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Roussan Filondar

"I've had my fill of chains."

0 · 453 views · located in Fantasy Earth

a character in “Dream Scar”, originally authored by Yonbibuns, as played by Sambea


"Unclose your mind. You're not a prisoner."


Name: Roussan Filondar

Nickname: Sunshine, Teddy, Rousse.

Title: First Mate aboard Asura.

Species: Ravein

Race: Hybrid; he's noticeably two different breeds belonging to the mammalian family, and one third reptile. To be specific: a close branch of Kodiak brown bear, a small chunk of felidae Bay cat, and an insignificant amount of Phrynosomatidae Horned lizard.

Visual Age: Late 30's, but it's difficult to tell with all that grizzle.

Factual Age: 42

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Role: First Mate

Class: Warrior

Specialization: CQB Specialist

Theme Song:


Hair: His hair consists of ruffled grizzly hair swept completely backwards, ending up in choppy sections along the back of his neck and spine—going all the way downwards at short length. Though, Roussan had recently adopted two warriors' braids extending behind his ears and ending just below his collarbone. So far, only the Captain knows what they represent, and he's not willing to share this information with anyone else.

Fur/Skin: Shaggy, dense fur is mostly a rich chocolate in colour, accented with broad markings of light cream across the shoulders, hips, upper chest, and the crown of his head. His muzzle, forearms, and calves lighten up considerably, as well. He's not impeccably groomed, but his fur is softer than your momma's—... it's just really, really soft. Upon closer inspection, he has a rather interesting detail about his body under his basic bear pelt. His skin seems a bit harder, almost like scales instead of flesh underneath where his fur hides it from sight. His fur pattern like his body bares noticeable resemblance to both his parents: bay cat, and Kodiak bear. His over all coat a lavish mix of muted tans with under tones of ruddy reds. His long legs and heavy paws covered in black fur that fades up the back of his thighs as well as his hands and arms fading at his shoulders.

Eyes: His eyes are a very peculiar shade of mahogany, usually slightly narrowed, and always completely unreadable.

Eye Brows: Nearly nonexistent, since he isn't human, but he does have two shaggy eyebrows made up of darker fur surrounding his slanted eyes. It expresses what needs to be expressed.

Ears: His ears are small and rose-shaped, perpetually drawn back across his skull.

Nose: Roussan's muzzle is prominently extended thanks to his Ursine blood, and ends in a small rose-coloured nose speckled with black. He's constantly gathering, processing, and exchanging information using his heightened sense of smell, which is somewhat amusing when he's snuffling about the decks or tracking someone on land.

Lips: Drawn back in a caustic scowl: his lips are as black as a dogs. Unlike a human’s lips, which border your teeth – bear’s lips are large and extend greatly away from their teeth, though he keeps them well tucked in as to not appear like a rabid, slavering beast.

Build: Roussan has the physique of a heavyweight boxer. His overall physique is very common within his species, consisting of a mix of well sculpted muscle and hidden fatty tissue. This bulk allows him to fight more defensively, taking on more damage then most can handle. But what's really amazing is that he's is much quicker on his feet then his foes give him credit for. Built more or less like a large truck (or a small tank), Roussan has broad shoulders and powerful limbs; his entire thick-boned frame solid with a rather impressive amount of muscle. His fitness is the result of living and working in the unforgiving expanse

Height: 6'8”

Weight: 600 lbs

Voice: Rumbling; sometimes, unintelligible.

Handed: Right-handed

Body Markings: It isn't unusual to see him dying tufts of hair behind his jawline, and down his neck, the same peculiar colour as his eyes. He does so in the fashion of a raccoon's striped tail, but prefers colouring his braids.

Scar Tissue: He retains much of the handsomeness of his youth; on the left, a faint scar travels from his brow, and across the corner of her mouth. The mark has mostly healed, reduced to a dark line, scarcely visible in the ruffled shag of his fur. Half of his left ear has been torn away, a more lasting reminder of his time in the wilderness. Scars stretch across his chest, shoulders, and legs. In the very beginning when Asura was born, Roussan expressed his desire to also have an Asura tattoo placed on his body—it was a difficult task with all that shaggy fur, so they decided to place the pattern across one of the pads of his hands. He still swears to this day that it was one of the most painful experiences of his life.

Unique Body Features: If one were to inspect his shoulders blades, spanning down the stretch of his back, you would notice bony cartilage beneath his fur ending just above his stunted tail. It seems to be the only indication that he's not merely an odd discolouration of bear.



