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Nes, Son of Dar

"Suorin na."

0 · 338 views · located in Lastra

a character in “Elements”, as played by Howlkin Stranger


Nes, Son of Dar

ImageName: Nes, Son of Dar

Age: 16

Description: His skin tanned and his hair mostly bleached by years under the desert sun, he still retains fairly soft, pleasant features. His eyes are the color of water from an oasis. Behind his ear decorated with a pair of simple earrings of silvery metal are two azure feathers from the wing of an exotic bird that played a prominent part in his life. His clothing and decorations vary, though, most of the time, it includes various common elements traditional in his village, such as the loose red necktie he keeps with his outfit. Another noteworthy accessory of his is a belt around his back that has multiple daggers suspended from it by hooks at the ends of their hilts – the sacrifices he uses when beseeching the Earth to lend him strength. His feet tend to be bare but mostly when he is in a familiar environment such as a desert or an oasis. Realizing the perils of more dangerous and unknown terrain he is not at all beyond footwear though some could consider him to be such.

Power: Nes’ element is Earth, however it should be noted that he was taught in an older tradition of Magic which brings in a few differences when compared to other practitioners (even within his element). For one he is quite firm in his belief that Earth itself is an entity beyond the control of anyone – it merely concedes and mercifully bestows fractions of its strength upon those who master the correct ways to ask it. Other elements, he is certain, are this way as well. Additionally his incantations and prayers are all in an older tongue taught to him by the priests from old scrolls. When beseeching the Earth he buries a dagger (be it an actual weapon or a symbol of one made of clay or stone) in the ground. The very symbol of surrendering a weapon to the element is an important part of the ritual. With that being said, the weapons Nes keeps on him are not for fighting. The extent to which Earth favors him however is impressive, perhaps due to the old ways of reverence through which he addresses it. By properly burying a single dagger in the ground (which is easiest to do on sandy terrain which is what Nes is most used to) he gains significant control over the element over a certain territory. This may enable him to temporarily change the qualities of land in a certain radius, for instance making the ground more fertile or changing its density. Another option is to control its movements and create structures. Finally he can manifest living statues of varying shapes, most of them resembling various animals. It was said that he studied their shapes at the temples where the priests resided.
Outside of his magic tradition Nes is not a formidable fighter, but possesses a natural agility and stamina from his life with his tribesmen.

Protector, King, or Other Race: Protector of the Earth King/Human

Personality: Nes is a kind soul and always has been one. It was perhaps due to the environment where he grew up. Harsh as it was, it drove people around him to display the best in them. Generosity, hospitality, selflessness and understanding – those were all virtues he witnessed firsthand and felt compelled to incorporate into his being. This may put him at odds with some of the Protectors for his character is often milder than theirs, but he finds a way to get by nonetheless. Members of his country and those from others alike are likely to find Nes to be polite, open and welcoming, and not for political reasons at that. He is also quite curious about the other places, if somewhat timid and reserved about how much he truly desires to see them.

History/Bio: Nes’ birth, upbringing and lifetime, in certain ways, lack some of the luster of nobility, or impressive experience from serving former kings. In a way however even at his young age he has already begun shaping a legend of sorts, if a somewhat small one. They say that the boy began showing signs of an exceptional purpose since he was little. The original dwelling of his tribe suffered during a sandstone, mostly ending up near completely buried in sand. This left his people stranded and without anything left. Their only chance of survival was to travel from the dunes that their homes were consumed by and reach another settlement. On the way there however many would collapse from exhaustion. Nes, then no older than ten, noticed a figure flying above the refugees. The child pointed at it and led the people forth. As it was later identified – the figure was a bird heading for a nearby oasis. There the stranded desert-dwellers found water and fruit, managing to rest before proceeding on their journey. The elder of the village picked up a few fallen feathers from the birds and presented the boy with them, swearing he would mention his act to the priests when they reached the nearest settlement. And so he did and when the boy was approached by the priest and asked what sort of reward he would want, Nes simply said “I want to learn”. And since then began his apprenticeship and study of the old ways.
Thus began his story as a practitioner of the old ways of Earth Magic. He turned out quite receptive to the priests’ teaching and at age twelve was already capable of reading the old tongue and tackle rather difficult scrolls. Among them were some that mentioned other nations and countries as well, filling young Nes with wonder and only increasing his further thirst for knowledge. Saying all he did was sit quietly and read however was not quite truthful. Certainly studies took much of his time, but he would also often explore the temple and go so far as to climb the building and the many statues surrounding it. While at first his powers were used sparingly, a practitioner of his kind, especially so young, was rather out of ordinary still. News of him spread and in time a man from the capital appeared, saying that Nes has to come before his King and be tested as a potential member of his Protectors. Uncertain at first but knowing what a great honor was being offered to him, he left the small city with the blessings of the priest and followed the envoy from the capital. Now he serves as one of the three Protectors, certainly not the fiercest one, but showing much promise and having untold potential and great favor from the Earth itself.

