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Olek Barrow

"Honor above all else."

0 · 1,847 views · located in Modern Day

a character in “Escape to the Outside”, as played by Guardian Angel


Name: Olek Barrow
Age: 31
Gender: Male



Olek's appearance isn't something that most would call his strongest quality. He is a well muscled man, one might even go so far to say that Olek's physical condition might be slightly impressive. He stands at a tall 6' 4" and weighs in at 180 pounds, which is composed of muscle more or less. He's no body builder, but his fists pack quite the punch. His hair is short in length, almost shaved even, his hair is a deep dark shade of obsidian with premature grey streaks lining the sides of his head. His left eye is a deep shade of brown with flecks of gold throughout his iris. His right eye happens to be missing as of recently, due to a fiery accident. Burn marks line the right side of his head, curving downward across his jawline without deviating towards much of his scalp, The burn scars trail down the right side of his neck and down the whole right side of his back. Burn scars are distributed everywhere across his right arm, and a few across his right leg. Olek is a cleanly shaven man, with a slightly crooked nose that sits in between the intense gaze of his right eye. Olek's style is subtle when tracking escapees. He tends to wear average clothing, jackets, T shirts, cargo pants, and boots. When patrolling the labs he tends to be in uniform at all times.


Olek can be a brute of a man when he has to, which tends occur more often than not. He is a man of duty and honor, he always takes his contracts and jobs seriously. Rarely has he ever deviated from his code of honor. He will guard, watch, and protect. Hell if the money is good, Olek will kill just about anyone in his path. He's very straight forward, extremely blunt about most topics. He will partake in wordplay from time to time, but it ultimately exhausts and irritates him when he has to do this. He ultimately is a man of few words, but when he does speak, he prefers to be completely straightforward as opposed to dancing around an issue. Olek is a firm man, he's never cruel when he doesn't have to be. He prefers to minimize the pain of his enemies, more often than not he will be kind to his charges, he may work for terrible people, but Olek prefers to keep the cruelty to a minimum.


  • Ace Marksmanship
  • Loyalty
  • Proficient Tracking
  • Tough as Nails
  • Fire
  • Meaningless Death
  • Civilian Life
  • Attachments

  • Limited Vision
  • Notable Facial scarring
  • Brash Behavior

Writing Sample: Smoke, flames. and burning rubble. That's all that could be seen through his good eye. The second sense to recover after the explosion went off was his sense of smell. Burning skin, the awful stench filled his nostrils. He coughed deeply, he looked around with his good eye as pain coursed through his body. Panic threatened to take over when Olek realized he could no longer see out of his right eye. His training pushed it down almost immediately however he groggily scanned thr room whilst on his belly stunned from the shock of the explosion. He felt a something move underneath his chest. Still struggling to stay awake, he remembered what he had done the moment the explosion ripped apart the neighboring room. He hit the deck, tackling an experiment on his way down. That was his job after all, to protect the merchandise, whether or not Olek thought of them as merchandise was a different story however. The small and frail mutant rolled Olek onto his back. He gasped in pain realizing that a good portion of the right side of his body was burnt to a crisp. He groaned as his vision swam. Everything had a tinge of red. Darkness threatened to close in on him as more smoke made its way into his lungs. Frightened, afraid, and relatively unscathed the mutant fled away from the ruin of a room. Olek cradled his burnt arm and began to pull his way out with his left. Sharp pain darted across his body whilst doing so. After a few pain filled moments, Olek managed to pull himself into the scorched hallway. He passed out for a few moments before rousing once more. Olek positioned himself into a sitting position, he wasn't going to suffocate in this hell hole. He grasped onto the wall, his left arm quivered as he pulled the rest of his body to a standing position.

The rest of the ordeal was a blur of mind numbing pain, and the sound of screams alongside the cries of freedom. As Olek gulped down fresh air, one resonating thought filled his mind. I'm not getting paid enough for this. With that Olek's head lolled to the side as his mind drifted into the darkness of unconsciousness.

* If I had the choice, I'd put a facility under the ground in a low traffic area. Such as a dirt road in a rural area, or perhaps a barn of some sort. *

So begins...

Olek Barrow's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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When Edur entered the building she went straight for a corner to curl up in. Settling down, she glanced at Kisa, who under a blanket was making small noises of pain. Edur grimaced, but didn't look away as Kisa's now human head popped up from the blaket. The woman didn't look good, both tired, pained and hungry. She sent Edur a glance, something in her eyes Edur couldn't make out. Then she sharply turned away.

Hoping that she, along with the others who were hurt would have time to heal she laid against the wood, and brought her tail up to cover her face. Though Edur knew the odds of her getting to sleep were close to none. She was excited, and fearful. Not to mention hungry. She had no idea what would happen now. Her knowledge of the humans world was nothing but vocabulary. That was something Edur prided herself on. Due to many nights laying awake and listening to guards her vocabulary was large, at least for one of the mutants not born outside the lab. Still, coming here Edur saw many things she could not name. Things of mystery she wanted to ask one of the guards about, but that wasn't the time.

