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"I'm Isana...well that's what Mitsuki says I am."

0 · 1,072 views · located in Minimum

a character in “Error”, as played by Leej10100




❝I'm Isana.❞

Normal ||[url=link]Name of Theme Song | Artist Name[/url]
Fighting ||[url=link]Name of Theme Song | Artist Name[/url]
Emotional | Death ||[url=link]Name of Theme Song | Artist Name[/url]
Anger | Out of Control ||[url=link]Name of Theme Song | Artist Name[/url]

❝I am...❞

Image∞ Full name ∞ "Mitsuki gave it to me."

∞ Alias ∞ "Interesting."

∞ Race ∞ "Mitsuki says I'm different."

∞ Age ∞ "I'm not really sure."
Appears 16 | Real Age is way older

∞ Gender ∞ "I know this question."

∞ Sexuality ∞ "I'm not picky."

∞ Role ∞ "I don't believe I have one."

∞ Group ∞ "I'm with Mitsuki~"

∞ Item ∞ "It was the only thing I had with me."
A red box shaped ear piercing

∞ Face Claim ∞
Phantom Thief X | Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro

❝Is there something on my face? Oh! it's blood~❞

Image∞ Side ∞ "...It seems I joined something important."
Do to the fact Isana has completely lost all of his memories, he truly doesn't have a very good reason for hating or liking Minimum. Though since it was Mitsuki who had found him, he seems to lean toward whichever side Mitsuki desires.

∞ Hair color ∞ "It's okay."

∞ Eye color ∞ "I like the color."

∞ Birthmarks/Scars/Tattoos/Piercings ∞ "What's this number?"
Surprisingly, Isana harbors no scars on his person, despite his ability. His Core number is I, and is located on his left shoulder, right on his collarbone. Also has a red-box shaped ear piercing on his left ear.

∞ Physical Description ∞ "Am I that different?"
It would be an understatement to call Isana just another pretty face, since he is unmistakably beautiful. It isn't rare for Isana to be thought of as a female by others. He has short straight sliver hair, with two long strands of hair braided on each side of his head.

He has thin pink lips which always seem to be formed into a mysterious smile. His skin supports his frail body, being a light pale shade closely resembling snow, this is due to the fact he doesn't go out in the sun much, tending to walk in the shade. He is in a sense weaker than the other Cores, not because he can't fight, but because his body can only go so far before it breaks. When looking closely you are able to see that he lacks size only weighing 156lbs.

He has an average height, standing at about 5 foot 6 inches, that many people find attractive at first sight. His wardrobe consist of loose clothing, which have a tendency to slip of his shoulders revealing his Number. He is always seen barefoot, as he hates wearing shoes. Isana's most unnatural feature is his Cyan eyes, which hold a mysterious and foreboding feel to them. When in his other form his skin turns a dark orange and his once clear eyes glow ruby red with black swirls acting as pupils.

❝As you can see I'm limited, because of my lost memories.❞

∞ Habits/Quirks ∞
✦ Sleeps in closed or tight spaces
✦ Follows Mitsuki around wherever he goes
✦ Has absolutely zero memory of himself
✦ Stuffs dead bodies inside his red boxes

∞ Likes ∞
β™₯ Tight | Closed Spaces | High Places
β™₯ Mitsuki

∞ Dislikes ∞
βœ– His Memory loss
βœ– His Disease

∞ Talents ∞
βœ” Extremely High Tolerance for Pain | Superb Melee Combatant
βœ” Agile | Flexible

∞ Hobbies ∞
βœ” Following Mitsuki around
βœ” Stuffing dead bodies in his Red Boxes
βœ” Swimming

∞ Fears ∞
✘ His Lost Memory
✘ Being touched {To a certain degree}
✘ Being Left Alone

∞ Flaws ∞
✘ Childish | Needy
✘ Psychopathic | Demented

∞ Secrets ∞
βŒ› The reason why his boxes are red, is because they are all stained with blood.
βŒ› He likes closed and/or tight spaces, because that is when his disease affects him least.
βŒ› Seems to have a vast knowledge of Minimum and the Outside.
βŒ› His disease is a mental disease called Dementia, which can happen at anytime, causing Isana to go into huge frenzies.