Quirks: Roussan has very bad hearing in his damaged ear and often won't respond if you're speaking to him on that side, not because he's being rude, but probably because your speaking too softly for him to register any sounds; When writing he uses his left hand, but does everything else with his right hand; He regularly looks up at the sky to check the position of the sun/moon and comments on it; He has a weakness for stray animals, and people; He hates eating green vegetables, and will dump it in the nearest plant when you're not looking; He readily puts himself in the way of danger without careful consideration because he believes he's doing his duty; He's mildly afraid of cats and hasn't a clue how to shake it off; When walking, he has a slight limp in his right leg.

Virtue/Creed: “One day I will find the rights words, and they will be simple.”

Motivation: “The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.” Roussan is constantly pushing his own limits to reach a certain plateau of inner peace. He wants to pay his debts off to Captain Barvassi, even if his old friend doesn't believe there's anything owed. So, until the end of his days, he'll serve his Captain. These thoughts push him forward because he understands that aboard the Asura: he has a purpose.

Goal(s): “The significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain.” He is not without his own personal vendetta's, even if his primary duty is aboard the Asura, serving as the Captain's First Mate. He longs to find his lost love, though he knows that nothing can possibly come from it—they weren't meant to be, but still, even still, his heart has been aeons away from his chest, searching, searching, only for her. Beyond that, Roussan want's to change what society thinks of interspecial relationships. He wants to wipe the slate clean of any interracial contempt, and will stop at nothing until he lives to see those chances, or dies trying.

Fear(s): Losing his precious companions, and being unable to do anything. Roussan fears that he'll never make a difference in the world: that he'll end his days in a hateful world. Seriously, there aren't many things that leave him shaking in his boots. But, but, wait. He has an extreme, illogical, irrational fear of heights, which is why he'll never travel to the upper reaches of the World Above.

    ✖ Women with curves; No, really. He thinks all women are equally beautiful, and is not shy in saying so. Be they Human, Ravein, or Majnun: it makes no difference to him. But, he's always preferred women who are pleasantly muscular, with sloping curves and motherly bosoms, compared to rail-thin women with knobby knees and knocking elbows: bones are for dogs.

    ✖ Flowery, girly smells such as apple blossoms, freshly skinned oranges and simulated lilacs. Some things are hard to come by in the barren wastelands, so smells like these are cherished by the burly Ravein.

    ✖ Technology has always fascinated Roussan. Not only because none of it was available in the Earth Kingdom. Only outlandish means are utilized on his homeland: not exciting, whizzing gizmo's. So, he's constantly badgering Aren to show him new gadgets, whilst feigning disinterest. Explosions seem to interest him, as well.

    ✖ Principles involving peace: Roussan can't claim to being entirely peaceful, nor can he say that he's never been volcanically angry, but at least he's tried to change his ways to a more... disciplined aspect. He believes in karma: what goes around comes around, so don't be an asshole. He wishes to develop wisdom and understanding to things he does not understand. He takes great measures to try and learn how to meditate, but finds his mind is far too cluttered. In any case, Roussan admires and respects anyone who has any semblance of discipline, peace, or kindness.

    ✖ Extreme heat, deserts or hot climates. Anything that makes his fur feel like it's sloughing off in an avalanche of sweat—he hates it. But, Roussan's not unfamiliar with it. He still prefers staying out of the sweltering heat whenever Asura lands in the wastes: you'll find him hunkered down in the nearest source of shade with his arms crossed over his chest, mumbling something fierce that the sun's making him lose patches of fur.

    ✖ Laziness has always been a sore spot. You know, the slugs who don't have an ambitious bone in their bodies but like to tell everyone otherwise. Lazy people are like rotten apples; leave one rotten apple next to a healthy one and both will rot. Roussan's stern hand was only born upon witnessing lazy crew-mates lounging around when they ought to be working, so he makes sure that he's always on the ball: even if it means barking savagely, mere inches from their faces, to get their sorry butts back int gear. He doesn't want a piss-poor generation of comatose swines.

    ✖ When you stretch the truth, watch out for the snapback. Roussan detests liars. If he catches anyone in a lie, especially if it's to his face, he builds up his walls and shoves you off his metaphorical cliff of trust. He's actually pretty good at catching people in their lies: a perception he's built over the years. He can't stand dishonesty, and strives to implement honesty into all of his comrades thick skulls.

    ✖ There's a heap-load of personalities that clashes with Roussan, but always for good reason. He doesn't like anyone whose head is so far up their—... he just hates snobs, or a mind that's overflowing with arrogance. Anyone who defines themselves with material possessions are considered heartless. Snobbery in any form sets his teeth grinding. A certain level of youthful confidence is fine, but when someone's sputtering nonsense and braggin' up a storm: expect a cuff across the head.

