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Shu-feng Fei

"I don't need to open my eyes to see how foolish you look right now."

0 · 437 views · located in Seoul, South Korea

a character in “Eum-ag Academy”, originally authored by PrincessBoy, as played by RolePlayGateway


Shu-feng Fei

Stage Name
Feing, pronounced as Fang.





"Black...The only color that fits my heart."

"Darkness is my only friend."





They Say I look like...?
Omi from exist†trace

They Say I sound like...?
Amber from f(x)

Appearance Description
Feing is quite masculine for a female. She stands at a height of 6'2" and weighs a little more than a girl should weigh. She has muscles in her arms and legs, including a four pack of abs. Her eyes are dark and with blood red eye colored contacts. She always has black eyeliner on. Her skin is smooth also, but very pale. Her natural hair color is dark brown, but she bleaches and dyes her hair platinum blond, but never her eyebrows. She has tons of piercing up and down her ears including a piercing on her right eyebrow. She also has a piercing on her tongue and navel. Her chest is not entirely flat-chested, but almost there. She is always found wearing men's clothing and in dark colors. She has a total of three tattoos: back of neck, right upper arm, & left hipbone.

Feing's personality is quite blunt. She hates beating around the bush. She's also quite harsh, a bit violent. Her attitude is cold and usually is called 'Ice Prince' because of it. She's also quiet too, but she talks more. She is very loyal of her band members, will do anything to keep them safe. She'll pound and rip someone a new one if anybody hurts one of them. Her aura can be quite menacing too, she's very dark and can be very cruel. She gets very annoyed easily.

  • Gore, Visual Kei, playing her violin, dark music, singing, dark places, the night, storms, thunder, being with her band, and sleeping.

  • Annoying people, dogs (allergic), daylight, the sun, earthquakes, bright music, her friends getting hurt, injuries, getting hurt herself, being outside, and getting sunburned.

Not really much is known about Feing. A few of those things are she came from a wealthy family who her siblings wanted her dead so they can be the head of the family. She fled to the academy to be away from that fighting so she can live her dreams of being in a Visual Kei band. She was also one of the prodigy children to become a professional violinist at the age of eight.

Hex Code

Theme Song
Ugly by 2NE1

So begins...

Shu-feng Fei's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eum-ag NPCs Character Portrait: Shu-feng Fei Character Portrait: Kim Shin Hwa
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Headmaster Chen

This is it!

This was it. The headmaster was literally shaking with happiness. This will be the first time he's letting in humans into Eum-ag. It was a dream to him. He wondered what the humans would react to the academy life here, but he truly didn't care. He knew they would love it whether they wanted to or not. He clasped his hands together and his lips were quirked into a half smile, half smirk. "This is so unbelievable~! Real humans? At Eum-ag? Ahh~!" He really was in a state of bliss. Still stuck on cloud nine, he didn't notice that the audience he brought with him were getting annoyed. When he came back to reality, he composed himself up and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Anyway my children...They shall be here any minute." The children he was talking about were finally feeling relieved. What couldn't be better for the humans?

Headmaster Chen had brought the most popular students to the welcoming ceremony. Head Council and ƍÖN were the top students here at Eum-ag and are getting even more famous as we speak. Head Council being more of a boy group while ƍÖN was a girl Visual Kei band. Now the headmaster always calls all his students his children, but these kids were different. Special. His face was flushed in imagination as he licked his lips in anticipation. Just a few more minutes...And they'll be here~! Soon, his answer was spoken and the bus showed up. Once the door open and the two humans filed out, he let the two poppers that were in his hands go. "Hi, hi! Welcome to Eum-ag! I'm Headmaster Chen and I welcome you here! I hope you guys have a blast here at the academy!"

Kim Shin Hwa - Shin-Hwa

Shin-Hwa was very tired, but his excitement kept him awake. Truth, he hasn't been able to sleep right for months from studying, but the invitation just made it worse. The invitation, oh, he kept the card in his sketch book. The sketch book that he sketches in that helps him come up with lyrics for songs. The whole book is full of unfinished sketches and songs, but he did have some finished ones in there. He currently had his reading glasses on with one pencil in his hand and his sketch book in his lap. He sighed as he thought about the invitation again. He still couldn't believe he was going to be able to go to the best music school in Asia. He smiled softly and bushed some hair behind his ear. He looked out the window waiting for the bus to stop at the academy.

