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Amira Lucas

"I just love how sweet you are my darling~"

0 · 1,141 views · located in Minimum

a character in “Error”, as played by BlushingTaurus




❝Nothing tastes better then sticky cotton candy on someones lips❞

Normal ||[url=‎]Supernatural | Ken Ashcorp[/url]
Fighting ||Little Pistols | Mother Mother
Emotional | Death ||Between The Bars | Chris Garneau
Anger | Out of Control ||Diary of Jane | Breaking Benjamin

❝Like my brother would say, "Make sure you always beat the high score of anything!"❞

Image∞ Full Name ∞ "A-mere-ra. Thats how you say it people~"
Amira Ray Lucas

*∞ Nickname ∞ "They like to call me Nutty sometimes. Which i don't understand because i'm not particularity fond of peanuts~"
Nutty and/or A

∞ Alias ∞ "Eh. Everyone has one right?"
Sugar Glider

∞ Age ∞ "Why do some people think it rude to ask a woman her age?"

∞ Gender ∞ "Are you asking me to comment on my private parts?" -_-

*∞ Sexuality ∞ "Emotion and Devotion are wonderful traits. One will breed love, the other, fate~"

∞ Role ∞ "Lollipops have always been my favorite candy~" -winks-
Second in comand

∞ Group ∞ "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, in the most delightful way."
Candy Crush

∞ Item ∞ "Hey! Just 'cause its not considered a weapon doesn't mean it can't cause damage."
Pumpkin Umbrella

*∞ Occupation ∞ "Causing trouble is fun. But you have to put bread on the table some how~"
Baker at a cupcake shop down the street of the Candy Crush hangout

∞ Face Claim ∞ "We're not the same"
Road Kamelot

❝You know that feeling you get when the rain pelts your bare skin? I wish we could feel that way all the time~❞

Image∞ Side ∞ "Everything is just so.....gray.."
Well, She tolerates it. But she'd much rather live in a different, more free world.

*∞ Height & Weight ∞ "Short Shorty short short"
112 lbs.

∞ Hair color ∞ "It doesn't like to stay styled. So i let it be wild."
Navy Blue

∞ Eye color ∞ "Hey. Don't think you can hide. I see yoooooooou~"
Golden Brown

*∞ Distinguishable Facial Features ∞ "Other than this grey-ish skin tone?"

∞ Birthmarks/Scars/Tattoos/Piercings ∞ "Oh calm down. A little face paint and no one will notice."
The stars across her forehead
Number: VIII

∞ Physical Description ∞ "Again with the questions about my body. Someones a little too curious" -winks-
Amira has a small build and fair, grey-ish skin. She wears knee high, stipped socks and black shoe. A black skirt that falls mid thigh and a white ruffle shirt with a red ribbon tied around the collar.

❝We were just having a little fun~❞

*Image∞ Habits/Quirks ∞
✦ Bites the inside of her cheek when nervous or unsure about something
✦ Seems to always be on a sugar rush
✦A bit sarcastic at times

∞ Likes ∞
♥ Painting
♥ Hard Candies
♥ Having fun

∞ Dislikes ∞
✖ How boring and "gray" the world has become
✖ Buzz kills
✖ Rude people

∞ Talents ∞
✔ Painting
✔ Writing
✔ Navigating

∞ Hobbies ∞
✔ Painting
✔ Baking
✔ Causing small amounts of trouble whenever she can

∞ Fears ∞
✘ Abandonment
✘ Chains
✘ Mirrors

∞ Flaws ∞
✘ A little cocky
✘ Sarcastic
✘ emotionally weak

∞ Secrets ∞
⌛ No one knows where she lives
⌛ The blood on her hands
⌛ Her family

❝Hey now, we all have troubled pasts. Don't pry where you're not wanted no matter how close to that person you think you might be❞

Image∞ Weapon ∞ "Tiny and agile is best"
Two, all silver daggers

∞ Error ∞ "I won't remember a thing..."
Amira's Error is her mental state. Her brain likes to switch on and off. One second shes fully alert and the the next she appears half dead and unresponsive. During the "black outs" she is unpredictable. She can be like a breathing corpse or snap the neck of a loved one without the slightest hesitation. She has no control. She is a slave to her dysfunctional mind when this happens and nothing can be done to snap her out of it. You can only wait for it to end and hope for the best.

∞ Personality ∞ "Kiss me and I'll make you mine."
Amira and a flirty and slightly sarcastic personality. She does not care if people find her soft sexual-ness taboo but she will shut her mouth if she believe she's gone to far. But flirting and kissing is as far as she'll go. Her sarcasm will most likely catch you off guard. She's not one to make it obvious. It may take you a while after she says something to relies she was being sarcastic. Amira tends to be a tad cocky as well. She is known to praise herself every once in a while and likes to think she is the best at what she can do. She like to play, to pull pranks, to cause trouble, or to just simply run around playing tag. Although not bouncing off the walls and being an annoyance, Amira still seems to always have tons of energy. Amira can be blunt and a little harsh at times. It hard to get her to sympathies with someone. But she is still kind and tries her best to not upset you.

❝Kuss Kuss my sweet, we may not get another one. So lets make this one special~❞

Image*∞ Romantic Interest ∞ "N/A"

∞ Most Precious Person ∞ "He had milk chocolate colored hair and a personality sweeter than any candy~"
Her younger brother, Tobyus

*∞ Family ∞ "Blood ties are a funny thing sometimes."
Strict Mother
Soft hearted Father
Sweet Little brother (deceased. Died at age of 9)

∞ History ∞ "Just don't ask to much Love, and we'll be just peachy~"
Amira grew up with her strict mother, care-free father, and rambunctious little brother. They lived a normal life in minimum. Dad went to work, mom stayed home and took care of the house, and the children played. But around the age of ten Amira started to show sign of being disorderly. She preferred art to math, a tree to a desk, free thinking instead closing off her mind. It caused a lot of problems for her family. People started to take notice and spread rumors about the less than perfect family. Her father almost lost his job at one point.

One day Amira decided to take her brother, Tobyus, with her to explore the city. With her little brother in tow they walked, and walked, and walked for what seemed like forever. When her little brother started to whine that his feet hurt it was already very dark out. They started to walk home but about halfway they were stopped by someone. She won't tell anyone but happened but it resulted in her brothers death, and she blames herself for it.

Amira grew up without her brother after that, becoming more and more defiant each day until at one point she ran away. Not her most smartest decision. After about half a year she wound up passed out and very weak and thin on the candy shops door step. The owners took her in just long enough to get her back on her feet. Very grateful for the kindness they showed, Amira took it upon herself to take a job there. she worked at the candy shop for a long time and through a lot of eavesdropping on certain conversations she found out about the Candy Crushers that called that place headquarters. She joined on a whim, out of general curiosity. But soon become hooked on the lifestyle and the ideals.

*∞ Other ∞ "Didn't know you were so interested in me sweet stuff~"
(n/a or mba)

So begins...

Amira Lucas's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Katerina "Cat" Ainsley Character Portrait: Amira Lucas
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Time: Four Hours Earlier

The world is made up of chains...

Her eyes fluttered in the darkness, a single candle flame sustaining its meager light throughout the darkened room, the blinds shielded against the rising sun that was already peeking its way through the folded curtains, over the sleeping girl on the large bed. The darkness assured her, comforted her in the silence, for she knew that if she opened those eyes, she would see the same dark chains that trailed in every corner. Cat... But the darkness had its horrors, the memories of the past flooding her mind as her eyes fluttered once again, the only sound that could be heard within the room was the panicked gasps that now wrought the girl's breaths. Come on, Ryo, don't be so dull! The voice of a child rang in her mind, so unfamiliar to her now, but nonetheless it was her voice.


Her eyes snapped open, the candle flame dying instantly at the suddenness of her movement, a slight chill remained in the room, still silent. However, she did request for silence, her room shielded against the chaos that she knew was roaming the doors outside. "You're joking..." The sounds were coming to her now, ringing through the closed door as she pulled herself off of the bed she had just taken comfort in a few seconds ago, now tainted with the memories of the nightmare that continued to ensue in her mind. With a frustrated glance, she pulled away the dress that was placed neatly by her bed, quickly changing into the red Victorian-styled dress, the fabric heavy but familiar and comforting.

"Fools!" She exclaimed as she stepped out of the room, two strands of her hair pulled into the usual braid as she made her way down the winding staircase of the tower, the morning sun already streaming through the windows that now lighted the abandoned tower up in a dim, muted light. "Do I have to remind you of the time?" She could hear the faint voices that echoed off of the bare walls, a faint look of annoyance lingered in her eyes as the winding staircase ended at the main room of the tower.

Liam had warned them. He told them that making so much noise while the Mistress was still sleeping was a bad idea. Even worse, to be starting the Tea Party so early, and without the Mistress? It was a dangerous game to play. However, the newer recruits ignored him, and he refused to repeat himself. It was their mistake really. If they should turn to gibbering buffoons, locked in their own heads by fear, then it was no concern of his. In fact, Liam almost hoped it might happen. Not only would it create a stronger sense of discipline within the Wonderland's ranks, but it wouldn't be anywhere near as annoying to have to deal with every morning. After issuing his warning, Liam stood patiently against the wall, on the side of the door with the handle on it. Far too many times had he made the mistake of standing on the opposite side, only to catch the door with his face. Cat always did love to slam the door to her room. At precisely that moment, the obvious divine intervention aside, Cat chose that precise moment to storm out of her room. The wall on the far side cracked from the impact. How terrifying. The new doorknob was directly at groin level. "Of course not Mi'lady. It's not even noon yet. I tried to warn them that you wouldn't be pleased, especially started the Tea Party without you. I suppose they simply couldn't wait any longer." At that moment, Liam couldn't help but smile softly at his Mistress, the Chesire Cat. Never, in his wildest fantasies, would he have imagined the Queen of Hearts to be this physically unimposing. His Mistress was a powerful, terrifying woman, that much was certain. However, there was something to be said about the way she threw tantrums like a little girl. To be entirely fair, she was much younger than him. Liam forced himself to suppress a chuckle. She was even rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. As she addressed, her words cloaked with venom, Liam had to suppress another chuckle, he couldn't stop himself from smiling. It was just her way. Without saying a word, Liam adjusted the guitar case on his back, then drew a pinched line across his mouth, zipping it shut.