Strengths: Roussan naturally moves close to his opponents when fighting, instinctively grabbing and punching rather than striking with weapons. He's an intuitive brawler. He doesn't disdain the use of weapons completely though, for he uses a slender sword given to him by his Captain. When prompted, Roussan is extremely focused; it's hard to dissuade him from any task once he's set down to doing it. He's made of tougher stuff than the average Ravein: built like a brick house and hardier than most of his peers. Raw strength has always been his forte’s. He's also relentless in his endeavours, often pushing himself past his limits. His eyesight seems to be quite adept in the darkness: a trait gained from his Bay cat lineage.

Weaknesses: It's not hard to miss the Ravein's prominent limp. He injured it in his youth and still finds himself faltering every now and again when forced to travel lengthy distances. Being quite musclebound, he's less adept than most at tasks that require coordination. He has a slight hearing impairment. He's all about a no-nonsense, head-on approach to situations: it can put people off, so he has a hard time communicating his ideas. He's extremely protective of his own beliefs, of his material possessions, and of his friends. He's been known to act pretty animalistic when any of those things are threatened.

Physical Description: Roussan's a lumbering brute with a regal countenance. Where one person can only see a gruff, shaggy beast with pitted eyes and lipped teeth, others aren't as quick to judge his character, and they might see the wisdom shining behind his russet eyes and an amiable expression jauntily tugging at the sides of his muzzle. For some, he's an enigma. To his crewmates, he's something else entirely. Something capable of good. If you don't see him galumphing aboard Asura's decks, arms constricted tightly across his barrel-chest like two cannons, with a bellowing roar ready at his lips—he's probably lingering down in the holds, waiting for fresh oatcakes. Whilst disciplining the crewmates for whatever reason, Roussan is not shy about meeting your eyes. It's a natural predatory action that encourages orderliness. He's just as quick to clap you on the back and offer a few words of reassurance.

Personality Description: Roussan is an odd duckling. He believes that every life on earth is meaningful, even if it is truly insignificant. He believes that if it cannot protect itself, then it is the duty of those who can to take up their place in defence. He's a fiercely loyal person, willing to sacrifice much for his compatriots, but he has an odd way of showing it. It mostly derives from slamming his fists against railings and demanding that whatever assailant apologize, or he'll find his his oesophagus slammed into his chest cavity. His primary mode of living is focused externally, where he deals with things rationally and logically. His secondary mode is internal, where he takes things in via his five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. He honours traditions and laws, and has a clear set of standards and beliefs. He expects the same of others, and has no patience or understanding of individuals who do not value these systems. Which isn't to say he's entirely unreasonable, because he “was young once, too.” He values strength and power only as a means to help those without it. Roussan has witnessed hardships, has survived hardships, and has taken care of broken, mislead individuals—he knows that no one's perfect, and is willing to be patient with younger members of Asura, and to act as a guiding hand.

He can sometimes be very demanding and critical, because he has such strongly held beliefs, and is likely to express himself without reserve if he feels someone isn't meeting their standards. But at least his expressions can be taken at face-value, because Roussan is extremely straight-forward and honest. Now, there's another more compassionate, kindly side of him that earned him embarrassing nicknames aboard Asura. His emotions are permanently pinned to his sleeves, and is swift to cuff you if you're so bold as to openly mock him. Level headed in all aspects of life, he has accumulated an incomprehensible trait of obtaining absurd amounts of self-control when it comes to dangerous, reckless situations. But, whenever faced with raw emotions or oceanic amounts of anguish: Roussan transforms into a teddy bear. He's unremittingly full of life and socially buoyant; often persistently overbearing, forcefully engaging others in an animated, vivacious and insistent manner. He's disposed to react in sudden abrupt outbursts of an unexpected and unwarranted nature; recklessly reactive and daring, attracted to challenge, risk and harm, as well as unflinching, undeterred by pain and undaunted by danger and punishment. But, again, if he witnesses anyone in danger—be they injured emotionally, or physically—he'll be the first to scoop them up in his grizzled arms to carry them into safety.

Despite being a burly ball of muscles, Roussan's heart swells with the idea of adventure. Every so often whenever the Captain decides to land at a location of interest, he's taken the longest direction possible to get to the objective location so that he can purely scout around the district. He gets a little buzz within his mind whenever he goes out for an escapade, which thrills and continues to push his obsession to know the world around him.


Rating System
[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]

Combat Prowess
Excellent Hand-to-Hand Combat: Within the combat of brawler there is no master, there is no one to teach the meaning and the fundamentals. It's a style of the unknown, those who have nothing else to go back on. Those who fight savagely to crawl out the victor—survival of the fittest, it's a style that's been bred and evolved from those who've suffered the wastes. No one can consider themselves as masters for all they can be are just simply, brawlers. But, Roussan is spectacular at what he does. He's survived many battles. When faced upon unsurvivable odds, the lumbering bear simply grapples onto his opponent and stops only when the likelihood of his survival is evident. His extraordinary strength attests to his capabilities, as well as the jagged claws and mouthful of teeth his momma' gave him.