He fell asleep against the cold glass until he felt the vehicle stop moving. He quickly looked behind him, knowing that the girl that sat in the back also had gotten a invitation. She was cute, but he never thought pass that. He didn't swing that way and probably never will. Because of his girlish looks and the way he talks, females always thought he looked better than him. Plus, guys were always drawn to his looks like bees with flowers. He smiled softly again at the thought. He stood up with his sketch book in one hand and his heavy carry on that held all of his stuff on one shoulder. He filed out of the bus and was surprised at the poppers. His eyes widened when he heard the headmaster and they grew wider when he saw the people behind him. He felt so out of place, these people were so beautiful and handsome. He wasn't worthy of being near them. He found himself turning red and bowing, wondering if his outfit was okay for these people. "Ah! U-um...uh...,"he felt so nervous, his hands with fidgeting on his sketch book. He sighed and took off his glasses (not knowing that when he did, it looked like he was flaunting his looks), blinking and bowing once again. "I-I...I'm Kim Shin Hwa...P-please call me Shin-Hwa...I'm so...I-I'm so thankful to be here!"

Shu-feng Fei - Feing

Feing felt out of place. Not because she felt unworthy, no. She felt out of place because it was so damn bright out today. Her outfit was totally the opposite for the weather. She was clad in a light gray turtle neck with a black necklace and a black trench coat over it. A studded belt kept her baggy jeans on and her feet were clad in leather boots that she literally bought yesterday. She also wore leather gloves on her hands. Her ears were all pierced up and dressed with new earrings. She had a normal piercing in her sharp eyebrow. She snarled in disgust at the headmaster. He was too happy for her. She never got what 'happy' was as she has never truly experienced it. She clicked her tongue on her teeth as she looked back at her band mates. Of course, she was the manliest in the band, but her violin playing can tell you otherwise. She's so cool and composed when she played, it was like heaven.

When the bus rolled in, she pulled down her [url]sunglasses[/url] and blinked as the first human got off the bus. Seeing him blush and stutter made her stomach churn. Helpless...So weak. She rolled her eyes at his introduction. She hated the weak, so much because she used to be weak. She looked away until she saw the next human get off the bus, a female. Her eyes were glued to the human girl for no reason. She didn't have an excuse to give to the others, but she just kept on staring. Everyone probably already saw her eyes were more open then usual because she was in real shock, which has never happened before. It was just...mind-blowing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisuke Kudo Character Portrait: Eum-ag NPCs Character Portrait: Shu-feng Fei Character Portrait: Katsu Kudo Character Portrait: Kim Shin Hwa
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Katsu Kudo- Katsu

Katsu had to admit that the weather was nice outside. He had pulled on a plain black shirt and his casual jeans. He was beginning to get warm standing outside waiting for the humans to arrive. Personally, he didn't care about the humans at all. His brother had dragged his bitter butt out to the meeting. As soon as he heard that Head Council had to attend he had already made up his mind to skip out. Occasions like this just weren't his thing. His gaze was gliding aimlessly around the front when the bus pulled up. The Headmaster's perky, enthusiastic voice had bothered him to no end. To prevent from snapping in irritation, he drowned out the noise. He never appreciated him calling them "his children". He snapped once stating that he already had parents.

As the bus pulled up, two humans came out. The first was a short male with an overall shy personality judging from his introduction and the way his eyes moved. Katsu scoffed at his move that looked like he was trying to impress them by taking off his glasses. Weakness echoed from his voice. It wasn't as irritating to him as you would expect. The boy introduced himself as Shin-Hwa and bowed like crazy. Katsu ignored him and noticed Feing staring at the second human. "Ya." he said bluntly. "Feing. Stop that. You'll scare the human away," he muttered and turned to face the other way. He glared at his brother who was smiling happily and greeting the newbie. Daisuke, he thought, I hate you for making me come here. This is boring. And its hot. He made a face and kicked the gravel under his feet.

