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Elder Scrolls Infinity



a part of Elder Scrolls Infinity, by DeviousWolf.

Tamriel- The land of Wonders, Adventure and Battles of Epic Proportion.

DeviousWolf holds sovereignty over Tamriel, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,399 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


A continent flourishing with life, countries, and war. Divided into nine countries, the choice is yours in which you'd like to travel.
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Tamriel- The land of Wonders, Adventure and Battles of Epic Proportion.


Tamriel is a part of Elder Scrolls Infinity.

9 Characters Here

Fire-Blade [41] Burn? You want burn?
Dar'ja Kitarn [39] "Do not mess with Dar'ja, She is not as friendly as she looks." *hisses*
Sul [15] Dunmer Assassin Following the Ways of the Morag Tong
Lucien Lachance [10] "I live....again."
Siletta the Cold-Blooded [8] "Honestly, you don't want to know why they call me Cold-Blooded.."
Aslo Brightkrom [2] "I am THE SENTINEL OF HIGH ROCK!"
Gah-Julahk [1] "Ok, I'll do it. Even though that plan is faulty, and is likely to get everybody killed, but hey, I'm a big, stupid lizard, so my opinion doesn't count."
Raelus Voli-Aemus [1] "One of The Finest Archers in Tamriel"
Morgoth Bauglir [0] Adventure is my only pleasure in life, but sometimes I yearn for more.

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Character Portrait: Dar'ja Kitarn Character Portrait: Siletta the Cold-Blooded
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Time: Early Morning
Town: Bruma
Country: Cyrodiil

After leaving Skyrim, Siletta neared the town of Bruma but abruptly got stopped by what seemed to be a merchant traveling on foot near a stream, what she didn't notice is that there was a Khajiit woman on the other side of the stream.. The merchant was an Imperial man and he offered her a quite terrible looking broadsword. While Siletta was looking at the sword she felt the merchant digging into her bag.

Quickly, she spun around, glaring at him.
"What the fuck in the name of Talos do you think you're doing?!" She yelled at him.
"Uh.. Erm... Nothing, miss.. Nothing at all.." He replied shrinking back. Siletta then took out a Daedric dagger and held it to the man's neck.
"Nothing, eh? Then what the fuck are you holding behind your back hmm?" She threatened. The man gulped nervously as he put out his hand infront of himself and opened it, revealing a large amount of gold.
"Do you know who the hell you just stole from?"
"P-Please I.. I have a family!" The merchant sobbed.
"I don't give a damn about you're family. Do you know who I am?!" She yelled, her eyes turning bright red.
The man whimpered. "Please.. I-I-" The merchant was interrupted as Siletta slit his throat causing crimson blood to splash onto her face. Siletta then started laughing.
"You don't fuck with me. You got that?" She said to his corpse, thrusting her dagger into his chest and leaving it there, before starting to pick up her gold.


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Time: Mid-Morning
Town: Bruma
Country: Cyrodiil

Dar'ja had been traveling for quite some time till she got to the stream. There she knelt down and started drinking some water. Her ears flicked to the sound of the commotion across the stream. Looking up, her green eyes glowed. She watched the encounter silently, as she pulled out a rabbit leg, already roasted. Taking a few bites she saw what happened to the merchant. Chuckling darkly she'd stand up and cross the stream with ease.

"Do you know who you just killed?" Her voice cold as she drew her dagger. Lucian appered behind her, his brown eyes watching Dar'ja and Siletta. Crossing his arms, seeming to float over the water he'd whisper in Dar'ja's ear. "Careful Sister, she was once a part of the Brotherhood, though it has been a while since she has done anything for the Night Mother and our Dread Father, she is still a child of Sithis." Dar'ja flicked her ears in acknowledgement before tightening her grip on her dagger.

"You killed my Fence. He had the protection of the Thieves guild you know." Her voice would lower to a whisper as she flicked her tail, crouching down. She was still in her Black Hand armor, as was Lucian behind her, though his was the armor of the black hand of old, a Long Black robe. "I am of the guild, and he was the closest fence in Cyrodiil, to Skyrim." She'd hiss narrowing her eyes. Lucian drew his dagger as well, though he murmured something of, "It is not the dread Father's wish we kill her."

Dar'ja hissed to herself silently before standing up, her dagger still in her hand, Lucian had put his own away waiting for Siletta to speak.
"Tell me, what is your name?"