Above Average Melee Combat: Honestly, Roussan had only ever touched javelins, spears, or makeshift sticks with jagged rocks attached across the tip with hemp rope. Asides from that, his means of combat always involved his sharp claws and frightening strength. Years and years ago, upon meeting DeVargo, Roussan realized that not all battles could be fought without any weapons. His new comrade offered lessons from one of his other companions, which he clumsily accepted. It wasn't easy finding a blade fit for his great paws, but eventually he was given a long, thick-handled military sword. He's become quite adept at handling it, but always prefers conventional means of battle—by slamming the hilt into the assailant's gawking face.

Poor Armed Combat: Have you ever seen a bear attempting to notch an arrow without snapping it's strings or throwing the arrow across the decks in frustration? That's been the only tastes of ranged combat that Roussan's had to suffer through. It was the first and last time he ever touched those damned things.

Very Poor Magic Combat: Roussan has no knowledge of magic, nor does he feel any need to learn anything of the sort. It isn't because he feels as if it's unnatural, because there'd been many shamans and mystics in his tribe, but he feels as if he wouldn't have any magical talents, therefore has never felt the need to pursue it. He still respects anyone who displays those abilities. It's just not for him.

Poor Mounted Combat: Again, have you ever imagined a hulking Ravein riding any poor, unfortunate creatures? Roussan prefers transportation in the means of colossal sky ships, or anything big enough to hold him. Anything smaller than that makes him nervous: all shaky and jittery. On Earth Kingdom (in his youth), he attempted to ride a stubborn, bull-nosed Raptor. All in all, it didn't end very well. He's got the scars to prove it. Roussan prefers mounting any defenses aboard mechanical ships, but isn't terribly fond of doing so, either. Leave that to those who are trained in those areas.
Racial Abilities
Excellent Animal Trait - Teddy Bears' Nose: That snuffling black nose isn't just for looks, you know. He can hear and smell with crystal clarity at such a heightened state that he's able to smell fear, lust, and even the small subconscious olfactory scents associated with lying. Roussan relies on this more than you think, since his hearing isn't what it used to be. Some say that because of that, his sense of smell has been heightened for compensation. He's never really confirmed this.

Good Inner Navigation: He doesn't quite have the extensive memory of an elephant, but throughout Roussan's journeys, he's been able to recount exact locations, and guide himself back from wherever he's landed himself. He has a keen sense of direction, even without the use of maps, compasses, or guiding gizmo's. Most Ravein's understand the primitive uses of the suns' shadows, constellations, or stars, when trying to figure out your direction: Roussan hasn't lost any of those teachings.

Excellent Foggy, Foggy Days: Roussan can see exceptionally well at low light levels, during foggy and misty weather conditions. His eyes have a reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum lining the back of the eyeball. This layer reflects light back through the retina, allowing light to stimulate light sensitive cells in the retina a second time, therefore improving his night vision. If he's met someone before, set their faces to memory, he's able to recognize them from 200-300 feet away. Beyond that, everything get's a little fuzzy. Still, Roussan prefers to rely on his sense of smell rather than what he's seeing with his own eyes.

Bloodline Traits
Average Dirty Trick: Those small tendrils of Great-horned Lizard enables him to spit blood from his eyes. It hasn't really come in handy, besides acting as an ice breaker, party trick, or dirty move whilst in a fight. When in a scuffle, Roussan won't hesitate to try and blind his attacker with his own blood. His aims not that great, though.

Excellent Bestial Strength: Roussan is a Ravein: mixed blood. Like most Ravein's, he was born with several abilities involving his primary bestial nature. He displays features pertaining to both his feline and ursine nature, but predominately ursine. His height, weight, and stature enables his boundless strength. Unfortunately, he sacrifices his coordination and agility for pure, unadulterated brawn.

Above Average Two-Layers: Born with hardened scales from his reptilian descent, Roussan's flesh is a lot courser than any of his fleshy allies—lending him more defense underneath his shaggy fur. It's not enough to deflect blades, but he's attested that it's done it's job against raking nails, claws, and teeth. Not to mention the fact that if anyone were to clamp their mouths' across any part of his body, they'd most likely be spitting and coughing out hunks of pelt. Very simply, he can take far more punishment than a human (unless you're referring to the Cap'n, of course) could hope to, and remain vertical and dangerous.

Class Skills
Good “Fine, be humbled again”: Grappling has always been his forte. Submission moves keeps his opponents from becoming a large weeping stain on the decks, while dissuading them from getting up again. He plays a greater emphasis on throws, whilst keeping his paws on the assailant's wrists, arms, or shoulders to keep them grounded--and with his weight, it's not entirely difficult. Joint locks and holds. His joint locks typically involve isolating the opponent's limb, creating a lever with the body position which forces the joint to move past its normal range of motion. He increases the pressure in a controlled manner. Being released is only an option.

