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Black Midas

"You do, what you have to do, to survive."

0 · 1,373 views · located in New York

a character in “Earth's Greatest Heroes”, originally authored by Seveneleven, as played by RolePlayGateway


Black Midas


"My, Midas Touch, is the very Hand of Death."

Image{ FULL NAME }
Rufford Murdoch
{ AGE }
Unemployed (Former NSA Agent)
Christian Bale

Image{ HEIGHT }
Varies between 120lbs to 190lbs

A variety of stretch marks can be found on his skin thanks to rapid weight loss and weight gain. He also sports a gunshot wound on his right shoulder and a scar along his left forearm, upper left pectorals, a stab wound on his right ribs, and another gunshot wound on his right hip. Yet, all of these scars and marks disappear once an absorption is completed, leaving his body once again flawless.

He doesn't have many likes any more, thanks to his powers he can't exactly enjoy the most simplistic of comforts afforded to humanity. Instead his "likes" have evolved into a much darker and more...disturbing form. Whether or not he will admit, the joys of stealing the very life force from a living creature is...invigorating. Especially with living beings that have face that contort to a variety of fear and desperation as the very life is drained from their very essence. Sometimes even the hunt can be thrilling, but often Rufford has to be thorough, after all starvation is a terrible fate.

Before he would say he loved books, fine wine, artisan cuisine, art, and well written TV shows. Yet, many of these things can no longer be enjoyed thanks to his power of decay. Food rots by the time it touches his mouth, all beverages become soured and spoiled, and books fall apart as if suddenly ravaged by the throes of time. Most electronics fizzle out and metal rusts by the time he decides to access a computer or even pick up a dumbbell. His daily routines of life have all been difficult to perform more or less enjoy. There for he dislikes most things in life since they cannot survive the decay.

He fears his own demise. It's about survival and his body will not allow him to die, although he does often wish it at times. Yet, he fears death and what it may entail on the other side. He has experienced near death before and he was given glimpse of his afterlife. It was not pretty, a life time of deceit, manipulation, and violence does not leave a very admirable service record to the powers that be. If it wasn't for his transformation he would be suffering a most torturous afterlife. Despite his rather love-hate relationship towards his powers they do keep him alive...and keeping one step ahead of death is all that he wants.

Rufford Murdoch is a man haunted by his past, his power, and his own future. Locked in a life or death struggle where the struggle is, chose life or chose death. Yet both come with their own grievous costs. Rufford is usually unfazed by death haven caused and even perform the act of killing in his life. Therefor it doesn't bother him where he drains the very life from someone, in fact it can be intoxicating for him at times. He sometimes takes sadistic pleasure in the act of draining the life out someone especially creatures with a face...yet Humans make for the most exquisite faces. Seeing the life leave a man's eyes...that is a feeling like no other. Despite his amusement in causing death, he in fact is very appalled by his psychotic tendencies. It is true, he has killed even before his evolution but he never took any pleasure in the act of murder. He never considered himself a psychopath before, only a man who does what he has to.

This often leads to a serious bout of depression, where he will starve himself and suffer insomnia. For his urges, much like an addicts, persists in consciousness and within his dreams. His body craves it and he hates what he has become. Still his fear of death always leaves him hesitant into committing suicide. Not to mention the pain and, almost withdrawal like symptoms that bring a heavy amount of stress and toil upon his body. His wish was to always meet a peaceful death, a wish that is now beyond him. Since starvation is the only method he knows that will kill him, but it is a most painful death. In the end his resolution gives way and he indulges in his sinister pleasures. This has left him quite sporadic, becoming depressed and apologetic to becoming violent and sadistic. He is at his lowest when starving, yet even lower when feeding.

His old self arises when fully fed. He feels more like his former self, quiet, methodical, and stern. Not at all like the desperate and pathetic version of himself when starved. A man rigid and trained to be unreadable, a man that always holds back a bit of the truth to keep everyone else in the dark. He is secretive and mysterious but his former job required him to be an enigma. He was and still is very alert and has a keen eye for observation. Able to analyze people and situations in order to make said situations more adaptable. Yet his persona of cool is often ruined when his hunger resurfaces. Much like the coming off from a high, it's not too long after that the body craves it again. He transforms becoming like a hunter, he becomes more menacing but also depraved, he desires the kill and which he takes to it with wicked pleasure. A true psychopath, he sees people more like food and less like people. Merely prey for the predator that he is. He becomes more erratic and deranged over time, until his hunger is satiated. Its almost as if he is another person. These struggles and changes, both mentally and physically, taxes him. In the end he is man tired but conflicted, unsure if he should end his madness or allow it to continue.

The past is often something he would like to forget. It started out humble and nice, but once he grew up, it all changed. He was a young man, looking to make a difference in the world. He felt working in Government would help to achieve such a purpose. Purpose, that's what it was all about. He wanted purpose in his life, that sense of belonging. Everything up til that part was dull, uneventful, and most of all forgotten. Becoming a drone in the masses was not something he aspired to be in life. He wanted something greater, apathy was gripping the nation, and felt that be a mover and shaker would help rejuvenate the country. What he didn't realize was that he would end up defending it. Rufford Murdoch was an intelligent man, he earned high marks and degrees during his college years. His athletic records were also something he boasted.

Academically and Athletically inclined, his sharp wit, perfect health, and wanting to serve made him ideal for many government agencies. In the end he vied for a position with the CIA and the NSA. Another hopeful managed to snag the CIA position but he earned the position with the NSA. At first it seemed to be a remedial office job but brighter opportunities arose when he was sent to a training camp. There he learned self-defense and martial combat, as well as training with firearms, specifically small arms fire. Yet the main training was with using stealth and surveillance tech. He was also taught many different languages, such as German, Arabic, Russian, Korean, Chinese, and Spanish for example. It wasn't long after that he became a field agent and was sent to retrieve information.

