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Leah Gibson

Female Unicorn

0 · 625 views · located in Earth

a character in “Elemental Connections Saga”, as played by Zodia195


1. Earth Name- Leah Gibson
2. Original Name- Mirielle
3. Gender- Female
4. Species- Unicorn
5. Age- 21 years
6. Class Rank- Junior
7. Personality- Leah is a very quiet person. Itā€™s not that sheā€™s anti-social, itā€™s just that she likes her privacy. Sheā€™s not a big fan of crowds and prefers big open spaces. And even though she is a private person, sheā€™s actually pretty nice. Sheā€™s the type though that only has a few friends and gets to know them extremely well. Unfortunately, Leah has trouble maintaining friendships because sheā€™s use to being in one spot for a short amount of time. She doesnā€™t feel sheā€™s found her place either and is trying to find it. One of her biggest flaws though is that she can be territorial when it comes to what she perceives as hers. This is because she has a hard time trusting people. Netherless, she loves life in general and tries to maintain balance within it.
8. Symbol Position- 3rd eye position (on her forehead).
9. Magic Abilities- Light abilities and healing abilities.
10. Psychic Abilities- Empathy and Precognition
11. History- Leahā€™s life hasnā€™t been completely easy. Her father was in the Air Force and they moved a lot. She had a rough child hood due to not ā€˜fitting inā€™ and only found solace in creating things. However due to her empathic nature (and she not knowing how to cope with negative emotions), she soon became depressed as a child and did try to take her life, but something always held her back. Eventually she found her inner strength and slowly but surely came to love herself. She also was able to understand why she was ā€˜differentā€™ and that was due to her psychic abilities. She developed them and learned how to shield herself. However, she already developed an aversion to though she deemed ā€˜negativeā€™. Unfortunately, this affected her home life and she severed all ties with her family due to it being a very negative atmosphere. She went to college to get a degree in art and eventually transfer to a 4-year university in Upper state NY. She has a feeling about this place but canā€™t really explain it.

So begins...

Leah Gibson's Story


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Character Portrait: Leah Gibson Character Portrait: Alex Cornado
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It was very foggy. Leah couldn't see a thing. Rubbing her elbows, she walked slowly, not knowing where she was going. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a light shined through the fog, causing Leah to shield her eyes. Her eyes soon become adjusted to the light and she can see, she's in a wooded area. Suddenly, she sees a figure. She can't make out the shape of it yet, but the light is coming from it. As she approaches, she sees it is some of equine. As she gets closer though, she sees that it's a unicorn. Gasping, Leah covers her mouth in fear she'll scare it. Unfortunately, the animal takes off. Not caring about the fog, Leah rushes to keep up, only to stop when she sees another figure. This time it looks human and appears to be a male form. Something warm fills her belly, and she can feel the part on her forehead warm up too. What did this mean? Before she could do anything else though, a buzzing sound can be heard, causing her to faint as everything goes dark.

Leah Gibson woke up with a start as the buzzing sound continued. It turned out to be her alarm. Groaning, she reaches over and turns it off. Not wasting any time, the blonde gets up automatically to get take a shower. All the while she thought about her dream. She always had vivid dreams and everyone of them different. However, certain elements always popped up. There sometimes was a unicorn, but this time she saw a shrouded male figure, one that she didn't even know who looked like. Leah couldn't help but wonder if that meant she was going to see this person or not.

~Well, no use thinking about it now. I have to get ready for my first day at college.~ she thought.

Leah was staying in her own private dorm room in one of the upperclassman dormitories. She was lucky that she had worked to save up some money so she didn't have to have a dorm room neighbor. She was highly concerned about her own belongings and enjoyed her privacy. One perk was she had a great view of the campus and she not far from the Fine Arts building.

~This place, there's something special about it, I just know it!~ she thought after taking her shower.

Soon she got dressed, ate breakfast from her own small kitchen, and double checked her classes for the day.