Tea Party! Cat had to place her hand on her forehead, the coolness of her hand waking her up from the daze that had ensued after the nightmare. How could she have forgotten? "Don't give me that look." She gave Liam a glare before turning her strides. Despite the glare, it did not hold any distaste, but simply a look of annoyance that usually came with her morning tantrums. Now aimed for the small locked door on the side, Cat's each step was accompanied by the heavy dress swaying at her feet, the train of which dragged along the ground. The room that opened from the small lock in her hand appeared sinister, but its contents were anything but such. With a few moment's hesitation, she placed her hand on the large can before her, handing it to Liam as a small smile lingered on her lips. English Breakfast Tea, perfect for the morning occasion. But then again, she had always been able to choose the perfect tea for all different occasions.

"Kuni!" Her voice bellowed throughout the tower, authoritative and demanding, as if not allowing her second-in-command the chance to answer. "Milk and sugar!" No one could have breakfast tea without the cream and sugar, and she did not even await a response from her second-in-command. Besides, Cat was still having a hard time accepting the fact that she had a second-in-command. Handing the box to Liam, she gave him a small smirk as she turned around, placing full trust in the man to boil the tea to the right temperature and intensity. "Let the Tea Party begin!" Her voice was accompanied by her own laughter as the room exploded into chaos.

Time: One Hour Earlier

This is madness.

A faint smirk rose on the corner of her lips as the thought flashed across her mind, the large room filled with the different members of Wonderland, all dressed up in her favorite Victorian-styled outfits. Cat sat with her knees crossed, her chair centered at the far end of the long table, now decorated with a pure white tablecloth. This event was not at all unfamiliar to Wonderland, and truly, it was a mad event.

Liam stood at his Mistress's side. He was at her right hand, back a pace or two, and deathly silent. Though he sipped his tea thoughtfully, as the Cat had managed to pick a most delightful blend of the English breakfast variety, Liam remained, for the most part, silent. His function, while not acting on Cat's direct orders, was to observe and protect. More loyal than a German Shepherd and three times as vicious. As the revelry descended into it's usual madness, Liam made occasional glances at the clock and the sun in the sky. It was high noon, almost three o'clock. It was nearly time. As the clock struck two thirty, Liam took a single step forward, and leaned over, placing his head over Cat's shoulder. He was still a good distance away, so as not to earn a slap from his mistress, but close enough that their conversation would remain private. "Mi'lady, it is now half past three o'clock, precisely. You should be going now, or else you will be late for the arranged meeting at the Truce Zone." Liam said simply, just low enough that she would be the only one to hear him. Once he had finished, Liam took a step back, at his usual spot behind his mistress. When she directed her attention back to him, Liam merely nodded, silent, stoic, and compliant. It only mad sense. The Savage Nymph would have followed the Chesire Cat's bobbing tail until it no longer possessed the strength to fly. Even then, it would have walked, crawled, and dragged itself across the ground to ensure her safety. Liam wouldn't be losing anyone else. Today, or ever for that matter.

Truce Zone? A hint of confusion flashed across her eyes before realization dawned. It wasn't surprising that her eyes immediately blazed with anger at the sudden reminder of the event that was doomed to take place for the day. Liam was smart to take a step back, for her arm immediately flew up, missing his head by inches as she pulled herself up from the chair, the sudden motion silenced the room, and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of her angered breathing. It took Cat a few seconds--or was it minutes-- before she calmed her breathing, but her eyes nonetheless still retained that cold glare she had dropped ever since the Tea Party started. They're mad for daring to ask me to go. They should probably know by now exactly what will occur at the Truce Zone. Hell, they would be lucky to get the talking started with Cat there, for she was going to flood his mind with his greatest nightmares and make that traitor bow down on his knees in front of her.

"Kuni!" The silence lingered in the room as Cat remained motionless for a few seconds, her hands scrunching up the table clothes with frustration and annoyance that she did not bother to hide. "Liam." Her eyes flickered toward the loyal member, the anger in her eyes still blazed despite the cheery atmosphere the room was soaked in but a second ago. "You're with me. Let's go." Typical Cat, her voice not even allowing a hint of question to her demand. It came as no surprise that she demanded for Liam's presence, besides, his loyalty and his past all combined to qualify as her personal guard. Whatever that might take place in the Truce Zone, she had full trust that he would no doubt remain loyal to her. Whatever the leaders were planning, they would do best to prepare for her rage.

Time: Present Times

Why won't you all just leave me in peace...

She hated crowds, and this was one of the reasons she had sat at the far end of the table during the Tea Party, a spot reserved simply for her. Within crowds, the chains dominated over the people, each filling with the screams and nightmares of the individual involved. And it was to her dismay that she understands each leader will be bringing forward their second-in-command and a fellow member. For safety measures. A faint arrogant smirk lingered on her lips as her strides stopped. As if anyone can stop me. Her fingers tingled as she watched the dark chains that laid across the ground. One grasp, and whoever it was linked to would experience their worst nightmare. One grasp, and she could bring even the strongest of all warriors to their knees. But now's not the time. Her eyes flickered upwards at the members that followed her. She had barely even remembered Kuni's existence, his quietness not doing much against Cat's easily distracted mind. However, she could hear the sound of Liam's footsteps, weighted down by his over-sized weapon, at least... It was definitely over-sized to Cat, and slightly on the heavier side. Careful now, Liam. Her thought held a hint of distaste as she did not turn her gaze to look at him, but nonetheless the silent warning should have been implicit. While she fully trusted in his abilities, the members that are gathered here today can crush them easily if they put their mind to it. And honestly, Cat was not about to let that happen. Her proud gaze looking with a condescending attitude and her body fixed with a relaxed posture that somehow paradoxically showed hints of tension.

Liam walked silently behind his Mistress. Every so often he reached up to adjust his guitar case, so it would sit more comfortably upon his back. However, Liam was no fool. Inside the unassuming case was Lunatic, his weapon of choice, as well as the item granted to him as a Hiatus. Lunatic was a massive, over-sized claymore, but that meant nothing to Liam's brute strength. When he swung Lunatic, bones crunched and walls crumpled. He adjusted the zipper at the top of the bag as he walked. The resulting opening was just wide enough to stuff his fist into at a moment's notice, should things go poorly. Hopefully they wouldn't. However, if anyone would make that happen, it was, most likely, going to be Cat. Her hatred of Ryota was well-known by every single hiatus in all of Minimum. She opposed him at every turn, defied him, fought him, and hated him with every fiber of her being. Such a violent action would, most likely, come from Cat first, followed by Liam second, in defense of his mistress. Her eyes caught his as they gazed at the small group's destination. She was nervous, but simultaneously confident beyond all belief. She defied anyone to lie to her, to tell her no, to look at her wrong. It was times like this that Liam remembered why he and... he and his partner, had chosen Cat. She was, in a word, fearless. She was proud, she was regal, and she was terrifying. Liam nodded as she caught his eyes. No other words were necessary. They both knew exactly what was going on. Liam sighed to himself, and at the same time as his Mistress, looked to the entrance of the Truce Zone. Thinking quietly to himself, Liam smiled. "Let the madness begin..."

With Liam's voice, a faint smile rose on her lips accompanied by a chuckle that eased the tension slightly, something perhaps only Liam was able to achieve in such a situation. "You are all invited to my ultimate Tea Party." The mischievous look flashed in her eyes. "Commence the Mad Tea Party." And with that, that signature Cheshire Cat grin flashed across her expression, a look that suggested the commencement of another one of Cat's games.

Shall we begin?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Katerina "Cat" Ainsley
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Time: Four Hours Earlier

“You are not my master. His voice resounded within Edwin’s head, sending shivers down Edwin’s spin. I am. Edwin looked up to stare at the room that he lived in, the bare white walls bathed with blue from the blazing lights from his phone. He sighed, sitting down on the bed that lay in the center of the room, away from the four walls that surrounded it. I am the controller of my error- I am- Edwin rocked back and forth, worry in his eyes as he kept his eyes fixed on his hands crossed on his legs. Don’t worry, don’t worry- Edwin clutched his head with his hands, covering his ears with his fingers as if to block out noises and sounds though there was none besides his low-toned muttering and the whirring from his phone. He was alone- but he was once again winning this small struggle. “I will never submit to one as weak as you!” The blue light disappeared, the phone closing as Edwin’s mind was once again left to himself. Shakily he stood up and out of his room, towards the bathroom that was across the hallway, though it looked as if it were light-years away.

His hand slapped hard against the light switch causing the dim fluorescent light to flicker on in the bathroom. It was tiny and cramped, far different from the houses of almost the entire population within Minimum. They lived in wide houses, built tall into the sky based on developing ‘current’ technology. But the Errors don’t; they have no place in the enforced closure of Minimum- Edwin was no better. Conceal. Don’t feel. Don’t let it show. He shook his head and then turned on the rusting faucet, watching the water spurt from the tap before slowing down to a small trickle down the drain. Staring at the water, Edwin lost himself in his thoughts as his phone started beeping again- but this time no blue light shone from the old blue-colored phone. Edwin looked down at his pocket with weary eyes, the bags under his electric blue eyes ever more apparent under the dim light of the bathroom. But at least it wasn’t his phone- At least it isn’t him.

Pulling his phone out from his pocket, Edwin cancelled the alarm clock to see the notification he had set the day before. Error Gangs Meeting- The time for the meeting was blocked, but Edwin was too lazy to scroll down. He already knew the time anyways, as he had been one of the negotiators that had been there to plan the meeting. Where is Nia and Ryota. Closing the faucet that he had opened for nothing, Edwin stepped out of the bathroom, forgetting to close the lights as he rushed down the corridor on his floor and down the rickety stairs that led to the lower levels. “Nia.” Edwin knocked sharply on the only door on the floor beneath his, but before he could hear a reply, Edwin slowly bounded down the second flight of stairs heading down, his footsteps light and soft. Repeating what he did for the next two floors below Nia's- "Madoka. Lucy-Anne"- Edwin finally came to a stop on the first floor of the narrow apartment, his feet causing the old floorboards to creak slightly as he stepped down from the worn down stairs. His blue eyes flickered left and right as he took in the mess of the first floor- he had not come down since two days ago- and sighed. Who’s turn was it to clean again?

