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Ayumu Hamasaki

0 · 565 views · located in Minimum

a character in “Error”, as played by RolePlayGateway




❝I don't feel pain, I make others feel it❞

Normal ||Pain | Three Days Grace
Fighting ||I Will Not Bow | Breaking Benjamin
Emotional | Death ||Kiss it Better | He Is We
Anger | Out of Control ||Animal I Have Become | Three Days Grace

❝Pain's one of the few things that lets you know you're alive❞

Image∞ Full name ∞ "The one and only"
Ayumu Hamasaki

*∞ Nickname ∞
Ay, Ayu

∞ Alias ∞ "Means pain, you like?"

∞ Race ∞

∞ Age ∞

∞ Gender ∞ "I could show you if you don't believe me"

*∞ Sexuality ∞ "I'm all for the ladies"

∞ Role ∞
Core Member

∞ Years ∞

∞ Group ∞

∞ Item ∞ "Simple enough"
Wrist bandage

*∞ Occupation ∞ "The customer is rarely right, believe me"
Waiter. Part-time

∞ Face Claim ∞
Shizuo- Durarara

❝The status quo is there to protect people❞

Image∞ Side ∞ "Don't rock the boat if you don't wanna get hurt"
Accepts Minimum. It's the easiest way for everyone to exist.

*∞ Height & Weight ∞
5'9 and 136lbs

∞ Hair color ∞ "We blonds really do have more fun"

∞ Eye color ∞
[size=90] Brown

*∞ Distinguishable Facial Features ∞ "Nope, just plain old me"

∞ Birthmarks/Scars/Tattoos/Piercings ∞
Small lightning shaped scar on his right knee. XX tattoo on his right shoulder blade.

∞ Physical Description ∞ "Just look at me"
Ayumu is slightly taller then average and is just the slender side of average giving him a slightly lanky look. His hair doesn't really fall in any fixed style, falling all over the place, some hanging over his eyes and falls to around shoulder length. Ayumu tends to dress quite smartly, favouring a button down shirt and dress pants over more casual attire. He also wears blue tinted sunglasses a lot of the time and has been known to wear bowties.

❝Stick and stones may break your bones but you might just wish you'd never met me❞

*Image∞ Habits/Quirks ∞
✦Pulling on his cuffs
✦Ruffling his hair

∞ Likes ∞
β™₯ Soda
β™₯ Inflicting pain
β™₯ Dancing

∞ Dislikes ∞
βœ– People watching him dance
βœ– Rude customers
βœ– Heatwaves

∞ Talents ∞
βœ” Efficiency
βœ” Lying
βœ” Finding objects/ people

∞ Hobbies ∞
βœ” Dancing on his own
βœ” Reading
βœ” Inflicting pain on insects

∞ Fears ∞
✘ Clowns
✘ Death
✘ Wasps

∞ Flaws ∞
✘ Short tempered
✘ Too loyal to the system

∞ Secrets ∞
βŒ› He can dance
βŒ›Gets addicted to substances very easily

❝That which doesn't kill me had better start running❞

Image∞ Weapon ∞ "You ever been cracked with one of these?"
Baseball Bat. Just in case

∞ Error ∞ "I did warn you"
Pain Manipulation. Ayumu can make people believe they are experiencing varying degrees of pain, from mild discomfort to blinding agony. In order to cause maximum pain, Ayumu needs to be in physical contact with the target.

∞ Personality ∞
Cold and efficient is how some people would describe Ayumu. He says logical. He isn't a huge fan of letting his emotions cloud his judgement though that's not to say he doesn't feel emotions. He does. Just at slightly odd times. Ayumu has little time for time wasters and has a short temper that often gets directed at such indecisive souls. He tends to keep a lid on his emotions most of the time though. He's more of a 'shoot first, questions later' and follows his orders without question and more than relishes getting his hands dirty.

❝You can have a headstart if you like❞

Image*∞ Romantic Interest ∞
There's no one yet

∞ Most Precious Person ∞ "Breathe wrongly in her direction and you'll wish you'd never been born"
His sister, Akiko

*∞ Family ∞
[size=90]Mother- Keiko Hamasaki
Father- Ichiru Hamasaki
Sister- Akiko Hamasaki
Sister- Yuki Hamasaki

∞ History ∞
Ayumu was the middle child of the Hamasaki family and apparently also Yuki's living doll. There are some wonderful photographs. Ayumu was never particularly close to either of his sisters growing up. Yuki babied him and Akiko idolised him far too much. Ayumu was a fairly withdrawn teen, partially a result of the pressure to do well at school and follow his father into Minimum, which he has, just not the way his family expected him to. Ayumu discovered his error by accident when he sprained his wrist at school. He had the wrist bandaged and when he came into contact with his friends, they would say he needed to watch his strength. Shortly after discovering his error, Yuki died in a car crash. While they hadn't been super close, Yuki was hugely important to Ayumu and her death prompted him to be more protective of Akiko. Ayumu used Yuki's death to get his dad to fast track him through Minimum where his error caught the right people's attention. Since discovering a Hiatus had been behind the wheel of the other car, Ayumu was more driven than ever to remove Hiatus' from this world in spite of the fact he would be counted as one if he were not a member of Core

*∞ Other ∞
[size=90]None, all good.