Daisuke Kudo- D

Daisuke didn't have to strain to look as the bus pulled into view containing the first ever humans to set foot in Eun-ag Academy as invited students. He was six feet flat and towered over most people that came into his line of sight. This next human was no exception. Daisuke just laughed at the boy's shaky voice and conservative tone. It was like he was scared, but too excited to move. Daisuke had looked over at the Headmaster and smiled as he was near the brink of exploding from excitement. "Headmaster, relax," he stared but was quickly ignored as the first human took center stage. He was short, but good looking nonetheless. Daisuke approached him first. "Hello, Shin-hwa," he greeted, bowed and nodded. "I'm Daisuke from Head Council. We're here to greet you two. Welcome to Eun-ag Academy." He bowed to the female human as well. "We're glad to have you here."

His blonde hair covered his forehead today and he wore a white t-shirt with blue and orange designs along with cargo shorts and his favorite pair of yellow tinted sneakers. He felt his brother's angry gaze, but ignored him calmly. Katsu was a stick in the mud and such a jerk when it came to occasions like this. Daisuke wanted the new students to feel welcomed since they would probably feel even more left out once they found out no one in the school was even human.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisuke Kudo Character Portrait: Lee Jin Hyeon Character Portrait: Shu-feng Fei Character Portrait: Katsu Kudo Character Portrait: Cai Lung Wenji Character Portrait: Kim Shin Hwa
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Lee Jin Hyeon - Hyeon

Hyeon gave a sigh as she crossed her arms over her chest, hiding her breasts which threatened to spill from her corset top that was only a portion of one of her favourite outfits. She had kept her neck bare, preferring to keep any attention she received on the clothing she was currently wearing.

Feing, the violinist of ƍÖN, was standing beside her with her eyes seeming to be permanently stuck on the human girl who had stepped from the bus. Hyeon rolled her eyes as she elbowed the Taiwanese woman, hissing a quiet, " Quit staring, it's rude," to her. Honestly, she was behaving quite strangely now but the annoyance at this was soon gone as Cai-Kai, the leader of the group, nudged Feing. It was clear as to her meaning and Hyeon found herself fighting giggles as she stepped forward with a bright smile on her lips, following Daisuke's lead.

" Yes, welcome. I'm Hyeon, from ƍÖN." She motioned behind herself toward Cai-Kai and Feing. " Those two are my band mates." Hyeon added with a light laugh, tapping her foot as she enjoyed the extra 4 inches of height they gave her typical 5 foot 3 inch frame. She waited, half turning toward them with an eyebrow raised, for them to introduce themselves. Cai wouldn't be a problem, she knew, but Feing... Well, Feing was Feing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisuke Kudo Character Portrait: Eum-ag NPCs Character Portrait: Lee Jin Hyeon Character Portrait: Shu-feng Fei Character Portrait: Katsu Kudo Character Portrait: Cai Lung Wenji
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Hana Gan - Gan

Gan watched things fly by on the ride to Eum-ag Academy. She could not believe this was really happening it. Taking in everything calmed her down. She felt like she was buzzing with energy. The night before she to had run for a few miles before she felt exhausted. She knew she had to get some sleep one way or another. After an hour or so of riding on the bus, she decided to listen to music. Gan hummed the tune to each song while she rested her eyes. 'Eum-ag Academy. I can't wait to get there. I want to start already,' she mused. Gan eyes opened when the bus began to slow down. Gan took her headphones off before putting it away in her suitcase pocket with her MP3 player. Then she put on glossy chap-stick, which made her lips shine. She also put the chap-stick in the pocket. When the bus stopped, she stood up and grabbed her large suitcase handle.

She waited for the boy to get off first. She found him to be adorable, he seem like someone she'd be protective over.She felt lucky being accepted into the academy. Gan would be able to stay in one place without moving a couple of months or a year later. More importantly, she would be able to do what she loved. Once he started walking, she followed right behind him. Gan stood behind the boy. She looked over the man with the poppers. She let out a small giggle. The Headmaster just seemed so happy, it was amusing and a bit funny. Her attention was given to Shin-Hwa when he began to speak. Gan could tell he was nervous. She just stood tall with her head held up high. She cleared her throat softly after Shin-Hwa finish speaking. Gan had a smile on her lips. She listened as people introduced themselves.