Other: Nes is a good climber, but may find outright flight where he has no foothold instills somewhat greater fear with him, so experiencing it would be quite dreadful to him, at least at first. In speech he occasionally uses words of old verse.

So begins...

Nes, Son of Dar's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Celeste Macavelia Character Portrait: Aarynn Fletcher Character Portrait: Emrys Character Portrait: Eugene Van Goff Character Portrait: Philomena Character Portrait: Marsaili
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Byre Cress DelaCroiw
The Shrine of Aridea - Meeting of Rulers

The rest of the journey was more to say a humdrum. Assassinations, attacks, common thievery and the such never occurred or loomed over Byre even once. Somehow, it was a bit of disappointing in his opinion. After all, it was not too often that he manages to leave the domains of his kingdom. Yet, there had been little inputs along the way as he traveled with his chosen Protectors. The twisting conversations with Eugene, the fleeting observations towards Hebi, and his last protector who entertains him through silence. It was a conundrum of eccentricities that he appreciated in different ways.

"Master, they have already arrived."

Radiating within his consciousness, Telius' conjecture brought the Young King to the reason for this sudden walk out of his realm. The odd familiar was still lounging on top of Byre's shoulder as if it was a charming nest of softness. It seemed that the Wind and Fire Rulers had arrived at the Shrine of Aridea. As such, there was no need for him to linger around in such a relaxing pace. He had only done so in respect to the pride of the Wind Princess who always desired being on time. Adding to that, he did like the idea of being waited upon. It is one of the many luxuries of being late and awareness of the time.

"And so did we."

After stating that, Byre walked through the bushes that had gratefully parted to give way to the Earth King. His clothes reflected his status and rather militaristic qualities of his dominion. He wore white collared shirt with a blue necktie overlapped with a black vest which was covered by an opened military jacket with gold stripes at the end of its sleeves matched by a pair of black pants, half gloves on his hands, and combat boots on his feet. Upon the jacket, there were respective medals and badges some connected intricately by lithe silver chains. It fitted his form perfectly and not a speck of dust or leaf could be seen on his person. He was a vision and without a doubt inherited his father's intimidating yet good looks.

"Greetings Lady Celeste." Byre offered accompanied by a cordial bow to the female King who would without a doubt take another step in this three-way game of chess or even perhaps there were more players than he could conclude.

"I extend them also to you Lord Siya." In this regard, Byre only offered a courteous nod of the head. He had took notice the brief scent of magic that pilfered the winds, the touch of cinnamon and the allure of the forest nymphs.

"You seemed to have trouble on the way Fire King. It is good to know you are still here with us."

The string of words that Byre spoke had no specific tone of sympathy or concern. One could say it was rather empty and dull as if spoken only through the lore of politeness. This was only evident more to his rather apathetic expression as he slightly observed Siya's condition. His eyes also transferred to the Fire King's chosen Protectors.

"It is a pleasing thought that you have reliable protectors with you. Keep them well."

There was a seemingly underlying meaning to those word that its depth has yet to be seen. After saying that, Byre's eyes made a passing glance to a specific guest in the Fire Crew. The sense of a tainted being emitted from the frail form of a girl. He had read about such a creature once in a passing whim. It seemed that the world still have many secrets to be revealed to him. Knowing such concoction, the Earth King only spared a second worth glance to his protectors. He expected them to behave or his temperament would not only be limited to mere chaining them to the wall. It was delivered with the subtle serious intent within those greenish-blue eyes of his that seemed to glow.