Letting out the smallest of sighs Edur curled in tigher, and became just a small figure in the corner. Her questions would have to wait until everyone was healed and fed. And until the threat of the lab was gone. Which, Edur hoped, was soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek waited until everyone safely slipped inside of the old warehouse. He was apprehensive about all of this. They had a lot to do before they could relax. He did one last scan to make sure it was clear. He waited for a group of dock workers to disappear out of view before he booked it towards the side door to the warehouse. After only a few moments of running, Olek reached the door, clutching his side and wincing. He closed the door behind him, immersing the room in darkness for a few moments before his eye adjusted. While he waited for his eye to adjust he unclipped his shredded vest and promptly let it fall to the floor. He had no need for that right now. He rested against the wall, feeling another coughing fit coming on. He choked it down and began to take stock of everyone. His eyes drifted over everyone until he saw Kisa in her human form. She was wrapped in a blanket, but Olek's eyes darted to the copious amount of blood pooling underneath her leg.

"Shit." Olek said under his breath. He strode across the rundown warehouse, the old planks creaked and bent underneath his weight. He grabbed a tiny crate nearby her position, he slid it over and placed it near her leg. "Look, you're going to bleed out if we don't get this sorted. Try to push me away all you like, I'm not going to wait for you to pass out from blood loss." Olek spoke in a stern tone as his looked into Kisa's blue eyes. Not waiting for a response, he went to work. If she wanted to stop him, she was going to have to kill him. He calmly removed his belt and unclipped the holster attached to it. He set his holster beside him and tied his belt around Kisa's leg three inches above the grievous wound that was steadily seeping blood. After that was done, he slid the box further over from before. He lifted her leg gingerly, trying not to upset Kisa further. He proceeded to prop her wounded leg on the box. Elevating the wound would limit blood loss, only a temporary fix. They didn't have the skills or materials to fix it completely. They would also have to set the bone, but Olek didn't want to risk screwing up Kisa's leg any further.

"Try to keep it elevated, I'll be right back. I'm going to get your leg all fixed up in no time." Talking to her in such a manner briefly reminded him of the good old days in the special forces. Whether or not you were working with civilians or professionals trying to keep morale up in dire situations was very important, the setting didn't matter. He gathered his holster and rigged it to his left ankle, concealing it ever so slightly. He nodded to Kisa and got to his feet, and strode over to Bast this time. Once he was next to her, he spoke in a low voice.

"Thanks for helping me out back there, you did good Bast." Olek gave her a grateful look, but his expression soon twisted into that of worry once he started looking around at the others.

"We don't have the equipment or skills to fix up Hawke or Kisa, we can't take them to a hospital so that limits our options. Call me crazy but I think we're out of options..." Olek paused and gave Bast a strange look, a small twinkle in Olek's eye. "We need to bring the hospital to them. Ever kidnap anyone before Bast?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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When they had left the cover of the last storage container and made it to the front of the warehouse Chris hurriedly and excitedly ran inside. The warehouse was rather large, a fine improvement over the cramped space he was used to. The warehouse seemed old and abandoned, the smell of mildew and dust filled the air, the smell made him cringe slightly due to his heightened sense of smell. Though it was much better than the lab, this place almost seemed like a palace in comparison, and Chris couldn't help but feel relieved that they were all finally in a safe place at least for the moment.

Chris soon found a large box and sat up against it. He watched as Olek tried to help Kisa who was now underneath a blanket in her human form. As Olek approached Kisa and began trying to ellivate her leg Chris half expected Kisa to refuse his assistance and was please tilt suprised when Olek had helped her with no objections. Chris continued to watch Olek as he left Kisa and started talking to Bast."Thanks for helping me out back there, you did good Bast."We don't have the equipment or skills to fix up Hawke or Kisa, we can't take them to a hospital so that limits our options. Call me crazy but I think we're out of options.We need to bring the hospital to them. Ever kidnap anyone before Bast?"