Living the life of a spy, is a hard one. For the most part you have to lie about every little detail about yourself. You must assume and change new identities all of the time, as the agency hands you new lives for you to live out all of the time. He became quite the master of disguise and deceit. It was a strange way to live, having to pretend to be different people and moving across the world all of the time. Even his communications with his real family was heavily monitored and restricted by the agency. This made even having a normal life very difficult, but Rufford didn't care. He was making a difference, and being a real life person was more valuable to him than a family. Although the accuracy of this state is rather...questionable considering he doesn't exist half of the time. Yet the most turbulence he had suffered through was during those occasions when murder was called for. Sometimes people needed to be eliminated, and having never killed another Human being, can make it difficult to even think about it.

Yet, he doesn't think, he is an agent, a tool for peace and security and he must follow out his orders. Somewhere deep inside him, he was able to find that switch, the kill switch. To be able to mentally fortify yourself as you take another's life without so much as be fazed by it. It had to be done and he believed that whatever mission he completed was for the good of the many. It was a harrowing experience but those memories of death haunt him greatly in his new life. Death, the very word had made itself synonymous with his very person. Rufford was on the verge of death, having been shot by a Terrorist that managed to escape from his bondage. He was saved by the nearby American Soldiers but his life was quickly fleeting. Soon it all went black. Even to this day it's not quite clear what he saw, if he did see anything. Yet whatever it was, it was a nightmare. The very faces and voices of those he killed tormented him and what seemed to be the edge of the abyss, he was suddenly pulled back into the light.

Technically, Rufford Murdoch did die that today, but thanks to the aerosolized mutagenic gas that blanketed the Earth, it managed to bring him back to life. Rufford was brought back to the states because of his injuries, but they refused to heal. He was locked in a coma for several months but suddenly awoken when a great pain swirled in his stomach. It was starvation. His heartbeat rose as doctors and nurses came to calm him down. Luckily he was bound and still unaware of his powers. It wasn't until a fateful night when a night nurse came by to check on him. Having arose from his coma he was unbound but the doctors felt he should still stay, because of his curious vitals which were steadily declining. He touched her and then suddenly, new life and energy surged throughout his body. His wounds healed and vitals returned to normal but before he knew it the nurse was reduced to a decomposing corpse. This frightened him as Rufford ran away before he could be stopped. Since then he has lived life alone, haunted by his new found powers and his steadily growing trail of corpses he leaves behind.

Life-Force Absorption: His ability is the power to drain a living thing's life energies. The vitality and health stolen from a victim is transferred to Rufford as it revives him in his physical prime, while also healing any injuries he may have suffered. As for the victim they enter a steep decline in vigor that eventually leads to death.

Rot Inducement/Corrosion Inducement: All he touches turns to rot. When he drains one's life force it quickly leaves the body, which leads to all organic material to decay from the lost of their life energy. Similar things happen to inorganic material, usually metals rust or electronics fizzle out because of the decay. Although he does not gain any life force from corroding inorganic materials.

Limited Memory Absorption: A side effect after a draining. Usually victim's see their lives flash before their eyes and Rufford often becomes privy to that information. This only occurs if he has extended contact, otherwise a short feeding does not reveal anything more than a victim's current thoughts. A victim can still dictate what they end up remembering, meaning if one memory keeps replaying in their head, then that will be the only information Rufford can take. It is involuntary and Rufford cannot use this power to inspect a person's mind or pick and choose what memories he views.

His strengths potentially give Rufford the power of immortality via stealing the vitality from all other life forms. Not to mention being able to recover from even the most grievous of harm. Being a trained agent, he is knowledgeable in the use of firearms, as well as sabotage, surveillance, stealth and of course martial combat. He is also a skilled manipulator.

His powers only work if he touches a living thing or an object, not if the person or object touches him. This allows him to be physically harmed without the attacker fearing for his life. His power is more like the Midas Touch, he must touch an object in order for it to turn to rot. This means he can be killed through conventional means, so long as he isn't near anything he can siphon the life from to save his. He is at his most vulnerable when he is starved. His movements are slow and sluggish due to an overwhelming feeling of weakness. Although one could say he is even more dangerous, since he becomes desperate. Still, he isn't much good in a fight once he reaches this weaken state.

So begins...

Black Midas's Story


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Character Portrait: Paper Angel Character Portrait: Veil Character Portrait: MultiDude Character Portrait: Rawhide Character Portrait: Black Midas Character Portrait: Sorceress
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#, as written by Zap


Shadow Isle Federal Penitentiary. Built upon an island off the coast of New York City, it had been created to house the extremely dangerous criminals, insane lunatics and genetically-enhanced mutants that had been unlucky enough to be captured by their Government. This prison was created as an answer to the US’ criminal problems, and was highly regarded as the safest and highly-protected prison in the entire world.

But nothing is safe for ever.

In the dead of the night Police helicopters and speedboats rapidly approached the Shadow Isle, cloaked in midnight darkness. The helicopter searchlights led the way towards the Penitentiary, where smoke rose into the sky from multiple places. The Police were closely flanked by multiple media helicopters owned by different news stations, who were eager to get their hands on a nice, juicy story to fill the ears of their beloved audience with..

But the Police Boats and Helicopters were only carrying the reinforcements, as already on the beach and landing pads were multiple S.W.AT. Teams and American Special Forces units, who were talking to their superiors and team leaders through different radio channels, barking orders at one another and trying to organize a plan while the whole Island went to hell.

The entire Island had erupted into uncontrollable chaos. Fire raged from every window, screams, shouts and laughter burst from every open orifice and multiple explosions had been set off throughout the night. Prisoners had escaped through breaches in the walls and attacked the police officers down on at the beach, causing more injuries to the attacking force. From what the media helicopters can gather from their position, a fair number of inmates, police officers and prison guards had already been killed by multiple things, but all of them killed maliciously and with a clear, cold-blooded intent.

The media helicopters, not wanting to give up despite the obvious danger below them, circled around the Island once more, showing better, more convincing angles with their cameras for the viewers watching at home, who were watching with anxiety and bated breath. This horrific event had caught the eye of the whole nation, and no-one knew what they could do to help. The cameras also show the extensive damage caused by the prisoners and, perhaps, the men or man that had broken into the prison. There are multiple broken walls and windows on the ground floor, as well as more on each floor, as well as lots of fallen debris and wiring coming out of gaping holes.