As if to emphasize this, Telius who was still on Byre's shoulder delivered his words through the mind of the Earth Protectors in complete secrecy to the others present.

"Bad servants shall be punished. Will you be able to be good little protectors? I highly doubt it."

While the mental charade was going on, Byre once more looked at the Wind Princess and her retinue once she was done healing the wounded Fire King.

"Shall we begin then? The matters to be discussed are of great concern after all. The Balance and The Future are on the agenda as they always have."

Without further ado, Byre lead the way knowing full well his protectors would follow to where the Center Table laid. However, the Earth King stopped before the entrance and gestured for the Wind Princess to enter first. After all, he still have his trained and innate manner to consider in such instances.

"After you, Lady Celeste."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Celeste Macavelia Character Portrait: Eugene Van Goff Character Portrait: Siya Ukomo Character Portrait: Nes, Son of Dar Character Portrait: Hebi Irikisha Character Portrait: Byre DelaCroiw
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Byre Cress DelaCroiw
The Shrine of Aridea - Meeting of Rulers

Without further ado, the meeting had finally commenced as the Three Remaining Ruler of Elements sat upon the center table. It goes without a doubt that these people vary in more ways than one. This difference does not end only with their chosen elements, it was also on how they view things especially on what must happen first. As such, they began discussing certain key issues which would be about the continuance of balance in Lastra . One to be noted was the suggestion of the Fire King, Siya.

"Before we undergo anything, I suggest that we look for the King of Water first. Once he is found, than we can concentrate our efforts on finding the water orb. We can pool our own power to look for the King, we all know how a King's power is and so it shouldn't be too hard for us to find the new King. If we were to try to find the orb first, we would never get anywhere. The sooner we get started, the faster we can gain balance again."

The young Lord of Earth leaned on his chair and looked at Siya who was still recovering from his early mishaps from the travels to the Shrine. He had concluded that the demise of the Water King would be one of the many concerns to be discussed. So, they should seek the Heir to the Water Orb. However, it would be a dangerous move to do so. The murder of an Element King was not an easy task. It showed that great care and patience was taken to ensure the success of such a heinous deed. A meticulous plan was conceived and without doubt, he can conclude that the mastermind behind all of these was waiting for another perfect chance to strike.

It was the turn of the Wind Princess to speak. Her words were well-founded and he had a feeling that the she liked taking the lead or even more so to make the first move. His greenish-blue eyes gazed at Celeste more so when she directed her attention him. Byre took the note as Telius, Earth King's familiar, who remained on his shoulder peeked to look at the card which was handed. He did not mind at all as he calmly read its contents. No expression or notable change could be seen across his face. As such, it was hard to tell whether he agreed to it or held objections.

"Utterly ridiculous."

These were the words that left Byre's lips. There were no signs of reprieve, hesitation, or apprehension even. He had delivered it in an indifferent manner although, his voice could be heard loud and clear. To emphasize his point further, he tore the card into pieces and with ease and then turned its fragments into dirt as he allowed it to fall on the ground from his hand. He then stood from his seat and then looked at the Fire King first.

"I will only speak of this once. So, do listen well."

Then the Earth King transferred his attention to the Wind Princess who spoke of the words of unison. In his childhood days, he had heard how much of a thorn was the old Wind King in the words of his fallen father. Perhaps, the apple does not truly fall from the tree.

"Severus Damien is dead and I have killed him."

After saying that, Byre's powers activated as the grounds outside the Shrine trembled at the issuance of the Earth King. His words did not drip with ridicule or humor. It was delivered with precised conviction and those eyes of green-blue did not betray any intentions that the Earth King might have.

"Now, you know your enemy. What will you do Fire King Siya, Wind Princess, Celeste? Shall we now play a game of war? I will take hold of the Water Orb and all of yours. Make this as the declaration of war."

After saying that, Byre turned his back from the two Rulers. Telius remained on his shoulder as it looked at the two Kings instead with those crystal red eyes that showed no change of expressions.

"Master, you are making such a bold move."

