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Zaun (Halton Zaun)

"Life is worthless, we aren't taking anything of value when taking a life. Life s empty. remember this and you will be the best Wetboy this town has ever seen."

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a character in “Escape The Streets”, as played by DA_SHADOW_PHOENIX


ImageZaun (Halton Zaun)
Zaun is often serious and harsh. He used to have a sort of light heartedness and kindness in him, but when he became a Wetboy much of that vanished. He is now blunt and at times seems emotionless, it's hard to love or be kind when you're in the business of death.

Zaun himself was once a Guild rat, he eventually escaped, he had enough money and he made a life for himself, he discovered he had "the gift" and he thought of becoming a Wet buy, it was only when he ran into a rough time that it began. but he didn't stop. the money was too good. Now though five years later he needs an apprentice, he has a contract too big to do alone.

Zaun is about 5 foot 10, he has black/brown hair that is semi long and scruff that he keeps to show that he is in fact a man despite his young features. he usually wears a green or black cloak that is always fit with a quiver full of arrows some poisoned others just normal arrows, he also carries a belt full of daggers and knives.

truth, bluntness, bows, magic, wits, women, wine.

soldiers, being a Wetboy, killing, liars, dim-wits.

Able tu use bow and daggers with great skill, very smart.

not as skilled at magic as most Wetboys.

Large crowds.

So begins...

Zaun (Halton Zaun)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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((I guess we have to start... nobody seems to be joining or showing any interest.))

Zaun stood at the entrance to the guild. A sewer grate. it smelt of mold and fescies. Zaun cringed. "Great. I'm going to get shit on my cloak." He said with a scowl. he popped open the crate with un-human like strength and jumped in. He followed the arrows on the walls to the cistern, the guild. He saw them there. all the guild rats in a line. waiting on him to choose some of them. He smirked. This was going to be more fun than he expected. He looked at all their faces, they seemed to be sad or angry, some gave him filthy dirty looks while others were hopeful and welcoming. 'thye don't relize their expandibility do they?' he asked himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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Johnny didn't even spare the newcomer a glance. It was obvious he wasn't one of them, a guild rat. His cloak signified that. They stood in a line looking like trash, well except for her, and waited for him to pick who he wanted to train, or whatever. Her distaste was evident on her face. She could fight already, not as good as these men but she wasn't as weak as the ones next to her. Though she needed improvement, lots of it, and that was why she was here. If she was already up at their level, she wouldn't be worrying about this. The girl next to her looked like she was about to wet herself, but there was a few other in line that looked more like they were meant for this, specifically a boy a bit down the line. Though she'd taken time earlier to look them all over, now she just stood and watched the cloak guy with a blank expression.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Ulfunn stood proud and tall the man who entered shorter than him but not by much if there was a child that looked out of place it would be him. He knew of these men but never met one. He watched with interest as this man looked at everyone of the other guild rats. He had a feeling that things wouldn't go well here so he was tense ready for something to happen. He shifted his feet his foot feeling his knife. His mind went back to the hunter the initials R.T. his real reason to ever join civilization to kill the man who wiped out his pack...his family. He wanted for the clocked man to make his choice and leave Ulfunn wanted to move on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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Zaun paced back and forth, the children wimpering were no good, th over confident douches woulnd't do either. Zaun knew how it worked, get too cocky forget a detail, forget a detail = dead. Scared and you don't do anything out of fear, a Wetboy needed a balence, a little fear so you don't do anything stupid, and a little cockyness so you knew you could get things done and believe inh yourself.