"Hello, I'm Hana Gan. I'm so glad to be here. It's nice to meet you all. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to greet us. You can call me Gan if you like," she replied after Hyeon introduced herself. She wanted to keep things simple. Gan shifted her weight slightly. Today was a nice day, she enjoyed the warmth of the sun on her skin. She observed the people around her. The people who so far talked seem nice. Her attention did land on a boy, Katsu, who angrily gazed at Daisuke. 'Hmm, wonder what's up with him,' she mused. Though after, she notice someone was just staring at her. She stared back at the person, who was Feing. 'Hmm, wonder why I am being stared at...pretty sure I look at least decent, might as well react,' she thought to herself. She simply waved to Feing, but didn't say anything. It was the only thing she could think to do.

Gan would have done or said something a bit playful or even mischievousness, but she didn't feel like it. She was too excited about being here. Gan wondered if her hair was mess up or something. She was curious to why she was being stared at. She was a bit relieved when she felt something crawl up her leg. She leaned over and saw an orange lady bug. Gan let the bug crawl onto her hand. She stood up straight once again. She watched the lady bug walk down her fingers to her palm. She turned her hand every once in a while to keep an eye on it. The bug flew away when a breeze came by. 'Oh well,' she thought to herself. Gan ran fingers through her bangs then her long hair. Her hair seem to be how she left it this morning. It was straight and laid against her back, it covered her tattoo. She didn't know where to look now. Gan couldn't exactly go back to staring. Gan decided to just look at everyone else around her. Today Gan wore a blue dress and black flats. She waited for the others to introduce themselves.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisuke Kudo Character Portrait: Eum-ag NPCs Character Portrait: Lee Jin Hyeon Character Portrait: Shu-feng Fei Character Portrait: Katsu Kudo Character Portrait: Cai Lung Wenji
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Liu Kimero - Kann

Liu finally walked into the opening area as everyone awaited to meet the two humans.Frankly,he was quite surprised to find out that the school was finally allowing normal people to come not that he hated what he was,but they were a little weak to him seeing as they have no powers at all.He did date one at one time but he never liked her and she hated him of course but onside of that matter he looked around to see his bandmates over by the entrance with everyone else.He ran over to the bus to see the humans come out and he wasn't surprised at all.

He knew they would look just like them but they were just too fragile to him.He fixed his jacket and kept his skull belt out of order. Liu walked over to Katsu and Daisuke with a crooked smile one his face."So guys,what in the world did i miss this time ? ".He knew what was going on but really having fun was pretty much him as he was wild,young,and childish.He looked at one of the girls as he looked over to Cai.Sure she was cute to him and he liked her a bit but he never felt as if they would ever get close.

As he looked back to the humans one was a male and the other a female.He said nothing to the boy as he nodded to his future bandmate and he looked over to the girl who had a big edge to her style but anyways this was gonna be a little fun and to see what they could do would also be pretty fun too.He opened his hand behind his back and began to silently play with the erupting fire levitating as it stayed in place floating.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisuke Kudo Character Portrait: Eum-ag NPCs Character Portrait: Lee Jin Hyeon Character Portrait: Shu-feng Fei Character Portrait: Katsu Kudo Character Portrait: Cai Lung Wenji
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Kim Shin Hwa - Shin-Hwa

Shin-Hwa was beyond nervous. Still. He kept glancing at the one guy, Katsu who kept giving him glares. He knew his weakness was showing visibly, but there was no reason for the mean staring. He could feel tears started to gather and his fingers fidget even more. When the girls started speaking, he stood up a little more, but the nerves are still there. He bit his lip until one of the guy's, by the name of Makisig, came over and slung his arm around him. His face became red as a tomato. Shin-Hwa looked up at Maki with rather big brown eyes as his bottom lip quivered just a bit. The guy with his arm around him was so hot, he could of sworn he was drooling at the moment (he wasn't, that was for sure). "Don't be nervous Shin-Hwa. Eum-ag academy is an amazing school where your talents will be revealed to the entire world." When the guy's blue hair tickled his cheek, he could of fainted. He didn't, but his breathing was heavy.

