She is extremely caring, polite, and poise. At times, she can be candid, but only when necessary. She is a very social creature, who craves interaction with other people. Human, Elf, or Nymph makes little difference to her. I don't think it would be far from the truth to say that she would become fast friends with an ogre if he were a good conversationalist.

Quirks: Adanessa has been shunned since the day she was born for her uniqueness. She was graced with a pale complexion, grey eyes, and grey hair. Her clan took this rarity, and misconstrued it as a bad omen.

Likes: Social Interaction, Flowers, Animals, Positivity, Free Thought, Intelligence, Orange, Pastries, Beautiful Scenery
Dislikes: Authority Figures, Corrupt People, Fire, Rudeness, Mosquitoes

( I have decided to write her biography as if Adanessa herself were telling you the story of her life. This is just so I can get back into the routine of writing dialogue, and so everyone may have a taste of her personality. I will change this if desired.)
Biography: "Well, my 20 years on this plane of existence have been eventful, to say the least. I suppose I should start at the beginning..."

Adanessa took a breath, as if she were preparing to plunge herself into icy water, and then began.

"My first memories are of my parents. I can't really remember their names, but I can remember their demeanor. I remember my mother's sweet voice. So sweet, it was as if it were coated in a thick layer of honey. Her warm manner, and the way she would hug you. Oh..."

She paused, and released a giggle before continuing.

"Her hugs were just wonderful. And my father? My memories of him are few, and certainly not as carefree. He was... a stern man. I do recall his firm grip as he placed my hands around my first bow, but I suppose he was never as inclined to be as intimate with me as my mother was. He never said so, but I believe he was dissatisfied because I had never been popular within the clan. However, I know that he must have loved me. At least to some measure, or he wouldn't have sacrificed himself the way he did that night."

As I gazed at the girl, her face became pallid, and her stance shifted to one of discomfort and confusion.

"It all happend too quickly, and I was still very young. My clan, and I call them that because I have no better term, banished me. Actually, it must have been declared prior to this night, because my father seemed to be very apprehensive. There was a knock on the door, and then came in a friend of my mother's. She appeared to be frantic, shouting and pointing in a single direction. However, before my young mind had time to interpret this odd happening, the woman was gone, and in her place were a dozen of my clan's warriors. The next part, I remember very lucidly. My father jumped forth, slashing with his sword at the company of soldiers rushing into my home. My mother wasted no time playing the damsel in distress. She was quick to grab her bow, and she must have killed at least two. My father was a whirlwind of blades, slicing through flesh and bone alike. The narrow entrance to my home gave my parents the advantage, but their good fortune soon ran out. A young man, bested my father, and he was gone in a matter of moments. The young soldier rushed towards my mother and I with a lust for blood like I have never seen before. But my mother was quicker, and the poor boy soon found an arrow where his eye had once been."

She said as a slight smile played across her lips.

"And we were off. My mother slid her bow over her shouders, and strapped on a quiver full of arrows. Then, she scooped me up in her arms."

By now, Adanessa had recovered from her fit of anxiety, and once again I was staring at a cheerful and carefree young woman.

"We wandered for days. Searching for something, but I can't remember exactly what. We only had one problem: food. My mother and I had both slimmed significantly since our flight from my former home, and by now her ribs protruded from her sides, and her cheeks were much more prominent upon her face. Whatever sustenance we could find, my mother insisted I eat, and I suppose that is one of the only reasons I survived those harsh days. She attempted hunting, but there no game to be found. She looked for herbs, or some other sort of edible plant, but the forest floor was covered in a thick carpet of pine needles. Occasionally, we would stumble upon a small stream and stop for a drink of water. Have you ever noticed how wonderful water tastes when your starving? Oh yes, I am getting off topic. My mother did manage to find a few fish that were about as large as my pinky. We ended up having to eat them raw because we had no fire. But eventually, my mother's neglect of her body caught up with her."

"During all those weeks, my mother had carried me on her back as she made her way towards some unknown destination. Perhaps, there was no destination, and she had just lost her mind completely, but she did, one day, collapse face first into the unforgiving ground. Using the last of her strength, she managed to roll over on her back. And she held me. Slowly, her breathing ceased... And I spent that night huddled next to a corpse, searching for a glimmer of the warmth that she once emitted, but her light had faded long ago. I think it was sometime that next morning that I finally accepted her passing. Delicately, I slid her bow and quiver off her back and removed this azure pendant from her neck."