His phone flashed a blue gleam as the voice resounded in his head again. “Fool. As if those humans would-“ Edwin shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut to block out the voice as soon as it barged into his mind. His eyes shone a bright blue as he felt the force grappling against his mind- but they immediately dulled down the moment the force gave up, receding once more to the back of Edwin’s mind. Edwin sighed again, his shoulders slumping slightly as he allowed his hair to fall in front of his face. He was tired; the struggle had gone on for so long. But once again, Edwin forced himself to move and ignore him. Walking up to another door, Edwin rapped twice on the solid wooden frame and coughed before calling out quietly, “Ryota?” Edwin stood in front of the door, waiting for a response, as his eyes flickered to and from the door and the stairs, waiting for his two companions to the meeting to show up some time soon.

Time: Present Time

Edwin stood behind Ryota, just as all the other second-in-commands stood behind their leaders. His eyes surveyed the others present as a deadly silence filled between the different leaders that now assembled in the area. His back slouched, Edwin looked extremely calm and relaxed, but his hand lay on his buzzing phone, a sign that he was ready to enter the grid any moment upon Ryota’s command. But Edwin was sure that he wouldn’t need to- even Katerina wouldn’t kick up something dangerous, or so Edwin thought. Slowly, he watched the other gangs start to assemble at the meeting area, each seemingly wary of the other groups of three there.

Edwin made sure to keep an eye on Katerina, as he knew that Ryota and Katernia rarely ever met one another without a fight. The main reason why he now refrained from playing around with his phone was because of the Leader of the Wonderland Gang, her moods unpredictable and her mind in the air, Edwin felt as if he needed to make sure to keep Ryota and Katerina away from one another.

“Commence the Mad Tea Party.” Katerina said, her trademark smirk appearing on her face. Edwin shook his head as he unleashed his Error, in case Katerina had any plans in mind. I summon thee. The words surfaced and died away in his mind, as his surroundings were suddenly covered by a light blue color. Edwin’s eyes glowed faintly, but faded fast as he took a step out of his body and into the blue grid. A frown appeared on his face as he watched the other Errors present, intent on stopping any fight or conflict that could occur. One of the members of the other groups each also activated their Errors, as always while in the truce area, as the appointed 'guardians' to make sure no serious conflict occurred in the truce area. This was where compromises were made- not fights.

The stands that surrounded the large round table started to fill as the other members of the different gangs within Minimum started to fill within the respective areas that was designated to the different gangs. The Sonic Boom members stood directly behind where Ryota now sat- and where Edwin now stood- on stands elevated higher than the ground. Separating each gang was a bar and isle- nothing more, and the members milled and murmured as the usual tension started to fill the air. Edwin sighed as he started to walk around the table though his body remained where he had stood, right where he had activated his Error. This will be another long 'meeting'...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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Early that day...
Alexandria played with her bright blue hair, picking small strands and forming loops of sorts with her index finger. Soon enough her playful demeanor changed into a distraught state, her hands which had been carelessly playing with her hair now began puling in frustration. She began walking back and forth as she did when she felt anxious and unnerved; it was a good thing that nobody ever came to NORA, other than the gang that is, or else they would have thought something was seriously wrong with her. Alex wasn't to blame though; being an informant had its perks, of course, needless to say it was never easy to know the exact number of casualties of other hiatus under the core's hand... especially because for the moment there was nothing that could be done to stop it. Even though she knew very well that it was useless to dwell upon things that she did not have control over, she could not help to lament on their current situation.

Upon looking at the old clock hanging in the wall, one of the many recent additions to the shop which she had brought from her family's antiques shop, she shook her head encouraging herself to regain composure in case any member of the gang showed up, most of the gang knew only of her calm and self composed demeanor which meant that if they saw her preoccupied she could cause panic. It would be a lie to say that it hadn't taken her minutes for her to go back to her calm self and her morning routine began. Alex had arranged a meeting before their usual time, as usual she'd allow everyone to have as much freedom as possible not minding what everyone did outside the gang or perhaps trusting that they'd behave, still she was always watching out for her gang even when they were unaware of it. The truth was that Alex considered her gang not as a group, organization or anything of the sort, Candy Crush was her family and that much was true.

It did not take a genius to connect the dots and realize that there was something going on and it would obviously result in bloodshed something every inhabitant of Mininum had probably gotten used to by now. Alex began cleaning the shop and as soon as the shop was almost spotless she sat down on one of the leather seats on the round table. Just as she sat down she heard the bell carefully position on top of the entrance door announcing every member's arrival, one by one every member of the gang entered the shop and Alexandria simply nodded and smiled at every single one of the members waiting for them to join her at the rustic looking round table.

It had already been discussed that they would be meeting with all the other gangs, even so Alex reminded them of the meeting and asked them to be friendly with the others as they all had held the same goal. Alexandria spoke with outmost clarity and finally informed the gang of the attack the night before, just before the meeting was adjourned Alex spoke with Amira, Michael and Aki privately, confiding in them once more and asking them to be extremely careful to see if there were any Core or strange behavior in any member who could be a spy.

Finally, not taking a minute longer in their meeting every Candy Crush member headed out to the other meeting being the third gang to arrive. Everyone in the gang took their positions in their rightful place the Southern side, Alex sat down quietly and said nothing simply looking at her childhood friends carefully having mixed feelings about what had happened years before. Alexandria refused to believe that Ryota had betrayed them even when there was evidence that said otherwise and could not help but wonder why Nem had distanced himself from her. She shook her head for focusing in the past and not in present matters and she mentally scolded herself.

Katerina was the first to speak "Commence the Mad Tea Party," she said playfully and mischievously as ever. Alex let out a small smile to her old friend and began speaking, "I'd like to begin by saying that I am glad to see everyone," she let out another small smile offering it to everyone now, without beating around the bush Alexandria began speaking again. "Being that said, she said taking a pause trying to find the right words knowing that even though they had gotten used to taking casualties it was never easy, "you should all know that there has been another attack..." Allowing the news to sunk in she continued, "the Core attacked a large group of hiatus, from what I could tell there were no survivors." Alexandria paused one last time more allowing others to speak as they saw fit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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0.00 INK


As he always did, Liam woke with the sun. Wearily, Liam rose from his bed and made his way to the bathroom. Liam rubbed his eyes and stretched as he looked at himself in the mirror. Scars covered his body, and what little was unharmed was covered in tattoos. Liam smirked at himself. What would his parents think? More somberly, what would Madoka think? It had been years since Liam had seen her, almost two whole years. He couldn't though. Liam loved her too much to... to tell her what he had done. It was his fault. Everything was his fault. If he hadn't been so weak, he could have saved them. "Stop it." Liam told himself, his golden eyes staring back at him from the mirror. "You did the best you could. It's not your fault. It's theirs..." The Core had ended Markys's life. Liam had done his best to defend it, but even he wasn't strong enough to save him from them. He still wasn't strong enough. He would be though, one day. One day, Liam would watch the Island burn. Every Core, every building, and every broken promise. Until then, he had work to do. Liam quickly showered, dressing himself in his cloak and usual garb. He did, however, opt to wear more comfortable black leather boots. In case, the situation called for it. Liam needed to be prepared to move quickly. After he had eaten a small breakfast, Liam quickly wrapped Lunatic in white bandages, and stored his weapon within its case. At that, Liam slung the guitar case over his shoulders, locked his apartment behind him, and made his way to Wonderland.

It was certainly a forlorn place. Left freestanding on the south side of Minimum, the Wonderland was a simple, white building. Most of its windows were smashed, and the sides were all painted with symbols of the Landers. Some were rather clever, others were just moronically phallic. Usually, most people avoided this building like the plague, but not Liam. He walked, rather calmly, through the front doors and into the shadowy, colorful depths of the Wonderland. This was, usually, considered a death sentence to any other Hiatus, save for the Landers. They weren't the most powerful gang in Minimum, that honor fell to the Sonics. They weren't the smartest either, that was the Candy Crush. They weren't even the wildest or most destructive, that was Air Gear. So why? Why, then, would people much rather visit any other gang building in all of Minimum than the Wonderland? The answer was simple: the Landers, apart from the Core itself, were the most feared group of people in all of Minimum. Their Leader, the Chesire Cat, was the cruelest, meanest, most terrifying woman in the whole city. Her Error was really just to reinforce that fact, she didn't need it to send shivers down your spine. Her commands were reason to demolish entire city blocks, her whims started wars, and she was Liam's leader. Liam waved to the Landers he was friends with as he made his way up the stairs and down the corridors that lead him to the scariest room in all of Wonderland: Cat's room. Liam was her personal bodyguard. This wasn't because he was the most powerful Hiatus in the Wonderland, nor was he the fastest, or the smartest. Instead, Liam was far more vauable. He was the most experienced. He'd been there the longest, barring Kaleb. He was, however, without a doubt, the most loyal Hiatus in all of Wonderland, and possibly, in all of Minimum. Liam took his place beside the door, never daring to peek inside, for fear of what might happen to him if he did. Liam may have been a scarred veteran, with years of experience, but he wasn't looking to die anytime soon either.

They day began rather simply. As it became closer and closer to Tea time, starting roughly around ten o'clock, the Landers became more and more... rowdy. Their revelries became louder, wilder, and more destructive as it approached noon, until the noise managed to worm its way up to where Liam now stood, at Cat's door. Liam had warned them. He told them that making so much noise while the Mistress was still sleeping was a bad idea. Even worse, to be starting the Tea Party so early, and without the Mistress? It was a dangerous game to play. However, the newer recruits ignored him, and he refused to repeat himself. It was their mistake really. If they should turn to gibbering buffoons, locked in their own heads with fear, then it was no concern of his. In fact, Liam almost hoped it might happen. Not only would it create a stronger sense of discipline within the Wonderlander ranks, but it wouldn't be anywhere near as annoying to have to deal with every morning. After issuing his warning, Liam stood patiently against the wall, awaiting the obvious consequence of his peers' actions.