He walked down the line of children when a girl caught his eye. She looes as though he coulf have stabbed her and she would do nothing. She was... emotionless. Perfect. She was also quite attractive, seduction was a big part of his business. "You." he said pointing to her. "step forward." he said. he saw some of the others back away. "Did I say you could move?" He asked thret in his voice, they quickly took their places again. It was good to show his athority. he couldn't stand people with no back bones.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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Johnny arched a perfectly blonde eyebrow, watching as the children near her scampered back and then were commanded back into their original state. Though never did she turn her eyes away from the cloak, simply watched the children out of the corner of her eye. Cloak tried to tell her to step forward and she nearly laughed, though her face stayed blank. "You have legs." Even her voice was monotone, and her eyes stared into his, as if looking right through him. Her brother used to tease her, saying that someone could punch her right in the face and she'd simply look back at them, the calmest expression on her face that it actually scared some. And right before her brother died, she had the chance to prove that statement, in a way. People had come after them, and after she got in front of her brother when he fell, someone had punched her. She'd stayed eerily quiet and still until they couldn't take it, moving to hit her again. That was when her arm came up and grabbed his wrist, actually breaking it because of how much force the boy had put into his punch, to be stopped.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Ulfunn saw the other kids move away he stood still he glared at the man in the cloak he disliked those who commanded over the weak. He watched as another guild rat Johnny was being... well Johnny Ulfunn seen her behavior he found that it what was needed for a young girl to survive in this world. He knew that she would move on to be a wetboy he felt both angry and relived angry because he wasn't picked but relived that at least someone will leave this place. He got out of the line and started to leave he made himself silent as he left he moved to the exit that didn't cross the mans way. Ulfunn had to start gathering coin so he or one of the less fortunate won't be beaten.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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"Sorry miss what was that you said?" Zaun asked. though he seemed angry he liked it, one who ddin't cave easily, one who wasn't easily ruled. Zaugn froze he heard footsteps, ones that were trying to be muffled, but not enough for a pro to not hear. "Where are you going?" he asked as he turned to see a boy trying to skirt away.

Zaun walked towards the boy and grabbed him on the back of the shoulder, he genlty pushed him towards the line again. "Back in line before I have to start cutting throats." he joked. one of his creul jokes only a murderer would really get. he saw some look dreadfully afraid and others confused.

Zaun looked at the two young people and smirked. "the both of you." he said pointing at them. "Come with me." and then he looked at the girl again. "else I WILL start cutting throats." he said in a both threatning yet playful tone. he walked away back into one of the more private parts of the Cistern waiting for them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Ulfunn was grabbed and before he could hear anything he reached into his boots and pulled out his knife he heard the man say "Come with me. else I WILL start cutting throats" Ulfunn heard this and put his knife in its sheathe and since there was no point of hiding it he strapped it to his waist. He followed mainly to protect the others they shouldn't pay for his arrogance. He turned to Johnny and the man and followed.
((Edited I was typing before she posted :p))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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Zaun sighed as they stopped. "the both of you have caught my eye. i'm just telling you play your cards right. You may impress me. I will be watching." zaun said with a smirk. He then had to assert his authority. he silently and skilfully drew a dagger and a smaller knife from his belt using his forearms in a quick movement he pushed both of them to a wall, blade to their throats. "And disrespect me one more time and I assure you you will be hurt." He said more to the girl. "Miss bax." he said. He just kinda pused her more into the wall his elbow. "Obedience is a virtue." he said with a smile.

Zaun then focused himself and kind of flet himself fade away, he had made himself invisible he only had ten seconds so he bolted for the door then down a couple halls and out of the sewers. "That should scare them enough." he told himself as he reappeared, he may hyave been a pro wetboy, but that was tiring.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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Zaun watched all of this. he cringed as he saw them get stopped at the door by a man he knew, he was a fur trader, a poacher, and a damn good one at that. It seemed odd for him to be dabbling with children.... zaun was disguised another one of his tricks, it was a wetboy skill to disguise and act. he was wearing a fke nose and makeup to make him look older, he also wore the clothes of a miner, not even the other miners or a makeup artist could have seen through it.

Zaun followed out behind them and he over heard Ulfunn apologize. 'We don't feel remorse for our actions." he thought to himself, Mistake one on Ulfunn's part. But Johny had also drawn attention to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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"Don't apologize." Johnny said, returning to her blank state. Apologizing was feeling emotion, it was dangerous to even have emotions here. At least they had gotten out of that alive, and had the coin to spare a few children. Ulfunn handed her a knife and she looked hesitantly at it, unsure if she wanted to keep it or drop it back at his feet. She ended up pocketing the knife with a quick nod as her thanks, before giving him back his own knife. Then she paused, not turning but she let her eyes wander over their surroundings. "I have reason to believe we could be being watched. We should get back to the sewers. I'm going with or without you." And with that, she began to move back towards her destination, keeping a light foot and listening for any sounds.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Ulfunn looked at her "Go ahead I'm going to stay here for a while need to clear my thoughts." in his mind was murder and hatred for once in his life he hid his emotions to others. He wasn't giving up now not after he swore and oath to kill that man and he think he found a way to do it. He didn't want to be stopped or for anyone to follow him. He pulled out some coin he left enough for him for when he got back if he got back. He gave it to Johnny "Here." his voice was off it was monotone. He looked at his knife absently tracing his thumb over the initials.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Johnny Bax Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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"Don't be stupid. I don't want to win this little contest by default." What was the fun in that? With another shrug, she took the coin and headed back to the sewers. Once she got down there she would give the coin to a boy she knew, he would pass the coin out to the children. Everyone knew Johnny as a cold, hard person, and it was easier to keep it that way. Come off as unbreakable, they won't challenge you. And she wouldn't keep that picture if anyone caught her down in the sewers handing out money. Though she still couldn't help the bit of worry she had for Ulfunn. Would he really kill that man? Would he be able to?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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Zaun laughed as he heard the boys pleads. he walked up to him. "You call to wetboys might as well be calling to death." he said in his old crazy miners voice. he then let out a crazy sounding laugh. he then vanished into a dark alley. zaun hurried to one of his sfae houses and put his usual clak and wetboy attire on. he then went back to Ulfunn it had only been a few minutes.