The whole of Shadow Isle is wrecked, dangerous and too risky to survey.

Back in the air, one media helicopter, hoping for a brilliant picture for their viewers at home, dropped its altitude and hovered too far down into one of the courtyards of the prison, and soon caught the eye of the inmates. The helicopter was then assaulted with bricks, bottles and broken glass, whatever the criminals can get their hands on basically, in an attempt to bring down the helicopter and cause more chaos. The pilot of the vehicle struggled to maintain control of his bird, and the helicopter began to lose altitude and crash towards the ground. The camera team, some of whom had already been seriously injured by the debris thrown at them, threw themselves from the vehicle as crashed down into the shallow water near the beach, most of the being killed from the impact, their bodies strewn around the wreckage in a horrific manner.

Police scrambled to the scene, hoping to rescue the men from the wreckage and the news reporter that was in there as well, but were unable to do so once the wreckage caught fire, leaving the squad of officers to back away as it erupted into flames. The other media helicopters, seeing this disastrous event, began to pull out from the scene, and began to simply commentate on what was happening from a safe distance.

On a particular helicopter that was heading to the one of the prison’s few free landing pads was Commissioner Alan Norman, the Chief of Police at the NYPD. The man was desperately communicating with various S.W.A.T. and Special Forces team leaders to try and maintain a calm situation and transmit orders to them, although some of his orders seemed to be lost in translation and forgotten over the loud explosions and shouting.

A perimeter was already set up around the prison on multiple floors, with S.W.A.T. teams ready to breach the doors and enter the buildings in an attempt to save injured inmates and contain the uncontrollable and mutated ones. Norman stepped off the helicopter in a rush, his trench-coat blowing in the breeze and the wind caused by the helicopter’s rotor blades, and looked around the scene. The reinforcement helicopters he had brought with him were now in position, and with his word, began to rappel more Special Forces teams into the prison, whilst S.W.A.T. burst through the doors and began to clear the buildings room by room.

This was a defining moment in America’s history for years to come, the moment where the world first saw those that would become…
The Atlas Society.


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"What was going on?" The whole prison seemed to have shook as if struck by a rogue earthquake. Rufford Murdoch, or Black Midas, as some of the doctors fancied calling him. The name came about after an interview with Murdoch, when he mentioned his tragedy was just like that of King Midas. Rufford enjoyed mythology as a child but has grown to regret it, finding the moniker to be both degrading and demeaning. It labeled him as a thing rather than a person. Of course if he was in there shoes he can understand why they would do such a thing. His power repulses even himself sometimes.

There are days he feels Human, but then there are days he feels like a monster. Sometimes he enjoys it but most times he is disgusted by it. Many times he contemplated suicide, but being locked away in a padded cell whilst wearing a straight jacket makes the act rather impossible. Damn those Doctors! Did they not realize he would starve to death in this cell!? He could feel that gnawing, nagging feeling within his stomach, his mind, his soul! His body was weak and reduced to nothing but skin and bones. But those Doctors are studying this strange phenomenon. Oh how he curses them, he wishes death upon them, a death as painful and as terrible as starvation!

It would seem his malicious wishful thinking has succeeded. Locked away in Solitary Confinement, not for himself, but rather for the protection of the prison's inmates, the metallic door swung wide open. Someone must have flipped the main control switch, otherwise these cell doors can only be opened manually by entering the seven digit code in the cell door control panel located right beside said cell. As perceived by Murdoch no guard or doctor stood by the Door Panel, just what in the world is happening on Shadow Isle? All of the cell doors swung open, releasing few of his dangerous neighbors, but like h,e they too wore straight jackets, they were no more a threat to him than he was to them. They seemed more interested in escape rather than bother him.

Unfortunately, Murdoch has grown weak from this accursed starvation. His compressed cheeks revealed his cheekbones as severe bags underneath the eyes proved this man had little to no sleep for who knows how long. "How am I to escape?" he thought. Strapped up like this? Not only is his movement hampered, he cannot even touch the material to rot it away, let alone perform a feeding. His hands are strapped up against his chest, if only he could move one finger away from his flesh he could dissolve this damnable restraint, but alas he cannot. He needed outside help but who? Who would help to free the man they are calling Black Midas? Most fear to even touch him at all.

He decided to move into the nearest bathroom, and as luck would have it, someone took to smashing up most of the mirrors. The shards of glass, could they be enough to cut the straps? He lazily walked towards the pieces of shattered glass. The very act of walking was far too tiring, he was too weak. He dropped to his knees as the shards cut into his pants. He didn't mind however, he was dying and the pain of starvation was far greater. Yet, fear began to seep into his mind, a deep rooted fear, a primal instinct to survive. Nearly fading away into unconsciousness, he willed himself forward and grabbed a piece of glass with his mouth. He stood up and laid the shard upon the sink. He rose up to his feet as he took the shard by his teeth and stabbed it into the soft walling behind the mirrors. As it protruded on the edge, he backed up against it and began to cut. The material of the jacket was strong, stronger than the sharp piece of mirror. It did cut yes, but it would not cut all the way through. He didn't need it to, he need the restraints to weaken, allowing for more movement, enough for just a single finger.

As he worked away, a guard entered, one of the lucky ones, or in this case an unlucky one. He recognized him, a true trooper, he sought to restrain Murdoch and put him back into his cell. "Come on Murdoch, you're going back in!" He shouted as he tackled him to the floor. "No!" Murdoch yelled. "I won't go back in!" He spoke struggling to even gasp in the air to speak. The restraint weakened as he worked to move his finger away from his body. "Stop struggling! You're not going to get out of here, Midas!" The Guard barked. Success! A finger wiggled it's way onto the fabric, the sleeve disintegrated right before him. With animal-like reflexes, he whipped his body around as his freed hand latched upon the guard's face. Instantly Murdoch could feel the life-force surging throughout his body, bringing him back from the very edge of death. The Guard screamed as his face began to decay, he whipped out his nightstick and struck Murdoch to the ground. Leaving a very nasty wound across his forehead.