❝Mitsuki taught me how to use my Error~ Isn't that great.❞

∞ Weapon ∞ "Isn't it cool!"
His Bones {Ex: Claw Bones}

∞ Error ∞ "My 'disease' starts to come out when I use it"
Bone Manipulation || Isana's Error allows him to manipulate his own skeletal structure as a means of combat. Specifically, Isana can manipulate his osteoblast and osteoclast cells, which are responsible for building or breaking down bone tissue. This ability gives him absolute control over the concentration of calcium within his bones, allowing him to control the density or malleability of them; making them stronger than tempered steel, and sharper than a freshly sharpened blade. However there are downsides to this ability, such as Isana has a different bodily structure than others, making it difficult to treat serious wounds. Another set back is that in this form his disease can take full effect, causing him to go into a crazed mental state, to the point if not stopped it wouldn't just kill his enemies, but himself has he is pushing his body past its breaking point. When in his diseased state his skin turns a dark orange shade, and his eyes become ruby red with black swirls acting as pupils.

∞ Personality ∞ "Wanna play with my red boxes~?"
Isana is a charismatic, evil idiot villain, with a child-like way of speaking and mannerisms. He is selfish, care-free and indifferent, not being bothered on the slightest by the hundreds of people he has killed for Mitsuki. He is a very reckless and unpredictable person, often changing from a calm state to a homicidal rage in a matter of seconds, due to his disease. Because of this, Mitsuki stands out for being the only one who can play the straight-man character without getting killed. Who Isana treats like an older brother, if not a mentor of some sort. Isana is unable (or perhaps unwilling) to comprehend the value of human life, as he considers humans as his playthings whom he can kill any time he wants, whether it is to stuff them in his red boxes, or to search through their insides. To him, the subject of murder is as casual as talking about the weather. One can say his mindset has greatly been influenced by the fact he is searching for his lost memories, and at the same time an identity.

❝What good is it to be alive, but know nothing about it?❞

Image∞ Romantic Interest ∞ "Seems complicated."

∞ Most Precious Person ∞ "He's the only person I can remember."

∞ Family ∞ "I only have Mitsuki and Core now."

∞ History ∞ "Why can't I remember?"
Isana's past is completely unknown, as he was found by Mitsuki at the edge of the wall, three months ago. Name, common knowledge of his person, and all memory had been lost, well most of it. It seems all that Isana could remember was a large amount of vast knowledge about Minimum and the Outside. Of course Mitsuki couldn't allow this information to be let loose, and the fact he had realized Isana had an Error. Mitsuki began to take care of Isana, like a younger brother. Naming him, Housing him, Giving him a through explanation of the basic principles of Minimum, Hiatuses, Humans, and Core so that Isana wouldn't make mistakes, and Calming him down when his disease kicks in. Isana know follows Mitsuki and the members of Core, in hopes he will some day retrieve his lost memories.

∞ Other ∞ "Anything else? Hmmm~ Let me see."

So begins...

Isana's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuki Saiga Character Portrait: Isana
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Location | West District | Top of a Skyscraper

Time of Day | Night {7:30 P.M.}

One. Two. Three. Four.

There were four of them. Isana didn't move, keeping perfectly still he allowed them to slowly surround him. He was currently on top of one of West District's many Skyscrapers, trying to see across the great wall. But to no avail, his vision was of no help. The outer field around the wall, prevented him from even getting a glimpse of the outside world. It wasn't like Isana wished to leave...well, not at the moment. He just wanted to know more about the outside; he could only ask Mitsuki so many times before he became too annoyed.

Sighing he glanced at the time; it was 7:30. Isana had skipped school today; deciding to wander around the West District. He knew that he was going to be in trouble for skipping school; could you blame? School was boring, it was to long and tedious. But Isana knew that was no excuse for Mitsuki, and he was sure to be scolded. It has been exactly three months since Mitsuki had found Isana outside the North District, and he has come no closer to figuring out his forgotten past.

Isana's thoughts were interrupted by his pursuers, "You're a Core?" Glancing over he was surrounded, on both his left and right each with two Hiatuses. "That can't be the newbie?" A smile came to Isana's lips, this wasn't the first time he has had trouble with Hiatuses. It seems Core adding a new member was a big deal. "Yea, that's him. But he doesn't look like much. I'm not even sure if he is a boy. He looks more like a girl." They all broke out into a laugh, but Isana didn't move, he just sat there glancing out, trying his best to see past the wall.