Finally, the disturbance was too great. The Cat had awoken. "Fools!" Cat exclaimed as she stepped out of her room, two strands of her hair pulled into the usual braid as she made her way down the winding staircase of the tower, the morning sun already streaming through the windows that now lighted the abandoned tower up in a dim, muted light. As Liam followed behind her, he forced himself to suppress a smirk. Watching Cat become angry with someone who wasn't him was rather enjoyable. Such notions had to be hidden, however, lest he incur the Mistress's wrath. "Do I have to remind you of the time?" She yelled at them all furiously, silencing the revels instantly. Attempting to assuage his leader's anger, Liam spoke. "Of course not Mi'lady. It's not even noon yet, Wonderland knew that already. I tried to warn them that you wouldn't be pleased, especially when they started the Tea Party without you. I suppose they simply couldn't wait any longer." At that moment, Liam couldn't help but smile softly at his Mistress, the Chesire Cat. Never, in his wildest fantasies, would he have imagined the Queen of Hearts to be this physically unimposing. His Mistress was a powerful, terrifying woman, that much was certain. However, there was something to be said about the way she threw tantrums like a little girl. To be entirely fair, she was much younger than him. Liam forced himself to suppress a chuckle. She was even rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

Cat placed her hand on her forehead. Groaning, she turned to Liam. "Don't give me that look." She gave Liam a glare before turning her strides. Despite the glare, it did not hold any distaste, but simply a look of annoyance that usually came with her morning tantrums. As she addressed him, her words cloaked with venom, Liam had to suppress another chuckle, he couldn't stop himself from smiling. It was just her way. He knew she wasn't actually angry with him, but he didn't dare say otherwise. The she really would be angry with him. Liam shuddered at the thought. Instead, without saying a word, Liam adjusted the guitar case on his back, then drew a pinched line across his mouth, zipping it shut. Her thoughts now aimed for the small locked door on the left side of the room. Cat's every step was accompanied by the heavy dress swaying at her feet, the train of which dragged along the ground. The room that opened from the small lock in her hand appeared sinister, but its contents were anything but such. With a few moment's hesitation, she placed her hand on the large can before her, handing it to Liam as a small smile lingered on her lips.

As the revelry descended into it's usual madness, Liam made occasional glances at the clock. It was high noon, almost three o'clock. It was nearly time. As the clock struck two thirty, Liam took a single step forward, and leaned over, placing his head over Cat's shoulder. He was still a good distance away, so as not to earn a slap from his mistress, but close enough that their conversation would remain private. "Mi'lady, it is now half past three o'clock, precisely. We should be going now, or else we will be late for the arranged meeting at the Truce Zone." Liam said simply, just low enough that she would be the only one to hear him. Once he had finished, Liam took a step back, at his usual spot behind his mistress.

At Liam's words, a hint of confusion flashed across Cat's eyes before realization dawned. It wasn't surprising that her eyes immediately blazed with anger at the sudden reminder of the event that was doomed to take place for the day. Liam was smart to take a step back, for her arm immediately flew up, missing his head by inches as she pulled herself up from the chair. Her palms slammed onto the table, and their sudden motion, along with the noise, silenced the room. For a few, long seconds, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of Cat's breathing; angered, ragged. It took Cat a moment before she calmed herself, but her eyes still retained that cold glare she had held ever since the Tea Party started. "Kuni!" She yelled, demanding the presence of her lieutenant. The silence lingered in the room as Cat remained motionless for a few seconds, her hands scrunching up the table clothes with frustration and annoyance that she did not bother to hide. "Liam." Her eyes flickered toward the loyal member, the anger in her eyes still blazed despite the cheery atmosphere the room was soaked in but a second ago. "You're with me. Let's go." Typical Cat, her voice not even allowing a hint of question to her demand. When she directed her attention back to him, Liam merely nodded, silent, stoic, and compliant. It only made sense. The Savage Nymph would have followed the Chesire Cat's bobbing tail until it no longer possessed the strength to fly. Even then, it would have walked, crawled, and dragged itself across the ground to ensure her safety.

As the gang marched to the Truce Zone, Liam felt Cat's eyes flicker upwards at the members that followed her. A silent warning for Liam. Any misconduct or weakness, any at all, would be punishable by immediate death. While she fully trusted in his abilities, the other members that were gathering here today could crush them all, easily, if they put their mind to it. Liam merely nodded, continuing to walk silently behind his Mistress. Every so often he reached up to adjust his guitar case, so it would sit more comfortably upon his back. He adjusted the zipper at the top of the bag as he walked. The resulting opening was just wide enough to stuff his fist into at a moment's notice, should things go poorly, though, hopefully, they wouldn't. Unfortunately, Liam had no more time to mentally prepare himself for the meeting. They had arrived.

As Liam walked down to the main floor, his mind was racing. This was a meeting of all the biggest gangs in Minimum. The slightest provocation, and war would erupt, bathing the city in fire. As he walked alongside Kaleb, behind Cat, Liam begrudgingly admitted, the person to make that happen was, most likely, going to be Cat. Her hatred of Ryota was well-known by every single Hiatus in all of Minimum. She opposed him at every turn, defied him, fought him, and hated him with every fiber of her being. Her eyes caught his as they gazed at the small group's destination. She was nervous, but simultaneously confident beyond all belief. She defied anyone to lie to her, to tell her no, to look at her wrong. She was, in Liam's eyes, the only person who would ever command his respect. She would be, from now until forever, the only one for whom Liam would ever kneel. Everyone else would have to kill him first. It was times like this that Liam remembered why he and... he and his partner, had chosen Cat. She was, in a word, fearless. She was proud, she was regal, and she was terrifying. Liam nodded as she caught his eyes. No other words were necessary. They both knew exactly what was going on. Thinking quietly to himself, Liam smiled. "Let the madness begin..." Liam only smirked, but in the back of his mind, he was worried. It wasn't something many people could feel, but Liam knew Cat the best. She was just barely holding back her anger. If she had truly allowed herself to rage, all the fodder class Hiatus in every gang would have fainted by now, their worst fears coming to life in their own heads. With Liam's voice, a faint smile rose on her lips accompanied by a chuckle that eased their tension slightly, something perhaps only Liam was able to achieve in such a situation. A mischievous look flashed in her eyes. "Commence the Mad Tea Party." She said simply. With that, her signature Cheshire Cat grin flashing wide for all to see. Her anger temporarily forgotten, or so it seemed, Liam relaxed, but only just. He didn't want to get too comfortable just yet. Preferring to stand, Liam took his place behind Cat. Sitting was a position of hesitation. He needed to be ready for anything.

At Cat's signal, Ryota's second in command and the lieutenant of the Sonics, released his error. His eyes glowed faintly, and his body was surrounded by a powerful pulse of bright blue light. It faded fast, but the gesture had not been lost on Liam. The meeting had truly started, and each of the four gangs were made to have one member each release their Error. Looking to Kuni, Liam waved his hand in a nonchalant manner and smiled, speaking just loudly enough that only Cat and Kaleb would hear him. "Please, do remain seated Kaleb. You and Cat are the aces, after all. It would be best to keep such cards hidden until the appropriate time, no?" Reaching behind his back, Liam produced Lunatic from its case, slamming the business end onto the ground beneath him. The resulting crash silenced his gang mates. The Landers, arguably the loudest present, weren't being obedient or compliant. They were scared. As Liam's error activated, his eyes flashed a dangerous shade of gold, and Fox-Fire licked up the length of Liam's blade, consuming the bandages that were wrapped around Lunatic within seconds. The fire's cool temperature chilled the south half of the room to a mere twenty degrees Fahrenheit in seconds. As the bandages fell away, the fire quenched itself, there was nothing left to burn. Once the fire had gone, the room's temperature returned to normal. Liam's Error was still active, and he was ready to use his powers at a moment's notice, but the only way to tell was in his eyes. They shone with a dim light, like the reflection from an animal's eyes in the dark. With the proper etiquette observed, the meeting began. Liam's face showed no emotion, but he listened intently to all that was said, and committed it to memory.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Renmiri

With a tired sigh and half-hearted wave backwards, Nia trudged her way out of Stardust -- her place of work, of all things -- and into the unforgiving bowels of Minimum. It had been in the morning hours when she had left home (a time under the lasting ends of night sky), but it was most definitely late afternoon now; the streets were filling, growing busy with joy in those released from the clutches of education. They were kids, most of them-- young, rowdy in the way that Hiatus and Errors could never afford to be, 'kind of like how Castor and Alya used to be, aren't they? And probably just as (affectionately) stupidly idealistic.' She seemed to remember them more, lately; but she had always been haunted by the nostalgia, so nothing goes to say. 'Just melancholy at its' finest, unfortunately.' It was probably fortunate that Nia had lost the pain that used to come with the memories, somewhere over the years. Not that any would help her now, or that blaming herself ever would have.

There wasn't much to shake herself out of, but -- upon finishing her (now) lukewarm coffee and boarding the 2:23PM train -- Nia turned to the talk of most Hiatus that day: the Big Fours' meeting down at the Truce Zone. It wasn't difficult to guess the outcome with or without experience, shit was most definitely going to hit the fan that night. She couldn't think of a time when the Landers and Sonics didn't end up butting heads literally every time they saw each other, and god forbid that this be the appropriate place to start. Even Nia stayed the fuck away from the Cheshire Cat (but not necessarily her chronies) whenever she could. 'That right there? A mess that I'm not touching with a ten foot pole, no matter how fucking annoying her opposition might be.'

Whatever it was between Ryota and the Ainsley Cat, she never wanted to know.