With new found energy, Murdoch quickly retaliated and grabbed the man's ankle. The area around his foot quickly decayed as he dropped to the ground. Fighting for his life the guard struck Murdoch's hand repeatedly. Angered by this, Murdoch quickly grabbed the nightstick as it fell apart right in the man's hand. Frightened he tried to crawl away. With a growl, Murdoch stood up as the shards of glass stuck in his legs seemed to have pushed themselves out. His body was already healing quickly. He then sat upon the guard's back pinning him to the ground. With a sneer he clamped his hand around the nape of the man's neck. "I'm sorry Johnathan, but it was either you or me, and I chose me!" Murdoch growled as he stole the very life away from him. Johnathan screamed as his body began to convulse. Color left from the man's skin and hair, he seemed to age very rapidly and soon the decay sat in. Murdoch released Johnathan leaving him as nothing more than corpse, one that looks like it's been dead in the ground for months on in. Vitality surged within Murdoch as he quickly rose to his feet. The gash on his head quickly resealed itself leaving nothing, not even a scar. Removing the rest of the jacket, Murdoch turns to an unbroken mirror to examine himself.

Image He still looked sickly and weak, at this point he would need to feed upon several more people in order to return to his normal, healthy self. Still he had enough energy to move without his body collapsing on him. "Now if I could only find a couple guards or inmates, that should be enough energy for me to get back to the mainland, then I can do some real siphoning." He spoke to himself as he exited the restroom. He soon found his quarries, it wasn't hard considering many of them where running around like lunatics, obsessed with causing as much destruction and chaos as they can. Their madness will be their downfall. They defended themselves of course but coming to contact with Murdoch is just what he wanted. Once he touched them, they found his grip to be strong as he reduced a few inmates to nothing more than decomposed corpses.

He felt life filling him up, as he walked out into a catwalk. In order to escape he would need a layout of the building and the blueprints can be found in the offices. He watched with horror as bodies were strewn about and fires raged within the building. He hoped the offices were alright, he need the layout to figure out the safest, and sneakiest way out of the prison complex. He noticed the corpses of some officers, so boats or helicopters maybe outside. He would need to commandeer one if he could. But first the offices. He then turned away from the scenes of carnage and headed back to the innards of the complex.

The setting changes from Earth to New York


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Veil Character Portrait: MultiDude Character Portrait: Rawhide Character Portrait: Black Midas Character Portrait: Sorceress Character Portrait: Mach
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"Man, oh man," said [MultiDude]. "Are you sure you know how to fly this?" He was in the back a small helicopter flying low from a blindspot in the news feeds. It was all thanks to [Veil] really. she had hacked himself into the police database and made him a cop and procured him a swat uniform. Looked at the four other me S.W.A.T members in front of him and smiled behind his bullet proof mask. He was synced with his doubles as their thoughts passed to one another.

"Veil, you see me?" [MultiDude] asked as dude1, dude2, dude3, and dude4 stepped out of the helicopter and moved quickly away from the spinning blades. The moved smoothly covering most of their blind spots and as their minds were linked it gave them all a nearly perfect 360 vision.

"Yeah I see you, Dudes." came [Veil]'s reply over the earpieces. "I'm keeping track of what's going on everywhere, it is a war zone, man. There is some psycho that actually broke in and seems to be killing the prisoners and despite not using any powers, he is killing them -" [Veil[ paused momentarily as she thought of O. "-rather easily." She spoke while watching as the killer was engaging a man who she identified as [Josiah]. Once more it was skill vs power, but he was doing better than O had. "There are two mention-able hot spots at the moment. The infiltrator is fighting against a power user that has also entered the prison from outside. I want you to support him. While there is another fight ensuing against two speedsters."

Right on cue [Veil]'s AIs brought up images of both [Mach] and the other was [Thunder].

"I'm currently tracking others entering the prison and am attempting to get word to them so they could keep we can keep too many prisoners from leaking out and you need to assist them as well as keep the escapees from getting out and getting hurt."

"Such a slave driver, like always, V" [MultiDude] said and dudes 1-4 chuckled. Each one lifted their face plates as [MultiDude] saw four faces that looked exactly like his own and each gave them a lucky stick of gum and watched as the faces disappeared behind the bulletproof visors and they hustled over to the courtyard first. [MultiDude] asked [Veil] about the ability user's power and made his way over as she explained.



[Veil] watched as [MultiDudes] moved along the wall toward the courtyard. They had come up with a plan after [Veil] caught word over the police radio of an encounter with [Josiah]before he entered the prison.

"You are going to go 5 meters forward until you see a crack in the wall and continue to make hard right," [Veil] explained where they had to go. [Veil] and [MultiDude] had worked together many times. They had a system that worked. She was thankful for his talents as well as his 'ability' which complimented her own quite well. "Alright then, you will be coming up to the open courtyard. Then proceed as planned."

"Yes, your majesty," came five similar voices over the com link. She might have think about finding someone else to partner up with she couldn't help but smirk as part of her mind focused on the courtyard.

In less than fives seconds [MultiDudes] opened fire on both men. According to [Veil] the good [Josiah] could take bullets so there was no need to hold back.

"Quite nice not having to worry about friendly fire isn't, guys?" asked [MultiDude].
"Definitely, Sorry about this man!" answered Dude1 before he shouted out to [Josiah].
"It is at least a good thing we have good aim, otherwise we probably wouldn't be helping at all". And with tht they fanned out 2 on the left and 3 on the right as they tried to get the other man in their crosshairs. timing their firing and reloading a normal person couldn't get a shot in especially while fighting a life and death situation.

[Veil] watched as ability users kept appearing left right and center. She was watching as a young man apeared from the shadows of a cell block not wearing prison clothes [Babylon] as well as two individuals that teleported into a vacant hallways. One male [Warlock] and one female [Sorceress].