Without answering the noted commentary to him, Byre left the Shrine of Aridea with his protectors in tow. He grabbed hold of Hebi's hair on the way out and technically dragged the said protector to show that he was rather irritated at his arrogance. Furthermore, disobedience was something that young Lord of Earth did not take lightly. It also showed that his punishment was to come. He also noted that the Lare might finally catch on what the meaning of the light conversation they had on the way.

"Let us leave. It is time to prepare for a war."

After saying that, Byre disappeared from sight along with his protectors. The move he had done had made him a villain in everyone's eyes. However, the truth of those statements were not to be casually dissuaded. After all, the Earth King never makes light of the words he speaks. He was the kind to follow through and that made the King Byre frightening in the eyes of his dominion and fellow nations.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emrys Character Portrait: Eugene Van Goff Character Portrait: Nes, Son of Dar Character Portrait: Hebi Irikisha Character Portrait: Byre DelaCroiw Character Portrait: Freece
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Freece, Wind Protector
Shrine of Aridea - Battle grounds

"Butter cream Doughnut. Strawberry syrup Doughnut. Chocolate covered Doughnut. Sugar glazed Doughnut. Vanilla Mint Doughnut. Mocha coated Doughnut. Original recipe with sprinkles Doughnut."

These were the thoughts that played within the Air Protector's head. His green eyes affixed on the bowl of doughnuts that he cradled so delicately like a precious treasure. The meeting was underway and the Princess was inside with the other Kingly personae. So, all that he has left to do was to eat his most favorite food. Actually, the only food that he recognizes worthy to be eaten. Leaning on one of the pillars, he munched on his meal while occasionally listening to the hearsay of the other people that were there. He disliked being dragged to some meeting but the freebies were amazing so, he really didn't mind it this time too much. As for the fleeting conversation, some were not worth listening to and others do peak his interest from time to time.

“Let us leave. It is time to prepare for war.”

This was enough to make Freece glanced towards the direction of the Earth King who was now dragging one of his protectors by the hair. It was very entertaining. But the most important fact that took his attention was the word, 'war'. He pondered on that which made him stopped in the middle of his doughnut eating. Isn't this meeting for some peaceful purpose or something? He really didn't read the report beforehand, so he has no idea. Perhaps, these days war means peace or something.

“Earth King Byre DeLaCroiw—we have not the time for your game of war. Now, there are much larger things at stake. You may choose not to side with us but know this: The lone warrior may the bravest of them all, but there will be a time that he slips. He will turn and find no one to help him regain his stance.”

Scratch that. It was not a peaceful term at all judging by the Princess' echoing words to the wind. However, the Earth King seemed untouched by it and continued on his way without looking back even once. Soon, the Earth Crew disappeared from their sights. With one question in mind, is the Earth Country really hell bent on war and domination? Well whatever the answer would be, he will remain still in his position and that is eating his doughnuts. At that point on, he resumed his meal and has a nonsensical care of everything else until----


A huge boulder just missed his head by a mere inch. That did not bother Freece at the very least. What bothered him was the fact his bowl of doughnuts was now on the ground.


Adding insult to injury, another boulder was thrown and it squashed his doughnuts to oblivion.

"Freece, Aeraki! Join forces with the Fire Protectors—take out those rock creatures! They pose the greatest threat!"

Oh, there was no need for Emrys to say that those rock creatures were the greatest threat. Freece will pulverized them into ashes! They will pay for their actions of harming his precious doughnuts. Those eyes of green glowed in an eerie manner as flames enveloped his lithe frame. Before leaving the palace, he had turned all the kitchen wares and table wares into sacrifices due to the fact they do not produce doughnuts. The Princess would probably scold him for it later on.

"You dirtbag! I will grind you into a fertilizer!"

Without missing a beat, Freece lunged into the air with incredible speed which was inherent in him. He landed on top of the rock creature who had dared throw boulders at him. He then accumulated all of the flames that surrounded his body into one big ball of fire into his fist.

"This is my vengeance!"

Delivering a punch straight to the noggin of the rock creature as it pierced through the rocky exterior and blowing it from inside. It was then Freece landed on the ground as he wiped some dirt on his face.