It was twenty minutes to three when Nia stepped onto East Minimum ground, a minuscule amount more relaxed buried under the sound made by a crowd. She shifted the conspicuous staff-shaped bag across her shoulders and made for home, already mildly antsy for the meeting to come. As unafraid of her own safety as she was, this kid was, as she put it, 'entirely unappreciative of throwing every other Sonic into a pit of vipers'. As much as she didn't care about people that much, Nia would rather not lose her gang mates (or have them in a vegetative state, like a certain someone).

But, in any case, Error life never granted anyone a choice. And, as she stepped onto the beach -- home to Sonic Boom --, she resolved to ignore the threat of imminent death once more. A soldier never discourages himself outside the field or purposely debilitates himself in battle, or something like that. She supposed it didn't really matter, and promptly crashed in her room until four-thirty (Edwin's call); in which case she got up, groggily made coffee in the machine, (if time permitted, showered), and left accordingly with the rest of the best (so to speak).

Standing behind Ryota and to the left of Edwin, Nia remained still; almost relaxed as she waited, eyes darting from one gang to another. As much as it wouldn't make too much sense for things to really break out (that would prompt Core, not to mention a massacre in and of itself), she was evidently on edge-- the tension in the room seemed to run that way. At least it seemed as if it there would be more than Edwin and Nia running interference between the Sonic and Lander powerhouses, 'Liam, for one, and any other gang that doesn't want a riot or destruction on their hands. Logically, anyway.'

"Commence the Mad Tea Party."

Nia showed little to no reaction to both Edwin and Liam's subsequent Error activations (although, to the latter-- 'Show off.'), but grew more alert; almost itching for the double-ended spear in the case on her back. There was little left to do, by then, other than to listen semi-attentively at the Azura's words; nothing particularly surprising, considering the nature of the Error-Core relationship. She supposed that the best (or more) was yet to come, something big enough to warrant the need for a large-scale meeting; and thus did nothing but silently pay attention until there was a call to action.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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0.00 INK


She had been having a good dream, something about her two favorite people and finding a dog on the beach when a banging noise rudely interrupted Madoka's snooze fest. The maned girl slowly opened up her eyes, trying to smooth down her wild purple hair with one hand and rubbing the drool from the side of her face with the other. "What time is it?" Madoka asked no one groggily and turned her head looked at the small cracked clock displaying the time on the bedside table. "Shoot! I'm going to be late!" Madoka rolled out of the bed, tangled in the covers and did her best to push the blankets aside, she hopped over to the closet as she pulled on a pair of socks and flung the door open.

Madoka grabbed the first thing within reach, which just so happened to be her school uniform. She had skipped school today in order to attend the meeting, not wanting to be left out. She shoved her head and arms through the top then pulled on the skirt and zipped it up, figuring she might as well put on the shoes as well. There was only half a day of school today and the rest was really prep for a festival so it's not like she was missing anything important.

The last thing Miiko grabbed before stepping out of the room was her bow and quiver, the choker that activated her Error was always around Madoka's neck. The choker had been a gift from her brother, Markys, before he died. She almost never took it off, not even in the shower.

Miiko took the steps two at a time, ready for action. She was so excited, this was going to be her first time into the neutral zone! Maybe she would be able to gauge other Hiatus's Error's. As soon as she stepped out of the building and onto the beach, sand began to fill her shoes; Madoka closed the door and began to make her way to the meeting point.

Sometime later...

Madoka's neck craned in awe at the marvelous neutral zone. A beautiful old building that looked as though it carried more secrets then even Core knew. She shouldered her quiver, arrows knocking together in a harmony that only Miiko could find beautiful. Archery had always been her favorite thing, she could string a bow faster than most could sheath a sword and her aim was not too shabby either. Madoka plucked the string gently, the vibrations sending tickles down her arm; it was hard not to giggle with glee.

Someone said something and the room went quiet, Madoka knew she was supposed to stand back with Lucy, but something made her want to step forward and be a part of the tension. Miiko pulled her gaze from the beautiful stylized ceiling and allowed it to crawl forward towards the people on the other side of the room, stopping on a blue head of hair. Her breath caught in her throat; she had been looking for him for two years and there he was, standing next to a lady in a red ballgown.

His appearance had changed a lot, the scars, the piercing, the change in eye and hair color, but there was no doubt in Madoka's mind that it was most definitely him. "Liam," it was hardly above a whisper and yet Madoka winced at the sound. The name brought back memories both good and bad, the park, archery tournaments, school, holidays, Markys.

The last few years were the most painful of all, did Liam even know what happened to his best friend? She didn't want to tell him, she didn't want to see the pain on his face when she told him that Markys was dead; assuming he didn't already know.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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0.00 INK


Humans were such idiotic creatures. They were greedy. They were selfish. They killed each other for money and they limited themselves in this tiny, tiny world called Utopia. Michael hid a chuckle of amusement as he continued to work, dragging his feet through the boring routine of a bank accountant. No one knew what he was. No one thought he was dangerous. No one believed he could kill them without batting an eyelash either. New flash, people... No one planned a murder aloud, either. He flashed a charming smile to one of his female customers, earning a giggle and a big flush from the woman. She was not that good looking unfortunately. Not that good for him. He typed the information, glancing at a file next to his working desk with a small smirk. He had all the information about the deaths of some certain people. And he was very amused right now. Michael flipped through the file, fixing his tie absently. Small fries, really. Unimportant. But this was a move from Core. Provoking them, perhaps? Making the groups become angry and make mistakes? He wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. Checking the clock, Michael noticed that his working hours were over and he stood up, putting his files in his suitcase.

He walked out of the office, waving his hand toward his co-workers, half of them he had bedded. He shook his head. Pathetic fools. Charmed by his smile and attitude. He looked down on those people. Yes, he liked having sex. But he also felt that they gave in too easily. Pathetic fools. Michael looked up at the night sky and smiled almost wistfully. Oh how he wished he could be as free as those beautiful starlights. He felt so restricted. By these laws, by these mortals and by these goddamn world in general, being caged behind those tall walls and never got to fly. He placed his hands inside his pocket, idly walking back to his place, an old but still very neat and comfortable house. The only place that held good memories. Michael stood outside the door, hesitated for the briefest second before he walked in, wearing a gentle smile on his face. He went to greet his sister, planting a small kiss on her forehead as she giggled mindlessly. "Hello, little sister, did you have fun today?" He asked, smiling sadly as he took a seat in front of the beautiful girl. The girl giggled and nodded enthusiastically. "Uh huh! I had fun! I talked to Mister Rabbit and had tea party and then I got a beautiful dress and then I got cut by the knife and it hurt but then I smiled and I saw Mama and Papa and then-"

"Easy there, little sis, you don't have to talk so fast. Deep breath." Michael instructed, wiping the crumbs of the leftover breakfast on her white dress and carefully bandaged the new wound of the girl's ankle. 20 years old and she still acted like a small child. He gently gave her a bath, showing no sign of reaction even though Lily had a very curvy body for a woman and he was a rather physical man. He took his time, dressing his sister up, checking over every single bruises and scratches before feeding her spoon by spoon. "Brother has to go to work now." He said after he finished her bed time story, petting her head gently as he sat next to Lily, his hand gently held his sister's. "B-But... Can't you stay?... I'm lonely... And you always work..." Lily said pleadingly, looking at Michael with big brown eyes. Michael felt his heart clench. "I'm sorry, Lily... I will spend as much time with you as possible. But... I have work to do. I need to put food on this table, too, hmm?" He soothed, kissing her forehead. "It's just a meeting. I will be back soon, I promise. And I don't break my promises when it comes to you."

It still took awhile to convince Lily that he wouldn't leave her and by the time Michael left the house, it's already 7.00. He stuffed his hands in his pocket loosely, his gray button up shirt and jeans were neat and clean. He eyed the street, his sharp grey eyes took in everything behind thin frame. He was carrying a thick file with him. It didn't take long for him to arrive to the shop, listening to his leader with attentive eyes. He nodded, agreeing to the term. He was a polite man. Yes. And he surely could observe people's reaction. That was what he did half of the time. Observing. And then striking when people least expected. He followed Alex and chuckled lightly when he realized their group was the third one, taking his usually spot next to Amira, the second in command, flashing everyone a cold smirk. Well, well, well, today's meeting sure was an interesting one. He knew more than half of these people. Michael propped his hand up, listening to the greeting of one of his own friends, Cat, a smirk graced his lips as he pulled out a lollipop and placed it in his mouth, humming a soft tune. His eyes shifted when Alex - his 'future wife' spoke, her greeting much tamer and duller than Cat's. A snort left him though, when people started to activate their Errors. Such fools. Did the concept of 'keeping your powers' hidden escape those people? Perhaps so, it was rare to see people with brains nowadays. He flashed the people who he knew another smile, winking at his childhood friend Kuni and let his gaze linger on certain members longer than necessary.

At the words of his leader about the attack, Michael stepped forward. "Aye, I have the files of each member that has been assaulted. I have already copied the files and arranged them so that those belonged to your group will be on top and the others at the bottom. Please look over these files and make sure there's no mistake." He said coolly, passing over the files to his 'fiance' and the other leaders of the other groups, keeping a cool facade. He stood up straight and put his arms behind his back. "However, in the process of collecting information, I notice a strange thing." He said finally, taking out the last file that contained only a single person. Michael carefully placed it on the table in front of Alex. He tapped at the picture.

"Jackson Glenn, 25 years old, new member, alliance unclear, used to be in a motor gang, was a drug dealer and came from an abusive family. Died in the newest attack." He explained, showing the picture of a thin but angry young man. "I have evidence that suggests he was a double agent. However, at this state, there's only vague evidence, no clear conclusion just yet. It might fit the reason why the group was attacked in the first place. He might have passed the information to Core. With your permission, I'd like to continue to investigate his case, trying to find how much information has been leaked and how long this has happened as well as confirming his identity." He said, pushing the file so that it was in the center of the table for the other leaders to see. He was positive this one was a spy. And this was not the only one in the groups. His sharp eyes took in everything, making sure that he caught every person's reaction. Michael allowed a soft chuckle of amusement escaped his lips.