She stopped to gesture at the gemstone that hung from her neck, the candlelight dancing on it's smooth surface.

"I arranged her body into a neat formation, and then set out to find her a boquet of wildflowers. When I returned, I carefully arranged the dandelions, irises, and celandines in her hands. I kissed her one last time, and then I left her body to rest until it was returned to the earth from which we all came."

"If only she had lasted a few more days... We both could have survived. I found a group of wandering bandits, or rather they found me. They took my mother's pendant and bow. Each a fine piece of Elven jewelry to them. And I suppose they decided to keep me around because they found me endearing. They nicknamed me Adan, which is short for Adanessa. When I first started out, I was just a source of entertainment for the bandits during their long nights in the wilderness, but they soon found out I had a knack for thievery, and as such I began to rise through the ranks until I was a respected member of the group. I spent 7 years with that group of bandits. Death, crime, and danger were constant, but it was a very exhilarating lifestyle. However, I had only stayed around for one reason."

"You see, the leader of our group was a maniacal killer and defiler of women. Wherever we went, he would lure in women by presenting them with my mother's amulet as a gift. Later that night, after he had finished having sex with the women, he would strangle or decapitate them, and then he would remove my mother's amulet in anticipation for his next victim. Well, one night I was assigned the job of sentry. So, while everyone slept, I snuck into our leader's tent, and, quiet as a mouse, I took back my rightful inheritance. And then, once again, I was off."

So begins...

Adanessa's Story


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#, as written by Creek

Adanessa woke to the sound of chattering teeth. Her teeth. The mountain pass had grown uncomfortably cold as she slept, and now this cold weather was starting off her day in a foul manner. "Ugh..." She grumbled as she collected her bedroll from the ground. It had been a long arduous journey through the mountain range of Eastern Eden, but Adanessa was quickly reaching her next rest stop. To the south, there was a small village named Omah. There were only a few leagues seperating Adanessa from a hot meal and a warm bed. Nothing could stop her.

The small elven girl gathered her various belongings from her campsite, and set off down the narrow and winding mountain road. As she entered the surrounding lowlands, the climate began to warm considerably, and Adanessa's mood suddenly brightened. Before her, stretched out miles of flat plains. Omah, but a small dot on the horizon. However, Adanessa didn't let this dishearten her. She passed the time by vocalizing her favorite Elven melodies, and before she even realized it, Adanessa was making her way through the outskirts of the village.

The settlement wasn't much to look at. There were a few wooden cabins, many farms, and a couple shops all arranged around a "town square." Adanessa recieved a few wary glances from the villagers as she progressed through the centre of the village, but she simply smiled and waved in a friendly manner, and they let her pass unperturbed. A small boy ran up to her and asked, "Are you sick? There is something wrong with your ears."

Adanessa began to laugh, and then she patted the boy on the head. "I am terribly sick, and you should keep your distance. Now, go home." She answered the boy in a cheerful tone. The boy did as she had requested, and Adanessa proceeded to make her way towards a small market situated in the centre of the village. Two weeks of hiking in the mountains had left her provisions bag nearly empty.

Adanessa took her time browsing the wares of each merchant. One thing in particular caught her eye, and even though she knew it was unecessary, Adanessa found herself attracted to the tantalizing display case of pastries. "Do you have any strawberry fruit tarts?" She asked the ecstatic vendor, her mouth already beginning to salivate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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#, as written by Creek

Adanessa had watched the debacle with a keen interest. The damsel in distress rescued by a valiant dragon? That part seemed believable, but what had made Adanessa laugh uncontrollably was the fact that the dragon's rider, was a boy no larger than herself. Adanessa's body struggled to maintain her footholds on the tree branches as her body shook with the force of her laughter. He rather looks like that boy in the village! She thought to herself before wiping away a few tears.

It must have been an odd sight for them; the towering citadel of strength and power that was the dragon. However, Adanessa was too familiar with them. She had met many dragons in her travels. They were very interesting creatures. Interesting creatures with many stories to tell of days long past. This particular dragon though seemed even more remarkable to Adanessa because it wasn't trying to burn down a village, contrary to the popular belief of the humans.

I must get a closer look. And so she did. Adanessa dropped from the tree, and darted out from the treeline. Past the High Elven healer. Past the baby dragon. Past the undeveloped knight. And right underneath the grand dragon's belly where she began to feel and admire her scales. The sharp tips on her claws, which she was careful to avoid. Your body is a temple of strength and wisdom, Beinon. May I call you Beinon? It means handsome in the ancient language. She extended her thoughts aloud to everyone around who had the ability.