So begins...

Ayumu Hamasaki's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuki Saiga Character Portrait: Isana Character Portrait: Imogen Harrow Character Portrait: Ayumu Hamasaki Character Portrait: Yuuki Darkblood
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Location | West District | Core Headquarters

Time of Day | Afternoon {6:15 P.M.}

Mitsuki sat at his desk quietly listening to the rambling of his Father's "advisers", who were convincing, more like threatening, Mitsuki to explain the importance of adding a member to Core. Mitsuki held a beautiful smile on his face, his eyes were kind and gentle. But in reality he was ignoring every single word they spoke. Mitsuki wasn't interested in giving these old geezers an explanation of anything. Why would he anyway? It isn't like he is required to tell his plans.

"Mr. Mitsuki! Please at least give us a little glimpse into your thoughts! It would be for the good of you! We just wish to convince the other Advisers that you know what your doing." Mitsuki felt like he was going to throw up, looking at there fake smiles; listening to their false concern. Disgusting.

The wind blow through the cracked windows, as the sun shined down upon Mitsuki's private office. Mitsuki watched as the men whispered among themselves, most likely about him. Mitsuki could only laugh silently as he stared at each of their expressions; their emotions overflowing this very room. He could feel the fear and frustration that they harbored inside themselves. Not once did any of them look him straight in the eyes. They would play it off by looking in the other direction, playing with their hands and etc. Though there were some who gave him smiles, of course they were fake.

One of them were about to speak; someone knocked on the door. Surprising everyone, even Mitsuki. Mitsuki did recall the Advisers telling everyone not to enter the room, no matter what the circumstances were. The Advisers casted their eyes coldly on the worker who walked in. Mitsuki on the other hand had a pleasant smile on his face, seeming rather smug about this whole matter.

"Didn't I say not to enter! Why are you here?", the eldest Adviser spoke causing the worker to freeze in fear. But Mitsuki interrupted this process by raising his hand; beckoning her to him. She walked quietly, passing the Advisers' glaring eyes.

Glancing at the Worker, Mitsuki could see her entire being shaking from nervousness, her emotions overflowing: I knew I shouldn't have entered. The thoughts that associated with her emotions screamed out. "You have done nothing wrong. So why you are here?"

She smiled a little at Mitsuki with appreciation, though she was still trembling. Bending her head down, she was about to speak, but an Adviser spoke up before she could get a single word out, "Sir! You can't be serious! This matter can be held off, can't it?!" The Adviser glared at the worker, who in response shivered. Stumbling on her words, they became unclear and inaudible. The Adviser laughed, "Are you some kind of mute child? What is it! Tell him!"

The next moment the Adviser fell to the ground in complete agony. His screams echoed in the room, but no one helped him. No one was worried. They all knew what was wrong; understanding not to speak. Standing silently; each one faced Mitsuki with the utmost caution, not daring to stare him in the face. "Does anyone else wish to say something? No? Good. You may continue." The worker moved toward his ear, softly whispering to him. Right than Mitsuki's face went from carefree to emotionless in an instant. Nodding slowly, he shooed her away. At the signal she left without looking back.

The room was silent, the only noise were the cries of the Adviser; who soon fell into unconsciousness. Standing up from his desk, Mitsuki caused everyone to stop breathing. With a smile he stared at the Advisers, "I have to excuse myself. Something more important awaits my attention. Oh, yes. Take him with you." He spoke in a flat tone; disappearing with nothing more to say.

"Come here Children!", The woman's arms were outstretched; with a twisted smile on her face, "Come to Mommy."

The two little boys refused to move, both covered in bruises and bleeding. The youngest cries caused his eyelids to become puffy and swollen. The oldest smiled gently at his younger brother and hugged him tightly, calming the younger boy's constant shivers. They were both hiding quietly in the bushes, praying for something. Anything. The butlers and maids begged the woman to spare the children, for they didn't do anything.

She looked at them with the gentlest smile possible, "Where. Are. They." They all bowed their heads, not answering her. When no one answered, she lowered her smile, "Where are they, you worthless pieces of trash!"They all shrunk back in fear, only one was brave and foolish enough to point to the rose bush in the far left corner. She moved toward it, with eerie footsteps.

"I'm scared...I'm scared...Please...don't find us...Please." The youngest boy prayed quietly. The oldest covered the youngest boy's mouth gently, hushing his pleas. The footsteps got louder until it stopped, dead silence filled the whole garden. The oldest boy knew he had to escape, he gripped his brother's hand and scrambled out of the bushes, running as fast as he could with the younger child.