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Character Portrait: Dar'ja Kitarn Character Portrait: Lucien Lachance Character Portrait: Siletta the Cold-Blooded
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Time: Mid-Morning
Town: Bruma
Country: Cyrodiil

Siletta turned her head towards the approaching Khajiit. She had a dagger ready and was donned in Black Hand armor.
"Ah, well, that's just what happens. I apoligize, though I am of the Guild as well." She said, just coldly. She stepped back to lean lazily against her dark horse.
"A member of the Black Hand I see.. I also apoligize for my lack of doing things for the Night Mother and Dread Father... I have been in seclusion for quite some time. I am Siletta, and if you're planning to kill me, you'd better be able to run away damn fast, though I would not like to have to draw my blade, for it is not what our Dread Father would want."

She sighed. "I have told you my name, now tell me yours." Siletta replied, narrowing her eyes.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dar'ja Kitarn Character Portrait: Lucien Lachance Character Portrait: Fire-Blade Character Portrait: Siletta The Cold-Blooded
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Time: Mid-Morning
Town: Bruma
Country: Cyrodiil

As Dar'ja and Siletta began to talk, they would not notice that Blade was in the water of the river. While he was still a small distance away, and a good bit underwater, a few bubbles slowly reached the surface. Only after Dar'ja spoke her name would the argonian rise from the water, Black Flames unique metal likely showing off as it was the only part of the argonian that was dry.

"You never told me that we would be meeting someone else." Blade said, pulling the sword slightly out of the sheath. He hissed slightly, making it look more like he was just testing the air.


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Dar'ja straighened herself up and sheated her dagger. "I am Dar'ja Speaker of the Black Hand." Her ears flicked as she saw Blade out of the corner of her eye, she'd stop and look at him. "I did not expect to meet someone here as well." Lucian grinned and bowed. "I am the late Lucian Lachance."

Dar'ja nodded to Blade as she turned back to look at Siletta. "The Dread Father does not wish your death, and I will not be the one to bring it." Her voice seemed hoarse. "I respect the tennants that we have reinstated in our i will not harm you." She'd flick her tail silently, "If you are of the Guild, do you hail from Skyrim? I am heading that way, hoping to learn more information about the whispers of this Daedric."

She'd stop and sigh she'd turn to Blade hoping he had put his sword away. It was safe for Dar'ja and Lucien... "This is my Argonian friend, he is not to be harmed."

Dar'ja's hand rested on her dagger as she spoke.


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Character Portrait: Dar'ja Kitarn Character Portrait: Fire-Blade Character Portrait: Siletta The Cold-Blooded
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Blade drew his blade, but not in a threatening fashion. He sat down with his legs crossed and began to investigate his blade, looking up only when talking or being talked to. "I am called Blade, what name do you go by?" Blade questioned Siletta. All the while, Blades tongue went in and out of his mouth, like he was nervous of something coming.

After about ten minutes of his little bout of paranoia, Blade spoke up. "Be wary. A guard captain comes our way, heading towards Bruma. The sent of corruption riddles him like filth to a beggar."


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Character Portrait: Dar'ja Kitarn Character Portrait: Fire-Blade Character Portrait: Siletta the Cold-Blooded
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Time: Mid-Morning
Town: Bruma
Country: Cyrodiil

Siletta unsheathed her sword as she saw Blade approaching. She wielded a Daedric sword that she had enchanted to set the target ablaze, drain their life, and steal their soul when they died. She liked to call it SilTafiir(SoulThief).
"Indeed I am a Nord from Skyrim." Siletta said, sheathing her blade after Dar'ja explained that Blade was a friend.
"I am Siletta," she replied, turning to Blade. "Though Sil is fine."

She turned her head to see the guard captain approaching and sighed.
"Can I kill him?" She asked in a bored tone, misty frost now surrounding her hand, for she wanted to kill him with the Ice Spike spell.


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Time: Mid-Morning
Town: Bruma
Country: Cyrodiil

Dar'ja listened with patience until she heard Blade's warning. Shrugging she nodded. "I do not care, nor do I think the dread father cares...but I am curious as to how your skills with the brotherhood are." A smirk crossed her face as she moved out from the water, back on the bank and started to drink once more. Dar'ja was testing Siletta, for Dar'ja still needed a Silencer.
Depending on Siletta's actions Dar'ja would speak with the dread father once again.