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Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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Kissandra slowly reached out to the green dragon, her hand gently running over his head as her fingers gently scratched the dragon’s brows, her eyes glimmering as she smiled.
“They’re so beautiful, aren’t you? A girl and a boy,” Kissandra looked up at the two. She had heard the tales, had studied the dragons herself in her times wandering the woods. It also helped that some of the people she had ferried through the forest were elves. Her fingers moved down along the dragon’s jaw, tickling his chin as she softly whispered in old language. She laughed lightly as the green wyrm wiggled and sped his wings when another mind brushed her own.

Three humans, people, flesh and blood easy to tear, rip, kill. The wolf ducked his head, gathering his strength as he smelled his heart. It was time.

The growl that came from her was masked by another, the roar of pure hatred as Werfen launched himself at Larien and the boy.


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Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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Aura and the others were somewhat taken aback by the sudden appearance of the girl who ran underneath Aura's belly, touching her stomach.

Your body is a temple of strength and wisdom, Beinon. May I call you Beinon? It means handsome in the ancient language.

Aura look down at her stomach and stood up, taking care not to squash the poor thing while at the same time investigating who it was who was invading her space. It was a young girl, no larger than Delzah, and one who apparently held a knowledge of the ancient tongue. She was about to answer when her senses picked up on a powerful presence coming from the treeline. She looked up just in time to see the wolf dart from the trees and she lunged into his path, rearing her head down on level with him and roaring loudly at him, sending a large shock wave of energy from her mouth into the wolf and hurling him backwards as she opened her wings and flapped them once in his direction, sending him further away as she stood up straight and growled loudly at him. Her teeth were bared and her lips pulled back in a snarl as her claws dug into the earth beneath her feet and her hind legs slowly swayed from one side to the other as the muscles within twitched and flexed, prepared for a lunge if at all necessary.

Delzah looked over at the wolf the instant Aura had moved and was surprised to see such a creature attacking while in such proximity to a Dragon. He didn't know what the animal wanted, but it was going to die if it persisted with this behavior.

Aura herself simply lowered her head once again, drawing in the energies in the air around her and preparing to annihilate the beast as her mouth slowly began to glow white as her neck began to arch backwards.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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#, as written by Creek

Adanessa hadn't been expecting an even more exciting turn of events when a large wolf tore his way from the treeline, speeding in their direction with a manic look in his eyes. And, he must have indeed been a poor and manic thing to think he could possibly best a dragon. Perhaps, he contracted some form of mad cow's disease. The thought made her snicker. Before the wolf had even closed half the distance between them, the large dragon, which Adanessa was resting under, released a savage roar from her maw that sent the wolf tumbling back towards the treeline.

The magnificent beast sank her claws into the soft earth, and released another roar, which sent the beast flying backwards even further. But it appeared that the dragon was not yet satisfied. Adanessa could feel the energy amassing right above her, as well as the wonderful display of light as the dragon's mouth was turned into an inferno of light, and her neck began to arch backwards.


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Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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The wolf stood, shaking off his pelt. He was bruised and a bit broken, his legs shook under him. He didn’t smell the dragon and he bared his teeth. His lips curled up into a snarl as he crouched. His whole body was rolling forward as he growled; rocking back and forth as his shoulders rolled and his tail swirled around behind him. Kissandra quickly pushed away the small dragon, leaping to her feet. Werfen leaped forward, sailing towards her as she screamed. Her body dropped to a crouch as he made his way over her head and landed in front of her. He snarled and crouched down lower to the ground, his muscles tight.

Safe. He had found her, now he would protect from dragon kin and elf kind. Safe was where she was. Then Heart moved, walking instead in front of Werfen, arms spread wide, back towards enemy. He snarled at her, tipping his head in what looked like a gesture to get behind him. She growled at him, eyes narrowed and his hind quarters sunk to the ground as his front paws slid ahead. Her growl had been clear enough. Down. Stay.

Kissandra sighed as she watched Werfen respond to her snarl. It was something they had been working on since he was a pup; he had taught her his language. The flicker of mistrust that crossed his face told her that the wolf was still noting those around her and she slowly turned her back to the two elf kind and the dragons, and also to the strange child that was watching a ways from her. Slowly she moved forward, Werfen pulling his body up off of the ground onto his haunches.