Catching the eldest by the wrist, the woman twisted it until he came screaming to the ground in agony. The little brother came crashing as well, but slightly farther away. A thick branch in hand, she started to hit the oldest boy with it. The servants stood there in silence; the spine tingling sound of a branch hitting against bone echoed throughout the garden. But not once did the boy scream, instead he laid there smiling at his brother who was beyond terrified. The oldest moved his mouth trying to say something, "Don't cry. Just close your eyes. It will be over soon."

"Why were you two born?! If you weren't born, he would love! I would be loved!" The boy didn't speak anymore; receiving the beating. He smiled happily, as the branch hit him constantly, his hazy gaze on the trembling child. No one came to the eldest rescue. The torment lasted for what felt like hours, yet was only one long minute. The woman got up; walked away, bloody stick in hand. Lying there, beaten, the eldest started to lose consciousness. Before he was fully out, he heard quiet sobs coming closer. Using all the strength he could muster, he reached for his brother, who had crawled toward him. Holding him in a tight embrace; he stroked his back softly. The youngest trembled, soon the boy's sobs grew louder until he could no longer suppress them. "Don't cry, Ryota. Everything is going to be fine. I swear. No matter what...I will make everything better." He smiled down happily at the child, blood slipping from his wounded head.

Location | Outside West District | Faculty Holding Cells

Time of Day | Night {7:00 P.M.}

"Sir...Sir. We have arrived." Slowly Mitsuki opened his eyes, staring at his surroundings outside the car window. The area was desolate and empty, the only thing there was an old factory. "Mr. Mitsuki, is something the matter? You appear unwell." Mitsuki showed the driver a kind smile, "You could say that...I just had a unpleasant dream." With those words Mitsuki exited the car and walked toward the door. His steps were graceful and held authority. The men guarding the entrance quickly stood straight.

The tallest guard bowed low toward Mitsuki, "I'm sorry Sir. But he is a stubborn one. He wishes for you to explain the situation." Mitsuki nodded. He was immediately taken into a white room; inside was a single bed and a man in handcuffs on the floor. Mitsuki was left alone with the man as the guard gave them some privacy. Mitsuki gave his brightest smile, "Stephen Howard?" The man looked up, and upon seeing Mitsuki he laughed, "Thank God! I thought I was a goner. Can you please explain to them that I'm an agent for you." Mitsuki looked around slowly, "Where is Jackson Glenn?"

The man clicked his tongue, "He didn't make it. When your team attacked, he foolishly stayed behind, instead of listening to you. But, I didn't! I obeyed your command to stay alive!" Mitsuki bent down on one knee so that he was at the same level as the man. Mitsuki could feel the man's emotions, relief covered him as he believed Mitsuki was going to save him...How foolish.

"Thank you for listening to me...but...I believe your friend, Jackson Glenn, was a smart one. You should have followed his example." Stephen's eyes grew wide. "What?" Mitsuki couldn't help but laugh at the man's confused face, "Stephen. Your blind faith is so saddening, to the point I actually feel sorry for you. Did you really believe I had any use for you, after you gave me what I wanted? Your friend didn't." Standing up Mitsuki opened the door, "Take him away."

Immediately two guards grasped Stephen by the arms, it only took the man a second to realize what was going on. His eyes burned with rage, "YOU LIED TO ME!" Mitsuki smiled at him kindly, "I did not lie. I used you. Yes. But I did not lie to you. What I said was that your abilities were outstanding, and that I needed your help. My words were not deceiving, it was your own mind that kept you from realizing the truth."

Mitsuki faced the door, "Your friend Jackson Glenn was a wise man, you should have died with him. Take Stephen Howard's to the Faculty." Walking out Mitsuki could hear Stephen's cursed filled words of anger. That clueless fool. He was just like everyone else in Minimum. Including me. We are all pitiful, helpless, clueless fools.

Location | West District | Core Headquarters

Time of Day | Night {8:20 P.M.}

Mitsuki was sitting at his desk reading over his documents, when he heard someone enter. Looking up he saw Isana peek his head inside; without a single word the boy sat in the corner.

"Isana." Looking at Mitsuki Isana gave him a happy smile. Mitsuki returned the same smile, but his eyes said something different, "You're still in trouble." Isana sighed as he completely faced Mitsuki ready to hear his punishment.

"First, since you went out on your own without my knowing, tomorrow you are forbidden from going anywhere, but school. Meaning you will be watched constantly by my dolls. Second, you are to stay after-school tomorrow; so you can make up for today. Meaning you aren't allowed to go on any assignments or go out and play with Ayumu, Yuuki, or Imogen. Understood."

Isana nodded sadly, pouting as he faced the window,"Yes Mitsuki." He said it in a quite whisper. Looking around he noticed he was the only one in the office. "Where is everyone?"

Mitsuki didn't look up,"Late." Mitsuki gave out a small laugh as he started signing the papers. Isana crept closer to Mitsuki; now right over his shoulder. He glanced at the documents he was signing,"Is there a newbie going to the Faculty? Stephen Howard? Who is that?"

"A pitiful fool." Mitsuki laid the papers aside and sat back, "Hush for a few minutes. You can continue speaking once the others arrive." He let his forehead hit the desk, the cooling wood soothing his mind.