Excellent Crushing Blow: By focusing energy into his fists, Roussan is able to harness a large amount of strength through his shoulders, arms and hands. He believes that a person can extend their energy, send it unfurling from their core, and augment it into the point of enhancing oneself. Whether or not that's true remains unknown. Whatever works, right? Either way, it's unlikely that he'll feel any impact when his fast rattles against your forehead. You don't really want to test your skull against his fists: really, really.

Above Average Steel Jaws: Really? Well, Roussan clamps his mouth (teeth and tongue and all) around your wrist, hand, or arm, and tries his best to make a clean break. Or not. It depends how he feels. If he's cranky, he'll go for the face. Then, it's not so fun for you.


Rating System
[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]

Above Average Sailing: Despite not having any prior experience to sailing, Roussan quickly grew accustomed to the rippling waves, rocking decks, and salty smells. His hardworking nature made it easy for him to slip into any diligent roll involving natural strength; calloused hands and rough edges, aside. He never complained. And, he never hesitated to help anyone else in their positions. It's one of his many loves. Just because he can't swing across the ropes, or hang in the crow's nest: it's still where he belongs.

Below Average Gunnery: Unlike most pirates proficient in firing guns, he's never really gotten the hang of it. He wasn't one of the lad's that had been playing with firearms since they were little tykes. The only thing he really excels at is holding large, heavy-set for long periods of time. His accuracy's not that great. But, his finger strength is quite exceptional. Yet despite having good posture, he is not perfect, and will still take a few shots to down any large sized prey. Or small. His eyesights dwindling with age.

Good Leadership: The burly bear has many traits an excellent leader needs: honesty, competence, a forward-looking attitude, courage, intelligence, fair-mindedness, and a restless work ethic. He's not afraid to speak his mind to a group of sloven, unmotivated slugs. Sometimes, his compassion can act as a double-edged sword, but for the most part he's the sort of man who can keep the cogs turning. Though, Roussan will always bow down to a higher authority--only if it's respected--before brazenly taking the lead.

Excellent Fighting: "You say we might die in this battle: not today." Humble during fights, it would be very peculiar to see Roussan savagely beating a man when he's curled up on the ground. He doesn't believe in hounding a man after he's been beaten. Neither is he dumb enough to turn his back on him once the fights' finished. Aggression with limits. Some people, who lack aggression, want to just quit when they're in pain; Roussan never backs down, unless he's debilitated. Perseverance, humility and respect make him a great fighter.

Below Average Tact: Roussan isn't the most tactful person in the world. No, really, he isn't. It's not that he's lacking in empathy, but rather that he doesn't understand that his words' could directly hurt or affect other people. He doesn't like fibbing, lying, or sugarcoating the truth. Honestly, he doesn't mean any intentional harm. He's getting better at correcting the blunt things' he says, but he still has a way to go. But hey, he'll be the first person to apologize once someone pulls him off to the side to say that he's being a jerk.

Good Charisma: What makes Roussan one of the best comrades to be at your side, asides from the fact that he could clobber anyone's head in? Well, he's relentless in his compassion. Enough to make you feel a little bad if you're being a twat. He's particularly good at reading situations, and will always rear a sympathetic ear to a hurting friend(the one that actually works). He isn't the best with words, but his passion always reads loud and clear. No one's brave enough to question his manliness, either.

Above Average Honor: Everything he does is for honor. He's never cowed in battles, and he never backs down even if the odds are against him. If there's someone to defend, he'll readily stick his neck on the line. And unlike many ruthless sky-pirates, Roussan is unable to slaughter his enemies if they are downed. It would be cowardly. If he promises you something, only death could keep him from fulfilling it. He feels the need to put other people's needs before your own: a trait he certainly didn't pick up from his family.

Excellent Courage: Courage is many things; most things, you can't touch, or feel, or explain. It's staying strong throughout the many hardships you have to face. It's choosing your own path, not the path others are taking. It's facing the risk of failing, but continuing anyway. It's believing that in the end everything will be better. Courage isn't slaying the foe. Courage isn't the lack of emotion, throwing you towards' the blade. Courage is not laughing at danger, or tempting death. Courage is pain, and forgiving, and standing your ground when everyone is shuffling back. Courage is fearing death, but facing it anyway. It's dying for what you believe in. Roussan understands this more than anything.

Average Bloodthirst: As a young man, Roussan struggled with feeling not like himself. More than anything, he hungered. He held hands with hate, let himself be led by bitterness, and swam until he was drowning. Only age opened his eyes. Resentment is always like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Like trying to throw hot coals, burning logs, anything that would scald you twofold before injuring that person: just over there. So, no. Now, Roussan tries to study inner peace.