A silence surround them, followed by a gust of wind. Sighing, Isana stood up, catching the four off guard; they all stepped back. This was a waste of time. Fighting them would be worthless, as not even one was from any of the Big Four: Sonic Boom, Wonderland, Candy Crush, or Air Gear. But he was bored, so they could entertain him for the time being. Of course he wouldn't tell Mitsuki, since he would automatically be in trouble for being outside by himself in the first place.

Sweetly smiling at his attackers, Isana spread his arms outwards, letting the wind blow around him, "Come catch me." Without another word Isana fell from the Skyscraper his arms still outstretched as he fell to the ground. Looking upwards he saw that his four attackers were stumped, but it didn't take long for them to follow his lead and chase after him with full force.

Isana glided down to a nearby roof, barely landing on the edge, he caught himself. Using the edge as his support, he pushed himself upwards with his legs landing on the roof. Once securely on the rooftop, he could hear his pursers, causing him to break into a full on sprint. Once again, stepping on the edge of the roof, on the opposite side, he jumped to the next rooftop. He continued this pattern, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, occasionally he would glance behind him to check if the four were still following him.

A ringing went off, startling Isana. Checking his cellphone, he saw that he was being called, and the caller was Mitsuki. Taking a deep breath he opened his cellphone, "Mitsuki!" Isana's voice became childish, as he tried to cover up his actions. "What are you doing Isana?" Mitsuki's voice was calm and proper, the way it always was when he already knew the truth. "Your looking at the surveillance cameras, aren't you?" Isana could here laughter from the other side. "Isana...First off, I want you to finish up with whatever you're doing. Secondly, come to my office once your finished. That's all. You'll receive your punishment later." Without another word he ended the call. Sighing Isana put away his phone. Jumping off the roof, he landed in a alleyway. Going forward he stopped; trapped in a dead end Isana had nowhere to go as the four were behind him. They all were breathing heavily, their staggering breath could be seen flowing through the air, due to the cold weather.

"No more running you little b*itch!" Isana smiled at them. Tucking in the hair on his left side, Isana revealed his red-box ear piece. "Understood." Everything was over in a flash. Isana didn't even have to fully transform, as he stabbed one after the other with the bones which were sticking out from his knuckles. Blood dripped off the tips, as he glanced over at the last of the Hiatuses. He was obliviously scared, yet he still attacked. Without even moving Isana let the man approach him, once in front of him, Isana stabbed the man in his chest. Slowly the Hitaus slide off Isana's claws and onto the ground, in a pool of blood.

After calling for a crew to clear out the bodies, Isana hurried to Mitsuki's office. It was now 8:20. Isana knew he was very late and didn't want to even think about how much trouble he was going to be in. Without knocking on the door, Isana walked into Mitsuki's office. Smiling happily he came face to face with Mitsuki who was obviously waiting. Without even trying to attempt to explain himself, Isana seated himself in the corner, and awaited for farther instructions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuki Saiga Character Portrait: Isana Character Portrait: Imogen Harrow Character Portrait: Ayumu Hamasaki Character Portrait: Yuuki Darkblood
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Location | West District | Core Headquarters

Time of Day | Afternoon {6:15 P.M.}

Mitsuki sat at his desk quietly listening to the rambling of his Father's "advisers", who were convincing, more like threatening, Mitsuki to explain the importance of adding a member to Core. Mitsuki held a beautiful smile on his face, his eyes were kind and gentle. But in reality he was ignoring every single word they spoke. Mitsuki wasn't interested in giving these old geezers an explanation of anything. Why would he anyway? It isn't like he is required to tell his plans.

"Mr. Mitsuki! Please at least give us a little glimpse into your thoughts! It would be for the good of you! We just wish to convince the other Advisers that you know what your doing." Mitsuki felt like he was going to throw up, looking at there fake smiles; listening to their false concern. Disgusting.

