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Every Soul a Star

Every Soul a Star


At Moon Shadow, an isolated campground, thousands have gathered to catch a glimpse of a rare sight: a total eclipse of the sun. Now.... 8 lives are about to be changed forever....

1,086 readers have visited Every Soul a Star since kellycat122 created it.


(based off the book "Every Soul a Star" by Wendy Mass)

Welcome, to the Moon Shadow Campground young teenager.


When my grandfather was ten years old, a rock fell from the sky and grazed his left ear. He was lying on the grass at the time, staring up at the stars. Convinced that a piece of the moon had broken off and landed on Earth, he ran inside to show his mother. She was more concerned with the trickle of blood that was sliding down his ear and onto his neck. She wouldn't even look at the shiny black rock until she had dabbed some whiskey on the cut.
At first his mother was convinced the rock had been thrown by a mischevious neighbor boy named Hank, but an investigation determined that Hank "indisposed" at the time, which was the polite way of saying that Hank had eaten some bad carp that he had fished illegally from the river behind the glue factory and had been stuck on the toilet since dinner.
The next day my grandfather's father brought the rock to work with him at the factory and on his way stopped at the local library, where apparently all the smartest people in town worked. The head librarian took one glance at it and announced that my grandfather had indeed been struck by an object that had been hurled out of the heavens-- a meteorite. Now my grandfather's father, he was a nice guy, played ball with his son, went to church on Sundays, but he never did have much aptitude for science. Noticing his blank expression, the librarian explained that a meteorite was what happened when a meteoroid broke through the earth's atmosphere, but didn't burn up like it was supposed to. The meteorite, she explained, was made of iron, and was probably a tiny chunk of an asteroid. The librarian made some calls, and found out that as long as the meteorite wasn't found on government land, like a national park or the White House lawn or something, the person whose property it lands on is the rightful owner.
That weeked my grandfather's parents took him to the five and dime store, where my grandfather picked out a small blue pouch about the size of a deck of cards. His mother punched holes in it and looped a leather string through them. My grandfather dropped the meteorite in the pouch, tied it closed, and slipped it over his head, where it remained for the rest of his life. Well, he took it off for showers and swimming, of course. And when he slept. And anytime he had to wear a suit. Oh, and to wash the pouch occasionally. But other than that, it thumped on his chest in tune to the beating of his heart. Or so he claimed.
As a kid, he showed the rock (and the scar on his ear) to anyone who would listen, and explained that the odds of getting hit by a meteorite are a trillion to one. While I would have thought this would make him really popular, it didn't. It made him really interested in space though, and in the way that all the planets and stars and galaxies are kept in a delicate balance. He worried that because a piece of an asteroid had landed on Earth, the balance of the universe was disrupted. He became obsessed with trying to even things out by bringing a part of the earth up to the sky. He figured spotting a new asteroid and having it named after him would even things out. But just in case he never found one, he had a backup plan.
When I was one year old, he put a pen in my hand and guided me to sign my name on a piece of paper. I'm sure it wasn't legible, but that signature was scanned into a computer and put on a disk along with Grandpa's and my parents' and a half a million others, and that disk is a billion miles away, circling Saturn right now in the Cassini spacecraft.
By the time he he died, I had already inherited Grandpa's love of the stars. Then I inherited the meteorite, too.
Of course, my Grandpa never spotted a new asteroid and had it named after him, so before his life was put to an end, he used his backup plan, which was creating a place right under where the Eclipse would be, and make it a place where everyone could enjoy the activities there, but also learn about the universe and everything that is in it, like stars, constellations, galaxies, asteroids, meteoroids, and more.....

Shinku Touya has been living in the Moon Shadow Campground ever since she was born. Her parents, her, and her brother all live there and take care of it. The Moon Shadow Campground has many things to do there. There are hot springs there, and there's only so much swimming in the lake, fishing, hiking, playing on the playground, and roasting hot dogs and s'mores one can stand. But they also have unusual activities there, like they have a labyrinth, which is an ancient series of spiraling circles created on the ground with stones that you walk through. You're supposed to ponder some big question while walking through it. When you reach the middle, you're supposed to get your answer.
Besides the labyrinth, the Touya family created five other Unusuals. Campers can pan for gold (also known as gold colored plastic nuggets) in a small stream that runs alongside the campground.
They can paint whatever they want on the wall of the Art House, and when that gets filled up, everyone will start on the floor and the ceiling.
In the back room of the Art House is Alien Central, where campers can monitor the computer that sweeps the sky for alien radio transmissions all day and all night. The Touya family is part of an organization called the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). Their computer is one of millions that analyze radio signals as they come in from outer space. It's a very popular Unusual. Everyone wants to be the one in front of the computer when the first alien signal comes in.
Besides finding aliens, people can walk through the Sun Garden and tell the time by the shadow they cast on the ground. It took the TOuya family one whole winter to make up the giant sundial out of mosiac and tile and concrete. The sundial is located in a sunflower meadow.
Up the hill from the Pavilion with all the picnic tables and grills, there is the Star Garden, where guests can try out a bunch of different telescopes and binoculars that astronomers have donated to my parents over the years.
The Moon Shadow Campground is owned by the Touya family and it is pretty famous within the astronomy community. They have Star Parties each year where people come from all over the country to stargaze together, since the skies up here are so dark and wide.
The Moon Shadow Campground is a fun and beautiful place, with hot springs and hot coffee and clean bathrooms and their choice of tents or cabins, and no televisions to remind them of anywhere other than here.