“Don’t move too much ok?” Kissanadra told them, slowly walking forward as Werfen snarled and stood to his feet, padding forward to stand by her side. Her hand reached down softly to gently touch the wolves head. “He’s just trying to protect me. Everyone this is Werfen. Werfen, klid.“

Sit. Wefren would do as Heart wished. Again he forced his haunces down to the ground and sniffed the air. His black nose took in their scent as confusion flicked across his face. Elf kind, not man. Not human. He sneezed and let his tail give a slight wag as his hackles settled down around his body. He turned to look up at her, his mind reaching.

Kissandra heard the whine in his throat and smiled, bending only slightly to kiss his head as she cupped his chin. Poor thing. She could tell that the attack by a dragon had hurt him slightly and as she cupped his chin, her lips pressed between his silver eyes she praised him for coming for her. She smiled softly and turned back to her rescuers.

“He’s alright now. Like your dragons, he is my gaurdian, you can introduce yourselves now if you wish,“ Kissandra offered though she doubted that they would take the offer. After all, Werfen was huge. His head was at her hip now, and the wolf was slouching.


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Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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As Aura was about to deliver a finishing blow to the wolf something strange happened. The new arrival, Kissandra as she was called, jumped out and intercepted the wolf. The two of them were exchanging words of some kind of communicative form but Aura could not stop her attack now. She had gathered too much energy and it had to be released or it would become explosive in her mouth and possibly kill her.

She reared her head away, knowing that if Kissandra wanted to protect the wolf and the wolf wanted to protect Kissandra, they were no different than Delzah and Aura were.

Her head veered off to the side, pointing at the mountains in the distance as a beam of white and blue energy erupted forth from her mouth. The sound of the blast and the concussive force behind it sent a small shock wave through the air, hitting everyone around Aura like a small shove to the chest before the beam rocketed off towards the mountains. As it struck the mountainside there was a massive explosion, visible even from the distance they were situated at, as a large chunk of the side of the mountain suddenly was vaporized by the magnitude of Aura's energy attack. The sound echoed through the air for miles and a small tremor shook the Earth beneath their feet as Aura shook her head and did her best to relax herself.

Delzah was rather shocked at what had just happened, not only about the wolf but about Aura's attack as well. He hadn't known her to be that powerful at this stage so he had to wonder just how much about herself she had truly shared. Delzah would remember to inquire about it later, but for now he turned instead to Kissandra and her wolf, Werfen.

"I see, so this wolf is your companion and was merely trying to protect you..." He said quietly to himself.

"Very well, then we wish to apologize about the misunderstanding. Aura is rather brash and tends to attack first and ask questions later, but I do hope you can forgive her... outburst." He said, as delicately as he could.

Aura let out a growl and flicked her head the other direction away from Delzah. While she wasn't actually mad at him, they enjoyed joking and poking fun at each other from time to time so this was Aura's way of pouting when she knew she had overreacted. She simply could have stood in front of the wolf and roared, but she had overdone it and attacked it without trying to understand why it was here. She knew she was in the wrong but she would never admit it to anyone but Delzah.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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Kissandra watched with an awe struck face, her jaw hanging open as the moutain she had just come over seemed to crumble into nothing but dust. It was a riskey move, keeping thatmuch engery stored insaide one’s mouth for even a second too long could kill a dragon. She’d seen it happen before. Her mouth closed but Werfen wasstill watching the moutain, his head cocked sideways as he considered the moutain and then the dragon. It was funny to see puzelment on his handsome face and she managed a smile, holding back a laugh that would have split her sides.

The boy, spoke, apologizing for his commrades mistake, just as she rushed an apoligy for Werfen. She paused though and let him finish, nodding her head gently.

“I hope you can forgive Werfen, he’s been with me since he was a pup and saved my life as much as I have saved his. We’re a pack, family. We’re sorry.“

She didn’t wait, instead forwning and dipping her head before she made her way catiously towards the dragon, Aura. Werfen stayed behind, watching with a whimper as she moved towards the massive beast, bringing her even closer to the girl. She stared at the dragon, head turned away from those that she was earlyier carrying and Kissandra gently let her fingers touch the scales of the dragon’s foreleg.

Thank you, Kissandra sent, her thoughts against all but the dragon. You’ve saved me twice now Světlé Váhy. How can I repay you dear one?