The wind blow through the cracked windows, as the sun shined down upon Mitsuki's private office. Mitsuki watched as the men whispered among themselves, most likely about him. Mitsuki could only laugh silently as he stared at each of their expressions; their emotions overflowing this very room. He could feel the fear and frustration that they harbored inside themselves. Not once did any of them look him straight in the eyes. They would play it off by looking in the other direction, playing with their hands and etc. Though there were some who gave him smiles, of course they were fake.

One of them were about to speak; someone knocked on the door. Surprising everyone, even Mitsuki. Mitsuki did recall the Advisers telling everyone not to enter the room, no matter what the circumstances were. The Advisers casted their eyes coldly on the worker who walked in. Mitsuki on the other hand had a pleasant smile on his face, seeming rather smug about this whole matter.

"Didn't I say not to enter! Why are you here?", the eldest Adviser spoke causing the worker to freeze in fear. But Mitsuki interrupted this process by raising his hand; beckoning her to him. She walked quietly, passing the Advisers' glaring eyes.

Glancing at the Worker, Mitsuki could see her entire being shaking from nervousness, her emotions overflowing: I knew I shouldn't have entered. The thoughts that associated with her emotions screamed out. "You have done nothing wrong. So why you are here?"

She smiled a little at Mitsuki with appreciation, though she was still trembling. Bending her head down, she was about to speak, but an Adviser spoke up before she could get a single word out, "Sir! You can't be serious! This matter can be held off, can't it?!" The Adviser glared at the worker, who in response shivered. Stumbling on her words, they became unclear and inaudible. The Adviser laughed, "Are you some kind of mute child? What is it! Tell him!"

The next moment the Adviser fell to the ground in complete agony. His screams echoed in the room, but no one helped him. No one was worried. They all knew what was wrong; understanding not to speak. Standing silently; each one faced Mitsuki with the utmost caution, not daring to stare him in the face. "Does anyone else wish to say something? No? Good. You may continue." The worker moved toward his ear, softly whispering to him. Right than Mitsuki's face went from carefree to emotionless in an instant. Nodding slowly, he shooed her away. At the signal she left without looking back.

The room was silent, the only noise were the cries of the Adviser; who soon fell into unconsciousness. Standing up from his desk, Mitsuki caused everyone to stop breathing. With a smile he stared at the Advisers, "I have to excuse myself. Something more important awaits my attention. Oh, yes. Take him with you." He spoke in a flat tone; disappearing with nothing more to say.

"Come here Children!", The woman's arms were outstretched; with a twisted smile on her face, "Come to Mommy."

The two little boys refused to move, both covered in bruises and bleeding. The youngest cries caused his eyelids to become puffy and swollen. The oldest smiled gently at his younger brother and hugged him tightly, calming the younger boy's constant shivers. They were both hiding quietly in the bushes, praying for something. Anything. The butlers and maids begged the woman to spare the children, for they didn't do anything.

She looked at them with the gentlest smile possible, "Where. Are. They." They all bowed their heads, not answering her. When no one answered, she lowered her smile, "Where are they, you worthless pieces of trash!"They all shrunk back in fear, only one was brave and foolish enough to point to the rose bush in the far left corner. She moved toward it, with eerie footsteps.

"I'm scared...I'm scared...Please...don't find us...Please." The youngest boy prayed quietly. The oldest covered the youngest boy's mouth gently, hushing his pleas. The footsteps got louder until it stopped, dead silence filled the whole garden. The oldest boy knew he had to escape, he gripped his brother's hand and scrambled out of the bushes, running as fast as he could with the younger child.

Catching the eldest by the wrist, the woman twisted it until he came screaming to the ground in agony. The little brother came crashing as well, but slightly farther away. A thick branch in hand, she started to hit the oldest boy with it. The servants stood there in silence; the spine tingling sound of a branch hitting against bone echoed throughout the garden. But not once did the boy scream, instead he laid there smiling at his brother who was beyond terrified. The oldest moved his mouth trying to say something, "Don't cry. Just close your eyes. It will be over soon."