"All right, I have Color Theory for Artists at 9 am and then Printmaking II at 12 noon. This should be exciting." smiled Leah as she left her room.


Storms always filled him with such awe. They reminded Alec how much nature was ultimately in control of most things. People just had to adapt to it. Right now the man was standing in a open plain with the rain, wind, and lightning clashing around him. It did frighten him, but at the same time, it filled him with power. The lightning seemed to dance together. Alec looked up just than and saw something. It was too far for him to see right away, but it flew down from the thundering sky. Getting closer, the darkly tanned skin man saw it was a Thunderbird, the legendary creature of his culture. It must have been a good sign! Suddenly, the lightning got intense and Alec had to cover his eyes. It was then he felt his right hip warm up and too his left he can see a female form in the distance, walking towards the thunderbird. He felt his pulse race. The bird took off again and flew at the figure. When the two reach each other, the sound was so loud that it force Alec to wake up

Sitting up in bed with a start, Alec took in deep breaths. Another dream and this time it felt more real. Alec had been raised to remember his dreams, although sometimes he'd forget them. With the dream still fresh, Alec reached to his dresser and wrote down as much as he could. He remembered the storm, the thunderbird, and the female, but that was it. Alec wished he learned how to decipher them, but never seemed to get it right. Alec looked at his clock and saw he had plenty of time 'til his first class. Alec's classes were in the afternoon since he worked some in the morning. He was living off campus with one of his cousins in an apartment complex. It was cheaper to have a roommate and Alec worked to help with the rent and amenities. His own cousin was probably gone to class. It was then his alarm went off, giving him an hour to get ready before he left for work, which was at a local cafe where he worked as a waiter. He'd started working last week and already they had seen an influx of more female costumers.

Still thinking about his dream, Alec ate breakfast and got ready for the day.

((Okay everyone follow my lead with the dreams sequence. I want the dreams to have their element in it, the body part of where the symbol is warm up, and see their soul mate's image. No clear images yet though okay? Have fun!))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leah Gibson Character Portrait: Alex Cornado
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Alec had just finished serving someone a cup of cappuccino when he felt a sudden twitch on his hip. Looking up, he saw several people passing by windows of the cafe. As quickly as the feeling came though, it was gone. Alec wish he knew what it meant, but his attention was diverted when several more people came in. Alec grew up knowing he was special in the sense that he could do what most couldn't do. He had the ability to see people's auras. Over the years though he learned to control the ability so their energies wouldn't overwhelm. Now he only used that ability if he felt the need to. Right now there was no need. Of course, he was always aware of his environment. Putting on an automatic smile, he approached a couple.

"Good morning folks. What can I get you this morning?" he asked politely.