Even though he's been out of the closet for five years now, he was still getting used to people actually liking his appearance. He was always self-doubting his looks that he saw himself as unattractive, ugly even. Even though that's quite the opposite, it was a mental block he hasn't overcome yet. That's way he was hyperventilating that this hot guy who has never met him before was so friendly and slightly flirtatious. He was oblivious to whatever Maki did and just looked back up at him cutely. "I-I...I'll try...M-Maki hyung,"he said with a stutter and a suffix he was used to added because of his culture. If there was one thing he was confident in, that was his song writing. "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind...,"he said in a rushed whisper, hoping no one heard him, especially Makisig. Saying quotes always helped him feel much better and give him confidence, even if it was just a little. He glanced over at that one girl, boy...He wasn't sure of the gender, but he was pretty sure it was a female. Feing, hearing the others say her name, was clearly staring at the other human, the girl. He smiled weakly, a plan going through his head. Pretty sure she likes her... He licked his lips before he remembered that a hot guy was latched onto him. He really was to the point of fainting, his legs were visibly shaking.

Shu-feng Fei - Feing

"Feing. Stop that. You'll scare the human away."

Feing growled softly and scoffed at the older twin. She stopped her staring as Cai-Kai and Hyeon nudged her. She could feel something was up, but she shook those thoughts away. The girl was human and looked so pretty, feminine unlike her manly self. She rolled her neck and stepped forward just a bit. "Introduce yourself!" "Quit staring, it's rude." She clicked her tongue against the fake fangs that she wore and decided to speak. "...Just call me Feing...I play the violin in ƍÖN..." She stepped back as she heard the girl introduce herself. Hana Gan? The name is pretty cute...The hell? She snarled to herself and looked away, having a inner war with herself. She didn't know what to really call what was happening, but she wasn't going to admit that she was developing a crush on the human. She peered over at the twins and then at Maki, watching him flirt with the nervous wreck.

She saw the look on the poor human's face. She leaned over to the leader, whispering to her a rush. "We won't have to worry about Makisig's love life...,"she whispered in Cai-Kai's ear,"that human boy seems to like him back." Even though she was amused, her voice was kept monotoned. She kept to herself after saying that and shoved her hands into her coat pocket, making quick glances here and there at Gan.

Headmaster Chen

Headmaster Chen was smiling like a kid in a candy store that was just told they can have anything they want for free. He let another popper go before shoved his way into the middle. "Good! Good!" He could see everyone was at least happy and welcoming to the humans. He clapped rapidly before just clasping his hands together. "Since we seem all acquainted, I'll let you guys take over the tour of the Academy!" He hummed happily as he started to walk away. "You guys can finish your introductions in the dorms. Show them where they will be staying. Give them a warm welcome." He hummed again, but his humming this time had a undertone to it. Just like the end of his sentence did. They others didn't see, but as the headmaster walked away, he had a dark look on his face with a smirk. "A very warm welcome...,"he whispered hoarsely as he practically disappeared into the shadows.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisuke Kudo Character Portrait: Eum-ag NPCs Character Portrait: Lee Jin Hyeon Character Portrait: Shu-feng Fei Character Portrait: Katsu Kudo Character Portrait: Cai Lung Wenji
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Hana Gan - Gan

Gan watched as someone, Liu, walked into the opening area. She liked his jacket. Then she saw another boy walked up to her and Shin-Hwa. She gave Maki a smile once he finish speaking. 'Seems like he's interested in Shin-Hwa,' she thought. She felt sure since Maki put his arm around Shin-Hwa then leaned his head. Gan was amused by Shin-Hwa reaction, his face was red. She crossed her ankles to keep steady. Her eyes wandered back to Feing, but she looked away quickly. Gan didn't know what to think of Feing. She was still waiting for Feing to say something. She secretly wanted to know what Feing's voice sounded like. To keep her eyes from wandering back, her attention returned to Shin-Hwa. 'Hope he doesn't pass out, he seems to be shaking like a leaf, poor thing, he is way too nervous. He needs a drink or something,' she mused.

Her smile involuntary grew when Feing began to speak. Gan liked how Feing's voice sounded. She looked Feing up and down. Though, she caught herself staring at Feing's lips. What got her attention was the fangs in Feing's mouth. Gan didn't think the fangs were real, that's be silly of her if she did. When she notice her eyes were just lingering on those lip's, she looked up into Feing's eyes. 'She has me staring now,' she mused. She cleared her throat before she licked her lips. "Nice to meet you too Feing. I like your teeth," she said softly. One thing she wonder was what Feing's full name was. Gan felt happier than she did before. She also felt Feing mostly had to do with that. She was pretty sure, but she could not think of the reason why. As the Headmaster let go another popper, she laughed softly. Now what he spoke about interested her. 'Tour should be fun. Dorms? Wonder if I'll be sharing withing anyone. If I do share...wonder who I'll be sharing with...' she pondered. Gan pulled herself out of her thoughts to look at the others. "He had quite a few poppers. He better be carefully before he sets himself on fire," she joked softly, with a small smirk on her lips.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisuke Kudo Character Portrait: Eum-ag NPCs Character Portrait: Lee Jin Hyeon Character Portrait: Shu-feng Fei Character Portrait: Katsu Kudo Character Portrait: Cai Lung Wenji
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Daisuke Kudo- D