At these words Chris's ears perked up in surprise and a small amount of concern. He didn't very much like the idea of kidnapping someone, but Olek was right. There was no way they were going to get any help for Kisa, Hawke or any of the other injured unless they did this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Dray watched as the others made their way inside and the door was shut. He hid a shudder going down his spine by hiking up the blanket that he had pulled around himself; letting out a small hiss at the subsequent sting that radiated throughout his hands as he gripped the old and dirty fabric. That pain didn’t quite compare to Kisa’s as she started shifting back to her normal form. Bones breaking and grinding in order for her form to change back into a human. Just off of that he could tell that she had been brought in when she was older; normally they didn’t take as cleanly to the mutations the older you were. He had been brought up in the Lab, created by them, showing that through his silent shifting back and form which was mainly only uncomfortable because limbs were being added or taken away.
Olek was busy trying to get her leg in a position that wouldn’t result in the complete loss of the limb. Looking at it in the semi-darkness he could tell that the wound was bad and didn’t see much hope for her foot without a proper healer. As far as he knew the ones with healing abilities were only kept in the Lab and were rarely let go unless they were too old.
He saw Hawke rewrapping his wounds as he lay sprawled out on one of the larger boxes that was strewn haphazardly around the room. He looked down at his hands and feet again which had started to flow blood around the dirt and grime now that he didn’t have hard scales keeping everything mostly covered. He started tearing small strips from the blanket, just enough to wrap his hands and feet to soak the bleeding. It was better than just letting them bleed and scab, so he laid the fabric over the crisscrossing slashes and pulled it tight to try and stop the bleeding. He gritted his teeth and ignored the rising pain.
He was finishing up with his feet when Olek went over to Max, eyeing them all and their wounds then mentioning kidnapping. Hawke audibly growled and Chris looked concerned. He frowned and let out a low, quiet, warning growl of his own. He knew that many of them had been taken from the outside world against their world and taken into the Lab. He didn’t know what they were taken from exactly but he had seen what that did to them; and it was never good. Why were they thinking of kidnapping someone anyway? Having that kind of trouble on their hands wouldn’t help unless it was a healer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Kisa was too tired to resist Olek, or even shudder at the skin contact. She just did as he said, and ignored everyone else, that is except Dray. It appeared his transformation also hurt, but it obviously wasn't as painful as hers. She sighed, and pulled the poor excuse of a blanket tighter around herself. I hate the cold. She looked at the puddle of blood, and couldn't help but reach out, dipping her fingers in the blood. Her thoughts turning to a similar puddle of blood from a different time.

"Kyra! Are you okay?!" A younger version of Kisa ran over to a younger girl. "I think... I'm hurt.." Kyra peered up at Kisa, the little girl's blue eyes wide with shock. Kisa stared down at what Kyra was calling a small hurt. "Your not hurt, your broken it I think." Kisa knelt down and dipped her hand in the puddle of blood below Kyra's leg. The wound was ugly, a deep cut that would obviously scar. She saw some white stuff and assumed that this was what her skeleton was made of, bones. "Ah, sis, why does it feel so weird?" "Huh, what do you mean?" Kisa looked up at Kyra and then back at the gash and- "Agh!" Kisa pulled back and stared at the strange thing happening before her.

Kisa flinched and despite being told to keep her leg elevated, she pulled it back and began to stand. She was only able to stand on her good leg, using her tail to balance herself as she hopped toward the .

There was a panicked look in her eyes that she was hoping no one was noticing. She made it to other side of Dray before she settled down, and hissed as she jostled her injured leg. Glancing at Dray and the others she tried not to think of blood. "So... Dray right? Do you talk much? I haven't heard you say a thing on our entire adventure... I'm sorry for rambling but come on strike up a conversation." She waited and hearing only silence continued on again. "Come on, distract me from the blood, and from the evil voice in my head telling me to eat the little cub over there." Her tone was slightly humorous, but also held a tinge of truth in it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek immediately went to aid the newly human Kisa, elevating her leg to keep her from bleeding out on the warehouse floor. The rest of the group made themselves comfortable, obviously exhausted, using bits of abandoned blankets to cloak themselves for warmth or for more makeshift bandaging. Max winced, it wasn't exactly the most sanitary aid, but then again most of these mutants hadn't taken a health class or even seen the outside of lab walls to know any better.

ImageMax pulled the clip in her gun to check how much ammunition she had left and wiped her glistening brow with the back of her forearm when Olek reapproached. "Thanks for helping me out back there, you did good Bast." Max's breath caught in her throat. It wasn't often she was praised, being what her background and lineage was, and for it to come from someone like Olek...She met his gaze appreciatively. She had smiled in response until she noted his expression had grown grave. "We don't have the equipment or skills to fix up Hawke or Kisa, we can't take them to a hospital so that limits our options. Call me crazy but I think we're out of options...We need to bring the hospital to them. Ever kidnap anyone before Bast?"

