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"Ok, I'll do it. Even though that plan is faulty, and is likely to get everybody killed, but hey, I'm a big, stupid lizard, so my opinion doesn't count."

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a character in “Elder Scrolls Infinity”, as played by R.T.M.X.



- Full Name: Gah-Julahk

- Nickname(s): Julahk

- Age: Exact age unknown, presumed mid-eighties to early-nineties

- Gender: Male

- Race: Saxhleel (Argonian)

- Profession: Freelance Adventurer, mercenary

- Major Skills
◊ Blade
◊ Heavy Armor
◊ Athletics
◊ Hand-to-Hand (Or in his case, limb-to-face)

- Minor Skills
◊ Armorer
◊ Marksman (For those odd times of him resorting to throw his weapons)
◊ Light Armor
◊ Blunt (usually involves tree branches and the like)

- Standing Stone: The Steed

The beast of an Argonian towers over both man and mer, his reptilian form standing well over seven feet, almost pushing for the eight foot mark. His ridged, bumpy skin, more akin to that of an alligator than to a snake's, holds terrifying hues of brown and black, scars riddling throughout his body, the most recent being a set of claw marks under his left eye, slowly healing. His broad maw is full of razor sharp, needle-like teeth, as if they were daggers made to punch through tough flesh. Two bonelike protrusions point outwards from his chin, with three more located along his jaws and three running along his cheek and brow. His eyes are a startling pale yellow, more bestial in nature. Behind his ears lies a small set of gills, camouflaged against his hide. Two horns protrude from the back of the head, both with tribal designs etched into them. His muscular frame makes other argonians cry, weighing in at a hefty 250 pounds. One row of small, ridged spikes run down the middle of his tail, protected with plates of steel. Unlike most members of his race, he holds an advantage over any would-be assailants whom rely on poisons: his innate immunity to poison and high resistance to disease.

Gah-Julahk dons a modified suit of Steel Armor (though he prefers light over heavy), perfectly blended between heavy and light armor, the cuirass and pauldrons made from improved steel, while his leggings and gauntlets derive from leather, leaving his claws from being covered. Steel plating go roughly halfway down his tail, leather wrappings securing the armor to the ridges that run down his tail. Due to his unique body frame, as opposed to the more humanoid races, his digitigrade legs deny him of wearing actual boots, but the talons located on his feet make up for this. He is also unable to wear closed helmets, so he wears a non-magical hood over his head.


- Weapon: Gah-Julahk is quite versed in the art and technique of one-handed combat, as well as utilizing unarmed strikes. As such, it is usually a fatal flaw to assume that he is truly unarmed when he has no weapons in hand. He has been known from time to time to improvise, using ordinary objects such as tree branches as clubs and wooden spoons as daggers. If given the chance, and without a weapon nearby, the Argonian will slash, bite, and kick at his opponents, often with hilarious, but deadly, outcomes, usually ending poorly for the victim at such attacks.

Normally, he carries an steel claymore, as well as a personalized Silver longsword. His large body frame does allow him to wield the claymore with a single hand, but even this has negative consequences. Wielding such a weapon one handed somewhat decreases his accuracy with the weapon a little bit, due to the large size and shape of the weapon making it awkward for him to utilize it as such.

- Quote: "Let the rivers of blood be swift."

- Theme song: Norwegian Pirate - Two Steps From Hell

- Brief History: Hailing from the swamplands of Black Marsh many years ago, Gah-Julahk had settled for the life of adventure, serving as a mercenary for various organizations. Over time, this had built up a reliable clientele, allowing him to stay in business for all this time, even gaining temporary employment within the Legion from time to time...

During his younger years, he was actively moving around from place to place, despite having a war going on between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion. He had been involved with a group of six other adventurers, calling themselves the Pathfinders. They often set out long treks of exploration, searching out relics of the past, such as the legendary Boots of the Apostle and the Fang of Haynekhtnamet, though they didn't have much luck and settled down for lesser artifacts, ranging from items such as Varla Stones and the Bittercup...

However, over the years, things didn't turn out so well between the members of the group, and it fell apart shortly after the Bittercup was found (once again), which had sparked an interest of individuality. And so, the Pathfinders were no more...

His adventures usually ended up well for the old Argonian, with one particular run-in with a well-known wizard from Vvardenfell, a certain Divayth Fyr, which ended up with him accidentally netting prolonged life as a "just reward".

- Personality: Gah-Julahk is generally friendly to most other people, however this friendly behavior is less so toward Nords and Dunmer, and can quickly fade into anamosity if falsely accused or have his name slurred upon by any member of these two races. But don't let this friendliness get to you. He's in it for the money, to state it bluntly. In other words, "he'll say that he saved you, then kick your face in." If you piss him off, that is.

He speaks two different languages- Jel, the language of the Argonians, one that is nearly impossible for non-Argonians to truly speak, and the shared language that all races on Tamriel can speak and understand. While he can speak this shared language fluently, he often breaks it up on purpose, to put in the clever ruse that people would often falsely assume that he has an issue with understanding the language.

He is often silent and plays the ruse of being dumb quiet well, as he's a big stupid lizard. So, with that assumption already made in people's minds, he will play along, proving how gullible and stupid these Nords and Dunmer really are, with them judging somebody through past characteristics and racial profiling...