After hearing the people's names, he was contented with leaning back and allowing the others to give their shot at a warm welcome. He had told them his name and he felt satisfied since the rest of the band and the girls from ƍÖN were being nice to the new people. He smiled as Liu came over with his stylish jacket and cool self. "Nothing," Daisuke said looking back at the humans as Maki introduced himself to the male human. He was being very friendly. Daisuke cocked his head imagining Maki crushing on Shin-Hwa. They didn't look so bad, but he didn't dwell on the topic. He heard his brother mumble something under his breath, but he ignored it. "Liu, careful," his voice was light, not the slightest bit demanding. It sounded like he was singing, but not singing. "They don't know yet." He was talking about their powers. His eyes dragged to Shin-Hwa and the pretty girl that introduced herself as Gan. Her dress was cute and it seemed that Feing and the other girls had welcomed her enough. Nonetheless, Daisuke found himself leaving Liu and Katsu for a moment. He peeked his head behind the other girls and said hello. "I'm Daisuke. I'm from Head Council. Rapper along with my brother." He pointed a finger towards Katsu. He looked at the girls and grinned letting his eyes fall on the still staring and bewildered Feing. "Sharpen your fangs today?" He chuckled, knowing that the girl was manlier then he was and was more likely to act violently. Taking a sharp breath, he said in a parting voice. "I'll let the girls take care of you, Gan. See you around," his voice was welcoming even as he started to move away.

Turning to leave he noted the look in Feing's eyes as she stared at the girl and Gan's interested expression as well. He smiled to himself and bowed to the present ƍÖN members. He smiled to Cai, but it was just a friendly one. He let his gaze linger on Hyeon, a caring stare. It wasn't creepy or intense, but light, warm and content like the sun above them. "See you later," his said softly and turned fully back to Liu and Katsu. He liked Hyeon and he wasn't particularly afraid to show it. He always acted especially nice to her. Well, he was nice to everyone and just an all around sweet person. It was like all the good, amiable traits were passed to him and the irritable, bitter characteristics got inherited by Katsu. Just then the Headmaster told them to head for the dorms. He strolled behind him, entering their building. Daisuke didn't see the dark gaze, and didn't even think anything as the man held a weird tone to his voice. "Come on, guys," he said, turning his head and motioning them with his arm to come forward. "Time for the new students to get a taste of the real Eun-ag Academy," he said loudly so everyone could hear him.

Katsu Kudo- Katsu

Katsu was being very annoyed today. He just ignored everyone, but did notice the flirtatious arm-over-shoulder welcome that Maki was trying to pull with the new guy. Liu came up and Katsu gave a grin of mischief towards his leader's direction. "Didn't think that was his type, but I guess I'm wrong," he said under his breath just as his brother walked away to go greet the female human and make googly eyes at Hyeon. Everyone could tell that he had a special interest in Hyeon, but the boy was too nice to move in for something more. Katsu had even complained about it once. He had tired to get Daisuke to confess to Hyeon about two months before, but his argument went nowhere. He had dropped the subject for the time being, angry at his brother. HE would bring it up again. He didn't just lose an argument like that.