She nearly choked on nothing but air, "Excuse me?" She coughed. She couldn't help but be indignant, she may have crossed many lines today, but there were some places she wasn't sure she was ready to go yet...but what else could they do? She couldn't very well bring them to safety to only have them die in squalor that was by no means an improvement from their previous conditions, the only difference being that they were technically "free." She opened her mouth to reply when the warehouse door swung open, a single silhouette standing bathed in sunlight with a pair of keys in hand, the sun raking it's warm fingers through a disheveled mop of black curly hair. They had been caught. She raised her gun immediately, site right on target. The figure froze.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Eric Taylor had gone around the docks, making small talk with crew workers, checking shipments, covering the usual bases before he made it back over to the decaying building that housed his office. He had asked them about their families and their adventures abroad; listened to the replies with genuine interest & handed out unsanctioned bonuses from his own pocket to those he knew needed a little extra cash to get by for the week--for those who had families to feed. Eric was the real deal; didn’t have a phony bone in his entire body. Unassuming and yet had a personality that drew people to him like cold hands to a fire. He played father and peacekeeper on occasion. Not the guy who demanded to be in the spotlight but probably the best-liked man in the yard. A guy who could make just about anyone feel as if they were his best friend.

ImageHe was smiling to himself, chuckling at some ghost of a joke still rattling around his head, told to him by a sailor nicknamed Skip--so dubbed for how many times he 'skipped town' just as things became serious with whatever girl he was seeing, when he pushed opened the front door to the warehouse. It swung opened with ease which caught Eric off guard momentarily, he was so used to the door sticking in the mornings, the paint having reacted to the salt in the air when it laid still for too long. This meant he probably had company, which was not unusual. The light, eat up with dust motes, fell at Eric's back; creating a halo of gold tucked safely within the wild curls of his black hair. It made it difficult to see by, the harsh change from broad daylight to the murky darkness inside playing games with his eye's dilation.

As soon as his eyes had a moment to adjust, they perceived an unusual sight. It was not some homeless man or a hung over sailor that had come looking for respite from the chill of the night, but two armed--what looked to be black ops soldiers-holding with some kids in costume hostage. They were mangled and obviously in distress, bleeding on his floor and startled by his entrance. What had he just walked in on? Had this man and woman team kidnapped some conventioners? In their full cosplay gear? He froze, keys still in hand, before they unceremoniously dropped to the floor and he rose those hands in the air. "Whoah whoah whoah, hey now, lets not do anything hasty." He said to the woman along with his placating gesture as she held him at gunpoint. The door was still wide open, if he could but signal someone for help....



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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As the group slowly voiced their distaste for the idea, Olek visibly winced. It seemed as if he would have to stress the point that they weren't going to kill anyone, contrary to what any of them thought, the plan was to save people. He was prepared to do horrible things if the group asked Olek to do so, and from Olek's point of view this wasn't even on the list of horrible things. They didn't have the materials to safely amputate Kisa's leg. They probably had an hour or two before some of them started bleeding to death. They were on the clock, and Olek didn't have time to convince them that this was the right course of action. His thoughts were interrupted by Bast's visible objection to the idea. "Excuse me?" She seemed shocked. Olek raised an eyebrow at this, mentally noting what Bast was simply unwilling to do. Olek had done a lot of bad things in his life time. Maybe he was desensitized to such a notion, but temporarily taking someone from their place of work so they could save some lives, seemed like a good plan to him.

He simply shrugged, if he had to slip out and do it alone, he would do so without hesitation. Olek wasn't going to let anyone die over a moral conundrum when they didn't have to. His thoughts were interrupted by the door to the warehouse opening behind him. He quickly spun around in a crouched position, pulling his pistol out of its holster. He could feel his heart rate quickening, and with that blood trickled down his makeshift bandages. Drops of blood began to trickle down the side of his leg; causing him to leave droplets of blood on the ground as he slowly mad his way towards the dock worker that stumbled in on them. "Whoah whoah whoah, hey now, lets not do anything hasty." He said, trying to defuse the situation. He seemed level headed from that comment, not too flustered at having guns pointed at him. Olek never let his guard down, he simply circled around the man and motioned for him to walk towards Bast. "Enter slowly. Don't do anything stupid, and you'll be fine." Olek said as he shut the door behind the man. Olek took position by the door with his weapon still trained on the man. The great thing about using a pistol in a close range situation, was simply so any enemies couldn't easily reach your weapon before they went down.

Now that the room was once again immersed in dim lighting, Olek felt his vision swimming. He knelt down, his complexion was deathly pale, and his chest heaved as he began raggedly coughing. After a few moments of weakness, he slowly picked up the keys left on the floor and locked the door. Just in case.