In the next moment a prison next to the pair started ringing and at the same time a walking hissed and crackled next to [Babylon]. While waiting for one of the two to answer the phone [Veil] began to talk to [Babylon]

"Pssst, over here. pick up the walkie talky." [Veil] whispered over the line. She had no idea wht this person was capable of but he was in a bad part of the prison and if he turned out to be good then she had to help him stay safe.

She waited for replies as she kept an eye on [Mach]and [Thunder]while following [Black Midas] via cameras. She tried not make to obvious that they were being controlled so she made them swivel slightly back and forth from time to time. She looked up his file and new he was bad news and had to get these guys to keep possible victims away as well as keep them informed of his whereabouts. It was [Rawhide] that appeared to be the hardest to predict since he seemed to not have a worry for his own safety or the safety of others. [Veil] attempted to contact [Rawhide] by hacking the police com-link and find his headset.

"Hello, Mr Samson," she greeted him as a camera focused on him from the end of the hallway.


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He continued to move further away from the sounds of chaos ruling the prison grounds. He didn't seem to notice much about the cameras following his movement, to him it just seemed natural. He can upon the door to the offices, and they were locked shut. They ran on a separate interface than the cells do. They are not apart of the Master Panel, therefor it can be shut down in times of crisis like this without worry of sabotage. The bulletproof glass revealed that the offices looked trashed, not destroyed but it seemed like a tornado breezed on through. It was evident that a number of people rushed in to lock themselves away from the dangers that are down the halls. It would seem he would have to decay the metallic door since the Office Panel was built only on the inside. His fingers touched the door as it began to corrode and rust.

As the metal door weakened and fell apart a scream could be heard from within. A scientist ran away from the door calling forward a couple of armed guards. As Murdoch entered the room he could see the scientist close a door quickly behind him as two men entered the room. They both had guns pointed right at Murdoch's head. "Get down on the ground you son of bitch!" One of them shouted as Murdoch dropped to his knees. "Put both your hands on your head!" The second one shouted. He did so. As the two men enter within his grasp, the doctor shouted out, "Stop! Don't get near him!", but at that point it was too late. With their guns trained on him, Murdoch clutched the guns as they quickly corroded, by the time they pulled the trigger the guns were inoperable. The men quickly released their guns having to resort to their batons.
They swung together beating him down, but this would not last for long as he managed to touch the sticks. Soon decay overcame their weapons as they practically disintegrated in their hands. The two men backed up as bruised and bleeding Murdoch stood. He looked quite fatigued and injured from the beating, as expected, the amount of life energy he took still wasn't enough for full on combat. Luckily fear began to seep into their minds as the Doctor continued to shout, "Get away from him! He can kill you with a single touch!", but alas the warning came too late. Pulling himself forward he grabbed hold of the guards as they began to wail on him, sending blow after blow as Murdoch took each hit like a champ. Just as soon as more bruises and blood appeared they began to miraculously heal before them. Soon each blow came later and less impactful, their very vigor was being drained right out of their bodies. Soon their bodies aged and began to decay as the two men became rotting corpses right before the doctor's eyes.

Murdoch looked ahead and walked towards him, feeling healthier and no longer injured. "S-Step back! Please you don't want us, we'll do nothing to hurt you!" The Doctor pleaded as more screams where heard behind him a separate room. "Look, I don't want to hurt you or anyone else for that matter...but I need someone to help guide me out." Murdoch spoke. "You're asking for help!? There is no way anyone here would ever help you out!" The Doctor spoke feeling a tad more brave. "Understand and understand well, I may not want to kill you, but I will and I will kill everyone in there unless you do exactly as I say." Murdoch threatened without ever raising his voice. The doctor quivered as voices in the background shouted, "Do as he says!" "We don't want to die!" "Please God, let us live!" Murdoch then looked towards the Doctor in question, "So, what is it Doctor Bentley, are you going to help me, or do I have to make this unpleasant?" Murdoch spoke as he stared Bentley down. Conceded, the doctor sighed a heavy sigh and spoke, " you need?"

After a few moments of explanations, Doctor Bentley exited the office with blueprints of the entire Prison Complex. "Alright, as I said before I need the most safest, securest, and inconspicuous exit you can find. And remember Bentley if you try anything suspicious I will leave you as nothing more than a hallowed corpse at my feet." Murdoch warned. "Yes, I understand, but just promise me you'll let me live." "That dear Doctor is entirely dependent on your actions, now lets move before something happens." Murdoch spoke as Bentley led him to a different sector of the complex. A place that seemed relatively untouched by the rampant destruction occurring throughout the rest of the prison.

The setting changes from New York to Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Veil Character Portrait: MultiDude Character Portrait: Rawhide Character Portrait: Black Midas Character Portrait: Mach Character Portrait: Thunder
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"The names Veil," [Veil] responded. "I am glad but we don't have time to wait for you to listen to me. There are a large number of inmates beating and torturing a group of prisoner guards in the cafeteria. You need to know that their is a young man among he inmates as well as a male and female pair that are also here to help. So please exercise caution." [Veil] proceeded to guide [Rawhide] to the cafeteria as she described how the others looked.

There were a few bumps along the way but thanks to [Rawhide]'s reflexes with plenty of warning there was little time wasted and minimum damage done to the convicts. But just enough to keep them down for a few hours.

They finally arrived at the cafeteria and [Veil] had finished telling him the location of everyone in there, as well as explaining that she was going to distract them away from the door but using the radio and shorting out the lights to create an opening for [Rawhide] to slip in and music which would disorient.

"Oh, and by the way." She started to emphasize. "I put on your favorite song right as you enter. Good luck"



Dude 2 was dead before he hit the ground. Each [MultiDude] seemed to be be in slight pain as they each dove for cover. To nurse an invisible pain round their neck. but Dude 4 was in actual pain and had more to deal with as he checked the leg and was relieved to see the bullets had gone straight through. The problem was stopping the bleeding, but soon [Multitude] was kneeling right next to his double and without saying a word the double seemed to instantly be absorbed with a single touch. A slight but tolerable pain flared in his leg, the same place the bullet had hit Dude 4. The other doubles had recovered from the death of Dude 2 and had continued to shoot from covered positions.