"Who is bloody next?!"

Byre Cress DelaCroiw
Shrine of Aridea - Outskirts

The land reverberated beneath his feet. Byre stopped from his walk and took a long glance at the forest lines near the Shrine. He could sense the turmoil through the swaying of the trees and the words of the Wind Princess permeated around him. However, it was only scoffed at and continued on his way once more.

"Master, they seemed to be in trouble." This was Telius' remark as his eyes could perceived the scene currently happening at the Shrine grounds. The creature was also sure that Byre knew of the sudden attack as well.

"They would not be defeated by such earth-bound manifestations so easily. If they are, then it was not worth it making them my enemies now." This was the answer of the Earth King who was mildly amused of what was going on and did not care its possible meaning to be attached to him. At the same time, there was no ounce of concern dripping from those monotonic statements. As Byre finally released Hebi's hair from his hold, he spoke.

"Once, we returned to the Castle. I will have the armies mobilized to strike at the Fire and Wind Kingdom. Furthermore, we will seek the Water King."

His eyes of green-blue did not reveal any hints or doubts in whatever plan was being concocted within Byre's mind. However, those eyes looked at his protectors with such seriousness as if piercing through them with a warning if they ever choose to betray him, death would be their just rewards.

"Eugene. Hebi. Nes. Your place is by my side. Do not ever forget this."

Once that was stated, Byre continued on his way knowing his protectors would follow even if they have confusion of what was going on or why the sudden declaration. For in the end, they were bound to him one way or another. The shackles placed upon them could only be removed at his demise. That was not going to happen for a long time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Celeste Macavelia Character Portrait: Aarynn Fletcher Character Portrait: Eugene Van Goff Character Portrait: Marsaili Character Portrait: Siya Ukomo Character Portrait: Nes, Son of Dar
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#, as written by Siryn
Hebi Irikisha

His King dragged him some ways away from the meeting, Celeste's voice carried through the woods after them and despite his position, Hebi grinned maliciously. Soon enough, he was released from Lord Byre's grip and he stumbled, falling down to the earth on hands and knees. He stayed there, unwilling to get up and have his King take him back down to the ground again. Instead, he bowed his head to Byre and let his dark hair fall over his face, hiding his grin.

"Once, we returned to the Castle. I will have the armies mobilized to strike at the Fire and Wind Kingdom. Furthermore, we will seek the Water King. Eugene. Hebi. Nes. Your place is by my side. Do not ever forget this."

"My lord," Hebi said softly in reply.

“Yes sir. Get up you disgrace, we’re moving out,” the voice belonged to Eugene who kicked the earth Protector hard in his ribs. Hebi fell over from the attack and gripped his ribs with one hand. He looked up at the tall Lare through dark strands of hair. One eye was closed tightly from the burning in his side, but the other one stared steadily upwards at the man. Hebi responded with a cruel smile curving along his lips. Slowly he got to his feet and brushed himself off.

"Did that remind you of your time as a Lare? Wonder how your citizens dealt with such a vicious and cruel ruler. Perhaps you should take lessons from our Lord Byre. At least then the only thing you'd have to worry about is your enormously large ego!" Hebi snapped back, but made sure to keep a good distance from Eugene. Should they fight right then, not only would Lord Byre deal out harsh punishment to them, but they'd also lose their chance at getting a head start to find the water King. Ah, the Water King. Hebi's green eyes flickered with an odd light, his tongue snaked out to lick at his lips before he turned and followed obediently after Lord Byre.

Siya Ukomo

"What even were those things, Siya? And why did they wanna hurt us?" Marsaili's voice was soft as she slowly lost consciousness. Siya glanced down at her and pulled her close to his body. He cradled the small girl in his arms as he released his fire upon the charging rock creature. His eyes were narrowed in concentration as the fire exploded from him. In the split second before the flames engulfed the rock, he spotted one of Celeste's protectors lift into the air and launch a... dragon? at the rock creature. Never-the-less, the dragon creation tore the rock in half and helped to aid his flames in melting it down.