He righted himself and trained his pistol on the man. He would wait for a few moments to catch his breath before he spoke again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Dray managed to push himself up against the wall in order to relax slightly. The mention of kidnapping seemed to have everyone on edge except for Olek. He was upfront and didn’t seem to be wavering on his decision so he must have been thinking of kidnapping someone to help them. So far it didn’t seem as if their conditions had changed any. They were still stuck in a small room; the only difference was the smell and that there were no bars keeping them from each other now.
He looked up in time to see Kyra making her way over to him. He figured it must have been painful for her to jostle her leg so much. It was still dripping blood and he knew that loosing so much was never a good thing. She settled down beside him, fixing the position of her leg and letting out a faint hiss. "So... Dray right? Do you talk much? I haven't heard you say a thing on our entire adventure... I'm sorry for rambling but come on strike up a conversation." She paused for a moment and Dray just looked at her, watching her expression and deciding what to say. "Come on, distract me from the blood, and from the evil voice in my head telling me to eat the little cub over there."
He tilted his head slightly at the comment and the corner of his mouth rose into almost a smirk. She seemed alright enough, and her animal side sounded almost like a burden than something she gave into like many of the others he had seen do during the Games. His voice was quiet and hoarse from disuse but had a slightly deeper undertone to it, making his sound as if he knew more than he let on. ”Perhaps you could direct that evil towards something more…” He paused for a moment, thinking of the right word. ”Useful…” He had heard the scientists use that word on more than one occasion and they seemed satisfied with any mutant for a time when they were deemed useful.
He opened his mouth to speak further when the door slid open; effectively flooding the space with bright light. He quickly brought his hand over his face at the shining rays from the sun; blood starting to slide down his arm and some of it dripping onto his chest in the process. Everyone seemed frozen as a figure stood in the doorway; the only sounds were metal keys falling to the floor and the clicking of loaded guns.
The new person seemed oddly calm as he looked at some of them, saying something as Olek nudged him into the room. The door was closed once again, bringing them all back into the darkness and hiding them from the other people that may have been out there. Dray glanced at the others, gauging reactions then finally focusing on the three near the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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At then mention of kidnapping Edur sat up and looked at the guard in confusion. Wouldn't that make them just as bad as the people they just escaped from? As she gazed around the warehouse it seemed no one else was fond of the idea. But she couldn't help but think it would be best to help Kisa and the others. At this rate they would bled out and this far away from The Lab just didn't seem fair.

Wrinkling her nose and stood and stretched her arms up in the air. Because they were stiff it felt good. Her mouth opened in a yawn just as the door swung open. She froze in quiet an awkward position. Her back was arched and her mouth hung open letting her abnormally white and sharp teeth glint. At this moment the male guard moved to the new comer and Edur let her arms hang and shut her mouth.

While she still feared this man she couldn't help but shuffle forward a bit to get a closer look. Although she was still way out of reach. He was shocked, but it seemed for at their appearance then the fact he found people living in the wearhouse.

This observation caused Edur to glance down at her body which was nothing like any humans would be. She backed away now, trying to hide in the shadows. Edur did not want to be the reason this man relized they were abnormal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Kisa was astonished when Dray smirked, ”Perhaps you could direct that evil towards something more…” He paused for a moment, thinking of the right word. ”Useful…” She closed her eyes, and found that she liked the sound of his voice. She waited for his next words when she heard something entirely different. The door opening. Guns being pulled out. Footsteps. She let out a whispered question. "What's going on?" Words soft and vulnerable, full of exhaustion. It's getting cold.

When she got no answer to her question, she fought to open her eyes. She slowly managed to open her eyes, sapphire stars relinquishing what vitality they have for this one act of surveying her surroundings. Oh, an ordinary human.. He has no fur; isn't he cold? I'm cold.. Kisa watched Olek handle the situation and couldn't help but smile at how suddenly funny his response to the stranger was. The entire thing is stupid and he won't ever be fine again if he stays.

Just as quick as it came, the funniness left her and her normal idea of how to respond kicked in. Kisa began wanting to jump to her feet and defend herself from this possible threat but her eyelids felt so heavy that she let them drop. Her breathing became shallow and the beating of her hearts slowed. It's so cold. She began to shiver. Hibernating sounds... like a.. great idea... "So tired," she slid onto her side, "Dray? Tell anyone who tries... to wake me, that I'll... bite them." Her mind cleared itself, and plunged into the black nothingness that was the beginning of a dreamless sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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When the doors to the warehouse started to open Chris at there frozen but fully alert, while staring at the doors with a fearless gaze. Though he couldn't quite get rid of this deep feeling of worry and fear resting in the pit of his stomach. He had just finally seen the outside again and he was secretly terrified that a large group of armed guards would burst through the doors and cart himself and the others back to the lab.

When a single man emerged through the doors Chris felt sightly more at ease, especially when both Olek and Max aimed their weapons straight at the man. He focused his attention on the new man trying to determine if he was a threat or not. He seemed startled and surprised at what he saw upon entering the warehouse, though he didn't seem to flustered at having two guns pointed at his direction. The new man didn't look or act like most of the guards back at the lab and he looked like he had just stumbled over the whole group. As far as Chris could tell this man was probably just an innocent who just happened across them.