"Why were you two born?! If you weren't born, he would love! I would be loved!" The boy didn't speak anymore; receiving the beating. He smiled happily, as the branch hit him constantly, his hazy gaze on the trembling child. No one came to the eldest rescue. The torment lasted for what felt like hours, yet was only one long minute. The woman got up; walked away, bloody stick in hand. Lying there, beaten, the eldest started to lose consciousness. Before he was fully out, he heard quiet sobs coming closer. Using all the strength he could muster, he reached for his brother, who had crawled toward him. Holding him in a tight embrace; he stroked his back softly. The youngest trembled, soon the boy's sobs grew louder until he could no longer suppress them. "Don't cry, Ryota. Everything is going to be fine. I swear. No matter what...I will make everything better." He smiled down happily at the child, blood slipping from his wounded head.

Location | Outside West District | Faculty Holding Cells

Time of Day | Night {7:00 P.M.}

"Sir...Sir. We have arrived." Slowly Mitsuki opened his eyes, staring at his surroundings outside the car window. The area was desolate and empty, the only thing there was an old factory. "Mr. Mitsuki, is something the matter? You appear unwell." Mitsuki showed the driver a kind smile, "You could say that...I just had a unpleasant dream." With those words Mitsuki exited the car and walked toward the door. His steps were graceful and held authority. The men guarding the entrance quickly stood straight.

The tallest guard bowed low toward Mitsuki, "I'm sorry Sir. But he is a stubborn one. He wishes for you to explain the situation." Mitsuki nodded. He was immediately taken into a white room; inside was a single bed and a man in handcuffs on the floor. Mitsuki was left alone with the man as the guard gave them some privacy. Mitsuki gave his brightest smile, "Stephen Howard?" The man looked up, and upon seeing Mitsuki he laughed, "Thank God! I thought I was a goner. Can you please explain to them that I'm an agent for you." Mitsuki looked around slowly, "Where is Jackson Glenn?"

The man clicked his tongue, "He didn't make it. When your team attacked, he foolishly stayed behind, instead of listening to you. But, I didn't! I obeyed your command to stay alive!" Mitsuki bent down on one knee so that he was at the same level as the man. Mitsuki could feel the man's emotions, relief covered him as he believed Mitsuki was going to save him...How foolish.

"Thank you for listening to me...but...I believe your friend, Jackson Glenn, was a smart one. You should have followed his example." Stephen's eyes grew wide. "What?" Mitsuki couldn't help but laugh at the man's confused face, "Stephen. Your blind faith is so saddening, to the point I actually feel sorry for you. Did you really believe I had any use for you, after you gave me what I wanted? Your friend didn't." Standing up Mitsuki opened the door, "Take him away."

Immediately two guards grasped Stephen by the arms, it only took the man a second to realize what was going on. His eyes burned with rage, "YOU LIED TO ME!" Mitsuki smiled at him kindly, "I did not lie. I used you. Yes. But I did not lie to you. What I said was that your abilities were outstanding, and that I needed your help. My words were not deceiving, it was your own mind that kept you from realizing the truth."

Mitsuki faced the door, "Your friend Jackson Glenn was a wise man, you should have died with him. Take Stephen Howard's to the Faculty." Walking out Mitsuki could hear Stephen's cursed filled words of anger. That clueless fool. He was just like everyone else in Minimum. Including me. We are all pitiful, helpless, clueless fools.

Location | West District | Core Headquarters

Time of Day | Night {8:20 P.M.}

Mitsuki was sitting at his desk reading over his documents, when he heard someone enter. Looking up he saw Isana peek his head inside; without a single word the boy sat in the corner.

"Isana." Looking at Mitsuki Isana gave him a happy smile. Mitsuki returned the same smile, but his eyes said something different, "You're still in trouble." Isana sighed as he completely faced Mitsuki ready to hear his punishment.

"First, since you went out on your own without my knowing, tomorrow you are forbidden from going anywhere, but school. Meaning you will be watched constantly by my dolls. Second, you are to stay after-school tomorrow; so you can make up for today. Meaning you aren't allowed to go on any assignments or go out and play with Ayumu, Yuuki, or Imogen. Understood."

Isana nodded sadly, pouting as he faced the window,"Yes Mitsuki." He said it in a quite whisper. Looking around he noticed he was the only one in the office. "Where is everyone?"

Mitsuki didn't look up,"Late." Mitsuki gave out a small laugh as he started signing the papers. Isana crept closer to Mitsuki; now right over his shoulder. He glanced at the documents he was signing,"Is there a newbie going to the Faculty? Stephen Howard? Who is that?"