With a bit of concentration and forced relaxation [MultiDude] snapped his fingers and suddenly new Double was made with the slight scarring onthe leg as if a bullet had passed through. [MultiDudes] didn't have a lot of major scars due to their ability to split the damage upon merging back together. In short personal instant psuedo-healing. The newly freshed Dude "4.1" got up and soon they both joined the others firing.

"How are we doing," [MultiDude] asked the Dudes 1 & 3.

"Well," started Dude 1. "Our ally isn't dead, but nor is the enemy. Sooooo -"
"We are thinking we MIGHT have the advantage" added Dude 3.

"How are things going, V?" asked [MultiDude].

"I've gotten in contact with a few allies, and hopefully the others as well soon. But it is quite busy everywhere. About ninety-five percent of the inmates have been either killed or captured so far. It is the last five percent that are being a bit smarter than the average convict. It would help if you wrapped that up all of you moved to help the others in need." [Veil] said with a matter fact tone to her voice. [MultiDudes] chuckled and shook their heads. They were used to her way of talking and thinking. They usually called her, away from her and cameras, a ScreenWriter or Producer. She looked at everything through a screen or from a distance if she had it projecting images into her head. Her mindset made it difficult to relate to situations that others are face. She was more of a strategist than a warrior.

"Sure thing," [MultiDude] replied. In the next minute they all unhooked something from their vests and with a slight tug and click.

"FIRE IN HOLE" they shouted and with their combined vision they accurately threw 4 grenades passed their allie and closer to the armed enemy. "Sorry Buddy!" they yelled before taking cover.


[Veil] watched as the fighting continued but also was worried about the man known as [Black Midas] who had now killed and was using a hostage to escape prying eyes. She quickly called forth blue prints trying to figure out where the doctor was taking him. If [Veil] couldn't get anyone there this man just might escape.

Another scene that was quite unpredictable was the one between the two speedsters. The both seemed to have good heads on their shouders, so to speak, but a strange charisma. One [Mach] was lighthearted and determined and the other [Thunder] was just as determined and confident, though it might be close to arrogance, but with the right people, these two made quite good leaders. They were rather inspirational from a 3rd party objective perspective.

Either way she was going to send backup to make sure the right conclusion plays out. She thought all this while her toes wiggled in her Buuv slippers.

The setting changes from Earth to New York


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Black Midas
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Doctor Bentley and Murdoch continue to move about the halls of the prison. Yet through insider knowledge, kept up at a faster pace most inmates wouldn't have. "You don't know what you're doing Murdoch." Bentley spoke abated. "Did you not think we haven't tried the usual emergency exits!? That we would scurry about like deer and cower away in fear in the offices, being too afraid or too irrational to find our way out!?" Bentley spoke as he became more and more nervous. "Of course not, I know there must have been a reason as to why you and your colleagues have yet to leave...but this time it will be different." Murdoch spoke calmly. "How so?" The Doctor asked. "You have me." He replied.

No sooner has he spoken they came upon a group of six prisoners trying to pry away at a door. "Oh dear God, they're still here, banging away at that door like animals!" Bentley spoke fearfully. "What's in there?" Murdoch asked. "The armory." He replied. Murdoch could hear the varied grunts and shouts as they hammered away at the sealed metal door. Being the fools that they are, they broke the panel, preventing them from accessing the door thanks to the failsafe. "Oh come on! We'll never open this goddamn door!" Shouted a prisoner. "Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to work here!" Shouted the man banging on the door. "What the fuck you say to me!?" He snapped back. Before the scene got messy Murdoch forced Bentley to reveal themselves.

"Well looky here, the Doc came back and with a friend." A prisoner spoke. "Oh yeah, he's right. Just in time too, I need to vent some frustrations." The man chuckled. They all looked towards the two with bad intent but before they could do a single thing Murdoch spoke, "Hey, you guys want into the armory?" He asked. The prisoners looked at each other and nodded. "Yeah. Can you get us in?" One of them asked. "I can." Murdoch answered. They began to nod their heads and gave each other high fives. "But first I want to make a deal."Murdoch spoke as the merriment died down. "A deal? Man, I hate deals." "Yeah, why should we listen to em?" "Shut the fuck up you two! I want to hear what this man has to go on then." A prisoner spoke.

"Alright, I'll get you guys into that armory, so long as you guys won't hurt me or the doctor here." Murdoch began. "Why not?" Asked a prisoner. "Because, this Doctor is going to free us. He's got blueprints of the place and has the proper clearance to get through all of the doors without us having to break them down." Murdoch explained. The men began to nod in agreement to this. "I am!?" Bentley spoke up. "You are or I'll let these guys have their way with you." Murdoch threatened. "Alright, lets say we do get the guns, what then? How are we gonna escape man?" Asked another prisoner. "Inside, not only will there be guns, but riot gear and shields as well. All of us, except the Doctor here will wear the gear, it will draw less suspicion towards us than the flashy orange jumpsuits would. Once we suit up, there should be boats used by the NYPD to get to the island, we're going to steal one of them and take it all the way back to the mainland." Murdoch explained. The prisoners seemed satisfied with the plan. "Just remember, don't kill anyone if you can help it, firing upon SWAT will definitely draw attention to us." Murdoch spoke. "Aw, but I wanted to bust some caps in da pigs asses." A prisoner spoke rather disappointingly. "No, you have to promise me, you guys will control yourselves, if we are to escape, you must do exactly as I say." Murdoch warned as the men all nodded in agreement.