Lucian appeared next to Dar'ja his arms crossed as he knelt down beside her. "You are a bad kitty..." He whispered with a smirk. Dar'ja's gaze turned deadly as she looked at Lucian. "I am not, If I remember correctly, YOU tested your Silencer, who then became Listener after trying to save your life!" She'd hiss silently before going back and drinking. Lucian simply chuckled as he stood there and watched Siletta and Blade, curious as to what was going to happen.


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Character Portrait: Dar'ja Kitarn Character Portrait: Fire-Blade Character Portrait: Siletta the Cold-Blooded
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Siletta listened. She knew Dar'ja was testing her. Grinning, Siletta moved backwards off of the road and crept behind a tree, barely making any noise. She climbed up the tree slowly, watching as the guard captain approached. Changing her mind about how she wished to kill him, she pulled out Mehrunes' Razor, the daedric artifact.

As the guard neared the tree he did not see her among the leaves. When the man had almost passed the tree she was perched in, she jumped out of it, thrusting the Razor into the guard's skull, killing him instantly.
"That wasn't my best but, eh.." She shrugged, sheathing Mehrunes' Razor.


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Character Portrait: Dar'ja Kitarn Character Portrait: Fire-Blade Character Portrait: Siletta The Cold-Blooded
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Time: Mid-Morning
Town: Bruma
Country: Cyrodiil

Blade looked up just to see the kill. He said, "Good aim." With a couple of claps before sheathing his sword. This Sil had many deadric weapons, which are rarely easy to acquire. Blade had some level of admiration for the woman, but that didn't mean that he would feel any regret if he had to kill her for some reason.

The argonian then stood up and picked up the guards body. "Ya ready for a nice swim, Mister Guard?" Blade muttered as he struggled to take the body down to the river. Blade's strength was not his true value, his speed was.


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Character Portrait: Dar'ja Kitarn Character Portrait: Fire-Blade Character Portrait: Siletta the Cold-Blooded
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"Thank you." Siletta said nodding in Blade's direction. He seemed like one of the better Argonians, she's met some Argonians before and they weren't all that kind, well maybe they were drunk too..

She glanced over at Blade and saw he was struggling with the body.
"Need some help?" She asked, walking towards the bank to get a drink.


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Character Portrait: Dar'ja Kitarn Character Portrait: Fire-Blade Character Portrait: Siletta The Cold-Blooded
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Time: Mid-Morning
Town: Bruma
Country: Cyrodiil

"Help or time, I don't care which." Blade said as he got the body down to a downward slope. "Well, not any more." Blade spoke as he sent the armored guard barreling towards the river. He stood and watched the guard splash and sink to the bottom. That man was in full armor, excluding the helmet. He had been a fool for not wearing one, but that happens when you get drunk on power.


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Time: Mid-Morning
Town: Bruma

Dar'ja smiled as she saw the guards death. She heard Siletta's voice and frowned shaking her head. "Do not apologize for your best nor your worst, the thing is that he is dead." She licked the remaning water droplets off her lips. Before making up her mind. "You need work yes... but you just might be what I'm looking for." She'd nod to Blade before crossing her arms. "Where to now?"
She pointed to the Skyrim Border, then to the way down to the Daedric Sanctuarys.

"I still have to solve my Sanctuary Problems."


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Character Portrait: Dar'ja Kitarn Character Portrait: Fire-Blade Character Portrait: Siletta the Cold-Blooded
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Time: Mid-Morning
Town: Bruma
Country: Cyrodiil

Siletta smiled. She'd missed working for the Black Hand. She grinned wider as Dar'ja said she'd need to go to the Daedric Sanctuarys. she absolutely loved the Daedra and worshipped them, finding them very interesting.
"I know where all the Shrines are, if you need to know." Siletta said, eager to visit them.

She wiped the remaining water off of her mouth and then mounted her horse. The black spots in the whites of her eyes now becoming slightly more visible.


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Character Portrait: Dar'ja Kitarn Character Portrait: Fire-Blade Character Portrait: Siletta The Cold-Blooded
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Time: Mid-Morning
Town: Bruma
Country: Cyrodiil

"My curiosity has spiked. I guess that I will follow along, if you allow." Blade said, standing with his hands on his thighs. He could move for quite some amount of time, but moving heavier things tends to be draining for the weak of body.


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Character Portrait: Dar'ja Kitarn Character Portrait: Fire-Blade Character Portrait: Siletta the Cold-Blooded
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Time: Mid-Morning
Town: Bruma
Country: Cyrodiil

"So, where to?" Siletta asked, wanting to set off eagerly. She was quite curious as to what promblems Dar'ja had with the Daedra.