Above Average Intelligence: Roussan is a surprisingly polite, soft-spoken intellectual, often addressing his subordinates by their given names. He rarely shows any sign of alarm or distress and often has entire situations planned out well in advance. I might add that this wasn't at all natural for him. Experience, teachings and wisdom has granted him a greater understanding of patience.

Poor Wealth: Despite what Naga Neroli will tell you, "Mr-Sunshine" isn't exactly wealthy. Well, at least not in the sense that he's willing to easily part with the few coins he's gathered up. Even if he were wealthy, he still would've joined Captain Barvassi's merry crew. I'm not saying he's stingy with it, because if someone bugs him enough he'll probably just let them have it, but he still enjoys buying small things whenever they port. Little by little, Roussan's learning that wealth will never contribute to his happiness and so he's willing to lend money wherever it's needed. But, he's just as quick to remind others' that they better stop making stupid wagers. Or cuffin' a certain someone across the ear for giving it away for nothing.


Head Again, nothing. Roussan finds it peculiar wearing Ravein helmets.

Neck It's left bare.

Chest He wears black, lacquered Tousei Kozane iron armor with prominent European influences. There's dark blue and orange braid lacings across the chest, armpits and neck section. The body armor constructed with Tousei-Konaze iron pieces was specifically engineered to enhance the mobility rather than defense ability. Though, Roussan will deny that statement. It's only slightly more comfortable, but still sacrifices speed for a strong defense.

Back Attached to the large iron pauldron is a crimson cape, draped over and around Roussan's left arm and shoulder: it's weathered and travel-worn, but adds a certain regal touch to his menacing countenance. There's different patterns inlaid deeply across the silken fabric.

Arm/Shoulder A large iron pauldron with detailed engravings depicting the Kiwigapawa tribe. He had it customized to display his life from his childhood, to the tragedy that befell him and Callista, to his journey that led him to Captain Barvassi, Asura, and his companions.

Right Hand A bracelet made of beechwood with differing carved charms showing: a pair of eyes between crossed blades, an eclipsed sun, a pair of gauntlets, an circle with a winking eye, a willow tree, a throne, and two dragons with an Axe. Each charm was given to him by someone he cared about, and each one has their own story. Recently, he's added the Asura symbol from a piece of wood he'd found from the wastes. His whittle-work isn't as smooth or fancy as his family, or friends, but he's happy with the results.

Left Hand Nothing.

Right Accessory Nothing.

Left Accessory A small silver loop in the bottom lobe.

Waist Roussan wears a large, heavy-knitted amber sash around his waist with a large, brown leather belt across it. The brass buckle looks antique and is in the shape of a snarling wolf, pointing downwards. The sash itself is threaded and tasseled: each braid holding colored beads.

Legs Unfortunately, he can't go without pants (or else he totally would). He wears a pair of dark brown, custom-fitted breeches.

Feet He doesn't really wear shoes. Well, Roussan doesn't consider them shoes, anyhow. He's more partial to wearing tight-fitting socks that only cover the back of his heels, and the pads of his feet. It leaves his toes and claws free.


Primary Weapon
Weapon Name: De' Barvassi

Weapon Type: Falchion (Sword)

Material: Steel

Length: 48 inches

Weight: 2.5 lbs

Weapon Description/Info: It's scabbard is a richly veined, dark brown leather with a black strip at the throat , making it seem wholly outlandish rather than exquisitely defined. It's a single-edged blade with a slight curve made from folded steel and other materials unknown to Roussan. The blade is rather short and broadens towards the point with the edge in a more or less sweeping curve. The pommel is a crisply defined wheel pommel—a simple design. Grasping the sword always leaves him struck by how very quick and well balanced it is, nimble and light like some rapiers but with space for two hands.

Secondary Weapon
Weapon Name: Naggles

Weapon Type: Spiked Knuckles

Material: Iron

Length: 10 inches each

Weight: 2 lbs each

Weapon Description/Info: A pair of iron-cast knuckle-dusters fitted with several sharp spikes. Each spike resembles exaggerated claws extending outwards: gilded with stronger materials to prevent breaking any of them whilst smashing his paws into the assailant's belly. He's named them affectionately after one of his oldest companions, Naga. Sometimes refers to Naggles as an actual person when conversing with Naga to creep him out: “Naggles has tasted much blood since last I saw you.”