A person is smart. But people are stupid indeed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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0.00 INK


Location | East District | Hamatora

Time of Day | Afternoon {2:30 P.M.}

"Hey, Ryota! You aren't paying any attention!" Ryota jolted up by the sound of something screeching inside his ear. Falling off the stool, Ryota landed on the ground with a thud. Glanced upwards his faced an anger Ashley. Though she was pouting Ryota couldn't help giving her a happy-go-lucky chuckle. In frustration Ashley chopped Ryota on the head, "Don't laugh! You have been asleep for an hour! Stay awake."

Nodding happily Ryota gave a wave of his hand, as he once again seated himself on the stool. A second later, the door chimed. Ryota looked up to greet the customer with a warm smile, "Hey! Welcome to Hamatora!" The smile dyed down once he got a better look at the man. Ashely glanced over at Ryota with curiosity,"Hey Ryo. That man-"

Ryota glanced at Ashely causing her to shout up. She quietly left Ryota's side and went to tend to the new merchandise in the back. Once in the back Ryota stared at the man, "Your not here to buy anything, are you?" The man looked over at Ryota, who Ryota in turn gave him a skin cutting glare, followed by a smirk. Stepping down from the stool, Ryota called to Ashely, "I'm leaving the store Ashely. Lock up when your done." Without another word Ryota escaped the store, the man following a few feet behind.

Entering a bar, Ryota seated himself at a table, the man sitting at the same table. A waitress walked up to the two,"May I take your orders?" Looking at the menu Ryota nodded, "No thank you." The maid nodded and went on her way.

After a few more moments of silence the man spoke, "Aid." Ryota glanced at the man, "I'm in trouble, and I need your help." Ryota kept a smooth smile, but his eyes showed a different set of emotions. The man continued despite Ryota's silence, "Core-" Ryota stopped him right there, "Shouldn't you be asking a Lander for some help? Why me?"

The man looked around, as if he was waiting for something to happen,"Listen, I can't go to a Lander. And we're buddies right?" Buddies wasn't the right word. Ryota would just go gambling with him from time to time. "I'm sorry, but I wish not to get involved." Ryota walked out of the cafe leaving the man behind.

"Ryota...What do you think of Minimum?"

"What do I think?" Ryota tilted his head slightly sideways. He had never thought of it before. It had only been two months since their Father, Asato Saiga, finally accepted them into the family. Officially moving them out of their Step-Mother's home, and into the Saiga residence. They were now full-fledged Saigas.

Glancing over at his Brother, he was still able to see the scar which was inflicted on him not to long ago. It made Ryota's stomach turn inside out, whenever he stared at it for to long. It was a reminder that he was weak, that he couldn't protect anybody.

Mitsuki never complained about the pain, wishing that Ryota wouldn't worry so much about it. Just like everything else. Mitsuki always harbored the pain, his own and Ryota's portion as well. He never shouted a voice of complaint, nor did he ever get mad at Ryota. He always protected him, always.

"It's nice...I guess. I mean..."[/color] Ryota didn't know what else to say. He never thought a question could be so difficult to answer. Mitsuki never turned his gaze toward Ryota, instead he stared straight ahead. Looking out at the moving ocean. The smell of the sea over took Ryota's sense of smell, and he too couldn't take his eyes off of the beautiful ocean.

Minutes past before Ryota continued, "I don't hate it...but..." Ryota paused trying to find the right words,"Minimum seems...unnatural. Sort of fake. Like it shouldn't even be here. At some points I can't help but think Minimum is an-"

"Minimum is an Error." Ryota's eyes grew wide. He quickly turned to his brother, with absolute shock covering his face. Error was a word no one was allowed to use, unless referring to those "people" who held unnatural abilities. Father always hated the word, and forbid Ryota and Mitsuki from talking about them. So Ryota never expected his Older brother to ever say the word, especially calling Minimum an...Error.

Laughter resounded in Ryota's ear, and he looked up at Mitsuki's face. He was laughing at Ryota. No. He was laughing at himself. Mitsuki's expression didn't match up with his carefree laughter, it was cold and cruel. Something that caused Ryota to look back down, turning his gaze to the ocean view. an Error?

Location | East District | Beach House

Time of Day | Afternoon {4:30 P.M.}

That was the end. Ryota opened his eyes to see he was facing a cream colored ceiling. The sound of the ocean waves calmed his short breaths, easing his mind. When had he fallen asleep? Where was here? Looking around he remembered he had came back to his home, his Beach House.

Glancing at his clock the time flashed 4:30. Reluctantly Ryota lifted himself up and stared out the window in a blank stare. Laying his head against the windowsill, wishing to fall back to sleep. Back to those peaceful days.

His thoughts where interrupted by a sudden knock on his door. "Ryota?" Ryota let a soft smile show. He knew that voice anywhere. It could only belong to one person. With his smile growing larger, Ryota opened the door to find Edwin staring at him quietly,"You look so alert Ed, what's the special occasion?" Ryota asked confused. "The meeting." Ryota eyes went wide, as he rushed to get ready.

"Shoot! Okay. Okay. Stop starin' at me with those 'I thought you told me you were going to remember this time. We can't be late to this meeting.' eyes. It was a common mistake. It wasn't like I meant to forget. I-It was just that I didn't have the time to remember. It isn't like I was the only one-"

Right than Ryota heard his phone buzz. It was a text from Ashely and a few other members. Don't forget about the meeting. He didn't even read on.

" maybe I was the only one...ARGH!" Ryota throw his phone on the bed, and sighed. Today wasn't his day. First the flashback, than he forgot about the meeting. He still had to deliver some flowers to the Hospital. Picking up his cellphone Ryota made call, "Hey, Ashley. Before you head to the zone could you deliver the vase of flowers that is on the counter to the hospital. Just say its for room 369. Thanks."

Hanging up Ryota smiled happily at Edwin, "Okay, Eddy. Lets get goin'." Heading out he called up to Nia, "Come on Nia! We gotta go!" Once the two were beside him, they headed off to the truce zone.

Location | Between the East and North Districts | Truce Zone

Time of Day | Night {8:30 P.M.}

Walking into the truce zone, Ryota had his headphones turned up to max, so he couldn't hear anything but the music. Why? Because as soon as he stepped into the building he heard her voice. The Cheshire Cat. Her voice echoed in his head, and Ryota couldn't take it. So he put on his headphones, and sat in his seat. He was silent throughout the whole beginning of the meeting. Commence the Mad Tea Party. Yep that was Cat for you, she was still as loud as ever.

Turning his gaze to Michael, he could make out a few words through the music. It seemed there was a huge attack caused by Core. Looking at the documents, Ryota reached for them, reading over the following names.

One particular name caught his attention, Stephen Howard. His status was unknown. That was strange, didn't he just see Stephen a few hours ago?

Thinking back to earlier, he remembered that Stephen wished for some kind of help. Was it because of this? Ryota let his mind wonder, trying to get a good picture of Stephen's facial expression. He was sort of antsy when they were talking. Was what he needed help with that important?

Core- Was Core after him? Ryota was thinking when he heard a distant voice. Followed by a tap on his shoulder. Taking off his Headphones he listened to what was being said, ”You can bet that they’re lovin’ the in-fighting we’ve got going on. I know I am. But anyways, I see one of us is keeping silent. Why is that I wonder?” Focusing his eyes on Nemiel, Ryota was silent for a few minutes. He had a blank expression which was rare.

Catching eyes on him he quickly changed his expression to a natural smile, "Sorry, about that. I was just...collecting my thoughts." Pondering on his own thoughts, he searched for words to say, "Oh, yes. Michael, as always you have such detailed documents. That mind of yours is amazing." Ryota laughed a little at himself.

"But...something bothers me about this...Never mind, sorry for my rambling." Ryota flashed a smile at everyone, letting the documents fall back onto the table and pushing them away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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0.00 INK


Rachel Donzen woke up from her afternoon nap at 6:00 PM to get ready for the Gang Meeting at 8:30. She has 2 hours and 30 minutes to: take a shower, wash her hair and make sure it’s all nice and shiny (that always took about an hour, because she has so much hair), put her pretty pink bow in her hair, put on her little pink dress, get her big pink boots on, have a glass of strawberry milk, and is finally ready to head out the door of her apartment. Before heading out, however, Rachel stops to look at herself in the mirror. ”Well... Well… Don’t you look all cute today, Ray Ray. Of course, you have to look pretty on the outside. Inside, you are just a dirty worthless who… I better get going or I’ll miss the meeting… Not like it matters anyways… We never accomplish anything at these dreadful things.” After Rachel was done talking to herself in the mirror, she slapped her eyepatch on her face, stuck a piece of bubble gum in her mouth, grabbed her parasol, and left the building.

Rachel made it to the truce zone just in time to hear Nem’s instructions to the group. She had to run some ways to get here on time. She stood beside one the other Air Gear members, Phin. She seemed out of breath, breathing heavily. ”As we discussed, I want Miseria in the gallery with the rest of wor lot. Keep the peace if you can, we’ve never sparked anything and I don’t want that to start now. You two with me for the meeting. Karem, lad you can offer your error for the meeting as our sign of good faith.”, he told Rachel and the two other top members of Air Gear.

“O…K! Pick fights with everyone… cause chaos! Got it!” She looks up at Nem and gives him that big smile of hers, “Just kidding! I’ll be on my best behavior! Sir!” She gives Nem a little salute before following him to his seat and taking a seat right next to him.