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Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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#, as written by Creek

Resting directly underneath the dragon had spared Adanessa the worst of the aftershocks, and she watched comfortably as the mountain crumbled into the surrounding lowlands. "Oh, this is wonderful. I had already considered Omah to be a waste of time, but it seems that I was wrong. This place seems to be a hub of activity! Very nice to meet you all." Adanessa announced aloud to the group, a slight smile playing across her lips. "My name is Adanessa, but you may all call me Adan. And look! I have many new animal friends to dote upon! Such a large wolf. Is he truly of nature? Was he not born of magic?"

Adanessa leisurely strolled towards the oversized canine until she came to a stop, and began to pet the crown of his head. Though he may have been an insect compared to a dragon, he was a considerably formiderable beast.


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Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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Thank you. You’ve saved me twice now Světlé Váhy. How can I repay you dear one?

Aura listened as the girl, Kissandra, thanked her.

No payment required little one... Aura replied.

I was acting in defense of my master's safety. Though my thoughts of you and everyone else was in the back of my mind, I thought of my master first. You needn't thank me for that.

Delzah was allowed by Aura to hear her thoughts on this matter as she wanted him to know what the girl was thinking. Delzah knew now that she was grateful to Aura and that she seemed to have an affinity for the Dragon before her so he kept silent about it and simply waited while they conversed.

Oh, this is wonderful. I had already considered Omah to be a waste of time, but it seems that I was wrong. This place seems to be a hub of activity! Very nice to meet you all. My name is Adanessa, but you may all call me Adan. And look! I have many new animal friends to dote upon! Such a large wolf. Is he truly of nature? Was he not born of magic?"

Delzah couldn't help but chuckle to himself as Adanessa voiced her happiness at meeting everyone.


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Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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Kissandra smiled. Aura was a beautiful creature, as was Werfen, both having their own different kind of beauty. Without seperating her mind from Aura's Kissandra overheard the girl that had been daring enough to come out from under a belly of the dragon.

"Wefren is flesh and blood. I found him when he was a pup trapped in a hunter's snare. I made sure he always had enough to eat, so I guess he just got better fed than the other wolves. I might have also used a bit of majic to help him grow too. But he was no runt mind you. I love him, he is my heart."

While Kissandra spoke to the girl and listened as the boy chuckled, she couldn't help smiling herself. Images of the wolf as a youngster flashed through her mind and likewise, Aura's.

'Where do you travel, Sharp Claws? I would love to join you on what ever mission you and your Rider partake in. It would be an honor.'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Small girl, one who laughed and smelled like madness approached He-who-was-Werfen. His Heart was by Dragon kin, talking/chatting/ mind speak. He/ Werfen could smell/taste/ feel her gratefullness and he/ Werfen was happy/greatful to Dragon kin too. His tail thumped on the grass until girl/child began to pet/stroke his black coat. He curled his lip but reamained passive knowing that his Heart would not like if he attacked/bit/growled. Instead he let the girl/child, touch him for a bit longer before standing and padding his way back over to his Heart. Werfen lay down at her feet, and at Dragon's claws, Silver eyes tracking/watching those elf kin.
Heart never know/think/ see when to be careful. Never think to watch. Werfen will watch.

The wolf sighed into the grass and lay still.


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Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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#, as written by Creek

Adanessa felt Werfren's muscles tighten slightly as they felt her fingers stroking his glossy coat. Even so, she maintained the contact until Werfren decided to go and lay at his companion's feet. The wolf's irritation made little difference to Adanessa. She had many other things that she considered endearing. She pulled a small piece of wood from her pocket. A small piece of wood which she had magically carved into the resemblance of a dragon with it's wings outspread, and it's head pointed towards the sky. She fiddled with this wood for a bit, until she heard Kissandra say, "Where do you travel, Sharp Claws? I would love to join you on what ever mission you and your Rider partake in. It would be an honor."

"Quite a quandary, is it not? To stay here in Omah; bored, exasperated, flies buzzing in your face. Or, a much wiser choice if any were to ask me, to ride with a dragon, and a wonderful group of adventurers! To be wild as the forest! To be free of the chains that bind us to this earth!" Exclaimed Adanessa as she approached the sharp huntress she had nicknamed Beinon, and then, with a small sigh, the girl asked in a meek voice, "Please, will you not tell me what it is like?"

As an afterthought, Adanessa realized that she had given a male name to a female dragon. And, that she had noticed rabbits with light coloration seemed to live short lives. However, she had to push these odd notions to the back of her mind to avoid veering off into different directions of thought. Adanessa chuckled a bit, thinking of how absent her common sense could be at times.