Items He's not a big fan of carrying sacks of luggage around. He's no pack animal. But, he understands that carrying essential equipment is useful depending on the occasion. He brings whatever he needs for lengthy travels. He has a prepared leather pack slung over his shoulder, where he keeps a bottle of grease, a length of rope with a grappling hook tied to one end, a shutter-able lantern and a couple flasks of lamp oil, a weathered wool blanket, a cook kit, a leather waterskin, some cured beef rations, a zither (a small string instrument), a change of clothes, and a bottle with sand in it. Upon his belt he wears a pouch, in which he keeps a whetstone, some flint and steel, dried chew-leaves, and a small bag of coins. Whatever Roussan finds that he particularly likes (or that he can consider “important”) he simply tosses into his bag to either forget about or cherish later.

Technology Regrettably, Roussan doesn't have any gadgets. This doesn't stop him from badgering Aren to make him something--which is always turned down. Recently, though, the Bomberman, Sniper-extraordinaire, has promised to make himself something exciting. Something that goes, "Boom!" Either way, Roussan's secretly ecstatic.

Weapons His falchion blade tucked snuggly into it's leather scabbard. Even with his sword, Roussan prefers to keep his spiked knuckles in reach. He keeps them bound in a leather satchel tied to his hip for easy access. Both are immaculately cared for. He also carries a small, serrated hunting knife. It's an outlandish blade made of a wooden base, with grooves carved in it to hold sharpened obsidian. He does not use this for combat, but a more practical purpose such as carving up meat, removing fur from a hide, or other such simple things that a sharp knife is useful for. He keeps it in a small scabbard to his right, being also attached to his belt.


Marital Status
Promised; now, Single.

Grapher Filondar – Father
Siennah Filondar – Mother (Deceased)
Sunni Misch'ar - Cousin

The Surface World; Nomadic


✖ Roussan is Captain Barvassi's longtime companion; they'd met in his travels.
✖ Aided Barvassi in forming Asura's crew.
✖ Hasn't left his side yet.

Roussan had grown to manhood among common folk; men and women of simple pleasures who worked from the first light peeping over the barren hills to the frighteningly haunting dusk. People who lived for their families, thriving off the lands and battling to put food on the table. Life was hard, yet uncomplicated. His home village consisted of a diverse clan-based martial culture of hybrid nomads, famed for their prowess in battle with primitive weapons and seemingly mythical ability to thrive as a people in the eternal night outside the warmth and safety of the Earth Kingdom's brick hold-fasts. They are known as legendary pathfinders, warriors, and masters of the night lands wilderness. Braving sandstorms, hunkering predators, as well as the scarcity of subsistence: the nomadic clansman, appropriately named Kiwigapawa (meaning “wandering people”) have always excelled in surviving the inconceivable. Never in one place for too long, it was difficult for the Kiwigapawa to form any relations with neighboring tribes—nor did they have any time to harbor hatreds, disagreements or peaceful conduct. They would trade with tribes in passing, offering what little they'd gathered, then continue on.

The Kiwigapawa tribe were originally formed by Ravein's and humans alike, before conflicts arose. Human involvement in those days were deeply threaded with the Ravein. But, all good things eventually dissolve when power, wealth and greed become involved. Many eons ago, the Kiwigapawa would assign leadership to one human, and one Ravein, where they would share responsibilities for the better of the tribe. Mysticism and shamanism wasn't commonplace practice on the Surface World, but they did have one wizened, Majnun who'd come from The World Below seeking inner peace. They revered this Majnun as a wise man—someone who could touch a child's clammy forehead and ease his pains, someone who could see further in time then they could ever hope to. And so, the shaman sensed a disturbance and warned the Ravein of what would come to be. In the beginning, the Ravein chieftain ignored the Majnun's mutterings and they lived in relative unity. It wasn't until neighboring tribesman, particularly the tribes that consisted solely of humans, began demanding unusual things: vast sections of lands, food, spits of water. Anything imaginable. Not only that, but the humans had demanded that all the Ravein and humans alike would be ruled by a representative. A king, they said! A man who would place unfathomable regulations against them. A man who would denounce their freedom. Such greed wrought malice amongst the Ravein: they proclaimed that they had been here first, and so they wouldn't meekly bend their knees.

Warfare broke out amongst them. The Kiwigapawa tribe hadn't been spared. Slowly, one by one, the human kinsmen fled from them and returned to peculiar human strongholds'. Roussan's father had recently taken his father's place as the chieftain. Immediately upon receiving his honours, he'd banished the humans from their sights: harshly reminding them if they followed, if they lingered, if they spoke of them, that they would be hunted down and shown no mercy. The Kiwigapawa tribe wandered the plains in search of a safe place, far from merciful eyes that sought the Ravein destruction, and found a particularly reclusive canyon. For the time being, they lived in shameful hiding. Whatever hardships and humiliation Roussan's father, along with his kinsmen, suffered through those years remain unclear to Roussan himself.