And for one day.... the place will become a magical place..... For one day, the campground would be the only patch of land in the entire country to lie smack dab in the path of the Great Eclipse when it passes overhead. In precisely twenty-two days and some hours from now (from when the roleplay beginds), the sun will get erased from the sky, the planets will come out to greet us, the birds will stop singing, and a glowing halo of light will flutter like angels' wings above our heads.
Except, of course, if it rains.

On the first day of Summer, 8 teenagers are accepted to stay at the Moon Shadow Campground for the whole Summer, even though none of them actually want to.
But the Moon Shadow Campground, their lives are all about the be changed forever......

Character Slots

Taken~ Shinku Touya: The oldest daughter of the Touya Family (she was the one who described her grandfather's story) ~Taken
She is 16 years old and she loves the stars. She know about every constellation, the difference between a reflective scope and a refracetive scope, and the names of most of the craters on the moon, She can also show everyone the direction of new-born stars in the Orion Nebula or a dust storm on Mars as easily as telling them which way to the restrooms. She really just knows everything about astronomy. She does want to spot an unknown asteroid and have it named after her grandfather. She falls in love with Teenager 1 in the roleplay after they spend lots of time together. Most people come to her if they need help around the campground. She also inherited the meteorite from her grandfather and she wears it all the time. She lives on the Moon Shadow Campground and she has always been home schooled. She helps run the Moon Shadow Campground with her brother and parents.

Shinku Touya's Brother (his last name is Touya)
He is Shinku Touya's brother, and he also lives at the Moon Shadow Campground with his sister and parents. He has always been home schooled just like his sister. He is 18 years old and in the roleplay he falls in love with Teenager 2. He doesn't know as much as Shinku does about astronomy, since he is more interested in nature, not astronomy, but he does know a lot about astronomy (like I said, not as much as Shinku though). He helps run the Moon Shadow Campground with his sister and parents. He gets along with Shinku easily and they are nice to each other, they don't ever fight.

Teenager One (male)
He is one of the teenagers that were accepted to stay at the Moon Shadow Campground for the whole Summer, even though he really doesn't want to. He's cold, mean, and rude but he also has a soft side, which he will show to the ones he cares about. In the roleplay he starts becoming interested in astronomy. He is quick-witted, clever, charming, and sharp. At the beginning of the roleplay, on the first night, he will ask Shinku to explain something to him that has to to astronomy, and it's the first time that he meets Shinku Touya and he falls in love with her in the roleplay and starts showing her him soft side. The two fall in love over time during the roleplay and they end up spending a lot of time together, usually at night looking at the sky.

Taken~ Teenager Two (female) ~Taken
She is one of the teenagers that were accepted to stay at the Moon Shadow Campground for the whole Summer, even though she never wanted to. She was always the popular and beautiful one, who grew up in a family of scientists. She was never interested in science or anything like that. Before Summer started, she had been accepted for a job as a model, but then her parents sent her to the Moon Shadow Campground for the Summer, which she was really disappointed that she couldn't do her modeling career. She ends up becoming interested in astronomy slowly over time in the roleplay and she also falls in love with Shinku Touya's Brother. She is 17 years old.

Teenager Three (male)
He is one of the teenagers that were accepted to stay at the Moon Shadow Campground for the whole Summer. He never really was interested in Astronomy, but he becomes slightly interested in it during the roleplay. He's very athletic and loves the outdoors, which because of that he doesn't really mind staying at the Moon Shadow Campground for the whole Summer. He is dating Teenager 4.

Reserved~ Teenager Four (female) ~Reserved
She is one of the teenagers that were accepted to stay at the Moon Shadow Campground for the whole Summer. She was actually quite excited once she figured this out, since she has always been interested in stars and constellations, but never before had she gotten the chance to actually learn about them. She loves the nighttime since the stars are out during the time, and she is dating Teenager 3.