"my spies tell me you need some info." Zaun said steeping out of the alley, he was using his talent and when he stepped out of the shadows they kind of parted like a knife through butter around him. it was an effect he used to make himself seem more ominous. "so what is it boy i don't have much time." Zaun said leaning against a wall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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"Ah, R.T. Robert Tomlein." Zaun said with a smile. "Information isn't free but seeinga s you may one day be vital to me I will give it to you, this time." Zaun said with smirk. "He lives in the north end, as a rich tradesman. He sells pelts and other, more illeagle things. he's a poacher, I know he lives by the Monroe family." Zaun damned his own lack of information for someone he knew. "that's all I'll tell you. You need to collect the rest of your information yourself. Know this. An assassination isn't supposed to be pretty, make sure he's dead, a cut of someones throat is too hard to acheive, cut off an arm or hand first. May the Night Angels guide you." zaun said as he threw up his cloak in Ulfunn's face, it had pelletis in it that would make him temporarally blind, a sort of poison that Zaun and all wetboys were masters at making. Zaun simply strolled back to the shadows, it would have looked to Ulfunn like he was surrounded by smoke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn Character Portrait: Damien Harrison
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#, as written by Sonohra
Damien pulled his hood down as he walked to the guild. It had been way too long since he visited. He never really met the kids, only watched them. They were much older now, and probably much more skilled. The stench of the sewers caused Damien to wrinkle his nose gag slightly. He hated the location of the place. It was awful, but hidden. He walked into the guild and looked around. It seemed pretty quiet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Damien Harrison
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Zaun once gain returned to the guild. it was the middle of the night, but a wetboy rarely sleeped, if he had any kind of conscience anyway, all the souls Zaun had taken would plauge his dreams. Cursing him. Zaun was sitting in a corner opposite of the entrance to the guild. He was waiting for the children to awake. He needed to talk to Ulfunn. He hadn't relized what he had done. He was spotted. Both by the Begger, and some maids in the manor who heard the commotion. He had acheived his kill, it was a good kill, but it was executed sloppy.

Zaun then looked up. He saw another Wetboy. One he knew well. He had helped to teach this one. He was one who discovered his Talent late. Zaun had helped him tap into it. But other than that he didn't know him. Zaun sat where he was. He didn't know if this wetboy was here for the same reason he was, or to try and kill him. And if it were the second one, then he was doing a terrible job.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Ulfunn was wake the whole night he couldn't sleep he got up and walked over to Zaun. Pulling out the deed "It say the holder of this is given everything have it. For the information." Ulfunn looked terrible like he hasn't slept the whole night but he stood strong he wasn't going to be defeated by his own emotions. Over time he will kill again and with each kill he will learn to ignore his feeling of dread. Ulfunn want to be kept busy have his mind on something "Is there something you need?" he knew that a wetboy doesn't go somewhere without have a purpose in mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zaun (Halton Zaun) Character Portrait: Ulfunn The Wolfborn Character Portrait: Damien Harrison
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"Yes actually. Go put that deed back. if they track it here you will be killed for murder. That was also a good kill, But you let yourself be spotted. Now people know you to be involved with the murder. Way to go boy. A proper job takes weeks even months of planning. And you just ran in there and screwed it all up." Zaun said with a unforgiving face. He couldn't stand this. This boy was smarter than that, Zaun knew this.

"Why did you kill him?" Zaun asked a little curious. He was always digging for information, hoping to find a gem or two.