Most people in the room seem tense, but not Rachel. Rachel leaned back in her chair, and put her feet up on the table. Her parasol is open and she holds it by the shaft above her head. And she is still chewing her bubble gum, blowing out a bubble every once in a while. She didn’t look anyone in the eyes, didn’t greet anyone. Even when the a few the other showed off their Error and the Cheshire Cat spoke "Commence the Mad Tea Party." to launch the meeting, Rachel didn’t do a thing. She lounges in her chair, seeming to not pay any attention. This must be her version of "being on her best behavior." She never has anything nice to say to the people at these meetings and could cause a fight.It's like they say after all, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Rachel doesn't normally follow this advise however. In fact, it probably just a matter of time before her craving to always be the center of attention kicks in; and the best way to gain attention is to cause trouble.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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Michael cocked his head and looked at everyone, his face betrayed absolutely nothing of what he was feeling or thinking right now. He eyed Ryota, nodding gently at the compliment but didn't speak anything. His calculating grey eyes took in the anger of Cat. He placed his hands loosely at his sides, not even moving to defend himself, waiting for the loud woman to finish speaking. Once she was done, Michael continued to wait, allowing the silence to stretch out as much as possible. Finally, when he deemed that everyone had had enough with the waiting, Michael calmly opened his mouth to speak. "Is that all?" He asked silently, eyeing Cat with the utter coldness of someone who wasn't afraid of deaths. "Shall we proceed? Or are we going to spend all this meeting explaining to you about my usage of words? If you have paid attention, I said 'evidence that suggests.' I did not accuse anyone of anything." He stated clearly, placing his hand on the table, unfazed by Cat's anger. She was the fool here, not him. She took in the information and got mad even without reasons. He was discussing with calmness. Thus, she was the one that acted like a hot-headed fool.

Michael pushed his glasses up and turned to the other leaders. "Now that we have had Miss Cheshire Cat's anger mixed in with the meeting... as usual. I shall continue with what I was saying before I got..." He looked down on Cat and turned to the other ones. "politely interrupted by miss Charming and Elegant over there." He took a few pictures from his pocket and placed them on the table. "According to my source, Glenn had been caught several times at suspicious places before he got killed." He explained clearly, pointing at the pictures. "As you can see, this is Glenn talking to a few characters that have been confirmed as the member of Core." He said, looking into Cat's eyes. "Please hold any questions or possible tantrums until the end of the meeting. Some of us do not have that much time and resolving problems in a relatively quiet place is easier than that of a noisy room caused by a hormonal teenager."

With that being said, Michael felt into his usual calculating silence again, his eyes darted to each leader's face, observing their reaction. He did not insult anyone though~ If Cat took that as a personal insult~ Well, it was clearly that she thought of herself that way~ Did Michael even say that 'hormonal teenager' was a female~? Nope. He looked into Kaleb's eyes, his piercing gaze spoke thousands of words but at the same time, he didn't say anything. He pushed his glasses up again, activating his power. He created a beautiful red rose, placing it right at Cat's direction. "A beautiful rose for a beautiful and elegant lady." He said, his voice was absolutely serious though he was mocking her on the insides. Katherine? Beautiful, perhaps. But elegant? An elephant was probably more elegant than that brat. He returned to the meeting. "Of course, there are several more evidence. But unless you all want to take a look at it. I shall keep it for myself in case it got destroyed by unwanted factors." He smirked and took a step backward with a small shift of his head. "My report is done for now." He stated, simply waiting for a response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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(Oopsie... I'm sorry)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Katerina "Cat" Ainsley
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With a blink of his eyes, the blue flash once again dashed across Edwin’s eyes and then disappeared once more, faster than any one could register. Edwin took note of the longing gaze Liam had sent towards the Sonic Boom gang stands, unease rising within his heart. Why would a Lander be close to a Sonic Boom member. But he shook the thought away. Walking up towards the table, Edwin placed his hands down on the table, feeling the tension in the air. “First of all, thank you, Liam, for the wonderful speech. I must commend you, Katerina, for recruiting such a strong spokesperson and member within your gang.” He nodded at Liam and Katerina in turn before taking a step back, his eyes sleeping the members that stood in the stands and down near the table. “Might I remind everyone sitting here,” Edwin turned his head, looking at all the leaders and members standing there, his eyes dwindling on Cat and Michael, “I usually do not speak unless forced to, I am sure everyone here knows this.” He raised his hand to cover a cough, his phone buzzing in his left hand. “However, I would rather not see the structure that we ourselves have drafted, the Landers and Candy Crushes included, fall to ruin due to insolence and infighting.” His cool, dark blue eyes roamed the table once more, his face emotionless. “Michael, you must understand that what you just said was a personal insult to Katerina, head of the Landers. She is, for a reason, the head of one of the strongest Error groups currently within Minimum. Our leaders sitting here,” He turned his eyes towards the five leaders, nodding in turn, “Are sitting here due to their heightened prowess and stronger capabilities. Please, I do not wish to create a fight. But, I cannot watch as a rift is created between two of our most honorable members within the Error gang system within Minimum.”

A small smile formed on his face as he turned to look at Michael, his stance filled with authority. “I do not wish to make this a confrontation.” His eyes flickered an electric blue, a tiger-like figure appearing on his side, “But as one of the guardians of this meeting! Edwin projected his voice, looking at the people who stood on the stands, “I demand that there be decorum, respect, and substance to this meeting- which, I am sure, Michael, you will be able to fill with your reports.” Edwin glanced at Ryota, his Error fading away as suddenly as it had appeared. “I have stepped out of my boundaries as a second-in-command. I apologize, Katerina, Ryota, Alexandria, Nemiel, however, as one of the suggestors of the creation of such a gathering between the four Error Gangs within Minimum, I felt as if I should see what I created to rise into fruition, rather than rot before it even does anything.” Taking a step back, Edwin bowed his head at the leaders as a signal that he had finished speaking. He had spoken too much, anyways- but every time these ‘meetings’ were held, there always was inevitably a bit of arguing between different members of different groups.

His eyes moved towards the stands, watching the Errors that gathered on the stands, watching the small gathering around the rather elaborate table. They are…uncommonly quiet today. It was common for group members to speak up if they wished- it was part of the agreement. If they felt as if something was not going how they wished, if they did not like how someone spoke, the Errors could speak and voice their opinions loudly. This, obviously, caused skirmishes to sometimes happen, but that was exactly he reason why the guardians were appointed in the first place. The four guardians were chosen from each gang, Errors of power and standing within the respective Errors- but, obviously, the Leaders could not participate. Not only were they stronger- much stronger- than even their second-in-commands, but their personal ties, as per to the thoughts of some, would hinder the evaluation of different problems that would come to the grand council. Edwin had been the one to motion for such a large meeting to happen, travelling around meeting every gang that resided within Minimum, discovering his unnatural talent in being both a salesman and a spokesperson. But I never thought that this would just enforce the rifts between our groups. His eyes flickered the blue flash once again reappearing in his eyes as he stepped into his Error once more.

“You dare summon me at will?” The tiger walked up to him, across the desk, it’s fangs bared and claws unsheathed. “I did not mean to- I had to interject-“ But Edwin’s Error didn’t listen, it flicked it’s tail, sparks flying in the air. “Do not believe, child,” the tiger said, scathingly, “That because I haven’t killed you yet means that you have much longer to live.” The tiger’s eyes flashed a bright blue, sparks flying off of its tail again as it swished back and forth. Taking a step back, Edwin backed away from the tiger, his expression cautious as he watched the tiger walk up towards him, regal and furious. “I am my own master, child. I will never listen to you-,” And then the tiger was gone. Edwin shivered, but refrained from collapsing, scared that it would trigger a random explosion. A shaky sigh escaped his lips as Edwin once again focused on the events in front of him. That Michael better focus on sharing information…He does not want to be the object of Katerina’s wrath… He had seen her rage before- once. It had been a Sonic Boom member, callous enough to challenge her power and leadership skills. The member had been a promising one- extremely strong Error- but, now, the member was stuck in the asylum still frothing and screaming of his worst nightmares.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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0.00 INK


Madoka was staring at him, watching his every move with the intensity of a cheetah that had just spotted dinner. He looked up, meeting her gaze for what must have been a fraction of a second before looking back down. Madoka's breath caught in her throat, her heart skipping an extra beat. She stepped away from the banister, the choker around her neck glowing. No, no, no! Madoka had to calm down, otherwise she would unintentionally activate her Sonic Scream and knock out everyone's hearing.

Madoka clapped her hands over her mouth and took in three deep, slow breaths. The glow in her white choker receded and Madoka sunk to the floor, the arrows in her bag clattering against each other as her bag nestled into the girl's side, the sound of her weapons hardly audible above the chatter coming from below. What should she do? Madoka knew she had to wait until the meeting was over, that much was obvious, but was there some sort of rule about interaction after one of these sessions? She knew there was a rivalry between Lander's and Sonic Boom's, but if they were in the neutral zone then could they talk? There was still so much Madoka needed to learn. Perhaps she could ask Edwin quickly if it would be alright to talk to Liam after the meeting? Or would they think she was some kind of double crossing spy if she went to talk to Ryota's enemy?

Madoka stood once more after her heart rate had gone back to its normal rhythm. She gripped the banister, watching the four groups interact once more and catching the last of Edwin's little speech. “Are sitting here due to their heightened prowess and stronger capabilities. Please, I do not wish to create a fight. But, I cannot watch as a rift is created between two of our most honorable members within the Error gang system within Minimum.” At least someone knew what they were doing; Edwin always seemed so cool and put together. It was almost as though nothing bothered him, or at least on the outside it appeared that way. Sometimes Madoka wondered if anything made that man tick and if there was something that did it, what was it? Unfortunately, Madoka was one of those people that liked to have a mental list of everyone's weaknesses in case something happened and she suddenly found herself needing to take them out.

Eventually she grew bored of listening and staring and so Madoka went to sit against the wall once more. At least against the wall she could doze off for a bit to catch up on that great dream she had been having before Edward woke her up to come to this meeting. Now that Madoka thought about, why had she been so excited to come in the first place? Maybe her gut had told her Liam might be here, or maybe she was hoping it would be a lot cooler than this? Then she remembered, Madoka had wanted to assess the abilities of the other Errors in Minimum.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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0.00 INK



Ryota kept quiet; for the first time he chose not to retaliate to Cat's comment, even though he was tempted to lash out at her. Keeping his cool, he allowed Laim and Edwin to clam the situation. He listened to every word replying them in his head. He gave a proud smile at Edwin. Ryota believes he is extremely blessed to have Edwin; who knows how much trouble he would be in if it wasn't for Edwin calming him down. He couldn't exclude the other gang members as well, they were always there when he needed them...something he could never do.