Teenager 5 (male)
He is one of the teenagers that were accepted to stay at the Moon Shadow Campground for the whole Summer, even though he never wanted to. He was raised in a rich family and usually got everything he wanted, which was accepted once he was sent to the Moon Shadow Campground for the whole Summer. He learns how to be grateful for what he has in the roleplay and he becomes interested in Astronomy during the roleplay. He falls in love with Teenager 6 during the roleplay.

Taken~ Teenager 6 (female) ~Taken
She is one of the teenagers that were accepted to stay at the Moon Shadow Campground for the whole Summer. She is very smart and childish. She is also very sweet and nice. She is interested in Astronomy and she was kind of excited once she figured out that she was excepted to stay at the Moon Shadow Campground for the whole Summer. She is very shy and she falls in love with Teenager 5 during the roleplay.

Teenager 7 (male)
He is one of the teenagers that were accepted to stay at the Moon Shadow Campground for the whole summer, even though he never wanted to. He loves the outdoors though and he loves the nighttime. He becomes interested in Astronomy during the roleplay and he falls in love with Teenager 8 also.

Taken~ Teenager 8 (female) ~Taken
She is one of the teenagers that were accepted to stay at the Moon Shadow Campground for the whole Summer. She is very artistic and she loves nighttime and the outdoors. She becomes interested in Astronomy and she usually ends up sketching stars, meteoroids, asteroids and more. She falls in love with Teenager 7 during the roleplay.

Character Skeleton

Age: (15-18)
Role: (are they Teenager 8? Shinku Touya's brother? Teenager 6? Etc.)
Appearance: (anime pics only)
They are interested in:
Deepest Desires:
Love interest:
Theme Song:

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  • No Godmodding
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  • Follow the character skeleton on your character profile
  • Don't change the plot of this roleplay
  • Follow the stuff about your character on the Character Slots
  • Romance and love is the main thing of this roleplay, but no erotic stuff
  • Please try and make your posts long (not required)
  • Post atleast once or twice a day
  • If you won't be able to post for a certain amount of time, say so in OOC or send me a PM saying so
  • If you actually read the intro and the rules, put something about pudding in your character profile

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Shinku Touya
Character Portrait: Rashia Wright
Character Portrait: Layna Anderson


Character Portrait: Layna Anderson
Layna Anderson

Look at the amazing colors of the sunset, I have to get painting...

Character Portrait: Rashia Wright
Rashia Wright

"Why am I here?"

Character Portrait: Shinku Touya
Shinku Touya

"Every Soul is a Star.... All a different kind...."


Character Portrait: Shinku Touya
Shinku Touya

"Every Soul is a Star.... All a different kind...."

Character Portrait: Rashia Wright
Rashia Wright

"Why am I here?"

Character Portrait: Layna Anderson
Layna Anderson

Look at the amazing colors of the sunset, I have to get painting...

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Layna Anderson
Layna Anderson

Look at the amazing colors of the sunset, I have to get painting...

Character Portrait: Rashia Wright
Rashia Wright

"Why am I here?"

Character Portrait: Shinku Touya
Shinku Touya

"Every Soul is a Star.... All a different kind...."

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Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

The idea sounds good to me

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

cool, my proposal:
We wait till someone puts up the one that is reserved (fyi- if the reservation has worn off, doom totally wants to be them) then wait, like..... a few hours, and if no one adds one, we each pick a guy (not the one we are paired with, duh- and doom and I would rather not have eachothers, if she winds up joining. )

sound good?

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

cool. lets see what kelly says 'bout it


but yeah, we will work out some sort of system. like... two guys below you on the or something- wait, no three, otherwise Kelly is dating herself. :P

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

I say if no guys join, we each take a guy charrie...
that would work, right?

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

can I be teenager 6?

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

I submitted my character I hope she's ok. If there is something that you would like me to change just let me know.

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

Sure Maeve
And if any of you guys have any friends that might be interested, please tell them about it. Thanks!

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

MAy I reserve teenager 4? :D

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

Ok sure you can reserve Teenager 2

Wow... I just submitted this like a minute ago and already 2 characters have been reserved and it has had like 20-30 views

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

Lol yes thats what i meant sorry about that

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

Ok KapugenWolf. And do you mean teenager two DanceMySoulAway? Because Teenager 3 is a male.

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

No I changed my mind, I would like number 8 if that's okay. I meant 4 at first but I like 8 better. I will have it up tomorrow morning probably.

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

Can i reserve teenager three female i can make the character now

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

Sure you can reserve Teenager 2 (is she the one you wanted to reserve?)

Re: [OOC] Every Soul a Star

Can I reserve teenager 8?

[OOC] Every Soul a Star

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Every Soul a Star"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.

I'm really excited for this roleplay! I'll really appreciate it if you join~!