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Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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Delzah listened as everyone spoke to each other and asked questions. Aura seemed to be getting somewhat flustered with all the fuss that was being made over her and she backed away from those in front of her a few steps before laying down on the ground once more. Delzah walked up to her side and gave her a pat on the shoulder as she looked over at him.

Delzah simply nodded to her and then looked at everyone else.

"Aura is staying here with me in Ohmah because we believe that by showing people the true nature of Dragons they will come to accept them and learn that Girotos's notions of them being evil creatures driven to do nothing but destroy and end lives is wrong. We have to start somewhere after all. This may not be something we can accomplish, but we have to try. Without Dragons, this world will grow stale and unbalanced. So we are going to simply walk into town and see what happens."

Aura looked over at Delzah again with a hint of concern and nudged him with her tail.

"... I admit it's a bit risky, thank you Aura. But if we don't take at least a few risks there will be no reward and when the last of the Dragons who have chosen to remain die this world will never again see the beautiful creatures again. I'd rather than didn't happen, so I'm going to do whatever I have to in order to prove to everyone that Dragons are wonderful creatures and that Girotos is just a cruel and bitter man."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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#, as written by Creek

Adanessa sat through Delzah's small speech silently. While his quest seemed noble at the surface, there were a few flaws in his reasoning. Foremost being, the boy was a fool! The first portion of his speech had left Adanessa satisfied, but as he proceeded, she began to lose what little hope she held in his newlyfound leadership.

Humans' actions were sometimes difficult to predict; they do not always think logically. That being so, Adanessa could only imagine that the appearance of this reptilian creature, would only send terror quaking through the people of the village, and their only response would be one of raised swords.

"You haven't given the humans any reason to trust us. We, who are foreigners of their land. We, who are not even of their race! Trust me when I tell you, if you enter that village, you will only be met by violence. It is more than a risk, Delzah. You cannot just march wherever you please while in the company of dragons, especially in times like these." Adanessa contradicted, narrowing her eyes at the boy's impudence. "They barely tolerated myself entering their village, yet you expect them to accept three Elves, one Half-Elf, two Dragons, and a large manic canine who could rip them apart in a matter of moments? You are truly naive. Once we are met by violence, we will not have any choice but to defend ourselves. We, or rather Aura, will destroy the village, killing many innocent people, and that would only worsen your campaign to rescue the reputation of the dragons. Would it not?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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Volos had been scooped up into Kissandra's arms as she gently took a strand of her hair and dangled it over the small dragon. She listened to the boy, pulling her strand out of the Dragons reach when he choose to snap at it, keeping it just out of his reach before diving in to tickle his nose again. What the boy said sounded smart, and dangerous. She thought over it, her own ideas coming to mind. She kept her cool, that is, until the elf child spoke.
Kissandra snarled and Werfen quickly stood, his body mirroring hers before he noticed the small green dragon and relaxed slightly.

"Fen and I aren't maniacs. Again, he was just protecting me from harm. Werfen knows friend from foe when he smells one," Kissanadra glared, "We're well respected in these parts Girl, and I suggest you listen sometimes and think things through before running your mouth. Listen to others. You don't know me or Fen like I know you.

Most people don't know me as Kisandra. I am known through many different names, Wolf, White Spirit, Wolf Runner, and around these parts I am known as White Walker. I've protected people in these forests for generations. Some of them know me quite well. I'm sure that if I went ahead in town I could gather a few followers to the forest, and instead of introducing an entire village, we could start small scale, person by person. That is Fen and I. The people trust me here, respect me. I could help in ways unfathomable to some people’s minds."

Kissandra swooped in to kiss Volos' head, smiling a bit at the shock on his face as his mouth released the strand of hair he had managed to snap before she turned back to the elf girl, speaking to her directly.

"In times like these Ada, people don't take kindly to strangers and you are definitely strange. I've watched you for a couple days here and there; that’s why you seemed so familiar. You haven't aged a day. Your youth makes you blind, but also adds a different perspective. I respect your words but you must understand some different things and those around you. Not everything is as it seems. I'm sure that if something went wrong Aura wouldn't burn the entire village down. We would just leave.
Violence does not have to be repaid in violence."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Fen. He/Werfen liked it when she/Heart called him that. But he could smell something was wrong/dangerous/not right. Dragon kind was upset/crowded by elf. Tensions were growing and his Heart was getting anxious. She did not like/enjoy the world outside trees/forest/home. She snapped and he stood by. Little Dragon kin was good/calming for his Heart. Kept her still/calm/human. Elf child was not so good. Made his Heart angry/upset/wary. His nose cautiously worked the air and he sneezed. Still smell/taste/look of crazy.