"Good." He spoke as he stepped up to the door. He placed his hands upon it as it corroded and rusted away. The men looked on in amazement as Murdoch pushed the door in. "It's all yours boys."He spoke triumphantly as the men rushed to put on the gear and arm themselves. "Doctor, your going to have to dress me, because, well you know." Murdoch spoke without a hint of shame. " course." Bentley spoke reluctantly as he placed the gear on Murdoch's body. "Your alright, so long as I don't touch you, you won't die." He reassured the doctor. Soon the group of prisoners were armed to the teeth and wearing the black riot gear. "Lead the way Doctor." Soon Bentley led the men down a corridor as he reached one of the staff exits. He placed his security ID to a panel and the door began to open right before the group of escaping prisoners. Soon the group found themselves on the beach. "Hey, guy with the superpowers...are you sure they won't kill us once were on the boat?" A prisoner spoke up. "Not so long as we keep the gear on, we all should be fine. Oh and be sure we show the doctor, once we're out in the water, the rest of NYPD won't give us a second glance, they'll think we were a rescue group that managed to save a civilian, they'll let us pass." Murdoch assured the group.

They ran out on the beach, pushing the doctor along. A spotlight came down upon them from a police copter, yet, despite the prisoners feeling antsy, the police did as Murdoch predicted, they paid no mind to them. His plan was working. More of the SWAT began to exit the beach. Apparently most of the prisoners were either killed or detained from what he can overhear from all of the shouting. It seems New York's finest are closing in on the Prison to secure the island. This made it all the easier. Soon they came upon one of the boats SWAT used to invade the island. Only a few stayed behind to keep it secure. "Hey, Philips, look!" Spoke one of the officers as the disguised prisoners advanced upon the boat. "Oh my god, some of them actually made it out!" Philips spoke ecstatically. The prisoners entered the boat. "Well boys, I guess you want out of here right?" Phillips asked. "Yeah, right." Replied a prisoner as they attacked. Before the SWAT on the boat knew they've been tricked they were all knocked out. "Thank you for not shooting." Murdoch spoke as he was helped in by Bentley. "Make sure the keys are in the boat or on them before tossing them out." Murdoch spoke as the prisoners did as they were told. They found the keys in the ignition as they turned the motor on. "Alright lets get the fuck out of here!" One of them shouted as they tossed the officers off the boat.

Soon they were off. Again, as predicted, the NYPD out on the water did not move into stop their boat. After seeing the armor and the doctor, they believed they were one of them rushing to get a civilian to the mainland. Soon the boat diverted and sped off to a different part of the mainland. It seemed they were home free. "Holy shit! This plan is fuckin' working!" A prisoner spoke ecstatic."I told you it would." Murdoch spoke. "Yeah thanks...uh, who are you?" The prisoner asked. "Rufford Murdoch." He answered. "Well thanks Ruff!" The inmate spoke. Soon the escaped inmates reached the mainland as they were told to ditch the boat. "Soon those guards will come to and report this, I suggest you guys ditch the clothes and find some sort of safehouse." Murdoch spoke. "Yeah, yeah." "Thanks for the help man!" "Yeah, first thing I'm gonna do is drink some beer and find some fine ladies!" Their raucous sounds soon deafened in the background. Doctor Bentley sat down on a bench with his face buried in his hands. "I can't believe, I was an asset to an escape!" He cried. "I can never live with myself for what I've done!" He shouted.

Image Murdoch turned to him with a sad look in his eye as he approached him. "I'm sorry you feel that way, Bentley, but it had to be done." He spoke with a dead stillness in his voice. "Just as this has to be done." "Wait? What?" Bentley spoke as he rose his head up to Murdoch. "I'm afraid I have to tie up some loose ends, if this escape is to work, and I'm afraid you're that loose end." Murdoch ominously spoke as he moved into touch Bentley. "No! Murdoch you promised me, you promised me!" He cried. Bentley shouted in pain as Murdoch stole his very life essence. "You said it yourself, you could never live with the guilt of your actions." Murdoch spoke coldly as he reduced the doctor to nothing more than a decomposed corpse. "I'm sorry, Bentley, I couldn't risk you telling the authorities that I just escaped...I'll let them figure that one out for themselves." He spoke as he ran off, deciding to go follow his own advice. Black Midas was now loose in New York City.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Veil Character Portrait: MultiDude Character Portrait: Rawhide Character Portrait: Black Midas Character Portrait: Mach Character Portrait: Josiah Armstrong
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[Veil] found herself torn between [Rawhides] achievements. Sadly they lost more lives, but he had let loose with such fury that even she believed that the guard's could pass on feeling that they have been avenged.

β€œAllright Veil.” [Rawhide] spoke through the line again. β€œThe Cafeteria is...clear.”

"Good job, How about we turn your attention to somewhere else where you are needed." [Veil] was trying to keep track of [Mach] yet his speed made it hard for her to really direct anyone in his location as well as trying to get a walkie talkie to grab his attention. Luckily he was still and [Veil] knew there was little time for her to get in touch with him so she caused every single walkie talkie to get a high pitched feed back in [Mach]'s area.

"Could you wait a sec, before you go running off again, Mach?" she added quickly before she was too late. "I have someone on the other line that is on the same side as you and I believe two should meet and perhaps help each other put this disaster to an end. There are others as well and perhaps if you both met up there, you can help get rid of the threat and assist in finding the next one, who apparently is planning something. [Veil] preceeded to give both [Mach] and [Rawhide] directions towards the courtyard to assist with [Bulwalk] and [MultiDude] with [Agent 16]. She connect the walkie talkies around [Mach] into the network of [Rawhide]'s device so that [Rawhide] could hear everything she said to him and so they could actually talk to each other]

"Help is coming, Dudes. Just keep him there as best you can". She said over the line to [MultiDudes].



"Whoa, did you see that?" [MultiDudes] asked his doubles. "We didn't wind up killing him."
Yes, but sadly we didn't kill the other guy either.
responded Dude 3. They each reloaded and considered throwing some more wondering if it would help or hinder the situation but they didn't get a chance as Dude 4's vision showed the others their new comrade was quite scarlet and was attempting to do someth-.

Then it happened. They watched as the area around them shook ad a crater was formed.

Each chuckled at the scene before them. They had to get further back and dive out of the way of falling debris due to [Bulwark]'s last technique. They had lucky with not getting anything more than fractures and slight lacerations. They were all kind of wishing they had power that allowed them to be more super human so that they wouldn't have gotten hurt at all.