Hearing the Headmaster's words as the ending of the small welcoming, Katsu felt a surge of happiness go through his legs. He bounced on his heels and whispered "Yes!" to himself quietly, turning around to go to the dorms. He walked in front of his brother a little bit as he turned to call the rest of the students inside. He tried to use his brother to conceal what he was about to do, but if you paid attention, you would have clearly noticed his black shirt disappearing behind a mist of white. Katsu's ability was teleportation. It was technically a form of telekinesis which was the ability his brother possessed, but he could only transport himself and one other person at a time. Adding another passenger to the trip was often much more tiring though. He knew Feing had the same ability, but he didn't really care. He had transported himself into his bedroom. He busied himself with a new song he was working on and picked up his instruments. Strumming his guitar slightly, he laid back and relaxed as the cool air tickling his skin. He knew his brother would get on his case for leaving them hanging, but he really did not want to be there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisuke Kudo Character Portrait: Eum-ag NPCs Character Portrait: Lee Jin Hyeon Character Portrait: Shu-feng Fei Character Portrait: Katsu Kudo Character Portrait: Cai Lung Wenji
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Lee Jin Hyeon - Hyeon

Hyeon giggled as she noticed the pairings beginning already, her eyes twinkling as she spoke up, " Eolmana gwiyeowo!" This was mainly directed at Feing's behaviour toward Hana Gan as well as Makisig's toward Shin Hwa. It was quite adorable in her eyes, hence her statement.

She smiled at Daisuke as he bowed to her group and made sure to look at each of the girls and his own band mates. He was definitely the more responsible and respectful of the pair. His twin Katsu, on the other hand, had a habit of being too honest, too blunt and altogether too moody. But he was an all right guy and Hyeon wasn't complaining. He hadn't done anything wrong to her and, besides, everyone had good and bad aspects to their personality.. He just hadn't shown many of his good ones yet.

" See you later," Daisuke said softly as he turned to leave to show the new guy to the male dorms, to which the Korean female responded with a nod. Daisuke had made Hyeon's smile grow a bit as she now turned to the new girl, Hana Gan, and looked over her with kind eyes. " All right then, it's about time we showed you where we stay too, right Cai-Kai?" Her tone was light, of course, as she turned to ƍÖN's leader. Sure, she was co-leader and all but Hyeon did rely on Cai Lung Wenji for much of the decisions.. However, the other girl was a bit more excitable than Hyeon herself.

" Come this way, please," she said politely as she turned toward the regular dorms where ƍÖN's lay in wait behind it. As they walked, Hyeon pulled Cai along beside her and whispered in her ear quietly. " Are we taking her to the regular dorms or ours?" It was one of those odd times in which the girl was actually confused, her confidence slipping from within but still pasted to her expression.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisuke Kudo Character Portrait: Lee Jin Hyeon Character Portrait: Shu-feng Fei Character Portrait: Katsu Kudo Character Portrait: Cai Lung Wenji Character Portrait: Kim Shin Hwa
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Shu-feng Fei - Feing

"Nice to meet you too Feing. I like your teeth."

That statement actually did the impossible. Feing, the most closed off person at this academy, blushed for the first time truly. She just looked off to the side, giving a silent thanks to the compliment. What...on earth is me? She just shut upped her thoughts and nodded to herself. Hearing the other thing the human girl said, she scoffed. "He wish he catches on fire...That man gives me the creeps." She scrunched her nose as she glared at Daisuke for his comment. For some reason, she didn't like him talking about her fangs, even though they are fake. She even glared at Hyeon a bit before softening her eyes. She could never truly glare at her band members.

When she overheard Hyeon's whisper to Cai-Kai, she realized something. The humans were going to stay at the their dorms for a reason. The sneaky bastard that was their headmaster was a tricky one. He did that on purpose. Either way, the humans were going to find out the special part of their school tomorrow when it was time for class. She shuddered at what would happen when the humans find out about their powers. She shrugged it off and chuckled softly at Cai's teasing. "Hehe...Wait...That means I have to walk to?"she asked in a rushed whisper to their leader. She growled when Katsu teleported, but no one really saw what he did. She wished she could do that too. But before she could say anything else, she heard Cai telling Gan that she would be able to hang out in her room. She blushed once again, which was really visible on deathly pale skin, as she knew what she was getting at. "Let's just start walking already."

Kim Shin Hwa - Shin-Hwa

"If you want my advice, don't mess with ƍÖN. If you do, that girl with the weird teeth will make your life hell."

Shin-Hwa couldn't help, but just melt into that voice. The lips that barely touched his ear also sent him with fire. His cheeks were so red by now. He barely knew this guy and he was making this songwriter's heart beat fast. Whether it really was love at first sight or just...something else, he couldn't tell. He looked at the girl who had the fake fangs at just froze, the girl scaring him even though she hardly even looked at him. He was oblivious to the mist and just continued to look frozen.