He watched with all the intensity that a wolf could, listening in with tension and by the sound of his Heart's voice. It was all he could do without language/speech. Sometimes it made him/Werfen upset/angry/frustrated. He growled low in his throat as he attached himself to his Heart's hip.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa Character Portrait: Kethti
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"Then human stupid for attacking, are they not?"

The speaker was Kethti, talking from the back of Ninketh as he hovered in the air before landing on the ground, not far behind Aura and Delzah.

Though Ninketh and Kethti had left an hour after Aura, and every one else, they had flown faster with a lighter load, and were able to arrive only thirty minutes later, which had allowed them to see the devestation Aura's attack had caused, as well as sense, where aura ended up instead of omhah. what known of them could have known though was how kethti would react to the large wolf in front of Aura...

Upon seeing the wolf Kethti growled before launching herself off the back of ninketh and towards him. Pulling out her knife she continued forward fully intent on attacking the wolf until she was pulled up short by Ninketh. He had grabbed the back of her shirt within his jaws and held her above the ground, waiting for her to calm down before he released her.

"Peace little one, this wolf is not attacking anyone, or do you think aura would let such a creature near her heart mate if he was?"

Upon hearing this Kethti relaxed, but only slightly.

"But wolf still attack you"

Ninketh chuckled in amusement before answering for her to hear only

"Little one, do you honestly think that overgrown fur-ball, could honestly hurt me, even if he wanted to? In fact I am more worried about that same fur-ball hurting you instead of me"

grinning with a predatory smile, Kethti responded in kind.

"But wolves fun, they challenge"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa
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#, as written by Creek

Adanessa stood with a smirk on her face, simply weathering this girl's vehement, but nonetheless meaningless, retorts. It was endearing how she believed that she was making a point, while in fact Kissandra's arguement made no sense. She wasn't speaking to move the situation forward, but merely to hear herself speak. Adanessa just supposed she had offended the girl by calling her dog manic. It almost made her chuckle.

"Once again, your reasoning is flawed. You are the protector of these people, while you cannot even protect yourself? Just minutes ago, you were being carried to your grave by a petty bandit. And, I don't believe watching someone here and there makes you qualified to say you know them. Do not mistake my age, for I am older than you. However, I am still youthful by Elven standards, so yes, you may say that youth does blind me. You snivel like a child, simply because I insulted your pet. While youth may blind me, does anger and youth not do the same to you? Kissandra, you are agreeing with me. You just reinforced my suggestion for alternative action, by providing the alternative! If you want to try and condescend to me, I am afraid you will have to do better than that. Besides, I had never meant you any offence in the first place." Adanessa declared as she looked Kissandra straight in the eye.

Your turn. She thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur
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#, as written by Sil
The shadows dance and sing like the gentle strokes of a bow upon the strings of a violin...soothing as the breeze continues to caress the smooth, ivory skin of the young nymph watching from afar, listening. Her body moves with the shadows like a ghost. Her eyes watch like a bird of prey waiting for the perfect moment to strike. She feels and smells everything...and she hears even more.

"Tissimoma, Arani," she whispers to the wind, her lips only parted slightly to allow that small breath - those two words - out. But it continues to sing to her, bringing her the elusive voices of those she watches. The events unfold quickly and surprisingly. The dragon is the strangest one...the most dangerous. Smells of danger wreak from its scales as it unleashes a breath weapon after the strangely large wolf launches from the trees. She is taken aback, whispering more and more to the wind.

"Etimo, Arani...etimo..." As if to ask the wind to calm itself. And slowly, things within this strange group are beginning to calm. And the wolf sits there, his thoughts reeling. He and the large dragon are the two most intruiging. Such creatures...

"Werfen..." She tests the name on her tongue, the corners of her lips pricking into a small smile. "Werfen...wodef...nan wodef...bentai wodef..." She takes a deep breath, taking in all the scents around her, especially that of the wolf. He smells of wild...of freedom. Of wolf. More, she smiles. She cannot help but feel giddy about this.