Glancing over at Edwin, Ryota noticed he was unnatural nervous. It was a difficult thing to cause Edwin to change expression, so Ryota could only guess it was his Error. Glancing over at Edwin, he waited for him to calm himself. Ryota whispered quietly, so that only Edwin could hear him, "Edwin you need to rest. I can handle the rest from here." Ryota gave Edwin a thankful smile, and waited for him to seat himself, before standing up himself and speaking.

"Well, we all seem to be in a dilemma. This news, rather real or fake is extremely troubling. But it can also be used to are advantage, can it not?" Ryota gave a sneaky grin at everyone seating themselves around the table. "I believe Liam and Edwin are both right. And thanks to Michael's information, don't you think we understand what Core is trying to play? Think about it. In Core's mind, we are all a bunch of mindless animals, who don't know anything. But we are going to change that."

Ryota went silent for a minute to make sure everyone was paying attention, even the members who were watching from up above, "We are going to fight back...but not in the way Core expects us to. We are going to fight fire with fire. In short we need to send in our own spy." Ryota could feel the tension in the room building, it was almost suffocating. He could see the doubt of the members up above, though the ones around him, held deep expressions. He took this chance to explain his case.

"Just hear me out. Of course it would be stupid to send a spy to Mitsuki personally. But what if he befriended someone close to Mitsuki? Someone like the new member of Core, Isana. Anyone can figure out how important he is to Mitsuki, but why?" He fell silent, allowing everyone to ponder on his question for a bit.

Ryota continued to speak, "Because whoever this Isana is, he knows something that Mitsuki doesn't want out! I mean have you ever seen the guards on that kid, it's ridiculous. I have seen him a few times, but never by himself. He is always protected by Mitsuki's creepy dolls. He isn't reachable; the way Mitsuki wishes it to stay. But we are going to shake up Mitsuki's plans. We need to force Core to react. Make them understand that Hitaus' are a force to be reckoned with. And the only way to make that happen is to attack them from the inside."

Ryota sat down as he registered the idea in his head, "Still there are set backs to this plan. For one it isn't like it will be easy for whoever tries to befriend Isana. Since whoever goes has to be extremely brave and loyal, for reasons everyone understands. As their life my be on the line, if found out. Lastly, they will have to be willing to suck up to Core. Become someone who they aren't. Just until they get enough information."

With a heavy sigh Ryota sat back in his seat, his previous serious expression could no longer be seen, as he quickly replaced it with a laid back smile. "Well, that is all I've got. What do you guys think?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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0.00 INK


Kaleb listened to the words of other closely. And when Cat exploded, he took her hand gently, giving her a smile. "Peace, please? Micheal does not mean harm..." He insisted, knowing Micheal very well as well as Cat. She was pissed, but he took it as his job to keep her slightly calm. He sent Micheal a small smile, hoping to get him not to piss Cat off much more. He did not need people turning on his friends.

He stood up, deciding to speak. He was rare, and people usually could not hear him very well because he was usually quiet. But Kaleb hoped that Liam or Cat could say it louder for him. First, he turned to Liam and gave a timid and shy smile. "You would be a better lieutenant any time." And then he turned to the group take a moment and a breath. "I... I kinda... Like Ryota-kun's idea... B-But... We-We would well... Maybe... Uh... have someone... Of higher rank... Be-Because... It could well... Ensure loyalty... And... If found out... They... Well would have a higher chance... Of surviving... C-Core is strong... But so are we... L-Liam was right..." Kaleb said, aware that his voice was varying in sound, "T-They are scared... Or... Well... Otherwise we would not be at war... And no spies would be needed."

Kaleb poked his fingers together nervously. [color=purple]"I... I know that... Well... No one wishes to give... Up a leader... But... I think that... The calmer the better... Because... Well... A calm head thinks better in rushes... And... I'll just be quiet now."[color] Kaleb felt stupid. He didn't even know if he contributed in the least to what was going on... He sat back down, hanging his head. His hands were shaking greatly. Why was he the lieutenant again? Oh yeah... His friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Nia Dione Character Portrait: Arian Vance
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Michael inclined his head, clapping his hands softly at Liam's mini-speech. "Very well said, my friend." He said calmly, smiling like nothing had just happened. Quite frankly, nothing had just happened at all. At least according to him. If a leader could not even keep their calm, they really shouldn't be a leader. Hot-headed fools were no leader material. He stepped backward, giving room for the other to speak, raising an eyebrow at Ryota's bold suggestion and then at Kaleb. Ah, what an interesting idea. What should he do now? Running a hand through his hair, Michael tapped his fingers on the table softly, appearing to be deep in thought. Should he even consider this? He could be dead if he wasn't careful. But... Death was just also another foolish limitation, correct? Why should at he fear death? What if there was a limitless world after it? People feared what they did not know or understand. Michael was pretty sure he had seen the dark side of the world. More so than that Madoka girl. Yes, she was not a member for nothing. But... She wasn't that evil. She didn't have the heart to do what people considered immoral in order to archive their goals. He could. He understood it more so than most.

Making up his mind, Michael looked up, meeting eyes with each leader respectfully before he opened his mouth to speak. "Kuni is correct. Miss Little Lion over there lacks what I can call... The will to do evil things." He said softly, not provoking anyone, merely stating a fact. "Miss Lion, could you look at each of us straight in the eyes and tell me that you could kill a person's lover or their parents in order to archive what we are hoping you could do? Could you wrap your fingers around their necks and squeeze the life out of them if they accidentally see you giving us a message? Could you watch the life dies in their eyes, knowing that you are the reason a person's life is lost? And their family grieving for what you did?" He asked calmly, placing his hand on the table.

"I am not famous. Nor am I any important. Yes, I do admit, my intelligence can be a bit higher than some people. But a lot of people are smart. And my future wife here is smarter than anyone I know. I believe if, by the sheer chance that I'm caught with no way out of it, I can commit suicide just fine without a hint of regret. I can kill without batting an eyelash and as Aid has said before, my information is organised neatly and straight to the point. I do not do things in a biased way. I write what I see and I write no lie. Perhaps it is best that I become the sacrifice pawn for the good of this chess game. I can still make friends with the newbie. He is mentally unstable after all. Much like my sister. I don't need anything in exchange for this. I merely want you all to promise me something if you let me go. Protect my sister. Take care of her." He said softly, running a hand through his hair slowly.

"And as much as I want to deny it, I hold some dirt on some members of Core. So I know it's not going to be a problem trying to find a position. I have a plan though..." He said softly, leaning closer so he could whisper out the words instead of speaking it aloud. "Instead of spying, why don't we do an assassinate mission? We all want him dead, correct? Or at least injured and helpless. I can infiltrate his rank and spy on you... But that's it. i can only do so much with my power. I'm that physically strong compared to some of you... So if I may be so bold as to suggest another person with me..." He said softly, his eyes shifted to each person before he stopped at Liam's place. "Liam... Would you like to do this with me? You are physically strong and is a very good soldier. You are famous, correct. But your nickname is the Savage Nymph for a reason, correct? You are not a Lieutenant either. We can easily arrange this so that it appears Liam and I betray you all and wish to search for a safe place in Core. Liam is strong. I can help him gain people's trust until the right time and he destroys Core from the inside while you all on the outside. It's going to be hard and risky, yes. But I am well informed and I can twist words for my own needs." He said softly, leaning closer.

"So? What do you think, leaders? It is at least worthy of your consideration, right? If you are too afraid you will lose a strong person, I will also stand out to be the sacrifice pawn. I just want Core dead. Mainly because I hate limitations. And they are the limitations I need to overcome in order to archive my freedom. So please, let me do this." He said, his voice returned to normal volume after speaking out the plan. He hoped they would at least approve. Why a spy when you could get an assassin?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryota Osaka Character Portrait: Edwin Adler Ashford Character Portrait: Willam "Liam" Hayes Character Portrait: Nemiel Kestyr Character Portrait: Katerina "Cat" Ainsley Character Portrait: Aki Hiko
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"Kuni is correct. Miss Little Lion over there lacks what I can call... The will to do evil things." Madoka had stopped paying attention up until that point. She frowned, normally Madoka was pleased by the fact she looked so innocent, but this man was insulting her. "Miss Lion, could you look at each of us straight in the eyes and tell me that you could kill a person's lover or their parents in order to archive what we are hoping you could do? Could you wrap your fingers around their necks and squeeze the life out of them if they accidentally see you giving us a message? Could you watch the life dies in their eyes, knowing that you are the reason a person's life is lost? And their family grieving for what you did?" Despite what this man thought of her, what opinion he had formed base on her looks, Madoka could, in fact kill someone. She had done it before and most certainly would do it again if it meant getting back at those people who killed her brother.


It was an octave above a whisper and by the time she realized she should have said it louder they had already moved on. Why was he suggesting that she would be the one to do it anyways? Even though Madoka was suitable for the job for she was in the same year as Isana in school and even had a few classes with him. Rachel Donzen suddenly got up and rolled around on the table towards the leader of Candy Crush and Madoka was sure that her expression and thought matched everyone else's in the room.

What the hell?

She shook her head and watched as the Cheshire Cat got up and stormed out, tossing her black hair over her shoulder in her typical I am better than you all manor. Honestly Madoka was kind of sick of that woman's bad attitude, but all the same she was a bit disheartened to see Kat go because that probably meant that Liam was going with her and Madoka had to talk to him. Some part of her wish that she didn't have to do this, but her brother had been best friends with Liam and he should know what had become of the boy.

"In the spirit of taking things one step at a time, the assassination of Core should place second to the large scale event that they are planning. The fact that we still know nothing about it is alarming-- and reason enough why the leader of Candy Crush should remain here." Pity, Madoka would have rather liked to get rid of that man. "When has Minimum ever been kind? At the very least, a living spy would tell us what we need to know to protect ourselves. Better to bet on our collective self-preservation than on what seems to be a suicide mission." Madoka rocked back and forth on her heels, wondering if she should volunteer. She had no one left, unlike some of these Hiatus who had family that they needed to protect.