Chris glanced at the others for a moment and then back over to the man. Everyone was exhausted or injured and this man didn't seem to be a threat, Chris couldn't help but think that this man could help them, after all it was much better than having to go out and actually kidnap someone. At this thought Chris stood up and got a little closer to the man and then looked at both Olek and
Max. "This could be a good thing. Maybe he can help us?" He spoke almost pleadingly, he wasn't exactly sure how this would turn out, but he hoped it wouldn't result in anything bad happening to the new man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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"Enter slowly. Don't do anything stupid, and you'll be fine." The man commanded with an edge of professionalism to his voice. He seemed entirely comfortable in this situation in where he had another man a gunpoint, which made Eric's stomach turn somersaults. Olek quickly moved behind him and closed the door, sheltering the world from the scene which only further made Eric nervous. He did as he was told and edged forward, hands never lowering. "I don't know what yall are doing," He drawled. "but there's no cause to have to hurt anybody..." He just wanted to get out of there alive, but as his eyes trailed to the people curled up on the cold floor, he realized that might not be an option. Could he leave, run away if given half a chance knowing these people were still in harms way? Knowing that they could be killed long before he could bring the authorities?

No, probably not. That went against Eric's baser instincts.

ImageHe took stock of his new captors, the girl looked relatively unharmed save for a scratch on her face, but the man looked worse for wear. Surely these kids hadn't done that to him, how could they have, they were unarmed. Perhaps he needed a better understanding of what was going on, perhaps if he proved value with a bit of a bartering chip, everyone could make it out of there with their skins still intact. And on that note, a young man spoke up, tone hopeful. "This could be a good thing. Maybe he can help us?" Eric flashed him a look of gratitude. So they weren't holding the people captive, they were protecting them? He couldn't imagine a prisoner speaking so frankly with someone who had them forcefully trapped by means of gunpoint. From the way he spoke, it sounded as if they were all in on something together. "Yall look pretty beat to Hell, look like you could use a hand." He let his arms fall to his side but made no further movement least Olek have an itchy trigger finger. "I'm not a doctor, but if you don't get patched up, real quick, you're gonna be in some trouble." His kind eyes were pleading, begging for them to take a leap of faith, to trust him. ""I know someone we can call, someone used to taking house calls with no questions asked. You put the guns away and she would be none the wiser."

The blonde looked over to her rugged companion, almost silently communicating with him. It was probably something soldiers did, wordlessly going over strategy in the heat of battle. He had seen it done before in movies, but it was entirely eerie in person, more so because it was his ass on the line. She nodded once and slowly lowered her gun, though she never took her hand off of the weapon.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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When the man entered, Hawke's entire body went onto full alert. The new burst of adrenaline was probably really bad for him to be dealing with with so much blood loss, but it kept him conscious. He watched as Olek circled past, both guards keeping guns trained on the newcomer. It wasn't hard to guess he either worked here or owned the place; if he lived here, wouldn't he be in much shabbier clothing? He was fascinated by the nervously calm expression he wore. Not too far from his own, dealing with animal mutants on a normal day. Nerves from an abnormal situation, right behind a gentle and almost serene mask.

The man had to have a gift or something; here they were, bleeding out and thinking about kidnapping a healer of some kind, and this man shows up talking about one? Nothing about him was false, not from what he could sense. A guard or someone else from the lab would have this... Off sense about them. Cautiously, his birdlike eyes trained on the man in the same way as Olek's and Bast's guns were, he spoke softly:

"Barrow... I think we can trust him... He doesn't... feel, I guess would be an okay word.... Doesn't feel like them..." He had trouble believing this man was a trap--or bait. "In any case, if there's someone who can help, we'd better get the aid fast before Kyra sleeps too deep... Neither you nor I are much better... We aren't helpless, but at this rate our... it will have been for nothing... If he betrayed us, we could always get rid of him..." He couldn't help but give a "Hawke the Killer-Mutant" smirk as he said the last part, as clear a warning as the guards' words had been that if the man tried anything, it'd end badly...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Everyone seemed to be slowly getting over their surprise from the man that had walked into the building. He frowned slightly, his body was still stiff and on edge from the sudden adrenaline rush that coursed through him. Why would they all relax at a time like this? Then he felt Kisa shift and slide sideways against him. He looked down at her and noticed that she had let her eyes closed. "So tired, Dray? Tell anyone who tries... to wake me, that I'll... bite them." He blinked and didn’t know what to do; he thought perhaps he should try to keep her awake. She had lost a lot of blood and upon placing his hand on her shoulder he noticed that her skin was very cold. He squeezed lightly, not enough to be anything more than just a reassurance that he was there for her despite his growing worry. In their current situation they all needed each other, there wasn't going to be any others that they could count on.
At that thought he glanced at the others as the man mentioned he could get someone to help. Chris and Hawke both agreed that the man seemed good enough to trust; Max even lowered her gun. Dray agreed with Hawke on the point that Kisa needed help quickly; sleeping once you were hurt always meant there was a small chance that you didn’t wake up. But suddenly letting your guard down and deciding to trust a stranger that just walked in based on a feeling? The logic of those actions seemed idiotic to him. There was no certainty at all that he was good.
He narrowed his eyes at the man, the dark ruby color giving him a slightly menacing look and showing clearly that he didn’t trust him. Dray didn’t comprehend the idea that someone would suddenly want to help them without compensation. The man must have been sent as a diversion or as some form of trap in order for the other guards to drag them back. He could be looking for something in return, or had already been given a reward from the Lab in return for helping to track them down. However, since he was currently outnumbered by the others, as well as being one of the ones injured, he wasn’t going to cause any unnecessary trouble. If they got caught and taken back because of this man, at least he was going back to something he was familiar with. He growled under his breath and turned his head away from the man. If they wanted to cooperate with him they could, but that didn't mean he had to be happy about it. He went about fixing the blanket that was Kisa and moved closer to try and warm her up the best he could.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek pointed his pistol at the man, lowering ever so slightly when he started to talk. He seemed to be trying to reassure Olek. Bartering with his own life, little did the man know, Olek had no intention of shooting an unarmed man. There was no honor in that. If the man was hostile, Olek would probably just restrain him. He heard Chris speak, offering a hopeful notion. "This could be a good thing. Maybe he can help us?"

He made a mental note of Chris' statement. Maybe the man could help them? Olek started going through scenarios where the man could transport them to an off the books clinic. That was likely their only option at this point. His grip on the pistol was firm, his finger lightly rested against the trigger with no intention of pulling it. The dock worker made the observation that everyone was pretty badly injured. Olek nodded his head at this. They were alive, but some of them wouldn't be for long. The dock worker had kind eyes, they met with Olek's cold and battle hardened eye. Olek was unfazed, until the man spoke once more. "I know someone we can call, someone used to taking house calls with no questions asked. You put the guns away and she would be none the wiser."

Olek's eye widened ever so slightly. A good plan if the man wanted to call in for back up. Though it would make no sense for the man to be aligned with the lab. He appeared to be a legitimate dock worker. He had a key ring for this warehouse specifically, yet the door was already unlocked. Trackers wearing a uniform was one thing, but acquiring specific items such as keys for only certain doors was another. There were tiny details here and there that didn't throw up red flags, the man appeared to be surprised for one. He was also unarmed, and didn't have a soldiers demeanor in general. Olek paid specific attention to the eyes, no recognition registered at all when the dock worker looked at everyone in the group.

If he called the police, or if he indeed worked for the lab, they would capture the others. Hell they could probably fix up Kisa, Hawke, and Dray. Better captured then dead, live to fight another day and such. If the lab caught up with them, they would likely execute Olek on the spot. That was the only real downside.

Olek glanced over at Bast, and she to him. He looked into her eyes for what seemed like ages. His grip tightened on his pistol. She started to lower her weapon, seemingly arriving at the same conclusion as Olek. They had nothing to lose. They were out of options. Olek lowered his weapon slowly when Bast nodded to him. Hawke began to speak, agreeing with Olek's unspoken line of thought. Hawke's words registered in the back of Olek's mind. He turned to Hawke and nodded, Olek's expression remaining relatively unchanged.

Olek glanced over at Dray when he started growling, whilst he did so his eyes immediately jumped to Kisa's unconscious body. His eye went wide. His free hand balled up into a fist as he resisted the urge to run over, but he knew there was nothing to be done.

Olek looked at the man. "Whoever you're about to call, tell them to double-time it."

Olek rubbed his eyes, he sauntered over to a crate and removed the magazine from his assault rifle. He proceeded to place the rifle in a hiding spot behind the crate. He didn't want to spook the dock worker's friend. He proceeded to sit down, separated from the others, yet still watching the dock worker intently. Ready to act if necessary.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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"Whoever you're about to call, tell them to double-time it." Olek commanded, worry for those like Kisa mounting a panic. Eric hesitated for only a moment, still a bit skittish about making any sudden movements. The man quickly found a crate to post up on, tucking his weaponry away behind him so it was out of sight but not out of reach. He looked to the woman and she did much of the same, without removing her magazine that is. She found a stack of wooden pallets by the door and in an oddly feline pounce like motion, she settled down atop it in a crouching position, resting on her toes. She put her gun behind her and gave Eric a nod to make the call. They must have been in some pretty dire straints if they were willing to trust this complete stranger.