Slowly, Yshani takes a step from the shadows, her eyes on the wolf that draws her. The wind has finally calmed and quieted, and her thoughts are on that wolf. Oh, how she wishes to pet speak to know him. But he is attached to someone else...and suddenly, Yshani hesitates. Somehow, she knows that he is too close to the one he called Heart that Yshani could never really get to know him.

She lets out a sigh, which turns into a slight whimper. Her dark eyes watch sadly from the darkness, her slave bracelet jingling as the wind once more whispers to her. The trees begin to sing a gentle, soothing song...and this allows her to smile again, looking around at the beauty of it all, whispering her thanks back in her own strange tongue.

She finally takes that other step from the shadows of the forest, revealing herself to the group, standing almost defensively, her eyes watching both the dragon and the wolf.

"Hanami ama...hanami ama..." I mean you no harm... Over and over, she repeats this to the dragon and wolf, as well as everyone else, in hopes that one of them will understand her. The common language hasn't been hers in 30 or so years...only wild. Only Yshani. And now what she wishes is Yshani and wolf...and dragon? But not danger....not dragon danger.

"Hanami ama...." This is more of a whisper now as she waits for the reaction that must be given.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur
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Delzah was getting tired of the argument between the girls going back and forth and he gave Aura a look out of the corner of his eye.

Aura leaned down, putting her face in between the two arguing women and let out a loud roar. There was no concussive energy from her, but it was loud enough to stop them in their tracks. Aura then straightened herself and backed away a step as Delzah took one step forward, looking at Adanessa.

"Do not mistake my youthfulness and my choice to reveal Aura to Ohmah as naivete Adanessa. I have been traveling these lands with Aura for decades and I chose Ohmah because they are a small community and are far removed from Girotos's influence. The elders still tell stories of Dragons to their little ones and many of the children dream of flying through the skies on the back of a Dragon. Who better to introduce Dragons to then those who wish to see them?"

He looked to Kissandra.

"Becalm your heart Kissandra, Werfen." He said calmly before looking back to Adanessa.

"If you fear the humans of this small community whose only armaments are the forks and knives they use in the kitchen to feed themselves, then you do not have to accompany us inside but we are going and there is nothing you can say in your fear of the human race to stop us."

As he finished the sentence there came a new face from the shadows of the forest, whispering a phrase over and over again as she cautiously approached the group.

"Hanami ama...." She repeated.

Delzah looked to Aura for a moment, but she was confused as well.

Aura, however, had an idea.

Little one... What brings you to this gathering? Aura asked the new arrival.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kissandra Character Portrait: Larien Elendil Character Portrait: Delzah Character Portrait: Adanessa Character Portrait: Yshani Ashatur
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Kissandra didn’t hear either the boy or Ada. Well, she heard them but the words didn’t matter. Werfen came first and his attention had been stolen, and with it hers. Her green eyes were fixated across the road, toward the figure across the way. It was a nymph. Kissandra hadn’t seen one in several years and the last one she transported through the forest had been great company. Kissandra felt bad for it. It was female, her ankles dotted with the leaves and vegetation of the woods. Her fingers were extended into long claws that seemed delicate, but Kissandra knew better. The creature slowly moved forward, whispering in a language that she didn’t understand, yet somehow it felt familiar.

Fen left her side, the whimper in his throat so quiet that she almost missed it. The black wolf walked out to the middle of the road, and suddenly, Kissandra felt alone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Werfen knew this language/talk/speach, or parts of it. It was broken wild/ freedom. No harm/hurt threat. His padded feet moved forward, his legs carrying him across the road toward the creature leaving his Heart alone. The hardened path/road under his paws cut and hurt. His nose was guiding him forward, his heart too when she called/whimpered/summoned him. His Heart.

He stopped and looked back. She was alone, standing separate from the band/pack/group of elves and Dragons. Her fear flooded his nose and he looked back toward the Captured. He’d be too far to save/protect her in time from an attack from the crazy/mad girl elf. But Captured called his soul/mind/spirit. She needed him. He turned and gave a threatening growl at the Dragon kind and elf child. Touch her, you will die.

Heart smiled, but he could still smell her worry/fear under her love for him/ Werfen. Instead of turning back though, he bounded forward toward the Captured, slowing down as he neared, head lowered and tail tucked slightly in a sign of submission/compassion/companionship. He whimpered and opened his mind/heart/ soul to the Captured.
You will be safe/protected with me/Werfen. Do not show fear/worry.