- Extra: Will he pursue these rumors? He's a successful adventurer, and he wants to know what items he can "liberate".

So begins...

Gah-Julahk's Story


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The aging adventurer made his way towards the exit of the ruins of Sardavar Leed, his spoils secured in a sack that he had stitched from remains of the various conjurers that were scattered from Gah-Julahk's efficient search of the Alyeid ruin for treasure. The beast of an Argonian, figuratively speaking, had spent the night in the ruins after clearing it out, while keeping an eye open for any traps or hostile occupants that he might have missed.

With a final staircase to climb out of the death filled maze, Gah-Julahk gazed at the top, rays of the morning's sun breaking the darkness and the fading light from his torch. Shifting around the weight of the items in his makeshift bag, he continued towards the rays of light, refusing to look back into the death-filled halls.

Aside from the two varla stones secured in his bag, the rest of the treasure were generally worthless stuff - weighted junk that had been left over in the ruins for years. His stomach growling and his throat parched, the argonian had made it out of the ruins, the warmth of the morning sunlight washing over him, removing the coldness of the night. While he didn't have much knowledge of the surrounding area, he did know that there were a couple of inns nearby to the southwest and Bravil to the south, and suitably decided to travel to one of the smaller inns for food and drink before heading to a larger city to sell off his liberated goods.

As ten minutes or so had passed, he had travelled a fair distance from the ruins, two hidden figures step out from the treeline, formerly concealed by the shadow cast by the trees, stopping Gah-Julahk on the road to the inn. "What a glorious morning this is, don't you agree friend?" one had asked, as the other had attempted to appear to be inconspicuous while circling around the adventurer. Both were bosmer, equipped with light armor, and Gah-Julahk knew from the start that they were highwaymen, a break from the usual khajiit.

"Good day, yes," the argonian replied in his broken dialect, his careful words flowing out with a heavy accent. The other bandit had noticed the heavy bag on his bag, and made a proposition that the adventurer had known was coming. "You look tired, having to haul that bag of yours all over the countryside, maybe worrying about possible theif or bandit attacks. You know, we can help you for a cost... say 200 gold."

The adventurer thought for what words he should use as he turned his head towards the second bandit, noticing that the two bandits had been setting themselves up for an ambush in case he declined, the one in front of him placing his hand over the hilt of his weapon.

But Gah-Julahk had a plan on how to permanently retire these two bandits.

"Plan good. I agree." He reached and tossed a decent bag of gold, well more than a thousand, to the bandit behind him, playing the general stereotype that he was a stupid lizard. As the bandit caught the bag of coin, Gah-Julahk shifted his shoulders and swung his bag in front of him, appearing to hand the bandit over the bag...

And all hell went loose for the two bandits.

Instead of handing the bag over to the bandits as they had planned, he had shoved it into one, the sudden push of weight toppling the bosmer over backwards and bumping the back of his head against a tree, effectively knocking him down. The other bandit brandished a shortsword that gleamed with a liquid on its edges - a poison, most likely paralysis. The bosmer had rushed the argonian's blindside, stabbing him in between the steel plates meeting at the side, but a startled look overcame his face as the bandit had watched his "instant poison" instantly fail before him.

The adventurer reached around, grabbing the bandit by the arm, and pulled him off the ground in front of him, now in the towering figure's grasp. He stared down the bandit through his eyes, the bandit having a feeling that the argonian had pierced his soul with a "you're a dead man now" stare. With both hands on the bandit, Gah-Julahk began to slowly pull his hands away from each other. The bosmer in his grasp began to scream in pain, until a sickening crack echoed through their ears, followed by a bloodcurdling rip. The argonian had literally torn the bosmer's left arm from its socket, the bandit's blood squirting from the fleshwound that he had just caused.

Gah-Julahk released his grip, the bandit falling a good two feet to the ground. The bandit, in shock, tried to cover up his wound with his other arm, however the agonizing pain of having an entire arm ripped from his body claimed his body. The argonian looked at the arm that he had in hand, the limb slightly going limp from trauma, and suddenly began beating the bandit with the arm, blood spewing everywhere with each swing, until a bloodied corpse was what remained of the bosmer.

The other bosmer had watched the entire ordeal in horror, petrified in fear. Dropping the arm, the argonian looked in his direction, and moved towards his next target, the bandit pinned under the bag. Staring the helpless man into his eyes, he made a simple statement, not using the broken dialect from earlier.

"Answer this correctly, and you might live. You know what I hate more than petty bandits?"

With every possible negative outcome floating through the helpless man's mind if he answered wrong, the bandit attempted to answer his question, fear dominant in his voice, "me?"

The argonian let out a quick snarl, his upper lip pulling back, revealing a row of needle-teeth, before grasping the bosmer by the top of his head, "Hmph, close enough," before releasing. He pulled the bag off the top of the bosmer, tossing it over his shoulder before reclaiming his coinpurse, the bosmer suddenly losing consciousness.

Pain suddenly struck the argonian from his side, and looking over, he realized that the blade was still lodged into his side. Removing the blade only subsided the pain for the time being, but the wound wasn't serious enough for Gah-Julahk to have to immediately seal the wound, digging the blade into the unconcious bosmer's armor, pinning him to the tree without injury.

I hate damn bandits.