It wasn't until Maki slid his arm off of him, did he stop looking frozen. He was actually quite disappointed and made a little sound in the back of his throat. Though, his disappointment wasn't long and the weather practically changed to an oncoming storm. He squeaked out something with his nervous, shaking voice. "Oh, uh...W-we need to get to the d-d-dorms then...uh, huh?"he said and stopped as he found him shivering ever so slightly. He blamed his overly sensitive skin. He looked up at Makisig just as he spoke to him. "Shin-Hwa you must be freezing in that outfit of yours. Here." When the blazer was put over his shoulders, did he stopped shivering, though it only helped for a minute before he started to shiver once again. He was beyond embarrassed still, a hot guy offered his own blazer for him? FOR HIM? He was slightly giddy in his mind as a ever so small smile grace his lips. Though, the cold was getting to him as he self-consciously latched onto Maki. He blushed darkly again, but still held onto him. "Maki hyung...still c-cold..." Others were probably thinking he was faking, flirting with him, but he really was truly cold. He really couldn't help it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisuke Kudo Character Portrait: Lee Jin Hyeon Character Portrait: Shu-feng Fei Character Portrait: Katsu Kudo Character Portrait: Cai Lung Wenji Character Portrait: Hana Gan
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Hana Gan - Gan

Gan looked up when Daisuke introduced himself. She smiled at him and nodded in response. Her dark brown eyes wandered over to Katsu when Daisuke pointed. Gan thought Katsu seem a bit grumpy. Though, she looked back at Daisuke when he spoke again to her. She gave him another smile before she waved bye. Her attention went back to the three girls in front of her. As Hyeon mention showing her where they stayed, she uncrossed her ankles. She then followed behind Hyeon and Cai as they walked; though that was after she waved bye to the others. She just stayed walking near Feing. Gan thought about Feing's comment about the headmaster. 'Headmaster seems okay, just a bit too hyper,' she mused. Gan would glance up every now and then to look at Feing while she walked. She made sure not to do it too often. Gan didn't want it to be completely obvious. She looked at Cai when she began to speak about dorms and bedrooms.

"I don't mind sharing with Feing, though, I wouldn't want to impose on her or anything like that," she said softly. She didn't dare look at Feing. Gan already felt herself start to blush slightly. "I don't mind walking a lot, but hopefully it won't start raining or anything while you guys are showing me around the campus. The weather is weird here it seems...I'll just have to put my suitcase somewhere before we go though," she told them. Gan entered the dorm quietly. Her eyes scanned the dorm. Then she went to look up at Feing. "So Feing, would you mind me hanging around your room for a bit if the extra bedroom isn't ready yet?" she questioned. A shy smile on her lips. Her cheeks had turned a dark pink by now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee Jin Hyeon Character Portrait: Shu-feng Fei Character Portrait: Cai Lung Wenji Character Portrait: Hana Gan
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Lee Jin Hyeon - Hyeon

" Let's just start walking already."

Hmm, Feing didn't seem so impressed by this or.. Hyeon snuck a look over to the violinist only to witness the blush that spread over the woman's cheeks. It reminded her of a bright red paint on the white background that was Feing's naturaly pale face. Her features appeared just as embarrassed as her cheeks made her look.

" Feing," Hyeon began slowly, waiting for the girl to look at her before mouthing 'How cute!' in her direction with adoring eyes. It was honestly quite sweet to see her dear band mate be moved beyond words.. And also rather rare to see such a colour on her pallid cheeks. Hyeon was certainly enjoying her friend's expression as she shifted her body out of possible projectile distance and moved to walk beside Gan. Perfectly safe in this spot now.

" I'm sure you're the only one," Hyeon responded slyly, winking at Feing. " She snores horribly and is definitely not a morning person." She didn't bother to hide the joking tone in her voice, preferring to not scare the human away. " But I'm sure she won't mind, will you Feing? Only for a few days?" She turned her own pale face to look at the platinum haired woman, tilting her head as she looked over with her dark brown eyes twinkling cheerfully.

If Feing had been about to protest the co-leader of ƍÖN hadn't waited long enough for her response as she turned back to Hana Gan with a smile on her lips. " Well then, I guess it's settled. You'll room with Feing until your room is completely prepared." Of course, she left no room for argument even as she winked at Feing behind Gan's back.