Leah had a feeling she would get out her first class early. From experience, professors usually went over the syllabus and that was it. There was also introductions and in her previous art classes, the professors would give them a list of the art supplies they would need and where to get them. That had been the case for her color theory class. She had to get a couple of supplies, but she would wait to get them after she knew what her supplies would be for her Printmaking class. That way she could make one trip. At the moment though she decided to go get her books. Leah only needed to show the bookstore folk her bill with her classes on them and they would help her find if she needed any. Leah already knew she would need at least one. She signed up for an advance Art History course and would more than likely need one for that class. She was also taking an elective outside her Fine Arts degree and it was a World religions class, one that she was looking forward too. So heading outside, she walked to the bookstore on campus. She passed a few people though that gave her a weird feeling on her forehead. However, she was too focused on what she needed to do to pay attention.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leah Gibson Character Portrait: Daniel Veltrez
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Daniel decided to go the bookstore and picked out books that had his family lineage in it hoping they haven't figured out who he was yet. Daniel picked out every book pertaining to his family's lineage and started reading through them at two minutes per book. Daniel found that they hadn't figured out what name he was taking up. "Good" He thought to himself " At least I'll have some privacy before people figure out who I am. Daniel grabbed his phone and checked it and saw he had a message from Danny. He replied with " I'm sorry I'm kinda busy at the bookstore gotta figure out of if people wrote down what name I took up in the books about my family, I wouldn't want people knowing who I am. And I have a full schedule today maybe tomorrow? " After Daniel got all the books pertaining to his family he went to the checkout and saw a girl coming into the bookstore. He decided to help her find anything she needed. "Hello, do you need help finding any specific books?" Said Daniel with a smile. Daniel hoped she wouldn't be a history geek and know who he was from just looking at him. Using Telepathy he asked her if she knew who he was. " Hey do you know who I am, if you do can you please not tell anyone at this school I don't want people knowing I come from a lineage of snobs." Daniel decided to just explain the library's grouping.
"Books for classes and stuff like that are on the right side of the library and books for just reading are at the left side of the library, if your looking for any specific author ask one of the librarians. This library's books were bought with a donation from a rich and snobby family. " Oh crap Daniel thought, Daniel hoped she didn't sense the malice in his voice and quickly bought the books and left. " I'm sorry, but I have to go" When Daniel ran his jacket fluttered a bit and some of his sign was shown for a second.
"Crap, I almost blew it there." Daniel walked to the local cafe and hoped he could see Alec, maybe he would be able to decipher his dreams.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leah Gibson Character Portrait: Charlotte Rhodes Character Portrait: Daniel Veltrez Character Portrait: Alex Cornado Character Portrait: Demetra Viola Tatila {Vesta} Character Portrait: Danny Kashenkai
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0.00 INK

Alec had been so busy that he rarely noticed Daniel come in. He nodded in acknowledgement about what he was saying. He went about getting the orders and soon came by with Charlotte and Daniel's order. He got along with most people, but these two were few of the ones he felt some kind of connection. Their auras were definitely diverse too. However one thing their auras had in common was like there was a 2nd skin to their auras that was violet in hue but was more potent and powerful. He had the same thing around him too. When another person came in Alec looked up and saw it looked to be another student. Again he felt an instant connection and used his aura seeing abilities on her. Instantly he saw the same violet hue surrounding aura colors he never seen before. Her overall aura was silver! It was fascinating to see actually. He went over and got her order too. As he took it back, he glanced and saw Daniel interacting with her. Alec grinned. The man had so many friends that it was hard for him to keep track of them all. However, only a handful of them knew of his lineage. The dark skin man couldn't blame him either. It was the same for him not revealing his abilities for only a handful know that. Soon Alec came with the blue hair girl's meal and would have left, but Daniel asked him to decipher his dreams and gave him a journal. Alec nodded.

"I won't." he said.


Leah got her books and was walking back to her dorm room. She couldn't help but think back to the guy that telepathically started talking to her instantly. This wasn't the first time this kind of thing happened to her. Leah knew others with 'abilities' and always seem to draw people to her like she was a magnet and she even had people tell her that they couldn't help but gush out their life stories to her at times because she had this 'aura' about her. It was one more reason why she valued her privacy. As for the person who talked to her telepathically though, she couldn't help but feel an instant connection and had a strong sense of deja vu also. It was pretty weird. As she walked though, she walked passed several people who began walking into a nearby building and one of them she felt something so strong that it was almost like a sucker punch to her system. She looked sharply to her left and saw someone with a black hoodie on walk into the building. This was definitely getting strange, but something told Leah that all these events so far were connected.

((I don't have time to post for Minerva.))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leah Gibson Character Portrait: Daniel Veltrez Character Portrait: Minerva Phillips Character Portrait: Alex Cornado
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0.00 INK

It was just past noon when Alec's shift was over. The cafe worked under three shifts, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He always worked the morning shift since he had his first class at 2 pm. This always gave him enough time to go home, eat lunch, and do anything else before class. He always took advantage of the 60% off he got with employees discount at the cafe, so he grabbed himself a club sandwich on his way out. He had carrot sticks and water at home. When he left, he took out his cell phone and text a message to Daniel.

