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Dahlia Reynolds

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a character in “Eternal Seas”, as played by kexia


Character Info



||Full Name:||

Dahlia Reynolds








Dahlia is a girl who loves life. As a photographer, she loves to travel and explore. She likes to joke around and have a good time. She is very open and friendly with everyone she meets.


Dahlia grew up as a single child with her father. Life wasn't easy, but she learned to enjoy it anyway. She is always up for a trip, especially if it's to a location where she can bring her camera along and go out shooting. So when her friend mentioned the trip to Maine, she jumped on the opportunity.

So begins...

Dahlia Reynolds's Story


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Character Portrait: Dahlia Reynolds Character Portrait: Troy Fastner
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"There better be some decent looking chicks at this old resort, I mean sure, I was the one who suggested a little getaway, your the one who picked the old house by the shore."

As usual Troy was being a weisenheimer, driving down a long and winding valley road in his piece of crap vehicle with Dehlia sitting in the passenger seat; two 20 something year olds on their way to Grendel County, a small sea side town in Maine, roughly 80 miles from where they live in New Hampshire.

The relative close distance from their hometown meant that they were somewhat familiar with the historic Old Fisherman's Inn, at least familiar enough for it to have popped into their minds when considering a possible weekend getaway.

They had never been romantically involved with one another, having remained the best of friends all their lives. Both of them were hoping to meet someone interesting on this trip, and although they would indeed meet someone, this person would be interesting in all the wrong ways.


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Character Portrait: Dahlia Reynolds Character Portrait: Troy Fastner
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#, as written by kexia
Dahlia was gazing out the window, her eyes taking in all the scenery, remembering every spot so that she could drag Troy out later to take pictures with her. She snorted at Troy's words and looked over at him. "First of all, you realize we're in the same room here. I don't know how you think this is going to work, but so help me, Troy, if you bring a girl back, I will kill you."

She went back to looking out the window, grinning all the same. "And anyway, this is a great, historic town. If you can find a girl here, she will be great. She'll obviously be very smart, and have an appreciation for stuff like this." Dahlia turned back to her best friend. "That is the kind of girl you want. Looks are just a plus."

She stared at him for a minute, waiting for him to tell her she was full of shit, even though he knew she was completely serious. Dahlia just wanted the best for her friend. She was tired of all the bimbos he dated. She knew he was better than that. If only she could find a guy like that. She had basically given up on dating. Though Troy was constantly telling her that she shouldn't give up. Hmph, well, he hadn't had the terrible run that she had.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dahlia Reynolds Character Portrait: Troy Fastner
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Thinking over the situation with the beds and the possibility of actualy meeting someone provided Troy with one of his patented smart ass replies.

"Well, that's what those little "Do not Disturb" signs are for, there......Jimmy Olsen" Troy replied with a sly, teasing laugh.

"And don't call me chief." He added a few seconds before Dehlia could think of a comeback.

Dehlia had mentioned the importance of the Inn and its surroundings, to which Troy agreed. "Yeah, that's for sure. Beautiful scenery huh." He said in a more serious manner, Dehlia was always able to see beyond Troy's feigned bad-boy, nonchalant bullshit.

The car was quickly approaching the coastline, the wide single lane roadway tapering off into a dirt road; the only remaining non renovated aspect of the landscape. The Inn was off in the distance and situation on a decline, with the ocean several hundred feet behind.

From their vantage point the sea appeared to loom over the entire building, impressions of old 70s disaster movies suddenly ran through Troy's mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dahlia Reynolds Character Portrait: Troy Fastner
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#, as written by kexia
Dahlia let out a laugh. "Fine, but if I'm locked out of the room all night long, I will get you back. And it'll be horrible. You won't enjoy my torture one bit," she promised.

She watched as the scenery changed with the effect of the dirt road. She leaned forward, clearly excited. "Ughh, this is gorgeous. Can we go out shooting like, as soon as we check in? Pleeease?" She folded her hands and leaned over, giving Troy puppy eyes. "And you can be my model. Maybe some of the ladies will see and come out to fawn over a hot model." She grinned wide.

Dahlia turned back to the scene ahead of them, sighing happily. "Oh, I bet this place is creepy at night. I am going to get a ton of awesome photos, Troy." She couldn't contain her excitement. It had been a while since she'd gotten out with her best friend, so she'd been looking forward to this weekend ever since he'd brought it up. The fact that he put up with her constant need to explore and take pictures only made her love him all the more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dahlia Reynolds Character Portrait: Troy Fastner
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Troy drove the crap car down the minor decline which led to the old Inn, which itself was less then a hundred feet from the deep sands of the beach. The brochure that Troy and Dehlia had flipped through in preparation for their visit had mentioned the role which the sea would play during their visit. It warned every wood-be visitor that in the right season the waves in the area were formidable and immense and a constant reminder of the locale.

Luckily, the Inn was a fairly active resort for those seeking interesting people, and therefore not many visitors had ever complained about the constant sound of violent waves breaking out in the waters behind the Inn-The blare of constant party-time tended to drown out such insignificant concerns.

"Who the hell needs sleep, where are the babes" was Troy's motto.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dahlia Reynolds Character Portrait: Troy Fastner
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#, as written by kexia
Once they had pulled up in front of the Inn, Dahlia hopped out of the car, grabbing her bags from the backseat. "Come on, slowpoke!" she said with a grin as she headed inside to check in. Once they had received their keys, they headed to their room, and Dahlia immediately claimed the bed closest to the window. "I call this one!" she called out, flopping down on the bed for a moment before hopping right back up and walking to the window.

"Ugh, look at this view. It's hideous. Why did we choose this place again?" Dahlia turned back to grin at Troy. "So what do you want to do? Go exploring? Probably hit the bar and see what kind of women are staying here for the weekend?"

She turned back to the bags she'd laid on the bed. She slung her camera bag across her shoulder; the one thing she was never without.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dahlia Reynolds Character Portrait: Troy Fastner
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Dahlia was never much good at hiding her enthusiasm for what Troy referred to as "Fooling around with her second best friend in the whole wide world" and so when she mentioned exploring her knew exactly what she meant.

Walking over to her Troy reached out and took Dahlia's hands into his, standing as close as was possible without bumping noses. Dahlia was waiting for a negative reply, something along the lines of - "Chicks first, photos later."

But was pleasantly surprised by Troy's reaction, speaking sofly and with great love for his best friend. "You wanna take pictures, don't you? Well, I guess that would be alright." Troy smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dahlia Reynolds Character Portrait: Troy Fastner
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0.00 INK

#, as written by kexia
Dahlia beamed up at her Troy when he answered. How could any woman give this man up? If they weren't practically siblings, she suspected they would have made a great couple together. But the thought of it was just too weird. She leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss his nose, then grinned.

"Okay, let's go," Dahlia said, releasing one of his hands but keeping hold of the other as she tugged him toward the door. "Are you going to model for me?"

She wanted to head for the beach first, to get photos of the outside of the inn as it sat right on the beach. So that was where she headed first, straight for the water's edge, with her best friend at her side.