Once the dragon was finished, it went off and began destroying other creatures that had seemingly risen up from the forest. Siya sighed heavily, his breath short. He leaned over Marsaili's unconscious form and watched her sadly. She would need some healing very soon, the best that he could do was to stop the bleeding. Reaching down he ignited his hand and ran it over the worst of her wounds. Her being unconscious made things easier, though he still winced inwardly. The poor girl was going to be in so much pain later on.

"I don't know, Marsaili," he whispered to her though he knew she couldn't hear him at that point. He turned his head and caught sight of Kaed who was kneeling on one leg, his sword held tightly in one hand and his gaze flicking about the area for any stragglers. The Protector turned and looked upon his King, then got to his feet and made his way over to the young Fire Lord. Kaed dropped down next to Siya and looked at Marsaili with a frown.

"Will she be alright?"

"She will, I've stopped the bleeding, she just needs to be healed," Siya answered and closed his eyes tiredly. However, he forced himself to get some semblance of strength and energy. The fight was over with, short and quick as it was. Even so, he was tired after having expended so much energy to take out the bulk of the enemy and the large rock entity. He looked up at Kaed who wrapped an arm around Siya's shoulders and hugged him tightly.

"You're alright?"

"Fine, Kaed. You're in worse shape then me," Siya pointed out, eyeing the multiple places where Kaed was bleeding from. His Protector only offered him a smile and stood up slowly. Kaed sheathed his sword and offered his hands out to take Marsaili. Siya stood up and gave her over to him. Turning, Siya looked to the other Protectors and Lady Celeste.

"I don't know what you plan to do, Lady Celeste, but I still plan to find the King of Water. I have a feeling that no matter what enemies may be following us, they may already be several steps ahead of us in finding him. If we find him, we can protect him until he's given his orb. There's no way we can find the orb, we've not the power to do that. Only the Water King can. I'll be on my way once Marsaili has been healed in the village not far from here. If you wish to accompany me, I'll gladly welcome you and your protectors. I could use all the help I can get."

Siya looked to Flynn and Kaed before nodding his head in the direction that he wished to head in. The nearest village was a couple hours away and if they retrieved their horses, they could be there even sooner. Besides, their horses had more supplies than what Siya had right at that moment. Bandaging the wounded Marsaili was first on his mind.

Kanan Thiyer

He finished off the last of the walking twigs and a couple more of the wolf like vines that lunged at him. His blade swung continuously, sometimes sending out waves of wind blades, other times just cutting straight through by the swords edge. He twisted around and launched another pass of magic at the approaching enemy, tossing them backwards. Kanan wasted no time and finished them off with a final attack of wind blades, the sound of sharpened air cutting through branches filled his area of the fight.

Then it was all over. He glanced around, taking count of the bodies of the elemental's and who was injured if any on his side. He was happy to see that his Queen was just fine as she was hovering up in the air. Off a distance away, Siya stood with his Protectors. It seemed that the girl had taken quite a blow and even the tall one named Kaed seemed to be injured just as well. Siya, though, looked unharmed. Kanan felt relief at that notion, but felt bad for the Protectors, especially the unconscious girl in Kaed's arms.

He listened to the exchange of words from Siya to his Queen before sheathing his weapon and looking around once more. Siya began making his way to where they'd come into the forest earlier. It was obvious he was heading back to where they'd left their horses or whatever means of travel they'd used to get to the Shrine. Kanan spotted Aeraki and started making his way to her. She was inspecting one of the elemental's quite closely so he leaned over her shoulder, his single pale blue eye narrowing in on what she was looking at.

"Different kind of magic than I've seen before," he muttered to her. His eye flicked up to look at her, to see if she would confirm his suspicion, "I think it's safe to say that Byre and his group did not intend this fight. Which leaves the question of who did..." he pondered this on his own, leaving Aeraki's side to look to his Queen.

Dropping down to one knee, he placed one fist on the ground and bowed his head to her, "My Lady, forgive me, but I think that Lord Siya is correct in going after the Water King. We should find him first before Lord Byre or anyone else does. Offering him protection is, in my mind, the best course of action," he offered to her gently. He wasn't entirely sure why, but it just seemed that he should tell her about his agreement. Even if she disagreed, he would still follow her orders unquestioningly. However, it still felt right to go and try to find the Water King first.