He hadn't a cellphone on him, but there was a corded phone in the back room, in his office. It wasn't really an office, more like a modified closet. Stacks of file boxes crowded a cramped metal desk that held an ancient monstrosity of a computer running on some out dated version of windows. He headed back that way, surprised that neither soldier made a move to follow him. He opened the door and left it ajar so's not to raise any suspicion and lifted up the receiver, listening for the dial tone. He cast them one last weary glance and started punching in Aileen's number, three rings and someone picked up. "Hello, Aileen?"



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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When the man mentioned he knew someone that could help the injured Chris felt immensely relieved even more so when Max and Olek both lowered their weapons allowing the man to try and help them. The very idea that a healer would come and help the injured was enough to put a slight grin on his face and cause his tail to start wagging slowly. He blushed slightly at this, oftrntimes his tail would seem to have a mind of its own, sometimes wagging without Chris consciously wanting it to. He watched as the man made his way to a room in the back, hopefully to contact his healer friend.

With the man gone he turned his attention over towards Kisa. Even with someone coming to help he felt a growing sense of worry for her. Though he might not be very fond of Kisa, she was badly hurt and despite his feelings toward her, she was still a mutant, he'd hate it if she got any worse. He then looked over towards Dray, his concern for Kisa was obvious as he sat closely to her.

He walked over to a box not far from Dray and Kisa, and sat on top of it. "Don't worry. Hopefully the man's healer friend should be here soon. I'm sure Kisa will be fine." He looked towards Dray and gave him a small but reassuring smile. In a situation like this Chris thought it best if everyone tried to stay positive. After all what would worrying accomplish?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek watched the man disappear into the office. He calmly glanced over Bast, as she leaped to the top of some pallets with no problems. That's going to take some getting used to, Olek mused. He looked back to the small office that the dock worker disappeared into. His vision started swimming again. He shook his head, and calmly lifted himself off of the crate he was situated on.

Olek shifted his position to the ground, he sat on the ground with a resounding 'thud,' as his arm buckled mid-way through his descent. He leaned against the crate behind him as his breathing quickened. His paling complexion only worsened. He flicked the safety onto his pistol, fearing he might black out, yet he still continued fighting to pay attention to the dock worker. His pistol rested on his lap, his grip never failing in the slightest. Everything was a dull haze, slowly yet surely the world started to turn grey. His head lolled to his right as he scanned the room. The tourniquets wrapped around his torso were soaked red. He blinked three times, He planted his right hand on the ground to steady himself. Slowly yet surely he felt the cold setting in. He shivered ever so slightly, he gritted his teeth and slurred a curse under his breath. Minutes passed as Olek's heart continued to beat rapidly. He thought of anything that would calm him, but the adrenaline was already in his veins.

His vision flickered, darkness closing in all around him. He applied pressure on his bruised ribs, pain coursed through his battered body. Slowly yet surely his vision cleared, the waves of pain kept him awake. He panted heavily, trying to dispel how lightheaded he was feeling. He swayed once more, planting his right hand on the creaky wooden floor once more for support. Almost immediately Olek's hand slipped on the floor. Olek's sitting position turned into an awkward prone. He furrowed his brow, clearly displeased with himself. He looked down to push himself back up into a sitting position until he noticed what he had slipped in. His expression grew grave, he was sitting in a generous pool of his own blood. He started to push himself back up, wincing as he did so. Slowly yet surely Olek sat back up. His hands were shaking ever so slightly. He clasped them together and took a deep breath. He shifted his body before he let it rest back up against the crate. He shouldn't be moving anymore, Olek knew if he started moving around like he had been before, he would likely pass out. His cold hands were still wrapped around his sidearm, never letting it slip away from him.

Olek closed his good eye as darkness crept around his vision once more. He focused on his breathing, anything he could. Stay awake, stay awake. He kept repeating the same thoughts over and over. He dove through memories, painful memories. Stuff that would leave normal men babbling gibberish in padded cells. He was willing to do whatever it took to protect these kids. He wouldn't be able to protect anyone if he was slipping off to dream land.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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This guy was very strange, using some devise Edur had seen the guards use to communicate with eachother. Her gaze was rested on it for a long time, only to be broken by Chirs. For the first time Edur noticed just how bad of a condition Kisa was in. Even if the woman wasn't as kind as the others were she still didn't like seeing her in pain.

Hopefully whatever healer the man called would be here soon, because Olek sat down with a heavy thunk. At this Edur glanced at him in worry. His gun was still held tight but still Edur could see the slight shivers that racked his body. She frowned. How would they be protected if one of the guards were down.

Once he slipped and landed in the awkward position Edur knew she had to do something. What that would be she didn't know. Acting on complete instinct she bent down on her knees, and slowly crawled towards the pained guard.

She stopped about a foot before him, a sudden fear coming over here. He may of helped them more then anyone ever had but the past of evil guards made her pause. Then his favored eye closed and Edur figured she had to do something. Her hand shaking a bit she placed it on his knee, head crocked to the side. ''Do you need the healer?''