He's only been born when the Majnun surfaced to rid the Ravein of their oppression. Those days' had been full of laughter, song, and tales. The Kiwigapawa surfaced from the canyon's, left their dusty caves, and sought out once more the life of proud nomads. These were Roussan's most cherished memories. One is the most prevalent: the days' his father taught him of the stars. The moment his father had guided his pointing fingers, towards the lumbering clouds and allowing him to chose his fated constellation. Fifteen bright stars forming the shape of a dragon. He remembered them clearly. The constellation was said to represent a figure from an unclear prophecy: an ancient Ravein warrior. It was most significant during summer, when it appears rising from the Southeastern horizon. It was always close in the sky to the constellations representing the hammer, the howling wolf and the bountiful woman. Those born under it are known for their courage. And so, Roussan's father would always wink and soften his voice to a whisper: “A man who knows courage does not seek weapons. He fights with his heart.”

Circumstances had been cruel when fate stole his mother from him. She'd died in childbirth, and so he never felt her warmth, nor her coddling kisses, or soft-handed guidance. Somehow, Roussan hadn't felt that emptiness. The Kiwigapawa tribe acted as a surrogate family. With his father's stern affections, and the tribesman’s cherished amity, Roussan never felt alone. Either way, he knew that his mother was still watching him: somewhere.

They were a small tribe of just over three hundred souls. Roussan knew each and every child; knew each and every parent; and could tell amusing tales about all of their adventures. Being the chieftains' son, Roussan held a heavy responsibility on his shoulders that he couldn't quite understand as a youth. Children, as soon as they were able to run, were taught to constantly be aware of their environment. The lessons were sometimes harsh, but they served an important purpose. Death could come swiftly to the unaware, inexperienced, or foolish. Each child needed to understand how dangerous the Surface World could be on one's own. Seldom was one allowed more than a single mistake out in the wild. This point was driven home at an early age to ensure not only the safety of the individual, but the tribe as a whole. Roussan not only learned how to live off the land, but his father was slowly molding him into the hardy, independent man he'd become aboard Asura.

Unfortunately, Roussan would never accept his predetermined role. No, not with her stealing into his heart. She'd simply been the most beautiful creature he'd ever known. Roussan's deliberation towards humankind had always been strained. It wasn't particularly his fault. All of the slights forced on their kinsmen so long ago were not so easily forgotten. So, why then, had the God's cursed him to feel such a stirring feeling in his belly—at the sight of her? All the world looked grey compared to her: a musty shade of blue. She was the messy dreamer who guided his hands across the grounds, telling him that if he just closed his eyes he could probably build sand castles during wind storms. They wouldn't fall. Somehow, Roussan always believed her. Her sparring glances bespoke of overflowing pyres: of things he'd never, ever seen. She wasn't dainty lips and wispy, bony-thin wrists. She wasn't corkscrew curls and glacial eyes. She was stronger than him. Built like steal, made from bricks. And yet, she was human—but, she felt everything. Her compassion blinded him; left him reeling. Music twirled from her lips, while hoarse, breathless things died on his.

It just couldn't be. It was impossible. It was wrong. Roussan's father, Grapher, saw to that. There were rules that had to be followed, and Roussan was breaking them by initiating anything with her. This woman who'd swept into his life in passing. This woman who travelled, as well: Callista. "Ah, love; a dreadful bond, and yet, so easily severed,” Grapher had snarled, eyeing him as if he'd been the one to cause the Ravein oppression. As if he'd committed the most disgusting, ruthless crime. No, love was not a dreadful bond. And in no way was it easily severed. He and Callista were proof of that. Roussan couldn't understand how it could be wrong. He couldn't understand how Grapher—the one man that he devoted his entire being to—so easily condemned his own flesh and blood. His sons' feelings. His sons' heart. His son. Roussan suffered a punishment far beyond humiliation. Far beyond anything he could've fathomed. Grapher and his blood riders' rode hard across the plains, capturing Callista, and ritually banished her from the Kiwigapawa clans: a practice only concluded to the most cruel brethren. With her wrists bound, Grapher escorted her to the heart of the canyon's and left her; completely alone, and bound. Roussan had witnessed this. He'd been dragged along to watch them leave, screaming and thrashing—calling out to her. With her head bowed forward, these were the lasting memories embedded into his mind.

After a few days passed traveling the upper plains, his father allowed his son the privilege of walking without his wrists bound. A man could not get far while inhibited, and if he did, he wouldn't have gotten far without being retrieved. Roussan immediately sought her out once Grapher and his blood riders returned. She was not there. She was gone. No traces were left behind: no rope, no bones, no blood. Nothing. What happened to Roussan, you ask? He never returned. He struck out on his own, determined to make things right.

Because now, his heart would always belong to her.

So begins...

Roussan Filondar's Story