I'll have your dream deciphered in an hour. I have class at 2 pm though in the Quakers building. Where do you want to meet up?

He headed for home and wasted no time in changing and deciphering Daniel's dream. There were times he wished his cousin was here, who was better at this than him. Reading Daniel's latest dream disturbed him slightly. He had seen a female figure just like him. Alec shared his dreams with Daniel too for in some ways they always seemed similar. He knew they were connected, but didn't know how or why.


Once again, Leah had gotten out of class early. All she needed for her Printmaking class was Lennox paper. She had several sheets leftover from Print I, but she would need more. Knowing how big the sheets of paper were, she decided to take her car. Taking her purse, Leah headed out of her dorm towards one of the student parking garages. Like with all universities and colleges, parking could be a pain. She hoped she'd be able to find a park space when she got back. Turning the corner, Leah accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh I am sorry." she said, looking at the person.

((Anyone can join in here.))


Minerva was on her way to eat lunch at the moment. Her next class wasn't until 2 pm. She enjoyed her first classes and this next one would be her last class for the day. For now though she would settle for lunch for she was hungry. The only problem was she didn't know where to eat. There were plenty of places on and off campus to eat. She walked around a bit, trying to make up her mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leah Gibson Character Portrait: Daniel Veltrez Character Portrait: Minerva Phillips Character Portrait: Alex Cornado Character Portrait: Micheal NerƔida Character Portrait: Demetra Viola Tatila {Vesta}
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0.00 INK

((Here Dreamer, you can help keep Leah entertained okay? This is actually a repost.))

Once again, Leah had gotten out of class early. All she needed for her Printmaking class was Lennox paper. She had several sheets leftover from Print I, but she would need more. Knowing how big the sheets of paper were, she decided to take her car. Taking her purse, Leah headed out of her dorm towards one of the student parking garages. Like with all universities and colleges, parking could be a pain. She hoped she'd be able to find a park space when she got back. Turning the corner, Leah accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh I am sorry." she said, looking at the person.


Alec was about ready to leave his place when he got a text message. He saw that it was from Daniel. Actually this was the second one he got from in the past few minutes. He frowned when he said he wanted to meet up at 4 pm. That wouldn't work unfortunately.

4 pm won't work. I have another class at that time. Maybe tomorrow morning might be better at the cafe? You are always busy on first days.

It wasn't like the world was going to end if Daniel didn't get his dream back right away anyway. ((Yes that's a pun lol.))


Minerva was a bit startled by the new girl as well and just stood and watched them interact. Michael was a pleasant and than mentioned sitting down. That was a good idea, and maybe some lunch.

Looking at the lovely girl who arrived, Minerva addressed her, "Excuse me miss? Do you know any good places to eat or have heard of any?"

((Now I realize Demetra is a new student too, but maybe she's heard of the cafe. I'd actually like the chars to head there so Minerva can meet Orion there.))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leah Gibson Character Portrait: Evangeline "Eva" Fang
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Eva wasn't paying attention to where she was going and bumped into another person. She stumbled bawkwards trying to prevent herself from falling over. This was te second time she bumped into someone. Looking up she saw a girl who apologized right away ad a genuine smiled spread across Eva's face. "It's no problem. Accidents happen." She commente fixing her outfit. First greeting were always awkward for Eva. When she first met Danile it was awkward, but then all good came out of it, well until he practically forced her to go back to school. She mentally sighed to herself and decided to strike up a conversation with the girl to fain new friends. "Umm I'm Eva. Where were you headed in such a hurry?" She asked while trying to think of other conversation starters in case this one failed. While Eva was thinkin hr ADHD pill was wearing off and her mind starting veering off and she wasn't actually focusing. She realized this and cursed to herself, hoping the girl wouldn't notice.