"A pitiful fool." Mitsuki laid the papers aside and sat back, "Hush for a few minutes. You can continue speaking once the others arrive." He let his forehead hit the desk, the cooling wood soothing his mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuki Saiga Character Portrait: Isana Character Portrait: Imogen Harrow
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A little while back...

'Hey, Imogen?' A familiar face asked her, 'When will mom and dad come back? It's been a long time...'

'Who knows.' Imogen said to her, despite knowing the harsh truth, but she couldn't allow her to know what she knew, 'Maybe they'll come back tomorrow. Just wait and see, alright? Dad's probably busy with work, and mom's probably busying herself by helping someone else, like she always does... There's no need to worry, is there?'

'Mm... maybe...' The unknown girl said, 'But what about me? When will I come back?'

'What... What do you mean by that, Alina?' Imogen asked, 'You're right here, aren't you? I can hear your voice so-'

'Wrong again. Didn't I die in that car crash? All because dad got drunk and attempted to drive me home? That silly man... I never really liked him anyways... And that woman did little to no good. Then there's you, my precious older sister... What did you ever do for me other than lie? I believed those lies until the very day I died.'

Suddenly, Imogen came back to reality, stumbling on top of one of the buildings she stood on. She almost dropped to her knees from the suddenly flashback of her sister if it weren't for her remembering what she had to do, "Oh dear... looks like that's bothering me again. Such a pain." She shrugged off the old memories.

Imogen tapped her parasol onto the ground gently for a spare second, and, coming from where it made contact with the ground, emerged a black creature that rose and then spread out like a great cloud in the sky. Suddenly, dozens of eyes opened and tiny black hands began to reach out and wander, visible to no one's eyes but Imogen's.

"Lets see... what was that man's name again? Stephen... Stephen Howard, right?" Imogen wondered, "Naughty man... well, I've been given order to go and fetch you, so here I am, looking for you right now, but no matter where you run or hide, I will find you because I see everything."

All the eyes on that creature, the black cloud created by Imogen's touch, began to search the area within the radius it could see. Imogen had no need to even move before a static noise vibrated in her ear. Oddly, she could understand this noise and nodded. With a wave of her hand, the blackness disappeared into nothing and so the woman giggled silently to herself, "Found you~" She said, and so began to her hunt.

It wasn't much later when she had caught up to Stephen Howard and caught him with ease. Bringing him to the Faculty was only easier seeing as the man was terrified of her. After all, she was a demon in human skin.

Current Time

Imogen began her nightly walk around the West District, spinning around her parasol with little entertainment. She wasn't having much fun, and wasn't in any mood to drink her regular dose of tea, "Did I have anything to do today? Did I have to return to the headquarters? I don't recall remembering that... But would a visit really hurt? It'd be fine, I suppose." She said, beginning her walk towards Core's Headquarters.

Even though she had rounded up a few Hiatus, ones that had caused trouble for her and her group, and ones that were just wandering around that she wanted to get rid of for self-satisfication. But it never really satisfied her, really, so perhaps heading back to what she called home would be the best for her to do now, before she went off and destroyed something out of boredom.

Upon entering, she heard a familiar voice, "First, since you went out on your own without my knowing, tomorrow you are forbidden from going anywhere, but school. Meaning you will be watched constantly by my dolls. Second, you are to stay after-school tomorrow; so you can make up for today. Meaning you aren't allowed to go on any assignments or go out and play with Ayumu, Yuuki, or Imogen. Understood."

"Yes Mitsuki. Where is everyone?"

Imogen opened the door just slightly and said in her often maternal and gentle voice, "Not bullying our little Isana are you, Mitsuki? I was planning to playing with him tomorrow. I suppose that will have to be relocated to another day." She said softly with a normal and slight smile on her face, "Sorry for being so late. I found myself growing bored and decided to play a game with myself. But it wasn't as enjoyable as I expected it to be." She sighed and took up a chair, "Please tell me you have something that will prove to be satisfaction for me... I'm afraid I've been complaining about how nothing interesting has caught my eye."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuki Saiga Character Portrait: Albert "Alice" Heggens Character Portrait: Isana Character Portrait: Imogen Harrow Character Portrait: Yuuki Darkblood
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Mitsuki twitched at the sound of Imogen's voice. It caused him to be alert, but at the same time calm. Suddenly he felt something slowly crawl up his back. Glancing behind him, Mitsuki spotted Sasha's little leg. Smiling at the doll, Mitsuki patted it gently, "Good evening Sasha. Did you enjoy your rest?" Sasha nodded her head, as she plopped herself on Mitsuki's shoulder. Giving Sasha one last smile, Mitsuki turned his attention to Imogen.