"Help is coming, Dudes. Just keep him there as best you can". She said over the line to [MultiDudes].

"That's what we're trying to do. This guy has a good sense of tactics and is handling us both rather well. But he still hasn't used an ability. I'm not sure if he has one and is waiting to use it. So tell your new friends to be wary." [MultiDudes] was sure whether or not [Agent 16] had an ability, but if he did then getting some back up could go a long way. After quickly attending to their injuries they began navigating themselves through the maze of debris.


[Veil]'s sight of the courtyard was gone, as the cameras and the walls had fallen and shattered on the ground below. She wouldn't be much help there so she hoped that [Rawhide] and [Mach] would arrive at the courtyard soon. [Rawhide] had been closer but [Mach] was of course faster, It would be close. [Veil] had given two of her AIs commands to direct the two towards the courtyard making them use the voice synthesizer so that they sounded like her.

[Veil] was annoyed by [Babylon]'s response but she couldn't try again while he was surrounded by others, otherwise she would give his position away. so she had to watch and wait.

[Veil] watched through the camera's trying to read lips to find out what [Black Midas] was up to.
Another annoyingly intelligent opponent
she thought to herself as she watched him talking to a small group of inmates. She ran a background check to find out who they were and what their abilities were.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Veil Character Portrait: Black Midas
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Shadow Isle Database: Access Granted...

Accessing Inmate Files...

Seven Inmates Identified...

1. Lucas Haneke Shepard- Gender: Male...Race: Caucasian...Build: Slim...Height: 5'9"...Age: 28...Hair Color: Blonde...Eye Color: Blue... Low-Level Inmate...No Superhuman Abilities...Arrest Record....50 Counts of Assault and Battery, 15 Accounts of Third Degree Homicide, 25 Accounts of Theft, and 4 Accounts of Armed Robbery.

2. Robert Jermaine Washington- Gender: Male...Race: African-American...Build: Average...Height: 5'7"...Age: 33...Hair Color: Black...Eye Color: Brown...Low-Level Inmate....No Superhuman Abilities...Arrest Record...20 Accounts of Aggravated Assault, 88 Accounts of Vandalism and Public Drunkenness , 17 Accounts of Theft, and 10 Accounts of Vehicular Manslaughter.

3. Shawn Edward Mansfield- Gender: Male...Race: Caucasian...Build: Average...Height: 5'11"...Age: 28...Hair Color: Brown...Eye Color: Brown... Mid-Level Inmate...No Superhuman Abilities...Arrest Record...5 Accounts of Armed Robbery, 35 Accounts of Grand Theft Auto, 10 Accounts of Assault and Battery, 4 Accounts of Third Degree Homicide, and 16 Accounts of First Degree Homicide.

4. Demarcus Louis Von- Gender: Male...Race: African-American...Build: Muscular...Height: 6'1"...Age: 25...Hair Color: Black...Eye Color: Brown...Mid-Level Inmate...Superhuman Abilities...X-Ray Vision...Subject is capable of peering through solid objects...Subject used the ability to commit over 150 Acts of Identity Theft and Fraud...Capture Report...Subject was eventually discovered and detained by the FBI...Sent to Shadow Isle to carry out his 15 Plus Year Sentence.

5. Travis Stanley McCall- Gender: Male...Race: Caucasian...Build: Slim...Height: 6'0"...Age: 30...Hair Color: Blonde...Eye Color: Brown...High-Level Inmate...Superhuman Abilities...Thiriokinesis...Subject is capable of communicating and commanding animal lifeforms via the subject's mind...Subject used the ability to commit multiple acts of eco-terrorism...Capture Report...Subject was discovered and intercepted by the FBI during an eco-terrorist attack at the New York City Zoo...Sent to Shadow Isle to carry out his 25 to Life Sentence.

6. Deidrick LeMarr Johnson- Gender: Male...Race: African-American...Build: Muscular...Height: 6'2"...Age: 30...Hair Color: Black...Eye Color: Brown...High-Level Inmate...Superhuman Abilities...Electrokinesis...Subject is capable of generating and manipulating electricity...Subject used the ability to commit over 200 acts of Armed Robbery and multiple acts of Homicide...Capture Report...Subject was detained after a botched robbery at a First Loan & Trust by the FBI...Sent to Shadow Isle to carry out his 25 to Life Sentence.

7. Black Midas- Warning....Inmate File Classified...Access Denied...Insufficient Credentials...Additional Verification is Required...


OOC: This is the information that Veil would find on her Inmate search, if you're alright with using it that is. Just trying to be helpful. Otherwise, the info on Black Midas is much more secure and would require more searching to find any dossier on him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Veil Character Portrait: Rawhide Character Portrait: Black Midas Character Portrait: Sorceress Character Portrait: Mach Character Portrait: Babylon
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"For crying out loud!" [Veil]'s voice came over the line to [Mach] and [Rawhide], all walkie talkies in the vacinity (and causing [Sorceress]' & [Warlock]'s phones to start ringing if they have phones on them as well as getting a text message saying the same thing). "You are all on the same blasted side!" She snapped at them as if she was telling off her children, though their age differences were not that drastic.

The whole thing had gone from comical to downright dangerous in almost no time at all. [Veil] was glad that Rawhide had noticed but the whole group needed to be stopped due to so many other things that needed to be done. [Veil] had recieved the information on all those additional inmates that were not with [Black Midas]. It was an unpleasant group to say the least. Not to mention was going on with [Babylon] now. With three situations going on simultaneously [Veil] decided to do it as logically as possible.

"We have much bigger problems. A fellow 'hero' is being beaten inside," she said referring to [Babylon]. "Rawhide and Mach you still need to help in the courtyard to assist our group against that killer." You two, Iris and Max, need to use whatever power you used to get into the prison and help out the young hero." [Veil] explained while giving instructions as to how to get there (as well as sending picture with a map and the location marked, if they have their phones). "So could you please stop this nonsense and actually save people's lives?" Her voice had lost its slightly annoyed tone and changed to an inquisitive one. She really wasn't really good at communicating with people.