A lovely smile spread across his face, "Sorry, Imogen. Your plans will have to wait. Isana wasn't being good today." Mitsuki sent a glance to Isana, who quickly headed toward Imogen to whine, "It wasn't my fault Imogen." Isana sent her a pitiful glance. Causing Mitsuki to start laughing, "Stop Isana, there isn't anytime for your pleading. Stop bothering Imogen, and listen up."

Before Mitsuki could finish, he noticed Yuuki walk in, "Oh, this is good! Know I don't have to go alone!" Everyone turned to Mitsuki with curious eyes. He let the silence linger for a couple minutes before continuing, "So, do you three remember the attack which happened yesterday? Of course you do~ Well, I planted spies into Wonderland Headquarters, and one of their reports were that the Four gangs would be holding a meeting. It is located between the East and North district. So Imogen, Isana I need you two to go there and reek some havoc on them. Also there is an item I want you two to retrieve. Apparently it is located around that area."

Mitsuki searched through his table filled with countless of pictures, documents, and notes. He seemed extremely focused, as he picked up each and every paper. Scanning the contents. After a long search, he had found what he was looking for. "Here Imogen, this is what I want." Mitsuki waited for Imogen to glance up at him, before continuing to speak, "That is a very special book, that I absolutely must have. I do not want the Hiatuses' to have it, nor do I wish for my Father to know about it. Once you find it, I want you to send it to me."

Once done, Mitsuki walked toward Yuuki, "And for Yuuki. You are coming with me. We are heading over to the Faculty. There is something I need your help with." Mitsuki walked back to his desk and picked up a file. Effortlessly he tossed the documents over to Yuuki.

Leaning against the desk, he gave a gleeful smile, "I need you to memorize ever name on the list, including their history and appearances. In total there are only five. Out of those five two of them are extremely important. Those are the ones who are bolded. I have requested for all five to be put into an unconscious state. I want you to enter their dreams; drive them to their breaking point. Except for the two, I want them sane. I'll explain the rest when we get there."

Mitsuki picked up his phone, "Hmmm...I guess Alice isn't here yet. So I'm just going to text him to join you two at the attack." Mitsuki took a minute to type up a message for Alice, smiling in satisfaction. "Okay. What's next?"

Mitsuki walked over to one of the many doors in his office. This one was colored purple, and as Mitsuki opened he began to sing a light tone. Appearing from behind the door was a...human doll.

Mitsuki gave an innocent smile, "You like him? He use to be a member from Wonderland~ Of course he was in pretty bad shape when I first retrieved him. Both of his arms and legs were cut off, which I assume you caused, Isana. Also he had lost his sanity, which I assume was caused by Yuuki. And lets not forget about some stab wounds, which I definitely know it was done by Imogen, as it was from a parasol tip. So this wasn't an easy task to re-create him. But so worth it."

Mitsuki's eyes shined brightly as he hugged the Human doll, "His error is magnificent! He is able to control flames; the flames are contained in the balls which he holds. Red is weakest flame; Blue is the third strongest; Green is the second strongest; Yellow is the strongest. Isn't that just beautiful?" Mitsuki released the doll.

He faced the three, remembering the events that unfolded during the time, " His name is Perry...well, before it was Jeremy Adams, but you know. Anyways he will be accompanying you guys, until Alice arrives. Or until you locate that book. Once you find the book, give it to Perry immediately."

Walking out he waved good-bye to Imogen, Isana, and Perry, "Have fun you three, make me proud. Lets go Yuuki, the car is waiting for us." Mitsuki walked through the door all the way to the gate. Once at the gate Mitsuki and Yuuki stepped into a car, and drove off to the Faculty.